text The chance is unlikely if not done programmatically. However, imagine the game spawning multiple players at a spawn point, this would be the exact same location. I'm not quite sure what you mean with spin, what does the integer reflect? Why is it a mismatch between data and structure? The structure does not assume a set amount of objects, it can be anything, that's why new nodes are created. It simply makes sure that there are not more than X leafs inside 1 node. The random is no option of course. My splitting algorithm always created the maximum amount of nodes already, split over the current node. But I guess I have to change this behaviour? Actually, all the books have different authors. And most have a different location too. There will be some with the same location, but different authors, though. I think my library should be able to store books with the same position. There are never equally-attractive leaf nodes. If a node is split, all childs will reflect a different part of the parent node. The problem is when there are too many objects with the exact same location, as they will be put in their child (there is only 1 child that fits).. and that child will do the same, etc. Your tie-breaker would force me to change my splitting method of dividing the node over multiple child nodes, each reflecting a different part of the parent. This would make the structure a lot more complex. In which platform r u working..? Winforms or WPF..? Good idea. I guess I can not respect the maxChildsPerNode if all objects have the same position. I am having problems to find out whether there is no meaningful way to perform to plit or whether all childs have the same position though.. mainly because of strange float calculations. Eg. floatTopX = 10, floatBotX = 10 and (floatBotX - floatTopY == 0) returns false. This is because I guess it is not 10, but very, very, very, near to 10 (these are the node boundaries). Going to work with this for a bit and report back later. I love you all :) Thanks for answers, Before that I did not get it was a Delphi limitation. I tryed to use your code but it changes my service "ImagePath" to "\??\C:\Test\oppifc8\NTService.exe". I have Delphi 2006 maybe this is the problem? If I right undestood your code works from Delphi 2009. Marjan may I ask you to post a sample code how you would join your suggestion with the ldsandon's one? I fixed it by checking if all leafs have the same position before doing a isFull check. Unfortunately this adds some overhead. Not sure if there is a better way... I understand. I "fixed" it now by looking if all leafs have the same position, before splitting if the node is full, since there is no way to split them and then just ignore the maximum... not sure if I am totally happy about it though. I guess your method of creating identical nodes would be better, but that would require a lot of complexity I think while now I can simply split a parent node over different child nodes. What do you recommend? The epsilon check (to be honest I don't like constant values -- maybe this epsilon should be different on different machines or something?) or checking if all leafs have the same position if a node is full before creating more nodes? See my updated question for my way of checking if all leafs have the same position (I think this should be pretty fast). This is true whether a file path exists or not. How can I test if DIRNAME is populated or holds "." The problem for this approach is that a crash resulting from the illegal call might happen in a wholly different part of the program, which makes debugging it a nightmare. I assume you mean the exact same result set. That means the same columns (and same data types) with the same row data. Correct? You might want to add some of the tag information into the title. That way when people scan the question list it stands out more. Good luck! Thanks and good luck. You know, you could always accept the answer. :) "But solving bad programmers by throwing in new technology sounds like a bad idea" - Nice point, thanks. It worries me when I see developers who are so specialised in ASP.NET to the expense of almost everything else. David, just noticed your question "Understanding Pointers". Great question, great answers! All points mentioned in that post also apply to my "unsafe" answer below. You're missing something. It works just fine. Not really. No matter how you cut it, every language deals with strings in a set number of ways. All of the other solutions assume that you have an append string method, which is certainly not language agnostic, as c doesn't have it. You can't really deal with strings without making some assumptions Re other function: I considered it, then didn't. Really. I could demonstrate the c way of doing it, I suppose. Then we'd at least have all the major language families covered, but I'll leave that for someone else to do. Jon: not in the way used in the previous examples. strcat doesn't return a new string and has far different semantics than strA + strB. David: then you've iterated over the collection twice. I'm not certain that in a managed environment where reallocs are relatively cheap that counting ahead would put you ahead. Then again, there's only one way to find out. :) This is simply a matter of convention, I think. When I see an uncatched exception, millions of thing might have caused it. When I spot a failed assert, I know I screwed up myself and it's easier for me to find the cause. I found it after spending almost a day perfecting my own pw gen code. Image how I felt ;) Yes, powershell's got the same problem. @Thomas If you assume engines blasting at maximum force and assume the weight of the ship to be constant and some coefficient of friction, you eventually stop accelerating at some Max Velocity (in this model you can't speed past it with the power of the e Cool answer! (upmodded for originality!) But (correct me if I'm wrong) in this model you couldn't exceed your max speed, even if you sling shot around a black hole or something or if a ship with a larger engine (higher max speed) is towing you. I think the OP may just want a limited speed achievable by your engines alone. The calculation actually calls a webservice as part of its operation. This is overwhelming the webservice. 5 is just an example. @David Thanks... I've never had to cross out the word cross before. Seems appropriate. @Andrey At a great enough speed even small amounts of friction become significant. Though you may already be at relativistic speeds before it matters, not sure. I would think that interplanetary travel would still have a decent amount of particles. On Try searching for 'cursor position', that'll give you a lot more hits, as well as some topics about this on SO. then u have to rebind the combo with data table.. Or you can use ObservableCollection as your data source. In this case you don't have to worry this sort of thing. It was as simple as if [ $DIRNAME == "." ] ; then I don't know why this did not work earlier. Must've made a mistake else-where. Thanks very much for you quick response. Option #2 sounds like the right one. What breaks? The isFull method will not be called often though, while the insertion one is called all the time. So, adding extra calculations to insertion to prevent overhead of something that doesn't happen often doesn't seem to be reducing overhead. Post your code, it should work... offtopic: nc3b , the website is not mine... I just parse some info published there regarding PHP DOMDocument I understand that it works well only for well formed html documents 0 Most of the html documents that I need to parse are not well formed at all so that's why I think regexp is more suitable You beat me to this solution - only thing is it would be nice to pass in subindexes to constructor and determine size from it. If possible. Used in the right context, this might not be as bizarre as it sounds... Maybe I wasn't being clear, but that's the same approach I described. I assumed that you would be setting the root as you can't display a nav controller without anything on its stack. That would be the cause of why you weren't seeing any animation. The first view put on the nav controller's stack (the root view) is not animated. You should do your naming refactorings as part of the rename so that it would be part of the same commit. Combo box is a form element that provides selection options. I want a popup that doesn't necessarily mean a simple list of items. I might want the popup to be a calendar control. This is why PopupButton is better than, say, PopupButtonMenu, or ComboBox. The problem isn't *what* to popup. The problem is making the control look like a simple button without the down-arrow. So the main button part should open the popup with the "click" event, and the arrow should not be displayed. I believe there is (or used to be) a system setting somewhere that affects this too. Something with "optimize for desktop" (smaller timeslice) or "optimize for server" (larger timeslice). Either way, it is definitely system-dependent. I'm still not convinced though about this "fix". What if some of the objects are within that epsilon range, but not actually equal to each other? Maybe I should use the Xb - Xt < epsilon check instead? If so, how do I determine the size of my epsilon? Should this be a constant or user defined? "These packages have no external dependencies besides Python." That leaves little to the imagination. My guess is that the DLL is installed, but cannot be found. You could try copying it into the same directory as your Python script, see if that helps. Here's a better regex to match e-mail addresses, although it requires Perl: http://www.ex-parrot.com/pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html you're the man serg555! the pattern works like a charm ! Yep, marking methods that are (directly or indirectly) called from the constructor as `final` would be wise. There is no need for a similar mechanism in C# because in C#, methods are only `virtual` if you explicitly declare them so. Note that I won't know if advance how many 'Type' (eg AAA, BBB, CCC,DDD, etc.) there will be in the xml string. Okay, so let me digest a little...That call through the object is not akin to an array, but rather a set of chained calls? [slaps forehead] No wonder it's so heavy... I'm gonna go run this code back through...I'll bring some results back in about an hour Yeah, but in this instance I expect bad or missing data...so that hit I have to live with. Question: Given the other suggestions, I assume that I could bypass that by checking the itemCount at the lowest scope Okay, so I tested this out...and I see about a 30% reduction in the time it takes to run...which seems to make senes, because We've effectively reduced one third of the calls for items that are singular. I'm definitely interested in any othe optimzations that you can think of... It works out about the same...There are only two multi-value fields (memberOf and proxyAddresses), and so the load seems to spread out better... I suspect if I just retrieved the multi-values, it'd be quicker (I saw recently that array only had perf boost when randomly searching for values) You mean I can use LINQ as the data provider for my whole app? Good Point about the count test... What does it mean to be "not a fan of GC"? Keep in mind that reference counting is a form of garbage collection. Also, what does "lexical closures" mean in a situation where you "won't... follow any call conventions"? You can still pass it to stuff you call. Same value as any other stack-allocated data structure, really. I'd say it's about half the point of closures. ANTLR does a lot of stuff, but it doesn't do PEGs. You should mention that you're working on a program that needs to be able to evaluate these strings as arithmetic expressions. Jerub's answer covers that, but that's because he's a mindreader. Is there any valid reason the field is a varchar field and not an integer field if they are going to be stored as numbers anyway? Don't forget that html5lib can parse non-conforming documents into a reasonable structure as well. Encryption is a tricky subject. Please add more information about what you're encrypting and why, and how your app needs to manage it. Specifically, you need to talk about how the secrets should be managed -- that'll determine whether you should use public key encryption or just a shared secret. yes I'm cross compiling for the arm platform. I have the file in the tool chain, but how do I get the linker to include it? Thanks! yes crti.o is on one of the 'libraries' search path, but should it look for .o file on the library path? and is the search path the same for gcc and ld? We are also using FIT/Fitnesse with Selenium where I work and it is great. Peace of mind knowing that you didn't break anything by running the entire regression suite. I was just shooting from memory there, glad it was helpful. This looks like exactly what I need, with potentially 2 drawbacks: 1) It is unclear whether clicking on the resultant executable actually launches a webserver, or if not, what it does 2) It doesn't look like you can package the app for cross-platform. Is that the case? Great insight - yes, this is the case, I am using a background image instead of an I don't plan to implement the stored procedures using the CLR capabilities of sql 2005, rather plain vanilla tsql. Or are you saying that tsql now supports try...catch? If so, great! Maybe that's unfair. MS intentionally made it so that every single setting that you could ever want to change could be, but that you'd need a WCF book and programming experience to set up the basics. Do you need the results back in the same order? There isn't enough code to tell what key1 and key2 are used for later on... One that exists in the definition of the class rather than the instance. In the example above the function variable calcFullName could be reassigned to something else, and the logic is being worked out again each time. Yeah, I find lots of 3rd-party libraries tend to do that. Thanks for the input, and it does make sense, I will start looking into Source control. Thank you. That sounds like the majority consensus, thanks for the input. That's not expert knowledge, that's basic competence! This is essentially soft deletion in reverse. Nobody has suggested creating the table using the DOM, so your reference isn't applicable. Inserting content with innerHTML creates DOM nodes. Referring to this fact is not the same thing as suggesting the use of createElement. I agree with the comment, but the original code isn't passing any keys to the encryption function. Is it the JVM that runs out of memory or the Windows process? setTimeout() calls a function once. setInterval() is the correct function to use when you want something called again and again. Decent sysadmins encrypt backups anyway -- you don't need to have the database data encrypted to have the backups of the database encypted. It appears here that the goal of encryption here is to prevent users having unauthorized access to the database from reading the CLOBs. Sorry for the dual submission Heath, I only noticed yours after I submitted mine. :) You are calling your callback and passing the result to $.get(). You need to just pass the callback as John describes. jQuery will call it for you. You don't need to provide top or left property values for relatively positioned elements if they are zero. Why are you worried about "messing with other scripts"? What do you think is going to be the problem there? It is certainly defined in the specification. Read section 9.4.3 and check the initial values for the properties. Tested and this works. Thanks :-) I was getting a error related to the TopLevel property, something I couldn't set on a control, but could on a form. How come? fullPath would be "C:\projects\myapplication\daotests\bin\Debug\daotests.dll" theDirectory would be "C:\projects\myapplication\daotests\bin\Debug" Isn't that what you want? Ahh, no I get you. MSTest does the same thing - everything is copied to a new temp directory every time. Set the xml files to be content, copied with the dll, or resources, read from the dll. Ahh, yes, of course. VB supports inline XML - I'm still not sure of the benefit of mixing data and code like that. Levenshtein's distance (already being used) is a better algorithm here than a phonetic one like soundex, which also only looks at the start of a word. And he expanded the "// ..."s as well... Nonetheless I feel I should accept the first one. Sorry Andrew! Isn't that backwards? In general the and/or trick is frowned on because of gotchas like "cond and A or B", where A happens to be a false value like 0. There are workarounds like (cond and [A] or [B])[0], but the if/else syntax was added pretty much to remove the need for such abuse. Thomas: Its actually a bit smarter than that. It'll translate range() in situations where it clearly doesn't need a real list (eg in a for loop, or comprehension) to just plain range(). Only cases where it gets assigned to a variable, or used directly must be wrapped with list() Thats not true. Code like "for x in range(20)" will be left as range, and code like "x=range(20)" will be converted to "x=list(range(20))" - no errors. Further, if you want to write code that will run under both 2.6 and 3.0, range() is your only option without adding compatability functions. range(n) creates a list containing all the integers 0..n-1. This is a problem if you do range(1000000), because you'll end up with a >4Mb list. xrange deals with this by returning an object that pretends to be a list, but just works out the number needed from the index asked for, and returns that. So in other words, you're saying "don't use tabs", and then blaming everybody else except you when you realise you can't back that statement up? I must admit I still don't understand why you find it surprising that static methods aren't allowed in interfaces. It might be a good idea if you explained why they should be allowed in the first place. No offense, I'm simply curious, I can't see why static methods should be part of interfaces... Nitpick: Its not a power-of-two growth factor. It over-allocates by size/8, plus 6 (or 3 if <=8 items) Its proportional to size, so will still give amortized constant appending, but only uses ~12.5% extra space. See listobject.c for the implementation. I suspect it's because I'm doing multiple seeks backwards, so aren't getting as good use of the readahead buffer. However, I think it may do better when your guess at the line length isn't accurate (eg. very large lines), as it avoids having to re-read data in this case. I think your explanation could've been strengthened if you mentioned that char nm[MAX1][MAX2] is actually transformed by the compiler into char[MAX1 * MAX2], which is just a contiguous piece of memory storing just the characters. Forget const! There are simply no pointers in the array. +1 for beating me to the answer. I was also writing about performing the random shuffle for the first five steps: choose random number from 1 to M, swap the first element with the element at that index, choose a random number from 2 to M, swap second elem Thank you, that's working for me just perfectly! I was close then. I must of read about the `: type` syntax somewhere. This is what I resorted to in the end, but I was curious as to whether 64 bit enums are possible, even with a compiler specific extension. Thanks for pointing that out. The page moved from .html to .htm for some reason. I've updated the link now. The limit is more than a suggestion, the HTTP 1.1 specification lists it as a SHOULD, which in RFC-speak is a lot stronger than a "suggestion". The box model problem was fixed seven years ago. Unless you support Internet Explorer 5.x, that's no good reason, and even then, there are better approaches. Also, this query won't return rows that contain only 'foo' or rows that contain only 'bar' so, based on the result set, the CASE doesn't do anything useful. Just "select * from Items where column LIKE '%foo%' AND column LIKE '%bar%'" would return the same results. I can't figure out how using count(*) provides a meaningful sort order. What if "column" doesn't contain unique values? Or, conversely, say that it does; wouldn't the value of count(*) always be 1, then? It is so TRUE that everything you possibly want as a programming is already in the python libraries. What about depending on frameworks which were not designed to be test friendly ? (the majority of them I think) not to mention legacy code. I do like TDD and practice it myself but I often find the need for a quick diagram on the corner of the table to make sure I got it all right It is most likely a bad idea to completely override the base finder of a model as it would break expectations from anyone outside the team including plugin authors (think search plugin) not to mention the risk of breaking rails itself (unlikely but not mpossible) Dropping the DB and recreating it ensures that the data from the fixtures is loaded correctly and that no modifications are left from previous runs. running spec directly doesn't guarantee that. if you are going to be dependant on the db you must recreate it from scratch, mock objects ftw ! Any code working with Class objects will only have access to the types after erasure. So if you have a List intList, you will be able to call instantiate(intList.getClass()) and the actual Class object will be List.class. as a complement to this approach I recommand reading http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/WorkingEffectivelyWithLegacyCode.pdf (warning PDF) and this http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-legacytest.html I don't think you really want to autogenerate the tests HTML correctness sure is relevant when somebody is asking what the correct HTML is. "Crockford offers a compelling argument", does he? What argument would that be? You have failed to notice that the document you link to offers *zero* reasons to omit the type attribute. Your deity just tells you to. Just what I would have said Obviously you'd know better than I would, but I wouldn't have thought identifying the updated fields would be difficult for a client to do. Surely they can compare the received data to what they already have? The fact that Ctrl-Alt-F7 doesn't give him a blinking cursor indicates that is the VT assigned to X. Is it possible a blank screen-saver has kicked in? Hit a few keys when you are in VT7. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/io/DataInput.html#modified-utf-8 explains the modified UTF-8 encoding used by Java and demonstrates why this answer is correct. Florian, saying that misinformation should be voted down is not the same thing as saying that misinformation is the only thing that should be voted down. Stop being so self-righteous. You aren't perfect. Your answer is fragile and inflexible compared with kigurai's. It was originally an Internet Explorer feature, with the Windows icon format as the only supported format. He did not offer any argument for omitting it, he merely said that it didn't matter in one particular way. And I already described one way in which it does makes a difference. Using invalid HTML for no good reason is silly. You have yet to suggest any reason at all, let alone a good one. no problem :) as ben scofield and I pointed out, you can still use migrations for constraint definition. you can also dump the schema to sql if you ever need/want to move away from rails Could you clarify on the buffer algorithm? Additonally, I'm wondering if this is standard with RSA decryption/encryption.. Some of this encryption will be sent to clients, and I can't guarantee they will be using the same buffer algorithm I decide to go with. Is this likely to be a problem, or not? It's true that tabs are invisible and people can't agree on the width of tabs. But the same is also true for spaces. When you mix tabs and spaces, things go wrong. But why are you blaming that situation on tabs and not spaces? This isn't very effective. For example, it won't count anybody with text-only browsers, which normally don't have JavaScript support. At the very least, you should disable caching for that image. With the winforms TreeView you need to have at least one child node or it won't show the expand [+], but then you handle the TreeNodeExpanded event to remove that dummy node and populate the children. I'm using process here as a generalisation, not specifically an OS Process. These could be threads, but could also be completely different applications, or database connections. The pattern is the same. A single space may always be the same width, but indentation with spaces is not always the same width. I fail to see how agreeing to use tabs n spaces wide is any different to agreeing to indent with n spaces. I feel silly now... So obvious! If at all possible, yes, fix the problem at the source. If you absolutely must deal with a bad source that won't fix their system, then attempt to fix it up before it goes in the database. facepalm.jpg ... Because I'm looking for a perl library that will do this for me. I understand that at some point it involves reading from /etc/password. i thought it was suggested with my cute remark near the end. although i guess i should have been more clear. and, yes having a library is always more valuable, even if the task is trivial. @nc3b If I was interested in performance I would be doing this in C. I'm optimizing for development time instead of resource usage. (nb, Perl is the best language for this in my current environment) I am not sure yet, but may be a lot of them...I just would like to do it in a more "generic" way. That would work, but then it changes the URL to say "TaskOrder/Details" instead of "Contract/Details" Ahhh. Sadly I cannot help you with VS2010. The 'this' would only be an issue if you were accessing the memory directly. Thanks for the solution, hopefully people here will be ok with including the Boost preprocessor (we're not using Boost, but the PP looks standalone). you can always use the timestamp of /etc/passwd as basis for assuming your cache is outdated I have used it before, not sure how it relates to my question at all? It appears the session is just never persisted. And redirects show that page saying "You will be redirected" rather than just redirecting Correct on sparse an uint32, but, double should have an acceptable range. D* isn't a beginner sort of algorithm, and it's use case is fairly narrow. are you sure you don't just need A* for your application? A huge chunk of code, no error message, no indication of what's wrong or how you've tried to fix it, no real question even ... really? Right, I was trying to emphasize that the original data being `uint32` is not going to help. thanks Craig - can I ask what's the reason for this advice? Like is it to avoid DD it's own specific Site.master & Site.css? (by the way - I've now managed to get a basic MVC2 web app and add DD to it by copying it from an test DD project - next step however is how to integrated the two in nicely with the web site layout navigation I want - so your advice is probably pertinent) Thanks for the feedback. It will work with nulls though. Let's forget the syntax for a second. I think Sun decided they needed a way to define constants (e.g., enums, flags) in interfaces and the closest thing that was there in Java at the time was static final fields. As discussed, it's not perfect (not really constants, no symmetry), but... No, I'm not being sarcastic. Take a look at the question. It specifies HTML, not XHTML. It's true that valid XHTML requires these things, but valid HTML does not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing HTML and omitting the closing tags for these element types. What programming language are you using? BTW, unless you really want to add the certificate programmaticaly, there are plenty of tools that can do that without you needing to write a line of code. You could solve the issue by obtaining a proper certificate (signed by a well-known CA) for the server. One downside of adding a particular certificate to the truststore is that, if the server's certificate changes, your application stops working until you update your truststore again. SVN treats everything as a directory. In order to tag a branch, you copy it to a directory in the ./tags/ directory. Likewise for branches in SVN. In git branches and tags are idependent and done proper OK, so now I'm completely at loss at how SO works. The question explicitly states that there's no way to change what's passed into the QueryString, but all correct answers (i.e., replace space with plus before base64-decoding) have been voted down. Go figure... I learnt not to trust functions like that after the PHP developers changed the semantics in a minor patch version for no reason. Yeah I have plenty of other gems, all ok... I'm talking about the 4.0.5 change. It was totally unnecessary, entirely inappropriate for a minor patch version, and broke code. What were they thinking? It's that kind of cowboy attitude that makes me glad I don't have to write PHP any more. Regarding "you don't want to keep returning stuff they already know" - HTTP already takes care of this with 304 responses. Regarding "what I've seen so far" - HTTP already takes care of this with If-None-Match. You're reinventing the wheel. Yes, I might use 8-wide tab indentation and you might use 6-width tab indentation. Just like I might use 8 spaces to indent, while you might use 6 spaces to indent. In *both* cases, you have to agree on indentation width. Once more, they are equal, yet tabs get the blame. Why? And no, if I use 8-wide tabs and you use 6-wide tabs, and we share code, it doesn't get messed up. It's all just a single tab to the Python interpreter. They are not "tags" or "attributes", they are CSS properties. That did the trick! Thankyou. That's why there's two overloads - one that needs a default with no constraint on the result type, and one that doesn't need a default but constrains the result to reference types. Thanks, that's a great link. Doesn't this approach make the security even worse? An attacker knowing the proxy username+password can access the database under any of those real accounts. That's why I offered using certificates (hopefully safely managed by the OS) instead of username+password for authenticating with the proxy. Thanks for the information! I've never used this feature myself. Do you happen to know whether the JDBC layer can securely access OS-managed certificates. If this were possible, the method would be better than proxy username+password, because the cert would stick to the machine. What version of Visual Studio are you using? Even if the cost weren't an issue (which I'm sure it would be), another issue is how chilkatsoft provides the libraries. I'll bet he simply provides some dlls, which you can happily use with visual studio? My boss is too cheap to spring for vs.net, we use http://www.microsoft.com/express/vwd/ Like I said, we use visual web dev, which has rather limited DLL capabilites. Specifically, no compiling to DLLs, and I think it has very limited interoperability with foreign DLLs in general, although I could be wrong. Oh, how I long for visual studio! What do you mean by, "people see spaces"? Spaces to indent are just as visible/invisible as tabs to indent. I'm not getting worked up about it, I'm just looking for an explanation that makes sense. I actually use tables probably more than I should, but I think that the argument against using tables here would mean that too much of your style (the layout) is in the HTML document and to change the layout in the future would require changing much of the "guts" of the page. I'd like the application to "know" whether or not a correct password was entered. For example, it shouldn't let you change the password unless you enter the original password (otherwise, pranksters w/ access to your file could re-encrypt it with a key you don't know). That's a good idea in terms of productivity, but this is partly a hobby/learning project so digging into the crypto libraries is half the fun. Thanks for the key derivation function reference. I noticed in my proof-of-concept tests that the hashed value was never the same length as the key expected by the encryption function so I would just pad the hash - I knew there had to be a better way and this appears to be it. Nowt, 'cept the recursive call. Why do we need to do that in C#? That isn't really different from how I did it anyway - you still need to load VB's backward-compatibility stuff in order to be able to do it. As a nitpick, I'd say that the reference isn't actually null - it references bad memory. Although it is a valid point that just because it's a reference, doesn't mean that it refers to something that's valid I think point 2 is incorrect. See this example program: http://pastebin.com/f5252f8a8 This implies that on gcc on my machine, the reference is implemented with a pointer. Output: Size of class: 8 Value of ref before hack: 1 Value of ref after hack: 2 Value of ref after hack, with y changed: 3 Why not Subversion? There's only two of them, and they don't have _any_ source control experience. Distributed vcs could be overkill both for their purposes and in terms of the learning curve. Yeah, something like: myGridDataView.Columns.Add( new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()); I don't think it is good and safe to think that, because it's wrong :-p I'd be inclined to remove point 2 from an otherwise good answer. That's great, but it's desktop based. I'm asking for web based. I'd add that you can use the keyword "long" instead of System.Int64 Even if Microsoft makes their own fork of jQuery, that will not close off the open community version of jQuery. They would not be mutually exclusive. I don't think this will reduce the number of retries by the optical drive. noerror simply means that dd, instead of aborting, will continue after failing to read a block. I think that the failure to read a block will propagate to dd only after the optical drive has tried everything it could. Whew! Congratulations! Good point, @Daniel. I wonder though whether standard tools, say, cp do retry on the application level or not. Actually, if it were possible to use dd to read a Mode-1 disc as though it were a Mode-2 one, it could work. But I suspect the hardware deals with this. I didn't know about sg_dd. Thanks for mentioning it! open is already a factory function, so there are functional differences (eg. inheritance, isinstance() etc) I don't really wanna use some random guys http library Nice solution, quiet pythonic but a bit too close to the metal and involving writing a lot of other code already I'm sure it would work, but I want something a bit more pythonic Looks like a bit of a dirty hack, but it seems to work elegantly and completly Maybe you'll need to set your field to "database generated" and "update on insert" for this to work. Honestly, I do not understand what your question is. Maybe you should phrase it in a form that can be better digested? You got the first one the wrong way round: it will first call DoStuff(level) and afterwards increment level. the convention is usually to call it config.php.tmpl (for template) Unfortunately we are running on windows ;) "Simple quotes are not valid in XHTML" - this is not true. You must always quote attribute values, but you can use either single or double quotes. Using the language attribute in a Strict document is incorrect. Use only type. The "supreme deity" is telling you to write invalid HTML for no good reason. The specifications are the authority here, not a person. Does anyone else think this looks an awful lot like a class assignment? That's good information. Have you used more than 60,000 characters? I think you are confused about what a specification is. The recommendations published by the W3C *are* specifications. Take a look at the HTML 4.01 recommendation, for example. What's the title? "HTML 4.01 Specification". Who cares about valid HTML? Using a validator is a great way of finding mistakes and can save a lot of time when you are trying to debug something. If you have dozens of errors that you think don't matter, it is more difficult to spot the ones that you think *do* matter. And finally, please stop being such a Crockford fanboy and think for yourself. 1. Fixed IV means that the first block's (8 bytes) ciphertext is always the same for the same plaintext block -- dictionary attack possible on the first block. 2. CBC mode means that an attacker can easily perform bitflips in the decoded plaintext (but runing the plaintext block preceding it). "It works except in IE" is not helpful at all. How does it not work? Is there an error message? A timeout? Does it display the file contents? Does it download the wrong thing? It's new in .Net 3.5 Not if the new directory is also new to SVN (i.e. if it hasn't a .svn or _svn subfolder). Add the new folder first (as an empty folder) and then try the move. yes - associative arrays only. Now that I look at it, it is not the right solution for this problem. 1.6-related: http://www.nabble.com/CXF-and-Java-6-Update-10-td19463818.html https://www.willuhn.de/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=628 https://bugzilla.kapott.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72 the rest: try Googling :) In Svn, a branch is just a copy (of a file or a directory). So, when branching just one file, you can either keep it in the same directory (but under a different name as suggested here), or put it into a different directory... I doubt that Subversion offers any other options. History is branched. just as a note : the "in-memory" fix is also available as a plugin http://nubyonrails.com/articles/2006/06/01/san-francisco-sqlite3-memory-tests-asteroids and http://github.com/rsl/memory_test_fix/tree/master you're going to have to be a lot more specific for this question to make any sense. Thanks! I looked through the documentation and found a slightly different approach: \renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{\begin{multicols*}{2}} \renewcommand{\glossarypostamble}{\end{multicols*}} before \printglossary @Adrien: I don't have stima3 or stima4 in my installation of MATLAB (R2010a), and I thought I had every package (literally, it's a site license). Google turns up references to this FEM_50 script, but not to any original matlab code. Is it in some often- What I needed was && as shown below, thanks all! :-) if (userName.Length > 4 && userName != "student") { Application.Exit(); } Many thanks for this :-) Yes, the redist only has to be installed once. After that point windows update will take care of making sure it stays up to date if anything in changes. Also, see my edit above. Actual code would be helpful, it's impossible to say what's happening from what you've given us. you can look at what Page.ResolveClientUrl resolves to in your html page and use that url. Personally i prefer the asp bit. If your site structure changes this can save a lot of time I just wrote a small test program and I didn't see any problems; can you produce a minimal code sample that exhibits the problem? Good suggestions, gives me some other things to try. Thank you! Let's say the most granular testable task typically takes 1 week to complete. What is the best length for the sprint? Can you give some more info on what QA creating test cases for Dev would be like? Your description sounds about right. Much of the time the deadline is artificial - gotta look good for the sprint review! In the planning meeting, the number of tasks is based on the non-dev given time estimates. Dev can't well quote due to lack of info on the tasks. How is that supposed to work? In your example the server doesn't close the TCP connection gracefully (RST is sent and that's it). If you call close() on the client socket, the connection is closed gracefully. You could see this by the different outcome of the read operation: SocketException thrown vs. read returning -1. In my test example (maybe I should provide one here...) there's no data sent/received over the connection on purpose. So, I'm pretty sure the stack receives the FIN (graceful) or RST (in some non-graceful scenarios). This is also confirmed by netstat. I suppose you're talking about RFC 793 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc793.html) Section 3.5 Closing a Connection. I'm not sure it explains the issue, because both sides complete the graceful shutdown of the connection and end up in states where they shouldn't send/receive any data. I wonder if the downvoter could comment as to why this wasn't helpful... Myself, having learned of the nextafter() function, I'd prefer those but if this one would work then I figure it's noteworthy in its own right. Yeah, I realize my question title and description were inconsistent. I figured the answers could address both cases, which the accepted answer does. What happens is that the sides of the connection end up in CLOSE_WAIT and FIN_WAIT_2 and it is in this state the isConcected() and isClosed() still don't see that the connection has been terminated. Check the HTML, it's actually the grandparent that has the id attribute, not the parent. Doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of securing your communications with TLS/SSL? Great question! I'd love to hear some answers related to ASP .NET web development. That's a very low priority CSS 3 working draft that hasn't been updated in six years. From the spec: 'It is inappropriate to use W3C Working Drafts as reference material or to cite them as other than "work in progress." ' Note: You're using the same variable name (chars) for both the list you're searching, and the item to find. One of those should probably be different, unless you're searching self-referencing lists for where they reference themselves. Sure, you can modifiy the values of static final fields if you use complex types, but you still can't reassign them. Sure, you can bypass the idea that they are intended to be used as a replacement for magic numbers, but that's because of Java's syntax only. Please read my answer again if you think I haven't answered why static methods aren't allowed. I haven't mentioned static inner classes because you dismissed the already in your question. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the detailed answer explaining how it all works Well, I guess if your threat model only includes passive attackers, then you don't need to fear MITM attacks, but, in general, MITM attacks aren't hard to perform so excluding them from the threat model isn't worth it. Does it ignore whitespace between the
? Yes, but given that he's talking about user comments and blog posts, that's not an unreasonable assumption. Browsers typically implement CSS features that are in a further development state, e.g. opacity is from CSS Color (Last Call) and Media Queries is a Candidate Recommendation. Please explain in more detail what exactly you're trying to achieve. Do I understand correctly, that there's an instance of Tomcat running on a remote machine, and you want to access some pages of that instance from your local machine? You're right, I forgot about ConcurrentHashmap! However, judging by the update of the question, StaticCache doesn't really support concurrent modification. Looks like this example has a problem where the access to lockTable isn't synchronized, which basically can have at least two bad consequences: (1) you might end up performing multiple concurrent operations on StaticCache for the same key, (2) different states of lockTable seen by different CPUs. I've now posted it at the python cookbook site - link added. The payment gateway being used is Authorize.net How are items of different sizes treated any differently? A linked list either uses a fixed struct with a next field (requires fixed size), or stores a pointer to the data in the car (variable size OK). Both approaches are just as easy with a vector. The same for shuffling. Did you mean IE7 compatibility mode? May not be pretty but he didn't ask what is the most pleasant value, just the most common. Shucks. Thanks for the reference though; that's pretty useful nonetheless. Ahh. I guess I should have read the _whole_ article first. This is a clean solution, although it does require some extra setup code. if you could just provide a link to one of these your post would be perfect I've been looking for something like this on Mac OS X. Hi, how do I get mainFrame's URL in fraTopMenu? Right you are, thanks. Thank you for the link and the info. Thanks for that useful tip, though it won't always be an image I'm waiting for. Best practices with framesets seems hard to pin down. thanks you Justin, but I dont know how to do that, would you please help me on turning that? Hi, how do I append it to the querystring of the href when clicking the mentioned above. If i remove that two function from 'success' function, they will not work. or can you show me how to bind them once but keep them working? thanks for your suggestion, I've moved that attr away from , but still no luck, the browser got slower and slower as I do more ajax fetchin. I was thinking about the handler cleaning, but I dont know how, can you show me how to clean it up after every ajax call therefore, each new call will be a fresh start. thank you Felix, you help me found the source of the problem. it is because of that two function inside the success handler. my data is a large table which contains like 11 and totally 969 rows, some reps got like 200 rows, and some others got like 50~100 rows, so pretty big data set. I put them in the
. i updated my question, please have a look at the code. I've tried what you said just now, still no luck, I click the , it doesnt sort, I scroll down the page, header doesnt fix as well. What's the message content of the exception? :) You are rite, I coded the whole table in server side file, so each time a ajax called, the complete table return to that display area. That's why the tablesorter and headerfix didnt work if I didnt put them outside the success handler. any suggestions on how to solve my problem? thank you in advance. ok I'll try that, thanks m8, i'll update the result later. Fab, thanks for that! Thanks, did use this originally but I couldn't call any methods, I'll review my syntax when I have a moment. e.g. I couldn't do var image = $('#div_id img').get(2) image.show(); ahhhh, still not turn good..... but thanks anyway. Console++ for eTerm-like transparency, but I can't resize the window.. should I be using the 1.5 or 2.0 release? Ah, installed 2.00b140 and it has resizing and all the fanciness. I'm not trying to be stupid (it's hard though!) but didn't I set that when in this line of code (MainWindow): var dummy = new DummyObject("This is my title."); userControl11.DataContext = dummy; Where do I set that? Thanks Thomas, I'm going to give aasm a try. The intended behavior for this app would be that I have a screen with buttons and a listbox, and as I resize the app window, the buttons and listbox moves accordingly to the size of the window. The actual position of the listbox and buttons move. I have achieved this by the previous code, but after they are moved, it is not possible to select anything within the listbox anymore, nor the buttons.. I am thinking that the hit-detection for those items are not being updated in accordance to their new positions, so I tried manual update functions, and have no success yet... what are you asking here? I can't make sense of your question... Yes, you are correct, I simply want the listbox to move in the x/y directions according to the app window width/height, and still has the functionality of its class (ie listbox/button) For example, as I scale the window, I want the listbox position to be at 30% of the window's width.. so I say listbox.Margin.Left = app.ActualWidth * 0.30; I have made it work, but as I scale the app window and try to use the buttons/listbox, their functionality deteriorates. I lose the ability to select items in my listbox, and the button hit-detection rects seem to be.. "off". Hm, the code looks right.. let me go ahead and compare and test some more.. I'll get back with you.. the problem was actually unrelated, sorry for buggin' ya, but you get a gold star anyway since you're right... sorry guys date_address was supposed to be "_date_address" so it was totally unrelated :( I tried it using your settings, but try these: new Thickness(this.ActualWidth * 0.411, this.ActualHeight * 0.435, 0, 0); It works fine when I use your settings, but under these ones perhaps you will see the problem. Oh, and the height and width for the app window for me is: height=768, width=1024 Perfect. Makes sense how that works. Thanks for the quick response. Looks like I was trying to make things needlessly complicated. Many thanks for such an elegant solution. This is really cool, I didn't know iter could do that! For what it's worth, tuple unpacking in function definitions is going aaway in python 3.0 I'm looking through, and I don't see anything that will help me accomplish what I'm trying to do. I don't want to recompile Chrome or anything. I want to just beable to send Chrome a little message saying "go back" or whatever. I don't want to change Chrome at all. Do it all from C# I'm having hard time figuring out why you need to access the content? Can you give some information about what you plan to do with it? The accepted answer worked a treat. The only I had was i initially put the javascript code before the scriptmanager was declared. This caused the .getInstace of the PageRequestManager to return null. Moving to the end of the page worked. Thanks for the help! John - why do you think is this off-topic? Thanks for the answer Jahangir. This answer is also correct and I wish I could marked 2 answers as correct but I was specifically looking for how to do this in TortoiseSVN which is why I marked Gordon's answer as correct. This will remove the original files, which means clients that don't have Aceept-Encoding: gzip won't be serviced. Not really :P but it is sad that that is the top google result. Here's hoping this will displace it! While you're editing, why not add -9 and get the highest compression possible. My 1500 files compressed in 38 seconds, so it's worth doing to save every byte possible in bandwidth and download time. :) (Also wishing I could edit my typo in my previous comment. Ugh) COM wad designed to be usable by languages that don't support exceptions. Added a comment to the OP so he accepts your answer instead. And added a link in my post to your answer, just in case. Hey, did you answer me when I asked the same question on the Cocoa-dev mailing list? Thanks for the reply. If you check the number of elements in the array with count, does it also only report 7280? thanks for that bfi, I'll test it this evening and hopefully it will lead to an improved experience for listeners The Android sdk also comes with an emulator. I've used it to test how mobile webkit looks. Ah - and if SHA-1 is so expensive that adding that salt will in fact cost the hacker years then it is also going to be so expensive that you'll probably be suffering to add to CC number 10,000. But you can always just test it vs your expected customer base size and see if it hurts of not. I would at least try it and see if that sovles your problem. Living with intellisense is like playing with the devil sometimes :-). If your problem goes away, at least you've identified it. There are good alternatives available (such as Visual Assist). If you use JavaScript you don't have that guarantee because it uses a different JS VM. My web app had some JS issues in Chrome it didn't have in Safari. Thanks. Yea, I'd be kinda leery about relying on just a single hash value if there are large amounts of data. You could gain a lot of confidence without doubling the expense by doing a second hash after appending some fixed value to each of the a and b values. Like CHECKSUM_AGG(a.value + 'aaa') I take that back...doing so would almost double the expense, I think. I modified mine to account for duplicates But the problem is, there doesn't seem to be any way to pass those arguments to javac via the IDE. Totally Agree! I avoid anything that supports JSP just so my devs can't try and use it. Velocity FTW Hey Nathan good to see you over here, I've used the Velocity mailing list extensively and always found your help to be spot on. I'm doing my part by voting up your answers, keep it up! Yeah - I'm assuming you really have a ton of code - we deal with ~1Million lines, and find that it can be handled adequately in good modern IDEs (Intelli-J for example) on a powerful desktop as long as things are broken down into modules. How are the exceptions more expensive than a normal return from a method? I mean using exceptions - creating, throwing and handling. A programmer can create his own exceptions in most languages. They are not all predefined. Very helpful - do you have any insight as to when an official release will incorporate these nio changes? Are you using server side code? If so, you should specify the language/setup. Is the integer you are being passed the new month value, or an increment? This is on the right track. See my edit to the question: there's a patch to mongrel_cluster that fixes the behavior. I don't know if it's because you planted the idea in my head, but me too. In this case, you're better off using bodyTxt.indexOf(txt), and this was indeed my first approach. However, if the text in the range is repeated anywhere, it'll throw this number off. To be clear, it's the offset within the node containing the selection I'm interested in, not within the whole body. Thanks, x.NodesBeforeSelf().Count() simply works, great. Wish they had called it Position on top of XElement class. Note: Adding instance methods to Object can be dangerous -- it's a little like adding stuff to the global namespace. Go down the Object#in? road with great caution. I AM UNIQUE! I mean, err, that makes sense. Thanks stu. Maybe, but that's not what he asked. He was worried instead about losing a pointer to that particular location in memory, which is a dubious concept in Python anyhow. I will probably accept this answer on Monday when I am working on it again. I suppose other linkers only pull in the symbols it needs and ignores any undefined ones while xlc's wants every symbol defined. I don't think this is the problem because 1 I tried different order and 2 Foo is not used by any of the other libraries. I already grep'd the crap out of it looking for anything I missed. Foo is only used by one class in A in a file that C doesn't include. None of the classes involved are being exported. The linker is complaining about specific methods in Foo, e.g. Foo::DoThis() Foo::DoThat(). or, someone who could do it in less than 2 minutes could do it here, and then save everyone who ever searches for this test again the trouble. Upvoted because, it's a perfectly legitimate question. What "you" want doesn't matter one bit if it's a corporate web-app for an intranet. Diones, I use Boo on small projects. It's nothing against Boo, it's just that at my job, we do a lot of embedded C. I use Boo to do testing on some .NET libraries we use to interface with the embedded C code. (For the .NET libraries we use C++/CLI to gain easy access to C libraries). @Curt: The biggest thing I miss in IronPython is access to .NET enumerations. (I haven't looked at IronPython in a while -- have they added that ability now?) Anyway, having to know the integer values for enumeration values made IronPython leave a sour ta @Curt (continued): When I found Boo, I never looked back. Can you tell me what features IronPython has that CPython doesn't? When I last looked, it was only the ability to make calls to .NET libraries. That's a shame. I'm not saying that in this case the google feature is bad but I still don't think that the default shortcut funtions should be touched. You probably have a typo since even you're examples show submitting parameters and receiving callbacks I don't think C J Date had anything to do with the creation of SQL, and I'm fairly certain Codd didn't. Do you mean the relational model? If you do mean SQL, I'd like to see references. Intermingling of parsing and exec for two VMs in one thread - since asking this question - has lead to a 16% improvement so far. But my intermingling is trial-and-error, so its extremely likely I'm not yet approaching the possible improvement. I still search for a non-spagetti way to organise code The worst case scenario is for two consecutive fibbonacci numbers (See 'Running Time' section of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_algorithm). For 32-bit unsigned integers, this results in 45 intermediate steps. Unfortunately, MSVC craps out on my machine at 13 steps. It might be possible to extend this to 45 steps if you have a lot of memory on your build machine OR if change a setting in MSVC to add more heap space. And last thing to remember is that things usually progress much quicker. 8 steps was enough for all my random examples. Depending on the numbers you need, 8 steps may be enough. The question is "why can't I convert 'char**' to 'char*const*?" I mean 'char**' to 'const char*const*' Why down-voted? Please explain! But don't you feel you sacrifice some of the functionality that IDE's implement by using vim? For example within those many drop down menus there are functions such as refactoring code naming conventions across hundreds of files, how could this be done with a utility such as vim? Wow, that was really easy. Can you tell I am a beginner? Thanks for the help! Sure. There is just a password prompt that asks for the password that is associated with that custom URL. After login is complete, all the info is there ok, but before login is the thing that I am working on now. @Ion Todirel, Dynamic Typing is a replacement for several things you must do by hand in statically typed languages. For example, without generics, you must manually cast. With dynamic typing, you don't. With static typing and generics, you have to mess ar @Ion Todirel, Some programming languages have message passing built-in that would need to be written manually otherwise. Take a look at Google's Go, or Erlang for examples. Also, when concurrency is not built-into the language, it is difficult to guarante the first one, im trying to fade out content and the fog would be exactly what i need :/ You're really going to have to be more specific... Are you looking for websites that contain web snippets and tutorials? Code snippets themselves on a particular topic? This is a very, very general question. This isn't only a Java related question. The java tag should be removed and the question retitled. Nice link, exactly what I am looking for. Thanks for the link, I have some reading to do. Out of personal experience, no matter where you put the code, trying to remember 6 months down the line how something worked is a hassle. Needing a JDK vs only a JRE is a good consideration. Amount of code required to render the page would be approximately the same, you do take a hit the first time the JSP is started though after you (re)start the server. it would make more sense to yield key, d[key] In my case the view is (as is most of the functionality) actually handled by another application that is written in Java by another company. The use of the JSP / Servlet is only necessary since the processing that the other application does causes problems at the payment application side of things. I would agree with this, or even take it a step further... Detect for known mobile browsers and redirect to a different domain (i.e. http://mobile.yoursite.com). You can use the same data access/business rules if you have each of these separated by projects within your solution. It doesn't matter. No problems. If you haven't seen the SysInternals tools before I can highly recommend them. Autoruns and ProcessExplorer (also by SysInternals) might be useful for your purposes too. I know how to call MailAddress, I need code to parse the given address. Mathematical algorithms and games go hand in hand from what I've seen, another positive about games. I wonder how most employers would regard it though, that's often where the "childish" view is most common. Absolutely. Sadly though it seems using less resources is being seen as less important as hardware gets quicker and we use more frameworks. In my practical experience though all of your points are 100% correct. Good point. Although, often taking a hobby and trying to make a career out of it can simply drain the joy we get from it. I must admit I don't explictly state game development on my resume, maybe I should. I taught myself C from a book called something like "Waite Groups Turbo C", wrote my first completed (playable) game with that knowledge. Tried to go back and improve it and quickly realised indenting and comments are good, and then thought "what's a 'class' and is C++ a better C? Good point but it's not just about writing for "other people to read". Try understanding your own code a year or more later. I guess you in a years time are one of these "other people". Absolutely, although I find it's even better for allowing someone new to your code to quickly understand "what does what and where". When you need to make changes, orthogonality also makes changes much less tricky. I think I'll repost this as a better question. Thanks for your help. It's also about the level/type of abstraction being used. A Customer, by definition, must have some close association with an Order/s. Therefore the cohesiveness of a Customer is not reduced by the customer.getOrderPrice(); refactoring. eg: Customer could use a simple decimal as orderPrice. That's not a workaround - that's the correct way to do it! cool tip! I didn't know about unison. Why don't you use the webserver for static content? In the canonical situation, Orders are created by Customers. An Order without a Customer is not valid. If somethng is realted to an Order it is also related to the Customer that created that order. Customer and Order work together to provide some well bounded bahaviour. See my additional answer. Yeah, I absolutely can and should use a buffer. So then what if the processing requires jumping around in the data for multiple files and multiple buffers? Is constant opening and closing of binary files going to become expensive? @2: No, I need to essentially provide random access for a window of the data (for all files simultaneously). yeah basically i want to split an existing desktop app written in C++ into a client and server, where the client can run on desktop OR browser! thanks! Ease of development, and relatively rich - eg a table widget is essential. c++ is fine. responding to EMK & others -> Ease of development is the priority and relatively rich set - eg a table widget is essential. c++ is fine. Right, we are refactoring and moving code down to presenters, services, etc. But if you've ever worked in the VS IDE with a large ASP.NET VB.NET project before, you know how much VB.NET kills the IDE. So we're looking for a short-term solution to get past the VB.NET impediment. Thanks for the response. I'ma actually not talking about a rewrite. I can use SharpDevelop for the actual conversion one page at a time. I was more wondering about the incremental part as it relates to merging 2 asp.net web projects to be deployed as one. Thanks! really? I see 4 tags on the right that I tagged it with when I created the question... c#, asp.net, vb.net, conversion @finnw If that function were designed today? It already has been redesigned. Form f = new Form(); has 0 parameters. @MagicKat Good to know - thanks Actually, I did a quick test - I timed summing a list with 100M entries and the same test with the corresponding array, and the list was actually about 10% faster. Problem with that is it only shows the 'topmost' object - i've got dozens of nested objects, and I really need to be able to see the entire contents at once, and importantly, see where things are changing. So Firebug really isn't working for me in this case. (yes I know you can click to expand them, but clicking 10 or so links every time I want to dump the data is what I'm doing now - very slow progress) It's.. Java? Hmm, not ideal, but I'll have a look, cheers. Yes, very good answer, unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be playing nicely with something else in this app (not sure what yet). Works in isolation, though. Yeah checked that. It's probably down to the prototype library, as it adds toJSON() methods to lots of stuff (not Object, but most everything else), which looks like it'll cause trouble. I like ;) Can't get it to work properly, but if you don't mind, I'm going to shamelessly steal the concept and write my own :) It is indeed clashing with prototype's toJSON(), which returns a json string, which Doug's stuff is then jsonifying. Which, uh, isn't right :) I take your point on if (!foo) foo = ... vs foo = (foo || ...), but what's the rationale for ending all lines with semicolons? Thanks, but CALM looks to be an application performance monitoring tool, I'm looking for a "business" monitoring tool where I can publish business level domain events, rather than just system level events. 1 for a map of strings to lock objects Brian: The ideas presented in your "modulino" article are /incredibly/ useful. It both discourages 'hacky' scripts, and provides immediate reusability. Love it, and I'm going to propose adding it to or internal coding guidelines on Monday - One of the problems we have is scripts tend to... ...start off small and slightly hackish, slowly growing to an unwieldy size, before sooner or later that functionality is required elsewhere, so the whole mess needs refactoring (which rarely goes smoothly). This should entirely remove the problem. Thanks ;) It works best if you don't really need to enforce a password changing policy at all (so you can legitimately allow sufficiently strong passwords to never expire), just use it as a stick to give users some incentive to pick decent ones. With the right UI, it works really well! Don't backtrack, make a point and own it! For the record, I agree. If you're running a service that people are going to log into sporadically, then forcing them to change their password every time is just an unnecessary annoyance. Anthony: Nokia so far, but I suspect many more will follow now MS have nailed their flag to the jQuery pole. Incidentally, unless you have set a height on the image (either the `height` attribute, or via CSS), you don't need to explicitly set `height: auto` - it's set to that by default Okay, thanks. But I'm still not sure why it would be a good idea to add classes to `__init__.py` I don't really consider these classes initialization code (but maybe I'm wrong about that). Great, thanks dgrant. Greg Beech's answer, while unfortunately not voted as high as my answer, I feel is the better answer. It's certainly got a few more valuable, explanatory details I didn't take the time to include. SQL 2008, windows XP Pro SP3, English Is that a requirement? It sounded like what you wanted was a way to show people how the system works, but maybe I misunderstood. Are you looking for a way to show a real-time view of what the system is doing as it's running? Voted up for clean and quick solution. Take some design time and make up for it at runtime! By the way, several of those "states" are now independant countries. Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and one or two more of those pacific island groups.. Unfortunately that won't work for me because it uses an embedded web host, and I need this to work in an XBAP in partial-trust. Which, unless I'm building it wrong, will not work. That's exactly what I thought I second! It is hilarious to look back, but eye-burning when you're reading it. Whatever you do, make sure you document it. I think this point is more important than exactly which approach is "best". Because the producers don't have a clue. I was rolling on the floor most of that episode. In retrospect, that was kinda dumb. Anyway, changed the example to an && to fix the problem. I swear I've used ^^ sometime in the past, but this must not have been the case. Bradley, done, good quote by the way. Hopefully this will be useful for plenty of others too. Why didn't you do it yourself, you've got the rep. wouldn't you still have to edit the abstract class when you add methods to the interafces? Appearantly, Mr Codd was _not_ the creator of SQL, but actually of the relational model. He has on more than one occassion voiced his dissatisfaction in the way SQL "perverts" the relational modal. I edited this in the above text. Thanks Paul. The problem with doing authorization first, is this: how do we authorize a user if we need to check the permissions based on the input arguments? Don't we need to validate those arguments first, before we use it for authorization? Useful points, thanks. A more dedicated functional language may be a better choice. I might have a look at F# after all. Excellent links and feedback. Thanks. @Chris, the Performance tab is dynamically updated, so you can see when memory is allocated. I realise there are more detailed profiler tools out there, however ProcExplorer is a good simple tool. No problems Jonathan, glad it was useful. These days I try to follow this approach (separate application logic assembly) for all applications. That way a Windows Service can be seen as just another type of view into the application. I guess this is the Model View Controller pattern. Close, but not quite there. I suppose it depends on how you structure your assemblies/classes, but it would be more elegant to minimise the number of classes given access using friend. FOr example in a utility/helper assembly, not all classes should have access to internal members. I think the compiler could support it reasonably easily at least between classes within an assembly. Just a matter of relaxing access checking for the friend class on the target class. Friend between classes in external assemblies may need more fundamental changes to the CLR perhaps. It's not too confusing is it? As I said above the GOF book uses it quite often in examples. To me it's no more confusing then internal. Good point. Did you have a chance to look at the earlier SO question (asked by monoxide and linked above?. I'd be interested in how best to solve that in C#? So it seems that the reason the 'internal' keyword is in C# but 'friend' is not, is that internal is more explicit then friend. I guess as soon as you see internal, you know immediately it's possible that another class could access them. It would figure that as soon as I post this I connect the dots. I'm coming back to this after 4 months of not looking at this code. I had a little snippet of code hidden in user that basically did this: setRoomPseudo(Room r) { if(myRoom != null) myRoom.removeMe() myRoom = r } So, I forgot it worked like that and did operations out of order. fixed, and sorry for the trouble. I do understand maps afterall, and java, just not myself! It would figure that as soon as I post this I connect the dots. I'm coming back to this after 4 months of not looking at this code. I had a little snippet of code hidden in user that basically did this: setRoomPseudo(Room r) { if(myRoom != null) myRoom.removeMe() myRoom = r } So, I forgot it worked like that and did operations out of order. fixed, and sorry for the trouble. I do understand maps afterall, and java, just not myself! It would figure that as soon as I post this I connect the dots. I'm coming back to this after 4 months of not looking at this code. I had a little snippet of code hidden in user that basically did this: setRoomPseudo(Room r) { if(myRoom != null) myRoom.removeMe() myRoom = r } So, I forgot it worked like that and did operations out of order. fixed, and sorry for the trouble. I do understand maps afterall, and java, just not myself! You can use VLC wrapper created for .NET. You can go to VLC site and also seek help from the VLC developer forum. Not sure what is meant by "OOP pattern does not strictly implement inheritance rules" - seems to me that it says "OOP does not strictly implement OOP". What? Is the problem that OOP is too OOP, or not OOP enough? The statement does not makie much sense. My view is that if the rocket discards stages during launch, then inheritance is the wrong approach; some sort of aggregation would be better. This is not a problem with OOP in general, but with the specific design chosen. No, it's just on my local machine atm Is updated_at set when the object is added to the database? As i am wondering if i can then just change my view to order by updated_at? "obviously doesn't work" Why do you say that? It worked for me last time that I tried it. Don't like your example. You miss the important point that if Dispose(bool disposing) is called with disposing=false, this method must only dispose *unmanaged* resources. If disposing=true, it should also dispose any disposable managed resources it owns. ... also your example doesn't show other important bits of the disposable pattern: -1 add a Finalizer that calls Dispose(false) and -2 very important the public Dispose method should call GC.SuppressFinalize(this). You might also mention the need to call GC.SuppressFinalize from the public Dispose() method. A VB6/VBA collection is *not* just something you can iterate over. It also provides optional key access. where in really isnt inherently bad. "In effect, users will see SQL errors instead of nice web pages." - I hope not display_errors = 0;! Th problem with multiple catches in this case is that I can catch either a DM_Exception OR an Error_Page - which isn't what I want to do. The using statement ensures the connection is closed, even if an exception is thrown. It doesn't wait for the GC to close it. This is a great approach (I would personally use and have used it) but with one exception. Really consider beforehand whether you need all that extra code do something so simple. Sometimes simple is better. Thanks; good advice. I was asking not because of a particular situation but because I had trouble in the past with this and anticipate more in the future. Much of the code I maintain (mostly not written by me) extensively uses macros, so it's still useful to be able to debug them. That appears to be what my example does, at least when I try it. Do you not see that behavior? Its not possible to run the same binary on both desktop and silverlight - although the APIs are in large part compatible, the dependent libraries themselves are different. So you can have the same source code, but not the same binaries. Good point - the question could be clearer. The question asked for one thing, true. In my opinion, the question is therefore badly phrased. There is no one thing. If I asked "What's the one thing that I should do to not fail in business" the only sensible answer is "avoid all the various pitfalls, such as...". I think a more modern way is to use the userPrincipalName property - which is in RFC822 format (usually the user's email address). But I always use sAMAccountName. This gets my vote, pretty much spot on. The real question then becomes, at what point to you force the line break. At the 80 char limit, at the operator, and the function opening paren, etc. Out of all those I use the operator break the most, like this answer. Basically it's because it uses a MessageBox, which as you say dates back to Windows 3.1, and only has predefined button labels. So you can understand why the hack came about, but not why it's still there in 2008! Refixed it after it was removed by the previous clash. SO needs SVN for edits! After the first edit, this question is still unclear. You mention "an algorithm that uses exponents" and "the algorithm used for double-precision floating point numbers". The algorithm to do what? Multiple two such numbers? Compute a 3D triangulation of N points with double precision x-y-z? A call from an STA object on an STA thread, to an MTA object, will marshal over to an MTA thread (unless the MTA object implements the free-threaded marshaler). Like I said, the details can get complicated. (I worked on the COM team for a number of years *grin*) Look at the System.Data assembly with Reflector and you'll see this is wrong. I don't understand your comment. There is a single HttpRuntime.Cache object per AppDomain. If you insert items in the cache in two different places, you should use different keys - this is true with any solution. Can you elaborate? If you're making it a general-purpose extension method, it's worth preserving the DateTimeKind (Unspecified/Utc/Local): return new DateTime(date.Ticks - date.Ticks % roundTicks, date.Kind); no... its only supported in ff3. and besides, hes setting a fixed width so it doesnt work. this is pretty much just a table. Do you have to support IE? Exactly what I was looking for, thanks! The SHA256 class module can be imported directly into Excel VBA unchanged. Build Action = "Content" is better than Build Action = "None" suggested in another response. This is because you can easily include "Content" files in a Setup project. This will block the UI (e.g. no repaints) if the background worker takes a long time to cancel. It's better to use one of the following to stop interaction with the UI: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/123661/net-how-to-wait-for-a-backgroundworker-to-complete#126570 This is before it even hits the DB. The maximumRows parameter simply limits the number of rows returned in the select statement. My understanding is the Gridview supplies the maximumRows parameter to the ODS, the ODS sends it along to the middle tier, and finally the business object passes it to the sproc to get the right number of records back from the DB. This parameter should be analogous to whatever has been set in the GridView's PageSize property. I know things are wired because as I said... the StartRowIndex (which also orginates from the GridView) is being passed through just fine. I'm getting the -1 value in the middle tier prior to making the DB call. My conclusion is that for some reason either the ObjectDataSource or GridView are not sending the proper value. I don't get it though because all the samples make it look like a no brainer... and there is no mention of anyone else having this problem. Stupefying. I figure I'm missing something... but I've checked & re-checked and it seems like everything is in place. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.datapager.pagesize.aspx this seems like it has some relevance... but I can't find a smoking gun. The table I'm targeting has 26 rows, and I'm asking for a page size of 10 records. Why whould it throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException? If it was throwing this exception then it should be caught and displayed by my try / catch wrapped around the page_load in which all of this is occuring. Instead... a -1 PageSize is being passed to the middle tier with no exception. Thanks for the reply. Can you send me a link of where you got this info? In the case of Smarty, it actually does what you want it to do. It already does that 90% and you can always change the 10% with custom plugins. You didn't read careful enough. You don't need to do that. In fact, you _shouldn't_ do that. It is just what happens because of addslashes(). `\` are escaped by `json_encode` because they are considered to be part of the string you want as output. What you should do is disable `magic quotes` (or force `array_walk_recursive($_REQUEST, 'stripslashes')`) and everything will be clear. Do you absolutely need the swig bindings? If not you could try using PySVN which has prebuilt Windows binaries for svn 1.6.6 and Python 2.6/3.1 at http://pysvn.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=1768&expandFolder=1768&folderID=1768 YW. I made a slight change to it. Again, this is quick and I definitely didn't test it. hopefully it will help. I would like to note that on platforms that have native support for bit set/clear (ex, AVR microcontrollers), compilers will often translate 'myByte |= (1 << x)' into the native bit set/clear instructions whenever x is a constant, ex: (1 << 5), or const unsigned x = 5. 'stop using C/C++' doesn't appear to be a solution to the original problem. patient: "doctor, it hurts when i do this", doctor: "well, then don't do that!" Is there another language or tool that can interoperate well with C++ that you would suggest instead? In addition to doing this, I've found that Application.ActiveWindow.View needs to be set to xlNormalView (rather than xlPageBreakPreview) I still get the same 8002000b error unless I've got the view set to xlNormalView. Thanks for the help! That's true. I guess I was just assume that the OP wanted to be able to hide/ignore the content of the page, to make it easier to see differences in the structure. I cannot definitively tell you why. I can only say that WebDev.WebServer.exe is meant to be a a stripped down HTTP server. It doesn't offer all of the same authentication options, etc. So it wouldn't surprise me that it uses integrated auth only. What about if you use firefox, same result? Why would you want to use these hidden undocumented keywords. They are likely hidden and undocumented for a reason, meaning they could change at any time. In my opinion this is risky. This is not a feature of C#, but rather of the System.Web.UI.Page class. Why would you want to use a keyword as a variable name? Seems to me that this would make code less readable and obfuscated. Unknown I was posting this on behalf of a coworker who has not joined SO yet. You are right, there is no sharepoint in this code, this is a stripped down sample. The production code does interact with a sharepoint document library. I should have made that more clear. My assignments records are one-record-per-student, as there are fields such as "notes" which are student-specific. If I understand your answer correctly, this will allow you to select multiple names on the form, but the ajax request will remain unchanged. I guess you meant this line: In programming languages such as Lisp and Python, lambda is an operator used to denote anonymous functions or closures, following lambda calculus usage. I'd already scanned the article but missed that. This yields 4,5,1 for the example test case above (just like my own solution to GCJ did). I still wonder why because my solution was correct for GCJ. When the image is done 'loading' and ready to be displayed I've always found the `src.zip` file that contains the public Java API in the JDK installation directory. Is that what you're looking for (I've mainly used Windows, so maybe the Linux distro doesn't have it). @vikp - this should probably be something you write into your code if you don't want the clients to exceed it. As for the super user thing - you're selling them the software, they should be able to use it as they please (but can possibly be advised again What if the xml files are only required for test? They will end up in the release build as well if I put them in resources. thanks for the link. Even that sample code doesn't have what I'm looking for. Looking at the source I see this comment: // A possible optimization would be to unload the views+controllers which are no longer visible Which is exactly what I'm looking to do. The reason why i recommend the Xbox 360 approach is because its fast, has fast turn around times and is just fun! At this stage you do not want to be bogged down with the problems with large scale C++ development. This is were most young people dont get past. Why is turn around time so important? In our game development studio, the turn around time from compile to run is about 5-10 minutes depending on the content. So if you make a mistake, and your new its going to take you 5 minutes to find out. This is why turn around time is important at the start. Yeah that is a tough one. Normally I would say to just avoid using a concrete type altogether and instead rely on some interface, but what you are trying to accomplish wouldn't accommodate this. Yes, and it's a key point is that modern compilers inline automatically, and using an 'inline' keyword is just a suggestion to the compiler. Modern compilers generally know what they are doing and correctly choose to inline or not regardless of 'inline' keywords. But it's still a useful concept. I think what Robert is looking for is a central collection of non-standard components and frameworks. This would allow developers to share cool NSView subclasses and frameworks easily. This doesn't find types in _other_ assemblies that implement said interface. Note that this code can't see the future -- it can't find implementation of this interface in interfaces that have not yet been loaded. are you sure it's a tail call? that falling off the end of the program doesn't invoke the interpreter shell? @Huppie - i'd venture to guess that this is a no-diagnostic-required error, much as is stack overflows to begin with. !(code compiling -> code correct). It is of course wrong in the first place to write id=textbox> and not id=textbox> if you do not know if the tekst contains e.g. a blank. I need those protocols! md5 is 'more broken-er' than SHA1 and sha256. You'd be better off truncating and using the extra 12 bytes of entropy. 01-Feb SHA1 would actually be considered more secure right now. MD5 is 'broken-er' than SHA1 Issac - key phrase; "supposed to". Quite often the caching on js files is very aggressive SQL injection must only be handled close to the SQL (e.g. parameters, prepared statements), not near the input. Would you reject persons named: O'Reilly ? If it's still not working, post your httpd.conf file. hehe no offence =) its just that this kind of totaly weird requirements often come in homeworks Hmmm... you shouldn't get "nothing"... Check your apache error logs Note: this code is especially powerful with a 'range' library. An algorithm working over iterator pairs can be used with subsets from a containers, in addition to streams and other value-generators. See http://boost.org, 'Range' and 'Iterators' libraries. I second Brad. C++ templates can be rather powerful, and there is a wealth of experience around various 'reflection' type behaviors, such at boost 'any' library, type traits, C++ RTTI etc. that can solve many of the problems reflection is solved for. So Nick, what's your goal here? Note: this does not address the original purpose of STRUCT, in that it is a variable sized structure. It may, for instance, have a variable sized array as its last member, or it may require additional space after the end of the struct as a matter of convention. Note: adding malloc/free to a code base opens up countless new oppertunities to mis-match allocators. @Reed: because this may be a variable length struct, or a struct that, by convention, has some ammount of buffer space following it for specific purposes. For example, a data structure holding strings may place those strings in the same heap allocation. Note: nPaddingSize may be dynamic, in which case operator new should take two parameters, (size_t classSize, size_t padding). Also: return new char[classSize+padding] s = new (nPaddingSize) STRUCT Note: if providing one allocator, provide all 8 default 'flavors'. make private if not desired. Question for answer: What's wrong with using smart pointers with container classes? ex: vector >. Can you elaborate? This answer doesn't address value semantics. shared_ptr provides reference semantics over classes derived from T, for instace, shared_ptr a, b; b.reset(new Derived1); a = b; doesn't make a copy of the Derived1 object. IList does not implement IList. And I need to implement IList for serialization purposes. Yeesh. Personally, I believe this is ass backwards. Interfaces should hold the bare minimum functionality for a type, and base classes should provide a rich framework upon which customization can be built. Put that in an interface and you just made it very hard to implement. A debugger is much more than something that shows debug messages. It lets you break the running application and step through the code line by line watching the values of variables change as each statement executes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typing_of_the_Dead Re-creating procs every time (conditionally dropping) is a much better solution. If use exec, you gain nothing and there are downsides; your proc has to escape strings and any line numbers in errors will refer to the line number relative to the exec command. Hey, Nick answered the question correctly; you should mark his response as the answer. If you're actually planning on using that in production, enjoy your unintended side effects of sweeping contextless string substitutions. Those are methods, there's no possibility of naming conflicts unless I start declaring methods on the page tracker's prototype. I take it you haven't used Google Analytics? *All* methods on the page tracker object are prefixed with an underscore, even those that explicitly stated as public in the documentation. On your point about roll your own logins that: "...the user's mailbox is a) unavailable due to a typo, b) full or c) provider is 'down'." This is true, but if there email account does not work, they can also not signup for open id. It is code that most people have written multiple times, but I agree it is a benefit. "It encourages users to sign-up to OpenID... ...and hopefully to evangelise it themselves." I agree that this is a way to push a particular technology (which is interesting given StackOverflows goal of being technology agnostic in content). The fact is that it does not "encourage", it forces. The email problems are only a one-time signup issue. My Technorati open-id has had problems 02-Mar times in the last few days and I have not been able to sign in to Stack Overflow. The failure point is there everytime you logon. You should probably specify which environment you had in mind. The only environment I know that even supports JavaScript <-> Sqlite interaction is Adobe AIR. I don't mean to be unhelpful, but no. I think that the code I've shown is what you need to solve the problem. The rest is just plumbing. Sending xml objects (like XmlElements) and xaml (possibly as strings) down the pipe. It's very easy to find out, just add -keep-generated-actionscript to the compiler flags and compile a MXML class that inherits from Application. The compiler creates a directory called "generated" where you can find the generated ActionScript code. It's a bit more complicated than the above, true. Aah, "magic". Will try this in the morning. It may have been taken from bsd, but was it still open source? Works very nicely, thanks for that! That's a site for the Wordpress App. That isn't a .NET problem. That is a "user's computer is a POS and needs to be wiped clean" problem. Alternate: `AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(x Err:510 x.GetTypes(). //etc` Skeet's gravitational pull is so massive he just attracts points. Eventually he will be crushed by their weight into a singularity, at which point we'll be sucked through the event horizon and Jeff will poke his eyes out and scare the bejesus out of everybody. Is Iron Madden related to John Madden? "structs always go where they were declared", this is a bit misleading confusing. A struct field in a class is always placed into "dynamic memory when an instance of the type is constructed" - Jeff Richter. This may be indirectly on the heap, but is not the same as a normal reference type at all. In summary, whenever you create (declare) a value type anywhere in a method it is always created on the stack. Jon, you miss my point. The reason this question was first asked is that it is not clear to many developers (me included until I read CLR Via C#) where a struct is allocated if you use the new operator to create it. Saying "structs always go where they were declared" does not is not a clear answer. Yes but it actually focuses on and answers the question being asked. Voted up. @Marc, You are technically correct of course, why am I reminded of this anecdote? http://www.jokes2go.com/jokes/6342.html I have no problem rebuilding anything, this is for an in-house app. Thanks, but it's not worth the effort for me at this point. Using and there will always result in the lower 8 bits being all 0 It should be shifted 16 and ored instead. Oh, of course. In real life, I'd probably use something like same = Math.Sign(x) == Math.Sign(y). I just give evil bitwidily solutions when people ask for them. :D Ok, Red Gate is certainly a solution. But shouldn't this be a very common problem? Shouldn't there be a straightforward programmatic solution? It's not an infinite loop, because the 1 instruction pushes a 1 onto the stack. Eventually, your Befunge interpreter will run out of stack space, but it'll take a while. :) Do you know if there is a developer's API? There are no seconds or minutes or hours either! getTime() returns only the long integer representing the date from time 00:00:00 There is no possibility of parsing seconds: they are simply not present in my data. Err:508 Well, there are two here. Thanks for the input. Looking at all the ugly (and probably unreliable) code I'd have to write to figure this out, I think you're right that it's better to change the contract! +1 to this post in general. The only thing I would add is that with enough "harmless" compiler warnings, it creates a lot of "noise" that can hide more dangerous warnings. That might work. Could you flush it out a little more? If I decoded "test%40geek.com", I would get "test@geek.com" - how would I compare the two? Do you have a code snippet in mind? Please elaborate. Examples would be very nice. Can someone put some examples of this? or a link to where it explains it? Looking at the javadoc, if I passed in "1+2" to my boolean method, URLDecoder would return "1 2". I still can't tell if the client means that the string "1+2" should be encoded, or if it's just "1 2" that has already been encoded. Sounds like a dynamic programming approach to the problem. So, if I pass in "1+2" and determine that "+" was decoded to " ", what next? I still don't know if this is a pre-encoded string, or if I should really encode "+" to "%2B". I think the problem is intractable. thanks for your support :-) Eric, I haven't tried it but would not be unusual if there was a problem with it. I notice it is also trying to do some sort of inter-thread synchronisation, this is alsways an area that can be tricky to get right. If you can avoid it in your design, it is always smart to do so. > that is exactly why I suggested that in my response And why I upvoted your answer:) The project is in Java, and I don't really want to make system calls or require perl. That, and I don't write information to a log file, I process the results of the merge as they are output from the merger periodically. That and it's a hobby project where I want to learn how to do it myself. No this doesn't work. I've tried handling Application_WorkbookOpen, but its called *after* the previous instance has already been closed. If you want to skip an error row and continue processing other rows, then you would probably want to catch SqlException, and inspect the SqlErrors property for some specific errors. Ok, then my MFC ignorance is showing. If MFC has special cleanup requirements, I don't know enough about it to help. this implies I know what the 'relative' part is, but that's what I'm trying to calculate. Will do, thanks. That did the trick, thanks! The actual line I ended up with is: string servicesPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Request.PhysicalPath) + @"\services\"; We haven't had to re-*invent* too much. Mostly it's just limiting ourselves to a common API subset shared between Smalltalks. Then there are a few hoops to jump through and the porters still have to do a little massaging. It would certainly be nice if some of the core things were more standard. Hmm. I'm glad to see this problem really is hard, and I haven't been flailing around for no reason. Thanks for collecting those references. hrm why would you have to even import the data into mysql then? just query whatever database and display the image... No I can't run it at Workbook_Open. And I can't set a flag at close, because the workbook is readonly. Thanks anyway. Thanks anyway. Copying to a temp workbook is an interesting idea, but I think it will be easier to redesign the app to remove the dependency on cleanup at close. It seems like a bug to me that the BeforeClose event is not fired in this situation. @beta then you, my friend, are in a different field than i am. i've never required any of those to do anything, and my UIs are still awesome :) @cottsak i wrote that comment about a year ago. since then i would still agree with my statement, although i would change it to be `overflow:hidden` rather than `:after`. however, IRT my previous comment, the `height: 10px` method is for IE, the `:after` Are you using symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load? If so, the problem is that you're loading data in the wrong order into the tables via fixtures. Make sure parent comes before child. As the error states: it cannot add data into a child table when there is no parent present for it. i'm pretty sure that code is not correct for setting draggable/droppables. check http://jqueryui.com/demos/ Ok, hope you get it working. I remember when initially testing my schema having to first sfDoctrineGuard fixtures, then user profiles, then the types of tables you have. Combining them all into a single fixture.yml fixes it too as they get loaded in the order you've written them. Does your HTML form use: method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"? Are you using Apache? would you just sell me 20 more guid's for 10$ because i only need 30 and dont need the source good advice... its nice to not have to learn this the hard way You don't really need to know C to code in Objective-C, but you should definetely have worked with another coding language prior to learning Obj-C. If you have no experience what so ever in coding, you should probably learn some C first. no I mean Jeff will play Sam Neil's role (my comment isn't very funny but its less so if you don't get the reference: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119081/) I just finished an application that when developed was using IIS7 (so I could have the full REST urls), but had to be deployed on IIS6 (need an .aspx page) The only modification I remember doing to make it work was adding specific routes that IIS 6 could handle. routes.MapRoute("MyPage", "MyPage/...") routes.MapRoute("MyPage.aspx", "MyPage.aspx/...") Could you create a sprite out of those images and just return a single image? Or are they more dynamic? Crap. Deprecated. The question does not ask how to create XML in C#. It asks how to create XML in C# using templating similar to ASP.NET. Classes in my App_Code folder directly work, if I put App_Code/View or something I get the error for classes in the View Sub-Directory web controls aren't built for xhtml validation. They're built for convenience. Either use CSS addapters or rewrite your UI. Its a sticky pill, but its best taken with lots of alcohol. What is it being replaced by? IoC? A rose etc.... I'd like to see a better way to break dependencies in code than DI. I do agree that it isn't being used enough. The more I code the more dependencies bug me. in short it's the destination for notifications (bounces, delay delivery, etc...), and is described in RFC 2821. because it's required by SMTP, it's also one method to drop bad mail (as theoretically all good mail will set an appropriate return-path) I have read this, and honestly I don't love the idea. I think a whole system would need to be built to really support this for multiple deployments. I think this is a good start (what you have described is similar to what I have been thinking). One of the biggest issues I have been thinking about though is merges.. Which we seem to be doing a lot of lately. Hopefully we don't have too many schema changes in a branch, but it happens.. Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. This looks like a really interesting option. I would love to hear some people's experience with the .NET migration library I find E4X terribly confusing myself, so I'm not surprised. Try to find out how to remove a child of a node, that one can keep you occupied for days... I've been there =) "As a result of the boxing, operations that change the internal state of the struct may not behave properly." Give an example and get the answer. Locking on the type object is a bad idea. Anybody can get the type object and lock on it. Lock objects should be kept private within a class instance. Also, locking and then using Interlocked.Increment is redundant. the Interlocked class methods are atomic and don't require locking. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa691324(VS.71).aspx "user-defined implementations can be introduced by including operator declarations in classes and structs" Strings in C# are immutable, which is important to understand when thinking of passing "references" to string variables around. Good point. The data can change and I was not clear about that in the question, so I've updated it. Sorry. A few notes: (1) You don't want the "- 1" after 2 ^ 32 since phjr asked for output 1.0 to be excluded. (2) There is no ** in C++. Only << (use 1 << 32). (3) You probably want an unsigned int here. The events implement multiple interfaces and java doesn't support multiple inheritance so i cannot subclass events in this manner. At least, I don't think I can. It's similar, but not the same. Heaps don't allow you to delete elements in amortized constant time. Not really. Flash is for animation, movies etc. Full size things. Javascript is for editing elements of a webpage. ahh i still dont get it, what do you mean by 'project' ok i think i get it now im gettin downvoted, but i dont see why until someone else does it without variables... ;p But can it be refashioned to support an unlimited number of sublevels? What I meant was that while Microsoft might commit to shipping both .NET 2.0-3.5 AND .NET 4.0 with Windows 7, they are not likely to be making commitments today about which will versions of the framework will ship with later versions of Windows. ehh, i dunno about that cross join 10s and 1s thing *Any* Interop assembly will do that, not just a PIA I have tried out a function like this, and it seems to be the way to go. And it can be called from LINQ, attached to the datacontext. Also, why both the view and the function? - they seem to be duplication ... and the other downside is that server-side automation of Office is unsupported, not scalable, and has a number of problems including those described here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257757 Could anyone expand on what makes this so dangerous? Is there an off-by-one error here? The first comparison is between letters[0] and letters[letters.Length-0], shouldn't the latter be letter[letters.Length-1]? I got it working, thanks all. Thanks! Any pointers on how to programmatically send an ARP in linux? I wanted to add that the increment function in Trove is really just a convenient function. You should look into the map.apply(procedure) methods in trove too. The basic problem is autoboxing and the double lookup required, where the apply method comes from a functional programming (e.g. lisp) design hrm, ive done this before, but never realized how good of a design pattern this is. so the enum goes in file ? These don't mess with the original array. I haven't seen any solutions that do as well without manipulating the original array. This isn't a security question. It doesn't make sense to say it's impossible because there are security concerns, although it is informative of you to point them out. From a finalizer it's clearly unsafe do do anything except releasing unmanaged resources. But not only is it safe to call a virtual method from IDisposable.Dispose, it's actively encouraged - the standard pattern is to call the virtual method "protected virtual Dispose(bool disposing)"! That's one of my concerns. Having a separate HTTP request for a few lines of codes seems wasteful. I really need C - but that's the right idea Classes that implement IDisposable generally *should* implement a finalizer together with the standard disposable pattern, which includes a call to GC.SuppressFinalize(this) in "public Dispose()" to avoid the cost of a finalizer when the caller disposes properly. Even better. Means you can create release builds fast without the doc. Awesome point! At the present, there are no issues. I'm sniffing around looking for bottlenecks when sessions raise fast - aka the slashdot/digg/reddit effect. The reload issue could be another question in itself. Jeff - Great suggestion. I've had some issues with web caching since everything else on the page is dynamic, even the header. I've stayed away from it since I want a fresh copy everytime, so I like the app route. Whichever one provides once-a-month-convenient-refreshability is best. Nice solution with code sample - Cheers. I'd say this is real close to what I'm looking for. hmmm, this seems to be the same idea as damieng's solution, only 8 minutes later :) oops Greg - Great point about Safari and now, Google Chrome. Very lightweight and elegant. jttraino - thanks for the suggestion. This is what I'll probably end up doing, it shouldn't be a problem as long as my functions, etc, don't have any name collisions? UserControl != CompositeControl. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/01/29/436854.aspx You gotta reword that. It doesn't make sense. Missed it by *that* much. Well, those are more compiler sugar than actual facilities. C# ends up being more verbose, but they still work via the same IL. The "Somebody who isn't an idiot is going to break my fingers with a hammer when they see this" pattern. But that pretty much applies to all antipatterns. Just between you and me, I do use Access. Promise me you won't tell anyone. It seems to me that MySQL should coerce the results of one of the union queries to match the other, at least if the user sets a setting to do so. It follows a similar philosophy with select concat(1,'a'); giving '1a'. .. but I'm not a database language designer. The joy of StackOverflow. Only two correct answers and neither of them voted up. So here is one vote. The IUSR account is not utilized in this scenario. In fact, I can make a connection to a database and it passes through the credentials (odbc_connect in PHP), so I have evidence that the authentication part is working. Mesh might be a better choice. I think FS is going bye bye when Mesh gets out of beta. Any structrual differences will show up in a windiff though. It will just be harder to fix I presume. Sorry, that doesn't hold water. You don't use car for mybike because you would define a "bike" class instead. You can't define something else for "" because it is more than a simple semantic tag -- it tells the browser how to render its content as well. If you're moving to .NET I'd suggest skipping ADO and looking at Linq. I've picked this answer, even though Hoyhoy's is perfectly fine as well, just because it suits what I'm doing a bit better. I had a quick look, this could maybe solve my problem to. But I'm not too sure I'm at this stage yet. Don't stare at it too long; you'll go insane. Ouch. Double ouch. M$? Back to /., troll. And OpenOffice for thee, as well! Just to add to this, it can also slow down the executable. I was testing some OpenMP code with the Sun Studio compiler, and with debugging information the code ran much slower. Just something to keep in mind. This is OpenMP code, and it did slow it down. I was playing with fractals, and working on using the OpenMP compiler extensions. The code on a single thread, ran slower than the non OpenMP code on a single thread. I disabled debugging and the speed equalised. I think that's the case, doesn't affect GCC of course, certainly gave me a surprise when the single thread code went from 11secs to 22. :/ With debugging disabled and 4 threads (I have a Q6600) it dropped to about 3 secs. I did have the project setup for maximum optimisation (with debugging), SSE, MMX, etc, when I get home I'll post the exact options, maybe there's something I missed. Actually, when I posted that, I said "offline.html", so at the time ckarras was absolutely right. My bad. I'm not sure if this results in the proper Sql. You'd have to profile it to see. Are you attaching to ThreadException before you call Application.Run in Main()? Sorry, I'm a noob. Code sample is welcome, as googling jquery overlay doesn't do much for me. Could you please provide any reasons why one should use transactions and do not use autocommit? And there is no "unit of work" besides handling POST HTTP request, validation data and storing them into database via single INSERT or UPDATE. Its the xps document viewer. I've had this same issue with Adobe's PDF viewer in the past. Shit, just think about it... If they didn't allow for people writing bugs, there would never be another bug ever again! Get working on that! Is there a badge for the most comments on a question? Because there should be. Also, in during "Jesus flipping the bird" telling people not to be rude. I love you guys. I have to say that Rob's edit is superior. Its almost a reasonable question now. Hmm, somebody did a second edit on it and cleared it up greatly. This is the answer. Refactor out all messagebox usage in your library classes. It is the responsibility of callers to interpret results and inform users. "I'd prefer not to use an external library (such as saxon) to do this." Then why isn't the matches function recognized? This looks like a very promising lead. 1 You can use LINQ to grab your data and bind against the results rather than using DataSets and TableAdapaters. Its a much smoother workflow, IMHO. The only error I can foresee is this: if i'm walking up a hill, when I reach the top, I will walk along the expanded triangle (or float invisibly) for a very small distance (hopefully invisible to the user) before I drop to the other triangle. Please clarify, would BSP suit a large or a small space? More or fewer objects? This is a reason to have OpenId, not a reason to make it mandatory. Thanks for the response. I have updated my post to provide some more details. I removed the "lowest footprint" verbiage from the post since what I really want is the lowest complexity/coding effort. I will take a look at Jini. Thanks I have a class that contains all of my date handling code. In the login code I just call a function from that class which formats the time using DATE_FORMAT(). So it doesn't really show in the display code and doesn't feel off Mysql dates are just more readable than unix timestamps. Agree. I do not oppose OpenID, I just believe that it is not good development to make it mandatory. Offer OpenID, advocate for OpenID, but just do not force it on your users. I think that creating a custom control is a better solution than pinvoking and trying to hack together the behaviors you want. Thanks as well but the brackets need to be deleted. -> objDOM.setPropery "SelectionNamespaces", sNamespaces The main db he's using is MySql. Edit your entry and delete this comment. Strunk & White is amazing. The Little Book changed the way I write *and* read. I should have put a smiley in my remark; it was not intended to be taken seriously. There is no need for such stringent validation. You're not going to know whether the address is valid until you actually send e-mail to it... "... can't get it to work" is too vague. What doesn't work? So this is actually C++ code? Interesting idea! We've got that setup too, but it's a pain when the network drive goes down. Also, it seems a lot slower to open with large propjects. My Wife's 3GS didn't see any emoji until an app was installed. It only showed square boxes. I'm partially wrong. Digging in to xcode, there actually is a backgroundColor property on UIWindow. You can skip the UIView step. Just do [[appDelegate window] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]]; Ah, I see, so you want to rotate around the global Y axis, not the local one. That is not a common way to express rotations, and off the top of my head I'm not sure how to do that. You could try reversing the order of the X and Y rotations and see if that makes more sense for your application. it might not have been what i though the answer would be, but works a treat. I need to swot up on hibernate, would make my life easier...thank you! Those special cases can all be handlded with httpserverutility.htmlencode and httpserverutility.htmldecode Are you trying to shut down the Excel.exe without closing your application? Not sure I fully understand your question. Vote it down all you want.. in 6 months, this will still be a valid link where the others will be dated That would be SQL Server Compact Edition. There is no need to group the results. In fact, the result of this LINQ query will be an IEnumerable>, so this will not compile. This seems like a strange way to do joins with those Any() and First() calls. Even if it works correctly, it is probably creating unnecesary sub-queries in the SQL translation. Why not use a "join" clause, or two "from" clauses with a "where" clause tying them together? I changed the tnsnames and listener IP addresses, but now I get an error related to the TNS not finding the sid requested. SVN and Bazaar track directories. Mercurial, Git, and CVS do not. Yes, the database starts fine. The listener just does not recognize the new database. "What would you not test? Anything that could not possibly break." Obviously, such things do not exist ;) Do use TightVNC then, because it's more secure. Although Mono is one version number behind Microsoft, they're actually doing a very good job. This is to say: C# works very well on non-Windows platforms too! The reference is just put inside the stack frame for this method call, right? I think you misinterpreted what 1800 INFORMATION wrote. The immutability of Java strings is irrelevant here: the "some Assignment" will produce a new String each time, whether or not String is immutable. Heh, come to think of it, I didn't even know what VNC actually stood for :) I wrote a framework where everything but index.php was below doc_root... I don't understand why no one else does this. Its safer and to me cleaner then having to worry about if one of my config files could be read accidentally. Must be a david thing? :) Well, at least you can see which library call caused the crash. The 3rd party DevArt (formerly CoreLAB) OraDirect.Net libraries are working on LINQ to Oracle support (they're in beta as I write this) - see @vzczc's answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30790/is-there-a-way-to-use-linq-to-oracle#32467 Sorry, I couldn't resist. This will return the users who match ALL the given roles. His method return users who match ANY of the given roles. My copy of Reflector has an "Export..." option and I have no plug-ins installed. It creates a VS project with all the source code and resources. So why is everyone suggesting FileDisassembler? It is better? This should work. Instead of dynamic where clause you reduced it to a single one. And that nice LINQ syntax you mentioned could be: uint roleMask = UserRoles.Aggregate(0, (combined, role) => combined | role); > There is just too many attributes that you need to set. < Hardly. Placing [Column] on every property with IsPrimaryKey = true where needed and a few [Association] will get you a long way. Ooooh I liked that .AsEnumerable() split in there. Nice. Thanks for noting that "distributing the libraries with your app is expressively prohibited by the .NET license". As lassevk mentioned, this is expressly prohibited by the .NET license. Also you might need at least 2.0 SP1. i think you've been able to initialize arrays with int[] nums = {1,2,3}; since 1.0 :) doesn't even need the "new" keyword The window was only generated to post a form it generated to SSRS. Ideally I wouldn't need this window at all, but the user has no interaction with it. Yes, this is really what I want. However I need server side code to put together all the parameters I need to submit to SSRS, and that way I'm doing this currently is to create a form to post to SSRS. I think this is where I'm going wrong in my approach. I remember this! lol Nice idea! And tables are the only reliable way to make a form look good... I don't understand the need to do this. Can you give a concrete example of what you are trying to achieve? No, you would just add this code in the code-behind, most likely in the Page Load method. "MyScript" is just a name, so you can check if that particular script has been already been loaded. The code above is written in C# This is code that I have used in a project at work, that I figured out myself without that article. The OP says he wants to use jQuery. Go flame someone else. And would be annoying to apply to all you validators. I think you mean Cmd+r This is how to change the behaviour of the validation, not how to change the way it is displayed. It executes a sp on server1 that opens a link to server2. You can then pasa through a query or call to something on server2. perhaps it should be "how is OpenID implemented in language x or on platofrm y" ? Thanks for your answer, I've just had an opportunity to play with ZedGraph and it was very straightforward and created a great-looking graph too :o) I had no idea this existed!! - thanks for posting :o) Great answer :o) Hey Ryan, nice to see you. That is the easy part. The hard part is figuing out what Http Handler to return. I have no control over what comparison the HashMap uses... Actually... that is exactly what I needed :D I'm assuming the original poster's question about running a command in until a certain string on stdout was literal. So I'm not checking for empty stdout, I'm checking for a specific string (or not) in stdout. The while loop is checking for # of ocurrences of the search string in the output. I second that. It's cool! Not quite. If imageStream.Read throws an exception, you still don't close it. Best to put a using statement around the stream instantiation. It's a bizarre choice of exception for an invalid image file. My guess is that the designers didn't want to create a new exception type, and System.IO.InvalidDataException did not exist in .NET 1.x. Still seems wrong to choose something so non-intuitive. @Chris code-quality only has one other question, better to use the quality tag . Quality on a coding QA board equates to code-quality anyway. > Disappointing that I can't tell my
to make other divs move > down, but them's the breaks. Then why use float at all? Thanks everyone. I do have directories coming & going, and I'd like to delete them as necessary. Regarding timestamp preservation, I was thinking this could be used: (scroll down to red circle): http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn-book.html#svn.tour.revs.dates You are just calling Calc(), not storing it in a variable first. Assigning functions to variables and passing them around is useful for writing general purpose algorithms, for example a sort function that accepts different comparison functions for ordering. This means that you can't invoke the static method using "$this->", it doesn't mean that you can't pass the static method around in a (effectively function-valued) variable. I once wrote a tableless spreadsheet to respond to a post claiming tables should "never" be used. Never again... Christoph has a point actually, multiple address would be data but one address? I suppose it's data whether it's on its own or as a collection. If you really wanted to you could use
 and tabs ;) @Christoph Well I suppose it could be fine for one row of data if there was only one result - a search for example. Headings could be a good alternative, although this whole thing should be wrapped in an `address` tag anyway. This makes sense to me - wrap it in an address block as well for extra semanticity Err:508 What I meant was serving it as 'application/xhtml+xml' is not in widespread use. its also in the textinfo class. not sure what namespace that is in. probably system.text No, it's OK to create controls in the Load event handler. Apart from documentation, I think the method name should if possible indicate that the enumeration is infinite.  I.e. "IEnumerable GetAllPrimeNumbers()" is fine, but I'm not sure about a name like Unfold. When using WCF, you usually want to distinguish exceptions that are due to client (sender) input from those due to a server problem/bug.  ArgumentException is too general - better to use a FaultContract. Funnily enough I saw this "hidden feature" in Google Reader last week. I don't get what's hidden about it - it's basic syntax. Try if($var = true) for example. Faster than eval(). I've had similar, but disabling the window sounds like a hack.

Most list view classes will have some kind of BeginUpdate(), EndUpdate() methods to suspend visual refreshes after each item is added, for just this scenario. The ideal screensaver has enough activity on it to let you know that the machine is still running, but not enough to chew processor time. On Windoes NT, we used to use "starfield" with a low speed and low number of stars.

These days they're all headless or VMs anyway. Yes, checking the mimetype of files you upload is important. Best protection is to allow certain types (image/jpeg, archive/zip etc.) and disallow all others. @HappyDude: I had someone else explain this to me first. Then I looked it up in the C draft standard (I'm too cheap to purchase a copy of the official standard). @HappyDude: I had someone else explain this to me first. Then I looked it up in the C draft standard (I'm too cheap to purchase a copy of the official standard). I avoided the ternary (if-else) operator because I wasn't sure if the compiler would optimize that out.  Anyway, it sounds like a good solution! Cool. I'm glad this worked out. I'll have to try it too. Errr... this is giving me the original problem I had:

    error C2124: divide or mod by zero

:-(.  On what compiler did you test it? After replacing '(a) % (b)' wih '(a) % ((b)+!(b))' I was able to get this to compile.  However, the presence of the assert function call does not allow MSVC 2005 to optimize the calculation.  The disassembly is full of test and jump calls. :(  [but if you remove the assert call, everything works.] When I use that and try to visit the folder myself, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I figure its worth a shot..will report back on whether it helps. You're right - I want to call this as a pre-build step. I'll look into JSFL - thanks! The code in question failed only processing 1300 tasks out of 180000, couldn't reproduce it with a smaller set, unfortunately... I think that you're right! I'll test this right away, thanks! Hmm.. now there's a deadlock when I'm waiting for threads to complete (e.g. calling join for the ThreadPool). I'm trying to figure out why. 1. Shouldn't the access to @workers be synchronized?
2. Why there's still need to lock and unlock in the worker thread? Putting a log file in the directory the app is installed in is a *BAD* *BAD* idea. I can't reiterate that strongly enough. A user on Vista may be able to run an app, but they WON'T be able (and should NOT be able) to write to the app directory in %PROGRAMFILES% Andrew - it merits a "-2" because writing to the application folder is, if you'll pardon my bluntness, a damn stupid idea. There is nothing wrong with log files, BUT, the program folder is the worst place to put them. I'm fresh outta votes, so consider this a +1 Doh! I didn't even realize that was there! Thanks a ton! :) I haven't used either of these in a threaded environment. You might want to post this question on lua and python specific forums. For certain environments... OK.  

But it's easy enough to change Array2D::buffer to use a custom allocator -- well, if you know the default allocator is terrible and that there are better ones, then you'd likely also know how to add the custom allocate. As far as using a class... well, in order to avoid using the stack and avoid using manual memory management, you have to use a class.  That's all there is to it.  If you are open to manual memory management, use 'new' to allocate a 2-D array. Oh sure, but the Hotsopt JIT is profile-guided (just guided at run-time).  All I was saying is that the Hotspot JIT really ought to be compared against profile-guided C or C++ compilation (which is exactly what you are arguing in your comment to me). No, but C++ can interface to C libraries.  So it may in fact be perfectly fine to test C libraries using a C++ unit test framework.  (My company does that very thing by the way and it's so much easier than using C unit test frameworks.) With ctypes, you have to know what the number and types of arguments are ahead of time.  This goes against the 'clarification edit'by the OP.

http://python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/tutorial.html#specifying-the-required-argument-types-function-prototypes The field only sometimes ends with a comma This will only work if the address is always in the same comma delimited field - which the question states, it is not. Or replace [^,] with [^,:] - I think that's simpler I have done this before, with Oracle, and I think it involved less than 50 lines of code, total.
Basically, use an id, dictionary, store the connection, store the use status, etc.
Very simple? Basically, the foolproof way is to update the database, and if there are triggers in a replicated database, or stored functions, they must also exist on the slave database.  There's also restrictions on how to write triggers and functions so they themselves replicate. *iehta and *chrome allow for https support. This way you don't have to worry about the problems that arise from certificates. Seriously... you posted that much of an answer to your own question almost simultaneously. "Isn't this what Strategy intents? (just simpler?)" <-- pretty much, except that you give a reference to your class and let the other class call it when it needs to while the other class only knows that it has a MoveAlong. It's one of those things thats more useful in a team situation. @Nick,

No Freudian slip - the code was 'hacked' together for prototyping and demonstrating eventual functionality. I'd never release hacked code into a production environment =).

Professionally, I write OO code all day so _not_ coding in OO feels almost I agree that this is how most people are. It is nice to have though. This is a good thing to do, allows for searching which is very helpful Jason is correct, once it is disabled above you, you can't enable it further down. Yeah, Response would be the only from from the master page. Keep in mind when storing something in session that you may run into problems depending on how much you store or the type of objects you are trying to store. Hehe Zombies :D thx for editing my post Justin I see, but then how do I get an entityreference for a user? I thought, I'd do this with the relationship, but all I have is the ID to: Marc-André Lafortune
I just wanted to write my own array_flatten to understand Ruby better.

to: Andrew Grimm
Thanks for pointing out the typo in heading. However, that did not answer my question.

Thanks for the reply.I was thinking that local variable may not work, but apparently I was wrong. I tried both your code snippets. The second worked and first did not. Please see below. Snippet1:

class Array

def flatten_array
    int_flatten(self, [])

def int_flatten(a, result)
  a.each do |elem|
    if (elem.is_a? Array)
      int_flatten(elem, result)
      result << elem


 a = [1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]
 b = a.flatten_array 
 puts b.inspect

[1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9]]] Snippet2:
class Array
def flatten_array
  result = []
  each do |elem|
    if (elem.is_a? Array)
      result += elem.flatten_array
      result << elem
  return result


 a = [1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]
 b = a.flatten_array 
 puts b.inspect

output:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Any idea what wrong with first one? I was using the EntityFramework, because of a Domain Service, but I think I'll just switch to LINQ-To-SQL as I know that better aswell Kathy, you missed the return result in the first one.
It works after putting in the return..

class Array

def flatten_array
  result = int_flatten(self, [])
  return result

def int_flatten(a, result)
  a.each do |elem|
    if (elem.is_a? Array)
      int_flatten(elem, result)
      result << elem
	return result


 a = [1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]
 b = a.flatten_array 
 puts b.inspect

output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Nice succinct reference (+1). You want to split a string into a list, but you don't want to use .split() because it returns a list? You're contradicting yourself. If you don't want a list, then what is it you *do* want? That is actually completely in the JSF spirt. I'm trying to write as little code dependent on JSF as possible. Mostly just a lofty design goals but I think it makes our project clearner, more maintainable etc. It's TRUE that a lot of devices can only show 80 characters. How many of them can't perform soft-wrapping? There's two different types of word-wrapping.  There's hard-wrapping, where the lines are broken up with newlines, and there's soft-wrapping, where they are only *displayed* with breaks, but remain physically a single line.  I don't see any problem with the latter. It doesn't produce ambiguous or hard-to-read code so long as the wrapping is visually identified somehow.  Kate does this and it works fine.  If an editor doesn't handle this, then that's a reason to file a bug against the editor, not a reason to impose a coding style that avoids the bug. Have you actually tried it for an extended period of time? I have. It doesn't make the code more difficult to read in my experience. Can you back up the claim that this is why Python editors don't include the feature? I've never heard that claim before. @Vinko - the CASE isn't useful.  Since your WHERE clause is "like '%foo%' AND col like '%bar%'" which is exactly the same as your CASE WHEN condition, every row will have a value of 2 for the ordcol column, which won't sort anything.  Like Mark said, it s Thanks, but that doesn't work after SP1 - it seems like the box has to be black. (-1) as won't throw an InvalidCastException. as long as you remember to set the options back to their original value at the end of the script :) maybe indicate a preferred implementation language so that answers will include references to specific libraries which would be a useful reference for future readers. In your first regex test, shouldn't "[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$" be "[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$".  The empty string should probably be considered as matching. What version of Python is it? On second thoughts - Nullable only has two properties: HasValue an Value - both used in the ?? syntax. This shouldn't be needed for int? Yes. FastCGI forks a process and the forked process runs as the same user as the master process. Is the HTML code exactly the same on both machines? Does your production environment inject other HTML via AJAX? I'm using C++ but I'd think it's really a language-independent question. Whoah, cool, this is it - I'll have to add some foreign characters (äöüÄÖÜß), but it's way better than creating funky regex procs! Yes, I've tried to set the focus in the Loaded event - does not work, too. Yeah, it's one I always ask. I already knew of those examples - Thanks! I really have a hard time understanding the object pascal. I can follow most of it and I have used those examples to make corrections in my own class but I'm still having problems that would most likely be more apparent to me if I had a C++ implementation See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1134004/c-is-operator-is-that-reflection "What is the research that backs this up?"  I think this is defiantly a real question.  There is no opinion to listing credible sources I would like to add, that the splitting into spans should be done by jquery and not on the actual html i just made some modifications, am no longer using setFirst(0).  If isRowAvailable is false, i get the first entry directly from SearchResults ArrayList (instead of the getRowData()).  This works, but seems a little dirty to me. How much whitespace? If it is only a newline-carriage-return, then going back about 30 bytes and searching forward for `startxref` would work. If it can be 1000's of bytes, then it's still just as hard. Or can you just search backwards byte-by-byte until you see your first "startxref"? 1 for mentioning the required package This method works fine. I was just trying to avoid putting a class attribute for every first-column td. Only problem is single quotation marks:
 will not work, the regex expects " all the time It's hard to claim that there'll be lots of useless instances of B. There is a reason why they've registered for events from A and they are probably doing something when those events occur. Now, if they stopped listening to those events, would that be OK or would that be a bug? Same result with the class. That won't work, as if done at the module topleve, CRoom.CPerson may not yet exist.  The only way you could do it would be to poke your name into the other modules namespace from the other module (ie import croom; croom.CPerson = CPerson) which is very hacky.  Better to use fully qualified names. You're right, it isn't. This is just a rather basic example of something similar - you can't quite match his code with generics, I think you'd get a circular type reference. Ergo, the requests are different. I don't have an answer for you, but I didn't know about ctrl-^. productivity++, thanks! There are some tricky variants even with "standard" docstrings.  See PEP257's commends on unicode and raw string docstrings. There's also the common case of the one-liner, or where the """ isn't at the start of a line. Also consider docstrings with embedded """ strings using escaping (\""") I can't think of a single good reason why you would prefer CVS over Subversion. Are you encountering specific problems with the transition that you'd like to ask on this site? Don't forget the CONNECT method of HTTP proxies. The method facilitates the tunneling of arbitrary outbound TCP connections. For example, that's how HTTPS works via an HTTP proxy. Does it support tunneling via HTTP proxies? I had a look at the overview (http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=19518&group_id=92889), but couldn't find any references to proxies. That's not really the same as losing precision - you lose nothing converting int to double and back again. If you then do some maths with that double you'll get back something else. I guess, if the above FTP client works fine in passive mode, then you could easily modify its source code to tunnel TCP connections (it's about 20 lines of code in Java). That's not really a private function - it's more a function variable in a local scope. Read the whole question, I explain why it occurs. The question is why it can't be treated as a special case. Like I said - the compiler knows that int can be implicitly cast to int? and int? can be compared to null.

The warning is a general one for any never-true comparison. 1==2 will throw the same warning. You need to reformat your code so that it's readable. And that's a very long block of code - can you shorten it down to the relevant section? Pentaho is Java-based. I do my development on OSX and have done demos etc. on Windows. Note to add: Pretty much no black rectangle with gray text in it has been DOS for over a decade now. Definitely no need for cygwin as `findstr` will do the same for you out of the box. sorry :S
fixed now One last thing, buy a copy of. visual assist you can thank me later. Her writing style can be hard to digest, but her work will enlighten your sense of self-worth and value in this world. Inspirational stuff! A person using the tautology "may or may not" is prompting me to bash them  ;) Fair enough :) Perhaps you should include such info in your question to head off answers that don't meet your needs? Also, do you truly need _globally_ unique numbers, or will a locally-UID serve your purposes for a web session? That took me a little bit, I've done something like this before, but it was a long time ago.  The fun parts would be separating input by a regex, then sorting it. Agreed, we have been using DbFit and Fitness for about 8 months now and I can't imagine ever having lived without it. The worst spaghetti code is unmaintainable. 3D is just a part of it. But also want the 2D stuff No comment? Is this not correct? Thats a nice metric.

Though how many revisions with template meta programming did STL go through? Thanks for the edit. Understand what you mean. The only problem i see with relating hardware with software. Is because in a hardware system all your components are fixed. Were by in a software system somebody could update a dll or even update the operating system which you have have a dependence to. The best example is recently I had an discussion with a friend in the office. We use a DLL for a 3rd party provider. And I was advocating to use a statical lib library to integrate the 3rd party provider source code directly into our code. My reasoning was, if a customer downloaded a new version. From the other company web site and updated their dll's our software package would be to blame. Hes advocation was that its more flexible that way. 

In reality that is exactly what happened! They sent out an update that changed their API behaviour. Such the software packaged worked, but didnt work Correctly.

So, is it a good metric to have. You build your system with logical dependencies. When a new version comes out you use redundancy to duplicate all new versions until the logical dependencies around discovered? Sorry let me fix that.

You build you system with logical dependencies. When a new dll version comes out, you use redundancy to duplicate the old dll version. Then with your new dll version of your software you can analysis the new logical dependencies in the new version. So i guess the point is, if going down the dependencies chain one need to pay close attention to who owns it, who's supporting it, and for how long. asp.net mvc doesn't need to be installed on the server, the DLLs need to be copied to the project before being uploaded to the server You can have hibernate run SQL through the datasource that you have configured it with. Just use `session.createSQLQuery( "SELECT... " ).list();` instead. I solved it, finally! As not all Geonames' timezones are included in Rails, I've mapped the missing ones to the best candidates considering UCT offset and DST. A few of them cannot be resolved, but are really rare cases. You can include this initializer ( http://pastie.org/975171 ) in your Rails application and enjoy timezone detection given lat & lng. How so?  Which classes in your example are view and which are model?  
You do realise that simply by using inheritence you are automatically coupling the child to the parent class?  Polymorphism or not. Andrew, for simplicity having a Display() method in each class is still perfectly viable approach.  Display() could still quite happily delegate to some other UI oriented object. The Visitor pattern is overkill in simpler situations. Sometimes it's not enough, especially in the area of reliable messaging.  I'd argue about security, in that you can use the standard HTTP security model on top of REST if desired. If you're trying to be RESTful already, then usually that's enough. REST is an alternative, that this person might like. this solution worked. I liked it because it was the simplest of all. Never had thought that I would need to call __doPostBack(().
Thanks! This doesn't work for 0 though... True. This could also be solved by testing for %f first, but that causes issues with "1.". Personally, I like your solution the best of those presented. Yeah, I realized I was just being stupid.  I was printing the object and it was displaying only the date, despite the time data being present.  Thanks for the help! I love the annotations idea.  I'm not sure what a "community answer" is, but this is the best way to find out, so go for it! Just as an aside, you could do the same thing with Coalesce(MyColumn, -1) = Coalesce(SearchValue, -1). Where do I go to see answers to this challenge?  I'm new to the "community wiki" thing... That's not really what I'm after.  With most unit tests, it's only possible to test with a few different values.  I'm looking looking for unit tests that will use a representative set of carefully chosen constructor arguments. Good suggestion, but I'm looking for something that would give an XAML error when they try and compile the Page/Window which uses the control. Nice reference!  So its safe to infer that if I use UUID.randomUUID() in my application, the chance of it generating the same UUID twice is infinitesimally small then...? Well, just because there are so many possible values, doesn't necessarily mean that they wrote the algorithm well enough to get a good random distribution.  Then again, the designers of the UUID class have probably put a lot more thought into it than I could in an afternoon! That's a clever way to go about it.  I think I'll trust the UUID class, as @smiller has given me more confidence that it's "unique enough." Kibbee, Anders, I've added a simple example of how to iterate the whole list to the answer. Kibbee, No need to be sorry, I should have added that example earlier.  One of the most important things to know in Javascript is the "falsy" values (values that are evaluated as false).  These are: "", null, 0, NaN, false and finally undefined.  The iterator relies on undefined being returned. Wrong!  James,  please read up on this question:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/86513/why-is-using-javascript-eval-function-a-bad-idea#87260 and validate your opinions before making misleading statements.  The string passed to an eval must be parsed/interpreted every time the eval is called! I'll grant that this possibly may have been the case with Javascript in browsers say around 2000, but today there are serious optimisations being applied to plain Javascript code (ie non-eval'd) and this will only continue.  Code in a string in any language cannot be optimised anywhere near as well. Yes, it will be a bit nicer then the current approach I used. I am looking specifically for which objects are in the permanent generation. These tools will not answer that question. That is what we use. But my question was about performance. No. Say I want to access an object with id 'abc1'. I'm 'user1'. Authorization decides whether 'user 1' can access object 'abc1'. so the first thing to do will be to validate the parameter that contains the object id string! Thanks! getcwd() needs a self argument - other than that it works perfectly! On SUM, you're right of course, however I was really comparing using the DB functions against using Java/C# etc to manually aggregate.

Also, in situations where multiple network roundtrips are costly, stored procs certainly have their place. a comment not an answer - you probably already know this- but the DrScheme IDE has emacs key bindings, tab completion(though not with tab), integrated documentation, debugger and a bunch of other tools. Actually, factorial is often better done using a loop. It's kind of a stupid, tho often used, example I think your question needs to indicate that it is about remote debugging. Nice one. Consider that upvoted!! I'm not sure why my php code line isn't appearing. Looks like a bug in the sanitizer. that's a benefit of learning it, not a benefit of the paradigm itself A centroid is the center of a region or shape, not the center of a number of distinct points Exactly! If there is no specific way to define a shape, then there is not specific way to define its center. If you want to find the center, you have to decide how to define the shape first. Dang...I need a separate browser window open just to keep track of the answers posted WHILE I'M WRITING MINE! :) That won't work because the SP is already running and I'd like to know what it is. Having a graphical version IS less elegant because there is overhead in opening the application, graphically selecting the file,  and manually having to turn on monitoring.  On the command line, it's just a few keystrokes. Is what I meant. Tangentially, no, I would not describe Windows as 'elegant'. I didn't knew ArrayList was 1.1.

Problem is that I need to code it in VB.NET, so I'm not sure I can use List. I got it with List(Of MyStruct). MyStruct could have been a class, but since it has no method, I suppose it is quicker to just use a struct?! So you would suggest to use a class, even if I have only two fields? Will the Border always be a rectangle, or will it take the shape of the underlying object? To answer my own question, the Border will remain a square.  Though this can work, I'm looking for the outline to be the same shape the Visual object. lol, I just figured this out and was about to post it.  I guess you get the rep. Unfortunately, I'm not able to use SP1 yet because some of our customers are in very restricted (ie government) environments. Good catch! I edited my question to include that info. :-) Interesting thought.  I was afraid it might be complicated.  Perhaps a parameterized test would work, where each invocation takes in the .class object, followed by constructor args.  Perhaps I'll post this as a possible answer. The payment service is offered by a bank to its clients. The client enters information in the web pages on our servers and when it comes to payment is sent to the bank's web-site. At the end of the process on the side of the bank, the bank calls a page (JSP) on our side to let us know the status. Mangled names are retained and can tell you the argument information for C++ libraries (assuming you know how to un-mangle the names).  But the OP specified "C".  MSVC sometimes mangles C names for calling convention and the total size of the arguments in bytes -- but you still lack critical info. C++ has no concept of files? What about std::fstream? Or fopen? How/Why are they great? How long have you been using them? I don't have the time or the inclination to configure and manage my own servers - virtual or not. I'd prefer to outsource that until I can hire someone to take that on internally. Yes, I tried that but I was not happy with the png files I created - perhaps my question really should be how to make a decent background image from text.  What tools are there to use? That looks a little pricey compared to the others. I can't see why it would cost so much. SVN is free and TRAC and Bugzilla are free and more than what I need - I can get hosting of a (virtual) server for $20 to $100 per month; your solution is way over that. This wrapper is used by a lot of open source projects, include several on Jakarta Apache, such as ActiveMQ. Can you elaborate on why that would help ? This works but I was hoping there would be something more syntactically compact. I didn't have one in this case but that would clean things up a bit. I do like the syntax above though since it allows you to keep from exposing fields in two places. Fair enough, I didn't benchmark the code because I wanted to get out the door for a (very) late lunch. Glad to know there's no performance hit. OK... how would I declare and call a function with ref parameters in managed C++? Could you clarify what database server you're using and possibly inline the references to InitializeAndOpenConnection / connection.CreateCommand as they may affect our answers to you? :) Also - the whole "SELECT OID FROM x where OID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()" thins is somewhat over complex as you're saying (for a record inserted with an identity value of 3): "SELECT 3 FROM table_x WHERE 3 = 3" - kinda redundant I'm developing on Windows.  It's an AS3 flash movie being developed in Flash CS3.

The clients mostly use windows, but a sizeable proportion use macs. This answer could be improved if it included a description of what the classic cast method does. See clarification on question. and I know i could use "library X" or look it up in "book/webpage Y" but it would be awesome if at some point this site had all the answers right here... Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks! This is working! Thanks.
One thing though - TotalPhysical is giving how much is in use, AvailablePhysical is giving how much is left.  So get the real total, you have to add those up.  Thanks! That's not working...
long ramuse = (long)stat.TotalPhysical;
long ramavailable = (long)stat.AvailablePhysical;
long ramtotal = ramavailable + ramuse;
int percent = (int)( (float)ramuse / ramtotal * 100);

percent is telling me "70" and total is constantly changing, give or take 100. should be 72% Thanks for catching that! That doesn't help me when a crash happens on an embedded computer in the field. :( Thanks, but I'm using Sql Server 2000 and the ALTER LOGIN command doesn't appear to work in it: Incorrect syntax near 'LOGIN'. Not according to the man page on my Mac, it says -6 is the default. I'm running the web server in a Xen VM so I'd like to conserve as much CPU as possible for the other VMs.  

Also I was able to double the request rate measured with httperf on a pre-compressed 55k file compared to compressing on the fly. The process seems to terminate even though I've started a foreground thread. Not sure I understand the workaround. Can anybody clarify this? yes, you turned the operation of the key from: 
V = V+10;
A = 10;
and deferred V+=A;
This is exactly the 'bit in the vehicle that says i've acceled this frame'. Now if you have another key for 'brakes' you're now stuck either at A=10 or A=-10 (unless you go and add more state A_braking. (and even worse, the + or - 10 is dependant on the order of registering the observers!) That's a very good point.  +1 to you.

Not many other people have voted you up though.  I hope you don't mind that I edited my post to include your comments.  (I gave you credit of course.)  Thanks! :) This also works with stored procedures, tables, etc. "Null is the best way to represent such a scenario."

I disagree. Given (first_name, middle_initial, last_name), what does NULL in middle_initial mean? It's not clear; either we don't know or it doesn't exist. NULL doesn't tell us which. This doesn't actually answer the question (i.e. does this have a name) but it's a great answer so I've accepted it. Can you give us more information about the environment of the automated build? Are you using scheduled tasks, or some other method? That setting is a good start; though if you use it you have to do the rest of the layout yourself; it won't stretch the player to fill the screen. Both Internet Explorer and Firefox re NOT based on Webkit, so it's quite a useless solution in my opinion. In ASP.NET MVC the View is an aspx page with a codebehind (aspx.cs), and the controller is usually located somewhere else (SomeController.cs). What if you delete a property from a model, and reference it in your view as <% = ViewData.Model.DeletedProperty %> your code compiles, but your page is broken... im just saying, wikipedia answers my questions.  i have yet to find an wikipedia entry that says "go look it up on google" Can you elaborate more on what you are trying to achieve? It returns c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\mywebsite\50f1a686\ab5b581d\App_Code.xkcsxvg6.dll There's still a problem with this - there's a chance for a deadlock - when the worker thread adds itself to the queue, the ThreadPool can then take it from the queue and assign a task. In that case a signal will be sent. However, if the worker thread is not waiting on a cv, the signal will be lost. Ah it seems there is a layout method, but it takes some arguments. I'll ponder on what the solution probably is. Looks as if there's at least the source repository.  I edited the original answer so it's obvious without expanding comments.

Hope that helps. "This technique does not work at all" seems a bit of an overzealous claim to me. Blocking by IP address can root out some of the most serious offenders. I was not suggesting deny access to large blocks of addresses. Yes, (I edited controls => user-controls. How well does this play with doing large re-factoring such as renaming a key class/method? Don't you find yourself breaking the build on check-in, or is it just a matter of being careful? He's looking to make a quick and dirty app. A full instance of sql server is a bit of overkill. Not even considering the licensing costs. Uh, no.  Not unless he has issues with writing in the first place. Snarky snark. Nice edit. That sounds like a very bad idea. What is the purpose of this? There's probably a better solution... Its a legit question, why down him for it? You never use the full version of Sql Server for a quick and dirty app unless you've got tons of cash or extra licenses laying around. You probably mean sql server express. Yeah, got it.

thanks to all of you for your help! Well, what's the point of SO when all we have to do is ask google? Agreed, this is a little misleading. "arguments.callee" is simply a reference to the function that was called. In your second example, a.Static === b.Static === Obj Don't ever call GC.Collect(). Ever. I always assumed that, if your research relies upon data being manipulated by a program, both the data AND the program require review before your research is considered peer reviewed.  Is this not the case at all?? If you don't know how to handle an exception, then don't handle it.  Fail fast, prevent your application's state from being corrupted, learn why you're failing, and handle the situation properly in the next release. Holy crap, dude.  Can you read?  "Does it matter if anybody can decrypt it?"  ROT13 is a valid encryption.  Its trivial to break, but that doesn't necessarily matter always.  I was clear enough about that, wasn't I? Hmmm....  I don't see an issue here.  You can create a standard Repository or a CacheableRepository that takes an ICache dependency (whatever that may be).  Just because you're "caching" doesn't mean you MUST use httpcache You can implement an ICache that uses the ASP.NET cache (which, btw, can be used in a winforms or any other app), or that uses the P&P group's cache, or your own cache implementation. I'd assume its exactly the same, as these strongly typed data adapters are simply regular adapters that VS has wrapped (via a tool) inside of a type safe class.  If the type safe wrapper doesn't extend from IDbDataAdapter you might have to add the methods manually to access the internal adapter. In most cases you can't bind standard controls directly to a DataTable or a DataRow. You have to get a DataTableView or a DataRowView. Josh is correct. wow, I'm embarassed. I make I typo in the process I was using to test it. Works fine. BackgroundWorker is part of the framework (2.0, I believe).  I agree a shared variable is a smelly solution to the issue. ... And then run away screaming. I do this as well.  You can also include an assembly specific .CS file that looks like your average assemblyinfo.cs file, but contains the assembly specific bits. Dangit, don't run the fun for all the people crafting regexes with your obviously correct answer! Not sure if the cursor argument works with MySql, but it does with SqlServer. I already use a static method to add css to pages so I added a timestamp of the build to the querystring works great thanks. ah glad you got it to work :) just a note, serialize() returns the values as &select=param etc... while serializeArray() places it in the structure i detailed above. cheers. not necessarily, ? is a lazy match. without it, a string like 'ignore (everything) except this (text)', the match would end up being 'everthing) except this (text' The compiler correctly spots that it's never true, same as if you had done 1==2. It's smart enough to know that int can be implicitly cast to int? and that int? can be compared to null. I suspect the optimiser's smart enough to strip the whole block out. (+1) FxCop is the way to go Yes, this was what I was thinking of when I asked the question. I'll investigate further. Thanks for the reply -

I want the folder to behave like a word document does to word, does that make sense? I har originally accepted your answer but it assumes the params for entries are defined which is not the case. I would then have to create the correct params in the controller which is the same as creating the objects :) but your trick will be useful at other places and fixed in rails 2.2 if IRRC unix shell is a scripting language, and you don't always have the luxury of having a better scripting language available. Java will not be as easy and probably not as fast either

(woohoo comments now work in IE6) Alias is suboptimal because it doesn't perform a redirect.  That means that you have two different resources without a canonical URI, which causes various problems - e.g. less effective caching, malfunctioning browser history, etc. HTTP content and headers are not the same thing, and POST data is not sent via HTTP headers, it is sent in the request body. a bit more context would be appreciated (like the compiler used for a start) definitely the best one it seems that we need the credentials that belong to the owner of each appointment in order to update an appointment. still looking into this. You need .*, rather than .? (which will only match a single character) Shouldn't you use .*, rather than \w - punctuation and whitespace etc should probably still be considered part of the filename. eg "Run.foo.py" re.match already specifies the start of the string (as opposed to re.search, which doesn't).  "Run.py" *should* match, given the definition (It starts with Run, and has a .py extension).  For case insensitivity, see the note at the end. censorship sucks. bring back the original! Nice, that's clever. your proposal creates an entire new repository where a branch seems to handle the use case just fine ... that is a bit overkill a simple svn copy should be sufficient. This will cost the price of sorting the list nlog(n) then looking up the element in the list (log(n) from treesort documentation) and all that only to throw the ordered set out. (note that a set doesn't support duplicates, it doesn't matter here but it could bite elsewhere) BTW, you can access (and thus can save) the certificate already in the checkServerTrusted. So it does. Thanks - I've updated it. Yes, this simply changes the way the JIT optimizes bytecode when running Ant. If I understand correctly, you're aiming for a clean build (i.e., from scratch) to take less than 10 minutes. However, why do you need to perform a full rebuild so often? Just curious here. The 'I don\xe2\x80\x98t like this' that you're seeing is what Python would call a str. It appears to be the utf-8 encoding of u'I don\u2018t like this', which is a unicode instance in Python. Try calling .decode('utf-8') on the former or .encode('utf-8') on the latter. Actually, using a huge blocksize will perform much worse once it gets very big, as it will allocate and read that amount into memory before writing. If this is somethig like bs=4GiB you'll probably end up swapping. Correct me if I'm wrong, but chroot was never intended to be a security feature. chroot jails are not secure. Assuming the above is correct, without the modification proposed, the C function will see y = 0 (on little-endian architectures), and z as pointing to where the C++ y is pointing. If you registered with RIM and obtained a signing key, you could then use the persistent store API, where storing even megabytes of data works fine. I think the signing key doesn't cost much at all. Can you guarantee that the struct won't have padding between short ints? The catch with bitshifting is that in C/C++ the behavior is undefined for negative numbers. It was unsigned short int originally (probably 2 bytes each -- that's OK). My point was that unless you're certain about the padding/alignment rules, that struct was dangerous. You got me: the right wording from the standard is "implementation-defined". I think the easiest fix for the solution in this answer is to convert value into an unsigned types first. Then the solution is superior to structs, because it yields the same results on big- and little-endian architectures. "implementation-defined" means a C++ compiler could in principle generate code that, say, does nothing, if the the left-hand side of the right-shift operator is negative. I understand that in reality on most compilers the right-shift either fills the left bits with 0 or propagates the sign, but it's better to be on the safe side by converting "value" to unsigned first. The C binary you refer to in point 2, has it been compiled by you recently? If not, what happens if you recompile the binary? I'm wondering whether the function inside the C library is actually doing what it's supposed to be doing. Not a clue - this was posted quite early in the beta when we were all still just figuring out the rules. I think windows only uses ", rather than ' for quoting.  This will probably work if you change this.  However you'll still run into problems with if you have embedded quotes etc. I have updated the question to explain why I can't just delete from the original table Yes, the os.exec* functions will replace the current process, so your python process won't continue.  They're used more on unix where the general method for a shell to launch a command is to fork() and then exec() in the child. There is no "INCLUDING INDEXES" in postgres. The windows method for this is the os.spawn family, which could be used instead.  subprocess is more portable though, and offers more flexibility in controlling the process (capturing input/output etc), so is preferred. This gives a floating point value, not a decimal value.  See Glyph's answer. I realise that, but it seems to be what the client wants. I'll confirm it with them, and point out the problem, but if this is really their standard, then so be it.Hopefully it isn't, and the specification is simply wrong/lacking... I suspect what they really want is a 3DES encrypted message to be wrapped up (with IV?) in an asymmetric encryption scheme, such as RSA.
As in, msg -> 3DES -> enc msg + IV -> RSA -> msgToDeliver.

That would make much more sense, right? You mean when you navigate to the URL directly, it shows a broken image too? Hm... Sounds like a good way to perform a DoS attack on Tomcat's log files... You need to figure out what your threat model is. Even if you secure your whole site with SSL, there are still ways to hijack an account. The question is, are those ways worth the value of a hijacked account or not. This the solution that I used when I ran into problems with print statements being buffered. Worked like a charm. You would only input it the first way. Perhaps you have physical limitations, such as being visually impaired and using a screen reader, or are copy/pasting code from something that eats tabs. You're right. I was thinking DirectX for performance reasons. I just don't want to have to write my own control if I can use someone else's implementation. it's not there... and I can't figure out how to add it in Vista Could you give a little bit more details on what exactly you are trying to do. What is the tag for example. what kind of state information you need and what are you planning on doing with it. Based on your short explanation I don't think a screencapture is needed. Just as an extra comment, I also use the code above to modify some of the routedata's values. It doesn't parse them in an RSS-aware way, either; so manipulating the feed will be much harder than with feedparser How would I feed the output of feedparser to PyRSS2Gen?  I tried

    r = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(d)

but that doesn't work. Ahh, does it not? The syntax for EPAL doesn't look familiar to me, but I guess there's more than one tool out there that does the same thing. It must have been a home-grown "RUNAS" tool I was using at my previous employers. The same concept can be stretched even further: The GUI is the software eg. from CSI "I'll make a GUI in Visual Basic to track the Killer's IP address"
The again this is not so surprising as the same often happens in real life as well. What you see is what you get. The decision not to upgrade is because of lack of (programmer) resources.  It works, and only needs minimal support so we don't want to touch it at this point. Wish I could accept two answers, because although Robs answer is perfect for my situation, I think this one is valid too.

Have modded up appropriately. I can understand the argument that the user of Animal should only know about Leg objects, but I'm less convinced that this should be hidden from the users of the Dog class. I'm also curious about the answer to this; is there any reason ssh tunneling is insufficient? No practical experience. We use JSON at work but I had read the docs of Google's protocol buffers a bit and thought they might be worth it whenever JSON won't be suited enough. Ah, I see.  Very strange problem.  Is the join column of "note" the actual note id or the actual note? I'm not sure what you mean by rewriting something with a string. Sure. If it's more readable for you, then use for_each.  My point was that creating a 1-off functor outside the scope of the function just to use with for_each can cause problems.  But if the functor already exists, you use boost::lambda, or you find a remote functor more readable, then use for_each Isn't there the risk of ending up with knots of business logic in your stored procedures or hard to maintain "spaghetti" code if you have a few multi-purpose sprocs though? Targeted stored procedures that each perform one task only are far easier to maintain.. Also, truncating a table resets the identity seed.

This can be helpful in testing because you can truncate your table and insert data and know what the identity values are going to be each time.  You could do that if you just deleted all data in the table. I have multiple instances of Visual Studio loaded, I've added further clarification to the question :=) ya square nots are, the reason is ? makes the engine backtrack a lot, which is very expensive. the square nots will match "forward" in that sense. i prefer the ? notation though, so if performance isn't an issue i get lazy :) E_STRICT was introduced in PHP5, unless i'm misunderstanding what you're saying Sounds like you need a new Action (and possibly associated view) in your controller that supports the "update" mode you are talking about. Are you trying to select random records or are you trying to randomize the resulting display? Thanks, turns out empty quotes were being passed in place of nulls. why do you need r' and double backslahes in the replace term? Is it because it thinks replace term is a regular expression? @incrediman A plugin for Wordpress, you mean? I am not that good at PHP and such. Interface between.. - what do you mean? A plugin for Wordpress, you mean? I am not that good at PHP and such. Interface between.. - what do you mean? But I'm already escaping the backslash. Why would I need to escape it twice? Sure, it's not the most persistent thing (and I wouldn't use it blindly over the other ideas here :P), but it gets the job done without having to rely on built-in functions and the like. Also, if you're producing the query from a programming language, you can most certainly get the current date from that environment. Just though it'd be a nice suggestion, to show that things doesn't have to be elaborate all the time :) Thanks Jason for taking your time to provide a detailed response. Thanks, investigated and updated.  I only created my first XSD this past month... Thanks! That's perfect. Cake_Is_Truth = false; If you are going to avoid using postback you might as well use another language.. ha, no problem :) There are some examples above, specifically the peel of 2 lemons. It is going to be free typed text so it could be just about anything that is a valid amount and item. I wouldn't recommend LEADTools, unless they've improved their API since version 14-ish. Yes, you can create an installer that puts DLLs in the GAC The return value has to be an IEnumerable, and the easiest way (at least as far as I know) to do that is return a collection that implements IEnumerable.  Thanks for the answer! how would you ensure a random seed then? have another random number generator generate the seed? I have asked but they are not great at getting back to you...

And one guy who did get back to me(via pm) was rather rude, so that put me off. Good point on the yield...  I usually don't do that in these types of cases due to a step along the way failing, in which case I just return the empty collection.  Its pretty obvious what I'm doing, whereas a yield sometimes isn't clear what happens in these cases for people who come behind me... Codebehind is evil and should be burnt at the steak. With A1 sauce. Hi David.  I am not, in fact, doing any looping.  I assume what you're referring to is that the deferred execution of the query might result in a different value being used than originally intended, as it changed during the looping.  It's an interesting point though, as it hadn't occured to me. So, the migration is destructive?  Or are you currently using migrations, but never used them on production before, and so it would attempt to do *all* of the migrations, some of which are older and no longer relevant and therefore might cause problems? BTW, this solution (the one bill @Bill James) is much more efficient than the currently accepted answer by @Matt Quail, because the former requires you to test 3 bytes at the most, whereas the latter requires you to test all characters in the text. Yes, I know the problems mixing the two can cause.  What I don't understand is why some people blame that on tabs.  The problem is mixing them, not tabs in particular.  You could solve the problem by replacing tabs with spaces, but you could also solve the problem by replacing spaces with tabs. Personally, I have far better luck with order lemon applications and instruction orange utilities.  Command lime programs are way more trouble than they're worth. It depends if he means "created 10 years ago, unchanged since", or "has been organically growing and accumulating cruft for the last 10 years."  The second category of apps can definitely be memory hogs. Thats not going to work - python is call by value, so result won't be changed by the function.  You could accomplish it by passing a mutable variable (eg. an object or a list) instead, or stashing the last result in a global or function attribute. He didn't - the .Take(5) occurs after the .Distinct call, so will be drawing 5 items from an already uniqified sequence. Never mind - just read the comment on the question, he fixed the order of .Distinct / .Take since posting Ok, but the exception throw would require the following code: new ICollection() Is the BuildProjectReferences=false going to make a difference when we're only in the context of a project (not solution) file? Does vcbuild have any advantages or drawbacks compared to msbuild? I agree with Shog. I prefer the original! This has the same problem as Dan's - you'll get extra spaces before capitals even if they aren't needed. Note : "h" means something different in struct than "nibble encoded as hex" - it refers to a 16 bit integer. @hop: Other than "binary hex", its all OK.  There's just a little cross-language vocabulary difference.  It confused me at first till I read the definition of PHP's pack(), but its just a matter of different terms being used. I've used it. Eclipse can act a little goofy in Ubuntu due to permissions stuff that I haven't figured out. So, I just launch as root using gksudo. Thanks for the helpful tip - I guess what I was hoping for was the ability to add a Cache-Control header to all content served from the Dev web server. I would rather not fiddle with browser cache settings as I might hit different servers that I want to use different settings for. Strictly speaking, your code assumes you're dealing with a list/vector. If you dealt with an arbitrary collection, you'd first have to extract all of its items into a list/vector/array which could be quite expensive. This is because the usual shuffling algorithms work only on lists/arrays. Have you even *read* PEP-8?  It *doesn't* forbid tabs.  And don't tell me what confuses me and my editor.  You know what, I give up.  You are clearly attempting to push your own preference, and then, when you are questioned on it, passing the buck. I just noticed someone down-vote this answer and I'm curious as to why. It seems straightforward and accurate to me - am I missing something? The CPUs do - for precisely that reason. That's why ToEven is the default - it eliminates bias (or at least evens it out). This is useful in floating point calculations, just as it is in banking. I don't think it's XHTML - for the DOM libraries, have you more information about these, and how to use them for this question? 
Thanks! Uh, yes, I was thinking something along these lines, but I'm looking for an implementation of the idea - I'm not good at regex :( xpath seems cool from what I can gleam - do you need to install libraries to use it, and where could I find usage examples for php? That's because int? is actually compiled to Nullable, which is actually a struct.  It's only compiler magic that lets you compare it to a null (it correctly fails the where TResult : class constraint). I may need to add another overload specific to Nullable The 3 character extension limit is only from windows I use this too. It's excellent. It's also also a simple way to check that all your tags nest correctly For going from C#2 to 3 Jon's book is just the one I would have suggested. Manning get the e-publishing stuff right too. Good call Paul.  This will work most of the time.  It is possible, though, that you could have something that includes index.php.  For example, special.php includes index.php which includes inc/app/Foo.class.php.  This is rare, but possible. Modified question - should of been shared_ptr not auto_ptr, I should of made it clear that p would be out of scope by the time p2 was created. So in your initial example should it be www.domain.com/es/casa.aspx for Spanish? Then I would go for the ADP option. EnsureVisible is a windows.Forms function, the question was about WPF. In WPF there is no EnsureVisible method as far as I can tell. That's pretty much what I suspect. Any way to restrict this page at all then? Yep, I run against 3.5SP1, and found this not to be a bug. The ListViewItem is virtualized, which is ok, but how do I scroll it into view then? Tried the code, it works. Not nice, but an answer. I'd like to clean up my question to reflect the real problem, if you want to include the code (links might change) I'd mark you as answer. Height only applies if you have set an absolute height on an ancestor element and a height on all intermediate ancestors. I believe on Sun's 1.4.2 JVM on Linux thread priorities are completely ignored. Thanks for the info.  I dug a little deeper, and found that unclick() was removed in jQuery 1.1. The location only becomes the return value of someFunc if it is href="javascript:someFunc()", this is not the case for event handlers. That's xPath syntax, it's unnecessary and hasn't worked in jQuery for a long time. Thanks!

And yeah, I had the wrong zip arguments originally, as I had adapted this from a script that piped the files given by "svn status" into "zip -@" which reads filenames from stdin. Query Analyzer can show the exact plan, but the row counts for those steps still rely on statistics. Those counts can be out if the statistics are. Exactly the same thing. Good suggestion though! thanks for outlining the pros and cons so thoroughly. I'll look into this further and see what fits my needs the best. 1. Sorry - dev pulls a task user story usually has two tasks "develop" and "test" x. :D
2. A whole day of party A, B, and C hashing things out while developer tries to pay attention to the stuff that is relevant to them - for a 2 week sprint. The problem is that if we wait to get all of the stakeholders in one room the developer may not have anything to do for a couple of days. In addition, much of the time the full requirements aren't known until the DB lead digs into implementing the changes required, etc. Its also worth noting that literals in Python are full objects just like in Ruby.  Evaluating (1).__class__ gets you . There is a difference in the tokenizer (unrelated to the object system) that treats "1." as a float, but using brackets, or "1 .__class__" will work as expected. That's interesting. I had thought the original would perform better in cases where isWhatever was rare, since it didn't need to access blist at all, but it looks like the index lookup is much more important.  Even at 0.5% isWhatever true, the izip method did better. can you tell us what language you use (looks like java)? some answers can be language dependant, also tell us what mocking framework you use I've now added some timings for the 3d list method as well, and that actually seems faster again. I disagree with this strong statement. Although you can use the create-a-test-for-each-bug approach (if I got your point), a bug tracking systems offers not just a list of issues, but also facilitates communication about the issues (and not only among developers). read() will always read the whole file - you probably want .read(BLOCKSIZE), where BLOCKSIZE is some suitable amount to read/write at once. kronoz, we know what you mean, no clarification is necessary.  This is still an HTML matter, not a CSS matter.  If you want a link, then use an  element.  That's what links are.  A 
element is not a link. You can emulate it with JavaScript, but that is a bad idea, and still not CSS. That's not REST, that's basically RPC over HTTP. How are you thinking for yourself by blindly saying "this is what Mr Crockford thinks, so do that"? The HTML specifications define what is correct and incorrect HTML, not Douglas Almighty Crockford. That's not "W3C masturbation", that's common sense. So the question specifically asked for REST or SOAP. That is neither. I'm not whining about semantics, I'm merely pointing out that somebody asked specifically for REST or SOAP, and this is neither. You can easily build a REST-style service for this, for example, you could treat IP addresses as resources, and the country they reside in as data within those resources. The only thing I'd add is that this may give the wrong dimensions depending on which styles are used. Remember you may have styles like p { letter-spacing: 0.1em; } that a DIV element would not reflect. You must ensure that the styles in place are appropriate for where you will use the text. Look mate, I'm not saying REST is best. I'm not saying that you are a bad programmer. I'm not saying MaxMind is not useful. All I'm saying is that Jonathan asked for REST or SOAP, and that is neither. Quit being so over-sensitive. You're lashing out because I dared point out a problem? Grow up. Just a remark, you can use getClasses() or getDeclaredClasses() depending on your needs. Why is the line secure against man-in-the-middle attacks? So it would be better to use Keyboard.Focus()? Strange, though, when I used item.Focus() the keyboard focus always had been on the item, too. Do you really trust your carrier (e.g., their employees, them not relaying your data to various agencies)? Even if you do, what about the next leg of the journey: carrier -> Internet -> target server? I wouldn't discount proxy/relaying cell towers, and rogue WiFi LANs either. That's much cleaner than mine :-) Why do you say that every request for RSS will trigger the entire servlet lifecycle. Usually, the servlet will be initialized once, and will then be left alive until the container terminates. The only thing a request would then trigger is a method of the servlet to process the request. Did it run great for level 3 subdirectories though? That's where I ran into issues... But if your class is large enough, what's the effective difference between that and a large, say, C program changing global variables willy-nilly? For cyptography, ensure your random number generator is suitable -- the requirements are somewhat different to other random number uses. Better still, use one from your OS, or an established library like cyrpto++. If you create your own you will likely get it wrong. WinForms, WebForms, MVC or WPF? There is no criteria class definition inside ProductServiceImpl class. It's defined inside ProductService interface. The event TextBox.TextChanged is raised when TextBox.Text has changed. The sample code, however, changes the text during this notification which should result in a further raising of TextChanged which will then result in a new change of Text which will... --> Endless recursion.
I did not knew that this special case is explicitly handled by the TextBox class - the described effect will NOT occur. Instead, TextChanged will only be raised once. I learned something through this question and therefore upvoted it. @Webinator: that method requires a String parameter so you cannot call it through `${}` notation. There are at least 3 different approaches exist: 1)You can call this method inside a bean (the best for the case IMHO) 2) You can create a custom tag and cal This solved my performance issue where $("#myListBox").empty() in IE8 was taking over 3 seconds to clear a listbox where Firefox was taking 30ms. To be fair there was over 2500 items, but that doesn't explain the orders of magnitude difference in performance. Still didn't fix the problem. Btw the tables need to both be called User because they reference the actual table names. I still get the same sql error as before. I did notice something weird though. When I checked the generated sql code, there is only one constraint created for the friends_with table when there should be two. I'll post the code in my original post. The e.Buffer[e.Offset] = 255 is purely to dictate whether the client is running a unicode client or not, we're only interested in 255 as the very first message the client sends, then we set isUnicode in their state object and use that from then on. The delimiter is the first thing we're checking for (char3) after appending the content to states sb string. It's a bit odd as for 80% of the time it's working no problem, but when we're logging out our errors we're finding that a char3 was found but the string isn't complete from the start. That's the part which isn't making sense Infact, it seems that a bunch of question marks are being pre-appended to most of the messages. Sounds like a unicode error but not sure where that's occuring either For example: ??????????????????????????????????3mat88jonmatxxx2.19d99e0d54a6e18d00c105200e7175308bf6aa17e is a messed up message, should just be: 3mat88jonmatxxx2.19d99e0d54a6e18d00c105200e7175308bf6aa17e thanks for the spot. I should know now that WebKit doesn't auto correct a lot of the small mistakes like IE and FF does @cooldude give a sample of it? @Ronaldo so it is not possible in jquery? i have to do it server side roght... @Tomas always the first one to remain... @strelokstrelok ya i want the latter one... Provided your merging algorithm is sound, copy/modify/merge is usually a lot less hassle and worry than lock/edit/unlock. ...MySQL, for example. At the start, normalisation might have a small effect on performance, but over time, as the number of rows increases, efficient JOINs will begin to outperform the bulkier tables. Of course, normalisation has other, greater benefits - consistency and lack of redundancy, etc. Also, accept that you will make the occasional silly mistake now and again, probably for the rest of your life, and don't worry too much - just be sure to keep an eye out, correct them when you spot them, and your experience will grow to eventually minimise their number and severity. True, but which compiler is? vc, gcc, intel's, none are 100% conformant but they're all pretty close (if you use standards mode flags). IOT - if it is possible to redesign the application, so that a new user defined data type is used, then IOT would save the overhead around indexing the table. this might not be the case here. it really depends. rebuilding the index - in case there are many indexes, and new data isn't indexed. David - you are right of course. I mixed that with SQL Server's ability to index Full Text Search only by demand. Wish Oracle had it, since it could be useful in this case. I'd recommend sticking with the other two suggestions. Yes, I figured as much, but can you give an example of how to do that? For the life of me, I can't figure it out. @Sam - actually, this null dereference will tend to crash or not crash depending on a) how MyType is defined, b) which compiler it is invoked on c) what the return type of this function is. This is good advice, but not just perf reasons. exception handling is for 'excepions' .. a semantic quantity. 'not found' is a meaningful and normal result for search. Is there a way to convert args into a value more efficiently than converting to a string? NOTE: you need to escape ',' characters in the string 's' -- otherwise memoize of f("1", "2,3") will return the same value as f("1,2", "3"), even if the two functions return different results. Which would be bad. NOTE: this will break if arguments contain ',' comma when converted to string. eg, f("1", "2,3") will evaluate same as f("1,2", "3"), even if that is the incorrect result. Yes, that is my goal, but the predictability of the number wouldn't have been an issue in my specific case. I did think of the nonce thing, but in a completely different direction; You're solution is very clean and fast. Thanks! All this does is to rename an identifier if it conflicts with a reserved word. It does not create a valid identifier if the passed in value has invalid characters in it. So this is helpful, but not everything that needs to happen before you can create the new codetype. And in contrast to interpreted code, that begins running the bytecode or VM instructions immediately without delay, but will run the instructions slower than machine language. I second this. For beginners, always ALWAYS translate 'pointer' to 'address' and 'dereference' to 'travel-to-the-address', just like driving a car. pointers-to-pointers become forwarding PO-boxes -- addresses that, when you go there, you find another address instead of a storage location. Do you mean "this is okay for existing (legacy) code bases when incrementally adding unit testing" or "this works in C++" or "this works in legacy C++, but shoudl be discouraged when starting a fresh new C++ project"? done, hit code button rather than hyperlink :S Under what situations would the first pattern be found? i.e. Is there a .Net function that would strip the hyphens or return the GUID without hyphens? Some clarification is necessary. What does "access" mean? Are you attempting to connect to a particular port on the target machine? Helpful - Thanks! No windows version as far as I can tell, and doesn't use a 3 way view which means you don't get a preview of the final version. What OS do you want instructions for? See edit in question above yes, why was this closed? argh, stupid feature This is the best approach as well, as it will eliminate the need to deal with authentication in your software (which is easy to get wrong). The flash is inside a complex single page interface ajax app. Built on a "framework" I've designed and implemented myself. So window onload is not an option here. The thought of using setTimeout had occurred to me. It's not a pretty solution but the problem is defining the length of the delay the initial problem/error is the as function for setting does not exist. Sorry could have been more clear about that. Anyways as I could edit the flash if absolutely necessary I won't be using a timeout based solution as that would smell like a hack too much ;) It worked when I got 3.5 SP1 Cool, best of luck on that. I would be very careful to make sure that you properly revert the impersonation when you're done. To do that, you'll need to dispose the impersonation context returned from Impersonate. Failing to do that will leak the impersonation and cause problems down the road. If you have one it works, if you have 5, the 5th image will be the one shown. I tried just using a stackpanel and got the same results :( @Michael Quiles: Mind posting the line of code that is throwing that error? This is the best one so far because of DST issues. any more info on 389-DS? that sounds like it would work for me. I have to achieve 2-way sync Ok. Do you get more details using the command utility? changing them in production code should NEVER make you feel comfortable. Rather, they should be changed on your test server (which should always be identical to your production server, except where your test code is different), tested, and pushed to your prod server. Changing prod code: Bad, Mkay? @levik isn't it legal to have
? Wouldn't you want that to be replaced? I'd add \s after your optional closing slash, but before your closing '>" Well, I think we could easily edit it to deal with the {, but your point about the A-F is well-taken. A regex would be possible to match the first alphanumeric, or possibly converting it into a number in hex, but that increases the complexity to the point where it becomes less readable... It sounds like it won't load at all. Good point...that's one of those things you do once and then forget about. Firstly, it wasn't me voting down :=) (Just thought I'd say that before the rest of my comment!).. Yes, the google link will still be valid, but it's changeable. What I see today from that link could be different from what someone else sees tomorrow. Is that really "in the spirit" of answers here? Yeah I kinda need to keep .sln files in source control Say i have two keys that do the same thing (say, WASD and Arrows keys both accel the vehicle). in order to avoid 2x accels, you have to have a bit in the vehicle 'have i acceld due to keypress this frame' (lame) or you need to put the key->game command logic in between (which has exceptions itself). Sure, ensuring that a coupon code is only used once is left as an exercise to the reader. Also, the signed data needs to include more information, so that it's possible to issue several coupons for the same value and for the same customer + sales rep combination. In my experience, (sales)people will go into great lengths to tamper with such a system for personal profit. For example, they will hire someone to find out the secret salt from the client application. Asymmetric cryptography is slightly more reliable in this scenario. I like this answer because it offers a good alternative to all other answers that rely on cryptography. The only thing to note about this solution is that you can't verify coupon codes in offline mode. A slightly cleaner solution leading to shorter coupon codes, is to generate completely random short coupon IDs (e.g., 8 alphanumeric digits long), store them in the database together with all the relevant information about the coupon, such as customer ID, rep ID, coupon value, expiration... "possible" duplicate of the last 3 questions asked by this user Thanks a lot Timo. It also worked for me. But I assume this is a bug in .NET 4.0. Does it work? I can create a new ATL project form scratch if that helps. I just bought a macbook, and didn't try textmate yet:) The browsers prefer to keep their connection open because this increases the response time if they need to send more requests to the same servers. There's nothing preventing your server from ignoring the Keep-Alive feature and closing the connection after every request. wow, I was pretty close with my 'guess', thanks See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/140056/java-advice-on-handling-large-data-volumes-part-deux for a potentially related question. Have a look at Java NIO, it can perform much more efficient asynchronous file I/O operations. See the link in my comment to your question -- it has quite a good comparison of various methods. I'm not sure if I understand correctly. You are in control of the main document, you are displaying external documents in an iframe, and you want the main document to load whatever's in the iframe as the new main document? And you don't have any cooperation from the documents in the iframes? I couldn't agree more with the first two paragraphs. however tortoise is an IDE if you want them to use the system without any hidden details use the cli, not that I think it matters to have implementation details hidden concepts are the most important I like the command-line options, but I got mixed results when I tried them on my (non-networked) developer box; basically "sqlcmd -L" was the only one that worked, and only if the SQL Server Browser Service was running. Is that to be expected? You know, if you're really concerned with speed then there will be no or - the closing tags for these element types are optional. Put the but whatever floats your boat. You don't need FTP access... there's in editor in wp-admin. 9.04 official is out ;) I think most webservers are still running 2.4 or 2.5, so no, I wouldn't say it's dated. and how to do that? i'm using python 2.6 so somehow i have to point blender at that. i'm an ignoramus with no idea about python thanx mate it worked SubWCRev is also available separately for those who don't (want) to use TortoiseSVN: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=138498&package_id=281312 Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. I guess there's no other way. Though it would be nice to have support for this with DynamicMethods. I'm writing a little interpreter and I want to use DynamicMethods to compile the functions. The language has support for parametric polymorphism and it would have been nice to use type parameters and not have to generate overloads for each parameter combination. Really like this answer, and now you have my mind racing on how to take this solution further. Yeah, i think a lot of people came from that background too (me included). You can do things with static languages that aren't possible with dynamic and visa versa. The best thing to do is to understand the difference and see where the line can be blured slightly. .NET 3.5 introduced some great features that make the language "dynamicish", Kent Boogaart's solution is a good start to maybe get the features your looking for without the verbosity of extra interfaces. Write your own if you can, there's no such thing as far as I know. Could be wrong though. Don't hesitate to throw in some specifics or hypotheticals if it'll help now as well. :) 1 | Concise and complete. Thanx Alex, It was easier to get the corresponding version of python (2.5). the only way I know of. Well - its a simple friendster kind of website - however I would like to know whats the right way to do all this. I have the website up and running - just need to maintain it and want to know the right way to do so i.e. how is everyone else doing it. So far I have just coded websites for clients and thats it - now its the first time I'm supposed to take care of such a website so I would really use the help. Thanks but I already have my website up and running - I just need to know how to maintain and manage it i.e back ups etc as I outlined. PS. Thanks for the link - would try that soon for another networking website project I get :) I tried that but want to have a single css file in order to reduce http requests. The images in the css are all from external css libraries I have chunked together such as jquery ui and facebox library. I doubt tiny XML's function would barf at a null terminated char*. After all, it's not as though the size can be determined just from the pointer. Also, if you have an arbitrary char*, it's possible the memory right after the memory you allocated has a null character. I have a feeling that Jack BeNimble was just trying to emphasize that the argument did not have to be a typical c string. (Ps - this is a different Tom from the poster :-) ) Thanks Wuggy. I just posted that last point you made as a comment to (other) Tom's post. will that check to see if it CONTAINS the username or IS the username? the text field will have other text in it... i want to make sure that the username is inside the entire string... ahhh ok... this is helpful, thank you! yes, i'm doing this already. this is a helpful hint, thanks! True, but if you find yourself constantly using a similar design structure it can be helpful (and quicker) to either learn a framework, or better yet construct your own. What do you mean regular files? Do you mean they are uncompressed? Otherwise, yes, a ZIP file is just a regular file. Actually, yes. It might change down the road but at the moment it is good enough. Hmm, I thought that it worked like the RequiredFieldVlidator where it is ok with the field being filled. Do I have to check that RegularExpressionValidators are returning false? The weird thing is that all the controls seems to be valid (no texts that they are invalid show on the page). But it still won't load the new values. I am thinking I am missing something basic here. I will try and show/explain how my page works. Hmm, I was a bit hasty there. It just stopped working all together. This will create a race condition if more than 1 save occurs "at once." +1 Yes, this is a very good alternative. @Beska: That's why you first confirm that the address they entered works and is theirs. However, there is a defined HTTP response code that tells the browser to *not* update or change what it is currently displaying. @Jon: For people coming from C to Java (which will be a lot of people), this is a good thing to point out. As a long time Java user who first used C for a long, long time, I didn't know that Java defined how ++ works so much more clearly than C does. I I've often wondered the same thing as your question. Now I don't have to ask it... Ah, I think I know what the problem is ... thinking about it ... In general, I would agree with you. But I'm adding an additional diagnostic output to something that is in production. Lawyers get involved when a new 3rd party dependency is added. It's not as trivial as you think. Otherwise I would not have asked the question! *"Everything not allocated with new is placed on the stack"* Not in the systems I've worked on... usually intialized (and uninit.) global(static) data are placed in their own segments. For example, .data, .bss, etc... linker segments. Pedantic, I know... Yep, the cast tells the compiler how to interpret bits at a certain memory location. Generally it has its own idea of what resides where, but a cast throws a wrench into things. As an embedded guy, I use pointers to const volatile all the time (just like your example.) But I think the OP wanted an example of when it would apply to a member function, not a pointer. Yes, please read the following question and answer. It is invalid as per the DNS RFC. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655235/is-root-domain-cname-to-other-domain-allowed-by-dns-rfc As I said in a comment to another answer, adding a dependency is *NOT* as simple as dropping a JAR somewhere. Lawyers need to go over the license for the 3rd party JAR, installers need to be changed, and so on. It's not always trivial. gzip checks its name. If its name is gunzip it assumes #NAME? Oddly, Eclipse 3.3 does not complain about the casts. @ctuffli: CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL is available and was not enabled, the other one is not present. What will be different when I enable this one? Take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/908450/asp-mvc-view-content-as-json which might explain it better for you Welcome to The One TRUE Brace Style! It requires two multiplications, just like n*n*n, but with some overhead, so it will be slightly worse... For an exponent of four (or higher) it may be better than n*n*n*n though, as it still requires only two multiplications, while the direct approach needs three. Then this question will help set them straight. Besides, we want SO to appear in Google.. @Epaga, don't worry I got your typo: perl. is. awesome. @ctuffli: I posted the beginning of the ksyms -m output. The value at NIP seems to be in between functionA and functionB. Does this mean that functionA is faulty? What do NIP, LR, CP and so on mean, anyway? When googling for "oops nip" I just found result Thanks for your response. I appreciate it. I must admit I'm left wondering what the heck the SWT designers were thinking (or not) when they implemented this stuff. (sigh) @xtofl, there's no reason for the compiler to do something different on post-increment if the return value of the post-increment isn't used. Upvoted; a concise quote and a link to the reputable source is better than a lot of answers floating around this place. Clearly it's not required. BUT since it did start running in a parent folder AND it has a reference to a module that it can find in a child folder AND it knows all the children underneath it, it should be able to figure out for itself that if there's a dependency on another module, then just MAYBE it should go look for that one. At least this should be an option -- it seems like a very reasonable thing to want to be able to do. Otherwise we have this incredibly sophisticated tool that can do all sorts of complicated stuff but can't handle the basics! No, I didn't specify both --- that's the point --- I'm arguing that it should have been sufficient to specify B and then maven, by looking at the POM for B, should figure out all by itself that it has to first build A. thanks guys- I used this command combining your answers delete tRealtyTrac where id in( select top 103000 id from tRealtyTrac order by creation) Nice idea:) That works too. i agree that the document should be treated as a whole at first, but it is hard to say if this meets the specs based on the vague description of the project This is correct. Thank you. Marked Brian's answer as correct because the full syntax and explanation is provided. You are right about distinct and group by before order by. The master POM knows about B specifically I inserted (for example) B as a module in the root POM. I understand that. From that, Maven is smart enough to figure out that there is a B project in a subfolder underneath. It goes there and it finds a POM for B which contains a dependency on something called A. Why cannot maven now "virtually" (i.e, just for the duration of the run) add A as a module for that same profile and consequently go off and build A first? I'm not trying to bash Maven --- I thought I was asking a reasonable question. Transitive dependency means that dependencies should not have to be defined globally. Even if you're building an entire project, I would still argue that Maven SHOULD be able to figure out the module dependencies by looking at the individual POMs. I can use it the way it is...I'm not asking for help --- I'm simply (honestly) astonished that it doesn't have such an ability and in fact the reason I posted here was with the hope that perhaps there was an option I didn't know about that would let me do this. Could be, I'm not on a server though, just trying to edit in a folder on my desktop. Would that make a difference? But well, so long as it works on a server I'll be happy then. Thank you very much, and thanks for your patience. Ahah, yes, that could be it, since I'm not running a server, just doing this in a simple folder on my desktop. I'll go test it, but thanks a lot. Though it would have been nice to learn how to get just a part of the return. Oh well :P some other time I guess. I selected you as the correct answer on the other question. Thanks! OK, some further thoughts. But $.ajax correctly returns the error even though it's also not on the server, so that's why I'm inclined to like it more. http://jsbin.com/inadu <- though this is still no good. Sorry if I am being unclear. sem_wait() doesn't cause signals to be blocked as you say, but I am using sigprocmask() to block them. But, I think you have the right solution which is to look at the EINTR error code which means the handler should not exit but set some flag to say "time to quit". I'll test that out. Thanks. That worked. I removed the blocking of signals and changed the signal handler to just set a global meaning it was time to quit. If the sem_wait() returns an error, then I quit which is fine and preserves the semaphore count. If I am waiting for the child, I test the timeToQuit global also. If it is time to quit, I kill the child and do a sem_post() which preserves the semaphore count. Thanks. That should be signal safe, ignoring kill -9. Heh, yeah. It was in jest, but I'm not funny, so I removed it. Super crazy idea here, I know... Ever ask the ChartFX people? Perhaps they have a .net wrapper? I'd think the VS gen'd code is more reliable than anything you could write yourself, so I'm not sure if that would be the cause... Its not Lutz' anymore. In WPF it's called the model-view-viewmodel pattern, if you're looking for a specific implementation of the pattern. I, for one, welcome our new compiler overlords. It's done by the runtime, not the compiler? BTW, I +1 because I'm interested for the purposes of documentation, not because I believe I can handle each and every exception... @gdivos: Yes I read the question. There was no mention of "must be ASM level" when I posted (he's added an update). Try and stay calm! interestingly enough, that gives me a nice sin wave...not exactly what I'm looking for, but that is a result of my equation It also makes development more annoying since an error results in zero output (making debugging very tricky). Sorry I should have been clearer, I want the developers to be able to throw any data source into my control and my control just picks the data for the given days it is displaying. The data format should be tabular above but it didn't work, sorry i'm new. So each item shows the date, the customer below, then the amount charged below that. I'm starting to think I'll have to do this, but I would still much prefer to do things in the a chunked fashion since it leaves me with more options in the future. This is in WPF so essentially it will be a form of list control with a header and footer. Another question with relevant info: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560031/windows-workflow-is-this-a-good-time-to-start 3.5 and 4.0 will run side by side. There will be bridges between the two, but there doesn't seem like a direct upgrade path from one to the other. What webserver are you using for starters? Because you need to call: WaitForExit() on the Process instance, otherwise you don't get the result on the main thread. You should alert(err.message) Why do you need to know when it was clicked? Is there a reason that you need to know that vs. subscribing to Window.StateChanged? It seems I need to re-design. Many thanks for the fast clear answers! Seems like a reasonable question to me. What storage engine? +1 for "never rely on the registry" looks like you can't drop it from the publication if there is a subscription to it according to the link for sp_droparticle. Thanks, though. Remind you of http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/OnClick-Does-What!.aspx ? Hmm... I've used it before under IIS, but that was a different scenario with multiple base addresses. I wonder if you could use a ServiceHostFactory to set the base address programmatically. See revised answer. I think the point is that the OP won't be tied down to List<> (which is why he went with the yield approach in the first place), but at the same time this won't keep the database connection open. Yes, I realised that one when I went back to get a few links; obviously my memory is faulty. Well, there's javax.activation, javax.annotation, javax.ejb, and...wait, where are you going? There's so much more! ;) I did test it a while ago and json came out faster - I don't have the data any more though. I removed the article from the publication and modified it. then added it back. the subscriber has to re initlize from the snapshot. That is swell thanks! Agreed, but it might worth a look :) Can you give an example of a question that would also be an answer? I have. It works, but I'm trying to avoid it for two reasons: First, it uses a per-row subquery instead of a join, which may scale badly for some database backends. Second, it doesn't work with filter() on the extra field, so it can't be combined procedurally with other Q objects I think you'd need to let us see the raw message, headers and all Thanks, that is exactly what I wanted. I am still working on being able to use different types of joins well. (I should note that on the second inner join in you query it was actually s.event_id = e.event_id, not schedule_id) what is not RAD about visual studio? I believe he means to extract IP addresses from the HTML. @Ross: He wants to extract all literal IPv4 addresses (with what looks to be port specifications) that appear in the HTML; I'm guessing it's some sort of screen-scraping of a published list. URLs don't have a "header" per se, requests and responses do. A request is issued against a particular resource, identified by a URL. Are you asking for a tool which shows the response headers returned from a particular request against some URL? Thought so, but the wording wasn't quite clear. Needs to be coupled with something to constrain the acceptable octet values. Needs to be coupled with something to constrain the acceptable octet values. This looks like an excellent bash answer, but I think he might be on Windows. See batch and cmd tags Echoing other comments - this is the way to do it. IF that answers your question, you should Accept my answer (press the checkmark on the left side of my answer), so that it doesn't show up as unanswered anymore. Interesting thought, that. Personally, I try to avoid having too many mandatory properties in a given object, and I tend to use the Builder pattern in such a way that I'm using the property-named methods to set the optional properties, but it could certainly be an interesting option. Of course, you can just throw an IllegalStateException if the client hasn't set up all the required properties. @Jay Michaud - quite right, but what I'm getting at is that intermediate step. JIT compiles the IL at the last possible moment (hence the name) - i.e. on the machine the first time that the application runs. However you still have that initial 'compile' i Log4J is definitely threadsafe in the sense that each log message will be written atomically even when written from different threads. I'm not sure why you would need any other sense of threadsafeness, but you could externally synchronize, as you say. Wireshark showed that we are getting TCP Checksum errors on some of our packets. Now we have to figure out why this happens. Actually tried that option too with no better results... Your Never too late! Are you writing a .doc or a .docx? thanks for your answer, I have already tried the position relative on the link and on all elements, I also have tried playing with z-index but nothing seems to work :/ Here is a live link where you can check the problem : http://www.daniel-rico.com/demos/ie Thx everyone ! Excellent point, I think I'll go that route. Thanks! Nothing from the diagram, per se. It's just sort of a basic design principal that I'd start with for any such relationship. Look at it this way: you can enforce referential integrity _once_ at the DB level or make sure you do it the same way every time in every piece of code that might update those tables (including one-off bulk loads, etc. as gbn mentioned). I believe Clyde is implying that the cross-ref table should implement foreign key constraints, and I'm inclined to agree. Well in a very small team (say 3 people) where requirements are sent by calling across the room and the notion of do it as fast as you can is a business decision where documentation is an after thought. At the end of the day you could tell them you are writing docs and it will take you a few more hours to do but I think its a business decision in the end, not a developers one. Of course you will. I agree (That's why I mentioned it's bad style), it just means there's a slight possibility that you'll break any poorly written code that relies on such specifics. I mentioned making it a function because it seems clearer, as the class object isn't used at all, __new__ returns a completely different class - all that's needed is removing the __new__ line, and changing the class line to "def Deprecated(o, warning):" Does it matter if the SP returns a result set when the code loops through the Parameters collection? i.e. won't this code return the same result as the OP's? (disclaimer: I'm not a Delphi programmer, so maybe I'm misunderstanding the question...) Is there any way of an Action filter overriding a Controller filter so that a filter can be applied to all Actions exception for 1 specific Action> 1 for Qt Creator. It's very impressive IMHO. It's a pretty small download and I was up and running in minutes. +1: Looks cool but I was just making a guessing game. If I were going to use a random number generator in a business application then I would definitely use this. When you say ALL browsers do you mean the big 3 (Firefox, IE, Safari) or do you mean ALL browsers. Just out of curiosity, which method is it? Lol, got very confused for a second or two :-) I was here first !!! It was strange for me too the fact that a method asks for a "not null terminated char pointer", that's why i asked for the name of Tiny xml's method. (this is Tom, the poster.) Why is the stack used at all if it only contains pointers to the heap? Wouldn't it be smarter to store pointers internally and just skip the whole stack approach? 1 Extreme Boredom I think you are right. A list wont work. The uniqueness is actually within within different types of members of the treeView (quick check I can do after finding a dupe name) so I can put the type in a hash along with the name. If it is not a multiple of 4/8, use duff's device :) @Mitch: In truth, this is more about curiousity than solving a problem. I encountered game-tree type problems where this might allow for faster pruning of non-leaf nodes Hmmm. This is an interesting solution, and I can imagine it being much faster than using a linked-list type solution as I suggest in my question. It's definitely cheating, but there's nothing wrong with that :) @jerryjvl/Igor: A CPU can perform an integer AND in a single clock on a specific number of bits (that number varies based on chip, but I imagine a 32 bit chip can do it with 32 bits). Hence my remark that it is cheating. One possible improvement to this is to just maintain a list of removed elements (using a pair of bitfields). When iterating over the list, one can just skip items based on bitwise operations. This works basically the same as yours, but makes removal O(1) in exchange for slowing down lookup and iteration by a constant factor compared to your algorithm. This method has the advantage of needing less space, assuming your set is not filled. Yeah I tried setting the property directly with a string and a number, many different ways. It doesn't budge no matter what. Humm. How about hijacking the connection authentication? Maybe using a separate authentication service that returns some token you can pass along to the connection API. Blocks other clients from connecting because they can't do the same dance. Kinda ugly maybe. A database would probably work well, barring further information and detail. That depends. Suppose you have, "int monkey;" The domain of int and the domain of monkey could be different. But it's perfectly possible to say either "domain of monkey" or "domain of int." Thank you for the suggestion, we currently generate the .jpgs through a server side conversion tool, so I will run some tests with our other dev and post the results! There are just emulators (see my answer) that don't provide the actual audio - just text of how a screenreader would read it. Thanks everyone for your input. Turns out our converter was converting into both cmyk and rgb jpgs. When we converted over our cmyk images to rgb the yellowing was gone within flash 9 Thanks! Thanks! It was cmyk that was the issue. Oh, it's absolutely a poor substitute but, it can give you a good idea of what a screenreader will do once a JAWS trial runs out and you can't spend $900 on it. This code no longer compiles. Think Access with forms, buttons and sparkles for the end user. I want to spend the least amount of time in development as possible. If you're using the STL, you should rarely need to use explicit memory allocation at all. Sounds about right. Mind you I am not opposed to doing it vb/sqlserver ce, just if there is something that is an idiots paradise, I would want to know about it. In fact, I successfully ran this code within Eclipse 3.3 by making a main() method that only did: new _SupertypeGenericTest ().test(); @mmyers: Sort of true; the alternative is reflection. However, with Cloneable you have other restrictions that can be just as difficult. I agree with "overblown and expensive technology" part. However, you still need something to "glue" individual web services together. This can be: new web service (probably the most rigid), BPEL on ESB - a large infrastructure but less rigid, or something more agile and flexible like mashup servers. These are good agile alternative for app development that doesn't that much ceremony (modelling etc.) Not all operating systems have more than a user ID. All the major ones that people run on their desktops do have a concept of user name, but there are other OS's that don't. Not the one to downvote you, but I don't see any useful information in the MSDN description either - what do you want to say? There's no any alternative information. The problem is the sharing/discovery process in Windows. It is sometimes very slow and freezing entire system (due to I/O pending state). In fact you can also find windows to stuck in network domains when exploring other computers - and if you disable the printer discovering it will be faster. You would but if you're using 3rd party controls its usually a good idea to do that anyway, so you can decouple your code base away from the 3rd party controls. That way if you switch in the future it doesn't take as long to implement a new set of controls. try with array - it won't work (at least for ISO C++ - maybe some compilers with extension may allow it). Warning: this does NOT work for VC6. I've tried to compile on VC6 Debug builds, and it does NOT initialize the variables - treated just like c = new char[N]. sleep usually results in bad performance. you should consider synchronization before using sleeps. I'm ok if some syntax does not work (i.e., compile failure) for VC6; but if something will get different results (and hard to be noticed), I'll prevent using it. Still many people & projects in this world is using VC6. you never know when will IE take VB script as default type.. Understood, but not helpful when I want to programmatically simulate clicks on non-INPUT elements. interesting, I'll give that a try. This is part of a testing harness, so we don't know ahead of time what specific element we are going to be clicking on - it is whatever the test case specifies. You don't need to specify a context; since onclick is a property of 'link' the context will already be set appropriately. my fault - what yo want should be betoh64. on FreeBSD, it's in /usr/include/sys/endian.h . The man page is byteorder(9). According to FreeBSD notes, these were originally from NetBSD, and appear on FreeBSD after 5.x. As I know, MacOSX is using lots of FreeBSD files as its backend (darwin) base - so there's a big chance that you may be able to use it. it's a "console" program, not a "DOS" program. that's different. Can you post an example of the query you are trying to run? That only explains callvirt for virtual methods. But GetType isn't virtual. It's an extern function implemented somewhere deep in the bowels of the CLR (probably returning a field that's stored in the object's vtable or something). It's the same method for every object. You asked an almost identical question earlier: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/789701/submitting-data-from-textarea-by-hitting-enter Why not just expand on that question & updating others to your progress? Is there a specific reason why SELECT * is undesirable? How is SELECT * different from explicitly listing every single field in the table? That means your query failed. Print the query string and try running it in the command line. That will give you a more detailed picture of the failure. Assuming that this query is being used to find schools near a given location, I don't think the distances being searched are going to be large enough to require taking the curvature of the earth into account. And the Earth isn't a perfect sphere in any case, so if you wanted a precise measurement, you'd have to use Vincenty's formulas. I would rephrase the title/question. It sounds more like what you want is for the text div to shrink to the width of your photo. Thanks for the input Stephen. I did decide against using the inbuilt profiles for the very reasons you mentioned so good to know I was thinking on the right tracks there. Thinking about it more, I think my main issue was surrounding the updating of two tables/models from one view/controller action but I'm pretty sure I've got the way forward on that now. It's not really a factory. With factory, you're returning a concrete implementation of an abstract class. Here, we're just using normal class to return certain types of information. In this case, I would not make any of the methods static - there's not really any need to do that here. The dependency injection comes in the second constructor of the CurrencyBuilder. For example, you could build FakeRepository that derives from IRepository and have it return known values. This lets you test CurrencyBuilder without having to use the database. Zxaos, that's where my skittishness would come from, as the user of this product. I do a number of things on yahoo, including email, that I probably wouldn't want to hand over for an edge in fantasy baseball. For espn or cbs, I probably wouldn't have the same concern, at least not to the same degree. I am looking into yahoo pipes, thanks for the heads up on that. I don't know whether that will work or not, but if nothing else it's an interesting looking project by yahoo. Thanks all for your help. Unfortunately we're going with the xml approach as a result of a group vote. Yea I saw the m notation and usually use it in practice but never read the man that in depth. 1 for teaching me something Why does he want to commit his bin and obj directories? Does he have a good reason? Do you want to block all of the user interface, Like the entire page, or just data entry fields or other controls. Voted to close, as this is a huge open-ended discussion question, and all the specific questions are duplicates. I cannot edit questions yes, so, would you please edit your question and include that this is with the phxsoftware provider. I'll investigate, but I'm suspecting this is not the cause. I'm using SQL server authentication with a connection string like "server=Server;database=Database;uid=User;pwd=Password". It seems the running ASP.NET thread context would have no effect when accesses SQL this way. revised........ Doing this doesn't help. There may be some custom code going on but I doubt it would be much, and it is do-able without direct integration. 1 because I like your point that you can save reallocation by calling .data(). I never realized that existed. I think I must have assumed that std::string always kept a null terminator in place for the call to c_str(). Good to know :-). You're right, I forgot about the NDA, thanks. Your comment makes sense (similar to my answer), but I am going to be picky about terminology. "Here's a reference to a big blob of memory", should really be "Here's a pointer to a big blob of memory". References have meaning in C++, and they are different from pointers (although, very similar and related, they are different). This is the same Unknown that was giving me the same garbage the other day... I took my time to write out a thoughtful answer and help someone out and wasn't even paying attention to what anyone else was posting. I gave him a pity +1, but now I regret it. I think everyone needs to stop being so reputation-hungry and just try to help each other out. @Unknown: the reason for my comment was that ***if*** you were to add more sentences to the sentences list, your code would short-circuit because it would only check the first sentence. ie - you shouldn't have used lists for subs and sentences if you were Sorry, not just check the first sentence, but only check up to the first sentence that had a match (in this case, the first sentence). That works perfectly, thanks. Just for future reference, I did a simple benchmark that compared drawAtPoint to CGContextShowTextAtPoint. I drew 36 character strings 1000 times at random y-locations across the screen and here is what I got (on a 1g iPod touch): CGContextShowTextAtPoint - 99 refreshes/sec, drawAtPoint - 75 refreshes/sec. So, the CG method is clearly much faster. Yep ... Now, I'm not sure why someone downvoted me for this one... Odd. I was thinking along the same lines - that with every zoom level or so I would have to parse my locations and output only those locations or cluster of locations that are viewable within the bounds of the visible screen. The thing is that I wish there was some kind of code or open project that would help me get started on it :(. @Unknown: (responding to your comment on my post): For the third time: all I meant was that you made a LIST (sentences) and your code produces the first match IN THE FIRST POSSIBLE SENTENCE.. I am merely saying that it would have been nice if your answer @Unknown: I replied on your post. Chris, not really - Zend does have a new module that does some of this. But think about the implications a jQuery Plugin in PHP - unless it manages all of your javascript, it can get a little messy. The framework overall provides a LOT of features, like access control lists, an MVC subsystem, and whatnot. Things like javascript framework integrations are just one of the little tools that are added in. It's more about providing useful tools and helping you structure your code. I don't want unprocessed asp pages; just making sure there isn't a way for a user to view them that I'm not aware of Yeah, that's probably a better approach than what I'm doing. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious... Wow... that's impressive.. I didn't consider overriding both events... damn good idea.. I agree about staying away from important rules, at least when possible. But my question is still not answered, unfortunately. I know I can put an id selector before EVERY rule. What I am wondering is if I can put an id selector before a group of rules so that those rules only get applied to those rules, but for all of them. @Rex and @levik... I found a very eligant solution to do this... which is much more generic and doesnt have to worry about other things @Adam: 1) floats and decimals are not integer types. 2) Results of subtractions for these also may not fit, as these also have a finite (though large) range. This was my problem. I feel kind of dumb now. If anyone else has this problem, you can find the Foreign Key Constraint names by using the SHOW CREATE TABLE function. No worries, mate I understand that, But I've already checked for that. I used notepad++ and ever bracket is matched with a closing one. Doesn't look so good. I'm still getting this in firebug: uncaught exception: Access to restricted URI denied (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI) and it just sits there in Chrome. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious. Next, convert all that stuff into a lookup table. For added speed, have the table look at more than one bit at once. @eJames: OK, done :) @dirkgently - it sounds like you are encouraging ignorance ("I have a bomb... all bets are off"). Casts (C or C++) do have well-defined behavior, and no bets should be off. A developer using this part of the language should know *exactly* what it is doi I could be wrong, but I believe dynamic linkage of a C++ library will ensure that all global static initialization occurs when the library is loaded (_init/_fini in GCC, DllMain in MSVC, etc.) j_random_hacker: An ordering cannot be constructed if you are taking the view of a purist. Jake is treating this as a math problem as much as a programming problem. And if you are working with a compiled class written by someone else that lacks <, adding it is nontrivial...especially if all your class function is allowed to promise (programming by contract is in C++0x, IIRC) is the existence of equality. Yup, I was able to copy and paste the same. You need to deep clone them or you are just pointing to the same references. thank you, that solved many of my problems. For an existing code base, -Weffc++ has too many "naggy" warnings to justify using in combination with -Werror. Not sure why this was downvoted so much - it's accurate, and it answers the original question correctly. Pointers are both the inspiration and implementation for C++ iterators, even if they are "smart". Why are you doing memory management yourself? What data structure are you creating? Needing to do explicit memory management is pretty rare in C++; you should usually use classes that handle it for you from the STL (or from Boost in a pinch). I think you would have to pull the contents of the .class file over the wire, then reconstitute it (either in file or in memory), and have a classloader load that file. If you reconstitute the .class file as a file, you can use the URLClassLoader. If you want to reconstitute it in memory, you probably need to define your own classloader. Whoops, this was before you specified a language. You said ArrayList so I assumed Java, but I just love Python so much. Well, it's restrictive because all the yielding takes place in the application() and can't be embedded anywhere else. start_response() can be placed anywhere in the application. If i wanted to run an output buffer that piles up data to a certain length before outputting to wsgi, this becomes very hard without getting threads involved. yeah! you were right.. adding position:relative to body solved the problem for me! thank you very much. I added an example, but the problem with my example, is the buffer only starts yielding results *after* the page code has completed execution, which in the end, is the same as if i had simply done a regular (non-chunked) response. After seeing your example, this helps a bit.. I think one of my current problems is actually that I'm using sys.stdout to populate the buffer, whereas I should simply be iterating/yielding to the buffer instead.. If you don't have access to the production environment, then you must have specifications for it. Without knowing what these are it is difficult to answer your question. If someone does post it to MS Connect, link back here so we can upvote it Hm, well, it was worth a shot! As you said, 11pt font should not scale when stacked. Curious. I added the Pair implementation link and a link to javatuple - which looks pretty good. Hope that helps. 1 TRUE dat..... I think I answered first, but I edited it a couple times which, when you do it soon enough, doesn't show the "Edited" thingie on the question... The right answer isn't the first, its the one that best answers your question. Which is correct is based on how you want to handle the situation where Jobs.ClientName doesn't exist in the Clients table. Both answers are correct. +1 Console schmonsole. Its all about learning OO before you program OO. A decent starting point is to read Code Complete. new { Foo = "lol", Bar = null } to new { Foo = "lol" }? Don't think that's possible unless you create your own type in memory. anonymous (generic?) types are illusions of the compiler, which creates the types at compile time... >.< Beat me to it! The other options suck compared to linq :P Thanks, that makes sense. Be sure to post here when you have your post showing it in detail. Ok, try adding a new solution File->Add->New Project and then select Other Project Types->Database. That should give you the DB project in your current solution. Hope this helps Hi FlySwat, thanks for the prompt response. I like the sound of your approach. Would you have a simple example you could show me to demonstrate? I'm using 1.7.0, not 1.7.1. I just tried it after editing one file, and got a "[javac] Compiling 1 source file to ..." What happens without the includeDestClasses attribute? Your ant output should say how many files are being compiled. What is your target format? What will the end user end up downloading? Xml? Csv? An actual Sql Server Database file? Has this been resolved for you? Test access with FF/IE using RDP to internal server and verify this is exactly what i was looking for, it solved my problem... thanks for the link! :) try a new solution just to test db debugging also can you tell us what solution type it is so we can try replicate? 1 I use eclipse with xdebug for full step over/step into debugging. Makes PHP development sane! I was just wondering was there an easier way. Maybe not it seems :) We are using the spreadsheet to manage the data then import it into SQL server. I would imagine it can handle as many plugins as the computers memory can handle. Maybe, but since this has nothing to do with Jet or Access, I'm not sure it's relevant. Yes Praveen, I'm using release version 1.0. That depends on the environment you are operating in. If you use a singleton to cache information, and you put data into this cache from two different webapps that are in the same EAR, they can each have their own classloader creating instances, and when an item is retrieved from this cache from the other webapp, it will result in a ClassCastException. Sharing of in memory data can be very tricky in these environments, so you have to be aware of where classes are being loaded from for it to work. My guess (I don't have experience with the portal server) is that you are loading the class in different portlets, each with its own classloader. You then place the instance into a session object, and when you retrieve it from the wrong portlet (from which it was created) you have your exception. I would guess (based on WAS experience) that you need to place the jar with your class somewhere higher in the classloading hierarchy so that it is loaded by a parent of both portlets classloaders. i.e. Number 2, with details. Correct, does not look like a security issue since it doesn't occur with data under an attackers control. @Steven Devijver I have not had any such problem, and it is the only way to get some applications to work in a JEE type environment. It is also the only way to guarantee that you are using the versions of dependent classes that you think you are. There Agreed. If you want to keep it simple, you can just use a Strategy Pattern to get the datasource at runtime. A config file would determine which strategy to use based on environment, much like the suggested option in the answer. You will need a dev datasource of course, but that is pretty simple to write. Cost is relative. That statement is incorrect, Java does not always use dynamic binding. It is in fact only used for overloaded methods, overridden ones are statically bound at compile time. Your right, my bad. I deserved that for not paying close attention. Are you now using SDK 2.2.1 or 3.0? If the latter, which beta? Will there be any issues with https certificate? Fantastic, thanks a lot Stiggler! The viewstack example was exactly what I was looking for! I had to add xmlns:themes="themes.*" to the mx:Application, but after that it worked beautifully. Now I need to find a way to 'automate' the part so that I won't have to edit the main application each time I add a theme, but for the rest, great! That seems to be the best way to do it, as per gpmoore's post on this Apple Developer thread: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8450874 +1, source code is critical to your business. Why would you want to let a third party manage it if you don't have to? Also known as the Post-Redirect-Get pattern. Why is that a problem? It's a URL so it's being urlencoded yes, I noticed it and edited my post. And for the simpler array cases there is String.Join( ",", stringArray ) see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tk0xe5h0.aspx What needs to show the "loading", the text of the button or the content of the updatepanel before it is loaded? Are you using an UpdateProgress control? No one doubts that TDD in Powershell is possible. It is definitely possible, after all, Powershell can do everything C# can do, and then some. The functional nature of Powershell in theory can make it an even better testing language than C#. The problem is just that the syntax and general design of Powershell is...well, ugly, and suprising. Let's talk again after you've had a year of experience with it... As I said, I don't use VB much so I probably don't have the syntax right. I think that you need to add WithEvents at the end of the line that declares TextBox1, but I'm not positive on that. Cheers for the quick and accurate response! I've had a look into the HAVING clause and worked out a way to successfully run this query. Thanks again. BTW, whenever I ask a Powershell question, I also tend to get answers telling me to not use Powershell, and rarely get an actual answer, so I realize that it is annoying. So sorry about that! And there are cases where Powershell is your only option, like perhaps at customer sites. I think if you're swapping tables over like this on a regular basis you might be better submitting to thedailywtf than stack overflow... Why do you not want to group if it works? Task scheduler would be nice if you could configure the dates, but you can only specify one interval. I don't want to manage different schedules on a yearly basis. I want to place a solution that works without maintenance... yes he does, but see my edit http://www.castleproject.org/components/sitemap.html it's not there. I can see it on the main page but I don't think it's finished yet as there's no stable version nr listed. I'll check Quartz out, looks promising. According to the documentation you're absolutely right, but it does seem to work in gvim. I'll alter accordingly. I've had a play and [\t]* works to match both space and tab, but [\t] matches only tabs. Must be something I'm missing in the regex. Looks ok... could it be running out of memory? Thanks for the feedback Matt, it's good to know I was heading in the correct direction. Nice find. One other thought that occurred to me was my OS version. I'm the only one here running Vista x64 (both at work and at home, and both have the same problem) while everyone else is running 32 bit XP or Vista. That bug report looks like it was submitted by someone running XP, though. sounds like a plan! I meant once every two weeks, thanks for the wiki link :) while it may be true that in some scenarios MySQL is faster than SqlServer, I have yet to run into such a scenario, and even then and when, I would probably still go for the richer feature set in SqlServer. (says the Mac guy) I don't see how this would be inflammatory to anyone with an IQ higher than the average sheet of paper. Thanks for the help - still crashing, but I appreciate the debugging help! Not a bad suggestion. I did a bunch of trial & error stuff, and I've decided that I'm just gonna run the dang thing outside of Visual Studio. I can't debug this particular piece of the app, but life goes on. thx again! That almost makes it seem *more likely* that this sort of thing would happen. If you are handcoding a r.d.p., then you are writing a function for every production in your grammar whose job is to match the next stretch of input... If expressions and other stuff make up statements, and both expressions and other stuff can end up consuming no input (except for the ultimate semicolon to follow), then the parser would recognize such statements. Idk if this is the real reason, but it seems like a reasonable way to reason it out. (I never wrote a huge r.d.p., but I have written one before). Could youplease show the output of: "print pS"? It's unclear to me why int(pS[0:3], 16) won't work. Do you not have the "0x" prefix? Agreed - searching DOM versus direct 'navigation' can give a pretty hearty speed boost. Happens to all of us! Especially to me, actually... ;) What are the units of gravitational force? There are limits to how much you can add to a variable name. At some point you have to explain *what you are trying to do*. Often this is *not obvious*, which is why you need to comment code. It's absolute rubbish to say code is self documenting, it is just self *descriptive*. That's a good point. ;) I'll see if I can get it working again. And there we go. Enjoy, Kris. Yes [Please enter at least 15 characters.] Does it matter? At the moment I still get 404 errors for both urls because I've taken all other rules out and the subfolders are not found obviously; no php is running yet. Unfortunately, I think we've all had our battles with inertia. Good luck to you. some algorithms does not require loading of full text at one time. For example Boyer-Moor algorithm applies indexing to search string but not to full text I don't think any php code (wordpress) runs. If I remove/rename index.php I still have the same problem. Besides that the permalink structure is already set to a version without "index.php" in the path... This was my first thought as well but it seems to be at a higher level... the permalink structure is already set to a version without /index.php in the path. #NAME? Keep in mind that here the insertion is made actually by javascript, thats what make it so dynamic. Let me know if it works. Oh... and remember that the call to the RegisterClientScriptBlock should be inside the updatepanel prerrender event... :) ID is given to each control and all contorls are reloaded on OnInit, it just doesn't fire there is a link to the Joe Stagner's example code (both c# and vb) in my question. It is the same concept, so if you could show me, for example, what would I need to do to have the same event, lets say onTextChange of the textbox control firing for any given dynamically created textbox Problem solved. AutoPostBack=true was missing on generated controls. Sorry guys, asp.net is very new to me. To whom should I give the right answer mark now? :S For the limited information I gave in my question, this absolutely answers it. I'll have to do some digging and some experimentation to see if it works in the real situation I'm in, but I sure appreciate this answer! Lance is right... I am on a little endian system and I am dealing with a big endian number. I like that suggestion Lance. You should write it up as an answer so it can be upvoted, and possibly accepted :). I will make a decision soon on what to do and post more and hand out reputation. One other thing, if you are going down the bitmap font path, and you decide that you do need scaling, there's a technique called Alpha-Tested Magnification that works REALLY well - here's the whitepaper from the Valve guys on it: http://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2007/SIGGRAPH2007_AlphaTestedMagnification.pdf Using this technique keeps the font edges nice and crisp as it shrinks and scales. Do you mean writing the sql statemnt to the page? I added the code above but nothing shows up. I tired adding .ContainsString but intellisense did not recognize it? I am pretty new to VS and not sure how to run the code in the debugger. I will get the newer version of Subsonic. I'm new here too, so I don't know either... I believe that Selection.setFocus() didn't stop the selection that was "in progress" as far as Flash was concerned. To see the issue, use Firefox, and in any flash movie with a text field, click inside the text field and drag outside the entire flash. Then release the mouse, and with the mouse button up, hover over the text field. You'll notice selection continues. Just remember that the file can still be locked after calling this function, but before you try to open it. So there is currently no 100% solution except for trying to Open the file and then handling the exception, if any. I'm using 2.6 now, but thanks for the info! Nice job on your explanation of thread safety vs. serialization. Joshua, The selection code is running within a RunWorkerCompleted event that is fired upon completion of a long-running thread: bw = new BackgroundWorker() bw.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(listViewSelectingEvent); Other code within this event is able to change various properties of other controls on the form, so I would assume it is not a threading issue. thanks much. Turns out the thread was OOMing -- and since I wasn't catching throwable (and perhaps other logging was misconfigured?), I didn't get any notification No, its not in an update panel, and there are no update panels on the page. Yes he's on the same lines as me :) Thanks that was what I was looking for Cheers mate, mquander pipped you to the post. I know it is still an if I was just trying to find a more elegant way. Thanks! Check out http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/128d26dd-decb-42f9-8efb-30724d1a2f29.mspx?mfr=true This would mean, I would have as many Visitor classes as many as my business rules. It would result in a class explosion. @dfa strategy does makes sense, however, this would result in a as many strategies as many business rules. I would then have that many classes - which would be too many. The idea behind using a visitor here is that if I were to add behavior to my code, I you may be right but ssma sucks. Error occured Object reference not set to an instance of an object @darthcoder & Andrew : Apparently Mercurial can easily import a SVN repository, retrieving also the commits history, so it might not be very complex, but I'll look into the tools you guys are suggesting, thanks a lot for those pointers ! @PeterAllenWebb: The reason I'm doing this is I'm building a GIS control and am handling the map zoom by using ScaleTransform. The GIS control has shapes on it, and in deep zoom I have this issue. I've worked around it currently by reversing my logic, s Actually, i got around that by piping in a one-line text file with 'n' as the only contents. It all works! Note to others: I actually ended up using putty's PSFTP instead of PSCP. I imagine now that VS 2010 will be using the totally revamped WPF-based editor we will start seeing all kinds of new improvements in that area. For example, I always thought I'd be awesome to have a "table" or inline RTF for doc comments. (But the saved text would be just plain text.) Now with the new editor it's doable. excellent, thanks, not very intuitive is it? so i guess, the nullable has a value and that in this case the value (if it exists) is a KeyValuePair. so in this case myKVP is a nullable and its value property IS the KeyValuePair ? I would like to stick to maven if possible thanks, i had averted myself from querystrings but the pros outweight the cons from my standpoint I think it's more insulting to say that Java programmers don't care about speed. The Sun Java implementation tends to be about as fast as C++ implementations, give or take depending on the task. One of the advantages of Java is that we don't have to worry about micro-optimizations like this: the compiler and JIT compiler are smart enough to do most of them for us Thanks - we were going with boost even before your passionate remarks Just for the record: this seems to really drag the processor. Photobooth and iChat must do it a different way... Thanks. I had been able to find some other sources saying you couldn't do it, but I wasn't convinced until I saw that bug you linked to. Unfortunately it's not code I can easily modify, so I'll probably end up using something along the lines of the ".bat" solution you described. Instead of creating your own pointer class (hub_ptr), why don't you just pass *this to these objects and let them store it as a reference? Since you even acknowledge that the objects will be destroyed at the same time as the owning class, I don't understand the point of jumping through so many hoops. Maybe it becomes less necessary (I'd say scoped_ptr makes it less necessary than this), but it's not going away. Having a swap function doesn't help you at all if you allocate something on the heap and somebody throws before you delete it, or you simply forget. interesting. But I can't figure out why you want to do this. There's probably a different way to solve the issue you are trying to address. I've changed the wording of my question to reflect what I really need. Any additional help? It would probably depend on whatever font your TableCellRenderer was using. If you had access to the renderer(s), and they were JLabel's as well, you could create your prototype label using the same font with something like: JLabel prototypeLabel = new JLabel("Not Applicable"); prototypeLabel.setFont(cellRenderer.getFont()) Can i suggest storing dates in ISO yyyy-MM-dd format? It'll save you internationalisation issues. Thanks, in retrospect "workaround" wasn't the right terminology - I just meant that each user would have to make changes to their browser. I can't believe I've never known this feature! I've used VS nearly every working day for more than three years... and I've never known this. Thanks! No more Notepad for temporary snippets! For some reason the div border has a big gap between it and the img border, can't figure out why The padding trick didn't work. That other question fixed my 1px space below the image, but I still have big gaps on either side heh :) that sort of helps, but i don't know hardly anything about regexes... --knock knock --Who's there? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Java If you console.log() the 'length' property of 'this' just before you return 'oldAppend.call(this, expr)' what is its value? :: console.log(this.length); this helps take me some of the way, but what is the format for your twitterXML variable? i can't just sent them "status update!" as a string... i'm sure they need it in some format no, it doesn't really. i need to know twitter-specific stuff... i don't know anything about REST or webrequests or anything, although i have learned a lot about it today! is there any way i could just get a simple function that posts to twitter? that's it, really: Sub UpdateTwitterStatus(status as string) ... End Sub i talked to my host and they said they don't have anything like this... is there something i can write in code? does anyone know how to do this w/godaddy.com hosting? i called godaddy and they said they don't have a "task scheduler" for windows or anything like it... so i have to create a desktop app to call my site at midnight? great. Because the Name property is not part of the interface. If, however, you only want to use it for the dictionary purposes, then you could drop the Tag property all together. Note that if you use it as a read only property as I've illustrated above, it won't show up in the designer, so you can instructor your developers to use the Name property only and everything will work out correctly. @Johny I believe the return type has more to do with the SingleOrDefault function and less to do with the expression d => d.DinnerID == id. You can actually use SingleOrDefault without passing anything into it, and it will still return to you a Dinner ob @Johny as an example you could do this: (from d in db.Dinners where d.DinnerID Err:520 id select d).SingleOrDefault(); and it would return a Dinner object. Actually with SingleOrDefault it might throw an exception if there's more than one. A better example w Thanks for the tip adding the square brackets worked. Totally agree and am aware of this problem. So what do you suggest to secure it? Actually looks like there are lots of suggestions in the link provided above by Chad. Complex RTTI may look like this: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/vcf_rtti.aspx Yes. That was my first impression as well, but the result was that with the # sign it did not work in any of the browsers. thanks. if onreadystatechange wasn't working, I think the web would collapse. maybe the XmlHttpRequest object is being deleted or aborted before the response comes back? Is there more to the repro code, or is what you show the whole thing? Maybe your firefox installation is corrupt? *grin* whoa... i thought this was only possible w/class and inheritance I think it comes from the C/C++/C# languages which uses Switch...Case statements instead of Select...Case used in BASIC/VB What happens if you do this in 2 steps, first a move and then a delete? Doesn't TFS 2005 come with a license for SQL Server Standard edition for use with TFS? Thanks for your replies, do you know how to set this? As far as I can see there is no property to set this. 1 Good point about reallocation. Could someone explain to me the use for something remotely real of the "language not discussed here" many thanks from your answer @Chris. I was only asking. It hasn't been that long since i first read about it, and always wondered its use. Thanks for sharing your experience. I was hoping that ternary operator would end the debate. when doing a,b the return value of the whole expression is the return value of b. I think its too late alredy. Maybe the array is to large? I've run some dummy tests with gcc (no "languange not discussed here") and it ends. You are right, the -- before the ? is ruining it when the loop loops. I think xtofl might have got that idea from my statements. I was having fun :) Tom (the poster): Please edit your answer to remove the erroneous stuff about nul terminated strings. Then Tom (the different) can delete his comment, you can yours, and I can mine. Well, that was one of the first things I tried with my gcc (g++ (GCC) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-49)) and it gave a syntax error. Also, the compiler should be able to recognize that the entire expression is a legal identifier and not stop at the first comma. You could just as well have a function call with multiple arguments there. You wouldn't expect that to fail too, would you? I'd have to say it's a bug. Finally, in your last code snippet, are you sure Comeau reports a syntax error and not some other type of error? I would assume the problem is that Comeau is not willing to treat j and k as "constant enough" to serve as template parameter values. This may well be what the standard requires, making g++ again non-conforming. (Of course, my g++ doesn't compile that either.) Yes. My app runs on Windows and if the PC is hibernated, when it returns the socket may no longer be valid as the other end has closed it (and as my app is suspended, I get no notification). Thanks for the comments and for teaching me a new word! (pessimal) To handle the variable number of samples we are thinking of creating a new table each time this changes as it should not be too often. We would then have a lookup table that would allow you to find the appropriate data table for a time period. The database will be storing a stream of timestamped data that we receive at 50Hz for a number of locations hence the 2500 inserts/sec. The configuration of the stream can change at any time hence there could be a variable number of float values. The timestamp will be the primary key and have an index. We are assuming that the timestamp column will be in memory with the rest of the data on disk. yeah i think it might be to lose the dependency. That's indeed a nice introduction. Where are the Boost files stored on my computer. I didn't download them off of the Boost website. But using the tutorial that idown gave me it won't compile. Is there anyway I can use g++'s backtick feature? Links are normally underlined by default - so unless you've changed the default style to remove the underlining, that code should result in underlined, clickable links. You can use this syntax: $('li a').css({ "text-decoration": "underline", "color": "#333333" }); If you're changing several CSS attributes, though, I'd usually make a new class and then assign the class to the links. I think you have missed the point regarding offline use. The users will download the infopath forms, go away to the client site and fill in the forms. They may fill in 10 forms before they have access to an internet connection. The approach you describe would require them to then reopen the forms when they come online and submit them. The point is to automatically submit data from the client to the server, not the other way around. Sure, I could look at building some utility that lives on the clients to cache the submitted forms, but I do not think the SOE would allow that. Thanks Very Much! It just displays what is the Default for Core Data. I don't believe your error with the MS report viewer control is a standards mode issue. Is the client machine with IE 8 that's having the report viewer error running Vista? If yes, there is a bug that we're seeing related to IE 8 & Vista security that prevents the ActiveX report viewer control from working unless IE 8 is run as Administrator. We have an open support ticket with MS to try to resolve the issue. I'd love to find out more from you to see if our problem is infact the same, or if you have resolved your issues. Yup, that's it. Thanks. I was so close. How can I get that to work with just one control ID? Do I need to call Unsubclass and Subclass again to switch which control is tied to the ID? Thanks for your answer! Thanks. I'm not sure whether John's answer or this one should be the accepted answer. Both works like a charm. I have found this tutorial ( http://theocacao.com/document.page/130 )with some code to allow the outline view to use drag and drop, but I am unsure where to put the code. Are you able to tell me? Shame No Ones Replied Yet. :( I've tried using the code in your link by just adding the Drag Controller to my Project but it stops the Core Data From working. I take another look. Is there a web page where I might find some advice on how to make my own? The retuend HTML contains both, ah, that could be the problem then, jQuery ajax waits for and then see if that still crashes the page. 1 for using Major/Minor/Build/Revision properties rather than parsing the version string. As you point out it can fail (including overflowing) for large numbers. It won't figure it out if you have two different loops using the same temp variable name though. Thanks a lot Chris, I think I am gonna try it, it makes hope. post your html please the reason i can't use updatepanels is because i run some jquery within my repeaters, and it all gets messed up once something is run from inside an update panel, probably because the .document().ready doesn't fire from updatepanels... are my examples not what you're looking for? re: your edit - i don't think you can do that... The issue wasn't triggering the post back, the issue was to have the post back have access to the current session information. For example the control is a data entry form, and when the user clicks save, we store the information into our platform DB, and into the user's session data to allow for faster processing. The problem is, is that when using an update panel, the post back doesn't have the same session information. I'm not sure I follow your question. You need to copy an XML configuration file *before* the build, *after* the build? What do you mean "manually configure the path of the leaf folder"? Not on any Solaris server I have handy. First, I don't have $ROOTDIR defined, and second, /etc does not have ANY *.ksh files in it. And just to double-check, I checked a Solaris 7 and a Solaris 10 box, so I checked more than one version. Your dir.ksh must be locally defined, or perhaps you're not using Solaris. In that case, it's OS-specific, not machine specific. Thanks for the reply. I think the publisher (SIGS) is dead however... Thanks for the reply. Funny you mention "C++ Gems" -- that's actually what got this whole thing started. I was unpacking a box & came across my copy of that book... which immediately led to the sinking feeling when I remembered what I'd done with all the dead trees! My condolences. I've done this with HC11 code (a few thousand lines) and it definitely sucked. I never found a good way other than quality time w/ the code. none - if you're unemployed & have time to write detailed lengthy responses like this, you'll be hired soon. Good thought process, clear writing, good physical spacing & presentation. And if you're actively employed, ask your damn boss for a raise! I hope it works for you. I've been using it for over a decade. It does not *exactly* reproduce the behavior of the pushd/popd/dirs built into csh/bash, but it is very close. this seems like a decent idea, although i don't know how much i like having my table in another file... Tried it, but the input didn't get the onclick property. What might be going on there? Ah, no problem with that, it works fine (it sends a line via a TCP socket). I'm actually stuck with attaching the onclick property to the input tag. That page shows how to do it in O(n) I used the code to set the Status item image and changed it to setAlternateImage: but now it won't let you click the Status Item. I can say with firsthand. non-biased experience that Telerik support *is* excellent. Ahh, ok, just me following old code examples then. Thank you small-time-dev! I've found that even experienced developers don't understand or appreciate the database side of things, including pesky details like race condition-avoidance. Or, they vow to "come back to it later"... please see original post for more details thanks - that looks promising! I modified the code slightly. Check it out at www.wikipediamaze.com/account/login. It works fine in Chrome but none of the other browsers. Trust me, that was one of the first things I tried :) But it did not work. But I got it working now. Done. If I take the outputed sql and use it directly in PHPMyADmin, it works fine. I get the result I want. My DAL (Data Access Layer) is a class. See last post here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/975452/need-some-advice-on-error-handling-in-php-mysql.Therefore I must use $this->query to return the value. I'm not able to extend my DAL lass to use either mysqli or PDO (see link) - but I've tested for SQL injection, and so far it can't be done - but I will take proper actions against it. Nah. Adding utf8_encode() doesn't help. There is no error. It just returns 0 rows. If you are refferring to my other post, I've renamed $query_result to $query. And for the above code, the $result was just for testing ( mysql_num_rows($result) ). I've updated above example and removed $result. Thanks Gumbo. You just made me realizea huge istake. Now I suddenlt have a variable and function which is called the same. Not god. I'm fixing this. Still, mys main problem is still the same. That worked! One row was returned and I See tha retrieved name looks like this: Church\u00b4s. So how should I go around fixing the backtick character? Neither addslashes or mysql_real_escape_string escapes the character. It's using the same chr. encoding. Table is UTF8 and I can even try utf8_encode() on the input without any luck. Thanks. But I'm not able to extend my DAL class to either PDO or mysqli. Doing that results in a blank page. Curently the log only records connect /disconnect. I'm running MySQL on my Win XP. You know how to get more detailed logging info? Brilliant Martin. I got the log working and can now see the cause of the problem. The input name = 'Church´s'. The  is a unicode issue I believe. But I don't know what else I can do to have it all in UTF8 - I thought I did have everything in utf8. I wish. If you see my post update, I have now come down to the core of the issue. $labelName is actually passed as 'Church´s'. utf_encode($labelName) does not help. Alle tables are utf8. Looks like you are right. But I'm not sure how this can be solved. See my post update. You sure there is nothing more specific to my question? Yeah, I tried that. But that results in ALL my characters such as æ, ø and å turns into gibberish (when I do normal SELECTs from DB). The header already has that. The problem isn't the unicode on my DB, That is fine. The problem is that mysql_query() adds the  before the ` - thus creating the name 'Church´s'. So the selects searches for 'Church´s', which of cours does not exist in DB. what is your SQL engine ??? @idstam my apologies. They are not using this specific database. They are accessing other databases on this same server. This is an abstraction over an identitymap. It's useful when you create manual datamapping as described in Fowler's POEA, but with NHibernate, because the identitymap is build in to the ISession. Awesome, that link worked wonders. Using the threads worked like a charm. What kind of example? using the unit of work or the unit of work itself? The question was pretty specific, I think. I asked for parser generators that have good debugging features. He posted a list, not something specific. I'm not sure what you'd even use this for. Test to see if a variable is greater than MAX_DOUBLE? LOL Your merged assembly will still require the .Net framework, though, which seems to miss the "without any dependencies" requirement. So at the top of the partial view like this: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage>" %> yea that is a good call but then I have to keep it out of the repo or the file returns every time i deploy...or I could make capistrano delete the file after it deploys...i think that is better. The customer specified IE, so that's what it must be. @msvcyc: Firstly security is never simple, secondly based on those crierta that's what I see. There are other options (e.g. SSL) but that means implementing your own access control. Query: How does RPC avoid the naming squatting issue? Hello Rasmus, Thanks; I am using your option 1. But i am not sure what option i should use for __in UINT CodePage, __in DWORD dwFlags, I am using CP_ACP (default) and using zero for the flags. For my case, do you think these options are ok? MS warns about CP_ACP as a varying one from PC to PC. If i want to configure the PC to keep it as constant, iS there a way to do this? Thanks Hello Rasmus, you are mentioning about third party toolkit for certificate management. I am will to look at it. Can you please give me some references on this. I saw some with the certificate vendors? Is that you are referring to? Any names will help me. what do you mean with "XML database" ? JFrame is not included in the palette. Right clicking the JFrame doesn't show a JMenuBar option. The main reason I don't do that is because I have unit tests that "belong to" each VS project, and I don't want to run the same unit tests for each solution that shares the project. kevindtimm: I think you're a bit confused. You are correct that variables (identifiers) cannot start with a numeral. With 3[a] you have an identifier spelled 'a', there is no numeral in it. It is semantically identical to *(3 + a) which is identical to *(a + 3) which is identical to a[3]. Thanks got it working now :) Actually, your last variant also works in Opera, Chrome and Safari. But ie.. you know) return MyISession.Linq().Where(specification.Preficate).ToList() I don't really use it that simple in my code, but I use a query object to add support for eager loading, ordering, projections, etc. Yes, actualy my site works well in ie6 (not so well as in other browsers but without explicit defects). But watch out... the generated trace files will be ENORMOUS. The first time I ran an xdebug trace on a Zend Framework app it took a loooong time to run and generated a multi GB (not kb or MB... GB) sized file. Just be aware of this. Good idea, but not sure it will help backlash17 because he sort of implied he does not have "users". What's your installation system? Wix? Wise? Something else? I don't need it any longer, so I've lost track of the link, but there used to be a website out there (maintained by a private individual) with lots of information on each country's rules, links to their postal service websites, etc. I'll try to dig it up. After that, though, you're going to have to do it on a country-by-country basis, because there's too much variability. Thanks, now I have a headache; how much alcohol do you go through in a day at work? Or very small rocks. A curse on your organization's house. Or something. Because, now I'm thinking about this. I'm not sure I have the resources to spare for actual work and your problem. Why isn't it Friday? I see. I suppose the only downside to that would be doing the looping in both layers to get the list created, but I would think that impact would be minimal. Nice ... Why not take it to the next level and use imaginary numbers: "Hey, how's build (5 + 2j) doing? Comment 1 for speaking the truth. Wow. More sleep is in order. Thanks for the discerning eyes! Unfortunately that won't work for me to well, part of the program is heavily network I/O bound (HTTP requests) so threading is a really lightweight way to squeeze a ton of performance out of the box (100+ threads grabbing stuff with almost no CPU load in that part of the program since I'm waiting 100's of milliseconds for remote servers to respond). Yeah my app has several pools of threads, some are more I/O bound, some hit the CPU pretty good (BeautifulSoup on a 100k sized and badly formed HTML document is no picnic). mkdir fails too actually... doesn't seem like to create files, and won't spit out an error. Right now the app is pretty easy; since it's threads I have shared memory, and work queues which make handling everything really really simple (and pretty efficient). I'd rather not break it up and start with the whole message passing. Plus the CPU bound stuff isn't that bad, and leaving it in the threads is a whole lot simpler then breaking it all apart. As for twisted that's way overkill for what I need. It'd be nice if a question could have a talk page a la Wikipedia so the answers don't get cluttered up. This seems very promising - how do I actually use this though? You might want to watch the video I linked to, there's some potentially very dumb/ugly behavior possible by Python due to it leaving all the threading work to the OS. @Andrew - I'm open to all possibilities - however I'm not sure how to get started. Is there any kind of working code I can look at to get started on this? Yes, the file is there. And the link example I posted suggested that the cucumber wrapper was looking in IronRuby's gem folder and not rubys one despite the explicit instruction not to. I did as was suggested and copied the files to my IronRuby's gem folder and nothing. The path in the error looks right, and the file seems to be there. I gave up on this after a few hours of pain. Ty - I assure you performance is not an after thought. We work hard to enable devs to have full control over the RadControls, and we're always striving to maximize performance. That said, you should only use rich UI controls when you need them to achieve best performance, so be cautious of replacing all default controls with rich controls as a rule of thumb. If you've hit a specific perf problem, let me know and I'll be happy to help. Well of course I'm right. Just kidding. Glad to help, it is a great site. And what, pray tell, should happen if a delete a row from a table and then re-insert with the same key but some of the other data fields different? I guess you're right on both ODE and Bullet. Reading the manuals doesn't really sketch up how to do stuff like this. Thanks for your recommendation on the Civil Engineer though, it seems reasonable that this is the way to go. Thanks. Could you demonstrate how I could evaluate the return of an exec() command in PHP? Is PHP smart enough to return FALSE if the command doesn't work? That would surprise me. My original post was not very clear. Please read the edit clarification above. Please read my edit clarification above. This worked perfectly, thank you very much! System.Windows.Controls.ListBox is not like System.Windows.Forms.ListBox in contining a SelectedIndexCollection property Are you looking for something prebuilt that does that, or tips on how to build it yourself? Awesome, thanks!!! thank you very much for your response. I tried your last example and I got something like: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'internal' but i worked with dbi atributes progError and internalError, thanks Andrew: Thx for the response. I rolled my own Service Provider implementation for 2 reasons 1. I wanted to understand the OAuth protocol for myself and for our consumers - what better way to gain understanding than by doing 2. There are business cases that required extending the protocol - https://demo.staging.fellowshiponeapi.com/v1/Util/AuthDocs.help I have looked at DotNetOpenAuth, it seems like a very slick implementation - you must have busted it to get as much functionality in there as you did! Also, In your Console.WriteLine() statements, I think your output text is around the wrong way: The ternary conditional operator works by checking if the bit before the ? is True, the action before the : is performed, otherwsie the action after the : Tomcat 5 on top of sun JRE 1.5.0_17 is the approved infrastructure stack at my client. I can still use jconsole with Tomcat 5.5, assuming i start Tomcat with JMX enabled. However, that doesn't provide me the view I need to see why certain exceptions are occurring in production. Interesting, so if you create it using TempDB as the database instead of prepending the # or ##, then it becomes effectively perminent until reboot (when tempdb gets dumped anyway)? That's exactly what I'm after - I can handle recreating it if it doesn't exist. Nope. Fixed. Thanks. :) setting to null and back to collection worked. Thank you for the reply. This option isn't available to me. Thank you again for the help. I did some googling after I suspected that it was an issue with the version of .NET my project was using. It was pointing at .NET 2.0, after changing it to .NET 3.5 and adding using System.linq my problem was solved :) -1 I've never worked with Filemaker Pro and did think of it as "just another MS Access". However you cannot simply say "Cheaply made" ,"Non-standard" and give no real evidence to back this up. Your only "Pro" makes it obvious you have some subjective bi I go to FireBug and look in the "HTML" section if it has it. I said that because I had just read the answers to a question that asked: What technique would you really like to know better? And many, many people answered functional programming or Haskell. (I can't find the question right now because the SO search is so embarrassingly bad, but it was active right before I asked my question about Haskell. :) That's what it was, thanks. Looks nice, thanks. What do you need the line *e = e || event;* for? It shows that lots of folks take the fact the languages they speak have one character per keystroke for granted. That's what I did. I'm pretty sure this is doable, but I'm not sure exactly how. One thing you can try is to use svcutil.exe to extract the metadata from your assembly, and use the same tool to generate a proxy from that metadata, and use the /reference: parameter to tell it to specifically use the types from your assembly. However, I can appreciate that you probably want a more turnkey solution. I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't "just work" when used as you describe. Yes,FullD12.bat does nothing. I've opened and compiled IndySystem120.dpk okay, but that's a far as I get. IndyCore120 wont compile and complains that IndySystem120 cannot be found. This relies on the text being a fixed-width typeface; so it won't work with fonts like Arial, verdana etc. Thanks Mathias; just fixed it - it should decrease as expected now :) why is this marked down? i consistently get random numbers from this... That's my concern as well... I still need a way to 'identify' the dom element so I can attach data. Also, I believe I need to keep a separate javascript structure to store all the initial values. Thanks for this. And yes, I did feel quite stupid when I realised the solution. Too many late nights! Using a batch process in the background is the way to go for something like this. Vladimir, works for me in IE7/XP ... Can you provide an example of the query and/or output? floatsink is definitely wrong. C is not Java. C does not perform any array bounds checking. What happens is that you eventually walk outside the memory allocated to your process and *then* take a segfault. @Alex That is correct. If you didn't want to do that you could alternatively inject the repository in your constructor, but you were shying away from that in your question. @Alex However, also note that one of the methods is only a wrapper to define the "default" behavior, and doesn't have any real behavior in it. @Chad That's true with ANY IoC container that you use. You will eventually have to create a dependency on SOMETHING, the question is, what THING do you want to be dependent on? In the first case, RegistrationService is dependent on UserRepository. In t This is a limitation of the older version control systems without easy branching and merging. Try using Git, Mercurial or other similar ones. @Chad I'm not advocating dependancy on Unity, or Ninject, or StructureMap, or any specific IoC container. What I mean to illustrate here is that you will have to have some construct by which to resolve an interface (in this case IRepository). In m @Chad I think now I understand the miscommunication. The second example does NOT use a specific implementation of any IoC Container, NOR does it use a any implementation of IRepository (in this case UserRepository). IoC.Resolve could just as well be You're not exactly correct. Look at the JDK source code. The entire file will be mapped into the Java process's virtual address space. In 32-bit Windows, you only have up to 2 GB of virtual address space unless you have made some changes. If you allocate a large heap, you leave less room for stuff outside the heap, and you can easily run into problems. We don't know what else the OP's program is doing, and what other native resources are allocated outside the heap. In addition, your suggestion won't work at all. When you call mbb.asCharBuffer(), you are not doing any decoding. You are just treating the ByteBuffer as a CharBuffer of half the number of characters. That is, when you get the first character, it will read TWO BYTES from the ByteBuffer and treat them as one char. This will work only if the file in question is using a 2-byte encoding scheme, which is NOT the case for ISO-8859-1, the encoding used by the OP. Look at the source code and read MSDN. This doesn't do what you thought it did. My understanding is that volatile works as you'd expect ** for a single variable ** in JDK 1.4. However, in JDK 1.5, the JMM was strengthened so that a write to a volatile variable creates a "happens before" which guarantees memory synchronization of all writes that occurred before the volatile write. But it is for the reasons mentioned in comments above that I highly recommend use of the backport. @Robin: volatile in 1.4 is not as broken as you suggest. Nothing I have read suggests that volatile in 1.4 plain doesn't work for the variable defined to be volatile. @T Reddy: The likely consequence is that threads will see an old value for `map`. However, the JMM doesn't guarantee that threads will ever see any updates unless the variable is declared volatile or unless you synchronize. Why would you want to even t Yes, create your own Exception subclass. Ensure that you support the Exception constructor that takes an Exception as a parameter. Your API can create Exceptions named to make sense for users of this API, and you can appropriately wrap the Exceptions coming in from the 3rd party APIs you're using. This is best practice. Also: When you rethrow an exception as "throw ex" then you lose the original stack trace and replace it with the CURRENT stack trace; rarely what's wanted. If you just "throw" then the original stack trace in the Exception is preserved. It's not built into jQuery... Ah, forgot about the contexts. Thanks Paolo. Glad I could help! Never use Euler method with collision bounce. On collision detect, recompute velocity via conservation of momentium and new position immediately. @johnny because one of the SingleOrDefault overloads takes an expression that is basically a Func where T is a Dinner @womp oh ok, didn't know that, will modify my answer. I still like "such that" myself, but whatever =P Why would the DBA need to bother the developer anyway when moving databases? Just update the config files. If your code requires rebuilding just to move DBs, you've got a bad design. That being said, if you have a very widely distributed system, there'd be some advantage to centralizing config. I want not to allow files bigger than 1 MB.. Why I need to change my 2MB limit??? Yes, my avi file is 600MB and I don t want to allow the upload.. I want a 1MB limit.. Why I need to set a bigger maximum if I just want 1 MB limit?? Not relevant.. I tryied with different files.. between 400MB and 800MB size. How do I drop tables onto my report? Nevermind the dropping of the table. How do I point the table to the dataset? Thanks for you help, I will try it out It is embedded. How do I locate the element with the actual file contents? Perfect, thanks very much. Unfortunately I only have access to the .aspx in this situation, not the .cs file. If their login page accepted posted values from my site I wouldn't need the iframe / javascript nonsense.. :) I think that wasn't the problem... there was no proxy server defined on that computer. @robUK: A String in C is, practically speaking, just an array of characters. So, grabbing the item at index 0 of the String will return a character, the first character in the String. That bottommost array layer, the array of characters comprising a Strin And Vista. But there's definitely no XP alternative? iphlpapi.dll lies, and this class isn't available, there must be some reliable way to get usage stats on XP. I see your point, but the reality is, he's probably going to find out and you've totally burned the bridge at that point. If you are okay with that fine, but I'm not surprised anymore when people cross paths later in life. I'll just say this - a little SQL can save you a LOT of coding. I've edited my answer above to answer your questions. It would seem that there is a problem in the PlantData constructor. Dear Microsoft: Why are you so awesome and how do you stay so awesome? I've updated my answer. What does realtime mean to you? Are you making a videogame? How is it clearly a need for OLAP? A little experimentation suggests this isn't the case. The code for the loop is generated, although perhaps the runtime is smart enough to skip it. Even accumulating, C# still beats the pants of C. That's what I thought might be the case. Even forcing it to do work, though, it's still 9 seconds faster than the C version. (I wouldn't have expected that at all) thanks for the followup! Script# would help write the JS but I don't think it would help him call .NET code from JS. I edited the original post for clarity. Thanks It is compiled with /clr; I will definitely have to check this out tomorrow. I don't use the designer for these classes. I roll my own classes and add the proper attribute tags. The schema has not changed. thanks a lot...this works greatttttttttttt!:-) i've got the answer from Koistya Navin .NET above.thanks everyone for your inputs.FYI,i did not care much about whitespaces getting trimmed or not.my main concern was not being able to add the "+" character literally in the output string which Koistya's solution achieves using Aggregate function.... am now getting the output as: "\"tax accounting\" + \"assurance services\" + \"tax audit\" + \"internal audit\" + \"lean accounting\" + \"cost accounting\"...can i get rid of the back slashes over here? like I said, insert into doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I doubt it. >>Worst case you build the schema by hand, once, which shouldn't be onerous if you are the one writing the SP. I don't write them and am looking for an easy way. You can also try using the eventlog as a log of last resort as well. That 10 steps article is quite dated now. Specifically: 2. Use rxvt instead, no need to install the full X if you don't need it. 5. Windows native PostgreSQL is now available. 8. Why cygwin Apache instead of native Apache? You probably haven't connected the IBOutlet to the ViewController reference in IB. Check the image is in the Resources folder. A full C++ compiler will be very hard to write, even for a single target! Try something like "compiler error with '<<' operator" I suppose you're right. Don't need a CMS for this application as i want to keep this simple and light weight. im using asp.net. One reason for the file folders would be for file viewing of the directory whether from a webpage of FTP app. If they where all dumped into a single directory loading all the files could time out a server, etc. so the loginurl would be the first login page...if passed sent to the second page..then set the formsauth cookie once the second piece is validated? Most of the stuff in System.Net.NetworkInformation wraps iphlpapi.dll anyway, so I'm not sure this will help. I'll have a look through the MSDN docs you linked to anyway, and see if there are any other avenues of attack. I'm reminded of a cell phone service, that for a fee, allows you to call them and they will identify (artist, song, album) of the music you're playing. This was done with audio sampling of any part of the song. Yeah, that's what I was thinking, thanks. Good point, I'll check the content of the SLA's we use @tvanfosson - I agree, the customer can accept responsability for their changes but it's the website database login they want changing, so if the site gets hacked, it's 'goodbye database'. Then it becomes 'my fault'.. It is. I've used to to upload 50MB+ files without a problem Does something useful include logging the error before rethrowing, or would this be better taken care of elsewhere (e.g on Application Error)? Looks interesting! Thanks. ye...am using upatepanels ad ajaxtoolkit Shouldn't that be "str != null"? Well, conceptually, not much. What I was commenting on was the way packages rely on filesystem structure, and the way you're supposed to base it off your domain (com.google.Whatever) instead of namespace MyProject { whatever }. Does anyone know if there is a canonical list of words to lop off titles when sorting, such as "The", "An" and "A". Also, rules for capitalisation: Should it be "An Affair To Remember" or "An Affair to Remember"? Which platform are you using? Winodows, Linux, Mac? I don't think you can pull the password information out of AD - which makes syncing difficult... I wish. 1 to see if someone comes up with a solution. Try going to http://www.buildingwebapps.com/learningrails Usually you will start getting emails about the episodes. Thanks, I will try to check this. Although it is weird that on instantiation it looks for a proxy server - this should be performed during the first operation call or something... This appears to try to merge the branch with master. Aye. I'm lazy, so I just set the rebase=true option for the branch in my .git/config. The RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs passed to the RunWorkerCompleted event contains an Error property which contains any exception. Fixed the typo -- the collection is Hashtable Looks like it's working now. Isn't the L in LAMP linux? :P I prefer return s == "True" over the if/else Unfortunately you can't overwrite photos either. Check rpetrichs answer for a possible solution, but as he said, it won't work on the appstore. Beat me to it, Jon. EBCDIC was my first thought too. No worries..im actually surprised it wasn't easier to find any articles or information on this type of login. Always good to hear others point of view because working solo you often don't push yourself. Yeah, looks like a white translucent square, I don't see the problem. I'm looking for something to decompile class files if thats possible. Maybe define what you mean by best? Most efficient? Least amount of code? Easiest to understand? Aw, be nice. It doesn't look like English is your first language either. Hey Mark and others, If you have a chance take a look at this little test project. I have it working but wouldn't mind any extra pair of eyes to see if it looks ok. http://is.gd/rekn Not familiar with JPA. If it creates it the first time the app starts, then okay I guess. You wouldn't want to be dropping and recreating the table and constraints all the time. If I recall my C history, the C compiler evolved incrementally from a B compiler. Thanks for the update. Tried creating a bash script to launch the Ruby process and putting read text at the end. Got error saying "Rails requires RubyGems" etc. Your solution almost worked, but there's some environment issue I guess. Well that's a bit harsh. The question was all but asking for magic. If he wants an immediate reaction, triggers are probably going to be involved somewhere in the process. @Gortok: it sounds a lot like the not-infrequent "What can Ruby do that SNOBOL can't?" questions we see around here. And it seems our division is probably going with windows search server express. I think it is something that contains how many times have user passed tests. I have not seen any unit test at all. Why is none of this mentioned here? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms233819(VS.80).aspx How do these comments help the OP, or any SO user? I have a VPN that lets me authenticate once with SecurID, and is then fine for several hours. With SVN, I would be happy with a couple of minutes before it reprompts. Entering a new SecurId number every ten seconds is not very productive. Actually, to be specific, MySQL's REPLACE always does an insert, but it will delete the row if it already exists, first. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/replace.html As I understand it, it's not so much a lack of vendor support but that most early Smalltalk implementations were expensive and proprietary. There are free/open ones now but C++ and Java "won" in the meantime. Thanks very much for your help! Definitely this method, with the controller action either rendering partials (user controls in asp.net mvc language), or json, depending on your requirements. Easy and completely painless. I want it to work with ServiceKnownType and not with KnownType because in my real-world scenario I can’t add an attribute on the “Widget” class since it’s located in a DLL I can’t change. I would appreciate any other solution for my scenario but I also want to know why the MSDN example doesn’t work No, the O(log n) I was thinking of was for horizontal or vertical line segments only I believe. Bresenham's algorithm looks like it could miss intersections though, can't it? It doesn't "fill" every cell it enters. Otherwise, this looks like a good approach. Ill give it a run through and get back to you. I knew about that function, it sets the whole window to the same transparency. Not really what I meant. I wants to have some pixels fully transparent, some others fully opacue and many others to be somewhere in between. Like this random pic from the web (searched for "redrose.png" at google): http://www.uniqueboutiquedallas.com/images/redrose.png it's edges is transparent and makes it blend in with whatever is behind. Look at http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/components/com_rny_gallery/simpleviewer/images/Skins-Win.png and you see how the windows are transparent on some portions. I personally ( Really much ) dislikes them both. So no, is the simple answer. Yes, indeed this is just how I'm working around the problem for now. I would add that for me, it's necessary to monitor the CollectionChanged event on Items to add/remove PropertyChanged registration as the collection changes. That is correct, Jacob. The direction is given by another point though, not an angle, if that's relevant. Several rays will be compared against the same set of line segments, so I figure it may be worthwhile to perform some preprocessing on the lines if it helps. In the former program, the GetQueuedCompletionStatus() just wait there until time is out. It seems there 's no way I can call GetLastError(). I have these stuff in my program ,but the program still behaves like sync-io. Is it documented by Microsoft? Where can I find a convinced answer? try this ,clock(); WriteFile(); clock(); GetQueuedCompletionStatus(); clock(); and see the latencies. not quite: the GPL requires that the source code must be available. They are not required to make it easily available, but they would have to send the code to anyone asking for it. That's what the GPL is about. perfect! @volker: doesn't seem to be an issue in this case. It didn't Matt, sorry Sorry Matt, it actually did, was looking at wrong file. It does display warning, but not actual prompt to reload though Brian, vim says "No such group or event: CurshorHold * checktime " Don, next pull after rebase on non private branch causes a conflict. Thanks for --mirror and config alias, will look into it My website is currently on a shared host - is replication something I would have to implement on my own or is this something I should contact my host about? So this is likely a server issue? Though if you do use this._private, the variable is accessible from the outside. (technically speaking, you can trace in with a debugger either way in most, if not all, JS environments) WOW! You mean thats all I have to do to get this to work! DAYAM I actually learnt to use the whole zend framework for the sake of url rewriting - I never actually understood that the htaccess file did all that on its own pretty much - guess thats what happens when I rely on copy pasting from tutorials and taking it from there - Thanks everybody :) Also, I'm not sure what you mean exactly but "not running in a fastcgi environment". My host claims they support FastCGI, and I can save stuff as .fcgi and have it run... what exactly is going on if it's not FastCGI, and how do I phrase this so I can ask my hosting providers to enable it? That helped, but my export to pdf is still giving a blank page, though the print layout is not showing any blank pages. what should the new math be for the sleep in the loop? That worked. Thanks. :) Good point, I'll revise my answer. Well with the new info in your post, it seems to me that you are using the wrong structure to hold your data. you may be better off with a hashtable or datatable. actually, now that i read more just a straight up array. Woah, does this work? You may have changed my SQL life! I've not defined a class in two header files. Is it possible to declare public members in one file and private in another and only deliver the public header? If so, we have absolutely no idea what else is in the class. Well, eventually we decided to install SP1, and the problem just disappeared... Unfortunately I don't have any of those profiling tools, so I guess that the problem will remain mysterious.. Thanks for tour help! Many thanks. This works brilliantly! Nice link, thanks I don't know what your library is going to be used for, so I don't know what is relevant and what isn't. Merely pointing out that there was a third option. PM? What's that stand for? The second options appears to be the same as the original poster has. You're not trying to touch the simulator on the screen with your finger are you;) Doesn't sound right at all. If there are no errors, might want to reinstall iPhone sdk . I would argue that superfluous ID columns just to avoid composite keys is a bigger PITA then composite keys themselves. You've already got the unique constraint specified, making it the primary key just ratifies the design. The ID column adds no value and detracts from the design in this case. I have other tables that hold a foreign key to this table, but I'm just starting the project so it's OK for me.. Thanks! It doesn't affect performance to have 3 columns with lot of info (role) as primary keys?? It doesn't affect performance to have 3 columns with lot of info (role) as primary keys?? role is VARCHAR 80, but I need movieID and personID to be primary so I can refer to them from another tables.. I can put roles in another table but I will be using to many tables for a too simple thing, so I will go with the 3 primary keys.. Thanks!! Yea, I do plan on opening a support ticket with them on Monday, but I figured I'd try here and see if any SAS folks lurked or others had a similar issue. Thanks. :) Role is not just the title of the role, but the person the actor play in the movie.. for example: Rusell Crowe role in Gladiator is Maximus so theres no need for a role table because the field will always be unique This may not be so helpful as an answer but if you already know C++, picking up Objective-C should be a breeze. Unless of course you're porting an app then I understand the question more. Ok, actually now I got it all to load, but its not working now. Strange thing is if i put the header code directly in the header.php file, it works. But if i call with the enqueue_script function using the plugin it doesnt. any insights? Seconded. I see the first example a lot in code and don't get it. When I see code like the second, I assume the coder didn't understand how short-circuit evaluation works. @David That's how I understood it to work, too. And I don't have access to a C compiler to try it :P I'll let my ignorance stand for now, if ignorance it is :P I agree. Some users are caught up in a rep points competition. I could have not answered my question, but I wanted to save and share it for my own reference and for the community. This question has been asked before on stack overflow, but the answers are not as straight forward (most use cursors or for loops). Useful thanks for that. Doing it this way would mean that I would have to duplicate the build instructions for each dependency project into each dependent project. But I guess if it turns out that I can't control the build order in CC.NET, I'll have to be redundant. At least I can use CC.NET's support for XML Entities to encapsulate a project's build steps. @annakata: Namespaces are perfectly usable without XSD, and very useful where nodes come from multiple sources. You just have to remember that nodes are named by namespace+localname always (and the namespace tag (or prefix) is just a local document detail Ack! Same behavior I've been seeing, and unfortunately, similar solution. Restarting apache for us seemed to do it too, in addition to running the maint. scripts. Although it sucks that the build box would still have to do duplicate building, it's looking like there's no good way around it. This answer looks like the best one. It does; it's a program called bcp. Many thanks --- I appreciate it Hmm, the example on that page you referenced seems to talk about the use of ! when invoking a function. But that seems different than putting it in a type declaration. What am I missing? Your currently-posted code is missing an open brace for the class. Is *that* causing your compiler error? ISO 8859-1 has a couple of issues for rare French words, hence ISO 8859-15 was created. It adds multiple inserts directly into T-SQL. INSERT INTO Blah (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4). You can do things with UNIONs and bcp, but that was a handy addition that reduces verbosity. i definitely like doing it through active record but i thought you couldn't set the primary keys that way. i'll have to give the method from your article a shot. You can also use Cnnnn (changeset), Llabel, "W" (Workspace) or "T" (latest) at either end of the versions. E.g. to see all changes in TFS but not in the workspace: "/version:W~T". I thought of that, but the problem is that then pow is pointing to the pow function of m, i.e. it point to the function of an instance, not of the class. The object being squared will be one of the same type as m, but not m itself, and doing as you propose, the defined pow is taking m's self as the first argument by default. I just tried it: >>> a = TestClass(6) >>> a.sqr() 36 >>> b = TestClass(12) >>> b.sqr() 144 >>> func = a.sqr >>> func(b) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in func(b) TypeError: sqr() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) That could work, although it would require a nasty user interface, but there may not be a better way around it... Ok, that was just an example. You could just as easily use a different extension, such as the Any operator. someAs.Any(a=>a.Value == 7) Why does $('textarea').length result in 4? ok. if the $('textarea').length > 0 i need to include the
Is it ok?? Ok... If go -> http://movewithusoverseas.com/index-new.php?z=product-info.html&pid=1 and click on the third tab the problem persists.. If I go directly to -> http://movewithusoverseas.com/index-new.php?z=product-info.html&pid=1#tabs-3 the map is shown ok even without the code you gave to me :S Finally I've used the css method provided by the jquery doc and it works!! Changing this: .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide { display: none !important; } for this: .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide { position: absolute; left: -10000px; } Thanks for your help mates!! If I meet you someday remind me that I owe you a beer.. or two! :) You are welcome to the beer session aswell!! :P a "dash" plus a "pinch" is a "smidgen"... thats some hardcore math there The sample code was posted by Andrew, not the OP. Andrews code should work as is. right... say thousands and... I would try to keep them as small as I can, but just to be safe 700kb Thanks for the link. However, I can get the keyboard to show fine. The problem is that it slides up infront of a view that it should be hidden behind. I just can't figure out how to get the keyboard to slide up behind my top level view so that I can uncover it later on without having to display the sliding up animation Same reason we use words like "folders" "Windows" and more...start out simple so the 'dumb users' can understand, and it sticks :) The javascript is of the following form:
CSV I'm sorry, I was editing my answer and added Google Code. When I submitted, I saw that you had posted it in the meantime... When I open the 3rd party XML file in LTFViewer it says the number of lines in the status bar. Good point. It is large enough that Visual Studio wont open it. The zipped xml file that my console app extracts and saves is 67 MB. Just downloaded and extracted ... 1.56 GB. WOW! I did not know that zipping will compress a file that much. I am currently using XmlReader. I was considering inserting 1000 records at a time or would 100 or 10 be better? Since this is not tabular data, a table shouldn't be used according to The Law, but because those CSS folks failed to give us a way to easily do grid layouts, fsck it! Use a table. (though I hope somebody have a better solution) Depending on where title came from, you probably want to HTML-encode title before blindly inserting it into a string. You can use ASP.NET to output HTML outside the context of a web site. same as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930745/how-do-i-display-a-java-resultset-visually Agree on 2.19: guidance should be: avoid reinventing framework exception classes. Having seen Juval speak (TechEd a few years ago), he does come over as rather pedantic, but does have his reasons to simplify usage. This does not mean I agree, and the guidelines in the "Framework Design Guidelines" are both more comprehensive and (IMO) better. how does this work in python? I know in ruby what I have to do to make it work, I would like to know what python does for me. I'm interested in how tracing in python works. Just the general idea of what python does behind the scene. Thanks! I'll look into the mechanism. Worth a try, but did'nt sort it When the user clicks the row I will then be using jQuery to update textboxes on the page and close the jqModal window. Click function on the row also failing. Well what is the error? Thanks. The thing is I was expecting klass to be my Model into which I'm mixing the module, but the class of klass is "Class" and the block never gets called. Am I getting the wrong end of the stick? Thanks so much. Ok. How's that? I would expect so, but Process Explorer will help confirm that. In cases like this when your assumptions are untrue, you need to go back to basics, and validate everything. Thanks a lot David. I totally forgot about the numLines property. I ended up just calling a function as you indicated in your sample code. For the second question, I would like to use the textfield's height property, but it does not resize automatically. I have a dynamic text box on the stage and if the text box is too small text gets cut off. I dont see anything in flash to make the textbox resizable. I will check the as3 library. Do you know how to make a textbox resizable to the length of the text. I got it. question_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; Thanks fenomas! Why is kind of key/value storage are you using ? it should be fast. What are the customer and order classes? He wants the number of distinct productID's. Your query returns the number of rows for each keyword. I tried var content = $('.additionalParam').serialize()? Is form["additionalParam"] different? Nice solution, I actually voted you up for the first one anyway since it's working. The new one you posted won't work since I need the name of the key (i.e id/name of the element) to perform processing on it. (I turn it into a dictionary of key/value pairs) Also, I was Binding using code behind which wasn't clear in my example so I am now showing the Binding ItemsSource in XAML. Why? The new object will be created in the eden space, and so only require two or three pointer additions to instantiate. The JVM may notice that it never escapes beyond the method scope and so allocate it on the stack. Sorry, can you reword your question a bit so it's clearer what the problem is? Are you saying that version 9.0 doesn't support some methods from the older version? If that's the case, then it's entirely possible those methods have been deprecated and subsequently removed in later versions; the documentation trail ought to give you a hint as to whether that's the case. I suspect there's a reasonable, non-programming solution to this problem; perhaps altering the device properties so it doesn't switch off when the machine goes into standby? (Look in Device Manager) Modified my answer to match your comment. It is way to go to have full control over the sorting. But that may be too much in this case :-)
Thanks for the comment. I'm not always sure if I should release the instance inside the method where it's made or in the dealloc methoc of the class. Thanks! This will do for my needs! :-P Yes, it's a sudden incident. All of them left after fully planning on starting their new company. I'm a manager and they planned it without my knowledge :( @hainstech works fine now, but you're missing a select at the top. Although this and the CTE example both work, this answer is much faster on my data so I have voted both up but accepted this one. Actually for MSCRM 4.0, that is specific. There's no need to see any HTML code in this case. And while Martin should probably have just made this comment the content of his question, it looks like he's a first time user and there's no need to get snippy. That's interesting... A white page is usually a symptom of running out of memory, or sometimes bad encoding. I'd recommend checking your error logs Nothing quite like submitting an unchecked page and then getting it back either marked up in red or emptied with obscure validition errors, I must admit. @Artyom Vim's fabulous, slightly magical new omnicomplete? ^X, ^O... I already feel like an Emacs user! Thanks for the reply. The snippet was just a snippet; there are drawing elements like lines and rectangles (and custom shapes) on the canvas in the real application and not just a bunch of images I just fired up the Visual Studio 2010 beta and guess what - the elements in the view box are shown in the designer. So I guess that answers my question, i.e., the designer behavior is simply a limitation in the vs2008 tool set. Mhh you mean i would have multiple processData Classes which implement the interface and have custome coding. And there is the DataClass which implements a Process Data Objekt, which i can dynamically inctantiate pretty much the same way as now? Thanks for these links. I have to do more research before I can post my solution. A seriously good investment if you have more questions like this would be to get RegexBuddy. Incredible piece of software that lets you write/test regular expressions on the fly. This one may be better than the "Chosen" answer. Note that this one does match 333.33 (which I think you said it should only match up to two digits, but dont know if you mentioned if it should match more than two), it also matches 33.333 (three digits in the decimal area. That's why a Key/Value datastore seemed very useful here. Key is an ordered object(spreadsheet_id,row) and the data is an array of columns It's actually a beta right now, which (at least for MS) is a step beyond CTP. Agree that it's still not ready for everyday usage. It's available as a standalone beta. Totally a programming question and stackoverflow is the easiest question and answer website. Best answers rise to the top. No digging I can't hear any of the previews at soundrangers. Did anyone else have this problem? IS that what the POST format should be or do I need to do the format myself. It keeps doing key:value key:value instead of what you posted Thanks. The program is a console app. How would I break it up into separate processes? I am processing the file line by line to populate the linq object. Is there something more I can do? There is manipulation of the data that must take place and I only want to insert records that belong to certain US cities. Each xml object contains about 20 nodes and there are over a million objects. Right now it manipulates and inserts about 20 records per second, but slows down the longer it runs. It took about 4 hours to process 200,000 records. Shahkalpesh, I just edited the question to provide an example. So I would first have to split the file up and save it into different sections. Then call another program for each file. Development time is limited, but it I like the idea. Yes, but this is just a fraction of the manipulation. Performing a pipe delimited direct insert into a second database, then manipulating from the seconds database into the first might be fast, right? You could use XSLT to coerce the data into the format required for BCP. This is all assuming that it's the inserts that are slowing things down, not the conversion logic. I couldn't agree more with not accepting the project. I've found that the projects that I have caused me the most trouble were the ones where the clients refused to define a spec document and then got upset when unknowns popped up and caused delays. +1 for some sanity! Unit tests are great, but TDD is a big sap on getting things done quickly if tests are used to cover *everything*. If you have tests for trivial or boilerplate code like getters/setters, it's more likely that you'll get failing tests Thanks for this, but sadly, c5-testing doesn't have it either. Might have to use the RPM, but man, what a nightmare. Mark, you should check out JSyntaxPane. It's what I've used for syntax highlighting. Yes, I'm using CentOS 5.2 (Final) and PHP v5.2.9 with cli, pcntl, and posix enabled - yet none of the posix functions are defined. Very good stuff. Although what if i want all books except those that exist in carts with delivery_date = today? i think i want to use the intersect command but i am having trouble finding documentation for this. any help or links would be great for file handling. yea...i know. i am controlling the query here so i thought i could trust the params. but that is a very good point ok, im not sure about the named_scope stuff but i'll try the customized condition with intersect that's the best you could come up with? Internet Explorer 8, on both the client and the server Restrict to what? An ACL with a single ACE will provide no access to anyone else. hmmm... trying to disect this. one issue is a book doesn't have many reminders (it does theoretically, but i made users have many reminders since that is how i will generally access them). also wouldn't this return all books that HAVE notification type1? i want to end up with books that do not have notification type1 reminders=notifications i would but there may be like 30 types of notifications by the end of this project i think you meant to put an open bracket before the :conditions? looks like there is a syntax error....still testing the query but this is starting to make a lot of sense I guess it is not available. It does not appear when running `make config`. I also entered it manually in the config file, but this did not change the behaviour, the Oops message looks still the same... I appended the output, but I do not think this will help a lot... The app is a stock trading app. With a two- minute interval it works, but it's more 'interesting' than real utility. Real utility == interval inside 10 secs. So maybe I should rephrase the question: I *need* to rewrite the backend in Erlang for it to work; should I redo the front in Erlang or keep it in Rails ? To clarify, this is Indy 9, not Indy 10 which could explain the need to manually close sockets on exit. The OS security patch caused calls to Write() to block and not return (between XP SP2 and 3). The app had worked for 2 years and failed after a security patch. Thinking it was hardware, the deployment team moved the app to a second server with the same result. Since it was a production server, we tried substituting the ScktComp interface and everything has worked. I did not have time to use a kernel debugger to find out what caused the call to block. +1: Preserving the Kind property. You probably already know this, but running Word on a server is not supported by Microsoft, and _might_ break the terms of the license. @Shimmy: I thought you might :-) ... expanding. Yeah, it does. I'll post the code on my blog in about a month from now. I already implemented some data structures to see what it would be like. Not a very fun experience. what would it generate? I wrote a tic tac toe game using swing, but I feel that I've cheated by using JButtons instead of actual graphics. that sets the cool bit. yeah, I haven't. I tend to avoid it as much as possible. I prefer command-line applications :). You need to give more detail of the source tables (and data) and what you are expecting the results to look like. I'd also be specific about the Oracle version. Later versions implement a "PIVOT" clause to convert "rows" into "columns". +1 As simple as beautiful: why constrain yourself to ideal representations, when a computer allows you to have reality itself? The click event does not work either A partial view that creates a html table of addresses This did not work I'm afraid Thanks, I'll look into this. Seems like a lot of work though doesn't it. I would have thought render() would have taken options allowing to specify another controller's views/partials. Ah well. This is a great idea. However, most of the functionality has already been implemented. I am mostly doing this for experience in unit-testing, as manual testing for the next couple of weeks would be quite dry. @FailBoy thanks for the comment :) This is definitely an option. However, they don't seem overly interested in working on things side-by-side. It simply seems to be a personality trait. They'd prefer to look over any changes I make and ask questions a The jqModal window is not white, so you can see the highlighting The table of addresses is being returned from the Ajax request and is displayed in the jqModal window. Not live function yet, will do though. I placed an alert after $(this).addClass('selectedRow'); which does not fire. The main reason I was hoping to use svcutil was to save time though. I'm not sure if I'll be able to manually implement everything quickly enough. Or use the FoxPro Provider, so you don't have to thunk through the ODBC Provider or lose the enhancements offered by the FoxPro Provider. Given that they're effectively the same in performance, I recommend using the assignment operator. It's more clear what you're doing. Sure, the WSDL is available at: http://sas-int.elluminate.com/site/external/adapter/default/v1/webservice.wsdl I'm using the following command to generate the proxy: svcutil http://sas-int.elluminate.com/site/external/adapter/default/v1/webservice.wsdl /internal /n:*,Elluminate.WebService.WebServiceProxy /o:WebServiceProxy.cs /config:..\App.config /nologo And here is what is generated: http://pastebin.com/m20688d39 Thanks! Agree with Artem Russakovskii 100%. Used to use a text editor for PHP, and it took me a while to get to get used to PHPEd, but once I did I could never go back. The debugging is a lot faster than having to type echos and print_rs all over the place. Just be sure you have the debugger set not to stop on the first line of the file on every run, or it will drive you crazy. Turn that off, and it will only stop if you add a breakpoint to the code you are working on. Also, the profiler that comes with it is pretty nice. it doesn't work out of the box, notification_id is undefined...but im fixing it and will keep you updated. thanks for reminding me....i got hung up on molf's answer What if I don't to add this line to every aspx page on my site. Can I do it with IIS? Also, can I accomplish this using IIS settings? "notification_type_id" should be "notifications.notification_type_id" and "book_id" should be "notifications.book_id". other than that....hell yea! function was a mistake. maybe it's a path issue. when i say doesn't work, i mean nothing gets written to the log file. i have a "puts 'hello world'" and a "logger.info('hello world')" in consecutive lines. I see the puts, but not the logger Are you also using a roleManager, and if so, does it have the right connection string name specified? Where on the page is the weird character showing up? strange...this still is not working and the path is definitely right. this EXACT code works for you? Should be community wiki. the lotus notes client will be installed everywhere. what are the arguments of maildb.Open? Embedding the pre-formatted text in CDATA right at the beginning (in the python code that generates the initial XML seems to have done the trick. The newlines were still there when the final conversion to an HTML
 tag was done. I'll try the script tomorrow at work and let you if it works. which of the above will be used when you provide all 4 Main methods ? The are used to do whatever they are designed to do.
They can be a filename to be used to displayed in some GUi tool or the numbers you want to generate a puzzle with. Will it work with Z? Z doesn't have a , after it. Never say never. Have you ever used more than 7 parameters in the family of printf functions? I was actually clearing it at the end of parser:didEndElement by doing: 	[currentElementValue release]; currentElementValue = nil;. I then reallocated it in parser:foundCharacters if it wasn't allocated yet and if it was I was appending the characters to it. Would handling it like Can Berk Guder's comment be better? Hi thanks, do you allocate buffer in the init method and then release it in the dealloc then? I was allocating it in parser:foundCharacters and releaseing it when I was finished in parser:didEndElement. ahh..gotcha. Thanks for clearing it up the WPF/WFF difference. Yes..it will all be on one page. If the user checks a few radio boxes and the it causes the group to fail then the user can not process the form, etc. If all groups pass then the can submit the form. How can Spring.NET help me with this? This still assumes that the first letter is the right one to change. Not perfectly culture-safe yet. While it can retrieve files from third-party SVN repositories, it appears to expect your own code to be using a git repository, so probably not useful in this case. Interesting looking tool though. Thanks. How can insert SET lc_time_names into the next mysqli query???
 			$sql = 'SELECT personID, name, DATE_FORMAT(persons.birthdate, "%d de %M, %Y"), birthplace, countryID FROM persons WHERE personID = ?'; The star means just one character. The 2nd one should be faster. In general, you don't want functions in WHERE clauses as they get re-evaluated for every single potential row in the resultset. Look at your Results of Fetch Bookmarks, your XML is ... ......In XML you need a node that is the parent to all of your entries: ......... Take a look at the w3schools tutorial, I'll add the link to the answer. sorry, but do you see lines 32 and 33 of that code snippet? why not just remove the colons from there, between #{ampm_hour} and #{minute_padded}? would that do what you want? I'd love to help you, but these questions are pretty mundane. Have you done any research on your own?

If you wanted to change the gravatar_url, you could look at the source code generating the gravatar img url (it's in vendor/plugins/gravatar).

If you wanted to change the actual link, you could look at the Rails documentation for link_to. I'd be happy with a NULL PaidDate, no point adding additional tables if business requirements didn't merit them, but hey it's just an example.. Here's another one: Nullable ExpiryDate column for pages in a content management system. As Jim pointed out, adding an arbitrary date makes no sense. Thanks for the feedback. I think at least 3 columns will show..possibly more since im targeting 1024 width. Possible 5 will fit across. Ill have to look at those 3rd party controls to see if they'll do what i need. But what will be the cost for getting this done? More than the cost of a cluster? How did this question show up on google in 5 minutes? Wow. Umm - I'm pretty sure CCE will allow you to fulfill the "I would like to be able to open the project and see it compile and run to better understand it." element of it, as you can run a compiled EXE, VB just doesn't write it to disk anywhere so you can't take the EXE and use it (which is why I suggested it as an *interim* measure). There is always a way around using gotos like Todd Gardner in this instance, I'd advise always trying to find them. Code changes over time what may look like a reasonable goto now could become a problem later. Always may first port of call Thanks very much. I'll give that a try. I just have to wonder why are you trying to reinvent the wheel? If a tool has been created that does exactly this and very well, why write code that hopefully does this? Not exactly true.  In Javascript _everything_ is an object.  You define classes using an active syntax, instead of a passive one.  Composition vs. declaration. Ever used Xobni?  They do the same thing.  The API for Outlook is rather limited for 2003.  2007 is a somewhat different story though.

Thanks for the help, I'll check that out. Define "unbound method" Wow! What is the \p modifier? I've never seen that! It works perfectly though! I've noticed that in some server configurations it won't work right because of the PCRE configuration. Is this true? Yeah, I think that was the main issue I found in my Google research--some PHP configurations use Apache's PCRE rather than PHP's newer, fancier one, so preg_match()es with /p (or a whole host of other modifiers) will fail. I think it's pretty rare, though; all my servers use 7.0 (most 7.8 even). I get a System.InvalidOperationException {"The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Decimal which is a non-nullable value type."}.  I was also expecting it to return 0 if null, so I must be missing something. It is of type Decimal. I get the following compiler error: "First operand in a binary 'If' expression must be nullable or a reference type." I've used it for flat outer joins but couldn't work out how to get around assigning nothing to the mp.Price decimal value type. Do you have any ideas on syntax I might try? I'm getting the same compiler error because MemberPrice is inferred to be a value type (decimal). The commas technique seems to only work to 15 digits of precision, after that it becomes zeroes. At least its not in scientific notation, however. The apostrophe becomes visible in excel, however the formula trick is great. Thumbs up for the ="1234564..." trick, though, works great! I'll have to remember that. Oh, awesome. I didn't know you could do #2. Ah, would definitely prefer a language agnostic option If anyone's wondering why i answered my own question, i couldn't find anywhere on the Net with a good answer for this, other than a MSDN site that wouldn't allow replies other than from a MS PM who admitted they've got problems. Yeah it's just a habit I picked up. Even though it's pretty unlikely that you'll be raising/subscribing to this from different threads there's not much harm in it and it's become something of a reflex. 

Others have shown you can eliminate the check by initializing the event like:

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate{};

But it's not only slow, it feels hacked. :) Nice! That's going in the base class. :) One unfortunate side effect -- several of our C++ apps got noticably slower when moving from VC6 to 2005/2008.  (Like, 20% slower)  This was after lots of work re-evaluating the compliation flags, etc.  So we moved back for those products. The AppFuse tool gives you a number of advantages. It gives you a simple, working web application using the collection of technologies/frameworks that you want. This includes several different frontends (struts1/2, wicket), security (acegi), backends (JPA/hibernate), plus you have the build done. but how do i make sure the user does not see it it is not flawed - they will be ignored sometimes as you say which is why the large number of iterations and averaging of results. Con you explain how to use htmlspecialchars in my case?? I was going to go look up my copy of this book, but you've saved me having to. +1 Did you restart your server? probably wrap the link tag around the gravatar_for tag, so something like:
<%= link_to((gravatar_for @user), :controller => :your_controller, :action => :your_action %> This doesn't allow us to brand the footer of the pages though. Unfortunately its a requirement. Well if Syed says so... its interpreting the DIV as text, lol. When I take it out it's fine. That's bs... ahh, gotcha. sorry for the misunderstanding. i don't even think gsub will do what you want, then, since that's screw up the 12:45. 

try passing a :time_separator to options, like:

<%= time_select("post", "sunrise", :time_separator => "") %>

that work? That was it! Thanks sooooo much. I heard about frameworks but I think I need to learn PHP before I can use a framework.. This site is serious but I also use it to learn... How can a framework help me? It's hard to learn just knowing basic PHP?? Ah, pity. I was getting a little excited there - I've always thought Java could badly use a typedef-like feature. Would be fantastic to crunch something ridiculous like "HashMap>" to something with a more meaningful context. The problem is that I have to manipulate the data retrieved in very different ways... so its easier for me to make different queries but I think I need to leanr how to do it correctly... I know about the "sticky" property, and it works just as it should, but this is not honored by any of the WMs I've tested in the way I intend. I generally prefer this approach. @Samir: This is good news, and makes me happy. No. OCR is the process of converting images to text. PDF readers and PDF toolkits utilize this concept to convert an image (the same that is output from, say, a scanner) to text. You're right--didn't copy all of it when I pasted it in. Thanks! Glad you got it working! Do you understand it? Can you post a line or two of what you mean in code?  I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to say with "copy the contents of one object to another object without just referencing to the same object". What exactly are you trying to do? Selenium operates in the browser. Is there any particular information you are after? Agreed.  If you start up two Selenium RC instances, have them operating on different ports, and then connect to the two RC instances from your test code. Dupie McDuperson: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/655657/0-variable-or-null-obj-an-outdated-practice-in-c/655670#655670 Can you deploy another cube? How are you connecting to SSAS? Thank you Mr.... Fogle... Bird? My preference would be to use a win service to periodically rebuild the index (lucene docs < 10,000), but app requirements dictate that changes made to content / pages etc.. are reflected ASAP in the search results Good idea, assuming the information isn't proprietary it may be quicker to pay someone $50 then spending time doing it your self. So the only property trigger advantage is, that it's a shorter way to get triggered by a value change in the styled item property? since I can bind to the styled item properties using DataTrigger... Not sure what others think but if accessibility is a major requirement you may want to contract some of the accessibility testing out. I tend to doubt that someone who is sited can easily become proficient with screen readers and it may be easier to have a blind individual do testing for you rather then spending the time to learn two or three screen readers well enough to simulate how an actual user familiar with screen readers will use your app. Fantastic. I fixed the code in my post. It's a little too early for me to be getting syntax right here in my time zone :) Your answer made me realize, that the border in my DataTemplate is placed inside the item container (list box item), and not replacing it as I thought. Eventually, I set the padding in the item container style to be 0, and my problem was solved. This way I will join between the two tables and get all the results right? How can I specify the ID from tthe row I want to get the data?? Something like 'WHERE movies.id = $id'.. Nothing like that sinking feeling when you drop a production database.

Anyway, if you had a backup, in SSMS, right click on the server, and hit restore.  Find the bak file, name the database, and away you go. Ah, yes.  I was in a MEMBER type of mood, I suppose.

Anyway, glad I could help! Thanks.. but that doesn't return anything either. This gets me closer.. It still just alerts with [object Object],[object Object].... ...then so do I! What are we doing this in? Is there a performance difference between the 'Active Record' and the regulal SQL code??? I can, but that misses the point of sepparating the view from the functions.. I found the solution the hard way (not JQuery). I will try this out asap. I'd rather do it your way. I'll make sure to post the solution. Hasn't this been covered, I don't know, a thousand times here on stack overflow in various forms? Specific and general advantages of TDD have been covered so many times here. So this very, very close. Now i am looping through the array of objects. In FireBug I can see the values in the properties but the alert just returns "Undefined". How can I get the string, dates, etc out of the properties? This actually doesn't do what your question originally intended... but could be merged into a more complete answer. I'll leave it up if it's useful. Eh, I figured, "Who am I to presume he doesn't know what he's doing?" Happy starblue? :P Why a left outer join, if you know both tables have the same # of rows? Are you seeing this behavior? Or is this purely a theoretical question? That's the only one in C++ You were right.  The question changed since I answered it, so I answered the real question. Looks good. Let me give it a go before I mark it. Thanks Good point. /d may not be as explicit as I need it to be. Thanks Packet loss shouldn't be welcome.  Instead you should be concentrating on not sending much data.  As Don hints, packet loss might mean that the connection is lost - maybe it's high loss, or there is a burst of latency.  Use of UDP for games is a well researched area.  Knowing that you are writing a game, writing a reliable wrapper on UDP _might_ be applicable in this situation.  But Don's warning should be heeded - it is non trivial.  Search on the net - lots of good info out there in proper use of UDP in games. +1: Been using JSLint a lot lately and I love it imageshack is blocked by a lot of corporate networks, like mine, so I can't view the diagram.  Can you give some more specifics on what is troubling you? upped for truth. 
Though I love the .NET framework most major developers have gone on the record saying that if you want to be involved in game development know C++ well, and your data structures /algos even better (Blizzard). @John -- Nope.  I tried that, as well as running my program on a couple of different machines. Aww, man! I guess this my morning to display my doofusness on the Internet :P Yeah, your formatting is perfect for what I need, and Eoin pointed out my dumb mistake. amazing response. Wish we could put this in a wiki! No, but it should be.  What was I thinking with all those else if's.  I should have used a switch. My understanding is that you're not really doing DDD if you're not using interfaces for your repositories. And doesn't creating an interface for your repository more easily enable you to do mocks? Regardless, in Visual Studio it takes all of 1 second to generate an interface from a class you designed, so I don't really see a downside to using interface. Thanks. Oh, that's VBA code!  I'll edit it to do it in an Excel cell, sorry! Fixed it, and glad it helped! OK, That makes some sense. What threw me off somewhat was the fact that I am interested in the ID field of the objects, but that doesn't necessarily make them "entities", does it. 

Where do you put the creation of all the value objects go? Into a global ValueObjectFactory class? Is there a best practice? Creation could be the same in the 103001st and 103000th member. I'd select the top PK ID and check that in it. Yes, when a project is deleted, the message should be deleted as well. Any orphan message_consumer entries should be cleaned up too. Message is just one example, there are a couple of other classes in the project that do the same thing. I'm not sure it really fits into what acts_as_commentable is solving. sure, but you are now only searching one field, right? Shouldn't %s/^V^M/^V^M/g be %s/^V^M//g ? I like it. Simple and readable. In the solution you provided, you always close the channel after the first use, and it might result in bad performance or even wrong functionality when session is used.. It is also kind of strange that a function that doesn't create the channel, is closing it. The problem is that we have an inner function that gets a delegate to a function on a service proxy, and repeatedly executes the function until no communication exception is thrown (our implementation to automatic reconnection). So in this solution, the function will create an instance of the proxy for each execution attempt, and will have to return an updated instance to the caller, so he won't hold a closed proxy... Kind of ugly :-/ Tried to retrieve the file from the address in JavaScript. It returns a file with ASPX extension, but no csv file.
The address is of the form
What do I do now? What is ASPX? Tried to retrieve the file from the address in JavaScript. It returns a file with ASPX extension, but no csv file.
The address is of the form
What do I do now? What is ASPX? So, There is no way to retrieve the original CSV file? And there are other scenarios specifically for C++ where someone may feel more comfortable giving out obfuscated code, templates and inline implementations. Both require code to be delivered, reverse engineering obfuscated code is ideally as hard as reverse engineering binary code also I don't have enough experience to say if that ideal is ever actually achieved. can i read the rar content like a stream with this? I like it. I especially like the tests included. You're statement in bold is incorrect, please take a look at porneL's answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55060/884770#answer-311954 I now have enough points to link straight to porneL's answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55060/884770#answer-311954  
It's good to see that over time things start to turn around on a stackoverflow thread, with points eventually being appropriated to the correct person. :)  
It's just a shame that this thread has already been viewed 753 times and of thos people probably missed porneL's post (which was right at the bottom with zero votes) and instead saw the incorrect answer. Got any benchmarks to back up the claims? #NAME? That works well, thank you!! As much as possible, I want to stay away from MSDN since it involves a really technical discussion. (At least for now) If I compile something to a DLL and told everyone to copy it to their machine, it is considered as a "compiled" component reuse right? @Rob: Yup. But most companies today are still using COM. So its a good thing to learn it.

@Bob: Yes. Some universities here teaches Java. My laughing at the question was instantly cut short by your response. I'm amazed such a tool exists. I just checked and we have this book (Its an OLD book) in our library! :) Thanks! @Rob - mate, I was saying that *it can be perceived* that way when you announce some guy : "hey, I have to do a code review on your work" ... @eran, i agree with all your points concerning the nature of the design.  As I said earlier, this is a relatively fragile area of the code that is not the focus of my efforts the moment and I don't want inadvertently destabilize it - so now design changes Finished content posted above. The only thing I don't get is that the footer and header are just floating divs. It shouldn't affect the other divs for the sidebar and content. Maybe I'm wrong, but I figured the header and footer were fine as they were. This is going to be a web based application and unfortunately will not support IE6 at all. Too much stuff for it to handle. I realize thats a large amount of users, but how hard is it for them to get Firefox or Chrome? Takes less than 3 minutes. @Eric are those two applications submitting the same form with the same amount of data? Have you considered the network latency involved? Your data connection might depend on your network signal? doesn't that get a little out of hand when you've got to deal with multiple log levels. e.g. log4j's ERROR,WARN,INFO,DEBUG, etc.  Especially as the OP specifically asked about the log4* family of loggers? Can you post your compiler and linker commands? There are a lot of people who are not mySQL experts. $ret = array();
for( $i = 1; $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $i++ )		{

     $tmp['url'] = $row['url'];
     $tmp['occurrences'] = $row['occurrences'];
     $ret[] = $tmp;

 return $ret;

Can i do something like this. I learned about this stuff in college. I'd be very surprised if basic linear algebra concepts (especially Gaussian Elimination) were not helpful in reducing such equations. Mate, i need it to communicate with Flex, i am not able to get the final output when its in xml... so thought of converting it to an array.... but when i do so... its not working. when i try to return $row... i am not able to get in my flex application the values. 

girdId.dataprovider = event.result as Array 

This is not fetching the array values from PHP. This will not load entire file into memory before store to disk. Please use this 

fileItem.write(destination); if it's a .c file then GCC uses a C compiler.  If it's a .cc or .cpp file GCC uses a C++ compiler.  Your code isn't legal C++, hence the error. Yeah, you are right, was not the best question ever. I think the Bryan A. Answer is as short as it will get, I like it for real quick and dirty stuff without formatting. The user control approach is also very nice, perhaps it gets voted up a little bit. Thanks all for your ideas... For a library to do what rodion suggests, see my answer below. I found this while digging around: http://www.talkincode.com/scriptaculous-confine-draggable-18.html Its a little bit more manual than jQuery, but it sounds like it would work and goes along with what I said above about determining the dimensions of the parent element. Got ya. Feel free to post your Site Map xml for this node and I'll take a look. Or is it the left-navigation of an entity (ISV.config XML)? I have both and am not experiencing this with IE7 or 8 Cool, glad it helped! I've actually found this stylesheet and have made modifications to it. I was trying to find out whether there was any support to allow me to create and use custom classes beyond what is predefined and apply those custom classes to elements in the report. If this is not possible then I wanted to see if there were any type of visual inheritance mechanism in Reporting Services that I am overlooking. Thanks, I obviously wasn't thinking... @Fredrik: He should add the lengths together, not the text itself.  That makes it clearer.  Though I think Lance's way is clearer still. What is the purpose of this class? Your request makes me suspicious that you really need a design pattern or something, though not knowing what your use case is means I don't actually have a suggestion. Ach, I've just discovered the joy of tag-editting collisions.  :::Fixes::: That was the first thing I did, same error, as I recall. The authentication goes into the header (according to the documentation for this specific service), and I don't think I can change the header until after defining the client, but by then, the error is thrown. @Daniel: My comment about the difference was intended to be from a pragmatic perspective, not from a technical specification perspective.  My point was that it was not a legitimate security problem and thus was legal, rather than suggesting that the speci That's what I figured. But I wasn't sure if there was a quick four-liner that would just add a blank object to the drop down list. Hi Jon, you are exactly right! I played around with it and realise that it was calling the ToString(). So I put:

 var buffer = new byte[Request.InputStream.Length];
 Request.InputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

Yours of course is better so will use that :-) Can you do this with images? I need to set a 3D button image for both down and up states for the cell. Note:  When I start the JVM with 1/2 Gig, it gets an OOM error when running.  I didn't try to see how much RAM the Python implementation takes when it runs (although I'd imagine it's less). @dnndeveloper: You should edit changes into your question. I edited the above into your question. Even if you run something many many times, if your individual Java *methods* are executed only a few times then they may be interpreted and not compiled.  This is what people refer to as "warm-up" ... running methods enough times that they'll get compiled and won't just be interpreted. @Roddy - I want a function which will always wait for a single keystroke. your code looks Ok and the dialog behaves properly on XP (compiled with _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501). What are the specifics of your case? Is it Vista? What do you mean about JDBC authentication? Do you mean you want to be able to connect to a database and then authenticate based on the data pulled from the database? +1, heard similar thing on McCarthy show learned a lot about MVC today and it seems super easy to "beautify" urls w/this framework What is the point in comparing queries that retrieve different data subsets? Ozzy, Dan is trying to explain that an element that stops event propagation will prevent the event from reaching the document/window, thereby rendering your solution ineffective. As Amo said, it's a clever trick that allows a macro to *be* a C statement that must end with a semicolon.  It makes the macro act exactly like a function call, so far as statement construction and termination (with ';') is concerned. That's a great article you found Si - bookmarked for next time! Thanks for that Bill - I'm not a .NET guy so had never heard of it. I'm thinking, though, that an ORM would struggle with EAV? I updated my answer.  I left out the boilerplate of the Test class, which caused the confusion.  I put it into my answer to make things more obvious.  I also mention the JLS section for the instance initializer blocks used in this idiom. You say "there is actually quite a bit of overhead when performing double-brace initialization," but it really doesn't look like this is the case.  I won't believe such a statement without profiling, in any case. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924535/svn-log-not-showing-all-the-revisions-made-to-a-file Im glad this helped...it was annoying me for ages! I think it defaults to either depending on the chart type :) it is possible. see my solution you still need to clear your floats... I recommend asking this on serverfault.com Can you test the constraints programatically before you add the data to the batch queue? Yes okay, but again we're talking about event propagation. If you purposefully stop event propagation with EVENT.stopPropagation() (for IE, EVENT.cancelBubble=true) then it won't bubble up to the document/window... To counteract this you could use event capturing in browsers that support it. Nope, such changes are *not* sent back to the client. Keyword replacement is done on the client side *after* a commit, but to do that the client only has to know what it has sent to the repository, not what the repository has done with it. Of course, the repository sends the resulting revision back to the client, that's all that's needed for keyword expansion. But the repository does not send back changes a hook script has done.
I know what I'm talking about here, believe me :) Good comment...  that's the first thing that intimidates me with the XCode interface - all the scattered toolboxes.  I can live with it, but a single pane would be a little more gentle on my eyes. Ah, COMPUTE! Magazine.  My first forays into copying code :)  My dad and I would sit down in front of our old big TV with that blue screen and white square cursor and type in lines and lines of code to get the latest game saved onto our tape-drive.  For some reason, thinking of Apple reminds me of those competitive days and the 6502 wars :)

Thanks for the great comments and help, everyone! Thanks for the help but I'm getting the following

Warning: javax.swing.JDialog: can't find superclass or interface javax.swing.TransferHandler$HasGetTransferHandler
Warning: javax.swing.JWindow: can't find superclass or interface javax.swing.TransferHandler$HasGetTransferHandler
Warning: javax.swing.JComponent: can't find superclass or interface javax.swing.TransferHandler$HasGetTransferHandler
Warning: javax.swing.JFrame: can't find superclass or interface javax.swing.TransferHandler$HasGetTransferHandler

I included rt.jar which has TransferHandler$HasGetTransferHandler.class. Any ideas? It occurs to me now that min(position) is probably just returning a number. It makes sense in English, but not as a query. But `position = min(position)` doesn't work either, and I'm not having luck with ORDERing either. This looks like it's working. Is it really necessary to use a subquery? Sounds so simple in my head, but I guess not in SQL. Actually, I think there's one more caveat. This assumes 'position' is unique... which it should be, but is there anyway we can make this more robust so that it doesn't return more than one photo per album if the min(position) is NOT unique? I'm in development and the positiong system isn't quite set up :p Yup. That does the trick. Thank you so much! But just so I understand, that subquery is executed once for each album owned by user X or what? size is part of the issue, but so is speed. C is lightweight and fast. plus, tried, tested and true I guess :p Thanks Will, I thought it *must* be possible, but I had visions of having to bind the font size property. Yeah, ASN.1 is horrid, but it's required by a particularly important and inflexible 3rd party. :-( I'll check that out, Marcelo. The exception should be able to provide its details. E.g. you can use "except gaierror, (code, message):", instead of simple "except gaierror:". Then you have the error code and error message and can use them for detailed error handling, e.g. if code == 11001: print "unknown host name:", message eval execute javascript from text. In this case that is the text that came from the ajax response. Thanks Thomas.  DrawingBrush didn't work - I have a canvas in a resource, and it didn't seem to like a canvas, whereas a VisualBrush does. I very much appreciate your prompt reply. But what is still un-explained is that the argument in radius_function_type(&radius) is the address of a function, which doesn't match the prototype. Please throw some light on this issue! where do you define config.log_path? how is config.logger defined? why are you setting it to RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER? Thanks So, basically there will be multiple links in div#a, however there is just one that has the id of the other div in it?  And when you click anywhere in the div#a you want the div referred to by that link animated?  Or will there be multiple links, and each one you want to animate a different other div?  In the first case, add a class to the link with the hash in it, for instance info, and change $("a",this) to $("a.info",this) this is very nice! thanks! if no other answers get posted in a day, you win. Hello Erickson - Thank you for your answer.I donot know whether i am confused here for no reasons. I am reading my CSR from disk. I am reading the CSR as two buffer types
char*  mDataBuffer1;
wchar_t* mDataBuffer;
I am getting the lengths for the first char* as 548 and wchar_t* as 274; The second case's length is calculated below
RequestBuff = SysAllocString(mDataBuffer);->548 as returned by CreateFile fn
long len = SysStringLen(RequestBuff);->274
Which of my declaration should i need to follow?
I am sure that the secons one is wrong. Should i have to declare as char* and proceed
Thank you
Raj Hello Rasmus

I am using C++ as my development language in win 2k3 server.

Thanks Raj In NetBeans you can drag & drop them. You can also drag them in Visual Swing 4 Eclipse, so, not being able to do the same thing in IntelliJ is odd. Can we see the code? Yes, there is.In both IntelliJ and Visual Swing. Hello Erickson - I am trying the followin
1. Read the CSR from disk which is char* DataBuffer
2. bstrRequest = SysAllocString(DataBuffer);
   If i keep the CSR as char* then SysAllocString throws an error as it is expecting only wchar_t* instead of char*; So this prompted me to change the char* to wchar_t*
3. hr = pCertRequest->Submit(CR_IN_BASE64HEADER|CR_IN_PKCS10,

So thats the reason why i wanted to change my string type? I am making any sense?

Raj That's my guess as well... What would the correct way of opening it be to get a copy of the contents of all files, not just the last? "w+"? "a"? "a+"? will that be restricted to being loaded when the database is empty? if not, why wouldn't i still be able to accidentally seed twice destroying live data?  very happy this is finally becoming a convention! Hopefully it has an "ignore duplicate entries" option so that I can seed twice in "append" mode and not have duplicate data...and since i am in "append" mode, no worries about wiping the db clean Thanks, that's spot on.   :) This was what I had originally tried, but as Thorarin correctly points out, it returned all of the items in the original group rather than excluding those with any matches. The spec at NCBI and the tools are freely abailable. For example http://tinyurl.com/mlylt4 is the definition of a DNA sequence. It can be read/write as binary (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=nucleotide&id=5&retmode=asn.1) , text (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=nucleotide&id=5&rettype=fasta&retmode=text) , xml (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=nucleotide&id=5&rettype=fasta&retmode=xml) , ... This format works fine for paths with spaces:

git config --global core.editor "\"c:\Program Files\textpad 5\textpad.exe\""

so it may be practical for you to avoid creating a batch file Thanks for the answer, it certainly helped my view. Even i thought about creating things separately then mixing it up.So i asked this question cause in this way there is better chance of to understand project & logic behind it. 

I just want to know tools like mockup/UML or other rough designs that visualize classes could help here ? or do i need to go one-by-one for each dialog/component? I'm waiting for more inputs in this regard. Ok. this is helpful but not answering my query completely. anyway, thanks for the comments. Thanks for the help, i was looking for package like boostpro. Cheers :) Thanks Kevin - At this stage of the application the category/fund/role objects don't have a need to support internal changes/operations. The objects do have a unique identity but it is really only for the purposes of database identity and referential integrity. Based on that, still go for enums and handle the following drawbacks:

1. Manually maintain the category/fund/role tables and enums in sink (in the absence of code generation)
2. Recompile app for changes to categories/funds/roles. Yes, this is a requirement.  Always add the ".d" when you return an object from a web service.  I read some notes about security issues that this protects you against, so this is considered a "good change". Can you describe your purpose? It seems to me that it would be easier to put the text in a fixed-width block with overflow:hidden. I know I'm probably in over my head, but I've been building an app based on Core Data, albeit with most Core Data things done in IB.  I plan on familiarizing myself extensively with Core Data in the near future, but I'd like to get this one solved right now.  Thanks for all your help, though.

I think what I'm not sure of is how to access an entity from the model in the code, and how to access a specific instance of an entity in that code. I agree with this. But isn't the em spec enough for this and more reliable? Dan. Sorry about the parameter comment, you are right. I had AS2 in my head which needs three instead of two parameters. Glad it works now! I recognize the relationship between em and ex. But since the aspect ratio of fonts is fixed, I don't see the value-add. Perhaps a follow on question would be "when should ex be used instead of em?" To me they seem interchangable with 'ex' just adding another level of complexity. +1 for the good description. Umm... actually this may be a bug in the version I'm using - i'm just downloading the latest version. Do you want the solution at the root and sub-directories for each project or do you want the solution and project files all in the same directory? When choosing the objects i.e., tables to replicate did you check off all of your stored procedures as well to be included in the replication? If you set the dataType: to text and alert the response variable in the success routine does it appear as JSON or XML? ichiban: Good catch, i'll update my comment. Sorry, I think some of my comment was eaten.  Pretty much every operation that changes the repository does so by adding something new and pointing to it.  Reflog shows you all your previous HEAD states.  You can always "reset --hard" to one or retroactively branch.  Unless you try hard, none of this information is lost for 90 days. Isn't the default IE8 mode quirks mode? If so then unless the user turns that off it's still not CSS compliant, no? Oops, I'd made a complete mess of the quotes Eran, if you want to see Sybase's first jab at an HTTP-based forum, sign up for the PB12 CTP (http://response.sybase.com/forms/WW09JUNPB12PUBLICCTP) and the forum used to support that is HTTP-based. (I don't think it's very impressive, but judge for yourself.) SO has some nice features that I like, but I'm not convinced I could live without the threading. For the questions with one answer, and one person actually has that answer, it's great. For discussions or building a solution together, I'm not so sure. JMHO How much access do you have to the server?  Basic SP API control, or full control (could you modify the server's events such as adding or updating a document)?  Do you have SharePoint Designer? I've had success with AMD Codeanalyst even on Intel chipsets. Very nice tool for a freebie :) I agree there's no right or wrong answer. Neither is there such a thing as a "best practice".  That's why I asked for concrete experience.

So, what mechanism did *you* use? In what context?  What worked well? What problems did you encounter? @John: 2nded David's comment. Chill your socks MVP ;) @ Lieven Well spotted Lieven, it was a typo in the question as it was late at night (that's my excuse!), I can assure you it's not in the production code... Thanks Arsenmkrt, I've seen some of Dr WPF's articles but you're right, this one is along the lines of what I'm looking for. If this answered your question, you should mark it as Accepted so that it no longer shows up as an unanswered question. worked fine for me on python 2.6.2 on linux. Visual Studio is probably the best IDE out there with amazing debugging abilities built-in. Why don't you want to use that? Yes, much much better, thanks.  
Yes I had guessed that you also were a Tom Kyte fan from the style of the first response. Looks OK to me (.+ should really be .* though) Thanks, but counting the rows is not really the problem - the problem is that i have to (?) fetch the comment from information_schema (which is used as description or "pretty name") and in the same query want the count added. Thanks anyway! "That is really not the way ..." - Well... I would normally agree to this (and make an extra table as you suggest), especially since that gives you the possibility to add more info than just the column name and column comment. BUT in this case (as name and description is all that is needed) putting them as columns means that i can omit one join and thus speed up normal operation a little bit.

With the "better" way I would have to do "usertable JOIN usergroups JOIN usergroupproperties", now "usertable JOIN usergroups" is enough.

And.. The boss asked for it! ;-) If you really need arbitrary precision arithmetic look at something like this http://gmplib.org/ Are you storing it as a string (e.g. VARCHAR)? I realist that that would be an easier way to do this. For reusability of this particular section of code, I need a regex.

Paul. It is to validate the actual range values. Yep and Eek. Perhaps a change in design is on the cards. This does seem overly complex for something so simple in regular code. No its not for an IP address, its just for a range up to 255 for initial testing, essentially this would be to test the full positive range of a valid integer (up to 2,147,483,647) so what exactly is the question? You can't get the first to look like the second? 1 I was hoping someone had posted a real world example. You shouldn't care about the sub matches. You can always just get the whole string that matches. In python, which you mention below, you do this via matchobj.group(0).
If you're opposed to subgroups happening at all, just switch all parens from (\s+\w+) to (?:\s+\w+) so that they don't grab a subgroup. You can have the API project separate (being a separate distributable) and that still does not stop interfaces and implementation being in the same package. A bit like you have unit tests in the same package as tested classes but still in a separate build artifact. Jars and packages are pretty much orthogonal in Java. That's not really true - with appropriate permissions, it is possible to access and modify another processes memory (this is how debuggers work)  It's not a security hole if you're already Admin. 1 WBS is the way to go. You're right. Thanks. Note that this will only work in python3.  In python2.x "print" is a statement, not a function, so this gives a syntax error.  You'd need to use exec instead. Thanks! The only part this doesn't address is the need still to emit dataChanged signal once for the whole operation. In my particular case I have a proxy model on top of the real one, and it has an invalidate() method, but what approach would there be if I were dealing directly with the QStandardItemModel? dfa beat me to the punch by 22 seconds. ;) Correction about Java ME: CLDC uses 1.3 version code, CDC uses 1.4. I can't remember right now what changes were between 1.2 and 1.3 but CLDC uses 1.3. Ben S: Thanks for your feedback. I've re arranged my answer. and then delete it at the end of the file ? True, but those WinAPI calls are most likely written in C++. I don't know much python but in C# if something is written in C++ it can be hard to include in the project without the source. +1 "Tell them to stop doing this" @rlbond: Indeed, thats why I included tmpnam. @nos: Thanks for remarking that. Editing.. @litb: Now i know what pet peeve is :). @j.f sebastian. Nice article, thanks. Reading it. Could you ellaborate on what you are trying to accomplish? You´ve tried making an object of what class? 1 for Alice. That actually looked kinda cool. Welcome to Microsoft! Ok, see my edit. I think thats it! ok. See my edit now. Maybe you should try something simpler. I dont think this is the way to learn either java or swing. Whilst your here Rob - when is Subsonic 3 going to be out? I want to push the use of Subsonic for our DAL and the LINQ additions would help me present a very strong argument. Excellent. Thanks for your help. Why is the performance so good? I expected a query like this to be rather slow. I guess thats a question I can live without knowing the answer though ;) Is this a bug in previous versions of Subsonic? Im using 2.1 and do not really have the option of upgrading at this point. Yes, but it is not implemented in Interface2. If they do different things, then they probably shoudn't have the same name. It seems very awkward to me to have to write calendar.isEditable as opposed to calendar.editable. I think your third option is the most "Cocoa-like" and natural. It's mainly a matter of opinion, but that would be my preference since it's most consistent with the rest of Cocoa. I'm not seeing my custom macro as an available option when I select the 'Macros' category in the Commands tab.

I see all the sample macros but not my custom one.  Is there any extra steps to saving/building/adding a macro? Portable WSGI applications should not use print or sys.stdout @Anthony: That is a really good point comparing Ruby vs. Fortran. My boss would slap you. haha. But you are right, complete re-writes are sometimes needed. But they take a lot of resources, most of the time it just can't be done. Thanks, very valid points. (my issue was mainly just seeing it fully implemented and deciding they didn't want that anymore after using it, I guess thats cust creep in a way.) @Rich B: That seems petty of you. Since I am creating the partial in my js.erb file, shouldn't my js.erb file have access to class variables? ok, so I tried rendering the partial in the js.erb files like so: $("#members").append("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'partialname', :locals => {:person => @person} ))%>"); but in partial I still an getting a nil object error on person....this is what led me to try and break down the problem. that's really strange. I get "The error occurred while evaluating nil.last_name" @S.Lott: not really, since getting the file creation time on a Mac is inherently non-cross-platform. last version 2003? Still up to scratch? T4's done seem fit for this purpose That's not the problem, as there's no "` but that didn't do the trick.  I found the start="##" and that works...except that it's deprecated :-( Yes, you're right....I'm switching your  for a 
and doing a little aligning so I can get the bullets right justified and the text left justified. Thanks. may be.. ? but say that is not the case, then how would you solve it? Hey, works like a charm! Good catch there. I was actually trying to figure out why I was missing a record that I knew I should be getting... ha, well it was equal to 2000 and I only had less than and greater than, lol. Thanks again. You could do a "shred" on the file afterwords to rewrite it with 0's. Thanks Matthew. I just tried this and it seems to stall on line 1131 of jquery.js (version 1.3.2), which is the return array of the "unique" jQuery utility as far as I can tell. I'm not using "unique" anywhere though. Confused I am. @Frank, this is what I have in the callstack: (?)() pushStack() add() add() empty() each() each() (?)() html() constrain (?)() each() each() (?)() (?)() each() ready() (?)() What's further bizarre (to my unexperienced self, at least), is that after runni So i must create a webservce? it seems lame if i want to make a webpage to be forced to create a webservice just to juse ajax? :( Im running .net 3.5 Well thanks alot if i added a msg.d.Name it worked like a charm, but must i allways add a .d. now? :P @Joel The reason I want to do this is so the text that does overflow has an ellipsis (...) added to it. I've also found that I can go through and use a CreateSourceQuery() to get the referenced data that I need, or go to Microsofts Website: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/EFLazyLoading and install the LazyLoading, so that when I access Program.Events it'll load the events right then and there, instead of right away. Thank sth. I'll give that try! What about images and other non-aspx files? Or, the standard way of handling that would be by rewriting your 404 page to redirect to contentpage.aspx. In Apacheland it'd be this directive: ErrorDocument 404 http://my.url/contentpage.html But in IIS I think you can customize the errors through the Properties panes. Yes, I have tried that. I actually meant usp_ but mistyped it seems, the point was putting context in the stored proc name. Why do you want this information? Are you looking for memory leaks? I think there can be another way then. @duffymo Indeed, it is an IBM thing. And, no, I didn't mean to say that both queues receiving the same message is the desired behavior. We are talking two different queues and different messages. The question was : is it always - one bus per activation sp Ok, I am using 1.4.9. Apparently this is a bug that got fixed. I will close the question. That is TRUE autoShow may eliminate show() but again I don't think you're meant to add a Window as an item. There's nothing stopping you from outputting JavaScript and using eval(). Works like a charm. Thanks. Yes, there must be a Java application running that includes Quartz. Have a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326509/java-background-daemon-service-cross-platform-best-pratices for running Java applications in the background. @1800. Probably right. Maybe it could play a possible solution as a wrapper? You're right - the Done marker is probably the best way to go to avoid race issues. I'll update the code. The requests are all aysnchronous from the client. I have looked at creating a queuing class on the web service side but I thought that IIS must have some internal buffer for caching requests so I didnt want to (badly) reinvent the wheel. And what will happen to incoming connections that arrive whilst the maxmium number of connections are active? Will they be queued by IIS or will they be refused? I'll check out if we are allowed to use IIS7. Collecting credentials for foreign sites creates a lot of security problems that are more serious than the bug in OAuth 1.0. Ok this sounds like exactly the behaviour I desire. Is this behaviour just relevant to IIS 7 or does it happen in 6 too? I can control client timeouts so that is not an issue. Where did you find this info by the way? It's a simple method, something like: public static class HtmlHelperExtensions { public static string Localise( this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string key, params string[] args ) ... I think I'm on the latest patched up release version. Thanks, that's useful, but not it. If that were the problem then the static call (HtmlHelperExtensions.MyMethod) wouldn't work either. Peter already told you how: call setTarget: and setAction: on the NSStatusItem to give it the object and selector to call. This looks like the solution to a similar problem I've been having, cheers (+1) LOL 6 powershell responses in 30s Yes, and it's important to keep in mind that this code creates a string that is only appropriate for display. The original question asked for something like the CSS display:none attribute, and when you draw the strings produced by this method, you'll get a similar effect. Ha! Good catch on the version numbers; 8.00.2039 is SP 4, so at least it'll be easy to apply in your second environment. -1 The question did not mention Apache or port 80; the JBoss application is running on port 8080 thanks for reply but not work for me any of your method, i get error "illegal xml character" @David: Requiring a password (or at least some kind of key) is sometimes neccessary. Some of the answers here seem to be taking the assumption that Caedis is on the server side, attempting to authenticate a clients password, but in fact *his program* is Thanks. I'm working with a client who's development stack leaves a bit to be desired. Unfortunately it's XML implementation has a nasty habit of inserting unused namespace declarations. One of the vendors we're working with is rejecting any messages containing unused namespaces as being invalid as per the W3C specs. After spending the morning going through the recommendations I can't find any explicit rule stating this is illegal. However, I thought I might have overlooked something. Thanks for the input. I should mention that I'm aware I can perform some tricky logic by getting the screen resolution, size and location of the form, however I was hoping for something a little more elegant. Thank you Andrija. This looks like it will work with some modifications. I haven't tried it yet, but I believe I saw a screen.WorkingArea.Intersects or something similar while experimenting yesterday that will be able to tell if it is completely off screen. I just played with it. If you add the line screen.WorkingArea.Intersect(formRectangle); right above the if statement if (screen.WorkingArea.Contains(formRectangle)) it will determine if the form is completely off screen or not. Thanks again Andrija! 1 for Satan reference There is a value in the map with that key! But to clarify, you would first check for a missing key by calling the map's contains method and/or checking that the result of get(key) is not null. The latter is less likely, since it is poor practice to pass mulls between objects. This is how I'd do it, well except for the braces. The logic is dead simple and this reflects that nicely plus it makes it easy to extend with an else without rewriting the loop logic. Actually i don't think it'll matter, As long as the compiler knows you're writing a string. WriteValue is just more flexible and sounds closer to DOMElement.NodeValue Thanks, this works really well! I want the UnitCode, PartCode, Height, and Width the mismatches What exactly do you want to add to the Canvas when you add an item to the collection? If you give some specifics, I might be able to help you do it using an ItemTemplate instead of having to manually add the control to the Canvas yourself. The comment about refactoring to go to PB12 is uninformed, I'm afraid. There is nothing intrinsic about PB12 that will require refactoring. I've migrated apps to pre-releases of PB12, even to WPF targets, with no code changes at all. That's not to say *no* changes will be required, say if your app uses features that aren't supported anymore (e.g. right clicks on commandbuttons). That's also not to say refactoring won't be required to leverage new features, but that's true in leveraging almost any new features. Sybase has some good webcast recordings about PB12 worth looking at. yes, your assumption is correct. I thought that would be the case, just wanted to be doubly sure I didn't miss anything. That article is now hosted at www.natpryce.com. Even when I entered bogus entries and can no longer access any site, the superyoink address resolves to that Hosts file has localhost now. thx for the answer but i dont think thats what i need. With validation i mean that certain conditions are matched in a backend program. (Check if needed database entries are there etc etc) I have thought about that, but i dont see the real use for that. My class is only used to do specific task, i dont think this will be reused to do the same steps with diffrent algorythms. I think if i use the template method i can´t add additional steps or? I must implement them once in the template method and again in the concrete class? So why not use only one class an add a method? Sorry for the typos: I wrote it on an iPhone. Since one number is required, I'd probably go with Matthew Jones's answer, then. It isn't that I cant do it, it will be a bit of a redesign. This question was more about how it would be possible to append additional functionality to a function. Fantastic idea -- Thank you! However, these came up empty :( Cheers, that worked a charm Thanks, I think I was hung up on making the "Test" clean up after itself rather than making sure the "TestFixture" was clean. The observation that I was testing two different things was a real d'oh moment. .NET uses two properties for localization: CurrentUICulture & CurrentCulture If you have the appropriate resource files in place .NET will automatically localize to these values. If the application is WinForms this is determined by the culture settings of the O/S if its a WebForm app this is determined by the culture settings set in the browser's options. If you need more info please provide a bit more information regarding the context of the application and I'll see if I can help more OK that sounds interesting. Can you recommend any specific documentation for using threads directly? I'm very much aware of this. The question is about whether there is any other mechanism that allows to directly (force?) quit and restart the background worker. This doesn't solve the problem but just outlines it: If I call CancelAsync() in your example then the background worker won't be restarted to re-calculate with the latest values. Calling RunWorkerAsync() after CancelAsync() also won't fix the problem as the cancellation is handled asynchronosly... Thanks you Igor it worked perfectly when I deleted the .. on the paths in the templates. Just the answer I'm looking for. @Andrew - You are right, I should have stated that. It was a quick copy/paste/cleanup of something I already had bookmarked, and an oversight on my part. Thank you for adding it to my post. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. NSXMLDocument is not available on iPhone which is why I assume they are using it in this example. in both server_login and send_mail you can avoid the local variable, because finally will always execute, even if you use a "return" in a try or except block :) you can simply return True in the try block, and False in the except block instead of saving the state in a local var. Jose - I appreciate the follow up, but I still haven't been able to get it working. I have you ever use the openid-selector library? http://code.google.com/p/openid-selector/ I'm trying to adapt it to use facebook and RpxNow, but this issue is holding me up. I am just using the search/replace in textwrangler. sed is not an option It's for an 8x5 :) I'll make a better example. It didn't work for me. I imagine mod's in there somewhere, but so far I'm stumped. You described my situation perfectly, and you answered the question. Thanks. i disagree, because as i stated quite a few times above, the error messages would be ambiguous, as 2 different function calls, for example login and sendmail could throw the same exception. If you want to print to the user, or to your log: "login() failed because of xyz" or "sendmail() failed because of xyz" this isnt possible, because both calls may result in the same exception. I want detailed handling what went wrong for logging purposes. then now it boils down to a question of principle. your first code is basically the same as mine, except that you simply dont nest the exceptions, as I did in an "else"-tree, which was suggested in the python docs. which one is better practise? the docs state that else should always be preferred rather than additional statements in the try block. its basically the same question with if's: is it better to return before another if, or is it better to nest the ifs conditionally. Well by definition, Foo is not usable in any strong typed way. If you only know the T at runtime then you have to use it in a dynamic way using either reflection or a late bound capable language like VB.NET or C# 4.0. Generally if you want to use it in this way you'd make Foo implement IFoo that uses Object everywhere T is used in the generic type. Yes the behavior is guaranteed though I don't have any hardcore evidence to back it up other than just years of using SqlDataReader. I usually use column names unless there's only 1 or 2 columns just because it's harder to read. But actually I never use reader[0], reader[1], etc. I'd use reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1), etc... And then if you're someone with influence, Microsoft has to maintain them forever because if they don't, Crap Inc's software will break and the misguided user will scream about how Microsoft sucks and Apple is great. @softwerx: LOL... let me introduce you to Bob. He worked on a team called WinFS. I really appreciate your help. It's still not working. I think the problem is that the new threaded is created inside of another class. I create an object of that class and it creates it's own thread which calls these event handlers. How can I give the launchForm method a handle to the initial form? Nevermind... I figured it out. My program launches minimized and hidden with just the system tray icon visible. Once I open the initial form window once, I don't get the exception anymore. I'm going to look into creating the window handle before it's visible, but at least now I know that the code does work. Thank you for your help. That would certainly obviate the need to answer the question :) However, its not an option. Yes I see that now. Maybe I was afraid it would just do string comparison. I made a property that converted my string date to a date object and it's working well. Thanks. You're right. I was confused with the phrase "default window icon" in documentation. Thanks! Can it take care of the untagged text and convert it to a real `

`? That's my main concern... When do you call this? in the constructor? does it matter? I'm not sure, but I think if List.Count() is run on an IQueryable it will execute the select count(*) sql command. but if List.Count is run it will enumerate through all of the items and then return the count. If the latter, List.Count() would be faster most of the time. Duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/983451/list-of-escape-characters-required-for-my-json-ajax-return-type. StackTrace is not guaranteed to give you a complete stack trace, only an approximation. See the Remarks at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.stacktrace.aspx for more info. Also see http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ReleaseISNOTDebug64bitOptimizationsAndCMethodInliningInReleaseBuildCallStacks.aspx for examples of where the NoInlining attribute won't help you. The fact that certain optimizations occur in 64-bit and not 32-bit mode is an implementation detail of the JITter and is subject to change without warning. Cool. Is there any way to not get a full blown XML/HTML file and just get the



, or would I need to traverse the DOM to get just that out? Damn you, Jon Skeet... don't you sleep?? You should also encourage them to switch to the more robust TraceSource class. It's a little more complicated than Console.WriteLine but it gives you total control over the output. Yes, that's much simpler. Thanks for helping me scrape some of the rust off my XSL skills... If you do not get the answer you are looking for here you should check out http://serverfault.com I think it is more cleaner to did something like this: {controller}/{action}/{...} and the from jQuery if you need json format: json/list/.... and if you need html: html/list/... cheers Ugh, both of you guys provided great help at the same time, is there any way to select both answers as correct? I agree with hainstech. Create an indexed view of the Votes Table and have it aggregated by question and count. What RDMS are you using (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, ...)? Depending on the version the community may be able to provide you with some tips to show you how to see exactly what your query is doing. All browsers should do this when in rendering XHTML in HTML mode—self-closing tags are a feature of XML, not XHTML. This is why the HTML compatibility guidelines recommend that you do not use that form for elements that do not normally close themselves in HTML (like and
): http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_3 If you want to create assemblies that 'look normal' and can be consumed easily by other .Net languages, then it is best to package up your components in classes. Apart from that, F# is pretty accomodating. It is common to see both 'functional' F# code that's mostly functional, modules, lots of currying, ... as well as 'OO' F# code that looks more like C# or VB. In the former case, it is usually easy to provide a thin 'object facade' over 'functional logic' if you decide you want to publish the functionality for consumption by other .Net components. (+1) Totally agree, don't go about subclassing SP API objects, create extension methods or encapsulate the objects (Don't forget to Dispose!) Chaos: Certainly that is one option. Bill: The idea was that each Department must have a department head. I don't why that is not a viable design structure. The employee belongs to a department, a department has to have a manager (department head). Sounds like the approach described by Spencer7593. Anybody knows how to that in MSSQL? What version of Django? Your call to self.participants.count() should work. that may be true, but my problem still stands that i don't get back from my server what i want. All that i printed to the browser was taken from __getLastResponse() and such The above code works for me. Excellent suggestion to use Callable. I can't believe I forgot about that. This worked like a charm. Hi Kusek Here is my xml looks like "" + "{1}" + "Save" + "New" + "{2}" + "{3}" + ""; This shouldn't exactly be responsible for the problem as described, though; even Python 2.4 should reuse freed memory (it just didn't return it to the operating system). you might be interested --> I am yes, tx. Further I think I go for the breakingout scenario and start out with Lisp Python will automatically collect objects with circular references, *unless* any of the objects in a reference cycle have __del__ methods. If that's the case, garbage objects are moved to the gc.garbage list, and you will have to manually break the reference cycles. It's better to try to avoid having both __del__ methods and reference cycles. No it's a different instance. The one I'm trying to set as SelectedItem is instantiated as a property of a parent class, the ones in the combo are instantiated purely to populate the combo. I suppose the best option would be to investigate each method you are using via MSDN. Yes, i'm afriad i'm using th abitrary rules, inherited from a legacy system which require at least one letter, number and special character. doesn't work... i get an error "object does not support this method" and it highlights the first line. i did some digging and found that there's a "document.body.createTextRange()" but then "selectNodeContents" doesn't work.... and this is in IE i read that thread you found... amazing... i was able to create a function from that info that works on all browsers. Thank you so much! My solution is posted @Stu Thompson: Look at the JDK source code. It is in fact loaded into memory -- at least initially into the virtual address space of the process, and as it is accessed, it certainly occupies real memory. However, it is most likely outside the heap. I feel like such a dolt. Thnx. substr() is deprecated. i can't get someList.OrderBy to pop up in the intellisense... i'm pretty sure i'm using 3.5 (i'm using VS08), but i guess it's possible i'm not? ah! ok... i imported Linq... what does "item" represent? is that an instantiated object? wait, nevermind... apparently it's just whatever i want... testing... this is amazing. i didn't even know this existed. can you use linq on anything, or just generics, etc? and THANK YOU!! ok so it's not working like i thought... i want to nail this down completely before i accept... it's giving me an error when i try to use it now: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[myProject.Sentence,System.DateTime]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[myProject.Sentence]'. that's the stuff... thanks again :) +1, thank you... i went w/the linq solution, but this helped me understand CompareTo() Thanks for the pointers! It turned out to be a combination of configuration problems, which was pulling in stale components, which was breaking some code generation the site was doing. Some other folks on the team put me on the chance, so fortunately or unfortunately I didn't get much chance to practice the debugging tips you described. Maybe next time. any other limits? can you use stored procedures? if you can i would go with option 2, inside a stored procedure (which would keep your app simple) Yup, now that you mention it, whenever I write XHTML I always put javascript and css in CDATA tags - it just makes your life easier when you need to use ampersands freely. Obviously you can change A3 to which ever cell it is your trying to evaluate, James. Yeah the more I think about what it is your trying to do its not possible. As by declaring new public enum TestEnum will create a separate type of enum to the base class. I think the correct solution would be to have an enum in the base class only. Doesn't make sense to me that the post that was the least help got the most votes....the fact they put in pm was probably a typo... but you can just store the enum value as an integer and declare that in the interface instead? Not my term... I think I heard it in a Doug Crockford video. @altCognito in the case of emulating keystrokes, you would have to "train" the bot so it would know the boundaries of it's pathing, targeting, interaction, etc. In a sense, the set of instructions are literally the "use". If the instructions do not prod Yes, this is probably closer to what I'm looking for. Could you point our some resources for getting the hang of XML-RPC apart from php.net? Thanks! Ah, but the price he is paying is a networking price, not a hardware price. And latency, unlike bandwidth, cannot be improved beyond certain hard limits...unless you find a way to transmit information faster than the speed of light. Unless you have a very wide CDN, I think that reducing round trips will make ANY operation much crisper. Even a wired connection cannot exceed the speed of light. Round trip for a ping to stackoverflow is over 100ms. Doubling the latency would be quite noticeable. Hello - thanks for the answer I have Windows XP SP2. CPU CELERON 2.66. 1.25 Gb memory. Browser - repeat in both IE and FF - event if the borower is cut down. Also I'm not play any video in application. Wow, that's a lot of work, but exactly what I was looking for. I'm new to stackoverflow, and not registered. How do I make this the best answer and/or give you credit for it? Thanks. I'm not sure that's the case. Regardless, that doesn't really tell me why it is splitting up the strings. Ummm, isn't that what I just said? This kind of stuff is simpler if you just use a stl string. There is a c_str() method which hands you the char* you need. Though using sprintf and such has less overhead, which might matter. Eric Lippert says, "I don't think of bytes as "numbers"; I think of them as patterns of bits that could be _interpreted_ as numbers, or characters, or colors or whatever. If you're going to be doing math on them and treating them as numbers, then it makes sense to move the result into a data type that is more commonly interpreted as a number." See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941584/byte-byte-int-why-c . @Majkara Tito: HIs lookup table won't hammer RAM if he builds the lookup table in hardware. +1, with the added comment that you likely need to think about refactoring your doGet method - if your methods are small enough and do sufficiently little, just knowing what input was null and what method it was in would probably be sufficient. (but comp A runtime annotation to give a hint to the JVM sure would seem to be nice in this case....but I don't think such a thing exists (and a quick google doesn't turn up anything.) Note that 40 bit encryption is not acceptable for money transactions, even if the user does not have support for 128 bit encryption. If the user can't handle 128 bit encryption, you cannot allow them to provide payment details online. If you do enough business, this will probably be enforced when your security testing company (the use of which will be mandated by your CC processor) checks over your site. @Jon: +1 Thanks! I'm always surprised by what you can do with Extension methods, they are like that Static Utility class we all carry around Ok, thanks for your answer. The bulk part is interesting, I have to investigate this in detail. Problem with the first suggestion: I do not know the ID. The path is not the ID, I will add this in the post above to make it more clear. Thanks for the answer... Thanks Gumbo... I was really struggling with that. This is what I want but if the text [Content 2 in Row1,Column2 dsfdsf sdfdsfsdf sdfsdfsdfdsf sfdsdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdsf ] is long it wraps and falls below the [Row1,Column1] text. Thanks Adam. That's pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Sweet; thank you. I'm glad there is SOME way to do this. Thanks for the reply. It worked! There is no option to close/delete questions on this website... at least I couldn't find it. I added some sample code. You can do LAMA. (http://www.dotheweb.net/lama/) I dont see how that helps. I can tell the filename is not in the params hash by looking at the log. Remember that it is an experimental feature so problems are to be expected. I'm confused now. Is the binary data in a file or in a php variable. If a file why not use fseek? @TheTXI - You are correct and I've updated accordingly. Thanks. Yes. ClassB's constructor copies it into a private variable of ClassB. I assume this is okay? Posted constructors... The basic outline is has core similar to Command Pattern. Need a vector of pointers to command objects. My constructors are very simple. The only thing I'm doing really is copying a into ClassB. Basically I'm taking a command (Class A) and attaching it to a specific type of executor (Class B). I quite like the Conversions answer I got from the scala-user group. Just need to check if it works... But it's way too late here now, so will post back soon... Yeah, of course. That way just seems quite manual; it's a pity support for this sort of operation isn't built into the framework. I don't imagine it's particularly uncommon. I'm sure I'll end up accepting this answer because it definitely was helpful and there probably isn't any better answer out there. I just feel like leaving the question open for a bit in case someone happens by with a brainwave. Yes - the string is being displayed fine without the transformer. This is a long string, and I only want the first 10 or so characters to display in the table. Is using a formatter something I can do from the bindings inspector in Interface Builder? "but this always seems to returns INADDR_ANY or INADDR_LOOPBACK" I was traversing the list.. so yes. Tried your first method. With a UDP socket, it gives me (INADDR_ANY). I might consider the second method. Still getting the DISP_E_BADCALLEE HRESULT. Any special data marshalling rules for VARIANT out parameters? at a certain point, having potentially several include files for a single page's individual ad slots (and some of those only being required for, say, a week or a few days) seems like more of a headache than its worth. entire section takeovers could require 6 or 7 ad slots in up to 3-4 unique templates per section. thats a lot of fuss and muss, and would still require constant changes to vc'd code to manage whats in and out, or litter the code with many unnecessary file includes. @mkoryak: Thats why it's my accepted answer ;-) Thank you for your comments. I updated the questions based upon your response. Thanks for your response. I'm in nuclear physics. I have done a mild literature search, and indeed most of the info available was from the high energy community. The problem I ran into, was a problem of scale. The complexity of our device, and the community that supports is 1-2 orders of magnitude less that the army that surrounds many of the high energy devices. If you need further clarification, I can provide it. Have you setup wildcard mapping in IIS on your local machine? Thanks, but that's a lot more code to do the same thing. Also your Maybe class is very similar to the framework's Nullable and by using Invoke you add an unnecessary performance hit. Still - it's nice to see an alternate take on the same problem. One solution to avoiding reference cycles is to use weakrefs: http://docs.python.org/library/weakref.html yes, I've tried. Same message. This was my thoughts exactly after I tried again after reading your answer. MY client is 1.5+ so its not fixed in that either - and simmilarly doesnt work in the copy of tortoise SVN, which is up to date (mostly). Excellent answer! That does sound brilliant, but I need it to identify Class and Method structures, and it's not clear whether it does this. I guess this is something they could provide easily tho. But the general idea sounds like a brilliant one: as a programmer I got annoyed by some of the things they are talking about. Sometimes I even think about formatting my source code purely to get as neat a diff as possible. Thanks. RunWithElevatedPrivileges will reset the AllowUnsafeUpdates flag to FALSE it seems (read that somewhere). Added the Debug.Assert = false, restarted my machine, but OWSTimer is not loading my pdb (I even copied it to the c:\windows\assemly\GAC_MSIL\\ folder???? Rebuilt the project, removed the assebly manually with windows explorer, then copied the file manually also with the explorer, then copied pdb again, and debug does hook into process.... It seems to be kinda working now... CLeaned solution and restarted timer, debugger is working... Do you want to know if the app is published, or from where the end user downloaded the app? Like, either the user loaded the app from the market, so market apps use the production server, or the app was published so all copies of that app become production apps. Thanks for sticking with me on this one. Ok, I've added the decompression code. I'd be thrilled not to use the string conversions but I'm not sure how to upload/download the data without it (I've never done desktop-web transfers, always just desktop or just ASP.Net, so a totally new area for me.) Thanks Rob, I've decided to just start using it and see how far I get. I'm hacking on the source as well, if I accidentally fix something I'll send in a patch :) Can you please post a link to a (minimal) sample page that exhibits this problem? Works for me (Safari 4.0.1 Mac). You want to post a link to a version that doesn't work? Like Nat says, there's just so much crap going on in Sharepoint with disposable objects etc, it's hard to keep the focus. I made an SPWeb subclas once, only for some colleague to go and modify it, forget to add some stuff to the overridden Dispose etc. I found it a nightmare... YOu need to be more clear. I.e. in which language are you programming. No, I have tried that already : C:/foo/bar becomes C:\\foo\\bar... yep :-) but that's a syntax error (the last quote is escaped than) Yah, that's a good point. I'll probably disable its use of Core Location then since it's more of a statistical curiosity. The bug and application feedback are much more important for my quality control needs. Good question - I would agree and that's what I would do if I had the option. The reason I can't in this case is that I can't do anything with the output from the process (i.e. the InputStream) until the process is finished, so I need to put it in a buffer to read later. Already tried that, even when having the liNext LinkButton always there, making it visible when needed and setting just the CommandArgument in the event handler results in same thing, i can click any link once, then it stops working, it's as if the controls are outside the control tree or something (impossible, i know...) Thank you for the quick answer. Does this mean, that my first solution only works, because I have "\0" by chance in my memory after &tmp? Well, I was actually trying to solve the problem 8 of the Euler Project. I am already done for this semester :-) Thank you for this fancy solution. Is using lexical_cast safer than using atoi() or why do you suggest to use it? +1, the AIX tool is probably just hashing the metadata. I don't have an AIX box, but there's no way its FS is keeping around an md5 digest of its contents. What happens if you try to cat the directory? Great link, thank you The perceived advantage for me was the ability to modify existing calls to do what I wish. Maybe inserting custom actions before a file is read or change the way it is read in without having to alter existing code. For me there is no difference between running the test on a dedicated server (on check in) or your lokal computer (on saving)...except the performance you need when compiling the programm on every file save. Hmm i tested this, but it doesn't work! The MVC framework will still store everything in the main assembly. Which compiler/language allows ::foo to access the outer foo? I am not familiar with that in standard C or C++. Not sure about objective-C but I don't think it's allowed there either. @Josh Thanks for the clarification. 'foo' in the example clearly cannot be a global variable - I didn't expand on that in my early comment. This answer is very C++ specific. The question is also tagged with C and objective-C. the stream reader should be using the same pointer as the internal stream therefore no event should be necessary, im going to look and see if i can disable buffering for this. how do u turn on logging for linq? I only have express so I don't have SQL profiler. Good to know that! I think i would probably cascade anyway though. I normally control the database end of development as well. Let me get this straight. mainscript.py executes program.exe, which in turn launches script1.py. program.exe doesn't end, but script1.py eventually does. You are looking for a way to detect when script1.py ends? Does script1.py end normally every time or sometimes error out? Yes sql server. Question updated. No, the characters are displayed as shown in the second example when looking at them in SQL Management Studio I am really confused because classic asp is having no trouble displaying the correct characters I am using a DataSet and casting the row to a string They are inserted with an INSERT query not a stored proc I don't think that this is the issue because the characters are displayed in our older asp software without a problem. The problem is related somehow to how I am handling the retrieved data in .net They are inserted with the old software, so they display as in the second example. The asp and .net code retrieve the data but only the asp inserts I tried inserting directly into the database using SQL Management studio and the characters displayed are different and don't display correctly in the asp. I will try changing the query type Yes, you are correct. Text is ALWAYS entered in ASP. Text can be DISPLAYED in ASP - but not ASP.NET. Text ALWAYS looks like garbage in Management studio. Thanks for your help on this The question is more of an interest - how does instanceof reference the class directly as it does? FWIW I probably will end up having to use assertEquals(). The main problem is the potential for error. It is easy to forget to .getClass(). Writing multiple methods with one which takes an Object and calls .getClass() will clearly solve this niggle though. Sounds reasonable. It isn't too hard to write the code for that either. But what about the rest of the stuff? PS: I would assume that `photos/{id}` views the photo given by {id}, not the set :) If you wanted a set, I'd use `/users/{id}/photos` to display all photos by that user. @pix0r: just fyi, it's very user-oriented @Sean: Does it matter? I had CakePHP in mind, but Kohana and I believe RoR uses something similar. This isn't about those frameworks though, it's about what convention *makes sense* Sure, but I dont have friend-lists. Friends are tied to a specific user, not a group. And again, it's not really the point how I have my specific system set up, the question is how would you handle those situations where you *don't* have a separate entity for such things? In scenarios where your route simply *can't* be boiled down to /controller/action/id, what do you do then? And where do you put the code? Everything you've said sounds good, but that still leaves the question of where to put the code. Where did you put the handler for /artists/{username}/albums? In the artists controlller, in the albums controller, or somewhere else? I contemplated REST in this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1016258/ but when it comes down it, you can't issue a DELETE with HTML, so you need a different URL, which could in turn issue a DELETE on the backend if you really wanted. Something to keep in mind is that, if you're referring to a specific PMS color, it usually can't be matched in CMYK (or RGB). (In other words, PMS 286 is a lovely blue that can't be precisely matched in four-color process). Additionally, there's no (AFAIK) algorithmic way of doing it, you have to look it up; Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, etc, have that ability, though, IIRC. My logic was a bit different. Had it been /users/{id}/photos (photos are NOT users) to get all the photos owned by a specific user, I would have extended it the same way. The idea was to avoid function name clashing (rather than putting the friend functions directly into the user class), while still being able to look up the user who owns the item. But in this case, I would need access to both the user model, AND the photo model. In this case, "Photo" is a class that already exists... would it be more appropriate to put the function in the User class, or the Photo class, and what would I name -- the function? User::listFriends() or Photo::byUser()?? I had design decisions where there's no clear answer :( Well, then your overall cost would be higher because each subsequent label would have to be moved a greater distance. So I guess you *could* try every possible ordering of labels and then take the lowest cost one... this of course is highly inefficient, but perhaps you can come up with some heuristics to minimize the number of possibilties that need to be examined. 1 for the '\' key mention. This is really annoying ...how is for_each going to give you a count? Ahh... you used Babelfish to translate to English from What language? Im using code functions from the roundcube.net webmail project - its basically a modification of the code. Its quite easy to use - all the functions are well documented - just need to redo some of the code so that it can run from command line. Yes, but it is quite possible that the tlb file only contains interface definitions and needs to be registered separately. You are right about DLL though that he should have it to instantiate the component. jQuery is going to be my next project for sure! I want to try to pick it up in the next month or two, but before COB today I would like to get a solution out. The iterator interface is magic - it lets you use foreach() over your object I tried redirect="no" but got the same results There's no such thing as one-way encryption; the term is cryptographic hashing. MD5 and SHA1 are fast hash algorithms and not a good idea for password hashing. You should salt the hash with a random nonce stored in the database. Just to clarify; do you want to know how to properly store passwords in the database, or do you simply wish to know whether user profile data should be separated from base account data? I answered for the former, but upon re-reading the question, you appear to want the latter. You're close to the problem relating to a covering index. The index I had didn't cover enough columns. I expanded it to cover all the columns needed and it was faster, but still takes 1 - 1.7s. I also had to reduce the charset to latin1 if I wanted to include information like phone, email, website, etc. (1 byte vs 3 bytes for utf8) Do you know where I can find more information on the squared distance calculation? actually, i couldn't get the MySQL stuff to work, it kept screwing up my carefully encoded UTF8, so i still use the normal commandline tools for that. i do like the incremental search, but the actual find dialog is weird in that it needs two distinct "enter" presses to start the search I believe it's "Cay", not "Cat" -- He was a professor of mine back when I was a freshman for intro to programming :) Is this C#? You can't instantiate interfaces then, no question about it. I agree. This is what HTTP content negotiation is designed for. I would recommend defining your own mime types so that you can version your JSON data formats. Something like application/vnd.mycorp.myformat-1.0+json. That way, when something changes in your format, you can change it to application/vnd.mycorp.myformat-1.1+json (for a backward compatible change) or application/vnd.mycorp.myformat-2.0+json (for a backward incompatible change). we tried it locally (at the remote site) and it still failed, so it's probably not the key. it's some kind of CFHTTP issue I think... That's great for characters above 255, but there are some other funny ones that quote() catches that are below 255 (like '?', '&', '@', and others I don't know about) what about sql server management studio? Thanks for looking in to this further I am using MATLAB Version (R2007a). The code provided by the camera company is from 2004. And no, I have never had a successful image capture with Matlab (although I have with other software, using this camera). Tried this, works well, but I'm not entirely comfortable with having the data picke hosted at Google. Irrational fear really, as I guess if Google we're to go offline anytime soon it would be due so an associated with a more serious issue such as asteroid stike or something. Anyway, it frustrated me that I wasn't able to get the thing going locally and I didn't want to give us, so just I didn't use this solution, even though it worked. Oops. I mean "nulls" not "mulls". I realised I'd mistyped them and found you'd just beat me to the correction! It is often tricky. Testing is often a more time consuming process than actually solving the problem in the first place. Validating the correctness of your algorithm takes hard work and often I personally go to pen and paper. Call me old fashioned but stepping through a Business use case and solving it as it would be solved before the program I created is a surefire way to verify your algorithm. If you need to consult the business stakeholder and get test input/expected results so be it. Not exactly, what i mean is that the previous / next link will always keep the value they get after clicking once, the same goes for any numeric value. THe pager is used in sharepoint to page a DataFormWebPart that uses an ObjectDataSource. This is the reason this control needs to be "all inclusive", i.e. render itself from a self contained datasource. I think the problem lies in the fact that the numerical links should change after one of the links is clicked, i.e. the control tree changes, but those changes are not rendered in the page.... No, the documentation I had didn't specify if it would wait or not, so it left me wondering is this was thread-safe -- for example, whether, if the timing just happened to be out, readLine would think the stream is closed. not good, i need exactly that one field be select statement i cant use insert with one select watchdirectory looks interesting - thanks What do you mean with Custom webpart / pagination? where does the data come from, how is the pageindex sent to the datasource. Not much to go on here... ok, i see that there are no answers, i will use function If you don't have it installed already, go install the "GetBundle" bundle which has an AutoUpdate bundle command. This page has a good write up on how to install GetBundle http://al3x.net/2008/12/03/how-i-use-textmate.html OK, so you are using Java. Please update your question so that is clear. My question meant, is the Service you are calling an "old-fashioned" C# webservice, or a "new" Windows Communication Foundation" Service. My answer only helps if the second is true. The exception you are showing, is that from C# or Java? P.S. This is a code example for changing qouta: EndpointAddress endPoint = new EndpointAddress("http://address/Service"); WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(); XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas readerQuotas = XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max; binding.ReaderQuotas = readerQuotas; Thanks. I did initially try that, and after struggling with it a while, it seems like something funny happens with the parser if I place the comment before I enter class documentation (like up with my #include "header.h". I don't even see \todo comments appear =( P.S. The Lists.asmx (http://urlofsite/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx) is really the way to go, seeing as it is out of the box functionality. Yup, when I try that, the function still seems to appear, but the detailed description disappears. sorry, had createtime in html tag style, was not shown in answer.. Yeah, that's why I was careful to define what "sniffed" usually means in a technical context first and point out the loose definition ... no offense meant. not appending the SID to the URL would help with general security, with problems of your SID appearing in the referrer field of someone else's logs, and also these days, for SEO purposes. See my comment to Ólafur Waage For most setups you can check your web server logs to see what URLs have been accessed by Googlebot. Google may choose to show only a subset of those URLs in their search results. Although this is not the answer I accepted (since I wanted to try using NIO), this using standard IO like this turned out to be faster than the NIO approach. Still, it was a good learning experience to try NIO. Re: "a thread waiting on IO needs to wake up, so Python begins pre-empting other threads every Python tick": You're conflating two separate issues from the talk. The "release/acquire GIL every tick" issue is only the case with signals, and won't come into play with normal blocking I/O. Reminds me of Yahoo! Answers. All the questions are phrased as declarative sentences with question marks at the end. I guess the part I feel I'm missing is how Trident renders vs Gecko. thanks. i was missing: set :user, "your linux user" nm about svn. has nothing to do with it. @MAD9 The SqlDataAdapter also has an UpdateCommand property that you can assign with a SqlCommand object to suite your needs. This also works for insertion and deletion as well. Thanks Sorskoot, I'm really trying to learn this for both Silverlight and WPF applications. With the method you've described, are you still keeping the entire image in the design? Hence, for large images where I only need a small part of it, this would not really work well, but it would work if the majority of the image was going to be viewable? @JP IT did a fresh install of my laptop, including VS2k5 SP1,and I have been having problems since then. I disabled all of my add-ins. I will try a repair install today. @Marc Cool huh, I am pretty sure I saw that on Jeff Atwood's blog. http://www.cod @Shog9 and @Joel, if you look at the question it specifically states "How do I add times in C#?"...then provides an example, therefore, the question was quite clear. The example was just to illustrate a sample of what he was looking for...therefore, I sti I think this does what the asker wants. Just not EXACTLY formatted the way he wants. He may have to modify this code a bit. We treat the root "Exception" as an assert and permit it to be thrown. "The only way to set that is via internal methods " - not true, _cacheInternal is set by the static property accessor HttpRuntime.Cache. I would however be interested in more info on why MSDN recommends the ASP.NET Cache should not be used in-non web apps. I have code that uses it (which dates from before the existence of this warning), and it *seems* to work OK. Could you include your return code? I have a feeling it's your return that's causing you issues. Thanks! I'll Look it up.. I found it during my searching but its not very friendly for someone who's just starting. For example, I'm looking for something as basic as figuring out how to make jboss work with eclipse (or any IDE for that matter) Take a look at the "Installing Guide" For an example in incoherent tutorials. :) So I'm right in thinking that .flv, .ico etc will automatically have the correct headers prepended to them? very cool seems like using cascade property in mapping file could solve my issue?? just not sure what style is appropriate for me. (though i think using just delete-orphan would be what i need). it can be a bit hard to understand hibernate docs from a newbie perspective. @jalf Sorry about that, I meant to say "should be". Typing too fast =P Thanks for the catch! @Andrew Good points, I will reword to illustrate what I mean more clearly. I meant that the Business Layer relies on the ability for business objects to "change" their state in order to accomplish the things that the business layer does. @Andrew Thanks, and thank you for your critiques as well! @techgirl When you download the data from your website, what format do you get it in? Are you getting an excel spreadsheet or something else? @Rob I meant encoding (UTF-8, 16, 32, etc. along with endianess). I dind't mean 5.1, 5.2, etc. I changed my answer to reflect. Your goals of SEO but also content which cannot be read/copied by Humans are contradictory. Hi, I have just done those steps, added all the modules in the initial link you gave me as well as adding the default document in the web.config > configuration > system.webServer > defaultDocument section of my website. I am still getting the same error. I am about to add additional error details to my question. If you have any other ideas they'd be greatly apprcaited! Why's all the useful stuff deprecated :-( Although this is sarcasm, you may be more right than you think. Doubt it, but, this industry likes repeating history every 10 years and totally reversing trends in favor or new bells/whistles. I just tried it and it didn't work, still getting the internal server error... I'm new to MVC so I might have missed something obvious... I don't think so though That is the case BUT a Window isn't supposed to be used as an item, the items of a viewport is supposed to things like a panel. Because it's a window, why would you want to create it as an inline item like that, you also have to explcitily show() a window which you can't do when declared like that. wow that's hilarious, I always check the list of recommended questions after I type in the title and the title is almost the exact same... my apologies Just tried Page.User.Identity as well as Page.CurrentUser. Both of them give me an error saying System.Web.UI.Page does not contain a definition for "CurrentUser" or "User.Identity" in the case of the first one No I don't. The error says it's referencing System.Web.UI.Page I'm trying to access it from within a Control, does that matter? Why convert it to a Guid only to convert it back to a string? Ah, maybe I'm misunderstanding something, apologies if I am, but even if it is a string variable, why make it a Guid in the first place? I only want one row to be editable to avoid people accidently changing rows they did not mean to change. By clicking a row and clicking edit, it means they absolutley mean to edit the row. Overiding isCellEditable I know how I owuld do this, thanks. A bit overkill compared to other suggestions is all Jon, for the average programmer like myself anyway. Yes, this can be a problem with write-intensive, transaction-intensive apps in MySql due to the single threaded nature of the replication schema. Have you tried a multi master approach to balance the write load and the replication also? Thanks Theo. Great info! Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation points yet to vote you up. Gives me an error "System.Web.Mvc.Controller.File(string, string, string) is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context" The method that handles this is in a controller... what do I need to do to get rid of the error? How can I figure out how many plans exist for a stored procedure currently? Perfect, thanks! There are multiple groups. The elements are all groups, but the entries in each group can be structured differently across groups. Nope, no reason, just didn't want it to look like a button. Thanks. I want to delete an 'Entry' each time I get something like "Data1:0" or "Data:[]". And also sort the entries in each group based on other conditions of the data members. I'll look into parsing as a Python data structure though, thanks! I am changing the URL inside movieURL. I change it to Vid01, Vid02, Vid03, etc. The sound is correct for the different videos, it is just that the screen is black when it plays. It depends on what exactly you are after, but maybe enumerate cabe help... for key, item in enumerate(something) : will assign to key and item the values: 0, something[0] 1, something[1] ... Parameter names are part of the interface, visible to callers. You might find a convention for member fields would be better. See recent SO blog "Stack Overflow Creative Commons Data Dump": http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/06/stack-overflow-creative-commons-data-dump/ Sorry, I didn't think the code was all that interesting. [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Edit(Person p) { /* right here, p is initialized with defaults only, nothing from the form; Request has all the right stuff in it. */ Ok thanks, thats gave me a better idea I didnt think there would be an "easy way". Thanks for your suggestion Would there be any chance of an example code to do this? As I dont fully understand how to set the number of window cookie. Thanks again Thanks alot, there must be some way? How do websites like facebook etc handle when the user closes browser? Ok thanks again, will look into it :) so this leaves me with the option of manually editing the .xml files? Oh, you just had to click on that and write something. Lol. I agree that it is not jquery's "fault" just my inexperience in this area.. I have posted the html code. Thanks again! I was under the impression django had a log file, like Rails has. If this isn't true, you should implement your own logging functionality. hmm.... i think my questions isn't clear enough. I get how to make a jQuery plugin, with the closures and whatnot, but what I really want to know is how to access existing instances of the plugin to access properties and trigger methods. Yup exactly that. Sounds like a very strange thing to do. The session should be disposed after close. Can you give an example? storm is pretty nice. Why does lazy loading occur during the scrolling? I've also tried this with processorArchitecture set to x86 without any success. i think he expects a link. Crypto doesn't work that way. maybe should be community wiki. I don't have enough reputation yet to comment on your post, however on the net tab, under each request, there should be 3 tabs - params, header and response - what does it say in the response tab? this has worked for me beautifully. thanks! Perfect, thanks! @Dolphin: good catch; I had it on my XP machines and didn't remember installing it myself, but you're right. Duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72125/how-do-you-pass-an-authenticaticated-session-between-app-domains I cannot see any differences between your screenshot and what I'm seeing in a browser. Could you point out where the differences between your expected output and the actual output are? Thanks Anders! Based on your script, I was able to write a ruby script that works ! maybe you should have marked an answer, instead of providing a summary of what was said. Yeah, except none of them were your own. I like the part about selling your software for what it's worth. Not a lot of companies do that today. It recieves the data from a datalayer, which in most cases just forwards the data along. No, I don't use the speed parameters. By the way, when I do use them, my div just doesn't show up in any browser (FF/IE/Chrome) until the function is over. Really odd. I find your explanation much easier to parse than Yishai's. The third boolean state is usually FileNotFound 0 I understand that, problem is the guidelines. ITs not in my hand Can you explain this in more detail? There is no .settings directory in my project directory - I created it and put the .launch file in there, refreshed my project, and it doesn't have any Run profiles. Do you have to mirror the directory structure under .metadata? Nice analogy - Totally agree with you good find. We recently tried that already however. :( This one really stinks. Note that that will also match the empty string, unlike \d{0,10}. By itself, this regex may have issues (since the empty string is located everywhere within a string). If the digit string is optional and this is part of a larger regex, it would be what you want. Should "MutextLocker" be "MutexLocker" ? Seconded. Through techniques like virtualization, WPF conserves CPU & RAM resources by discarding or recycling objects which cannot affect the on-screen rendering. ... like listbox items that are scrolled out of view. Perhaps you'd consider detecting when a listbox item is scrolled out of view, and either terminate the animation, or set it to it's end-state? As Paul correctly states, the easy (and resource unfriendly) way to solve your problem is simply to turn off virtualization. When you get error messages, post them! We are not using an ORM, the tables and sql statements are really basic and are just used to store small amount of tracking information. Yep - Correct answer What about recursion? I will try this out thanks! Xcopy won't migrate anything but the files themselves. Microsoft's migration tool includes other stuff like settings. Hmmm I must be missing somthing I cant seem to do anything as far as templating the bound data with ItemContainerStyle Yes you're right, replace Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered etc with the new ClientScriptManager http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.clientscriptmanager.isclientscriptblockregistered.aspx @John: Why? Because it hast more syntactic sugar? Because it has reflection built-in? Garbage Collection? I really don't know how you measure your 'higher-level'. maybe I'm being thick, but I don't get this. The only issue I see is that diffing files before and after the change will result in lots of diffs. I don't see how "It will completely destroy your source code control system's revision history". @dilig0 I get that javadoc error too if the .class file can't be found. Maybe javah uses javadoc to add the comments to the .h file @robbotic: Suppose he had a function foo(string u, string color1, string color2) which output Coding Horror Using inline hover styles is simpler. Is this a goo It's quite slow since inserting into a List is slow. Arrrgh! Apparently I went FormatBlind. :) Thanks for pointing out my riduclously obvious mistake and restoring my former, happy, Friday feeling! what do you mean by a null controller passed to it? I want to have full control over it. Using my own code would allow for this. Thanks Pax - I've had this in mind as a last resort option... Wow, that's a very cool service. It doesn't have ojdbc or Mister Q though (I'm sure Oracle and IBM wont allow it). Also doesn't have custom config files e.g. SQL Explorer DB connections, etc. +1, This is absolutely THE best way to do config files. No need to grow your own config syntax, config parsers, config loaders etc. when you can just re-use python's core parts! Starting the ServiceHost within the WPF Application class seem to fix the issue. Thanks for the book recommendation! This works, but do you know a way around the way WebForms use the top level html form tag? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1031252 I'm aware of this related question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/841418 Here I'm specifically concerned with the issue of the form tag Thanks for the suggestion, thou my Regex skills is at bare minimum, and modifying their example to my needs can be a bit tricky I am using that version... it works only in the Development Env. 1 Beat me too. When I right click the breakpoint all I see is: delete breakpoint, disable breakpoint. What about in the express edition? @vorpal: Updated it. Sorry for any confusion. @Pranav. You are right. editing Would downvoter comment? Actually it turns out those WinAPI calls are written in C. @Peter. Added an example. Analog to the one in the for_each link provided. @Naveen: I see your point. Edited my answer to sum all a,b,c,d. Still, clearly for_each is not the best alternative. Strong +1 for Shark. Beats gprof or Google Perf Tools when developing on OSX. You can see the exact number of samples by selecting a given row. It then shows the number of samples to that function on the bottom. Rarely is this useful though given that the % is what's helpful. char is not an object, how are you calling equals on it? As an advice, when using equals against a constant, try to call it on the constant object: e.g: "A".equals(temp); This way, if temp is null, you wont get a NullPointerException and equals will yield false. Show us p yeah! I don't think that would work if startDate and endDate were within 24 hours of each other. E.g. if startDate is 11:30pm July 6, and endDate is 12:30am July 7, wouldn't that round down to 0? (an extreme example, of course, but still a valid concern). Yeah - my solution to this was to limit IE users - they can only select a tiny subset of the rows and columns that FX and Chrome users can. Even then IE8 only just copes with maybe 25 cells (5x5 grid), 7 and 6 remain hopeless. It brings back memories of late 90s web development and is an ugly thing to do, but what else can you do if their browser is so poor? No offence taken, Im quite new to .net alltogheter, and my conclusions does not make sense to me, but I have tried waiting with no result. The one thing is that when I close my application my desktop outlook gives the system icon of sending a mail. And then I recive it. And when I dont close the application I get a error from Norton saying something in the terms mail could not be sent due to timeout or so. Yep its from the antivir but not the regular kind. Anyhow, I tried to run it from another box and it worked, So I guess it has something todo with the Norton on my box. Thank you for your efforts, and sorry for the waste of time. Presumably it refers to the outfile function rather than the select. That does look simple! However if I have WebPages as a property of Menus why do I need to add the "&& pages.ID == x.PageID"? As its a foreign key why do I need to add that? Thanks. I need a slight tweak which I'm stuck on. If I take all the Roles the current authenitcated user is in and match it against the roles property in the DB, the DB value could be "administrator" but the Roles.GetRolesForUser could be "administrator,user,tech" so the Contains would fail. Could you help? But isn't IP\_TOS just used to get and set (with getsockopt() and setsockopt()) the TOS for the *outgoing* TOS. Are you saying I can use it on a packet by packet bases to get *incoming* TOS bytes? Found the request_routing plugin, which seems to do what I want. According to http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-core.html#ID-1950641247, there are 12 possibilities. Checking for 1 mainly keeps us from getting the attribute and text nodes that may belong to the tab page divs. You should inspect what you're getting back from the inner request. Maybe you are getting back HTML in the form of an error page from the server. Maybe you're getting back a text/html error page. You should be able to inspect what you're getting back in the response stream while debugging or use Wireshark to know for sure. It will help you if you ever need to inspect a DaysOfWeek value, for example if you're reading one that's stored in a database. Also, it provides better documentation to other programmers, since some enumerate days of the week starting from Monday instead of Sunday. Good point. That IS better. Comments added...hope they'll help. the thing screwing me up is "wrapped" in your example is not returning the same results as if i were to just grab the wrapper element with $('#wrapper_id'). do you know why that is? having to write code implies reading about stuff you don't know about. at one point or another you'll have to do something you don't know how, and then you'll do research. won't this just be a reference and not a TRUE copy? Currently Not a Real Question: impossible to answer. Perhaps if you expanded with what you are trying to determine. Why is "sc" a "more correct" way? What is wrong with "net start" (and start-service PSH cmdlet)? F# also supports methods without an explicit class (and then creates a name from the file name for the implicit class). See above for my edited post with code provided i have not installed any prior notification system. ...im not really sure what you mean "set my production server", but i know my production application speaks to my production database if that's what you mean I was just giving telling him what C# could give him. Python can be optimized without having to resort to C#. that's nice, but all my css look like "link rel=".." href="/mysite/css/styles.css?jsessionid=as2dfs4df". can I turn off this default behavior or it would be a bad practice and I should fix my css-loading? Weird. Tried inspecting the post values in Firebug? pages.Roles is a string not a string[] so Intersect won't work See the answer: replace your use of MSXML4 with MSXML6 which is the current version (and may be included in Windows 7 by default). MSXML6 will also work in WinXP and Vista. Hello Rasmus, Thank you for this information. My application is for banking sector for secure data transfer and non-repudiation. I will investigate further on this. I know popups are unfriendly. In most cases if someone is exiting the site they're unlikely to stop to take a survey anyway. I imagine the response rate would be really low for exit surveys done in this way and there are other problems that a client has to consider too (in social research terms). When we talk to a client we discuss these issues and recommend studying the site analytics first. Ultimately, I'm hoping to be able to simply rule out the "popup on exit" survey as not technically possible so we can discuss other/better approaches to their research objective. I'm not sure if this fixed the problem or not, but that or saving changes to the files seems to have fixed it for the users. Thanks. Thanks - one question. What if another process/session creates a new model run while the current process/session is inserting the results of the previous one? Is the currval from this session/transaction only? Doesn't work on XP possibly other systems Thanks for keeping an open mind. That's a nice find on the timer, I assumed that the events were processed on a background thread. In that case, I guess that the polling operation would have to be pretty quick or the author would have to look into running the polling operation on a different thread if he's worried about hanging the UI for the duration of the call. SELECT * can be a little dubious - does it make any difference if you replace * with a list of columns in both queries? I don't use the designer and I still have the same problems - when I open a page, the IDE freezes. When I go to type something in the page, the IDE freezes. I don't know what VS2008 is doing, but it's not CPU or IO bound - I'd say it's just crappy implementation. (setf x-select-enable-clipboard t) Yep, it was my fault. I have a c# GUI using a MC++ lib and I need to do the same thing in both but I couldn't get the syntax right for MC++. that wasn't added - it's been there ever since the upgrade check was there. Could wind up with a *lot* of connector objects that way, no? Alright, well thanks for the input. Hrm.... so if it's complicated give it it's own controller, otherwise stuff it in with whatever it's most closely related to? Hmm ... Well, since Pantone makes part of their money from the sale of the books, they probably frown on people putting the electronic equivalent into their software, at least without (insert adjective here) amounts of licensing fees. Truthfully, Photoshop doesn't have much use for supporting PMS, but Illustrator, InDesign, Quark, etc definitely do. I would pursue one of those options. @Mike - No commission. It's my job to help developers, so hopefully that's what I've done. Have fun with the RadControls. If you need help, be sure to visit the Telerik Forums: http://www.telerik.com/forums well those people are fools. :D As is stated repeatedly below, there are no standards. If you have the source of the sproc, try your standard debugging procedures. Thanks Ben. Unfortunately, one of the places this app would be used just happens to be in a reception dead spot - no phone signal, no 3G, nada! I've already written a couple of iPhone Web apps that run on one of our hosted servers and they work fine; this is just a one-off bit of work, and I can't really justify spending any sort of $$$ on a solution Thanks for the pointer to the iPhone open toolchain. I hadn't heard of it before, and it's definitely overkill for what I want to do, but it's certainly an interesting project. Same outcome. its moves the divs, the math checks out (the addition). The problem lies in the h variable. How would I access it then? The normal way? $myArray['Book']['item1'] = false? If the question is about memory allocation for different scopes in C, then the title should be edited to match this. @Bill - the exe needs to be large address space aware @Jay - No. That part of the configuration is fine. There is nothing wrong with a single bus and multiple queues. We have that scenario and it works fine. It is just IBM configuration and does not change the expected JMS behaviour. Off topic, but you might want to include less identifiable information in your post. You never know what your employer's monitoring these days, or what they'll take exception to. Thanks for the interesting solution! thanks mate...There is another thing i found out..maybe i am wrong maybe not. IF YOU HAVE NULL VALUES IN THE DATABASE (e.g. the $movie['movie_review'] IS_NULL then you will have the same problem.. Cheers. That's awesome. Thanks, works perfectly. No, a web.config needs to be in an appliaction. And, as far as I'm aware you only have one web.config per folder. I think 2 web configs is part of VS2010 Web.config files are employed in a hierarchy, for instance, the root folder will have a web.config, but can be over ridden in sub folders with another web.config. Is that what you were asking? As Jon says, it's to keep the book focussed on the subject it's teaching , and not getting distracted with other aspects. A good idea is to read the examples on ado.net along with articles/book on application design maybe? it is if the application requires many to many relationships....:) work on the web.config, copy it before you change something you think could break it, name it something different, or save somewhere else Do you use source control for your app? Re: the divide by zero comment, that's an application issue, not a database one. I personally am a big fan of 0 value for an int column, rather than null. Dividing by null can be its own issue. However it wants. I've seen implementations where the constructor/destructor for each COM object increments/decrements a global reference count for the module, and DllCanUnloadNow just checks that ref count. Actually, this is not guaranteed to be non-null. Calling a method on a NULL object will result in a crash when this is dereferenced. You'd only crash on the call if the function is virtual, since it would try to access the vtable. Otherwise it is like calling a non-member function with an invalid parameter. Fraction* foo = NULL; foo->plus(...) Obviously contrived, but you could imagine other situations using an uninitialized object. return *this will access the copy constructor that will most likely access members of the object, resulting in a NULL reference. Thanks Peter - your solution got rid of the double quotes. This is what I needed! Hi John! I based my final solution upon yours and Peter's (below). A combination of both worked out for me. Appreciate your quick turnaround and attention to detail!! Rather than using BB code, why not use Markdown or ReStructered text. Yes, there are several ways, but without knowing more about the architecture of your application I can't be too specific with a response. Basically, have your application fetch the video data from a server and write it out to a file on the iPhone. If you have a more detailed or specific question, you may want to include it. That is incredibly unhelpful! I hate it when I visit a page for a search term and that term is not actually on the page I visitted, even when the site contains information on it. Hello Tony Thanks a lot for you answer - but it don't help me. You post the code from flash to create the normal preloader. But I need the sources for Flex to change the standart Flex preloader. I extends IPreloaderDisplay class and now I can't load image from web. best Vladimir You need to do much more than just avoid C++ return types for that... you need to completely pimplize *all* C++ code to really be safe, at which point you're going to be creating a C wrapper on top of your existing codebase anyways, due to the nature of class declarations. .NET (VB, C#) doesn't allow this too! that doesn't work, it tells me it can't reference a null object when I do that. The input routine is non-blocking, hence the output appearing where you're inputting when you type. See my example, italics is what is outputted whilst I'm typing "Hello world" You'll need to have a state indicating if the max is currently valid. It should be invalid if an item is removed that is equal to the maximum. In this case, the get method will need to rescan the list (using the Max extension method, probably) for a new maximum. You could also just use a sorted list, but there are other prices associated with that. You could use just one form for both login and register. I just wanted to be clear that the use of 0 / 0 is a dirty hack but if you want to get NaN it is currently the only way (that I know of). If it were my program I would strongly consider using nil instead. Thanks for adding the source for me - I'll be more considerate in the future Err:508 I suppose I could have also added the quote from one of his QuakeCon speeches where he said that Java is a good way to make your game 10x slower, but I couldn't find a transcript to quote. It's no real one-liner, it's just written in one line *g* I wouln't be able to say what this should do without knowing the question or looking up `get`. @samoz, the conditions for "not matching exactly" are explained in the question. Word matches String iff String starts with Word or String starts with Xord, where Xord is Word with the first letter changed. What I was saying except you gave it away! ;) The OP asked for tips, not the exact solution. :::Tests it::: C# debugger made it really obvious where the problem was. But when it isn't the fifth but the nth element, you'll have O(n²) which is even worse than sorting. That may be true for some applications, but we are talking about full 3d games here and aren't starting a flame war. Try to find the n/2-th element - Requires O(nlogn)! I went to a presentation once, I think at IBM. Some company had written a custom Garbage collector for Java which went with lots of fast collections instead of a few slow collections, specifically intended to solve the blocking garbage collection issues people are talking about. The presenter spoke about realtime applications in general rather than mentioning games. I'm pretty sure this garbage collector costs money, though. I don't have a real answer, but if you want an example of an addon that can show a dialog on FF startup, Adblock Plus, http://adblockplus.org, does so after installation. You could look at the source code of that for hints. At the runtime level they are represented using nulls. Such a special case doesn't seem desirable to me. Why would you want certain instances of option<'a> to be represented by Nullable and not others? What Flash player version are you publishing for? @Jonathan: Depending on the complexity of your graphs background, you might be able to put a matching background on the overlay div. please don't write extension methods on object. Create an interface and write the extension method on that. We don't have the integration and I've never missed it. You see Bryan I thought that too. But we had two applications that were nearly identical on a mobile device. One submitting with Javascript and the other normally. The javascript submission was faster by about 3 seconds. We've tested it multiple times. But do you think it was because it was on a mobile device? No. Actually I'm not familiar with that, but the type of submission I am talking about doesn't involve Ajax. Just javascript. Mostly in asp-classic though. I've never tried it in asp.net..but the question applies to both. Yes,I've considered those things but the difference in speed was too large in every test and at different times. However, we tested on two different mobile devices so one signal may have been a little stronger. So good point. The only way I know of to do this is buy software to do it. Odd. 7z unachieved it fine. Maybe winrar can't (I suposed it should, but didn't actually try) Thanks for the advice. I did create a separate application and registered an HttpModule in IIS that handled the redirect. I still was not able to get everything working as two independent sites which I was hoping for, so I ended up just opening a new account for the 2nd site. But I did learn a bit more, so that it always a good thing. Yeah I would think that once the application closes then ExitTime would not be accisble (as it is not running). I want to be able to say that user 'jdoe' used excel for a total of 44 minutes in July I beleive stack overflow is built using the ASP.NET MVC framework, see www.asp.net/mvc Woah, that's a great plugin! Thanks! If you depend on your verbose logging to identify and diagnose problems that you might encounter during unit testing, then how do you intend on being able to diagnose and support those issues in production? VBA Sucks. I think I've found solution. I'll mention below. You could use this construct to alter/add one of the columns data types to the type of your custom enum. as long as the numeric db values that fill it are in the scope of the enum, i believe it could work. This would require adding a partial class or modifying the generated one. Agreed this is not ideal for maintenance and maybe even a bit of hack. I'm not sure about the casting issue though, because there are two ways to get at the data. (1) via the indexers which treat everything as type object and (2) strongly typed properties this is where the strong typing check occurs. I'm not sure which type of properties the fill method uses on typed datasets, but if it's the indexers this should work. Additionally you can manually load a typed dataset via the indexers (i.e. ds.Tables["myTable"].Rows[0][1] = 4). You could use the iterator itertools.izip instead of zip to make this answer more efficient. Thanks eu-ge-ne, that seems to do the trick although, could you possibly clarify what's going on here? I understand that since the checkbox control ( x.CreationDate, x => x.ItemDescription) ? I need a method for someone to post a string of text to the website via their cellphone. i need a method for many someones to post strings of text to the website via their cellphones thanks... i got that part... i was also curious about the email-to-website part, like what twitpic does... maybe that's a solution as well? if it were as easy as using twitter i would, but it's not, so i can't. i don't want to just parse a twitter feed. i run http://www.quotidianword.com and i am looking for a solution on how i can get users to post their sentences via cell phone because people aren't always around their comps, but are typically always around their phones. if you take a quick gander at the site, you'll get an idea for what i'm trying to do. thanks. Do...While hears his name and his ears perk up. Me!? Someone wants to use me! @skolima I didn't know the versioning scheme the OP was trying to achieve. However, I still think my answer is viable for others that might come to this question, which is why I'm leaving it up for scrutiny =P It has really been a very effective configu Good question, we have some contact forms which submit into a horrible database app, on this same page we need the client to be able to change the content though the CMS. If there were any way I could not use Perl, I'd be all over it :) Unfortunately yes, perl is making the forms, creating a unique ID for the target URL (even if the form is submitted or not) @Joel I don't see how the AM/PM to the time string makes it a date? Surely you would need to specify the full "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM AM" to make it a date. Anyway, think this conversation has dragged on a little too much...I believe that apeksha asked a clear Also I need button images, not colours. There is no way to set the button image and have it all work like it does with colours. Question: Could this line in your first approach: vec.erase( unique( vec.begin(), vec.end() ), vec.end() ); be replaced with: with: vec.resize( unique (vec.begin(), vec.end()) - vec.begin() ) and if so, would it be any faster in large vector? You do know that the iPhone's "Objective C" is not C++, it's really like "C with classes"? Anyway kudos for wanting to brush up on C++. Skaffman, Thanks for the clarification. I just read the doc suggested by brd6644. It helped better understand some fundamental concepts of Hibernate. Ultimately, what I need some help figuring out is how to be able to update a Message without cascading down the operation to the User/HD associated with the Message. Consider ast.literal_eval() (http://docs.python.org/library/ast.html#ast.literal_eval) as an alternative to eval(). The main thing I don't like about this solution is that you have an object in the structure where the eval(repr()) identity doesn't hold, repr() will "succeed" but then eval() will barf. The r'' denotes a raw string, described here: http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#string-literals. Basically, it means that backslashes in the string are included as literal backslashes, not character escapes (though a raw string can't end in a backslash). I've corrected the example—the file needs to be opened in binary mode. It still needs to be for Python 2, but it won't fail as dramatically. Make sure you read the Python documentation (including for the appropriate version) and don't just rely on examples! :) http://docs.python.org/3.0/library/pickle.html (Sorry for the comment spam!) I doubt that, since your original example didn't open afile in write mode. ;) But as for the binary mode, in Python 2, it might work (since the binary flag has basically no effect on Linux and OS X) but is non-portable and can run into trouble on Windows if the resulting file contains newline or DOS EOF characters. @ozan: doubtful, based on the question, and also because jfq is from a C++ background. (+1 for tutorial link) Already checked that out, tried SystemUpdate and Update, it still reverts back to sytemaccount... that is is true.thanks for the reply I'll give it a try, altough i did try it before. Wrapping everything in RunWithElevatedPrivileges and Add AllowUnsafeUpdates to code. P.S. It is being run from a timer job... Didn't work, have no idea what's going on here.... See edit. Some really weird stuff happening... When an IO thread wants to reacquire the the GIL, if another thread currently has it, the IO thread will *wait* for a "signal" (via the synchronization primitives being used) from the running thread. But this is distinct from the signal handlers registered by Python, which set a "pendingcalls_to_do" flag which cause the running thread to go into churn mode in order to attempt to run those pending calls on the main thread. Python doesn't handle the "signals" used for semaphores or thread scheduling, and it doesn't need to involve the main thread to switch between threads. Right, "GIL signaling" is referring to the threading/synchronization library, not the Unix signals that Python handles. Based on my testing, as long as there's only one CPU-bound thread, the presence of threads doing I/O doesn't have the same horrible GIL churning effect. You do see a impact on the latency of the I/O threads, though—but ironically the latency decreases if I/O is more frequent. Clearly, though, the best thing to do is to avoid mixing multithreading and CPU-bound Python bytecode. thanks for the quick reply, this works! now is there also a way to set this later in the application, after showing a login screen, and then setting it not depending on the system language but on a per-user stored language that is returned after login? additionaly to the above solution: is there a solution to change the date formatting specifically for the GridView? I cannot access the image included in your question. You could try uninstalling the bundle and then installing this by downloading and just double clicking on the file. TM should recognize and install the bundle for you. Says it's compatible w/ Rails 2.0 http://railsbundle.com/ Hmm, actually that could be. Add BOTAN_DLL to your preprocessor definitions. If it uses that as a modifier in the class definition that could very well break it if it's not set as an empty macro. Alright. I had a quick look at Botan, but it's obviously a different version. It's choking on dl_group.h so if you paste the contents of dl_group.h in pastebin I'll have a quick look to see if anything sticks out. Well it seems to be breaking in the Format enumeration (line 51), but I don't see anything wrong there. The only thing I can think of that would break it there is if there is a macro conflicting with the enum names. Make sure when you're #including your botan headers in your main project that they're at the top before any other headers are included. That's about all I can think of without seeing the project itself. Actually I just did a little test, and that's almost certainly what it is. I made a class with that same enumeration, and if I #include ahead of that class it gives me the same errors, and if I remove windows.h it doesn't. So there's a macro in the windows headers that's breaking it. Okay, now it looks like it might be the other way around. Your Botan headers are breaking the windows headers. There's one other thing you can try. I'll add it to my answer up top. Might be included in stdafx.h if you are using one. The other thing you can do is add that #undef X942_DH_PARAMETERS at the top of the dl_group.h file Or not at the top, but right before the namespace. Definitely the way to go. I always hate it when applications include their own program for that kind of stuff (Java springs to mind ... or Lenovo's ThinkVantage stuff) please attach the css code for searchBox. Looks like they need the namespace declaration, seeing a :: in there. You can access the fields individually instead of writing bit-manipulating stuff every time you want to access them. Thanks for the help! I've only dabbled in Ant on an "as needed" basis ;) I don't think the actual query is the issue, because this has happened to many of my insert queries across the xsd. I am giving this one a try. Lets see what happens at runtime :( 1 for thoroughness I've added information to show how you would do it in sql server. I don't think it'll work for my purpose. I've edited the question with the reason. Nah it has to be C. I forgot about ImageMagick. I don't doubt you checked thoroughly, but I'm still checking to see if any of the C bindings will do what I want. :) I'm confused too. The two examples are functionally equivalent. What are you trying to do? The object's instance variables are all contained within the object's memory. They will all disappear when the object's memory is freed. The difference with object-type variables is that they're pointers, which means the variable itself just points to a place in memory. Even if the pointer variable disappears, the memory it points to is still allocated. More so than spoken languages, I would say. I'm not sure there's that much for a Rubyist to learn from Lua, but for example Erlang? Lisp? C? Totally different ways of thinking. Also, Ruby isn't perfect for every application. Sometimes you really do want C. It's called %ERRORLEVEL%, not %ERROR_LEVEL%. Furthermore you should check for it with "if errorlevel 1 ..." not comparing to %errorlevel% which doesn't actually exist. this looks intuitive to me, and this is probably also what it would look like in java, because you dont have the luxury of an "else" statement there. You also didnt have this before python2.5 iirc. It was introduced in the docs to avoid large try blocks but still keep the grouping nice and obvious, so all code that belongs together will still be in the same try...except...else block, without blowing the try part out of proprtions. as the pythonians are so attached to their style guides and peps, i figured this would be the correct way to go. Yes, I know this. My problem is that this should be slightly configurable per method. Annotations would be ideal for this because they allow a very simple way to handle that extra parameter. I think you didnt fully get what I was trying to say. Try the following: make yourself an SMTP object, and then try smtp.login() without connecting, and then smtp.sendmail() without connecting, you will see they throw 100% identical exceptions, that you cant distinguish, neither by msg nor by errno thanks for editing dbr, but please do not edit things you're not sure about yourself. I edited back criteria to criterion, which is indeed the singular, as a plural doesn't make sense where you edited it. I'm familiar with the basic concepts of OOP. I've added my DAL class below. Once I add the the following code: 'extends PDO', my page goes blank. I get the same result if I try extending to mysqli (class DAL extends mysqli) I'm looking this to work <%= redirect_to(post.link_url) %> I tried this a few different ways. All I get undefined method `redirect_to' when I try that. But what connection do I drag? That's all well and good, but if it's a COM component and it doesn't use the Forms unit, you don't even HAVE an Application reference. I have lots of in-process DLL COM servers, written in Delphi, that display no UI whatsoever. Whoa! Good point in #2. Never thought about something like that. Any guesses are welcome. What code would I need to make it check to see if the parents childrens checkbox's are checked? Wow, so much feedback in 24 minutes of editing my original post! I'll test your suggestions now! I've tested jQuery("#7276").bind("click", function() { alert('test'); }) - where #7276 is he ID of the span "button". But nothing happend. Ok, I replace my code with this one. But no ouput. Using "console.log(ul)", the output is [object object]. And why only apply the '/'end tag? jQuery applies the first tag? Aha! Excellent! I thought that I didn't need the .html(ul) with the above code. Now it outputs everything. And I'm a whole lot wiser on building html structure using jQuery. Thanks alot! Thanks, I have corrected both bindings and have bidden the outline view's “Selection Index Paths” binding to the tree controller's selectionIndexPaths property but now it will not let me add any rows to the outline view. Here is a picture of the Outline View Binding. http://snapplr.com/s75z I didn't initally mention polynomial time - I thought my answer implied that regex matching and substitution was in NP, although on reflection it wasn't all that clear from how I wrote it. I've cleaned up my answer a little, hopefully it clarifies things a little. Thanks for the feedback. Have you a solution for my current problem? Thanks - but in my case the template string can be modified by the user, so I can't be sure of the order of tokens What does your urls.py look like? I will update my post with an example. I have also outlined that problem as well as the solution here: http://hypftier.de/en/careful-with-those-parentheses GPG certainly won't manipulate the console screen buffer directly. Or, at least I'd find it _highly_ unlikely that a UNIX program which just needs some output would bother with curses. Thanks. I'm glad I asked. I didn't expect an answer. :) Let me ask you this. Can I use ctypes pointers like C pointers? Like traversing an array of chars with an addition or subtraction? Haha cool man, my solution wasn't an optimal approach to your problem, glad you solved it =) So are you fetching a list of results from the DB based on what the user types in? You might consider doing some predictive fetching to give the illusion of instantaneous results to the user. Lag time may not be an issue for you since it is a desktop app, but if it is, you can gain a some happy users by doing some predictive fetching. Are you looking for only alphanumeric + space as your character set? \s matches all whitespace characters which Prajeesh specifically wants to exclude. Different RegEx parsers utilize different anchors, but basically ^ anchors the match to the beginning of the string, while $ anchors to the end of the string. So [a] used on the string 'aaaaa' would yield five matches, while ^[a] would produce only one. It might be helpful if you include how to expose the Text property as a bindable attribute as well. If you follow the link to his first question you might understand why I suggest this... Does this employer have pointy hair? Thx for anses. It is good: where g.deleted = false and g.location.deleted = false But, can we do it automatically, may be with some annotations? Well, I rather meant the watermark, but a transparent background image might work as well. Also you shouldn't tile very small images as some browsers get abysmally slow in that case :) If it's a button that doesn't have a plain HTML fallback (links to a page or an anchor), then making it tab-navigable doesn't really serve much purpose for screen readers (of course, I could be wrong because I'm not too up-to-date on screen readers' JS capabilities). Because it's a solution for a homework question, I guess (no I wasn't the downvoter). Posting actually working code solutions for homework just encourages bad behaviour on part of lazy people :) Ok, I still don't know what was causing it, but changing one class to a regular non-ctypes (non-structure) class fixed it. I know the crash would happen during the program's exit, and the name of the function update_refs seems to suggest something didn't get freed. That's all I can figure. Not asking the user is just an example of a good UI. If the computer can figure out what language it is (and not every person writes eight-language polyglots), then by all means it should do so; you can still ask the user if the initial guess was incorrect or even only likely so. Update: The problem was a plugin called acts_as_scaffolding Thanks very much! Thanks very much! What exactly would differentiate »4*d12« from »4d12«? Am I missing something? It's not yet a memory issue. But I see the memory byte counter in Instruments growing rapidly. I develop an app, which makes heavy use of UIControllerViews. So I'm trying to prevent memory issues. Sure it is possible. You cannot prevent a sophisticated user from accessing the content, but you can make most browsers, executing JavaScript, prevent selecting text. See http://www.answers.com/topic/yellow-submarine-performed-by-various-artists for an example. What do you consider "acceptable performance"? Please don't down-vote this question just because you believe these things aren't worth doing. Maybe the poster realizes that a determined user will not be prevented from accessing the content of his site; maybe he is just interested in making it a little more difficult for the average user to do so, for whatever reason. Further testing reveals this: I tried to allocate this ram in 3000 pieces and it failed at about 95% of the way there. Much closer to completion than doing it in 3 pieces, but still no luck. The VMMap tool reported that I had 1.4 Gig of free space, but still in 3000 pieces I could not allocate 1.3 Gig. Going forward on this problem, I will be trying memory mapped files. Right. And the answer is...? Is there a better way than using PostMessage? The flaw with this approach is that is does not handle duplicate float values. Okay thanks. I presume there is no better way to do this to avoid having to write all these extra constructors in ObjectwithState? I'd prefer if ObjectWithState had nothing but the essentials. Should I be subclassing and putting a default constructor in the base? And does the `()` constructor need to do anything? Or is it just `ObjectWithState() {}' ObjectWithState() {} ObjectWithState(int state) { state_ = state; } Seems to work. Using the initialization list requires the const constructor too, I think. Any way to simplify the ObjectWithState? I think you would still find a few inxeperienced people would switch, such as home users, but yea, I'd agreee in a coperate situation. Ok but is there an underlying reason why these names are the same? If so, could you not use references somehow instead of having to specify them many times? 1 JMX Is the way to go. I had a hard time picking an answer to mark correct on this question. I believe the answer is complicated and depends on many factors. Memory mapped files are a good answer, but the root cause of this problem seems to be memory fragmentation. bke1 pointed out good tools for looking at memory, and many people talked about memory fragmentation, but I choose the first answer which clearly stated the problem and gave hard limits (4 Gig under 64 bit and the right flags.) Thanks to all, and thanks particularly for the links to great articles. by far the most pythonic. Uses the fact that python treats None, an empty list, an empty string, 0, etc as false. Also uses the fact that the or statement returns the first element that is true or the last element given to the or (or groups of ors). Also this uses lambda functions. I would give you +10 but obviously it wont let me. I think that the questions that Stefano Borini has asked are fair, you should answer them and then we should be able to answer yours. @jon: Yeah, it seems my problem was actually with devenv.exe choking things up somehow when it's building a big solution. I tried using my own tee replacement and it had the same trouble. 1 Thought of set as well. Didnt want to duplicate this answer I'm shocked that the constructor approach is consistently measurably worse than manual. You would that apart from some tiny constant overhead, it would just do the manual thing. Can anyone explain this? @TypeOneError, the portfolio site used that to good effect just because of the "neatness" of it and how clean the design was. However, I agree with Unkwntech that it doesn't feel right. Not to mention the fact that most users will have a vertical scroll We can assume that contiguous tuples of [Employee ID], [Project ID], and [Day ID] make a range. I.e.: (64,1,169),(64,1,170),(64,1,171) is a range of 3 days for that project and employee. That won't work. There may be gaps between the min and max that shouldn't be included in the duration. @n8wrl - Luckily there's a numbers table so it won't matter. :) A schema refactor would hinder my ability to find gaps and overlaps in employee scheduling, which is why I'm using a numbers table for the dates. @Paul Santos - Yes @Jens - I'm not forced to use Linq. Nice! It might be useful to group by (Year*100+Month). Also, precompute "thisMonth.AddMonths(-6)" I tried your code and I got null values for all end dates. I don't quite understand the end-date nested join well enough to debug it. is this actually faster? 'currently working as a consultant' means probably not a student. I saw those. I feel like that requires me to still install GNUPG? Am I just reading it wrong? Do I just need to compile it, and then I can ship it with few or no dependencies? Pyme might work, but the documentation is a beast. I'll try to muddle through it. This is certainly the most useful feature in Eclipse and one that's not so well implemented (i.e. slow) in Netbeans. No doubt. The problem is that the app runs perfectly fine, so I can't plumb the depths of the exception to find out the real reason. No; there would still have to be logic in each of the beans to prevent it from either instantiating or "doing its work" before the system is initialized. I'm doing something similar right now. I'm adding the single instance in code rather than xaml and it works as expected now. I'm still interested in what is going on, however. The only time that many users will have the same IP address is when there is NAT involved. This is likely at a place of business, a coffee shop, or even if someone has many computers in their house. And in these situations its unlikely that two people will be on this website trying to up/down vote the same piece of content. @configurator: Didn't realize that! At design time you don't see the rendered HTML of the formview unless you run and when that is done the control adapter will kick in altering the rendered html Flash currently has a greater install base; but in my experiance Silverlight development is drastically more intuitive. If the browser does not have Silverlight, you can always show the standard upload control and do the processing server side. bah... and here I was in the middle of writing my exposition on the scope of eval. 1 for answering the real question. yes, but the question is about whether it's good practice to call the handler from other code. Why was this voted down? I voted it back up. @shahkalpesh, as the originators of this forum have often said, we do not discourage users from asking basic questions. So please refrain from RTFM like comments. @Malay, as @shahkalpesh said, it is certainly possible in Java/C#. Please be more specific Thanks, much appreciated. Writing a Python script to automate starting Skype and using tcpdump to collect packet data so I can analyze how the network functions when you have a conference call. Works, thanks a lot! In SQL 2005 there is a dedicated indexing service that works directly with SQL Serrver. This speeds up full-text operations and isolates SQL Server from changes to the search service made by other applications.Re-architecture of the full-text gathering mechanism and improvements in index merge strategy improved indexing performance in 2005. For example, on the same hardware, with the same data set, building a full-text index on 20 million rows of character-based text data took roughly 14 days in SQL Server 2000, while in SQL Server 2005, the same index required less than 10 hours. done reindenting I've never seen an instance where using @ for error suppression was a positive thing. It hides all future errors, not just the one that you wanted to ignore. The problem with that is that you end up suppressing other errors that you didn't predict and then spend your entire day trying to track down a bug that isn't throwing any errors. In the rare situation of a TOCTOU issue I think it's far better for an error to be thrown as PHP errors should not be displayed to end users anyway, but it will still allow somebody to be aware of the situation through logging of errors or displaying it if the script is running in a development environment. Error supression is the best way to hide a problem. (eg. files being deleted :) ) is your class really named "gotacan" with a lower case first letter ? @Kent - Best answer on this page by far! [edit: make that second best, because I just added one :P] @Mez - As Kent has suggested, set up an error handler that only displays errors to you. Thanks for the edit, I didn't notice I forgot the closing tag :P Thats it. Had a play with it, its a very basic intro to oo concepts. I am super curious about why I got voted down with my answer too.... I'd think if somebody was going to vote somebody else down, they'd explain why. Oh well, Guess I'll never learn. :) If you need to use the sitemapdatasource, you may need to create a custom sitemapprovider to do the filtering for you... where are you getting the data from? a web.sitemap? See here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56867/interface-vs-base-class and here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444245/how-will-i-know-when-to-create-an-interface and a search for "c# interface" for more. I should also note that for true random numbers (if there is such a thing) they will become more evenly distributed as the number of iterations approaches infinity. While this is also true with mt_rand(), from my tests it seems on average to be a lot quicker at gaining more even distribution. You mean mt_rand(), the rand() function in php has been shown to be flawed. Thanks, that totally does not pop out of the documentation, and as soon as I switched to creating new TimerTasks, everything went according to plan.. one database query should not be any thing to worry about usless you have massive trafik.. Question was "If there are other good choices besides the above, please teach me." I made a suggestion, so "thanks" for voting it down whoever did that. What is the datatype of the primary keys? Are they Identity columns? Great answer! Answered everything! Thanks a lot! @Jon: Ah, after I posted I realized you were from the land of UTC. I also realized that I myself am actually awake too. :) It does support drag and drop. :) Only trick there is if the names are different but the ID/SSN match. You'd have to somehow pick one because distinct wouldn't help there. I think Jon means you would have to subclass TextWriter and add code to it to intercept the writes and prepend the additional info. Yup, i already implemented a manual update but this sure feels like a hack to me. Also, on small tables it's OK, but updating 100000+ records takes a big hit... In addition to always using the @Override annotation, I'd recommend adjusting your compiler settings so that it generates and error if you don't use it. I want the program to be able to patch itself. The program runs on Windows and Linux. Thus cross-platform patching. DoDataExchange section of the dialog, and then proceed to comment out every single place the control is referred to in the code? I hope that's not the case; that would be really tedious. :( Well, I just finished commenting out every MESSAGE MAP in my program (so all of my event-driven methods) and am still having problems, so I guess I'm going to comment out all of my controls and see if anything changes. If anyone still has the patience to try and solve this, you're a better man than I; I'm only still debugging this because I have no choice. :p http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/43wc4hhs.aspx From MSDN - "Access to static data and methods is slower for domain-neutral assemblies because of the need to isolate assemblies. Each application domain that accesses the assembly must have a separate copy of the static data, to prevent references to objects in static fields from crossing domain boundaries. As a result, the runtime contains additional logic to direct a caller to the appropriate copy of the static data or method. This extra logic slows down the call." Eric you are a life saver. I'd vote this up a thousand times if I could. I had tried everythign (except un-maximizing the window) and once I saw your comment the behavior I was seeing made total sense. Needless to say, I had a very difficult time coming up with the right search phrase to look for help. I did some research on this, and it looks like this is what I was looking for. I only have to support >= IE7, so I should be alright. Is this fairly common? Can't find any good code examples. This is my long-term goal. Right now though, we have a lot of legacy code from before the smart pointers were introduced. Unfortunately, we're facing a looming deadline, and I can't implement this solution until some time in the future -- hopefully not some indefinite future. No, this doesn't work as I had hoped. If pA->Release() is uncommented, there is no assertion. The idea was to "redirect" the call to Release(). Thanks for the link. That's what I needed to know. I have every intention of respecting the user's intentions. Thanks. When did I say I was relying on anything? I just want to know if it's possible. Unfortunately, that has not been the case in my testing. Maybe it's an anomaly, but I believe Windows is hiding my icon right off the bat. This will be confusing to some users. Just wanted to see if there was a way to go "Look at me. I'm down here!" right after installation. If I had to have an Elment.Remove() method, this is what I would do, but I feel that it is wrong to have such a method. Element shouldn't know anything about containers that may or may not be holding it. How are you measuring the amount of memory released? Picflight, I'm not really sure what you mean by the "constructor for the CustomMembership". My CustomerMembershipProvider class does not have a constructor. In case of setting up separate repository I'll still have a problem of changed history - i.e. I won't be able to push straight after rebase This is not quite what I want. Suppose the work is in progress and I don't want to merge it into master and just want to backup it. You don't seem to be doing any rebases, which is the actual problem I have. would deletion be an unnecessary step if one uses push #NAME? I understand the flexibility that profiles provide and I have used several times for standalone application. However, if your user data, including custom properties, belongs to some other system and changes outside your control I would not use profiles. Mainly because of the sync issues. If this system needs another custom property that no other system using the custom table needs, I would use profiles. These are two lines btw :) @AnthonyWJones: Still, anyone with a basic programming education should know about Polymorphism. Well, it is quite possible that this guy is self-taught and never had a reason to look into it but if that is the case, then You are absolutely right. As far You can't press enter to submit the form. It's click only. I've gone for the simple, extra hidden field and two forms approach as it has solved the problem in this case. Thanks dude! Any idea how autoit emulates those keystrokes? He is asking it for the third time now... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1036720/how-to-return-list-from-c-and-use-it-in-vc-through-com/1036781#1036781 I believe the Microsoft advice you mention is NOT to do catch all exceptions, i.e. catch Exception, from try block. However the OP is asking for a solution to handle uncaught exceptions so that you can handle the situation by informing the user of the crash and sending your development/QA team a crash report e-mail. This may be a later version of IISAdmin http://www.codeplex.com/iisadmin Accepting your answer because of the excellent link that details the exact problem and its solution. @driis even better. thanks andy! U were right! the buttons went outside the form. I solved it by moving the form tag somewhere else! So thanks again! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I heard the next C++ standard is going to include hash_map. Anyone know this for a fact? Thanks, John! I'm glad I wasn't imagining hearing that somewhere. @eclipse: the ACM problems I've worked on for competitions have a substantial amount of input/output and your program has to solve the questions in under something like 60 seconds... it becomes a real issue here. --- that said, if you need to rely on scanf() for that extra performance boost, you're going about the problem the wrong way :) It's just not worth my buying a Mac to do this. The app is basically replacing a paper notepad and pencil (OK, it's *slightly* more complex than that), and I'm doing it as a favor for my wife. I'm not about to spend $400 on something to replace a $1 notepad, but I am prepared to spend the 2-3 hours to write the app in Sinatra Note it's not a what-price-do-I-put-on-my-own-time or a how-can-I-hack-the-iPhone issue; it's a can-I-make-my-wife's-life-a-bit-easier-with-little-effort-on-my-part issue Ecliple and Java are great friends. For C++, I agree with Nate Bross that VC++ Express is nice. It's all good. On the flip side, I can get just as (if not more) defensive when people start quoting those flawed/skewed java vs C benchmarks and claiming that the era of C/C++ is dead. Glad we could meet half-way =P Was it this particular bug? Do you have a KB reference? I've tested WSS 3 SP1 + and its still there. I have vague recollections of string.empty and "" having a meaningful differences in some special case where "" was better because it "" was directly known at compile time rather than being only sort of known at compile time. I don't recall the source, unfortunately. I have a feeling it related to anonymous types or templates. So in this case, if a user had 3 posts that were visible, and each of those posts were visible to 2 users, the userID column would have that user listed 3 times, and his three posts would appear in the postID column 6 times? Or am I missing part of the concept? I will keep this in mind while posting queries. thanks Jeff, but intervals are not the best solution, I hope it must stand on something like "$(document).ready" on jQuery. this also doesn't work in any version of Opera. thanks, but I don't know how to implement "window.onload". anddoutoi, go and work, if you need money. I'm asking for some solution, not for a "free work", it can be a link on some script/site or something else. You think that I must pay for your theory, which gives no help for solving this question? my english is not good, maybe you don't understand me. I hope "need" means not "want to get free", but it seems to be a different meaning :) this works! thousands thanks, Machine :-) That's not true. std::string is going to dynamically allocate a buffer and copy the entire string, and return value optimization will not do a lick here. However, he should still use std::string. After checking that getenv() didn't return NULL, that is! Nitpick: getenv() can return NULL if the variable does not exist, which will cause the std::string constructor to throw an exception. I've seen (and tried) that. It works to pull out the PDFs but I am trying to find something that I can integrate into my own (c#) code. Some of these Access DBs have 4+ columns that store PDF files and ultimately, I just want to copy the file into a table on our SQL server with all of the other data. Would depend on what Frameworks you may or may not be using, what sort of web apps you are making and several other things. You mentioned Facelets as a tag, are you using any other frameworks? More Info Plz. :) @soulmerge - the SET is within the SQL query. The below code runs on ResultEvent and the above code runs after that when the event has finished. @Eric: I don't think average users want to open the spec to find out this kind of information. I think most people assume that a language spec is usually scary and difficult to use as a reference...which is often true. I'm sure you have a totally differ 1 for local functions.. dunno why you're downvoted Thanks, worked... Still little problem with a linked file, see edit above.. Any idea about this? The value of using vector<>::size_type over size_t is negligible as well. It's only useful in cases where you are already working with a template container (in which case container_type::size_type is more explicit than size_t). Why do you need to detect this? Maybe there is another solution to your problem? @Neil Butterworth: I only see last_login, last_succesful_login and last_uncessful_login? How would you then know how many times the user has logged in? Unless you have a very generic database with lowest common denominator features this won't really work well. rhtx, Theo, thanks for your input. I decided to set this one to the correct answer as it does what I expected although Theo's input on text fields is very valuable. It seems to happen when other websites are open that (I guess) request data in the background. I see it with gmail and youTube and others, but e.g. not with google.com: The cursor flickers when gmail is open and it stops flickering immediately when I close gmail. Any ideas? Thanks, that's exactly what I need! thanks to you, too - because I need the version, hlovdal's version suits me better, but also the link to of fmtccase was very helpful! Yes I am. doesn't really matter as I have a USE MSDB statement. And come to think of it, shouldn't the SQL Version check return 10 on SQL 2008? I have not handled that and the code should not ideally return any results on 2008!!! DefaultMode="Insert" <-- Is that's not the same thing as CurrentMode="Insert"? Try running just the block where the IF..productversion return '9' on a SQL 2005 box. It returns correct result sets. I need to run this on multiple boxes to generate reports and need to decide the Product Version at runtime. Hence the IF.. construct To be honest, I have no clue what a CSS framework is or would be. I just simply code the needed CSS to render a designers design and attach the class's to the respective html tags. Also the PARSENAME code you gave returns NULL on SQL 2000 ??? The problem is that I have to query 127 boxes with a mix on 2000 and 2005 and do not really want to be creating SPs on all those boxes. I agree with your answer of Compile time issues, but how come it runs fine on a 2000 box? Is there a better way other than creating SPs, to query and report at run time? Did what you suggested, and even encapsulated the FindControl within If ViewForm1.CurrentMode.Equals("Insert) Then. It definitely went inside the If, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working... Thanks KM. I did exactly what you recommended in your last edit and it works. with quick/fast i meant the 'change-test-change-test' ... iteration. does there exist a solution (=plugin, whatever) for IntelliJ IDEA 8? There are a few partials I'm bringing in, but the ajax requests are not modifying the partials that are brought in at all and I'm rendering json. It could be that I just have more layers now than I did in Webforms. Following the string MVC pattern and including repositories, etc to separate all different types of logic probably slows things down. Is it a bad idea to remove a few layers just for the sections that need quick response? yeah, thxn. if it works how they describe it, it's exactly what i need, but: "Since 1 January 2008 .. Hibero™ have been discontinued for business reasons.", so what now? Many do bother with themes, especially for Intranets where they want a branded skin. Obviously for publicy facing sites it's wise to go the route you did, wich we did for our public facing site. So, still looking for an answer here. I set the textbox's cssclass to blank in the javascript function and hid the callout, so now that works but when focus is set on the box it calls the validation and tries to validate against my ^triggerthisvalidation$ expression for the RegEx validator. How can I make it not trigger validation on focus? i like the dictionary idea they dont do much design, its more implementation of custom software, bug fixes, etc. they follow a fairly rigid spec, but the maintenance of the code (aside from the mass block copying) can be a nightmare with variables named something completely unrelated to their task this is stuff weve tried. unfortunately making rules about what should be done can never help with the actual content of the variable names. they might stop using Hungarian casing, they might always use consistent casing, etc, but they will never use variable names like numberOfMissingPageTemplates - it will just be somthing like counter The .Visible property of the label is never going to TRUE tho. yes this was the problem. I didn't use a -c option, but I specified that I wanted to use bash when I open the pipe. I have tried everything except the repair, that will be next on my list. I do both c++ and C# and dropped my money on CodeRush and Refactor! I am up to date, I edited the post to reflect this I will try this, I have to wait for IT to do the Repair I have tried this. I am also having this problem with new solutions as well. you could pass the user id to the SP as one of the variables? As Kevin said, you are calling "timer.schedule(this, delay, period)" with the same "this" each time. The TimerTask is not meant to be given to multiple different timers. Each TimerTask instance is meant to be scheduled exactly one time. When not just me.onChange !== undefined... @Shog9 don't get me wrong I understand his example contained an invalid time. However, at the end of the day the question was clear, the example was irrelevant in my eyes. What I took from it was How do I add 2 times in C# that will be in the format of "H I think it should still work as my services all have a service level behaviourConfiguration that specifies the serviceCredentials: cert & uname/pass. Then on the service endpoint I have behaviourConfiguration set to an empty endpoint behaviour (just with a name, which may not be required - but not broke, so not fixing), then the mex endpoint has no behaviourConfiguration. Ah this looks like the perfect solution, except I'm not sure if we can load any extensions onto the hosting :( You have a point. If you take out the word "sql" then this solution may work. If SQL is a MUST then undoubtedly sqlite is the only solution I feel for you with the IE6 quirks. Fortunately, this problem has an answer. But a lot of times the answer is just "because it's IE6." Still not completely reliable: NumberDecimalSeparator is a string whose length may be > 1 = you'd be better specifying InvariantCulture for ToString and Parse. Also the int.Parse might throw depending on the number of digits after the decimal point. Michael's below is better I have to say that there are a few good answers here. Yours is free so I marked it as "The" Answer. This doesn't help for date parameters to an OperationContract. I certainly think it's important. In your connect suggestion you state that "I know that one can use [XmlSerializationFormat] to cause the XML Serializer to be used instead of the Data Contract Serializer". While this is a workaround for DataContracts, my understanding is that there isn't a way of specifying XML serailization for operation contract parameters. Is this understanding correct? In any case the MS response to the original (closed) Connect suggestion indicates they are considering this for "v.Next" (not sure if this means V4 or the following version). @Abhi, Eclipse does not have native support for such a clipboard. Installing pugins to extend Eclipse's functionality is a very normal thing to do. Any particular reason why you are not in favor of installing this plugin ? Even though it has fancy feature TIME_WAIT is normal. Life in TCP/IP land. yep - i can click on the red button and a new window launches with a website... Chrome 2 Universal Mind's extensions are like lipstick on a pig. They are an improvement over vanilla Cairngorm, but the problems are fundamental, not superficial. The UM extensions make Cairngorm more usable than no application framework at all (which is not the case of vanilla Cairngorm), but not much more. rojoca is saying that the DOMNode class doesn't have a method to extract the original XML. Instead you need to pass the node to a brand new DOM document to re-encode it as XML. Actually browser support is fine now that Firefox 3 supports this element. That is a beautiful solution. If only there were lag and lead functions in T-SQL. Well. I've set both All_Code Code Groups to FullTrust in both 1.1 and 2.0. That should encompass everything, right? Still nothing. I sent an email to the 3rd party dll company. Hopefully I hear something from them. I think the big test is - does it lock outside the debugger? If it does not - then I think you're certainly hitting an issue with the update under debugger issue. Yes I am sure it is possible or at least possible to create a site that will degrade properly but without the code it is hard to see where you are going wrong. Gah of course! Thank you very much. Well, actually have to initialize top_fac and bottom_fac to first and second, since it's calculating a factorial. Wow - I am dumb! :-) Thanks a ton! Is there a way to compile it with MingW, or is that even harder? I need to be able to pack this library up with py2exe when I'm done so it has to be using the same Python version all the other libraries are installed for. So it might be possible to upgrade everything to Python 2.5 but still a lot of work. Yes, I would have the author, file name, copyright, revision history, etc in the header. This should likely be on ServerFault.com -- you may have better luck getting an answer there. How could I use the LINQ syntax but provide a conditional? (p => p.Value = "foo") only if p.Value != "All"? I had to change .All(s => s.Value != "All") to .Where(s => s.Value != "All") but it worked great! thanks! Yes different versions of windows support different WMI Classes. You'll need to adjust based on your target OS. The license from Microchip says that you can only use their stack on their micros. I'd stay away from that unless you use their chips - even for prototypes. Yep, Nineth, that's what I do for simple/quick apps. Seriously, you should grab CLR Via C#. Its an easy read (SKIP THE FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS) and goes into good detail about this and more! Actually, its not a singleton. The instance isn't public and there isn't a private default constructor. No, he's _not_ totally right, divo. I was, also, going to write the same. I didn't because, although it has the appearance of being slightly singleton-y, the code he provides is NOT a singleton for the reasons I pointed out above (no private default constructor and no public property). The code provided isn't a singleton, and the description of the code Kurisu provided says nothing about a public property for this private static field. I've read your edit and I still think the logic needs a rethink, but if you are dead set on this API, see Scott Langham's post for a workable solution. This sounds like the best compromise but I'm still not 100% happy with it. Seems you wind up with a good deal of extra code to manage the additional multilang tables. a) You're stating that accessing the .wmv through the browser is fine? In other words, IUSR has the proper ACLs set for that directory? b) .wmv and .mp4 are located in the same directory? Likely the issue if indeed we're understanding the question (i.e. location of each file type, etc.) I believe the problem for John is that his architecture for whatever reason precludes using using/finally because open is in PageLoad and PageUnload. It does work if they are on different servers. Yes, it does use cookies. I'm pretty sure it won't work if you just set the domain to the same even though they aren't. Can you give an excerpt from the book? Thanks. The "count" method doesn't exist in a "first" call. But, I tried removing "first" and then inside the if statement created a new variable that is just the "first" result. "dim rr = r.first()" Looks a lot better and keeps the query in one place. Thanks. I've seen that in some examples, but never tried it out. Appreciate the tip. Event handlers are called sequentially, synchronously though their order is undefined. All hell would break loose if they weren't. It's actually pretty useful for an event to "return" data. For example, the AssemblyResolve event of the AppDomain class allows you to dynamically load an assembly and return it to the AppDomain. The issue is why .NET chose to use mutable EventArgs parameters instead of return values. Great point. I actually forgot about it (though I did say in my answer) that it's only by convention that return values aren't used. True, but the other advantage is that if you try that with the normal assembly load API's the app will never try to probe for the assembly again. The other advantage is that you can use ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom with a file path without screwing up the binding context. If you use Assembly.LoadFrom with a file path, you can wind up loading the same assembly twice. Err... trying to load the same assembly twice. I think fusion fails if it tries to resolve an assembly that was loaded in the loadfrom context. Of course, but there are also those classes of events that only usually expect a single handler (such as the aforementioned AssemblyResolve event) in which case a return value could be used, but by convention the EventArgs works just as well. It's also worth mentioning that WPF jumps through hoops to avoid this with WeakEvents which IMHO are too complicated and in need of some language support. @Marc... I've been saying this for a while and everyone thought I was crazy. Glad to see I'm not the only one. That was added in something like VB 4.0 and it doesn't really help much in Access. But yeah back in 1997 or so when I first used it, it was interesting. That worked! preg_match_all was the key. Thanks! Thanks! Exactly what I wanted! Thanks! Exactly what I wanted too! .humanize huh! I think I need that for my kids sometimes Thank you. I saw also another js solution here: http://forums.adobe.com/message/1995276 What I can not get is why most flash doesnt need such thing to run on ie, and some (such as mine) do? Isnt there pure html (or flash/flex) fix? I dont want to use js :/ Out of interest are you using a manifest file for the XP theme look and feel? Thanks for answering! I'm using visualSVN (including TortoiseSVN). I think I can check out from the Internet repository with no problem. However, how do I see my changes? And how do I merge them into the local copy of the CodePlex repository, so I can commit them? Seems to work fine from my inital testing, thanks a bunch Kevin. Now i will just make sure that the date without the "-" gets accepted as a valid date in the DB Is bind() in STL or only in Boost? For some actual stats about real-world passwords, this analysis of the passwords obtained via a MySpace phishing attack is interesting reading: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2006/12/realworld_passw.html "everything" isn't really array based in PHP. They just use the same format for var_dump() and print_r() whether you pass an array or object. They're checked. Yeah, +1 for taking a shot at least :) Thanks though. Restart + clean + rebuild did it. Strange behavior, wish I knew why it did that in the first place so I can try to avoid it, as it's happened to me a couple of times now. Thanks! Works wonderfully! Thanks, -D I guess it's how excel separates the columns and rows .. It uses ";", that's it ? You could look into using Sphinx. I've not used it personally, but have heard very high praises. I'll second this. Just use floor(), because, after all, what you're doing is downcasting from a double to an int - and floor() was built for just that. Sorry... not really a programming question. @denchr> Try with Pattern.matches("[^abc]+",s). The '*' means 0 or more. Are you creating one of those websites that has certain words linked to advertisments (e.g. Word Browser links to IE8)? ahhh simplicity :) Could this be because Bison generates an LALR(1) parser (1 being the key), and can't look far enough ahead to account for more complex queries which aren't parenthesized? For example, the query "(A and B) or (C and D)" DOES get parsed as expected. But when you lose the ()'s, things go south. Is there an option to have Bison instead generate an LALR(n) parser? Once or twice, I've had particularly sticky situations where ccache seemed to be causing me problems in the compile/test cycle. If, in your Linux home directory, there is a hidden directory called ".ccache" - try removing it. Just a whim, but that code is right, so the problem isn't in what you posted. Also, it should be File.separator isnt it? add a fread for the "how can i get this data" part. I was not using shell=True so I changed to it. Now the error comes up saying, '/bin/sh : No such file or directory' The files are also not being deleted. I can open up another tab in my terminal and cat the files just fine. Like i said, os.path.exists still says the files are there. It is something with the subprocess module. I was being stupid, setting shell to true fixed the errors but there was another file not found error, where the file actually didnt exist. I think that this was the case. public class MyArrayList extends ArrayList { public E getLast() {return get(size()-1);} } I have to agree with Jon here, it seems like the orderby = StartTime should work. Have you tried it? It should work, but the username is not the problem,i dont think its the encoding of the transport layer or message layer, or the binding used.I think its the fact that mex on http when the service is trying to behave like a https with a certificate is the culprit How are we meant to evolve the framework without changing it? It is infrastructure code, I worked with the castle stack for a while working off the trunk code and it changed quite a lot so I presume it is common for a framework to improve by refactoring and changing when new requirements are identified. Well it's more like 250 000, not every file has 40 000. But yeah, I need to check my routine which checks those numbers are valid. And it can't make any previously valid number invalid because that would cause problems. Thanks, that sounds like what I need. I'd appreciate the optimized version. You should be able to find my email address by visiting my website listed in my profile. That is only the case when your service is actually possible without Javascript enabled, though. thanks. this helped me a lot. You could use VirtualQuery to find contigous space (updated answer to contain this.) That just puts "\" between two columns Pretty much what I thought, so the answer probably is, if I want the update to be frequent, regular intervals, yes, a few times a day stick with windows app @Thorsten & Eric - that's right, the windows app currently running is autonomous @Thorsten - yep, no UI at all. @Wondering - I'll edit my answer You should update your code example to handle the ThreadInterruptedException on your wait. It would then be consistent with your answer. Tried this, still didn't work. I think the issue stems from the fact that addObject: returns (void), rather than (ClassA *), so when he calls [[[ClassA alloc] init] addObject:[[ClassA alloc] init]], he's trying to add a (void) to a ClassA, which is obviously not right. Correct answer for the question, but the quote about non-static methods only decided at runtime is incorrect. Only overridden methods are decided at runtime, others are determined at compile time, including overridden. Definitely better than the original. Thanks Chris. A data warehouse might be worth investing in long term, maybe use my answer to get the short term fix, consider if a warehouse can help long term In my TForm1.PageControl2DrawTab section I put code that ulrichb suggested in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769285/how-can-i-change-the-orientation-of-the-label-on-a-tpagecontrol. Compiler stops compilation on TextFormat: TTextFormat; saying Undeclared identifier: 'TTextFormat'. I'm new to Delhi, would you please tell me how to correct this? Sorry, don't have money for that. It's just a project to help my mother with her work. I used this book, see if you find online? Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals Print ISBN-10: 0-7356-2601-4 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-7356-2601-0 It's already there. Actually doesn't matter, it's not so necessary as I thought before. Uhm, here's my code for DrawTab property. For some reason it draws canvas on every tab but text appears only on the first. Can't get why. Would you suggest a solution please? var PageControl: TPageControl; Text: string; tr1: TRect; begin PageControl := Control as TPageControl; Text := PageControl.Pages[TabIndex].Caption; tr1 := Rect; PageControl.Canvas.TextRect(tr1,5,5,Text); end; @Tom - most ISA's support immediate values, so you comparing against a fixed value should be as fast as zero (there are exceptions of course). This doesn't work. It results in the search term being correctly found, but it then simply outputs the entire contents of the file into the new outfile. Hello Brandon, This library is an open source one, So i have policy restrictions on using this. Thanks for your answer. The roles column is just a varchar(200) delimeted with commas with role names. That could be changed if needed. There is usually at least 2 roles per page. Thanks. Hopefully you understand what I am trying to do. I have changed my Model since the question was asked and replace the Roles column with a Many to Many PagesRoles table. Might get that book, its just that I'm confused with doing things like joins in C# but you have a foregin key property in the subsonic class so I thought I was supposed to use that. I tried this with no luck. var test = (from menu in Menu.All().Where(x => x.PageID == null) select menu).Union( from menu2 in Menu.All() join pages in WebPage.All() on menu2.PageID equals pages.ID join pagesRoles in PageRole.All() on pages.ID equals pagesRoles.PageID join roles in aspnet_Role.All() on pagesRoles.RoleId equals roles.RoleId where Roles.GetRolesForUser().Contains(roles.RoleName) select menu2); Sweet! Thanks mate! Added a new question! Tagged Subsonic/Subsonic 3 I have found this to work but not sure if its technically correct?? dd.ToList().Concat(ss.ToList()) What's the problem exactly? @ShreevatsaR & @yx: And sometimes the answer is a little patience is also needed, a full answer takes more effort. Can we see the page? Because I don't think that I can help any more without actually having access to the page. That won't remove the scroll buttons in IE. My solution should cover that. I'll pretend I didn't read that ;-) Worth ensuring there is a real reason for this restriction, because it will also impact one user on one machine with two browsers open. And likely will not detect a single browser with two tabs open. In general, when you want to be language independent you are better off using StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase. Thanks Dipin, you are correct that this is not the DB server. Many thanks with java its [0-9] instead of \d Thats brill, thanks. I am really struggling with the LINQ stuff and the correct syntax to use for Subsonic but thats a different problem. I have one added issue that I should have mentioned. I have a menu table that has a PageID column. Not all menu items have a PageID but for those that do I need to do your query but I would like to combine it so I can select all from menu where pageid is null or your query. I have outlined the issue here - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1038309/reengineer-sql-into-subsonic-linq if it helps. Hopefully you see what I mean. Thanks again I actually said 'secondary technology' such as PHP or .NET which will run on your server. Your question specifically asked if you could use ONLY javascript, which you can't. You will need to have a server-side script provide you with that info. If you are using the Prototype or jQuery then you can perform AJAX requests with ease and return the value you want. For more information I suggest any of the related SO questions above or refer to http://javascript.about.com/library/blip.htm which outlines how to do it with Java, PHP, ASP, .NET, and CF This should be moved to Server-Fault. I need those where the PageID is null also. I get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object. However I have realised that I need to do a Distinct() on the second query as if a page has 2 roles it will return 2 records. If I put a Distinct() in I get Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression' to type 'SubSonic.Linq.Structure.ProjectionExpression'. Again i realise that the Html.CheckBox() htmlhelper generates a second hidden field with a name attribute equal to that of the visible checkbox but when i compare the generated html for a checkbox when not checked: with what it is when checked: the only difference is that in the checked state the 'checked' attribute is set to "checked". The 'value' attributes that hold the actual data do not change. Also, is it not possible to achieve what i want without having to again resort to a hidden element (i.e. without using the Html.Checkbox() helper?) Thanks I'm pretty sure you don't "have to" package it in a cte. You can use it in a regular select statement. In fact, CUDA is not available for mobile devices so I wonder what you are planning to do with that combination. You need to be careful with this, because if the supplied url changes to "www.abcdc.com", url.split('.')[0] is just the "www". I'm not quite sure what you're asking... can you rephrase? Are you saying you want an array of instances of the price class, or an NSArray that is an ivar of the price class... or something else? What exactly are you trying to accomplish that you can't? That's not quite what I want here- I only wanted certain views. But that is an interesting idea. How did you get an array of controls? And you say you can create a "custom array?" in other languages. As in C? If it's C/C++ could you give me a skeleton example of how you would do it there as well as clarifying your question, because as I said previously, I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Exactly what I was going to suggest. You can probably implement it really simply in assembly for some extra fast prn generation. @James: When the proper feedbacks bits are chosen an lfsr will cycle through all possible values in the given bit size (except 0). Which numbers come first is entirely dependent on your seed. Sure, but is that the original question? It is unlikely that the size of an unsigned long will not be a multiple of 4 on typical processors today or in the near future. It is also unlikely that a processor would not have 8-bit bytes, except in some very specific embedded applications. So, I would make the code as clear and simple as I could. If I'm working on a processor with unusual-sized bytes, I expect there would be a considerable effort porting the rest of the code, and this is just one more thing to port. wow, thats a nice alternative!! i will wait a bit if there will be a good suggestion for a proper WP plugin .. otherwise I will accept this as the best answer. i like that plugin but the only thing which makes it a no-go is: "NOTE: One important thing to watch out for is opening triangular bracket <. It must be replaced with an HTML equivalent of < in all cases. Failure to do won't break the page, but might break the source code displayed. " Code normally contains a lot of brackets (<) and i have no time to encode them manually :( Yes, the same issue exists for DataMembers and for OperationContract parameters. For DataMembers, using XML Serialization is a workaround (even if it does lose some of the benefits of DataContracts). But I'm looking for a solution that works in both cases, pending the fix that Microsoft is considering for "v.Next": https://connect.microsoft.com/wcf/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=349215 He said in the question that he searched for prolog compilers and found only abandoned projects. What's the point of giving him a link to another abandoned project? No I mean when the above evaluation is processed the Visible property of the label does not change. The label is invisible by default, then when the user attempts to process the form a validation check is performed and based on String.IsNullOrEmpty the Visible property should be assigned accordingly. It doesn't seem to work tho... It is in a function in the Form.cs file. @Charlie do you mean as a test? As this is not what I want to happen with the label. I want the label to appear when the user attempts to process the form and the field is missing. @Robert, that is not what I want. I want the label to appear when the textbox is empty! And only want it to appear when the user attempts to process the form. The form is launched as a dialog, when the user clicks an Ok button on the form I have a controller class which calls methods of the form to validate and display the labels based on the text in the textboxes i.e. if they are empty or not. All the code to do with changing the Form UI is done in the code-behind page. Ah yeah it worked after that. However, this does not fix my issue. I want the visibility of the label to change after the form is submitted not on the text change. However, my real question is why doesn't my assignment of MyLabel.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(MyTextBox.Text) not work? @Robert yes using WinForms. Why does the code need to go in the Ok_Click event? Surely as long as the code is triggered the assignment should work? @Chuck yes the code definitely gets called and the Visible property does not change, I also added the String.IsNullOrEmpty method into a watch and the result is true....so why does Visible not become true? The timing of the code is not the issue...it is triggered at the correct time. However, as I keep repeating the above assignment does not change the value of Visible. I want to know why. @Henk, yes the string is definitely empty. @Adam I have never used the ErrorProvider, I will have a look into it. @Robert, As you can see in the above code, the form submission is handled when the dialog ok button is pressed. There should be no need to directly put the validation code behind the button click. @Groo I couldn't see the wood for the forest lol thats what the issue must be the form is closing so when I change the value of the property it won't matter! Post as an answer and I will accept :) @Henk, I believe Groo figured it out just before you got back. The issue is I am trying to change properties of form components once the form is no longer visible. Because [0] saves three characters. per footnote #1: C - 1972; C++ - development started in 1979 as "C with Classes", became C++ in 1983. code readability and code maintainability is usually the most important, since it leads to fewer bugs and more stable code. (And let the compiler optimize for you)... I forgot to say that the soundID is a SystemSoundID variable. Yes, localhost/app/config/file.xml works fine Unlikely to happen repeatedly when I can connect to the same site from the same computer using a different MS product. That still only gets me "is is a test"... Ok. I've read through most of that manual and tried out the iPhone Configuration Utility. The only place I see for Proxy settings is under Access Point settings, which means I can setup the proxy for any wifi networks I add in there, but I want system-wide proxy - applying to all wifi connections and the 3G connection. I didn't see a place for the settings you listed either. What am I missing? Is there a full documentation somewhere about all of the options available in the .mobileconfig file and detailing its format? I agree. Not that i've ever encountered such a method. In which way does it not give you the expected results? What are you seeing? Hi psanf. My program runs for quite some time depending on the input I give it (it solves various traveling salesman problems). I've tried profiling it using a small problem involving 318 cities which takes ~30 seconds to solve. Hi Dave. My program terminates cleanly. I've had a look at Shark and while it does work I can't seem to make it generate a flat profile. There is a flattening option that I've found but it doesn't display the same information as gprof which is dissapointing; ideally I would like all functions with the same name added together. I also can't seem to make Shark display the number of calls to each function. Hi bklock. My program is only singly threaded at the moment. I will keep that link in mind though! I found the "heavy view" option to solve the flattening problem. Still can't see a nice way of displaying number of calls. Oh well. I think I have enough! Cheers for the help Dave. lol - you're preaching to the choir now! Can you clarify if you want to launch an application on the users machine or on the server? I read your question as wanting to launch an application that is running on the server, but it seems the responses so far are talking about running applications on the client. Wow, that's so strange... thanks! I was wondering why it would get ignored like that. I think that a Try/Catch block can help you with exceptions... but not with syntax errors. ...Also take in consideration the Matthew's hint. Why don't you parse the data with something like Python, and compare it to the data in the database? @Blixt Please see [my own answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1045889/javascript-aliases/1046094#1046094) to this question below, as what I would like to ask you about yours is too long for a comment. :) THanks! Thank you very much for your help! Thanks, for that. I had refactored for the example and missed those references to PollManager. I have edited the question. Thanks Jon, several good motivations there especially the dynamic type. Wish I could have made it to your presentation at the open-source-jam. Thanks Alberto. I tried your suggestion and it didn't seem to help. The imports are OK, and the rest of the website runs OK. It almost seems as if "objects = MyObjManager()" is only modifying a local copy of objects ... once I leave the scope its back to the regular Object Manager. I've fixed the id (I missed that while refactoring for this post). yyy isn't even defined, but it doesn't end up tossing an error. TinyXML appears to have a good set of examples similar to what I'd like to do. I will be checking this out tomorrow to see if I can't throw together a quick proof of concept. Thanks for the speedy response! Yes I definitely want it human readable and a bit more self documenting than a standard value-pair or white space delimited file -- if it wasn't going to be too much overhead. It appears as though I will be able to pull together at least enough to gauge the level of effort to implement this in XML. I'll take a look at xerces as well. Thanks! It certainly is the simplest and will be my fallback plan if I can't get a POC up and running quickly. Thanks for your opinion! By 'virtualizing' the OP means this: for a control with many items (such as a list control), only hold the visible items in memory, never the complete set of items. This saves memory when you have a huge amount of items, as you only have to store as many items as are visible to the user, not the whole set. It is undoubtedly easy to get caught out with a long running app with regard to memory. But by your rationale, it would also be safe (and arguably quicker than using win32) to write a thin UI layer as a tray app in a managed language :) This has been in Visual Studio for ages. Since VS2005 at least; possibly VS2003. I'm pretty certain it wasnt in Visual Studio 6 ;) No idea about that, afraid I didnt spot that you were using that. You might want to tag your question with 'visual studio express'? @Daniel: 6 upvotes for the least expansive answer? Maybe you could provide some more detail to make this a useful post? @configurator: My point is that thers was no supporting info in the answer. Sure we can all google but for coding topics, this site is intended to be where google searches end, not where they begin. Yes, I mentioned I've been using Splunk. I'm not happy with it, due to limitation of the free version. Just out of curiosity, why not use ping in this situation? No, you do it solely on the backend, and only send your original logout page to the user. Application A would in effect be acting as the user in interaction with Application B (and return nothing, assuming success - or an "error logging out" if Application failed). Argh. I am humbled and embarrased.... :/ I sheepishly blame my mistake on my new-dad brain and lack of sleep. Thank you, Judah. Very cool. I know lookahead/lookbehind isn't a common feature. This is a neat little trick Or Picklist in the MSCRM world. Logic is simpler but slightly incorrect. If I want to install all 3 components, the next button wouldn't work in this case. yep that works, thanks mate! Anything that requires an open port is prohibited, but it just occurred to me that I might be able to use named pipes endpoints. I am going to try that. Seems rather complex to me and i dont see the real benefit over a simpler implementation. Maybe you can give me some hints. Thanks, this comment solved my problem! Just a heads-up: apparently the R# testrunner doesn't support the entire feature-set of NUnit. ExpectedException and TestCase in particular. I also strongly recommend TOAD. It is a fantastic tool and it is definitely worth the cost. It is a very powerful productivity enhancer. Wow. I feel silly. I guess I am too used to ruby right now. I agree, R. Bemrose - this list actually assuages my fears a bit, just to see what I can use. very handy. Thanks, SoloBold, for the info! That's the weird part - I've tried it, and the output is the same. (Good finding that particular sentence though) That's a good point. We're a student-run TV station, though, so the rental fees are more to encourage reasonable rental lengths than to make a profit. We only charge about $5 a day for a camera. Ah okay, nice - thanks for letting me know! I'm pretty sure the N64 also had a MIPS processor. Technically pickling will work for text mode files, so long as you're not using a binary pickle format (ie. protocol = 0) and you use it consistently (ie. also use text mode for reading back). Using binary is generally a better idea though, especially if you could be moving data between platforms. @Jason: Actually, pickle is not any safer than eval - malicious input can execute code just as easily, and here at least it is obvious that it is doing so, so I think downvoting this is a little unfair. There are other reasons to avoid eval() (eg. only h You can avoid looping through the whole list if you use a generator comprehension instead: "my_thing = (x for x in things if x[2]=="Blurgle").next()" - this only iterates until the item is found. That's going to be very slow for a large list. count scans the list, so this is an O(n**2) algorithm, and also not usable with iterators, so you'd need to read the file into memory first, or re-read it each pass. Well, its like this, each client that connects gets a session id, and each message that is sent has a unique id, so theoretically you should be able to send as many simultaneous messages as the server can deserialize, do work, then serialize the response (bandwidth limited to). using tcp sockets means alot less stuff to serialize over binary encoding over http, cos well, theres no http, cutting out the middle man being the application layer and making ur own leightweigth layer in ur code. so that means less deserializing work and serializing work, so u can respond to more messages more quickly Just tried that it says invalid syntax near 1, I'm using SQL Server 2005 if that makes a difference This is basically what I did in the end - have a common.master with some of the layout, and then an MVC.master and a WebForms.master See my edit, I have added information to the answer. Yes, you are exactly right, although I've been using SwingWorker, I've never used the publish() and process() methods, this is the first time to learn how to use it. Could you post a sample of your problem? do you get any javascript errors or nothing at all? is the link to the jquery library on a Master template page? And if the interface just notes some property and doesn't do any specific operations? Yea... I was wondering the same thing. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was wrong with it because of that. :/ Right, but Jon Skeet stated "supports-the-operations-of", and it doesn't support any new operations, just has a new property. @Nelson: For portability, you really ought to be using size-defined types, rather than the one that happens to be the right size on your platform - there's no guarantee int will be 32 bits either. The C99 standard defines types like uint32_t (in stdint.h Please Some Help? Hopefully spark a Response or Answer to my earlier comment. Do you know why it will not longer let me add or delete any rows? My point was that a good solution to this problem is to change the problem. A collection that exists only to hand out its members isn't doing anything to decrease complexity. In this case, making available actions rather than objects/interfaces allows the container to manage its internal state and hide lifetime/dependency issues. If the actions are enumerable then coupling between the collection and its users is minimal and can potentially be made available to API clients in a variety of ways. Josh, you make some valid points, particularly WRT 'anality'. I would only say that wrt to having GetElement() type functions, you lose the ability to use standard algorithms on your collections, which IMO is a much bigger maintenance burden from the start than changing your implementation later. My point about std::vector was that an object that serves the same purpose needs to have some rationale for being written (i.e. don't reinvent the wheel). A hand-rolled collection with a non-idiomatic interface has several strikes against even it before considering its contained objects lifetimes. .text() includes the contents of all matching elements where as .html() only includes the first matching element. This is why I recommended putting an id on the span so it could be referenced directly with either method. It might be helpful if you include your code. Also are you using .net? or just asp? It goes both ways. I've read through pages of code only to find out that it was no longer used and was just gathering dust as something they were just afraid to remove. The code can only tell you so much and comments should be updated just like code. give me a few minutes to download the express version for aspx onto my work computer and ill try to upload some code for it if no one has given you a good solution by then. You would put this right after the GridView is done loading. If you know that all of the rows, or even one row consistently, that will have nothing in it and if this is indeed the criteria you want to use to make the column not visible then i see no reason why accessing the footer data is necessary. However the web developer just got done downloading so i'll look at it now. Thanks for the extra resources. I had figured that the moving the database back end would be very similar to just restoring a database and re-pointing the service, and this confirmed that notion was correct. This example uses C#. Thought I'd point that out for future reference if newer programmers see this question and get confused. I like this idea. Base 64 encoding doesn't include any illegal filename characters? Thanks, but this problem with files owner is really annoying. I've Tried Using an IBOutlet to declare objectArray and link it to the NSArrayController. But I get an error saying 'Invalid Operands to binary %' on the line ' if( [objectArray indexOfObject:rootObj] % 2 ) ' because it is looking for an array not an array controller. How would I fix this? I have also updated the first post with all the code I am using. i am more interested in a php algorithm. 10x Wow, thanks. That worked like a charm. I'm a light weight programmer - so monkey see, monkey doo :) I'm processing 3 forms on this page. I'm using slAction to check if a form is submited, and to check which form has been submited. Calling a variable defined with static 'file scoped' is a misnomer. It is restricted to a single translation unit, which is the result of recursively pasting in all the #included files. Off-topic, but unless you really really really must have smtp on your own servers, I recommend using a third party smtp. They are generally far more reliable and blacklist resistant that anything you can host yourself. Let the network pros handle reverse dns, spf records, and white listing, and let the programmers program instead of wasting time debugging email woes. </rant> I was afraid that functions I did not use would be compiled in, but apparently this is not an issue. Hi again. The following code still fails with a NullReferenceException (the last one is there just so i can see it in the debugger) NavCollection objFullCollection = new NavCollection().Load(); NavCollection objTopLevel = objFullCollection.Where(Nav.Columns.NavHigherID, 0).Filter(); NavCollection objFinalCol = objTopLevel; sorry about the lack of line breaks - SOF editor removed them I was writing metaphorically. Internally, it seems that before WinForms mouse events are ever called, the drop down appears AND the drop down event is sent. So using the WinForms events is not enough to prevent the drop down from appearing. this is working code, we do you mean by "it doesn't work" ??? This is a rather interesting perspective. Could you build an entire house with just a hammer? Probably not. There's something to be said for knowing what the right tool for the job is. Yes, I would love to do your homework for you. Thanks for asking. Even if the database server is local (either locally on the network or even on the same physical machine) there will still be an overhead associated with each request, and for simple queries this overhead will be relatively large compared to the work needed to execute the actual query. Other reasons to batch queries together is that it helps the database server optimise the queries better. ok cool, i'd like to use PortalSiteMapProvider but i'm unsure how to restrict the output to webs only. Erik: I can't find any mention of setPlaceholderString in the docs... Peter: [countdownTextField setStringValue:nil]; +1 Nice job doing that proof-of-concept. I knew it was possible with a typed dataset. With this approach though, won't you have to re-do the change in the xsd file every time you make any change to the dataset since the xsd will be stomped by the typed d Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. By moving your GetDinner and SaveDinner to a service (another level of indirection) you can remove the need for data access in the controller. This is arguably more testable and removes the data access responsibility to the service, even though it may seem like only a thin facade when you are writing it. that is the problem - objNavigation is a collection "NavCollection" made up of "Nav" i thought that maybe i was using it wrong - am i correct in my use of ".WHERE().Filter()" in replacement of ".WHERE().LOAD()" ?? and will the filter FURTHER filter the collection or add wheres to the base whole collection and start again? thanks in advance The scrollbar width was helpful, but using the WinForms mouse events/functions is not useful. They are called too late. It is the actual serialization itself which is causing the overhead, the inserts and selects are relatively quick. I'm using EQATEC Profiler (http://www.eqatec.com/tools/profiler) which breaks execution times down. I'll take a look at proto-buf, thanks. Thanks for the response. E) uses 'testMe' which is declared the same way as 'objects', and yet the syntax appears to work just fine (self.testMe.what_the_heck(1) returns 47). So I don't think that you're correct in saying that A,B,C can't use self unless there is something else I'm missing. I totally agree that bigger scope would clarify, but then it would likely just bog down this already bloated question :). I just tried to distill things in this admittedly contrived example. Have you considered using a trigger to fill these fields exactly as you want? (is only a quick idea, because i must leave) C++0x is changing strings to use contiguous memory You're awesome David! Thanks for that! This is not a design pattern, because design patterns aren't expressed in a particular language. That was it! Thanks Thanks once again for the wonderful answer :) was not aware of this.. thanks! Unfortunately I'm already using a tab control. I may need to reduce my font size because on 1024x768 the font is huge... though on 1680x1050 it's just the right size. :/ I would support even Mosaic if a customer pay for it. Thank you but I have looked at that post. However it does not address the confirm dialog issue. "bullet point 3 is left as an exercise for the reader..." It wasn't a complaint - I had already upvoted you. I was just quoting the college textbooks... What kind of exceptions do you get? Wow. I'm not the only person to have tried this - converting IEnumerable to AsQueryable - and I had a hunch it was too good to be true. But I recently bought Charlie Calvert's Essential LINQ - and he provides this link in the appendix to mocking - http://andrewtokeley.net/archive/2008/07/06/mocking-linq-to-sql-datacontext.aspx I felt that the other approach (the one outlined above) gave us more power. Hmmm. Think I'm going to go back down the road of completely separate Mock and L2S Repos, so at least I can swap out my DAL. Great. I still can't be sure if this works the way I want it to, but I'll let you know. Cool, I know I'm being a bit dense here but if you could walk through a (very!) high level conceptual overview (i.e page 1 talks to page 2 via such and such) then I'd really appreciate that! Note: htonl() would be used for a 32-bit integer, htons() would be used for a 16-bit integer, and a (single btye) 8-bit integer would not need to be byte-swapped, obviously. Also, given the credit card scenario - I'd be able to get around this using JSONP - http://www.zackgrossbart.com/hackito/jsonp-sop/ I think! ... and I should add that this solution will not work for a Java "long" (typically 'long long' in C) - you would need to use Robert's generic ByteSwap function. My understanding is that the OP is trying to exchange a session key between the client and the server using either a public key to encrypt a session key at the client end and then send it to the server or by generating a session key using the Diffie-Hellman protocol. Ok. I've added proxy settings as per the previous version of the Enterprise Deployment Guide, but they're not working. The profile installs just fine, but the proxy isn't there. It's possible my .mobileconfig file isn't properly formatted, but it seems to be correct. The documentation was pretty vague about where the settings went. I can post my .mobileconfig file if you want to look at it. We have in the past and found that even for relatively small amounts of data (like 50 to 100k records) it can be brutally slow. Its a string that can be converted to an number. For comparisons on sql server it's not counted as a number. He said for the purpose of querying which lead me to believe that it was in a database. I would have figured that if it was in code, he would have used the word searching. huh-I'll be darned, I'll have to talk to the dba about that.... what account are you running it under. I would try an admin account just to make sure it's not something easy like a permissions issue. My general rule of thumb with a windows service is that if I have to do something which either requires it running every minute, the program has to be constantly running to check conditions, I create a service. If not I try to leave it as a regular app. Some sample code would be nice :) Indeed. In this case you could put your UserControl/set of controls within a repeater and bind this repeater to a list of 'zones'. I find that there are not too many cases when dynamically adding controls is necessary/beneficial. I can't think of an immediate use for this, but it is awesome nonetheless :) After reading all these examples I think you should quit your job ;) Yeah, that's way too convoluted. Just stop the event propagation, which is the "proper" way to do it. Works in Safari 4, too! No idea if it works in version 3, though. A separate hard drive would be a tad cheaper than a separate server. My advice would be to profile the garbage collection and see if you can deal with it. An alternative would be ImageScience (http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/ImageScience.html) but its not as capable as RMagick. I agree with Mr. unknown (google). Functions are part of the language. There's nothing wrong or shameful about using them if that's the functionality you want. And then he would add a few hundred for mootools :) Is this a question, or is your problem resolved? DO you have problems reading from stdin _in your program_? Or do you have trouble setting up netbeans to start the program like you outlined above? Downvotes for this? Weirdness. I attempted to implement this but resulted in a blank image (with or without image.InvalidateVisual()). I have no idea why this is downvoted. You are correct, my bad. I've updated it to fix the mistake. There are other languages that make up for CSS' deficiencies without having the horrible deficiencies of JavaScript. You should really use one of those. I concede to the fact that you can run graphics intensive code faster in C than you can in Java. However, 9 times out of 10, when people say Java is slow compared to C/C++, the project they're currently coding in C/C++ would have performed just fine had it been written in Java I just get uneasy when I read "Java is really slow". It's like saying a $50k sports car is slow compared to a $100k sports car. Sure, it's slower, but 90% of the time, the job it does is still great and at half the cost ;) No flame war intended. I agree that the above reasons are why Crysis and like-games are not written in Java. I used Johan's answer to solve my problem. This looked like it would solve my problem quickly, but I kept running into a syntax error that wouldn't let me write the line "from user in seminar.Attendees". I need to figure out this LINQ stuff! Could you elaborate a bit more? is this WinForms or ASP.NET? Also, did you use Visual Studio to design the forms? How are you instantiating the child forms (subforms)? If you are instantiating them with names, you could use that name as a reference into the "Controls" property of the Mainform object. thx! Hah yes, thanks for the catch! You may also want to pose this question to the Vim Users Group on google! I don't know where you get the "5-second" measurement from. My tests that start an embedded HTTP server and do a request that makes the servlet query the database run in tenths of a second. If you want to test that your code can correctly instantiate a URL object, make it instantiate a URL object. It's the only way to know for sure. Don't forget that PHP 5.3 isn't out yet (as of June 2009) No, escaped newlines are "\n". An unescaped newline would be, well, a new line. "\\n" would be an escaped backslash followed by an "n" - just try alert('foo\nbar'); and alert('foo\\nbar'); in a regular bit of code. I've edited my answer. I'm used to outputting JSON as actual JSON not a string! I've edited my answer - it'll work now, or double your money back! It looks weird but it is correct - The first one says "convert this object to JSON" then the second one says "convert this JSON to a Javascript string" Added whitespace for readability You need to do the addslashes bit in your server-side code not javascript. 1 for 180 degrees relation with orientation What kind of proxy do you mean? Could you inject code into the pages you load? Not a huge amount really, this is/was one of those "free" optimizations that was drilled into my head that I might as well do because it didn't require any thought or tradeoffs. Taking a peak at the rest of the query now Hmm not for PNG... kinda strange. I don't think I've created a palletted PNG through GD before so maybe you need it for that? I would be surprised, but then again anything is possible! Try using imagesavealpha($img, true); instead. Personally, I agree with you. However, maybe it's just me, but I have run into a lot of "C experts" who have no knowledge of what | or & do. Have you stepped through it in the debugger to see if this line ever gets called? I give you the tick, as your solution worked though - pity my typing is so lame today... Did you need cookies or similar? HTTPClient may provide whatever's lacking if so. http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/urlcon_vs_httpclient.html It may just be a lack of mathematical knowledge but this problem doesn't seem bounded enough. Yeah, I spotted that when I re-read your question. Edited my answer. Thx for that answer. I can work with that! The only way to tell if your HttpService runs correctly is if you duplicate the behaviour of the URL class and all the hidden infrastructure that runs behind it _absolutely exactly_. Do you really think you can do that? Do you know exactly how it is implemented? More to the point, do you really think it's worth the cost? And what if it changes in a future release? As for your worries about performance: I have not found it to be a problem. I usually have far more unit tests of objects that are independent of technical infrastructure than integration tests of the adapter objects (like your HttpService) that sit between them and and the technical domains. The integration tests are narrowly focused. That means that the integration tests do not have a big effect on the overall time of the entire test run, especially compared to full end-to-end tests. If they do, modern CI servers make it easy to run test suites in parallel. Ok I Had A Go At Implementing It In My xcode project an made sure everything was the same as the one in the example projects, but I got 5 errors, here they are: http://snapplr.com/epks Providing user's with an easy mechanism to change things is definitely the right thing to do, my problem is basing the initial assumption on the one thing I don't have control of: my ip address. Additional languages for what? Do you mean have VM thats running Windows XP in additional languages? It possibly does belong on SU but that's still not live yet so its not an option, and Virtual XP mode may be interesting to a lot of developers. You cannot predict when the garbage collector will run, but you can stop it from running in critical areas. Do you mean I should just remove the above code from my client? If yes, it still takes the ASPNET account as the default credentials. Can u post in some code to help me out? Thanks for the reply. Yup this is pretty much what your going to want to do, kkaploon. I would only add to this that you need to learn about how websites work. Learning things like what postback is and how every time a webpage is loaded, all the information on that page is lost unless you store it or pass it to the next page because unlike in applications, you can't just hide the form and still reference data on it when someone navigates away from the form. The book "CSS Web Site Design" from lynda.com is pretty good for getting you started with CSS. lynda.com also has a lot of free html training tutorials as well. w3shools.com is a pretty decent source for just about everything. @kkaploon I think he means that it would be better to learn website development using ASP.Net since it will use mostly familiar syntax and you can more easily focus on things like CSS, html, xhtml without having to learn a whole new coding language as wel object2 = AnotherModel(object1.id) <= object1.id isn't bound, because it hasn't been committed to the database yet, and this id wasn't populated yet. yes, after long nights in the SA docs, I found the flush thing, which indeed helped. I still dont know the difference between flush and commit.

this thread also describes my original problem more correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620610/sqlalchemy-obtain-primary-key-with-autoincrement-before-commit Yep, but as I said above, my tables arent messed up, this isnt a design problem, basically what I have is a 1:1 relation, which naturally isnt good. but in the end its just a copy of a table, that i will XMLRPC to another server, so actually its not a local 1:1 relation. Out of interest, i will try your way though, my stuff works currently, thanks to flush, but im curious if it had worked your way as well :) it looks like both values are contained in the jobno variable in your javascript. If that is the case, you need to split them at some point, either on the javascript side, or the PHP side. Check out @dxmio above for how to do it in PHP, or for javascript try: 'phpwithmysql11111.php?rowid='+jobno.split(',')[0]+'&other='+jobno.split(',')[1] for the first parameter to your window.open call. http://plugins.jquery.com/ I took a look and the standard costs a few hundred bucks so I am just going to leverage what the Postgres guys guys done. Thank you and Marc for your thoughts. Anyone please? A response? So what code do I need to change or add to the code in the first post? See edited post. The 2K limit relates to rendering of the list. It doesn't apply e.g. when you do a SPQuery on that list. And about segment data, that's not correct either. At the end, all of the list items in a content database are stored in SQL in AllUserData table, so this segmentation doesn't help. Only case it could help, though I haven't seen evidence of that, is if you manage to create a SPQuery that can take advantage of the SQL index on Parent ID in AllUserData. Naming your pages with body id's is a good idea, but the body tag, along with the navigation, is in a base template. I could block it out and add *{% block body_id %}my-page{% endblock %}* to each extending template but again, where's the DRY? Is there any way to automate this? I would want to either use the named view as the body id or slugify it or something, rather than having to explicitly name it and have to maintain two separate 'names' for each view: one for the view itself and one for the css id. @Josh: target = 10, current = 0, then target-current = 10, which is >10 so move anti-clockwise which is correct given angels are measure by anti-clockwise rotation from the positive x axis (this is the assumption). However if you are measuring angles in @finnw Yes, will correct. @Josh & @Verroq: FloatEpsilon is the smallest difference that is significant in floating numbers. Comparing floating point for equality will give FALSE negatives due to the inherent rounding and errors in the least significant bits. @wds: Listen to some of the SO poscasts, the idea is that questions /and/ answers are improved by the community to stand the test of time. And that Joel specifically suggest the get a quick answer in and then revise to fill out. (In retrospect I should ha Except for how Michael's solution doesn't actual answer the question... Maybe the article (need that link!) is pushing using a using statement over try-finally? But would still indicate the article's author does not understand what a using statement does. ... and a using statement is just a syntactic shortcut for a try-finally. you can't do join k in fd.aspnet_Roles because for some reason it doesn't recognise fd...? Bingo. Thanks very much. Maybe but fd.aspnet_roles throws an error Can't do fd.aspnet_Roles.RoleName as fd.aspnet_Roles is IQueryable and not an instance of the class http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_packages Hmm, that could be it. I don't see any settings for that though. I will definitely have a look - thanks for the idea! I will have to look into that. I don't think it's what's causing this particular problem (see edit above), but I will definitely check and start using the correct mime. Thanks! The @render_to decorator is brilliant! Thanks! Thanks! I'll try it! you need to require "CGI" so that you can use the escape method. +1: For starting with don't. If you use NHibernate or something else, I would definitely explain management that the use of "unsupported" open source tools is not a greater risk than using commercial products. It's your managers job to understand how open-source works and to estimate risks in development properly. Incompetent managers are not an excuse to move to an inferior product (unless you are Dilbert of course). I'm not sure what you mean by "pure windows stuff". PowerShell is written by Microsoft and is available as a free download. If you mean that it has to be a solution that is pre-installed on some version of Windows then you should probably retag your question to include "cmd" or "batch" as a tag. don't you think my suggestion was simpler? :) I would prefer the second option to the first - usually Apple will recommend passing objects between controllers rather than arbitrarily accessing the application delegate. @gbn - I'm aware of that, thanks for stating the obvious :) just trying to keep things simple, why generate scripts you don't need Thanks a lot. This will get me much further. My problem is that I don't really know what the extend is for, I'm just using Sprite by default. I really need to find that one out... Second comment: after changing Extends to TextFormat, the format doesn't seem to do anything - it's the same as when no format is assigned. Update: I think I got it working now. So by extending TF, you don't have to call the object again. Makes sense. Looks good, thanks. Visual C++ doesn't quite ignore it... adding throw() to the end of a function tells Visual C++ that it may assume that the function does not throw for e.g. optimisation purposes, and if the function actually does throw, then anything can happen. The standard says that if a function is marked throw() exits because of an exception then std::unexpected(), which usually throws a std::bad_exception. This is very different from "anything can happen". Token pasting on the destructor is wrong too. The destructor is named using the tokens "~" and then the class name. They do not need to be pasted together, even though they are conventionally written without whitespace between them. Even if you don't have a center, can't you find at least 1 corner by looking for max/mins? And you can go from there. That's not a Singleton. It is simply a static variable and method. The question didn't require public access to the properties, but initialization of static members from a properties file. there is no namespace defined for the list class itself and the masterpage I'm running EurekaLog in the DLL and it's not raising an exception when the third party app crashes. As far as I can tell it's not being notified at all when it crashes. @John it's a web application project. @youssef the typical System.Web.UI.MasterPage Thank you MarkF, I've already solved this problem with Google and GameCat. I've used a canvas with drawn text on it. @John, actually the web app has been subcontracted and then uploaded via ftp ... I do not have any .csproj originally made (if there was any) I created a project from scratch and imported files. It's compiling 100% ok on the server side, only on my workst Just edited the question and nope no namespace at all. Am not really sure but no implementation of JavaSpaces seems to be mature(I mean opensource). Incase you know any please let me know. Thanks a lot. But JavaSpaces seems to rock. I wish they were pretty mature. At least Apache River!! But everytime I put text on the canvas: PageControl.Canvas.TextRect(tr1,5,5,Text); PageControl.Canvas.TextRect(tr1,5,20,Text); previous text disappears. Am I doing something wrong? Actually, one of the names might me misspelled as well. I don't need synonym matches like junior and son. Thanks Skinned HTML Scrollbar does allow for middle-click scrolling on IE8/Win7, jScrollPane does not. If you are referring to the common methods, they could be declared static. Or you could instantiate your helper class. You don't have to derive one class from the other. Remember, you can have Assert statements in methods that don't have the [TestMethod] attribute. You could thus have two tests perform partially same functionality by calling a third method referenced by both, whether in the same assembly or in a different one. In the context of Cocoa, "index" is always used in the sense of "location in an ordered collection." lol that was bad. but still good. @karim79: I hate that too... @Paolo Bergantino: thanks, thats exactly my requirement. This sounds very likely. Yeah, your Web site will look like crap for anyone running noscript. I agree with merkuro. You would probably be better served with a CSS meta-language like Sass (to name just one) rather than doing everything with Javascript. Be pragmatic with this product. You cannot do "best OOP practice" with SharePoint. I cannot state this strongly enough. I have tried to get the KB article and failed. I have since dealt with a UTC conversion bug to do with Usage Reports failing. That too does not have a KB article and is fixed in SP2. Hate to disagree, but an enum can easily be represented by a lookup table that has an ID, and a Name. This is done a lot, especially if you know that the lookup table will only change when the enum in code changes. Or rather just do an "if errorlevel ..." I think it belongs here, since it's obviously an algorithm gone wrong instead of a server management problem. The \w character class will match way more than just ASCII. Chris: And learned something again, thanks. But as I wrote that comment I didn't even know it was PHP. Nikko: This regex is functionally equivalent to yours, it includes every ASCII character except < 32, space and backslash. So is is the same in regard to your expectations in your question. Whether white-listing password characters is a good idea or not isn't a question you should ask people like me who like even Unicode in their passwords :) We had a similar restriction to our code in first term CS once. Exactly one return statement for non-void functions ... it just led to if chains and a temporary variable for storing the result. Hardly more readably imho. If the question is relevant to programming, it's perfectly fine to ask it, whether it can be found by Googling or not. This isn't one of *those* sites. Am I seeing this right and the dice rolls should be summed up in any case? Currently I am only adding the rolls together if either factor or addend are given. I was successful when using this approach, however, is there a way to make the application appear on the start -> programs menu? He said already that redirection is not the problem. Even in Windows 7 the console windows default to raster fonts :-(. Very unfortunate. He's talking about the Unix shell variable that holds the last process's exit code. I tried that too, and it does copy it into the Debug or Release folders, but not when I do the install process. Thanks for the suggestion! Beautiful! It worked! Thanks man. BTW, do you happen to know the answer for my second problem with this? 2) How can I put the application in the start -> programs menu? Thanks!! Thanks for the references. I did check them out prior to posting the question. The first one was focused on articles and real-time search. And the second article, the best answers were refering to a particular database engine, but had little algorithm content. Thanks really good video, anyone developing WCF services should watch this first, the VS tolls are terrible. Solved with using PageControl.Canvas.TextOut(5,5,tx1); Thank you for help, Gamecat Sorry about the incorrect phrasing. No need for synonym or nicknames. This will make a new instance of the object everytime you call it right? So It's not possible to create a TextField in the MyCustomLogger class? "Would require its own static access path to the TextField instance as defined elsewhere in your application. In that case, I might suggest defining a global instance variable into whose constructor you might pass a reference to the TextField target (and writing to it with your log function)." I would like to know how exactly to do that. I'm afraid I got kind of lost in your explanation. Where and how do I define that "global instance variable"? Thanks! I'll start using packages. :) Thank you very much. I finally got around to fixing this, and setting the content type in the header worked! Thanks so much. I added this line to my servlet: response.setContentType("text/plain"); Down voted you for the last link, because it's clear you didn't actually check the search results. The only post matching the search contained in the link is this one. It's self-referencing and absolutely no help. Canned answers are of no good to anyone. Fair enough. Down vote reversed. :) I don't think so - for example, your logic would produce true for makeBricks(0, 5, 4), where you can't actually make a four-inch goal line using only a five-inch brick. Oops! Maybe I should have specified that this is a *personal project*. There is no client. (Hopefully it will reach a wide audience when it's done!) You're saying I should load them from a webserver then? The (big) disadvantage of that would be that everyone can just download all my graphical contents. I see. So would you say that an anonymous category (the first option) is better because it enforces that the methods are implemented, and it can't conflict with other categories? thanks, this is what I need to do. You should probably open a new question and link to this one for background. That way people can answer one question at a time. I'm getting error 1026 when I try to make a constructor static. I don't understand. What is making the textfield you created accessable everywhere? Unfortunately passing the textfield through paramters would get really uncomfortable as I'd have to pass this textfield as an argument in every new object I create aswell - and in the logging funtion itself. I don't want to re-create the textfield for every object, so that won't fit. Or pass it's reference through every object's parameter, sorry. I updated the first post with what I tried so far. @newacct - Correct, my descriptions are based on what should happen with most compilers. But the standard leaves this as undefined behavior. I will try binary mode. However, I did say that removing the socket_select timeout did not help. Second note: I think socket_select is not the problem (tested it aswell) because it is looking for input from all clients. So, if client #2 says something but client #1 does not - it will continue regardless. It will only not continue if 0 clients do something, but that is a good thing. ooh, didn't know about the [attribute^=] selectors Hi, I don't believe your code works: http://jsbin.com/usaxa The reason why I'm using a plugin is because the replacement is actually dozens of replacements and I need to run it in many different places. Thanks again though! The example from the chapter (a calculator example) used bottom-up parsing for an order of operations grammar. However, this seems different since it isn't checking for nouns and verbs in a strict ascending or descending order, but is rather checking to see "if x is true, make sure y is also true." It pretty much works top-down, but has a few twists. I'm going to post some unfinished code in a second to show what I mean. @Kristoffer -> when you ran it from the command line did you use the same svn user you have configured? I just find it hard to believe that it does not connect if you can connect on the command line. If everything is equal success by hand should mean succ Thanks a lot! This is great! It comes out as a text node, how can I make the end result HTML? Thanks! I edited the message to show some ugly code I threw together to show what I mean. Error messages and other features will be handled later after I get the basics down. Is there any way to prototype the anonymous type before assigning values to a single of that type? I'd like to have a list of that type created before I iterate through the contents I wish to add to it. Another flavour of DI / IoC is using a Service locator pattern. you may want to research this also. Martin Fowlers blog has a lot on this topic. toolkit has linked to his blog below. Each ROLE can have multiple ACTIONINFO and each ACTIONINFO can have one PERMINFO with 0-X PERM elements. Basically this is a security structure for an application and this is collecting the information on the roles in the app. This is why I was thinking that I needed to work from a PERM node template and go upwards in the tree to the the ROLE counts. Not sure if this answers your last question Tomalak, I finally resolved the original issue using the method provided in this and the previous question. I ended up iterating within the ROLE template through the PERMs, but I first set the counter variable for the unique-role-count to a variable before the iteration and then used that variable in the iteration. The iteration will affect performance probably but that is not much of a concern right now. Thanks again for all the help! Thanks for the help, the examples below did the trick! the separated js file worked great for me! since the tags in my page but it's not working.... any suggestions??? Thanks! I have checked with Firebug and I get 1 error : this.observe is not a function (in "this.observe('mouseover', function() { ..." this will fail if there is a file temp.csv and you create temp.tmp and then change the extension to csv can you show your javascript code where you are setting up the tabs? I'd add that you would do a "where cc.Description = 'Rent Income'" to the end of that statement. @Malfist: Joins are remarkably more efficient than IN clauses. Can you post the entirety of your query so you can get the most efficiency? I should elaborate: IN clauses with subqueries. Subqueries, especially when they use an element from the parent query, fire every row, making it wildly inefficient. Doing IN (1,2,3) is not inefficient at all. Doing IN (SELECT ID FROM A WHERE A.ID = SOME_PARENT_ID) is extremely inefficient. I have no idea what you're asking. My best guess: Do you want to check if there are any rows with a given ID, and if there are, increment a data field, and if their not, create a 0 row? What if a train has 20 stops? Think about even the commuter rail in Boston--that would be fairly inefficient, eh? Why not use set transactions instead of trying to parse strings in SQL? So long as it's the same Train # and the HopIndex is in the correct order, life should be peachy keen (not taking into account transfers). BAM we're in business. Good on you mate, Cheers. Helped me better understand the way the MVC treats the User.Identity thing too. I.e. you can be "authenticated" from either forms or via "windows", whichever way you choose, will have the required info in that object. Great one, Cheers. Great one, ta. Ok works perfectly well on my VS dev web server.. Then the app is published to a dev web server, but the value is blank again. I've turned on Integrated authentication in IIS on the site, its actually a virtual directory. I.e. http://MyDevServer/MyApp/ Which setting is missing? Thx again. Hi, thanks that was my first attempt too, but if i reference: /reference: there is still a new class generated in the client. Even if i derived the class from IExtensibleDataObject.. Oh, i see that the client isn't even generated if i add the reference.. I get that (I think - I'll read about the race condition). The issue is that I found no threads actually locked in HashMap code. It was all in the ExecutionService queueing functionality. e.g. Unsafe.park() as stated. There is a little compile error in this. change 'kElementBySuperset' to 'kElementBySup' and then this will work fine. @annakata... you shouldn't have deleted your reply. That was another good thing to learn for us XSLT newbies. @Tomalak: +1 for an excellent solution My current actions for tomorrow: 1. Check closely for threads stopped in HashMap [resize] code 2. Upgrade to latest vm I've posted part of the view in the question since it was longer then the 600 characters allowed. The fact that a construct does not ALWAYS possess a certain property tells us nothing about whether or not it contains that property in the particular case of interest to us right now. If the original poster was intending to write a generic piece of code that would accept any iterable set and perform this operation, perhaps that would be a bad idea. But if he's talking about doing it in one particular program that he is writing, where he knows additional characteristics of the set, there's nothing wrong with using that knowledge. Now that you posted the code, can you use the same variable names in your question that appear in the code? If your problem is with the keys... are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that you are using the same key to access the map? How do you know the first key disappears? Are you printing out the Map each step of the way? You should probably try that. Setting an ElementName property will only work if the layout manager can find the associated element by navigating up the visual tree. Context menus do not exist inside the visual tree of the control to which they are added. You must set the datacontext of the context menu so the layout manager can navigate up the visual tree of its placement target to find the associated element. hmmm...looking back over my code I have only done this by setting the relative source directly in the binding, I thought setting the DataContext would be simpler. Here is what worked for me: CommandTarget="{Binding PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ContextMenu}}}" The syntax will obviously be different, but perhaps setting the source attribute of your binding to the placement target will work? I met Stroustrup... @Darrel: I dunno, I thought that was the idea behind REST. You have one URL but you issue a different HTTP verb depending on what you want to do with that resource. Thank you. :) hasOwnProperty() works like a charm. Isnt it easier to just let your build manager (Maven, Ant, ..) handle this sort of thing? I made a quick test app, and that worked for me. You might want to post a new question and provide more info. Because L2E is used you need to save all the linked objects first before you can save the main object. Which makes sense otherwise you would create (in my example) an artist without it's contact object. This isn't allowed by the database design. Thanks for these suggestions - I especially think the syslog idea is a good one. However, I don't have access to syslog on the freebsd machine unfortunately so I cannot examine it. But I think that would be the way to go to ultimately figure this out. SUA does not have a passwd file (no /etc/passwd can be found from the shells and it is not on the filesystem under etc). LOGNAME and USER map to just "myusername" without the domain, so nothing unusual there. Thanks! I feel stupid now... thanks, it works Ack, just actually read the question and noticed the TortoiseSVN requirement. In that case, do what David M suggests :-) thx simonn! formatting has been changed Java does have closures, but not first-class methods. An anonymous inner class closes over (final) variables in its enclosing scope. *Excellent* summary, bloody deserving of a +1. *Please* try to avoid wiring up any data manipulation (especially deletion) to a GET request. GET is supposed to be safe and idempotent. 1 for the caution; *please* try to avoid doing anything which breaks the user's expectation of how their platform performs; you may actually be harming their productivity and making your web site harder to use. Thanks a ton! Very helpful 1 Very interesting point about the debugging environment. That's one of the real benefits of .net development on the windows side - it will be a tough pill to swallow! great info on that tirania.org blog! thx Alexandru 1 for the awesome quote in the second paragraph. :) Yes. Most XML parsers let you turn validation off, so you can load the XML even if it is invalid w.r.t. the DTD or schema. The reasons are that most web developers either don't care or are incompetent or both. I don't consider that an excuse. Wow, that's perfect. "This code was loosely based on the Lingua::Wordnet Perl module by Dan Brian, and uses a similar strategy of converting the WordNet® data files into a BerkeleyDB database. The convertdb.rb script in the distribution can be used to build these databases from the WordNet® dictionaries." -> Is it saying that when you install the gem, you are actually installing a small local database implemented as a BerkelyDB database? That's what it sounds like to me. Or do I have to call out to a remote service (Wordnet Lexical Database) using the ruby gem? Wordnet itself doesn't seem to be free. Is it really open source? http://isbn.nu/026206197X @adi - Thanks. This is great. Excellent link, thanks. Almost exactly what I was looking for. Unfortunately that feature is available in the Java edition but not in the standard edition that I would be using in Ruby: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/berkeley-db/db/index.html Me too. That's great. Thanks. Btw, I'd like to persist an entity, in case you have any ideas: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/992173/how-would-you-represent-a-relational-entity-as-a-single-unit-of-retrievable-data/992223#992223 Chad: but it doesn't set "x=null" unnecessarily. Actually the frame number is irrelevant. I tried it with that being the only code in frame 1. There is some other code in frame 5, but I don't think it's relevant, as it doesn't touch the timeline at all (it just controls a netconnection/netstream for playing a video) He specifically said "Maximized windows", and maximizing a window will respect this setting. Without even jumping to DX, you can manually position a window outside the work area. I have the frames specified. This is not an issue with missing frames or typos. More of a style issue so not voting +/-. My issue with global constants is figuring out the context. Whereas using some sort of function driven config you could do getConfig("majorCategory.minorCategory.valueName"). Accepted this answer because it's the closest to my problem, even if not exact. :) By filtering messages, you're telling the OS that you aren't interested in input events, and it's probably free to declare you as hung. You should pump all messages, if you don't want input to go to other controls on the windows, you should disable them. Creating a modal progress UI dialog would probably be the easiest way to do this. Non-invasive windbg would be easier. I've not used Bochs. Nice code, thanks. I don't get where the class X comes from though, and what its purpose is? In the future, please try to reply to answers using comments, rather than with another answer. You should probably look into the OpenGL framework for the iPhone - it looks like that's what they're using at 30daygame, and unfortunately I don't know enough about OpenGL to be of more help. Sorry! C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files error is along these lines exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ops\d43d728c\9ce9baf2\App_Web_8llt2hi-.dll' and 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ops\d43d728c\9ce9baf2\App_Web_winusoz8.dll' Web App hosted on IIS7.0 adn 3.5 framework If running it directly from the server machine is fine, then it almost certainly is latency. Hmm, someone downvoted mine too. P&PIP_Registration_Form_FINAL.pdf, I changed it to Registration_Form.pdf. That was the only thing I changed! I know. I quote from myself: "When I do an addChild(debugField) after creating it, it gives me error 1180." Ah, alright. Thanks. PS. would there be a way to avoid the need of getInstance(), maybe add it as an constructor or something? Alright. I'm also pretty confused about the "MessageLoader#log" - it has something to do with the event triggering. But what exactly, it must have somekind of meaning? Nice. Thanks t3hh00d. Thanks, setting the autocrlf to false and then a fresh checkout solved the problem. Doesn't the @synthesize bar; line mean the compiler will generate the two methods (getter and setter) for bar? What about the suggestion of saving files to your regular file system? Is that not an option? @LG - freeware you looking for? This formula resides at the bottom of the page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_root It's quite brilliant. @Ibn I did not come up with this algorithm :-) See above for my personal solution. @Ibn Oops! Didn't see that. In this case, Ramans' formula isn't really an algorithm in the same way the Pythatgorean theorum isn't really an algorithm. Ramans' formula was most likely derived via pure math. @Peter Walke Last time I did this (pre SP1 for SharePoint 2007) I got a runtime error when I added 51 label. But that was a while ago. I will do it again and update you with the results. A shot in the dark - do you get the same behavior when compiling with fsc.exe? The MethodAccessException suggests maybe something is not public, but all your code seems to generate public methods, so I'm not sure why that's happening... Thank you for the feedback. I know C++ doesn't have reflection. @lothar The C++ standard doesn't define all that can be done with C++. For example, before STL where was not standard string class. This didn't mean C++ programs couldn't make uses of strings. well I'm not sure ' blah ' is right. Taking ' blah ' out is doing what I want it to do. Essentially it prints (without blah): -k 90 -jk 0 -k 52.62253 -jk 0 -k 52.62243 -jk 72 etc etc etc Executable is in program files a folder a folder then the .exe file #NAME? 90 #NAME? 0 is it's own line and so on and so forth ok edited it so it may be less confusing jk is now b Also, here's the other problem.... Like for instance I move the process definition right under the for b in k: and now it tells me that my cmd is not defined exepath = os.path.join('EXE file location) exepath = '"' + os.path.normpath(exepath) + '"' print exepath I do that before the for statement mentioned here. How do I get it to print that? exe path= os.path ...... exepath="' + os.path. ....... print exepath ...... are all separate lines. I'm sorry not sure how to show that on here with comments I'm commenting vaguely maybe cause I'm a beginner and unsure how to express myself... means line 54 is the same thing as blah ... equals sign means = means line 54 is the same thing as etc....... I move prcoess one line ahead of outputsring = process.communicate()[0] and it tells me cmd isn't defined I try that. right after the for az in z: i put the process = and cmd = statements and it says cmd isn't defined @Brian they should be integers . The spaces line up the 2nd group of numbers. Thanks robbie. sorry for the trouble How would you randomly pick a result from the collection? It's an extranet, so the users access internal files using AD accounts from outside the LAN. When using an ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider the users are logging in using their domain account. The actual user store is AD, they can log in using Forms or Windows authentication successfully, but cannot access the files when using Forms, only when using Windows because Forms uses the IUSR_* account. If you put the sub-select in a temporary table first, you can shave off some seconds: create temporary table `temp1` SELECT ALFA_CLAVE, FECHA_NACI FROM listado GROUP ALFA_CLAVE, FECHA_NACI HAVING COUNT(*) > 1; select concat(alfa_clave, fecha_naci) from temp1; Nako's "naive" bubble sort is O(n^2) even with presorted data. "Bubble sort with pointless extra iterations"? not really the "drag and drop" i was looking for. thanks - i did see this but wasn't sure how effective or stable this solution was - a bit of a hack maybe. can you post your updated code somewhere - i'd be interested to see it. Thanks both of you. very helpful! I guess that's a matter of opinion, then. Don't think that argument applies to system dlls. Thank you! I could not find this for the life of me! You could at least link to the relevant part of your website instead of using this as a shameless pitch to promote your other outdated content. Thanks - I think that I am going to use the OnAuthorization methods in MVC to run some login based on the controller that called the Authorize() action filter. Sorry about that, it was the conclusion I'd made. I fixed the answer now :) Note that you CAN'T not-have a constructor, if you don't define any, the no-arg constructor is implicitly defined. Funny you mention this. I tried setting the host headers in IIS (they're running IIS6) to include www.domain.com and domain.com, and testing this, I received "Bad hostname" just trying to browse to the site. If I was able to correct that issue, do you think this would solve the problem with the web service hostname resolving as the internal domain name? I got through your step one fine and I was able to access the selected value of the dropdownlist. However, my dropdownlist does not have a part property. ddl.part??? could you possibly post some code. I've never really seen this method before. Just code that could give me a general idea. the text works just fine...i could do that though. but that's not my issue. I think you are looking at my question backwards. In rowDatabound I have access to both the dataitem and the text. I can get that rowID there, but I'm not able to fire off the addhandler so that i can get my selectedvalue. I'll reword the question. I think i am going to take a different approach. I've tried this and I understand the concept;it just doesn't seem to work in this situation. I'll post the answer when i figure it out. Thanks! 1 I'll give you another 1 for your time. ok, you are definitely on to something. Instead of dynamically doing this i just added a control. Just one more question...where would I add an onclick event to the dropdownlist? I need to set a value on client side Nevermind, I got it. Did you try my suggestion(s)? Firebug was ahead of it's time when it came out, but I don't think it stands as the best tool, given other tools that have come out recently. The IE8 debugger also has a profile feature (albeit not as graphical as FireBug) that provides call tree, call count and time spent on each method. I've found this adequate in isolating which JS code is taking too long. Can this tool profile a production worker process? + 1 Thanks I looked at some of their demos and it looks like this one has exactly what i'm looking for. Listening on a custom port, and I want to avoid all HTTP traffic on that port. I think the converted image should be the one displayed on the webpage; users convert the page by saving it as a htm file and using a 3rd party plugin to convert it to Word format; so I suppose that counts as one-off every time the page loads. With how many postbacks happen I think this would be more of a headache. I agree that we should be using these controls by default and stepping up to the WebControls when needed. @womp I would love that to be an option. To be clear, the code is compiled and linked with the same "-fno-exceptions -nostartfiles -ffreestanding" flags. "-fno-rtti" is also in there, but shouldn't be related to this problem. Thanks Dan, -nostdlib does prevent the unwanted stuff, but it prevents all standard libraries from linking, including things like memcpy. I guess I could use -nostdlib, and create my own C library. It just seems like that shouldn't be necessary. Telling the compiler and linker that I don't want exceptions or start files, and that the application is freestanding (no OS) ought to be enough to convince it to do what I want. @trendels: Seems kinda silly to create an entire form when all you want is a little link. And I don't like the idea of depending on JavaScript. I intend on validating the delete request to ensure the user owns the resource anyway, so what's the big deal? @Darrel: I don't get it. How else are they supposed to know what the format of the XML is? Presumably there would be some API documentation if it were intended for public usage? As long as it actually *is* XML, isn't that okay? @trendels: Are you referring to the content negotiation problem with the "rails GWA fiasco" thing? I don't see how this is a problem either... I'm only serving a response in one format? @Darrel: Oh you mean like an RSS feed vs... something else that also comes in XML? Then why not use a .rss or .atom extension instead? That way the user can explicitly define what they want, you won't have the content negotiation problem, and the content- We are using VSTS for our source control. Thanks, I have seen the list before, its just too many things to wade through though. Also, seems like whenever I find something that might be useful, its broken :( OH yeah - sorry bout that :) Whoa! I didn't know that it was prohibited to hotlink to wikipedia - thanks for informing me that. I actually would like to show the photos that are referenced in the infoboxes I have exported. I would like a way to download these images somehow programatically - how would I get it from wikipedia? Consider that I have around a few thousand infoboxes and each info box references one to 3 images. You're right BaroqueBobcat. I've adjusted the code. Hmmm, we are using Rhel 3 The system must continue even if I/O failed. Theoretically it is possible to have the system work correctly and not log it correctly, however, having the logging always occur is a very high priority. other then wingdings, you mean? recursion: see recursion Context added, my good sir. The question text does say the data is added per login :) Why is "if 0 not in (self.a, self.b):" shorter? Is that really idiomatic python? Yes it's shorter by a few characters, but probably slower. You have to construct a tuple and it just looks awkward. Can down voters please comment on why this was a bad response? @litb: I suppose what I meant was that the C++ standard does not specify the existence of an O(1) hash map in the standard template library. This means one cannot assume it exists... however, some implementations of the standard template library have "ext Excellent. Thank you very much. Nice, scvalex. I'm removing my -1 now and making it a +1 :-). Thanks jalf and litb :-). I didn't realize my abuse of terminology. That's nice and elegant redsquare. Thanks a lot for your contribution. I think the date returned is UTC. Ideally, passwords shouldn't be stored in the database, encrypted or otherwise. A cryptographically secure, salted, one-way hash is far more ideal. So you want to narrow down the results, but you also don't want to narrow down the results? That is really hacky and wont work if you can escape backslashes. if you have \\\\\\; (meaning you want to have 3 backslashes, and split on the semicolon, you won't end up with the right result because of replacement. It sounds like your on track, but you need to resolve your Retrieve() = -1 issue. eran suggested potential causes of this error code. Have you looked into it? Integer division returns the largest number that evenly divides. Allowing you to use modulus to get the remainder. It might be better to rephrase this as, "where can I find a decent set of tutorials/development guides for Android", so as not to limit to blogs. It's just a matter of preference for me. Worked with too many people who didn't realize that and needed it spelled out to understand it. annakata - are you referring to me or the people who didn't realize that padding: 0; margin: 0; was the same thing? Actually, the proper response is to mark this answer as accepted, so show that you've found the answer you were looking for. Click the check mark under the number of votes to accept the answer. Note, I did not say you should get rid of the people. I said you should get rid of having a separate team. The two teams is a bottleneck for communication and learning. You've got programmers who write code but aren't involved in making it smoothly deployable and so aren't learning as quickly as they could about all the platforms and environments they have to deploy into. You've got an install team who can't change the software to make it easier for them to work with. You need to break down the barrier between programmers and "installers" so that people can more efficiently cooperate. I set the disableUploadTimeout="true" property on the Tomcat side. So I don't think it will timeout. Or you could try asking about it on this site. I just edited my question. Hmm... That sounds really strange to me... Are you sure? I men - of course the kind of query we are discussing here will be quite slow, but normally (when not accessing the admin page basically) the only info needed is user + group + group properties (which means a join of two tables, one row from each table). Otherwise the result is has to be joined from three tables (fetching one row from each). Sure, the difference might not be big, but it cant be quicker with 3 tables, right? Also - in the latter case - does foreign keys has to be specified explicitly to get the performance advantage? @lyrae That works only if getBody is a static method. What language(s)? SQL Server 2008 - added to question. This doesn't seem to work for me. I get many duplicate rows back as I think the apply is executing on each row in the bar table? Thanks for the response Alex - getting this now: An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key. Peer pressure! Find others that agree with your (correct) viewpoint. Then have an intervention! Thanks. I ended up using this: [window performSelector:@selector(close) withObject:nil afterDelay:[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] duration]]; it really depends on WHY the connections are stacking up in the first place... mysql proxy will reuse connections in a pool (if i remember right). That is the real issue IMO. serialization creates a textual representation of an object... as PHP is a scripted language (and has no real persistence besides caching, which is really just dumping and reloading variables anyways) there is no way to persist a resource across requests. when the script is done executing, everything is closed. Thanks for the answer. I may not fully understand the suggestion. Is the suggestion for each row to like (signalId, timeperiod, float ave, float min, float max, blob raw)? Are there any examples of making a blob data easily queryable e.g. views? In fact, you can't cast ANY object from one class to another. Figured that was a given, but updated my answer for clarity. I agree with your response and have also used for many years that kind of abstract class in my C++ code. Thanks for the suggestion, but that's for Windows Forms, I'm using WPF. You're right I should've specified in the question. Thanks. So do you consider assembly language to be the least complex language to sue? use* (silly character minimum) First of all, that example isn't creating a method at all -- it's calling the method `name=`, which must already exist. Secondly, self inside an instance method (such as initialize) refers to the instance. So this is calling an instance method. Oh, sorry. Should have been undef_method, but then you'd need to get the singleton class to call it on. It would still probably be much faster. The performance hit all depends on what you do with it. All of the various modules are optional, the core is fairly lightweight for all it gives you. By watching your linkage, as long as you are dynamically linking to the DLLs/.SOs you're okay, if you statically link to the libraries you'll need to publish your code or buy a commercial license. @Jared, it was an intentional false analogy in response to your false correlation between hidden costs and complexity. Simpler things almost always have hidden costs. I think it should have been obvious that I was referring to the simplicity of it's usage Aha that's perfect! Most people encounter superfluous whitespace when they actually inset it into the commands. The set command doesn't need whitespace surrouncing the equals sign, so "set a = foo" clearly sets a to " foo". No surprise here and probably a major reason why people are think they got whitespace that didn't belong there. are you talking about scheduling as in automated process, or scheduling as in booking doctor's time? Yeah, that's a really annoying way to tell the user not to enter more than 25 characters. The friendlier approach would be to give the field a label explaining the 25 character limit, and then when the user reaches 25 characters, just give an NSBeep() and don't accept the input. The user will figure it out and his workflow won't be interrupted. Actually I may have found a better solution for that. That macro is defined in wincrypt.h, which is an optional windows header. If you add NOCRYPT to your preprocessor definitions, it won't include that header. I was talking about the X942_DH_PARAMETERS issue. Since you're using a third party crypto library you probably don't need wincrypt. The byte issue is something else. It may have stopped trying to build before it got there. It always annoys me when third party libraries typedef common names like that, you can probably add a #ifndef _MSC_VER around that typedef in types.h to fix that. Ahhh. Thank you. The code was actually included in the post. But somehow stackoverflow's rich text editor made it disappear. Sorry, I haven't seen that. Now it's corrected. I just found a similar question. See my update for the link. Oh ok ! Maybe then you should implement something like the stl's string so you don't have to deal with malloc. That is the point of OOP. Hey, that worked! I can't believe I didn't think to do the simple if statement to check for a null. Thanks! Thanks! I appreciate the help, but codeape just got there first ;) However, it is reassuring that I am using a pattern that I didn't even realize. I always wondered how lazy initialization was used. Right ! but I don't get your question. You want to be sure that name is a pointer to a valid char* ? Actually what do you mean by "used correctly" ? Ok I understood. Sorry. How many things are you liable to have in the switch? How likely are they to be dynamically added? For me, removing this makes it difficult to read your way through the code for maintenance, while providing not very much in return. Hi, this is exactly what i have started to do, but i can't find the entry point for the engine ( JS_NewRuntime ) . Do you know if js3250.dll contains this function on Win32? Shouldn't be necessary for neither the set nor the cd commands. Both deal fine with spaces in paths. Thx , it works, that was the issue ( i was using it from a foreing function interface lib (ctypes in python) and i didn't have the jsapi.h ) Many thx Are you trying to retrieve the object itself or just the index of the object? Just add the code that isn't working and the code surrounding it, and people will help you try and fix it. @Quinn: There aren't generally any harmful effects to accessors that make them bad to use in init or dealloc. Your warnings must refer to some pretty far-flung edge case. done that. It doesn't stop in there. :( Sorry I read a little fast. I will try that out and let you know. Thanks. :) That was it. The secret was the IEquatable interface. :) Thank you. I explained a little better about the closest point, and linked to mathworld instead of pbourke :) It looks like there's no such thing yet. Thanks for the response. Really my question stemmed from the fact that I was curious if I was missing something deeper, like "you can't do it this way because of x." The idea of "we had to make a decision and this was it," seems like a perfectly valid answer and can accept that it came down to the fact a decision had to be made. Eep, I stand corrected. Sorry. Yes, indeed, in PS 1 it invokes Out-Host -p, not more.com (note to self: Always read the whole function, even if it looks very similar) This is what function overloading was for. Though that method is definately a better way. so is python essentially storing and referencing an integer as it would an object? The < operator can't be used in Powershell. You would probably have to use Get-Content and a pipeline to redirect files to a program's standard input. George: You can probably simply do [char]0x1a >> test.sql to get the EOF char at the end. This may be one of the many weirdnesses of cmd. exit usually ends the cmd session, but in my testing apparently not when piped into another process. It worked because you get an implicit EOF at the end of the input when you pipe something into another process. So on that note echo.|sqlplus ... or not using IIS, so the question does not apply. Thank you - great idea. Nothing blocked though. no, that's not the error I'm getting. the error I'm getting (as stated) is that I am not authorized to perform the action. As a little extra for anyone else who is new to web-dev and might be confused by the details of what #3,#4, and #6 are (@Ólafur Waage - great answer btw) #3 - PHP, ASP, Ruby(on Rails), ColdFusion, Python, etc #4 - MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc #6 - jQuery, Prototype, etc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_development Thanks, that's what I did, but it was kind of tricky to be able to inherits both instance and class methods from the module That doesn't compile I'm afraid It doesn't recognise the group keyword. Just had an forum post from Rob Conery and have noted the Union issue as a bug as well as the LEFT OUTER JOIN issue. Will go with the ConCat approach for now. Thanks Ah.. the old "I have a friend; It's not me..." routine. I see right through you. You can also use the "is" keyword to avoid casting exceptions. that link is for xml construction? i'm not looking to build XML... i've already done that. it's virtually static at this point. i need to read it and parse it into objects and then into a generics list. how do i get "item" to be a "Product" as is the type of List(Of Product)? ok... so any idea how to help w/this problem? i get this error under the "productXML" in "From item In productXML Select item": Expression of type System.XML.Linq.XDocument is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an assembly reference and/or namespace import for the LINQ provider... but I imported System.Linq.... thanks... tried: For Each item As Product In productXML but received the following error: Expression is of type System.XML.Linq.XDocument, which is not a collection type... :( @Fredrik I would to but I was sticking to his verbiage for clarity. this worked great, although i would still be interested to know how to do it using strong-typed objects rather than anonymous Just to pick up on something you said...why is it not ideal to use static methods when dealing with objects? This solution will not work in several locales, in some languages when you convert to uppercase and then back you get different strings. Example for those of us that do not have that book would be nice. You're right. Hope it's better now. Nope, didn't work. Thnx tho. Who knew IE8 would screw up where IE6/7 got it right? Sigh. I guess that's why they pay me the big bucks, right? this didn't work? really?... ok then try adding an ID or a class to your link, say "" and in your CSS do #imgLink:hover {text-decoration: none!important;} it sounds like you don't have control over the element for some reason... and i don't think IE8 is screwing up... it's probably something in your code. does it work the way you want in Firefox? also, sometimes i noticed that IE8 won't clear its cache very easily... maybe close the browser entirely and reopen once you've made changes to your CSS? i've actually had this work for me before thanks 0 what browser are you using? Use padding-right instead of width. I tested in firefox/chrome/IE and it works in all 3... Why should he/she use an entire framework for something so simple!?!? Obtrusive much!? Obtrusive much!? Obtrusive much!? That's not really traversing, per se. Or, place the script somewhere beneath the element being targeted. have you considered jquery? it will make your life 2.93503E+11 times easier Don't use a table unless you're showing tabular data. You can give a span a width, you just need to set it to display:block; first. Opps, I was hitting an error in the C++ which was hitting an exit(). Now I get a An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in aaa.exe Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. Look it's open again ;) But that is another kind of "trick", that is to keep the project managers of their back... But that one is funny thou ;) you could go through all the mess of tokens and hashing and whatnot, but i personally believe limiting requests per IP is easier and just as effective, especially if you're not requiring "enterprise level" security I do not want to read stories, I want to prevent issues happening. Just to clarify: the 1st gen iPhone (2.5G) does not support Bluetooth peer-to-peer (due to the older Bluetooth chip), so GameKit's Bluetooth functionality won't work on it. And, of course, the 1st gen iPod touch doesn't have Bluetooth at all. @Ibn I'm only 17 and solely self-taught so take my advice with a grain of salt but I would imagine if the advantage of your software hinges on the speed that it does something, writing your own algorithm is a must. If the algorithm is a means to an end, using another graphics library is ok. I'm in the same situation as the OP; I'm an eCommerce newbie. Based on this answer I spent some time configuring nopCommerce. Overall it's very easy to work with. It even has a blog, forum, and news feed. Yeah I know! But I'm using regex for mod_rewrite :-( @Greg, Reed - Most of the issues that I see with managed code performance aren't around CPU time like this, but things like load time and memory footprint. For these, C++ still has a huge advantage (though bad programmers can easily negate that advantage @liran - It's an array of int's. 2 billion entries at 4 bytes each is 8GB. @Martin - your title says OS resources :) Even then, it is a bug in the component or service that allocated the resource. @Neil - it depends on what you define as OS. Is a COM server running in a separate process that was created by you via CoCreateInstance an OS managed resource? (in this case, the COM subsystem will shut down the server if you exit) Yup just saw that I needed a stringwriter .... other than that it seems that I can put anything in the encoding type for the declaration it will still use UTF-16... currently searching to fix that Thank you for answering! I always appreciate your responses. I most definitely understand your pain. Hopefully someone can answer this because I'd love to know a good solution rather than "don't use internet explorer." Thank you Simon, both your command line and Kevin's script work perfectly, even though I have more than 4 000 files :) Kevin's script works great, so does Simon's solution. No flaws, even though I deal with more than 4 000 files. If I could I would accept both :) Thank you all for your answers, I greatly appreciate your help! That's really where I want to end up, but I'm taking this one step at a time. Yes, I found this documentation myself on Friday evening. Volatile isn't guaranteed to work until 1.5, so you should use the backport. Just to be clear, this is happens when building with the optimize- option, not debug+, although the default Debug build sets both. Multi-threaded access to an object that is not thread safe can have unpredictable results. This is the consequence. int.MaxValue * 2 is a negative number in unchecked arithmetic, which is the default in C#, there for the comparison returns false. This is not unexpected behavior :P Sometimes it’s the simplest things. Thanks a ton. The IList example is just a cast, because string[] already implements ICloneable, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection, and IEnumerable. Wow that's a new one for me. Also wierd how ConverTo.ToIn32() works but casting to (int)0 doesn't. And any other number > 0 works. (By "works" I mean call the object overload.) Thanks... not what I'm looking for, but very helpful nonetheless. For basic debugging, the IE8 debugger has suited most of my needs. However, if you are doing any sort of performance testing, you will quickly find IE lacking. I had a project recently that utilized some heavy javascript, and we really needed to trim things down for inferior systems, as we were running into the dreaded "unresponsive script error". Firebug was invaluable in this instance, because I was able to run the console.profile() method to figure out where all of my time was being spent. Joshua, I think we can help, but you'll have to tell us what you are trying to do. We unfortunately can't explain a code snippet we don't know about... As for this bizar bug, it's just amazing that this (still) exists... I've been busy setting everything up, and started to rewrite everything to MySQLi since the last week, until I came across this LONGTEXT problem. Now I'm back to square one. Why didn't I find out about Ctype Functions earlier? Very useful! Be careful about padding a number, you may be making your AES less secure. fadini: The compiler can only work out (implicitly deduce) template parameters (like T) by looking at the types of arguments where it is called. It never looks at the function body. thanks! it worked what does the 's' mean in sin_*? Can you be more specific? Where would I place these scripts? How would I trigger them to run? I'd really like a system that's as painless as possible - running a script before each project switch is almost as bad as typing the command myself each time. @kdgregory - You don't have to implement it. Just use it in the same way as the class of constants since they are all static values. We have a few developers who tend to forget to check things in if they're using source control outside of the IDE. Interesting. However, if the salt is different all the time, how can you compare the hash to the one in a database? Won't it be different all the time? I'm missing something then, because I'm not quite sure how can you see if string A is good, compared to string B even though both strings are different? Hope I make any sense. Thank you. Wish there would be some documentation for that framework though. Ah, sorry, you meant that you also store the salt in the database. Thanks. Oh, it might be better for me not to use it then. Awesome, thank you! I should have mentioned it but the echos were just there for experimental purposes. Thanks though. I should have said that I'm questioning the effectiveness of the socket server's structure more. Eg. if I should really loop things like I'm doing or if there are better ways to do it. The PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream looks like a good way to go to provide traditional parsers with the InputStream and push in chunks. Martin, ah...sorry just a typo when asking the question. I'm not sure why this worked, but it did. I've been running the code for sometime now with not even one exception after I made your suggested code change. Thank you. This doesn't fix the problem, you have no exception handling in the call to the getFileWriter(), and to add it you will need to put in a static block. If the MyFileWriter has to be initialized for the class to function properly, then a RuntimeException should be thrown which will prevent the class from being loaded. This would effectively render any code trying to use this class doomed to fail, which is probably the desired behaviour if it is crucial to the running of your application. Logging without doing this will potentially make every call to MyClass methods fail instead. couldn't you just use some jquery to autopopulate the email box after they fill in the username? I admit that's funny, but inversely what about the blind? I remember reading a while back of an individual who was blind and frustrated that he/she couldn't use Python due to the lack of brackets for statements. I've never come across anything like that. You could right your own AOP pointcut to do it based off an annotation, but that seems like overkill for this scenario. Saobi, The $ matches until the end of the line. It should do that anyway, but I like to be explicit. The $ does not capture any line ending characters. but, how do I search for it with java? Do I submit the byte array using userCertificate={0} or do I encode it to a string somehow Also, how are multiple certificates handled - so is the '=' the correct operator to use? Oh cool. I should have read the documentation a little more closely. Thank you. Wow that works beautifully! Thanks. Yeah I am aware. If that's the only problem then thanks! Alan, I do not have any backslash characters in my answer. The character class is just a space. This is not necessary but I thought it would be clearer this way. Tip: It's right after "my question is..." I'm trying to understand why certain things things that are supposed to make programming easier often end up being more complex than the programming problem itself. I believe I'm probably missing something, but I don't know what it is. A quick example: Scan the first page of stack overflow on any given day. It's a good bet that at least 20% of the questions will be dependency / configuration related, rather than questions regarding specific programming problems. That seems like an unnecessarily high percent to me. Forgot to mention. If you use the Developer tools and look at the HTML source, it shows the li to have the style "filter: alpha(opacity=30); ZOOM: 1;" but it definitely doesn't show that way. I'm using the most recent, 1.3.2 My stuff tends to be business utilities for my side business, but I do keep all of my specs. Thanks for the comment on the page ;) Browser Javascript is definitely just the default... I'm fairly certain this is the first time I've opened it since I installed IE8 :P I'm pretty sure that jQuery is actually applying the style too, because if you look at the source using the IE8 Developer Tools and refresh the Developer Tools source after choosing a filter, it shows the style as "style='filter: alpha(opacity=30); ZOOM: 1;'" Seems like an IE8 bug maybe that it doesn't apply the fade to sub-elements? It has quotes, I had a variable in there and just put that directly in there for an example and forgot quotes here. Forgot about that.. it's not anymore. Sorry! They are now unpacked and separate JS files I narrowed the problem down to the "fancybox" jQuery plugin. When I remove the class "fancybox" from the links, it works as expected... still looking for the source of the problem though. Since file name compare is in the kernel I'll bet it will let you do that in Turkish environment. " And that "application.Workbooks.Open()" causes errors" - as well as several other objects that aren't released - in the above code Workbook.Sheets, each sheet referenced in the for loop, and the ranges returned by each call to worksheet.get_Range. It's extremely difficult to get this right. I recommend writing a wrapper class for common simple scenarios, which implements IDisposable and does not expose any Excel objects to the caller. The wrapper is responsible for releasing every Excel reference it creates, at latest during Dispose. Try doing "InsertAllOnSubmit(properties.ToList())" @Charlie, should it really matter? He/she still has to learn how to do it regardless. @Adam, yeah you could do. A better practice would be: ActionResult Details(int id) { return View(new ProductViewModel(db.GetProductInfo(id))); } Yeah spose in technical terms you are right, updated accordingly :) You should be able to pass in the remote machine name as a parameter Both Country and State must be more than 0 for it to add the row. the .ToString() does the conversion of whatever datatype is in the dn["Country"] field anyways... I need to do this with up and down state images, not just background colours. Is there a background image role for mouse down and mouse up events? I need to make the table cells behave like a 3D button. Was just about to post this exact answer... "it may create a new string once" - why would it do that? I'd have thought the empty string literal "" would already be in the intern pool as it has been referenced by the String.Empty property. Sorry, I am a VB/SQL guy, so Select/Case is the right syntax for me. As for how it compiles, I think I am right for VB6, but I expect VB.Net compiles more like C++. " also applies to self-host " - yes absolutely. Thanks for your reply. I am trying to execute your sample with my table id, but I cannot get it to work. I am getting an Authorization Required. I am authenticating with Google Analytics before requesting the URI. Let me know if you know what steps to take before executing the script. Thanks again. Ah, you beat me! Yup, finally got back to this to debug. It was an error in the C++. Thanks for the link to Windows Operating Systems Internals Curriculum. I never knew that existed. I disagree, learning low level first gives you a firm footing in all windows programming. Learning win32 lets you know whats going on under the hood. I was using this key but I didn't declared it as it should :) This is the right declaration if someone find it helpfull: PKEY_Device_FriendlyName: TPropertyKey = (fmtid: (D1:$a45c254e; D2:$df1c ; D3:$4efd; D4: ($80, $20, $67, $d1, $46, $a8, $50, $e0)); pid: 14); my girlfriend doesnt use tamplax, shes a perl-girl But this won't populate productView.ProductDetail.Name, or anything else in the ViewModel. It will basically give you a useless ProductViewModel object since only the id is filled in. "the OPOS config app" - which config app? @Robert That can be true at times, but I think those are Exception and not the Rule. @S.Lott: The test you're suggesting takes almost the same time as my initial function (0:00:33.093141 to 0:00:33.322414). So the regexps eat no time. A "select '' from item where name like '%foo%'" query runs in about a second in the ssqlite3 shell. So t Thank you for your balanced response You *should* be able to switch providers at any time. Naturally there are some caveats with it though. Hibernate and OpenJPA may handle generated values differently (OpenJPA creates an OPENJPA_SEQUENCE_TABLE table for example). They might make different assumptions about constraints too. well I need to be able to see what's going on in the backend, I can't really alert backend variables from javascript while the backend code is running. can you explain a bit? Sorry it doesn't look like something that would just be a plug and play so I just wanna figure out how it works so I can change it a bit for my web app Ya, you got it, thanks. See details on my answer below. That worked pretty well for me! Why? Nothing is written in the db! Just a case where, there is a need where I need to retain some of the functionality in A and also need the functionality in B. it need not be a JVM issue, because startApp() may be called in varioud instances, like when the phone screen dims off or due to various events that puts the applications to the background and foreground. The fix that you have given is correct however! If you had to kill your application and had several Java applications running it would be a little hit and miss. pauseApp() is not necessarily called in all implementations, rather the showNotify and hideNotify are being used. However your connotation is right! After a lot of thinking and some redesign, I came up with a solution that won't require the application to page through all this historical data... your answer is right, you need some way of chunking or summarizing the data for it to be of any use. Thanks Chris for the response.... I didn't mean Ajax itself is hackish, but in this case, it seems to me that setting up a proxy and grabbing websites (that are not under our domain or control) results in unpredictable behavior (images may or may not be relatively linked, web server may or may not block a request of this type, etc.) I figured it out. The server I was redirecting to had its own redirect set up for /agents/ Err:510 /services/agents. Sigh.. I was able to overcome the style problem for my limited purpose by implementing my own skins for HtmlTabNavigator and the HtmlButton. Would still be interested in a component. Did you check the link I posted? You will have to go for conditional formatting. Check to see if the cell is Total and color it differently. I have a report of scheduled jobs, a matrix, where the value is displayed in RED if the last run outcome is "Failed" I slightly agree but sometimes multiple levels of nested loops in unavoidable and shouldn't be scoffed at. Thanks for the feedback, Daniel. The "set linesize" is definitely useful, and I have used that in the past for this kind of thing. IF I add Static, that would "fix" it right? I would think that it would be too costly an operation to hit the database every time for transactionIDs. For an application with millions of users, it would be millions of 'just for the sake of it' records - think about clean up and maintenance of this one table. @Alex How about a non-database approach to this problem? What about cookies? When I think about it, I notice that stackoverflow, does something similar. When you edit your post and save changes, you are being redirected back to your post. Now, what if you were to show a message "Your edits were successful."? (I know it does sound a bit lame, but this what is popularly known as 'browsing experience for the not visually challenged corporate dumb users'). To show this message, you have to know that your save went through fine, other than sending a really long string in your query string and redirecting, the only way you would do it is FORWARD? Even humans have trouble determing mood/tone in email/sms style conversations. Unless you are talking about parsing fiction where key words are used (examples: "shouted" and "raged") Then you have your work cut out for you. Pure genius! After looking at http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/wpf-snippet-class-event-handlers for a related example, my button do anything anymore. Exactly what I needed. Thanks!! Now I'm wondering just how many RoutedEvents I should block besides a simple Button.ClickEvent... maybe the safest thing would be to "pre-handle" all RoutedEvents returned from EventManager.GetRoutedEvents(). But that's another issue :) Thanks again! And the special cases you mentioned where it could potentially cause problems shouldn't be an issue in our case. What you've given me fits the situation great. So did updating your SDK work? Sure, but that's no longer REST at all. What you're describing is easy to do, but that wasn't the point of this question :) The idea is that /posts/5 could be used to either view the contents of post 5, or delete post 5 depending on the HTTP request. Well, AJAX is great and all but I'd like to use a server-side technology so as not to depend on what the client has enabled. Forms only allow GET or POST though... I don't see how this helps me do DELETEs? "DELETE to VIEW" was a typo. Should be "DELETE or VIEW", i.e. by sending headers "DELETE /posts/5" or "GET /posts/5". Yes! This is much closer to the answer I was looking for. This part I understand though... I guess my question really is how can I issue a 'DELETE' request with PHP/Apache when a user clicks a link? How do I issue the verbs? How does RoR do it? Nevermind. I was hoping I could somehow magically have URLs without stuff like "edit" in them. I just need to have a base script that catches this and issues the right verb... I get it now. Thanks :) So, in your point #2, the user would actually click a link that points to /posts/4/delete, the server logic would catch this and issue a DELETE request to /posts/4. Forgot to mention: I've tried selling this and a PyISAPIe-specific handler to the Django devs, but they really don't care about or use Windows/IIS enough for it to be a priority. peter, this IS about as optimized as you can get. New technologies like LINQ will generally only make things easier, not faster. yes, you can do: char ch = ht[angle]; Sure. There is no "Treat there extensions as c/c++" option @Kosi2801: yeah,there is one single sequential write. All the write operations using different HANDLEs are interleaved. I didn't knew that when I retrieved an entity with a list property all the entities in that list was also retrieved... Is it that way? So I'll remove the list Posts. I also didn't knew that I could query that way over a list property: q.setFilter("tags" == 'Java' && "tags == 'appengine'"); That is really good news :) Thanks Peter. I don't know about the implementation details of containsAll, but it seems like it could be bad. If containsAll calls contains() over and over, you will have an O(n^2) alg. The sets overall should be O(nlogn) Actually, if the sets are just going to be O(nlogn), another approach is to call Collections.sort() on a list, and then use equals. If you want to preserve order though, you would need to copy the list, and that may be expensive and favor the set solution... so you have to think about your situation :-). Quick Follow-up: If anyone knows...Is it possible to keep the SOAP client live via a SESSION variable so that only the client object has the password? I know it's not much better, but it may beat keeping the password in a designated SESSION variable. How would i ask MS? The problem isn't just in if the data is there, but if the data matches, unfortunatley. This is what really got me worried about it. Even though it's a test site, some of the tests involve real world situations (one being a timesheet that needs to have the right data, etc). So it's crucial that the data be as up to date as possible, without me getting caught with my pants down saying, "Oops, let me run the updater." The version is 5.0.76 Enterprise GPL Stupid question, why 17 & 23? Are those arbitrary numbers, or is there some rational to it? thanks, just did so! fantastic! both of these seem very spot-on. thank you! Hmm. What kind of performance hit does Qt present? What kind of linkage should I watch out for (I'm not going to be editing Qt source.) Ah, that makes sense. Thank you! Hello thanks for the answer. I want make the text alpha changing from 1 to 0 under mask. Is this possible? Thanks Vladimir Good explanation. The best part is, your third example contains a memory leak. If x's allocation succeeds and y fails due to std::bad_alloc, you've now lost x forever, as the destructor will not be run. And even if the language specified that the destructor *would* run, you would have the problem of deleting an uninitialized y. yea... when i try to print it in flex, i dont get individual values.. How can i print each individual values Thanks a lot dusoft, i got it... thanks @sharptooth: But recursive traversal of lists is standard practice in functional languages! Thanks for th sample. But in that sample the mask is putting over image. Then I put mask over test - I have problems. Do you have any sample with text masking? Is there a way to get a space after the minutes, before the AM/PM? Ubuntu. And the regular CRUD stuff, with indexing and opportunity for optimiztion. That's probably because the OP asked for a temporary file, and there are no standard C++ mechanisms for creating a unique filename. There is nothing in libstdc++ or boost that truly replaces mkstemp(). That worked great, thanks!! ~10 less view classes, woohoo... If you expect having str1,str2 and str2,str1 in your hash to be a very frequent occurance , lookup speed might be a bit slower than it should be. Lookup speed can also be increased by caching the hashcode. Obviously these may be premature optimizations. PNG is lossless. Apparently in IE string[index] is not defined. So for your second error, it would be theClass.charAt(0), instead of theClass[0]. Same goes for everwhere else you use stringName[number]. What if I want to sort by date, but Table3 refers to the "created_on" column as date? Big thanks! Sorry for dropping the ball on this. Got run over by a higher priority project. Still have the tire tracks across my legs. :( Gave alignments originally. Found I had to adjust them. all but the lowest-level send/recv functions have for (;;) loops around the calls that explicitly catch EAGAIN. This effectively makes SO_{SND,RCV}TIMEO options useless unless you discard 95% of the sending/receiving functions in Boost. Thus, it is moot that they allow you to set the options, because the only way to take advantage of it is to not use the rest of the library... If the output before the call to function_using_a_and_b is correct and no longer correct in the function, something else is going on. Passing by ref or by value doesn't matter in this case. Files are closed when an application dies. Most of the time the file handle is open in another application such as Explorer or even the System process, if it was opened over SMB. I just reread the post and I misinterpreted his question. I thought his intention was to create a website, not a client-side tool. I wish I was able to down-vote my own post.:( Don't think it's an ordered tree. As stated, there is no need to sort siblings. There is no natural order that applies. Call it an n-ary unordered tree. I doubt that poll() will help. It sounds like you have misunderstood what poll() does. Unless you mean to use it *with* inotify. To clarify: poll() can only tell you stuff like "if I read() from this file now, will that block?" or "Wait for max 3 seconds or until I can read (without read() blocking) from at least one of these file descriptors". @Mugunth: Web Application Project or Web Site Project (former created through new project, latter through new web site). For a Web Application Project FXCop is available in project settings under Code Analysis. Also, try answering questions here. Especially ones that mean you have to try things out. Probably should throw an exception if the end of the array is met: function is not able to give an answer in this case. I am in awe at how short your solution is (but I haven't read the explanation yet). It's a shame that J isn't a qualified language to submit your solution in; I wonder how you would have placed on the ranking list for that problem. Worth also asking this question on server fault. TFS administrators who are not developers are likely to be on SF rather than here SO. After that I ensured only people I really trusted had any ability to control security. This was my initial reasoning. However, with that logic, we'd only need one page ever. If randomSetOfPropertiesForPage1 loadPage1, If randomSetOfPropertiesForPage2 loadPage2, etc. Or have I missed the point, somehow? The attributes that each column represents aren't identical across both styles of pages, and there are other slight differences.. Edited for clarity. Thanks for those suggestions, but they don't seem to do what I'd like (or I'm not paying attention enough). I can't go in to too much detail in comments, so just look at my edit... Could you post your database table's schema? ok, i understand wordpress. maybe i should have made that more clear. this question is specifically about workflow and i am looking for an answer with specifics. i am hoping in cases where i need to write scripts, people can provide links This does answer the original question but I guess I should have been more specific on my example. The reality is that I need to apply an ad hoc regex only between 2 words. In reality there may not be 2 newline between “End” and “Start” there could be anything between “End” and “Start”, even just a space as in “Start End…….”. Think he needs to allow entire words mmmm…. Not sure what should I do, should I mark this answer as correct (since it was) and open a new question with the right information for my question? Or should I edit the original post and consider this not the right answer (although it really was the right answer at one point)????. After talking with some of my peers, they explained the CPU part to me. Apparently this computer has 4 CPUs and so the process suddenly taking up 25% means it's taking up an entire CPU--as much as it can get. Still don't know exactly what's going on, though; working on that now. One thing, though: when you said to comment out my controls, exactly what do I need to comment out? I was just going through each dialog and commenting out my message maps, thinking that this should prevent processing by the controls. Is that incorrect? Do I actually need to comment out the control in the... Thanks, this is what I wanted to know. Although it seems that the majority of cases would be okay, I can't take the risk to recommend this approach if that is the case. I posted a comment on your blog post BTW, interesting stuff. can you post some css code? But,whenever it crashes,it shows this line. So,i think it is a little improbable,that the line is off everytime. I am also feeling,that it is a race conditions. Thanks,will debug more. Seems simpler than mine, and don't use a Temp Table... I will save this snippet of code and try it. To write out '&' in PHP, you just write out '&'. What's the difficulty? Yes, I've noticed that IE bug too. We may end up using only one such button per form, IWC this won't be a problem. But I can see the possibility of throwing something into the innerHTML for the server-side code to detect. But ``? Is this a typo, or am I missing something? That's probably a good idea. I would have done the same. One doesn't depend on the other, but the end result depends on each being completed. I went with something similar to yours and agilefall's: var results = {}; var requests = 0; var urls = ["values/1", "values/2", "values/3"]; $.each(urls, function(url) { $.getJSON(url, function(data) { results[url] = data.value; ++requests; if (requests == 3) { $('#mynode').html( results[urls[0]] / results[urls[1]] * results[urls[2]]); } }); }); Oh, can't format comments. Here's both, formatted: http://gist.github.com/137804 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \/([0-9a-z]*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?un=$1 [L] This still causes the php pages to load as a variable I want domain.com/variable to be used as a variable source, but domain.com/about.php to go to the about.php page. The PEP also discusses "why" they are preferred. Essentially it boils down to efficiency: 1. No need to implement operations that make no sense for your object (like unordered collections.) 2. Some collections have very efficient operations on some kinds of comparisons. Rich comparisons let the interpreter take advantage of that if you define them. There is plenty of market for jailbroken phones. the app store is not the only game in town. But,the comparision works sometimes,and sometimes it does not. And i know,the keys in QHash do not change. The value part,can sometimes be lower-case or upper-case. No, there isn't. The designer will do the same work. When a number is multiple of 3 and 5 at the same time... you make the sum twice. I think you don't want this behaviour. You should also make "start += 1;" at the end of the loop. good luck. 1 You gave me a fright! Hi, I checked your .xml against the Google docs here: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/java/config/webxml.html#Security_and_Authentication I noticed they say: "App Engine does not support custom security roles () or alternate authentication mechanisms () in the deployment descriptor." You are using in your .xml, so does this work for you? Also, are you only allowing user authentication against a Google account? Because that's what will happen if you simply set security constraints via web.xml. EC2 does run Windows too. (http://aws.amazon.com/windows/) And then there is Azure! (http://www.microsoft.com/azure/) Yes. But what unicode my editor is in, would not affect code execution on server. Oh I see, What would I put where the dots are? Oh i put my code there. Would I need to put anything in the header file? defaultdict... very nice! I see, would this class file have to be the Outline View's data source? Wow! Thanks very much for this great answer! I have put the code in that I want to use but, I get an error with the code I used, I was wondering if you could help me solve the problem. Here is the code. http://fwdr.org/w3cr .The Problem I have is that i get an error saying 'rowIndex' is un-declared but I don't know what to declare as (I mean whether it is an NSArray etc.). I wondered if you could help, seeing as though it is why I had to subclass NSOutlineView in the first place. Thanks Again for the Great Answer. And sorry about this long comment. The reason I am trying to sub-class NSOutlineView to do this is because it said to do so where I got the code from (http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?AlternatingRowColors) *I meant Steve, not Steven :) That get rid of the Error, Thanks! But for some reason the code is not doing what it should do to my Outline View. Do you know why this is? Take a look at the source code of the HTML generated page. It may help in finding what is causing this. I've set the class of the Outline View to MyOutlineView, so it should work. Can you see any errors in the code and are you sure your code does the exact same code as it replaces? Also if objectArray was not an instance variable of MyOutlineView, what would I need to change or do to get rid of the error? No there's nothing else with that id. I thought that was the case, but wasn't 100% sure. So I just removed it and it's fine. Thank you! Request.UserHostAddress and Request.UserHostName both return my IP address. Ahh, i overlooked that this was happening during the PDF rendering. My bad. I figured out that all I had to do was change id="search" to another name because there was another search input type with the same name. So all it wanted me to do was rename it. The syntax of (str_a || ' ' || str_b) or the above to surround a string with parentheses seems ugly (for code) and difficult to read. It just seems like there should be a more elegant way. we had some animation that we were using while a grid was loading but the load happened so fast that we couldn't see the animation. This might be what's happening here in which case you would need to slow it down to see it although I don't know how you would do it here. Increase duration maybe? You probably want to read [Is Spec# stable enough to use?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437383/is-spec-stable-enough-to-use) Thanks. That does work for the index page. Any thoughts on targeting it more specifically to one of the fields of a sub-class of models.Model? actually you don't, you can use mod_mono on linux... Do you know why this is happening? Aye, This does the job just great. I'm just toggling inuse so it wont get any more complicated. Cheers Guys :) Where would I put that code exactly? I don't think he means the spec, i think he wants the MSDN Reference offline. The only real 'advantages' to using this over dynamic methods are that you can save the generated assembly and you can inherit from types and override virtual methods/properties. Hope this helps. Again, I am not recommending this for general consumption, just pointing out another option. When you said that you need to 'redefine' a method, depending on what you mean, this might be a better option since you can create a type and override base methods... The problem I'm having is that the tools we have end up checking in only half the files, because of conflicts from an update. Then the state of the world is broken, like you say. Perhaps I should add that these tools run in two shared working copies of our data (prod/test). When they fail, we get different text values that should be unique, and syncing files from test to prod fails. Depending on what the library function is doing, killing the unresponsive thread could be very unsafe. A safe approach would be to dispatch the task to a separate process. Take a look at the edited ActionScript I've pasted. I think the two big differences are that your for-loop didn't enclose enough of the code and that you were doing something more complicated with tiles_used. In any case, the braces are now in the right place and the variable has been split in two. Try it out and let me know if it works for you! That's somewhat complicated, and platform-specific - could easily be a separate stackoverflow question, I think. There are several ways to pass data between processes. This is called IPC (Inter-Process Communication) and is also platform-specific. I'm not aware of any means to have RI into XML. From what I understand of your question, I would work on breaking the data out into distinct key/value pairs and having one value per key. If you've still got XML is the data decomposed to a key/value pair? There's lots of reasons why one might not want a service to start! So perhaps you're not really asking why, but rather suggesting the answer is to throw an exception? How about setting ServiceBase.ExitCode - is that advisable/necessary? I cannot post the actual code. I added the details into the post, this wasn't really meant as an exercise in syntax. Perfect explanation, thank you very much! yes, fair point If you have control over how the input data is formatted, you might try to dispense with the vector length. This removes the special casing for the vector length and moves you straight into the tokenizing. If you can reliably know your longest vector string you could parse into an array and then allocate your vector.value based on the number of values tokenized. The sscanf makes me cringe but to each their own. When working with the Screen object always keep in mind that some users are working with multiple monitors. Somewhere there is a function which returns the screen on which you application is visible at the moment. This is the better answer by far. Do you any articles explaining this result? Would be interesting to get some more info why it happens. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much. Also if you're using Eclipse you can, select all, right click and select source->correct indentation. It will probably help a lot to see the correct indentation. Yeah, I need a 400 error returned to the browser, not just a different page returned to the user. Thanks for the try. Yeah, its basically a very temporary solution. Its an error that I don't have the power to fix on some old code. New code will replace it in a month, but in the mean time I need a certain set of pages that are currently reporting 500 errors to return 404s. You can use Charles on PC as well. Subjective is not the enemy. Discussion, no-correct-answer, and poll questions are the enemy. Admittedly, this question is definitely a poll question; it would be better phrased as, "Will writing specifications for a hobby project help keep them from getting in a rut? Back this up with your own experiences if they apply." sorry - didn't see. can you post the HTML of your page please. are you using AMF to receive your data? We tried some UpdatePanel stuff a while back but it wasn't working - thought it might be a problem with our web server when trying to call web services (didn't have the time to properly diagnose). But things like the Accordion extender and Panelrounder work just fine. The order of the stuff on the page is: <%@ Page directives... <%@ Register - for the Ajax kit ...followed by what I outlined above. The update can take as much as 30 seconds. I guess what I'm missing is what it is that really 'fires' the code to pop the panel up. At least if it 'flashed' and vanished on quick updates, I could work with it but I'm not seeing anything and that's what's so confusing. happy to oblige! Exactly, are you running sessionstate on multiple WFE's in-process, because that won't work I think. is this windows or linux or a mix? 1 for this answer. It's also probably worth it to get some user feedback on a prototype of some kind to make sure the solution works for the people who will be using it. It may also spark some additional ideas and tweaks for you to work in. you could use your main form. change the values of action, target etc temporarily using jquery then restore them after. by making the a element display:block you can style it to fit the whole of the li area. if you can explain what style you are looking for perhaps I could help with a solution. Well, after some research, I think the only solution is to do as you've suggested: Make sure the source files are on the same volume before calling MoveFileEx. I guess this isn't too troublesome since the service has the required access. Thanks for the advice. Not sure I understand your point. It does not explain why the DP does not get called. What does the Data Context have to do with a DP? I can see, now, why they aren't covered in relational theory texts. But, then, where would I find their answers? In product-specific manuals? JEE is touted to be independent of the underlying DBMSes... which tells me that there is got to be at least some constant concept (or, a set of concepts/assumptions) against which an application developer can choose to program. Nope, this happened on a database setup specifically for QA about two weeks ago. The database was deployed from VSTS Team Suite, 2008 edition, and populated with 500 generated records. Since then, they have added about 50 records both before and after the problem report. Yep, I have checked, and there is no IDENTITY_INSERT in the stored procs. The only place I found any was in the initial queries that get run to populate the lookup data (different tables than the one with the issue). Thanks Adam, I wasn't aware of that command, however, it didn't help. It reported the current value as 550, and the column maximum value as 550, and that matches what I'm seeing. Not a typo, just the simplest way to show the differentiation See also stuff mentioning F# in http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/A/0/7A023209-096F-4F7D-B2BC-831ECC68FF5B/VS2010Beta1Readme.htm (Oops, sorry not to notice the namespace.) Are the two files in the correct order in the project? we need to see the definition of function_using_a_and_b as well. You don't need to escape & and ? inside character classes, = doesn't need escaping at all and the part after the = could probably be written as ([^&]*) to avoid the lookahead. I can't replicate the problem with GCC on Mac OS X either. It has to be something you are not showing here. Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. timday: square only inherits from rectangle if both are immutable -- that's the *other* classic example of "things that look like simple inheritance but are actually full of gotchas". :-) That's not what the question asked, Boyd. The question asked how to detect and remove a rootkit. I described some of the necessary preconditions to do so. Your comment is not relevant to the topic, or even my response. If the comment "belongs-on-serverfault" means it isn't programming related, I guess that is relative, because I described below a way to write a program to detect rootkits. Note however, that it still seems to be preliminary. For example, the verb Ping should be used over Test for determining whether something is alive and responding. However the current CTP of PS 2 includes a Test-Connection cmdlet (which is an equivalent of ping) which is named wrong according to those guidelines. No, global. http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/emacs/src/lread.c?root=emacs&view=annotate See for example, lines 171-174. May be my question in bad. I'd wont to run goal just before plugins working. Yes, the C compiler will automatically concatenate adjacent string literals, although the #define should define NEW_LINE as "\n" and not '\n' for that to work, I think. Yeah, Eric rocks. So many options, so little time... SharePoint is particularly bad. It integrates the whole application stack so much you end up asking ServerFault-ish questions just doing your programming work. This is really subjective, Ankur. If everybody agreed that one was the best in every situation, there wouldn't be all those frameworks. this works, one more question: How do I add a OnClick handler to the "?" button? Ah, sorry. My bad. I was sill focused on that capture group. Right click on bar and choose Insert Breakpoint... Not hard at all. Know your tools. Thank you, I'll check it out. Thank you. Today I will take a closer look at possible bottlenecks in the code. Just out of interest - what happens if this procedure gets run twice - while the first procedure is still executing? "I've already an implementation for the Singular Value Decomposition" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/960060/singular-value-decomposition-svd-in-php More details; what encoding are you expecting, and what are you getting? more does exactly that, when you take a look at the definition of the function with gcm more|select Definition|fl Well, you can just use \n directly in Strings. The C standard mandates that this single character will be expanded to whatever the platform uses as line delimiter/terminator, at least when writing to text files and the console. Doesn't sound very much like TSP, this should probably really just be a simple system of equations to solve. Neither in PS1 on Vista nor PS2 on Win7, at least for me. "more" is a function which does a little work beforehand and then just calls more.com. Out-Host -Paging is separate from that (and doesn't depend on more.com). The difference is most noticeable when you use something that doesn't return right away, such as your gci -rec example. Piping to Out-Host is immediate, as it can process the input one line at a time, piping to more takes time as PS first collects all lines and then sends them to more.com. What is the status of this? Is you question resolved? What messages, complaints, or Exceptions do you get? I do the same thing, vetting all cookies before I let Firefox save them. At some sites it's a real pain. If only there were something for cookies as powerful as NoScript, "temporarily allow" and so on. I'm interest to see if you get any answers where people say it's a non-issue and we're silly to pay attention to this. It isn't actually a 2-D array of strings. Your declaration gives you something different than his does. char *Data[][3] is still a very different beast from char **Data[70]. Its memory layout is entirely different. This confusion is the source of many bugs among beginner and even intermediate C programmers. Look at my answer to see what the difference is. With char **Data[70], you can point your 70 char** pointers to any arbitrary locations in memory. When you allocate **Data[70], the compiler allocates 70 * sizeof(char **) bytes and that's it. Each of those 70 areas, you can assign a char ** pointer. When you allocate *Data[10][70], the compiler allocates 10 * 70 * sizeof(char *) bytes. For each of those 700 array locations, you can assign a char * pointer. @Nick D, it is *NOT* a 2-D array! It is a 1-D array. Seriously. char **Data[70] is a 1-D array of pointers to which you can assign any value, but the values must be a "char **". Your code samples show char *d1[], not char **d1[]. Try writing some cod The title was very vague. A specific title will help attract the attention of people who can answer your question. not knowing if setSpeed(60) is in mph or kmh will put you in jail. Poor example. i use it :) works very well for me! a good way to quickly figure out exactly what page you're on is to do something like alert(path); I done this first! Although I have noticed I left the extra ) in the cast line! Can't see why not. I understand how va_args works; however, this appears to work as expected: printf("Age: %2$i", [name UTF8String], age); I've tried other printf's with reordered/missing args and they all give the expected output, whereas NSString does not. @Chris, as stated above this is just a very simple example. It is just to demontrate how you use a static method and why. Have a look at the following: http://www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet1978.htm Which is fine, bottom line is, static methods can be used for whatever you want them to do as long as they don't rely on the instance of the object. See people's answers below about using the local variable going bye-bye & lack of new() usage... having said that, be sure if you have a corresponding cardHand::removeCard() method that you set theHand[xyz] to 0 when you remove (delete()) a card, otherwise you'll try to delete an already-deleted object. The check you have in the destructor is only worthwhile if non-null really means it's still a valid object. Also, I'd change NULL to 0... Exif-Data is just plain optional meta-data associated with an image. Modifying Exif-Data doesn't change anything on the image. But anyway thanks for your answer. I believe, that jpg can come in 24 and 8 bit depth, which is a grayscale image then. I don't know how to test whether it is 24 bit or not ;) I hoped to have asked this implicitly with my question: How do I detect whether the image is 24bit? Can you add source that includes how your pointer variable is initialized? not true! been using JDK 1.6 for a year now on my MacBook Pro. Thanks for the tip. I'm trying OpenAL with the oalTouch sample code at the moment but I can't find the setting to change pitch or frequency on the fly. Any tip in the right direction is much appreciated! Nevermind. I found out how to adjust the pitch. The sample code for oalTouch only manages one sound file, so I guess I need to look at soundManager afterall. @Matt Boehm: for this *particular* situation, it wasn't given that LargeCollection started out sorted. @Nosredna: implicit globals killed my parents hasattr(t,'__iter__') perhaps yeah, I misinterpreted the question. That is correct. When a property of a child item is changed, I would like the sort to reflect this change. Would this code live in my presentation tier? Window.Xaml.Cs? What would code for #1 and #2 look like? Why reinvent the wheel though? If you're talking post compilation (during runtime) probably not. Try running eclipse with the #NAME? tag when you start the executable. It may or may not sort out the silly issues Eclipse seems to throw up from time to time. Looks like a good read, thanks! Can you explain what you're looking for exactly? ... Is it that you want the tab to have focus - but not 'select'... meaning the previous tab would still be selected - but 'focus' would be on the new tab? tanimoto is perfectly happy taking strings, no need to list-ify them That works, but it effects every ListBox on my Window -- how can I make that apply only to a single ListBox? Not sure how it is passed in the "body" of the request...You have 2 methods of submitting data depending on whether the form type is a POST (hidden in the form variables) or a GET (through the URL). In general people use the POST method because of the length limitations and visibility of the GET. If you do not have variables in the URL/querystring then it should be coming through as a POST and you should be able to loop through the Request.Form fields to get the data. You can check which method you are using in the "method" parameter of the FORM element in your ASP web page. this post just saved me. thanks! I wasn't able to get the Fusion Log viewer to help me out. But I did enable the IEHostLogFile setting in the .NET HKLM. I was able to get output from there. It looks like I'm encountering a permissions error with 3rd party DLL I'm inheriting. Alright, see edit I followed the instructions at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zdc263t0(VS.80).aspx to set http://localhost/helloworld/ to full trust. (I tried in a variety of zones after local intranet failed.) Also: no http 500 errors. Fiddler is cool, thanks for that. The stack exception is thrown by a 3rd party dll. Thanks very much. I've tried 1 & 3 and will update the question once I find out if things have stabilized. They have added a cache backend to the live server, but I left that out of staging already. Want to hear this, its gotta be good. A and C are great options; D is beyond many developers control as alot of sysadmins cannot risk breaking old applications that were developed with an IE6-only attitude. I had / have this opinion in some cases, but, one VERY important fact for me is that you can't 'override' a public variable. If the class in question is final, sealed, whatever - cool... AND if you're basically saying extenders should never be able to do anything on set / get ... ever ... What worked for you? Applying the fade to each subelement? The missing quote on the id is because its dynamically generated and I manually typed it in when posting here... oos. It's some other style that is being inherited then. I have exactly that and it doesn't work... I'm gonna mess around with it later. If I don't find anything, I'll accept your answer then... thanks so much! Didn't work, I'm getting the same message. Anything else you can think of? It sounds like the PICT tool will be able to handle what you want. You specify the space of possible arguments and then it can generate the exhaustive list or the pairwise, ternary-wise or other n-order short of exhaustive. But, depending on the size of your problem space ... you may want to look at the research on the site, exhaustive may not be necessary. Of course, if you're talking less than a hundred test cases then who cares if it isn't necessary. There's something messing with it in the CSS for my .fancybox class. I'm gonna chalk this one up as an IE8-specific bug and figure it out later. Everything works perfectly in Chrome, Opera, Firefox and IE7, so it's not worth my time right now. Thanks so much for your quick reply and help Artem! We use this in a system with HTTP from client to server (required for security reasons), and using both JMS and EJB for service to service calls. That's very odd, it should work. You should have the CRT source code - I would step through and verify that no buffering really occurs here. That's what it sounded like to me, too, except that I can call a.getB(), then call a.b, and a.b still fails. The only need for it to be transient is that I don't want that link in the database. I'm assuming you meant that class members should always be private, and yes, I agree, but I inherited this code and would have to change thousands of references in JSPs, so that is unlikely to happen. I'm actually trying to fix the architecture. I tried evicting the object after it was retrieved, but all that got me was the following exception after I tried to access anything: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session I get that there's a trade off, but some things still bug me. Take log4net for example. If I want to add logging, I have to reference the library and add the lines to my code. Great. I accept that. But if I just want it to log to a file in my program's bin directory, that seems like a pretty common default configuration. Why do I have to explicitly configure something that could easily be the default when the library was created. Maybe I just think that the libraries themselves should make an extra effort to include reasonable default configurations. Just had a look for the book - it seems to be right on the money! Thanks, Spencer. My maths is terrible! However, I can learn! Thanks for the tip! Spencer. Programs of a promotional nature. A lot of what I do is based on frameworks and applications we've already built. Thankfully, most of it is cloning existing apps and repurposing them. Code golf! The compiler should short-circuit the comparison, making the efficiency roughly equal to what you have: return (([date compare:beginDate] != NSOrderedDescending) && ([date compare:endDate] != NSOrderedAscending)); If you are worried about what style of linkage you're using, I presume you need to have link-time (binary) compatibility between object files compiled at different times, not just source compatibility. In that case, it might be better to always use the struct float_complex approach. Otherwise, someone could compile a file in a compiler's C89 mode, try to call a function in a library compiled in C99 mode, and see strange results because the calling conventions for _Complex and float_complex structs aren't the same. I solved it and was about to write about the: webBrowserWYSIWYG.Document.OpenNew(true); when I saw that you had updated the reply, thanks again David show us fill_in_x please where's the static array? @Jonathan Thanks for your insight. What bug do you refer to?. What i was aiming to is that s points to the character from where to start looking back. @Jonathan, Thanks again. I see what you mean. Changed function's interface, see my edit, i think its much better now. Thanks ! Hadnt thought about that. Thanks for your input. I see what you mean, but strrchr is not what i need. What i need is look for a character in lower addresses that where im standing. As for the printf tests, yes you are right. I did those intentionally on cases that wouldnt return null, but thanks for your input. Please, see that there is an updated version. Agreed -- improves isolation and facilitates testing via mocks. Yes, it is true that you need to clean up; I didn't mention that in my sloppy answer below. My understanding is that Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(object) should be called for every variable assigned to a COM object. I think that also means than you cannot use a foreach loop as shown here. Thomas, this looks similar to Marks answer in the other post that I referenced, and is more of an idea solution for me I think. The problem however lies in the A.MyB property (I updated the question to make it clearer). When I've tried to serialize this before, I get an error because MyB is actually an interface. Is there a way to combine the serialization/deserialization of this interface in your suggested approach? That's an interesting approach. So your suggesting at that point call the ReadXml() on that created type to initialize the members? That might work depending on whether I can get the type + create one of a possibly external type to my library. Could you provide a very brief example? I've not really used xpath. Just wondering if it is worth looking into. Wanted to deal with the XML directly as little as possible though. That's ok, glad to be of help. Come back and tick my answer when you get some reputation ;). What do you mean with "run before plugin"? Do you want to run a goal from your plugin before the build? You should rephrase the name to a question. For example: "How to display a JFrame only once on button-click?" Also it woul be better to change the tags to match the content of your question as it does not have anything to do with netbeans6.5. Possible Tags: Java Swing JFrame Yeah, I thought as much... I'm starting to wonder if maybe my interface should instead be an abstract class. I'm assuming then it would work and hierarchies of classes (e.g. B implemeneting AbstractB) would be deserialized, rather than attempting to deserialize an AbstractB directly. The third number 1 should be a 3 the counter has got screwy. For multiple joins no commas, SELECT * FROM table1 T1 JOIN table2 T2 ON T1.id =T2.id JOIN table3 ON T1.id = T3.id Finally made this work - see updated answer Thanks John. By reading out the type from the XML, creating an instance I was then able to de-serialize it using the ReadXml method of the created instance. Works a treat and works fine with my Interface. The operation definitely takes 10 seconds, all basically near the Slice::DoStep function. I don't understand how the _write can go away, after being 40%, and not have any impact... On this network, it's enabled because it's how we let users know they're low on funds for printing. (just clearing that up) Anyway, I think I got it worked out! Interesting. Thanks for this. :) I'm sure it'll help him - it helped me. I am trying to use GChartWrapper on App Engine, so I cannot really run the setup. Thanks! :) Nice Sub's. That save about 20 lines! 1 ;-) You actully had to ask this question on SO? You coulnd't just think to yourself, "Gee, I wonder what File -> New does?". Really! @divo: I never had any trouble with it as a beginner. I think most people just get lazy and don't look. The way I learned my way around VS was by exploring. When you explore you get a good filling when you find something new. You should have seen my face with fixed widths in firefox it is causing #right to position under left2 and in ie this is causing #right to to float all the way to the right of the page... I believe the System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable attribute that you found is for the design view in visual studio. Good example! Well, I do this automatically, but it may be not obvious and some people forget to add this rare modificator. I agree, I really like Eclipse's IDE. :) Very awesome, I've never done graphical work in Java so the lack of a designer there isn't a big deal to me. Quick minor question. Any difference between "" and '' in PHP? Also, good use of arrays. :P You are not logging the fromUser value, only its length. 1 for mentioning strlcpy Neither og these works, I'm afraid. These are genericised classes - Map[String,Boolean] is not the same as Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean], so you get: type mismatch; found : java.lang.Object with scala.collection.jcl.MapWrapper[String,Boolean] { ... } required: Map[String,Boolean] (using the first example) You mean for a process to kill your java command line program? agreed. I implemented a Factory method in my answer. Isn't this a problem if you have more than one class witha MyFileWriter member? You would have to rewrite your static block in every class. Hmm, I thought it might be a race condition but I didn't realize that a different JVM could have different timing properties which would cause problems. I'm almost certain that I have incorrect synchronization, so I guess I'll have to overhaul a fair chunk of code. I have been trying to find an underlying problem, as I mentioned, but debugging multithreaded applications in eclipse is kind of a pain, and it runs fine in a 32 bit JVM. That's the only reason I asked about problems in the 64 bit JVM. Yeah, there is definitely a lot of bad code in there. I'm not sure what's so tricky about raw sockets? In any case, that's not the issue here. I'm pretty sure now that it is a race condition, but it's going to take a while to confirm it. I think in the mean time I will just go back to the 32 bit JVM since it works there. No reason, I just happened to install it. The main point is that I want to know whether the problems I'm having are because of the 64 bit JVM or an underlying problem in my own code. I'm leaning towards the latter now. just....edit your question... Well, there are some optimizations that assume that the variables are only modified within the current thread. This allows to work not with the real variable, but with its copy in the thread and update the real variable (master-copy) from time to time. But in your case the flag variable can be modified by other code, so you have to mark this variable as volatile, and the thread will become aware that it has to take into account such possibility. The error message we got from the server did specify that it was this table that was throwing the error. The stored procedure doesn't touch any other tables, or call another stored procedure. There is an update trigger, but the first thing it does is check to see if it is actually an update (i.e. the deleted pseudo table isn't empty). I think I am going to chalk this up to cosmic rays (my manager agrees that since it isn't reproducible, we can ignore it unless it comes back). "post_max_size" is correct. Thank you! :) I'm not really a designer, but using Blueprint has helped when I do not have templates to work with in the initial phases. Thanks that useful info. Yeah im building a 3.5 app, so ill need the newer version of Nant +1 wow , fantastic, I just added my pseudolang, and your python nearly does that, tx. As far as your remark goes : ofcourse, its for the sake of the example plus I never lose history tx to subversion. +1 If I see this, I might have to reconcider perl... does this work on windows to? see remark of SchlaWiener great! thanks!! 1. I've seen lots of window environments where perl was installed, and not by the user of the pc, where it comes from I don't know.
2. Can you give a cmd example too? you need to add some kind of check on the function if nothing is returned by the child nodes otherwise it'll get stuck in a loop @Matt - correct - the only solution for this is to test if the days or months are greater that 12 - if not you have to return that the date is ambiguous and they should use dd/mm/yyyy Done :-D. I use Resharper as well and am more then pleased with it too. Do you mean that you have several ecore models that you wish to generate only one editor for? correct - remote debugging. if that is the only way to do it add it as an answer. thanks. As long as all of the keys and values are unique this should work Well, I've managed to use your technique (getting the controls out of the UpdatePanel and adding them as AsyncPostBackTrigger items in the Triggers collection) to keep from wiping out the selected values in the drop-down lists. Unfortunately, when I hit the trigger, even though the dropdown lists still have their members and the selected item still appears in the 'textbox' part, the "SelectedIndexValue" has reverted to 0 and the display routine's filters don't work properly. ...and it turns out that there was something in the code clearing and re-populating the drop-down lists, hence the reason the selected index was resetting. Now that it's down to an application programming problem, I'm marking this 'answered'. You do realize that [d1, d2, d1, d2, d1, d2] contains references to the two dicts, and not copies, right? i.e. in this example, you could replace the for-loop with del d1['b'] and it would have the same effect. it is definitely not lag. i can check out files that are not part of the web project. the issue is also more than just checking out, it is any interaction with VSS (get latest version, add/removing files) that causes VS to not respond. i would love to use another source control besides VSS (which i've always disliked and now hate), unfortunately our company will not change. Currently Running MySQL 5.1. I searched through the 5.1 directory for *.err files, and none where located. The only directories in the MySQL Server 5.1 folder are: bin, Docs, and Share. I looked through each directory and did not see anything that looked like an error file. @amischiefr: are you suggesting O(n^2) is the best you can do? do we know if there is an efficiency guarantee? or is this typically O(n^2)? I'm not going to argue, I am just going to say as a matter of personal taste, I think that is less pythonic. I'm more inclined to agree with FogleBird. Regardless... it is correct :-). If crawling is your concern, you can force it to require both parts. Not *guaranteed* unique :) Very unlikely to have a collision though. A complete solution would at least check for collisions, and regenerate a new ID if there is one though. -1 for being too lazy to google "php guid" and find the appropriate function, +2 for mentioning server conflicts. I'm sure google uses some sort of server cloud, could be a big reason why they use IDs like that on youtube. This sort of wisdom you have to realize on your own for it to really take effect. Brilliant, thanks! @Edward: Still worth the extra two lines of code :) @dimitris: you mean while !unique, don't you? I thought Mastermind was referring to GUIDs in his first sentence. Didn't mean that they are a good solution :D Fixed it. ----- Uhh ... This is pretty sad. Emil hit submit sooner than I did ... The "accepted" should go to him ... Thanks. :) It sill feels unfair, though. Clarified the example slightly ... Wow, very interesting read :-). I think my answer still has some merit if the goal is very simple - to change the behavior of a single function. However, your answer is obviously far more general and flexible with respect to the things you can change. For that, +1. And if I could, I would give you more +1's since I learn at least one interesting thing from your posts everyday :-). wow! I really had no idea you could do that, Alex. I asked some of my very C++ savvy friends and they didn't know either! Also it's not easy to find online. But sure enough, I tried it and it worked :-). Thanks! WOW!!!! Thats EXACTLY the kind of solution I was looking for! Thanks a bunch man! :D Yeah it's not really an appropriate title. Couldn't think of a title. Suggestion? Has a better title now Am I the only one a bit confused by the In[] and Out[] notation? What is that? Sorry, I was more interested in getting the point across than in showing perfect C++ code. Happy now? could have used padding instead of a margin... 00003 should be a valid input though, and using a loop to pad doesn't seem right. internally it has to shift the whole string down each time you add a 0. What do you mean? You could change behavior() to take an object... like behavior(the_object), and pass self to it. ie - Foo.behavior(self) (in method_that_changes_behavior) That way you can use state that is specific to the object. except you might as well chain em. $(this).stop().animate(...) and use "hover" Can you be a bit more clear on what you are confused about? behavior is not a method. It's a class variable to which you will find a function. The function will be expected to take a Foo. Now, anyone can write a function that takes a Foo as the arg. It doesn't matter how they do it... you can load such a function from a module on the fly. All you need to know is which function to bind to behavior. As soon as you load the module, you can say Foo.behavior = new_function_that_takes_a_foo. Does this make sense? It's just an extra line of code after you load the module. Can you tell me where you work so I can put it on my blacklist? Git is supported in Windows now, albeit maybe not as well as Hg. I have not done a detail comparison. "Beginners are well advised to stay FAR away from this amoutn of power and ... complication..." Except that beginners are also often pointed to languages which provide nearly equally difficult concepts, if not the same features provided by pointers anyways. For that matter, try writing a swap function in C# or Java without explicitly declaring parameters as a reference. It's suddenly a bit difficult. They use something quite similar to pass-by-reference, but a better name is eluding me at this point. That's the right strategy, but not quite the correct answer, as he needs nonmatched strings to go after matched ones. A quick fix is to return 'z' + txt for the nonmatch, and 'a' + r.groups()[0] for the match. 1 `Meaning` is the most important point I think! Could you maybe add some pseudo code of what you want to do that you're unsure if you can? You're going to have to post your code/config if you want people to help you troubleshoot. That just means you're the client (or your audience). If it's a serious personal project treat it as such. You'll gain a lot of insight on how to run other projects and your project will turn out a lot better. Work on the UI and show it to some friends, you'll even find things you want to change once you actually work on a design. That is true but one thing I was thinking about is the flexibility of changing customers to a different instance if the server gets loaded... Also I thought that having separate database may make the processing faster because there will not be too many records in the individual databases. We are talking about about 100,000 entries per company. @Johanna: The args[0] is accessing the string array args at position 0 (the first element of the array). args is passed as a parameter to the main(String[] args) method, and is an array of strings which contains the command line arguments passed to the p Figured it out. Replaced sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient("gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com"); with sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient("gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com", clientCertificateCollection, SslProtocols.Default, false); And registered the certificates on the PC. F# is the big deal here With C#, my tendency would be to use HashSets and "IntersectWith," rather than what you did. But since C# isn't your problem, I'll leave this as a comment. Hmmm, MSDN agrees with you, jalf. Corrected. As a really sketchy form of protection against broken date strings? This is the kind of thing where stored procedures are your friend. @abelenky: His array is a 2D array of 1D arrays. Each 1D array is of size 50 This is exactly like he said :) @Beska: Since he is studying for an exam, a code answer is not necessarily a bad thing...though it's not nearly as helpful as an explanation. Yep - Edited that It takes almost two days to install my entire dev setup...I opened a ticket with Microsoft on this...I sincerly hope they come back with a better option than a total reinstall of the system. :) Good point. Depends what kind of PHP you're running, I suppose. Iterators are also generic since you need to know the type of the value it contains (Iterator). Thanks for that, I've updated to indicate it's vb.net or c# Ahh I had code blindness and didnt see you pass the list into the ctor in the function. Nice work mate thanks doesn't work throws this exception again: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: test.fileupload.XYZUploadBean.(java.util.Map) Format is an implementation of this: public interface FormatFactory { public Map getFormat(); public Class getMappingBean(); } Thanks, doing a getDeclaredConstructor worked. @mmyers agreed. Why do you believe converting the code to use .NET will make it more secure? Fetching somebody elses captcha, hey! You're not attempting to make human spamming more efficient are you? http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/nov/23/comment.comment2 Thanks! That does the trick. Sent you back an updated config that should work for you Config in web.config not app.config. And, web site seems to work differently with hibernate.cfg.xml than Web App Project, so I removed that and just updated your web.config. Thanks Justin. It's a good point but this particular product is being created in an intranet environment with little or no variation in browser capabilities. But your point is well-taken. Thank Egil. Looks nice and simple. Thanks! This does exactly what I need. For some odd reason when UseSubmitBehavior=false was used, it submitted, but when UseSubmitBehavior was obmitted and causesValidation was false, it did not submit.... strange. The control has it's own lifecycle it will go through. If you had code in the Page the object is contained in move it to the Load event. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa719775(VS.71).aspx can't do this with a form, I'm on .net and you can't have a form within a form I don't really care about ajax. All I want is to submit a post to an iframe from outside of it without the user having to click a submit button. I cannot pass them into the iframe using the src because it is not querystring parameters that it wants. The
tag allows me to do exactly what I want, however I'm on .net so everything is contained within a form tag and I cannot create a new form tag for myself with the target attribute. For some reason nothing gets called when I use the code you provided. I've tried replacing the #("#myframe").html(data); with alert("success"); with no luck. This works a treat thanks! I think the best way is to handle it internally, thanks. Thanks, there was a typo in the Post method. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/893329/determining-recommended-system-requirements Dupe? nope, that doesn't do anything different than 'application/x-unknown' So I added that entire selection to the bottom of my CSS and I didn't see any difference in IE8 (reljac.com/csstest.php). Am I missing something? Thanks Eric, that did the trick @Ali I see your point. However, relying too much on javascript to do it for you and leaving control on the user side is not a good practice. I was wondering if there is a non-database way of doing it on the server side. The Vertical Reponse Cache has limitations. I am not really sure about this coz I read this a while ago, but it can only do one at a time or just one of these two : handle resubmitting of forms when user presses F5 OR handle resubmitting of form when user presses back and submits again. I can't recall the limitation right now, but it was on these lines... I believe the Data folder is located at: D:\MySQL Datafiles The only file in that directory is called ibdata1 (with no extension??) and the file is 18,432KB in size. Alright, I found the data directoy, it was set up for: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\ In the Data folder, I found the .err file. Going to try and attach it. I have copied the error code to: http://pastebin.com/m103c467a Thanks for your help! thanks - looks good. will test it now. +1, but I would lose "numerically indexed properties will be stored differently": that's not necessarily the case, and isn't required by the spec. @BaroqueBobcat: to be really pedantic :) indices in the array are just properties ("attributes") of the array instance object; an array just treats specially those properties which are the string form of an integer with regards to the length property. Yes I want to do this by code.. How might I go about doing that? I've seen some examples of basic jQuery.get usage, but what is the syntax for passing the form data (from the text box)? Is it just simply $("#queryText").val(); ? I have not messed with json results at all. COuld you be a little clearer please? How do you deploy your pages, are they custom (i.e. an application you want to run under Sharepoint), are they publishing pages etc. Not much to go with the information you provided.... Good answer, but I would deploy custom pages through a feature though (perhaps after creating them in SharePoint designer) Dunno, seeing what an integral part it is of sharepoint, i'd say to go and try it out as soon as possible. Although i started out wacking DLL's in the GAC manually and then upload .aspx pages through sharepoint designer as well i have to admit :-D. http://www.exslt.org/set/functions/distinct/set.distinct.template.xsl is a xslt 1 template implementation please post some code of what you are trying to do - thanks. I'm not at home so I can't try it, but I always thought that when passing a model to the view (via the model map), the key is how the view will access the value, and the value is the domain class? But now I see that the value must be the instance itself. the only option then would be to text-align center on the tagcloud but you then have to display:inline for the tags. No it doesn't work with posgresql. I have the string base64 encoded? Will that not work? How does one then pass the Gzip'ed data to and from a web service? Yes. Part of it is that I'd like my URLs to get their structure from the database. This seems to be working... I'll post what I came up with a bit later today. Title is too short D'Oh, of course. This is a bit of a hack though. I'm sure log4net has some sort of configuration mechanism that would allow you to override GetLogger(type) without the need for a custom class, something like a LoggerResolver... PHP has hashing library: http://php.net/manual/en/book.hash.php Altough I would like to help you, this belongs on serverfault P.S. I Don't know the answer, but here you can find some more on SharePoint and kerberos: http://harbar.net/ As @weppos points out make sure you rename `genxml.xml.erb` to `genxml.xml.builder` or `genxml.xml.rxml` It's true that you shouldn't touch the CType def. but that means ONLY the CAML that was used to create it/ Through the object model you can do what you like. We execute above code through a feature receiver that is coupled to the feature that holds the cType defs. the while... delete was added so we can deactivate / activate the feature as many times as we want and always keep 1 eventreceiver per cType (IMHO the cleanest way to go). So your question is answered? Yes, create a class that is responsible for reloading modules (if you need to), and after it reloads, it can reset the class variable behavior :-). I am going to edit my post, because as it looks now, it won't run. I am going to make it working code. dunno who downvoted you, but you didn't deserve it so +1 I just noticed a minor omission here. Unless I'm mistaken it needs to read "SELECT images.*, productPhotos.specificProductUID FROM images..." or else ORDER BY FIELD doesn't have a specificProductUID to work on. I would wrap that whole thing in an extra set of brackets. It looks like $variable is getting assigned a boolean value, not the return of one of those functions. That said, I'm still not overly found of it, and I hate your "literal on the left" thing. I understand it's to prevent bugs, but readability is more important to me. Any bug caused by forgetting an = (or two in this case!) is usually immediately obvious... or maybe not in this case, because you made it so darn compact, that if you screwed it up it would always evaluate to true, and then take the first function. There is no "correct" way, and this is the ugliest of all of them. Why? You're creating extra space by leaving the closing brace on its own line as if to give it some added visual separation, but then you nudge the if statement against the code block anyway. It looks like an inconsistent mess to me. And the lack of a space after your else statements also bothers me :D I only like this if you're tossing HTML inbetween. @cletus: Um why would it? Amen. 789012345 What are you trying to do exactly? If you want to keep the last 5 pages a user has viewed, put them in a session variable. If you want breadcrumbs, then generate them based solely on the current page they are at, regardless of where they've been. In my example, if a user is viewing a photo, you could display the breadcrumbs like `User > Albums > AlbumName > Photo`. You don't need HTTP_REFERER or anything for that, just some programming logic. I'm saying that Facebook doesn't use the ref tag to generate links at all. They're using it to monitor how visitors are using their site so they can determine which buttons are being clicked the most. Nothing to do with breadcrumbs. -1 for caps and not taking the time to properly format your question into coherent sentences. If you want help, have the decency to phrase your question like a human being. I guess it's kind of hard to refute what you've said, but it's still incredibly easy to program in. I come from a windows background, but after using Ubuntu for a month... OMG. I keep trying to "ls" but it doesn't work :( Anyway, I think bash was sort of ill-conceived too, even if it is more powerful. "esac", "fi"? Seriously? What the hell is up with that? That will just check if it's a hidden input. That compiler error looks like you might have tried to pass a vertex instead of a vertex* into the push_back method. But I could be wrong... Ha, it's something that takes time but you will get better at. Don't get scared when you see long stuff like "std::allocator" blah blah (A lot of times you'll get much longer stuff like that). Filter through the junk and get to the meat of it: You have a list and the arg to push_back says vertex&. :-). Not sure why this was voted down. Anyone care to explain why checking the display attribute is the wrong answer here? Nice compilation of all the finer points. I'm glad you gave some emphasis on the lifetime of pointers and the difference between allocating on the stack and the heap. I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Documents and Settings\gpinero\Local Settings\Temp\wizard.py", line 1 4, in ? from PythonCardPrototype import model, res ImportError: No module named PythonCardPrototype cool beans thanks. I'll try to translate it to PythonCard. Any issues with RI would be minor. Yeah, it might be a little odd if that link exists, but does it bring down the application or corrupt your data? Not really.... True, you would have to provide overloads for other value types. Also note that you can't just use ValueType as it doesn't work with bitwise operators. First link points to the same as the second Can this question be reworded as follows? "How do I move the children of a node to another node?" you're right :) while you're at it, I offer my own version of the fix. Unmanaged DLLs aren't applicable as visual studio references. Perfect - thank you! Well I'm already doing this manually in the controller. My problem isn't that the options aren't showing up. In the code above I get a table of checkboxes with all the groups I have defined in my database, I just can't get the ones that are set for that user to be checked. Unless of course you think that by make my form completely data driven it'll solve my initialization issue as well. @zvolkov I don't understand why your answer suggests this one wont work - can you elaborate? Well, obviously I'm putting in the stdin lines like "point 4 5" because that's the format I'm working with. So, it's not a problem with the format, also I don't want to detect error in the input by now. So in the first line from the stdin (i.e.: "point 4 5") work ok, get the 4 and the 5. The return code is 2 (two elements taken). In the second line (lines with similar correct format) and following, none is taken, scanf doesn't even block to wait more input from the stdin and the return code is always 0 (none elements take, so that notice the error). OK, what you say solve my problems, thank you. Now I call scanf(" point %d %d", &x, &y); The *blank* before "point" takes out the end-of-line characters from the stdin and now it works. I can recommend this also, have used it before successfully... Thanks that sounds perfect. I had no idea I could just pull the exe out of gpg. Where will it put the keyring? Will this method cause any problems if the user already has gpg installed? Any chance I could just see how your code does key generation, and key imports? Also be sure to update us here when you release your final code. Based on the (semi-expected, non-superman-to-the-rescue) answers here - I am going to try reducing the query further and seeing what shakes out. Will add more when I know more ... thanks. The DLLs end up in the temporary internet files. I'm talking about an embedded user control, a .NET .dll form. Yeah, I explained it poorly: There could be anywhere from 1 to 16 (sectionX) fields in front of my {.....} I want to capture all the ones there whther i get a string with 1 section or 16. Good point! I will modify it so. This is .NET flavor Woops sorry should be \1: I used to check for a specific assembly at the start of the program execution, but that only caused problems. First, if the user doesn't even have .net installed, they won't be able to start your application in the first place. Second, if they don't have the version that you would require, then you are forced to write your own code to either download it or redirect them somewhere to download it. This check caused crashes on specific machines, and I have since released a new version of software that removed this check. See my response below for a better solution. thanks a lot, Alex! So,as you said, it is very hard if i want to pass file handles between processes on windows. If i want to pass files, i should pass the file path or the content of the file, not file handles. I am in a corporate office. You think WebWasher is injecting this ? Would javascript work inside flash? Or would I have to make it into flash script or whatever it is. It's not necessary to use flash, but it's the only way I know to achieve real 1 click fullscreen. Instructing them to F11 is not really feasible from a usability standpoint. I'd rather the user be able to simply enter all of their numbers rather than ask for more after every input. A profiler will show you where the program is spending its time doing work. That will let you know where you should try to make improvements. That's what DarkSquid is proposing you do. Thanks, this was an excellent answer. You were absolutely right, I had an error in my association configuration. Your Criteria snippet also worked (though it gave more duplicate answers) and I learned about query parameters in the second snippet. Well, what I had *was* right; there was an error elsewhere. I've voted to close this. what version of java are you using? Have you recently changed the version from 1.4 to 1.5 ? I think if you set the site as trusted or local intranet they will not be prompted for their credentials, could be pushed out via group policy if this is an internal only app have you considered using Integrated Windows Authentication Looks like Apache Commons Lang - StringUtils.substringsBetween(string,open,close) is what you need. Works as per above requirement, see answer below for more details. Or you may give a scenario so we could visualize what you're trying to point out... Thanks for testing that Gary. In that case you've taken away the last possible piece of straw that I had to cling on to :) I've started on the route of using XML as it's only a couple of reports with minimal formatting that I need to create. If I get a chance to re-investigate this at a later date I will. Thanks again for the help. Just as an aside, I am using the 2007 PIAs on Windows XP - I pesume you guys are also on 2007 with no problems... I think you're more likely to get an answer if 1) you get the english version of your error and 2) you ask this question over at ServerFault. Actually I'm doing that, but it's not true full screen. :) Very interesting, thanks! I don't know if this will help,but I have done this. The reason for it was...convoluted. I changed it. And now I'm better. You can if you want to. But you won't have to because they're incorporated in the two project files. e.g. Each .csproj #defines SL or WPF or NET35. Each csproj includes/excludes whichever files/libs it needs. Also don't link files, put the csproj in the same dir and just "Add -> Existing Item". It does. Thanks! Ok, well your issue is the location of the jar I guess. Anyways, it should give you the exact path of the JAR you want regardless... sorry, hehe :) i think it`s not about vertical or horizontal partitioning ? My situation is that i have a database table which is >billion level, so i think it`s better to make partitions to this table so that my query and insert can be faster... But i do not know how to use sqlalchemy for table-partitioning ye..i know...i am using oracle DB, and the table rows are >billion, data per row is not too much. I can not describe how the program insert and query clearly(advanced to me :( ), but if i want to make some partitions for the table from date , how should i do with sqlalchmey? :(... Definitely need some clarification on what exactly you're asking. I wouldn't use exceptions for non-exceptional behaviour and definitely not in the view. Good observation. I'll update the answer. It looks to me like the looping is in gtk_main... Are multiple question marks even allowed, or was that second one supposed to be an ampersand? did anyone ever figure this one out? i am having the same problem. the php.ini file has the correct permissions, located in the correct path, but it won't load...according to phpinfo() Then I don't see a way around setting the width on the sub-nav. If you just set it to the maximum width available (assuming that the body has a fixed width) and give it a transparent background, it shouldn't matter how many sub-nav items there are. It worked on both operating systems. Thanks. but how would I obtain the actual change? @somaraj: looking at that code, I suspect many of the threads are completing and closing before you have created many. Check out the thread count column in Process Explorer or Task Manager. Add a 10s sleep into the log function and see what happens. 10s == 10 seconds. So the threads don't exit quickly and see the effect of having hundreds of threads running. The log function is so short a thread will be spun up, complete and shut down (freeing its stack) before all the threads have been completed. I'm playing with some possibilities. One example is a function to ease passing parameters to a stored procedure. A function would take a queue of all of the parameters and the stored procedure's name. Variables would be named with the same naming convention as in the stored procedure itself. This function would parse the values in the queue and essentially "load" the procedure to get called. A bit frivolous, yes. I'm just exploring possibilities :) @John: Correct. I already can already do it this way. I'm just looking to learn something new :) I already have parts to this put in another function to avoid repetition but there still seems to be quite a bit of it. This looks like a really interesting solution. However, I'm using .net 2.0 Because that's what you do when you're new to C. Just add a star or an ampersand and hope it works this time. :-) Hang in there, you'll get it. Awesome Aditya! The only downside I see is that it requires root privileges for the raw socket, but for OSs that don't have IP_RECVTOS this is probably the best answer. I will give it a try. The link I provided (http://sqlblog.com/blogs/alberto_ferrari/archive/2007/08/31/how-are-guids-sorted-by-sql-server.aspx) explains much better than I can, but based on the sorting I just did on a larger table of my own, that looks about right. Scrollbars appear when I use your code to pop up an HTML page of my own. I think that @Mcbeev could be right. Could you post the HTML that is generated in the popup window? That is a really cool technique! 1 Matrix management, or even just a few "dotted lines" would mean it wasn't a tree without being totally screwed. The gaps in your definition are: are the links uni- or bi-directional? oOw many parent nodes can a child node have? however, no matter if I check the checkbox or not, I still get the same behaviour. The whole document is searched and replaced. The same is often true in Windows, many of the tools are just API wrappers (look at most of the PowerShell cmdlets), and many library functions are also pretty simple. The issue is not UNIX vs. Windows, it is SysAdmin vs. Developer (who and why is the tool being used). Process Monitor (the answer to your original question if it were on Windows) can be an answer bother here and on ServerFault. I Agree 100%, this should be the first choice. That's it. Thanks a lot. I was trying to make a Hotkey, I will post the code which I think made the problem for you to have a look at. Thank u guys for your quick response.. I have implemented these three methods also. But no response from server. Can you guide me the process of developing LOGIN application that communicates with a JAVA server by requests and responses? I am stuck with communicating. I am using the NSArray to store text which is in an Outline View. I have some code which will make the Root Object in the Outline View have a different Background color. But it needs to access the NSArray to figure out which is the Root Object. Well It's Not Just Text, But thats not relevant. I do have an NSArrayController in my Nib file which controls the Array. I can't lazy load because when me session goes out of scope at the end of the GetPuzzle...X() methods it is disposed of. When the proxy tries to fetch the items later I get a "Session is already disposed" error. Ok, that is fine, but that doesn't give me masked input which is easier for users, I found an extjs plugin called Cherry http://code.google.com/p/cherryonext/ that has masked input features but the size of the plugin is about 131KBH which is big, any other alternative? Did you end up choosing a method to use for your UI centralization? I have been curious to see what came out of the answers here, as if there is a better way than what I answered below, I would be very interested in finding out what it is! Right, but thats what I'm trying to avoid doing... Individually it's easy to do... If you've got several hundred table adapters for several hundred datasets it's really not very viable. So I change it to HotKeyController right? How would I cast userData to (HotKeyController *) and access its ivars? What are you using to create the error you're looking for? In my code behind class I have a validator class called "NameRequiredRule". It adds an error object if there's a validation error. i think your answer is more or less the right one. I still dont get the exact difference between flush and commit. Flush is basically a "subset" of a commit action? I will consider setting your answer as the correct answer. The Data comes from Core Data, the Outline Views rows data are displayed but the Background does not change. Any Ideas? thanks, this is an excellent answer Absolutely NagaMensch. We had hundreds of generated objects in our system, but none did what was needed! Rather then figuring out which ones to use and gather, it was easier just to create one for our needs and move on. The generated objects became a prblem instead of a solution!! Ah I See Thanks, Do you think you would be able to add some code to your answer because I had a look at the google project but there were so many files I couldn't see what they actually hd done. Thanks frankodwyer for taking time in looking my query. My code goes in a button click. I did not understand the terms, asynchronous load and run loop. Can you explain me in detail please. My server is receiving request from my application. I can see my request on my server's console. Do i need to implement JSON in iphone application? I bet the 'localhost' issue is the problem. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I'll post back here this afternoon when I get a chance to look at it. i wasn't aware of that selector. Thanks for bringing it to light for me. Thanks for the heads up, i updated my answer w/ the display attribute. Nah, don't think its a TOS violation or anything - just rude! Yeah, you are right. I don't think my answer works when it's an inline style. The correct answer is :hidden as prev. suggested. Well, in that case you *could* use a ?ref=blah tag, or session variables like I've mentioned, ($_SESSION['history'][0] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] or REQUEST_URI). Use whatever you find easiest. Session variables rely on cookies or passing an ID through the URL, GETs just clutter the URL and might get passed around to friends. @sharptooth: I, too have never seen both of them as same. But, IMO, this could work since both have different sections in Registry and lookup for both is at separate places. Having said that, this should not be done. But I am curious as to why this won't While I think answers that offer another approach to a problem... I think it is often of use to answer the actual question. It's much better to understand why one approach is better than another, instead of just taking another approach "because it works". I think the OP may need to consider a different design, but fundamentally is trying to understand things about memory in java. The lessons from the posted code will prove useful in the future. I don't think answers like this are completely out of place, but I certainly hope it doesn't become the accepted answer. @Ed Swangren: not anymore :-). Well, it's tough for me to tell if... but here's what I think the problem is. I cannot tell if all accesses to internalMap ultimately synchronize on the map. But I'm wondering if instead of a synchronized(this), you need a synchronized(internalMap). It's possible both may be needed. Ultimately, this seems like a bad design, but I imagine the error is coming from improper synchronization somewhere else. I think someone else has a handle to internalMap, and is using it while your are copying it. This is bad, and the easiest way to tell if this is the problem is to add synchronized(internalMap). I think it prevents buffer overflows. I just remember my compiler complaining about it and told me to use that instead. OK, so now I have another issue with this, when the screen is being repainted, the Robot gets the color from the old screen and not the new screen. Essentially I want to force a full redraw then repaint again. Any ideas? Brad: You don't need those when you have Python: http://www.xkcd.com/353/ Ah...right... build the project. I guess that makes sense. *face palm* Says it can't find the library when I try to drop it onto my form now. Place it in a searchable path... place what exactly? I have a DLL that it generates, but putting that in system32 doesn't help. http://www.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_solution&rm=202557&rd=6534&pm=4019&cr=10574855 have details. It's ScintillaNET I'm trying to get working: http://scintillanet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/ListDownloadableCommits.aspx#DownloadLatest Didn't have any luck with the MSI, so I'm trying source. Error = Failed to create component 'Scintilla'. System.IO.FileNotFoundException. blah blah blah... Please place the library in a searchable path.... not found at ScintillaNet.Scintilla.get_CreateParams(). @Ed.. how to change the result into an array with int value? Indeed. But I'm looking for the "DROP statements followed by CREATE statements". option that is described in the script behavior section. hmm.... and I think the system needs a few hundred concurrent users simultaneously performing load demanding services in order to slow down the server? Hmm... I've read that using https demands a lot from the server. And one should only use it for the parts of the site which demands extra security. So I don't think using it on the entire admin section would be such a good idea? Questions answered in edit to main question. What are your thoughts? Good to know although I try to avoid starting any name with a number. I got the information from www.w3schools.com/css/css_syntax.asp. Near the bottom of the page it says: Do NOT start a class name with a number! It will not work in Mozilla/Firefox. Where would I put that code? Hi Col. There is no point of having rows containint NULL in a link reference table. If I delete an item with ID = 35 from 'item' table, I want to delete all rows in `link_item_store` which has fk_itemID = 35. I thought adding a constraint would do this fir me. I have no clue why it deletes all other rows as well. I've read the chapter on FOREIGN KEY Constraints at MySQL several times, but I'm non the wiser. Your right.... this doesn't seem right... but this is the code PhpMyAdmin generates. It generates an foreign key and references itself???: ALTER TABLE `link_item_store` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `fk_itemID` ) REFERENCES `mydatabase`.`link_item_store` (`fk_itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ; Thanks Michael for the heads up. I managed to solve this. See updated post above. I'll take a look thanks. So If I put that code in my App Delegate and connect a checkbox to a User Defaults Controller. Will it work? Thanks For The Help, Just tried putting the code in but i got quite a few errors. Here is a picture http://snapplr.com/jckq . Can you tell me where I put the code? Does "string" refer to "string.text" or just the string name How would I make the app an LSUIElement in the plist? Thanks but What is the Switch Statement? Found out what the Switch Statement was so I put directly before it, but got multiple errors. Pic. http://snapplr.com/sjvw Also tried putting it in a different place, but still got errors. Pic. http://snapplr.com/xhr1 Yes, I am aware that I will need to recreate them on PostBack, but I have not found any good solutions for how to do that. Also, how do you wire the controls to event handlers when you recreate them? That's a valid point, but do you know if an exception could be thrown? The idea behind not locking was that I could count on the list only getting larger and the index getting larger, so I could bypass the need for locking if (currentIndex < this.cachedItems.Count) - else, I could lock and double check it. I played around with profiling it using a Stopwatch - iterating through 20 million items the first time adds another 2 seconds (it's negligable I, suppose). Those are nice recommendations - here are my thoughts: 1) That would add too much complexity for my purposes. I just want to cache the results of expensive LINQ projections, where I may only need a few of the results. A lazy loaded list, essentially, only without being able to access an element by index. I'd agree with you for regular containers, though. 2) For my purposes, that should be understood by the caller as a caveat. 3) I can't imagine an IEnumerable holding a reference to one of its IEnumerators, but I suppose it's a possibility. Thanks for the suggestions. @Ahmed: OK apply to the three dates I list in the last paragraph. 29-02-2004 plus one year is what date? 01-03-2004 plus one year is what date? I don't know why you would -1 for use NHibernate. It's the best ORM for creating building an application with DDD. Perhaps you just don't have enough ability to build an application this way. Can you post the method signatures for the MyExceptionHelperClass constructors? The error does seem to be saying that it cannot find the expected constructor. While those other namespaces are declared in your XML document, no elements actually use them. In response to your first question, an XML namespace typically maps to and identifies a schema. It makes sense what the XSD tool does. Are you sure you need to generate a schema for the whole thing? The SOAP envelope schema is already defined (http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/envelope-2000-04-18.xml). You may just want to run XSD on a document containing the SOAP payload instead. You may have better luck with this question on serverfault. By the way, how do you know the problem isn't due to a firewall? Also, since your question is titled "Password/User problem," are you getting an error message that specifically indicates this is related to authentication? 1. Yes. 2. Different namespaces typically mean different applications. For example, XHTML can include MATHML through using different namespaces. However, since they exist independently, it wouldn't make sense for an XML Schema Definition file to include both. Agreed. Validating the control would be more appropriate than using a mask. I'm sure there's plenty of regular expressions on the 'Net that can validate an Internet URL. When you say, "doesn't work," what do you mean? What error message are you getting? Vista should have the "sc" command. this doesn't do what you think it does. Yes, it's compiled. The compilation happens before the run action. Isn't the -classpath "/home/geo" loading it in the CLASSPATH? The class does not belong to a package. Isn't /home/geo the good directory in this case? yes it does. I just pasted it's contents. yeah, unless there's a specialized function that can take a specific screenshot, that's how I'd do it too. I've done it by ID thanks. Why is item1 considered different than item2 though? This worked! Thank you Oscar! Thanks duffymo too! I wondered that as I wrote the answer. We know Windows Server is supported on Itanium, but the list looks like it has not been maintained. There's nothing objectionable about the answer; it's just fact that the underline tag was deprecated in HTML 4. The question is "why does Visual Studio show this warning," not "why did the standardization committee make this decision." Why would Res be an available column it was only created as an alias in the select? Perhaps only for local commits. Once the commit has gone public is it really a good idea to be altering it? I was trying to execute javac for all the .java files inside a project, and include jar dependencies as well. 1 Very simple and useful technique! I didn't say cross-domain; I said cross-zone. You cannot request a file:// URL from an HTTP-hosted web page. That would be madness, and a big security hole. Thanks for your message, that's what I did. In a Ruby on Rails project, where would you put this file: in the app/model folder, or in the lib folder ? That's a good addition. If you stored ArrTime and DepTime as times, you could use datediff to find out the total travel time. For the time being, I'll order it by # of stops and departure time. Hi John, Where can I read more about this? This sounds interesting. How do you go about querying the different provider? Does the XP provider support the RemoteAccess performance counters, or some alternative? Saying 4G * 4G will mislead people to think 16G. Really, 4G is 2^32 bytes, so nearly 4 billion. and the 64 bit limit is 2^64 = (2^32)*(2^32), which is (4 billion)*(4 billion) and that's a lot more than 16G. I guess I should clarify. I'm asking how I can do this in cocoa on the iphone - not in photoshop on the mac. thanks for the answer - but I'm asking how to do this on the iphone (in code) - not on my mac. If I had to guess, it's because I'm using Controls[0] which isn't the most robust way of doing things. It's better to use FindControl since this method depends on the controls staying in the same order which may not be the case in the future. do you have all of the references you need on the base page? Like "using System.Web.UI.WebControls" 1 for your last bullet. designing a page on the designer with drag-and-drop is a terrible way to layout html. I always end up doing it by hand to make it work the way I want. You can use LoadControl, but cast it. SpiffyControl spiffy = (SpiffyControl)LoadControl("usercontrol.ascs"); Is there a way to mark 2 answers as both being correct? Now Twittering "stackoverflow is freaking awesome!" That seems to work. Thanks! Thank you very much! im begging to think its something else. I can see that very small space created by the 0.10% but it still doesnt show the footer until I ctrl f5 then i can see the rest of the page. This is probably the only way youre going to get WAV to "compress" without losing quality. It's still losing quality of course, but not in a very noticable way, and you'll get a 50% data size compression. You are right. I changed the platform target to x86 and it's working. thanks. Not necessarily do both tables need an index. It's actually bad form to just blindly add indexes in this manner. You need to make sure your DB stats are up-to-date and see how the table sizes stack up. More than likely, the optimizer is going to do a full table scan on the base table no matter what (since there's no WHERE clause) so the index on AttributeId on the base table is just wasted space. @spencer: Thanks, I missed the third table! There's always a tradeoff of indexes for insertions. Again (and unfortunately), there's no one-size-fits-all answer. If you only have one or two indexes, and given this one isn't clustered, it's likely not going to kill you. That said, this IS an index that's heavily geared toward a specific query, so use at your discretion. As for the WHERE clause -- if you have (relatively) unique names & values, it may end up being faster to put an index on name & value and issue the query multiple times, once per "OR", and union the result in your (C# / ASP / whatever) code. Especially with truly-unique values, you'll have only a couple of I/Os per index to get to your row (assuming your table is only ~1k rows) It's worth noting that every design has tradeoffs. Other people suggested just creating tables. That introduces naming conflicts unless you create schemas/users per user. Depending on how many (stale) users & tables you'll end up with, there's a maintenance cost associated with every design You're missing both points. 1) Changing the submodule does not change any project containing it. At all. A new build would be identical to the previous build. 2) A given submodule may be used by thousands of applications and can't know what they all are. According to discountasp.net's technical support, "You can use the Root Domain Pointer addon to point additional domains to the root of your hosted account and then programically redirect these domains to a subdirectory." I've contacted their technical support and they indicate that you have to programically redirect these domains to a subdirectory. Their examples show how to redirect using classic ASP.Net and Response.Redirect(). I have also posted in their forum with no answer yet..... Take a look at the link posted by McWafflestix. I used to do this in C++ but when I tried to migrate my lib to C#, it was at that site that I learnt the C# tools to fast pixel access. This also allows for your site to be accessible from multiple different url's for example www.mydomain.com and www.mydomain.co.uk just a thought: your description of a open source stack on bare metal sounds suspiciously like the microchip tcp/ip stack on a PIC. If this is the case that stack, especially older versions had some issues of this type. If this is the case, check out the TCP/IP forum on www.microchip.com to determine if it is a related issue. COMMIT TRANSACTION (See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190295.aspx) Thank you so much for your time, the link and response! I'm actually not creating a new iPhone app and am in cocos2d (a game engine) land but I think that the next person that runs into a similar problem and reads this answer will save themselves a lot time :-) Thanks again! The easiest way I can think of to trace in the browser is to call a Javascript function from Flash that will do a Console.log in firefox with firebug installed. This is quite a pointless comparison. All web servers serve pages in the same manner, and their inner workings are transparent to the end-user. No server-browser tweaks are necessary when the server complies with standards (and both of these do). Macports sounds great. Do you happen to know if there is something similar for Linux (Ubuntu)? If you download his source code he is using DllImport("kernel32"...). I want to be able to use my code on non Windows systems as well (without having to change a whole lot of code with #if-statements). Java is portable, and as far as I know Java can extract all kind of icons, or am I wrong? I like the Iran link. Still not upvoting, though. Thanks for the response. I didn't realise you could do this. It doesn't seem an aweful lot different than just making the 3 seperate functions, but it's still a handy piece of info to know. I originally tried to implement this method, but I couldn't quite figure it out. This is exactly the kind of answer I was looking for! Thanks so much. I must admit though, I'm not 100% sure I fully understand exactly how it works. But it works exactly how I was hoping it would work. Thanks! What version of the Flash Player is your browser using? Brilliant, too easy! No, it is not different. The super project references an *exact version* of the code within the submodule. Changing the underlying code doesn't create instability in projects that use it. If you want the super project to change, you have to tell the super project to use a newer version of the submodule -- at which point it's a super project change and that projects hooks will fire as usual. Does the problem occur if you use SendMessage? I don't think you understood the question Calanus. He wants to know how he can stop the DataGridView from selecting the first row in the list by default. John makes a great point, WSE IS deprecated and it's road map is pretty bleak compared to WCF. That being said if we're talking about updates to an existing web service that isn't about to be overhauled to WCF (or the .NET v3.0+ framework isn't viable) I'll stick to my guns and recommend DIME/WS-Attachment. Also, de{1,3} is not (de|dede|dedede) but is (de|dee|deee) No. Adding a robots.txt file to your site is the equivalent of putting a sign on your lawn that says, "Only walk in the allowed locations, which are clearly marked." Because it's a duplicate question and already answered elsewhere. Answering the same questions over and over adds clutter to this web site without adding value. I played around with Text::Balanced for a while but it was still slow on the datafiles. So I used your example as the basis for my lib splitter. Thanks again, the script is *lots* more robust now. 1 for the ASCII art and the reference. link doesn't work What does "not thread-safe" mean? Will i get the same random value in different threads? This topic has been done to death... This was the method I used first, I couldn't find a way to make the bottom corners stick to the bottom on large resolution monitors however - the content's pretty short. I saw "global" and laughed. Sorry man :) ah, yeah, true i forgot that part. but glad i could help :) This isn't an OS problem, it's a programming problem! Of course, tail-recursion can be implemented very efficiently, since compilers can convert it into a loop. What about moving the huge arrays off the stack? I know for a fact that you're wrong, because I personally programmed under VAX/VMS in FORTRAN in the late 80s and the 90s. We in fact compiled our programs so that all variables were static, the equivalent of "static" in C, so the variables were not on the stack. I don't remember what the command-line parameter was, but I know for a fact that such a command-line option existed for the VAX/VMS FORTRAN compiler. Ah, I posted at the same time as your SECOND comment! Yes, we did not use any switch to control stack size. Instead, we compiled so that all variables were NOT allocated on the stack, but statically. This means direct recursion is not possible. For times when you don't need recursion, it allows having very large allocations that won't fit on the stack. Did you change ALL instances of NGMAX from 30000 to 30, when you tried to see if that would help? If not, try changing ALL instances. Also, I extended my answer to suggest putting the large arrays into a common block. This takes the large arrays off of the stack. However, you cannot dynamically allocate the arrays if you put them into a common block. Well, you can certainly do useful things with the Integer and String classes. It's not like their immutability means you cannot have mutable state. Yes, it's entirely possible that this application is just using too much memory and as you say will need administrator system changes. upvoted for the eloquence of the first paragraph Thanks for referencing that book. First time I've heard of it and I'll have to check it out. I disagree with your recommendation not to wrap log4net. Wrapping it with a thin provider-model API allows users of your class libraries to plug their favorite logging framework. YMMV of course, but describing it as a "major anti-pattern" is a bit dogmatic. Also the fact that there exist wrapper libraries with "a litany of faults" isn't a good argument against a well-written wrapper. Yes, i can, and yes I did. Or try refactoring 100s of code files in a type safe way. Talk about being an inefficient programmer. If one of my developers memorized the .NET API I would wonder why he wasted all that time and didn't work on building cool websites. as mentioned, I already had EnableSsl = true, see my code. thanks, that was exactly it. I had put the rule in my firewall to let port 587 through, and my email client had no problem using it, but my a/v was suspicious of my console test app, thinking it was a worm trying to propogate. To help you narrow this down, I'd suggest trying the following: Run your ASP.NET site in debug mode and set a breakpoint in your controller method. If the breakpoint is reached, then you can step through the code until an exception is reached. If the breakpoint isn't reached, then your URL or request method may be incorrect. Also, take a look at the Application event log for ASP.NET warnings. That can help you find answers on the server side. I do, I check the Request.IsAJAXRequest property and then do a RedirectToAction("Index") but I don't get redirected to Index it just comes back to my form page. Done. The last example is the Post I am trying to make. it's not possible to query nhibernate on tables that are not mapped. you can create a normal sql query or normalize the db anyway i guess Yeah, The problem with that way was that it would consider x a property of an object as in the 2nd example. Which, I think, screws the mapping of keys to properties on MVC. There isn't a list of sites which are not in Google, You would need to find them yourself.. Http.sys is for writing HTTP servers, an HTTP proxy is not just a HTTP server that calls another one. The note about HttpListener being for "simple" cases is from MSDN (IIRC). NB. This does assume ASCII (or a superset of ASCII, which includes Unicode). This approach will not work in EBCDIC and other such encodings (letters are not contiguous). However as .NET is Unicode internally this specific implementation is OK. Sorry I wasn't very clear. Have edited the question to make more sense Great, thanks. That worked perfectly It really is fast... I spent some time trying to give it a 'personal touch', and ended up coming to the conclusion that even renaming the variables affected speed negatively!!! ;-) Thank you. This works. Can you pointout What is the mistake in my code? I followed the help from MSDN. +1 If the indexing list is arbitrary, then a list comrpehension is the way. I think though that, when possible, which seems not to be the case here, slices are even faster. @molf ok finally got this working, but it doesn't return me the books that have no notifications at all. i could do Book.find(:all) - some version of your query but i worry that it will be very inefficient. @Shadwell, you were right. any idea on how to hmmm...also if a book has notification of type1 and notification of type2, this query will still grab it. it should not grab it since notification of type1 already exists for this book @robhruska: Nice find! Yes, I can ping the DB host specified in my tnsnames.ora file. I'm able to connect to that DB from other machines using tools such as SQLDeveloper, so I know the host allows connections. Post your code if you'd like some help. The only untidy part is now you have a program for the user to uninstall...I hope they uninstall the right one. Programmatic uninstall, my next SO question. This is exactly what I needed. I already have a collection populated with my object instances. So this allowed me to just bind directly to that list. Perfect.. thank you sir! These would be the 'red' rows as described in step 4? You might well be hitting a problem that I've had before in the past in wanting to add more rows to a data grid that is bound to a data source, I think that in the past I have solved this by having a FlexGrid instead and populating it with data, it should be possible to add in the 'red' rows when the calculation of what is missing has been carried out. any chance your highlight color is the same as the text color? that would make the text look like it isn't there although it still is. but its not completely done. try getting xhtml compliant output that works in all browsers with the built in asp.net controls. too much extra work. I don't have access to add that filter, its a website on a shared host. Specifically, its SEO concerns. Having two external urls that produce identical content is a bad thing. The isapi filter would work, I've used it on other servers. Its just this one that I'm stuck on that won't let me add any. I can't add ISAPI filters, see edit on post. I'd call it a knee jerk response - any time the same content is available in multiple places, I'd consider it at the very least redundant and worth cleaning up. And yes, SE's are generally brighter, but why make their job harder than necessary? Adam, what a great reply! That's is very helpful. The only problem I have now is that you are using the Application scope inside a cfc. Note that you can avoid compiler warnings (in certain C++ compilers) by using #include instead of the deprecated #include It's a little trickier than that -- you're not accounting for the key relationships between the 3 tables at all. It's not clear looking at the OP's schema whether id is the FK back to the primary (in addresses/phone_numbers) or something else. -1: This should be a comment, not an answer. No worries, I like to leave a comment if I downvote, so I just thought I'd let you know why. Of course, I don't seem to be the popular opinion :) How about gVim + Command Prompt! Thank you, that was an excellent explanation. If I understand WshShell.Popup correctly, that doesn't give me the options to create my own arbitrary list, for example, "Queue1, Queue2, Queue3" etc, so I don't see that it gains me anything different than the regular input box (http://wsh2.uw.hu/ch08b.html) I was actually looking for a way to avoid learning R :) I am asking how to change the selected item in a data bound control (datagridview/listview/...). I can use the control's properties (such as SelectedRow in dataGridView), or I can use CurrentItem and Position properties. I am asking what is better? your right...the user at that point will be authenticated so I can use that to check if need be. I'm assuming that you are using MSSQL, correct? Why not use the built in backup/restore from there? Well, I'm not using pyusb. I'm wrapping libusb-1.0 through Python ctypes as pyusb is based on libusb-0.1 which only supports synchronous transfers. Second, I fixed the speed issue, although in saying that I begin wondering if this other issue isn't speed related as well. Thirdly, I'm using usbmon to analyze the transfers. I'm not sure how to analyze the speed though. Anyhow, great to know someone finally tried answering this. :) Drupal can do that natively, already. This can be found in Administer > Site configuration > Performance. I should vote you down for the spinach comment. :) I like the mantra btw, so I voted up instead. Ah, sorry, it's a shell extension. That means all you can see in the registry is the GUID of it. Didn't look at the page earlier. But you can probably grab the source and modify it. Finding the strings in there shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe I'm not understanding your question. QNetworkAccessManager returns the data as a raw byte array, it doesn't do anything with the encoding. The data is being returned with UTF-8 encoding, what you do with it is up to you. The reason the browser knows that it's utf-8 is because of the Content-Type meta tag. The HTML Visualizer isn't that sophisticated, it's only meant to render simple HTML, not figure out the encoding from the meta tags. I don't think there's anything you can do to change that behavior. On Windows it is _not_ a directory right in the User's home. I hate applications that happily write their configuration there. The correct place would be Application data, either from the %AppData% and %LocalAppData% environment variables (not recommended) or via the appropriate API calls. In principle, yes. But environment variables are not the proper way to find those folders out programmatically. I think the SHGetFolderPath (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762181.aspx) function with CSIDL_APPDATA is the recommended way of getting that path since yuo can't rely on environment variables being set. check your site out with SharePoint manager and make sure the default view has the fields you are trying to bring back. Check out each parameter and "proove" it has the value you need. I have had a similar issue, and I vaguely remember it was some small annoying detail the fussy parameters decided not to like. Feel free to add a question on this error and see if anyone can get to the root of your specific issue? Yep, this really isn't supported by the language. The &:name syntax is built into Ruby 1.9 as well, so you can use it outside of Rails apps if you're targeting newer Ruby versions. It's not exactly the sort of thing where you can just give example code, since Mac user interfaces are usually stored in nibs and thus there isn't really any code responsible. Basically, there's a directory structure your app's resources need to follow and the OS will handle the rest for you. Read the localization docs in the link I gave you and you'll see how it works. For occasions where you are rendering text programmatically, you'll generally use the NSLocalizedString() function. Well, You can't get better than unlikely with a RNG anyway. Even with a CSPRNG you can get the same number :) cool, I thought insert() wouldn't work, but looping down works! nice! oh... 'to' should be 1, right? Even with the limit clause I get 0 for totalcount. I found that post when I was googling. I guess I'll go back to using count(*). Mark this post as a solution, then. :) Done: http://groups.google.com/group/castle-project-users/browse_thread/thread/9f067b9a2756f050# Sounds like you have a pretty technical set of designers! I can't imagine having them even touching the controllers! BUFFER OVERFLOW! ooops, thanks you two @GNR :How can you expect to know how much is the user going to type in? If he typs 20, ok, too bad, 60 bytes gone to waste. Thats not a problem, because those will be freed once the stack unwinds (i.e main finishes) If you open the .wit file you should be able to find "Priority" in the list of fields. Double-click on its row to open it, then chose the "Rules" tab. Double-click on ALLOWEDVALUES to open it, and edit away. Either way it does the same thing -- I'm a fan of knowing how to do it in XML anyways. @GNR >I think (anyone correct me if needed) that chances are that embedded systems are not going to ask user for input and reverse it. Even if they did, then you should ask for input byte by byte. Still, you are going to need memory to store that. The cod that std::swap is probably much for a C begginer. This is pointless. Choose a number you like, 1,2,3,10,20,80 and use it. The real issue, allocate memory. The title of this question got my hopes up, and then I read the part about registry or file system. :( I implemented a memory mapped file and could allocate the memory I wanted. The sad ending is that it actually slowed down my data loading. Oh well, back to the profiler. Thank you! I trawled through the samples but missed that one. edited code part. Needs more work though. Learn all about *nix and mac that will be sure to impress them. ;-) If anyone wants to see what I ended up with, check out https://bitbucket.org/kurthaeusler/getwishlist/src/tip/getwishlist.py Is there any other way to do it other than making it static? I've tried putting: ExternalInterface.addCallback("invokeMyMethod", Main.myMethod); in the Main class and I still get the same reference error... I can't think of what else to do. Wow, I didn't even know SSJS existed :-O "...unless you use some very obscure gems, you will very very likely to be just fine compatibility wise." I disagree, some "common" gems use C extentions, e.g. god, mysql, sqlite3-ruby. Listening for each service on its own port is an option. I have one solution that uses this approach -- 3 services, 3 ports, but only when debugging. Hosting in IIS, this is obviously not an issue -- each service is addressable by URL. The key to sharing your services on a single port is Net.TCP Port Sharing, which is especially for WCF: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa395195.aspx Okay, it looks like Michael responded about changing the endpoint addresses, which is definitely doable. As to REST, you're apps are only going to be RESTful if http://someapp1.com/UpdateData refers to a distinct set of data, and a GET request gives back the exact same information that a POST puts, every time. If, on the other hand, UpdateData is basically a method that accepts whatever XML Central gives it, you're not RESTful. That is totally okay, though. REST isn't always what one needs... ...(cont.) You may want to look into the Message class to encapsulate your return data. It gets you into grittier territory conceptually. It sounds like you may also want to stream your data, rather than buffer it. This post is helpful on both counts: http://weblogs.asp.net/cibrax/archive/2008/06/10/streaming-large-content-with-wcf-and-deferred-execution.aspx If it ain't broke... Not the downvoter, but my best guess would be that you didn't offer any explanation as to why he would pick that over any other method. That's correct on the behavior; my question is 'why'? litb's answer appears to be directly on point, thanks. Any known way to get the compiler to issue a warning, or am I stuck with "try to make sure nobody writes this"? yup - hard coding the mask is exactly what I'm trying to do. How? When the users create a web-app with my image, that's what they'll do. I'm trying to show them in advance what it will look like. -In code... 1 for svk. I fair bit less brain bending then git for what you want. Awesome! That worked. Thanks. I wish I had asked that question earlier, instead of banging my head against the wall for a couple of days. :-) Thanks for the details. I can if you're interested, but James and ilproxyil helped me solve the problem. Let me know if you're interested. why can't you refer to $(".button") explicitly at that point? I had never heard of optgroup. Thanks everyone! Argumentative? How is this question argumentative? Do you see asking a question as inherently so? Gotcha. I don't recall seeing that published any where, but a graphics tool and some trial and error may work. I wish I could accept multiple answers. Indeed, I'm considering switching to an asynchronous connection. I'm just worried that doing so won't fix the problem. As Colin points out below, the synchronous call is presumably based on the asynchronous mechanism. On the other hand, I'm out of ideas! We have not seen this kind of behavior at our site. What version of the visual studio perforce plugin are you currently using? There have been many good changes over the last several releases that have made VS integration better. The current version is 2008.2. For clarification, in step (3), our developers should get prompted to sync to the latest version. I just tested it in our environment by trying to add a new cpp file to a project not at the head version. I was prompted to sync to the latest version of the project file. Indeed! There were even small apps that were written to "slow down" your processor so that old games would run at acceptable framerates on newer machines. One was called "MOslo" I think. I remember all of my old Ultima games running way too fast on newer computers that I had. That seems like a lot of work given that the only thing the SyndicationFeed class lacks is the ability to set xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss" in the tag. Thanks I use both MVVM for Designer and SL pattern for any other services, just like you mentioned :) I'm struggling with this solution - I have the server started up, but I can't seem to get emacsclient to start a new frame. Apparently my version of emacs doesn't support the "-c" or "-t" options. Any suggestions? I'd be lying if I said yes or no. I just know I've had success with OCRs. Data types are important--not every country has integer ZIP codes! Had a coworker find this out quick with a customer in Canada. Yeah I keep going back to reading that link, everytime something new I learn OK, so I filed a bug report at Apple, which got me exactly nowhere. Here's my new question: is there a way to just isolate this problem--short of running it as a separate process--so that it won't crash the whole program? In other words, I would like to let NSURLConnection crash and avoid having my program crash. Is there some type of "try" block that can insulate me against the failure of objc_msgSend? For clarification, upgrading to 1.9 is probably not the answer. Hpricot works better on 1.8 than 1.9. Still some bugs that haven't been worked out in 1.9. Thanks for the quick response. I've run into trouble getting the MySQL Gem working in Rails 2.3.2. Will let you know if it fixes the above issue. Thomaschaaf: IE6 is still at around 15 % usage share. Depending on the site shutting out 15 % pf users is probably a really bad idea. Drew: Why are you using the ID "rsum1" twice? IDs have to be unique throughout the document. Vanuan: "much more memory" is a bit of a stretch. Executable packers usually achieve compression ratios up to 50 %, not much more. So while µTorrent has to be unpacked in memory to run this will take around 500 KiB. Hardly much for today's machines. .NET still does incur a memory overhead due to automatic memory management. Also, why use GDI+ unless you want to draw something (slowly)? There is also a Money gem, the Money class which can be stored as a text column using serialized or composed_of I'm pretty sure STI will work it puts no restrictions on joining to other tables in fact each (non-abstract) class can have additional joins on top of those in the abstract classes. Schedule.first.end_time.class => Time Schedule.first.end_time => Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2000 So the date part is always 1/1/2000. I can't put my finger on it but I don't think combo boxes work here, they are perhaps a bit too far in the other direction. Instead of showing all page link (sections/sub-sections) they are hiding them all. Something in between maybe... Bread crumbs would definitely be an option. Quince is a nice way of presenting UI patterns. I shall have a proper investigate to see if anything jumps out at me. I've come across the ipod menu before, it is real nice. I think its a little too clever for our users, and again suffers from the combo problem of hiding too much information. And we have to support IE6 (Grrrrr). Eep, you're right ... correcting Very good point about swapping the positioning of the tabs and sidebar links, not thought of that, but unfortunately they are also multi-word links of a similar length. I think what you are suggesting could be combined with an accordion: http://jquery.bassistance.de/accordion/demo/ Clicking a section shows the sub-sections. @Triptych: No, but age and library support are related. The longer a language has been around, the more time it's had to accumulate libraries. I notice a lot of Pythonistas seem to say this, but it seems more like tunnel vision than anything else to me. You use Python, so you see all the little things it's used for. You don't use Ruby, so you only see the most prominent use. Yeah, the thing is right now I don't have time to put the property in the actual control, I plan to do it later though, for now the solution worked. Thanks. No, it will work with any data source that implements the IQueryable interface. If order is important, than you *want* arrays. Relying on Hash order is a bad idea and only works at all in Ruby 1.9. My most upvoted answer is also by far my most downvoted. It still stands at 14 votes on the balance. Some people just hate when you praise a technology they don't like or mention flaws in one they do, and they let that hate out by voting. Not an answer to your question, but even though I prefer Jquery, I wouldn't try to migrate a whole working codebase to it unless the codebase was horrible. Mootools is obviously quite sufficient for your purposes. Maybe ask your team what needs aren't being met? Thank you. It was a silly bracket problem I missed. Awesome. I've added the results to the post Thanks, that does the job. There no way of avoiding typing lots of minOccurs="0", is there? I wonder why W3Schools and MSDN say that the other code works, when it doesn't? Ah... Must have misinterpreted what MSDN was saying 1 Ctrl-F5 the best solution if it's for dev only.. Can those that downvoted leave a comment to explain why? Code converter if needed: http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb/ It's because the semi-colon on the 'TextBox AdFullName ...' line is missing. Hi Marc, thats exactly what I mean. If you can give me an example, that would be highly appreciated! Thank you so much! I was hoping that there was a better way than saying "ignore it". I answered this in my last sentence, using an example to work my way there. My point is to always use an interface because then your code stays unaffected by implementation changes. I could have just written the last sentence without example, but I thought it may be of higher value to other readers if they get an example with it. @adeena, BlackWasp: If you need to overload/wrap Next for whatever reason, go for it. If you're looking to just get another random value, though, use Next and use the same Random class. That way, you're not at too much risk of getting a bunch of Random' No it wouldn't. Notice the placement of the commas. Already got that covered. Booyah. Should be varbinary(8). Also, question for the OP: This gets you a unique number for that table. If you just want a unique hex number to identify a row in a table, go with this one--lot easier to manage and type in for manual queries. Insert-heavy DB's should be more normalized because their main focus is capturing data. If it's transactional, you want a 3NF database. If you're doing a reporting database where the main focus is pulling information out, you want a semi-denormalized DB. This works! Sincere thanks to everybody who chimed in. Out of curiosity, does anybody know whether it is possible to do what I ask above in response to tjw, namely, to simply isolate the problem so that a crash in NSURLConnection doesn't take down the whole program (short of using a separate process)? This error is due to improper permissions when using SQL Server Agent. Please follow the steps above to fix it. A note about collation: I've had to write way too many COLLATE statements as a result of a source table being Latin1_General_CS_AS and one being Latin1_General_CI_AI. This really only applies if you use SSIS to move data around, or at least, that's the only spot I've ever hit an issue in. OK, I switched to an asynchronous connection and it didn't help. I've edited the original post to reflect this information. After taking a lot of time to switch to the asynchronous mechanism, I've concluded that the synchronous vs. asynchronous nature of the call has nothing to do with it. I think there is just a problem in NSURLConnection. See my edits to the original post above. Thanks for this, diciu, I learned a lot by following this suggestion. Thanks, tjw, I'll chime in at Apple. Doesn't returning an IQueryable object make Linq-to-SQL a fluent API? YOu might also check what version of Perforce that you are running. Your server version might be far behind. I've never seen the 'disregard indirect integration history' - maybe you are running an older server version? I'm looking at 2008.2 docs and don't see reference to that. How am I supposed to prove you wrong? You didn't even prove yourself right. You just stated, without evidence, that Python is used for lots of things and Ruby isn't. I said that I think your perspective is limited by your experience. For one example of Ruby without Rails, Apple has officially endorsed Ruby as an application programming language on Mac OS X -- they're even actively helping in the language's development. I have a lot of non-Rails Ruby code that I use all the time. Aha, that sounds like a somewhat simpler technique than the one I'm already using! I'll have a go at implementing this as see what happens. Thanks! The *new* features in HTML 5 aren't widely supported, but it incorporates a lot of commonly used tags and attributes that are invalid in XHTML (e.g., canvas and the target attribute). Not the simplest code I've ever seen ;) However thankyou, I now know exactly how it works :D In almost every case, where in Java you'd say "static," you say "class" in Objective-C. I don't understand the difference either. Sounds fancy to me ;-) Would you mind to post a snippet? Sure, I suppose it's not perfectly clear. My apologies, I obviously completely missed the point :) Those references don't actually tell you how to rename a file, merely describe the webservice. I formulated this question after reading those documents. @Treb: Au contraire. I once banged out a very simple RapidShare-style internal app for a company I was at, and my initial choice to leave spaces from the filenames in the URLs led to all sorts of confusion as to what this mysterious %20 business was all a It has to be a configuration option somewhere Sean. Double check your index page configuration now you have moved the site - you shouldnt be getting a blank page (check the logs for an error maybe) To overcome that, you would need to preload the image with javascript and then replace it. Theres an example here: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/image-loading/ Perhaps it might be useful if you gave something a little more concrete than "practices seem to be out of the 1990s" and "egotistical." Does she insist on having little "under construction" GIFs on every page or what? Yeah, but like you said there really isn't a way of checking the values without doing a loop. I was just offering a way of checking an array of bits, not necessarily using the BitArray type. http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/ Good point, I didn't think that through. Thanks for catching it. I have no idea. That was just from a UX perspective how you could improve the interaction. But you probably would have to go down th P/Invoke route for that. del_table_copy does not remove the node from the extra_db_nodes list. while this code may have appeared to work it does not cleanup all of the data. del_table_copy does not remove the node from the extra_db_node list. In fact there is no code in the source that completely removes the node. The source code I was referring to is in the Mnesia library. Curiosity, and yes i pretend to express aspects and pointcuts. What type of database server is it? If it's mysql, look into mysqldump, a command line utility. Most popular database servers have a similar type of program. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the Squirrel SQL Client program... Mysqldump: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/mysqldump.html "re"? As in the one included in 2.6.2? http://docs.python.org/library/re.html The one included in the bleeding edge 3.2a0? http://docs.python.org/dev/py3k/library/re.html Something tells me it's not deprecated and is, in fact, the definitive RegEx module for Python. I was hoping that the schema could tell the xml document what the namespace was. If I were to explicitly state thenamespace, where would I do it? You're right. It needs to only have "Register" in the URL definition. Thank you! Good catch. I blindly copied OP's rows without thinking about it. Changed, so thanks for the heads up. hmmm I'll try that. Seems like it's not exactly straightforward, especially with impersonation ?!. But thanks alot for digging this up, its a good starting point :) Figured this was a dupe but couldn't find the other; thanks I thought about doing that, but if I happen to hit that exact string during regular base64 encoding then hell breaks loose. Plus it would be really just a hack. :( Looks like it ! I'm using the encoded string in a URL afterwards, and the random slashes are messing with my URL routing, while the + is disallowed by my IIS7 settings (the one where you can double encode with +, forgot the name). Base64 will never create "-" or "_" by itself? I thought Base64 would encode by itself to "-" and "_" as well. I guess it doesn't?? Wow, Colin, thanks for this. I discounted Eugene's suggestion because I was sure I had the right URL. Feeling pretty silly now. I'm trying your fixes and will report back ASAP. Got it. Didn't know about "-" and "_" by the way - that works I guess. Thanks so much though! :) Visual Studio Integrated Yes. I did something similar after jerryjvl's post. Thanks! Do you have a single index on the IsDeleted (or Active) column, or did you make that column part of a composite index? 1 for the idea of recording a version for the passwords. I can see that being useful in the future.... I upvoted because I agree but I think there is a good argument for educating your users about why they should upgrade and giving them some gentle nudging. As you say though, it does depend upon your target audience. That makes sense Reed, thank you; can't believe I didn't realize that. Unfortunately I have operator* overloaded as well. Just doing ~SmartPointer() { !SmartPointer(); } doesn't work either. Got it: ~SmartPointer() { SmartPointer::!SmartPointer(); } Thanks again. Ryan This method would minimize your finance charges, paypal is not free to use. Yes there data in the if and else; and Yes it skips over the whole thing. Yes there data in the if and else; and Yes it skips over the whole thing. @AgileJon: This should be an answer, not a comment. It's just too good. the jquery answers from others are better than this I think I apologize for not making it clear that Counter wasn't in table. you didn't specify browser. This won't work in all browsers without modifying the original onclick. I got a similar comment from Jeff Johnson on the cocoa-dev list. So I guess the only reliable workaround for now is to avoid redirects. Apple needs to get on this. Added some pseudocode, and got a good answer meanwhile :) Great explanation. Came after the first answer in the same direction, but anyways thank you. :) Tried this converter? http://www.developerfusion.com/tools/convert/csharp-to-vb/ Perfect I was actually looking for a place to put that code. Thanks! Add some more information about my goal. I get that as a warning too, yes, but does compile for me. This doesn't work... Yeah thats not what I want... I want to keep from the class instance, and simply add the requirement of IMyInterface to T for ShowThisMethod. Nice and compact. Thank you! So many ways to do the one thing. Thank you :) thanks a lot ! nosklo! But i what i wanted to do is database level partitioning... Could you accept one of the answers below please :) I think the link above provides you with a solution for Base64 but not QP... you could probably piece the information together from multiple answers on Stackoverflow. I don't believe this is a duplicate... Well, the original question is not about building a UI or validation, etc., it's about data binding. A buddy who works with me wrote a container class for widgets that are derived from standard Widgets; these derived widgets reference property names and the container class handles database interaction via the property names. This seems to be the answer to a different question, though. Wouldn't you think? btw, this may look bizarre, but you can actually reverse-inject chunks of ASP.NET pages into code. Again, not tested, may be buggy, but it is possible. Will check this out. serverfault.com might get you more results Using guids likely will prevent any of these issues. Ugh, you didn't escape $name before putting it into mysql... *very bad* well, it was more of a reminder that you can keep your production files versioned, than a "use source control" generally Then you could use a binding your View Model to the combo box SelectionChanged. I'm not sure where you would look for an example but Karl Shifflet and Josh Smith are the two main blogs I go to for MVVM help the links to their blogs are below. http://karlshifflett.wordpress.com/2009/06/03/troubleshooting-silverlight-3-broken-bindings/ http://joshsmithonwpf.wordpress.com/2009/05/20/device-specific-interaction-logic-in-an-mvvm-application/ Sorry I can't help more on the specifics, i'm fairly new to WPF and MVVM myself. oops forgot to mention Karl Shifflet has been doing a lot of WPF Line OF Business events, look on his blog for them, they contain some excellent powerpoint examples and code samples also. No problem hope it solves your problem. Thanks Pete That's just one of those things that makes my head explode because so many people omit escaping their variables which is such a huge security problem.. Very nice example - great solution. Thank you very much. 1 WITH the check box. Much Appreciated. In my opinion I would use whichever xml config format is supported by the IOC / DI container you prefer. Each one has a different format and if you have a specific container you prefer then use that format. If you try to use the System.Configuration namespace you're probably creating more work for yourself if the container doesn't support system.configuration by default. so there you go! Rent a 1000 machines and crack the password. (and your boss's password, that hated co-worker's password, ... ) I was wondering about this, but I need audit information about the environment. Which user and "how" they did the change - which high-level user operation they were doing that triggered the change. This is important to be able to see explicit changes vs. "side effect" changes. Do you know if envers handles this need? That should be fine because BufferedImage extends Image No, out is static and belongs to System. Yep sure, out is a static PrintStream and belongs to the class. What I meant was that I don't believe that objects just exist, they are just are scoped in different ways. In this case out is scoped to be per class rather than per instance. I already tried :silent make but it just makes the vim window completely black (vim's command line and laststatus is still shown) so I have to call :make to get the buffer to be shown in the window again. Thanks Nick. I kind of knew that.... but forgot it in the heat of the moment :) I've corrected the above code. But I still get an error message. See my edit on the bottom of my question. Damn... I see I forgot the ->. Correcting this brings me yet a new error message.... Stay tuned.... I'm getting a lot of good feedback here. I'm testing this and that now. See updated codeand error message :) I'm a bit confused by some answers here now. SHould I use $this-> or should I use paretn:: ? My country table will never be empty :) Ok, code is updated. But it will not work with either $this-> or parent:: Thanks Nick. Got this code working now. Yes, that is correct. Joe/Johannes: First, do you have the global "maintain objects list" turned on (I think the syntax is "openfiles /local on" IIRC)? Next, are you passing in the "/query" argument, as in the example above (req'd for Vista, it seems)? I am not entirely sure what you mean. If your table can access the DataSet, your Textboxes should also be able to. That's a good example illustrating some of the problems I see with PS. That method works until you get outside of calling .Net/PS commands. Call SVN using that method and you'll find the file never gets created. Even when it does work (for things like ls/dir), you'll find the contents in the file are not what you saw on the screen. I understand why this is, but it would be *really* nice to be able to pipe objects through a command that converts the objects to a string array, displaying exactly what would be displayed by the formatters (and one that output a char stream as well) From what I've read online, I'm not the only one to run into these problems. It makes me wonder if PS was not meant to be used outside of the .Net world unless someone had specifically written providers for it (as in the case of the new SQL Server). If so, the whole generic shell idea starts showing huge gaps, hence my question. Thanks Joey. Looks like the only way to do what I want is to subclass and draw manually as you said. I thought I can do that with some property animation but still no luck with that. Hmm. This code draws a filled rect inside a control but not a focus ring. Focus ring invariably draws above this rect and doesn't change color. The paragraph tag is outside the div, is this the only way? Otherwise I'll have to do this to every page that has this div as well as a paragraph underneath. There must be a way to have proper spacing after the div w/ a paragraph tag w/o having to hack it?? Correct, but the div's are dynamic, being posted from the database, (using a CMS) and the same for data being posted into a paragraph after the end of the div, so I would rather make it work like it should, without id'ing each paragraph. Hi Isaac!! Thanks for your answer. That is more or less what I want to build, I'll give it a try and let you all know how it turned out. =) Abizern: What do you mean breakpoints? Yes, xenon is right. Typo from me (corrected now). You would e.g. have
. PS. If you don't want to use an GIF animation, simply replace the div with
The content is loading
. Or use both a GIF animation and text. This may actually work, just testing now... its sods law, once you post a question you then find an answer... will confirm SetupResult .For(response.ApplyAppPathModifier(Arg.Is.Anything)).IgnoreArguments() .Do((Func)((arg) => { return arg; })); It doesn't use 1 bit for transparency. It uses one index (one color) as the designated transparent color. Usually you'd choose index 0 or index 255 (depending of the number of colors you're using) as the transparent color. @womp, thanks mate. In your example what is virtualPath, an existing variable? What I'm after is to return the variable that was actually passed to ApplyAppPathModifier. This isn't know till runtime. I actually got it to work using my comment above and wi http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.idisposable.dispose(VS.71).aspx "Use this method to close or release unmanaged resources such as files, streams, and handles held by an instance of the class that implements this interface. This method is, by convention, used for all tasks associated with freeing resources held by an object, or preparing an object for reuse." This approach has a bit of a Not Implemented Here feel to it. Iterators were created to present a unified approach to iterating through containers. Rolling your own iterators is not going to make it easier for people to understand your code and you won't be able to participate in constructs like std::for_each. This approach also prevents multi-threaded interaction with your container if you don't mind my asking...why is it not an option? They are going to close this soon...but thanks That article is going to help. @Rich not funny,not cool..@Mitch I tried to narrow it down. But Maybe I'm using the wrong term. I'm just wondering what is involved with allowing an app to build somewhere other than local host. @TSamper Obviously he was the only guy to even try to unders I am loading them if a button is clicked (postback) .. then i bind the repeater which contains the questions. Those questions do the recursion then .. the first level is remembered correctly but the next levels are not I appreciate your kindness unforgiven. @John thanks. 1 Thank you Jon! 1 Thanks Yishai! 1 Really helpful 1 Where's the rest of the date? Failed by saying it's not valid in Playback mode I'm using CF2.0, and I've added attributes to the properties for the objects I need to serialize. activa your ninja ways are most awesome.... "how excitement" is all i can say. This is exactly what i was looking for - your a legend I don't think that this will work as reversing string will affect it. Ok, I've just run my test on CF3.5 and see significant performance increases from CF2; binary performs a lot quicker for both serialization and deserialization. Unfortunately I'm tied to CF2 though so might have to rethink things. Just to clarify my wording above.. I mean I see significant performance increases in CF3.5; CF2 is slower. Understanding reference & value types != Understanding boxing @Moayad: I need to 'convert speech to text in Arabic'. I need an arabic speech recognition engine and to write that speech to file. Sorry..scratch that, I read the perf report wrong! Here's what I get testing a simple entity with 3 properties: XML Serialize 317ms XML Deserialize: 7ms Binary Serialize: 147ms Binary Deserialize: 19ms Could you clearly state what you are attempting to do? If client authentication is optional, how does a server encrypt the content sent back in the response to the client? What encryption algorithm does the server use and what would be the public key the server use? Or will the client share the key/algorithm during the initial handshake? If there is no client authentication, would it not be a security issue as it is possible for a man-in-the-middle to spoof the client pretending to be server? Jamie Ide: True, if it's a one-many with a parent then that helper is a great place to set it. If it's a Many to many then there isn't a parent. Not sure on context here but highly suspect you're right. Webjedi, I like your approach too. That's why I ended up at Enumerable. In my case, it satisfied everything I wanted to do with the collection. me likey... any idea on the release date besides '2009' this would only order the map entries of each article but not the order of the article objects itself. problem is, I don't get to the resulting function. firebug shows, that there is GET request to logon happening, but it's probably inside js, or something, because page itself doesn't get refreshed. yes, that is one solution, thanks. i wonder, if i still can do it in one request somehow. Okay, a static number of columns sounds reasonable. This made me think though, because the column can exist, but if the related "wants...." column is set to false, I could put a specific value in the resultset's column. Is it possible to leave the column in there, but set it's value to -1 or something like that, based on the value in the "wants...." field? I guess this solved my problem for me (see my comment in reply to ChrisCM's answer). This solution will allow me to check the value of the different columns in my programming code and take appropriate action. That's good enough for me. Thanks. Thank you for your help, very good points to look into when setting up paypal with dynamic registration. However it was a detail we overlooked as there were no instructions saying Friendly URLs had to be turned on. Did just the trick! Just used MOVE instead of ren and also added the same logic to the %date% and I got what I wanted :). Amazing, that was all that was needed, it works now. Thanks so much! Fantastic, thats what I was looking for. This is a community wiki. However, I don't know if Heather would like it if we pulled content from her site. Hmmm. I posted it on Connect, see the rewritten post. Fist of all, a huge "thank you" for all the effort and advice. To summarize, I understand that I have done everything correctly, although it may not be good practice use two streams if it is foreseeable that A and B will be working together. Remarkably, you cannot reproduce the problems that I can reproduce here. Could this really be a bug in CC? What patch version of the client are you using? Or would this be a server issue? Just started work at a new company, and this is what they use. Sad, but hopefully we can move to something a bit more Engineering friendly ^_^ Here it is: http://freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a804fef061.png. I have adjusted the branch names to match my example. The chronologically last arrow (and the one that poses the problem) is the rebase operation from Integration to Stream B I would have pointed out the same thing you did when I first saw the answer but also couldn't for the same reason. I think it's very silly that you can leave a an answer, but not a comment even though they are both pretty much equal powers. Also it's so hard to get points when you're just starting out, so I've given you some. :) If you're thinking of going multi-threaded, then JRuby's real threads I think are a big deal. With an alternative design, for C-Ruby, you could use BackgroundRb http://backgroundrb.rubyforge.org/ or other "offloading" techniques like reliable-msg http://github.com/assaf/reliable-msg/tree/master @rpflo that's a good point - you're probably right that lots of developers out there that do perceive it as the evolution of JS, rather than a framework that uses it. Yes, the default can be whatever value you want - using name will result in 'name="X"; lookup.get(name,name)' returning "X" if "X" is not in the dict. See this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750112/overengineering-how-to-avoid-it Oh well, keep it in mind for your next project ;-) To add to this, when I'm deleting the last row in a section, I only call deleteSections:withRowAnimation:. I don't call deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:. The animation looks the same, and it doesn't throw any exceptions. What should happen if foo is at the start or end of the list? Currently, this will go out of the bounds of your array. it happens on this line Surname : <%= Html.TextBox("Surname","") %> This is how I had it at first, I changed it when I first got the error to see if that would fix it but it made no difference If I change it in the controller to put the error on forename the same error occurs but it happens on the forename textbox instead I'm not sure what your code does (as its not very clear) but are you trying to add an image to a PDF? If so, use iTextSharp. Would it persist any logins that were made using the ASP.Net Membership model? I'm aware of the performance but not sure I have much choice as my host recycles the app pool every time it gets to 100mb Could be a bug, then. There's no other reason IDE would ignore files. And that size_t is unsigned. ssize_t should be used. missed the getter I meant it compiles both C and C++. Thanks. I´ll rewrite. Good decision to not do it in PHP. what language are we talking about? php, java,python , ruby, c#...? I apologize for the length of this. Good point - I've added the imports. The 'thing' here is that we are trying to add some modules to existing functionality. Both forms are quite large, and dont have many fields in common. We wanted to keep things tidy and not create a very large form. You should take a look at the java.util.Calendar class, particularly at the method setTimeZone() overflowed :) :) From TimeZone Class, see link above (TimeZone.html) Hours must be between 0 to 23 and Minutes must be between 00 to 59. For example, "GMT+10" and "GMT+0010" mean ten hours and ten minutes ahead of GMT, respectively. I have used this approach to access shared Spring beans from a webapp. It works though I still feel there is probably a better/cleaner solution. JFreeChart might not be the best choice for live data as the FAQ states that it does not really support real time charting. If anyone wants to elaborate on this idea, feel free... agree. I'd much rather move to a message passing based interface than support concurrent adds / removes AND traversal on a linked list. Yes - just found that myself! Thanks. @tinkertim: Awesome comment. @Pup: As stated, and will probably be stated throughout the answers here -- spaces in file names/directories really don't make a lot of sense. I don't know about you, but tinkertim's comment was a bit awkward to read. Of course, not all objects need behavior or identity... Sounds like you commented *incorrectly*, not too much. Code does not speak for itself. No. It really doesn't. Read the latest NT Insider for a good rant about this. If you think comments will be redundant then you are either wrong or you are doing it wrong. Universities don't teach correct commenting it seems (or bug tracking, or version control... \*sigh\*). There are way too few comments out there. (and fewer good ones) Why not use printf() for debugging? I moved from over-using the debugger to using it very very rarely. The argument against debuggers is that they tend to get people to just fix the symptoms, not the cause. Code Complete has good tips on commenting, and the data to back it up. I've just realised this has not really answered my question. If they upload an image of a different extension which means its not valid image or valid pdf then how do I set the ModelState Error onto the correct property? i haven't gotten this to work yet in the console...still workin on it. but it looks like it will do what i want. im assuming the second find operates on all books that satisfy the date conditions. then the actual operation is to get all books from that set where notification_type.name != 'type1'. just guessing at this point still working on getting this to work but yes, it should return books that have no notifications at all...because they don't have notification of type1. And actually, you wouldn't even need to do that...all you would have to do is remove the .each(), since the only purpose for that was to pull out the text. (Sorry, I was somewhat distracted when I made the last comment. Those specified fields aren't showing up, but you are right about the nillable... if I add that to the WSDL then svcutil does properly generate nullable parameters for the calls. Thanks This should not be tagged VB6. Is this Windows Server 2008 or Vista? If it's 2k8, you can add Windows authentication through the Add Features area of the management console. If it's Vista, you'll have to do it through the control panel's "Turn Windows features on or off" interface. I've blogged about this (http://numericalrecipes.wordpress.com/2009/06/05/binary-exponentiation/), but a search of exponentiation by squaring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring) may also give you a better idea of how powers with integer exponents are calculated efficiently, and why they may be marginally slower for small exponents (<4). Sounds like homework. isn't this like a switch? maybe this could be refactored more. Rob, thanks for the answer. I see what you mean, but this solution is based on picking up exactly 2 chars at different offsets in the DATA, which is not what I need. My tokens have various lengths. The ones I used here in the DATA are just for example purposes. i've updated the answer. Yes. You need to convert the object to something usable from anywhere. You can execute the converter from your main application's code, and work on the resulted files. It's how I would do it. I second that request. it's my favourite. Problem resolved(ish) I think he's referring to monkey-patching. It's compile error, IDE is IntelliJ IDEA, and it should be a famous problem as I understand from the reference. Actually, I don't know how to show you the code. I'm almost sure that code is fine and the problem with some settings (or maybe I lost some nessecary jar-file). I'll try to add something Just figured this out right after asking the question. How is this a duplicate? This is clearly specific to FREE applications, which the other article does not stipulate. Thanks for the clarify DCookie. No, not related. But the version I heard about those delays was that the "team" decreased them a little bit when management wanted to see results (and no other result could be shown). So the managers always got nice benchmarks from time to time that they could cut and paste them into powerpoint and all by doing this they got some space to breath for a week or two.... I don't understand Eric Lippert's comment. Attributes can also use localizable resources: for example the internal System.Windows.Forms.SRDescriptionAttribute, which inherits from System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute, gets a string from resources. Very good answer. Groo never posted a reply so I awarded you with the answer :) Try not to focus too heavily on the example as I have admittedly said its not the best. I am really looking to discover when you should give the object the functionality or when it should be outsourced to another class which consumes the object. The only working solution I've come up with was to add the UserInvite property into the User class. Both states will be loaded and ready when the user hits the button, oh and you reduce your requests which is always a good idea :) Cheers, just needed a quick hack for now but date.js looks really interesting. @Matthew Agreed, I think they really want people to get hooked on their product. It's a really nice tool for project management, and I think they recognize their biggest barrier to entry is going to be $$$, hence the long eval. ascii or binary? I was about 99% sure Patrick thanks for clearing it up! lol I am pretty sure you need to do a cast tho if you use the AddRange method? Would it not be a better option to create a class which stored all the user information then maintain a list of User objects rather than using the dictionary approach? @Skurmedel...better safe than sorry! MSI known bug: will not update executable binary that was touched by something else. On this occassion tho could priceBond not consume a bond object and then deal with it internally? Some frameworks to help get you started are: jQuery, YUI, Prototype, MooTools, Dojo. This is, without a doubt, the route I would take to achieve what the asker needs. You can't fool us with your fake community wiki label! @unkwntech - if you are a real person, you probably can't check more than 2 names every 10 seconds anyways. if you are a computer, you can send hundreds of requests in one second. if you really want to split hairs, go for 3 requests in 10 seconds. ah, I had tested with a different compiler. The warnings refer to "temp < 0" when temp is unsigned, which is ok. It shouldn't throw at this point, and no data is lost. I tested what you suggest, i.e.: int myint (-1); safe_cast( myint, mychar ); safe_cast( mychar, myuchar ); // Exception is thrown here safe_cast( myuchar, myint ); The cast from int to char works fine. The cast from char to unsigned char throws an exception (as it should). I don't see a problem here. No need to delete, it's still a valid question. Add your discovery as an answer and accept it so people finding your question in the future might not have to go what you went through =) @Pwninstein That is correct. I was assuming you had control over the thread code. If you only have access to the calling code then my answer isn't going to really be of any use to you. that's the thing, there's no error message... just nothing happens! debug assertions 6+ do not appear! also, the CSS assignments from the calling function (the button click) do not actually happen even though they are called. this fixed it... the case i was checking the user was not logged in so this was returning nothing and i guess making it fail. i needed to check to see if the user was authenticated, which i wasn't doing. thank you for putting me on the right track with this answer! your instincts were correct. thank you for this! @jon - there were no details... i wasn't getting an error message, i was just not receiving the expected behavior. it just plain did nothing.... how would i get those details? I'm using this one - from a brief try it seems to do what I want. And it's the official toolkit, so I'm going with it. It would be worth editing your question to include that information - probably even in the question header. Wouldn't you want class State1 to be derived from class State? You could write your own windows service to do this for you. I am curious to know the reason why someone down voted me for this answer it is what you need to do! I wasn't suggesting actually creating a keylogger....the keyword was "keylogger TYPE application" If it was spyware why would he specify a specific shortcut code for it? Surely he would just want it to run on startup? Thanks, that is what I thought! What is the topology of your application? Is your application connecting straight to the database, or are you requesting information from a web service or something? Where is the database in relation to the application? Thanks - I should have mentioned that I have the Sleep retry function already in the code. The threads do not have window objects associated with them, so they do not have traditional message processing loops - I am using MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, using the QS_ALLEVENTS mask, which returns after the PostThreadMessage. I wonder if there is omething wrong there. I will check @fuhrysteve, yup, but you should be using encodeURIComponent() A code sample would be nice. os.times() would be beneficial if I was only timing python stuff. But I was timing python, C and java to name a few. So os.times() would start counting, then go off and fork a process in the other language then come back and stop counting. The time python takes to parse the timing info from bash wouldnt matter because when it gets that info from bash, its already done counting. Ussing os.times() to time a python program/function would give an unfair advantage over other languages. Matt, what on earth are you talking about? The answer you originally posted was 100% incorrect and was simply misleading - the answer I've posted DOES work... If you really think they are "functionally equivalent" then you need to learn jQuery's API properly. What's really odd is, why isn't there one in the default control toolkit? I don't know the correct wording for a domain that is the same as another domain, but with an additional segment on the hostname. Hopefully the example makes it clear. I changed the wording to replace 'parent' with some more detailed parenthetical text. IntelliJ IDEA 7, Hibernate 3.2, jdk 1.6. Wait, I'll add code Okay...I'm really getting annoyed...this is the third time someone has downvoted me today. If you are going to downvote me, please have the balls to leave a comment with constructive criticism, so as to improve my answers. What I want to do is actually a lot more complex than just choosing to select 1 or two fields. I have a bunch of field that I need to be able to dynamically select, as well as doing a WHERE on certain fields, e.g: @whereField1 = 1 @whereField2 = 1 @whereField3 = 0 etc. and then do a WHERE on Field1 only if @whereField1 = 1 etc. It seems to me like your second example might be the only way to really do this. How many characters is varchar(MAX) though? This answer's so good, I'm always coming back to read it . Thanks! But note the guidelines on when you should use extension methods: only if it belongs as a member of the target class (if you were writing the target type yourself). Hmm, this could be it, since we don't have a p3p header. I'll implement that and see if it helps. I like the cookie login too. I tend to keep pretty clean URLs, because I hate to have data shown to the casual user or stored anywhere I didn't intend it to be. Though I agree, it's a real pain when something suddenly changes... Thanks for the response. The sharepoint apps were not created w/ the default app pool identity; we created special machine users for each of them. As mentioned, the most-priviledged account I tried logging in as when trying to configure SSO is a forest-level admin, w/ domain admin priviledges and sysadmin rights on the SQL Server. That account is also a server farm admin. I could not set the SSO admin account due to the error described. The problem with mapping a drive, is you need to supply the user name and password each time you log into the machine that is running the application The first is not an option, i have tried the second but the user fails to login, even though user and password are the same, shame! Don't you mean what the SHALL mean in rfcs? :-) thanks! that did it Yes, I agree, why so difficut to sort out? +1: Use parameters. Yeah...I personally don't think all that much of the Python docs either. However, this is one of those things where something is better than nothing. @Shaul: Then do so, just use c.Invoices in the expression. If you want a different identifier then use a let clause. There's a bug there, I believe it should be N.Next = temp. Apart from that, it seems to me a very good way of doing things... The cast is what is failing. I've stripped all the code back to just the cast and that's what fails Innovative! I could give that a try. Those are all the same project. I looked through it before and it seems very closely tied with its own display mechanism. javascript/XUL invoking java ? interesting... any ref ? just a quick update...i still think there is a syntax error. should only have one parentheses at the end, no closing bracket. i also keep getting an error "Association named 'notification' was not found"...i did add "has_many :notifications" to Book model which did not solve the problem. still investigating @Osama ALASSIRY, the gh used to be pronounced like a hard ch, so that "night" was close to German "nacht". Over time we shorten the vocal form of words, and then the written form may or may not catch up (e.g., ordinary -> ornery). Please consider changing the heading to make it more specific. @sameepkaul, please post the error message. It is likely that the column name "Date" is not allowed (Date being a common data type). But no one can help you much if you don't post the error message. Thanks, this is excellent and got me thinking along the right lines. Yeah this seems to result in the same error too. I'm wondering whether the import declarations in the schema files are causing issues... It doesn't help that two of the schemas have no target namespace either... gargh Yes, both are set. Identical heap size, max perm size, etc. Both are now using jdk1.6.0_13 32-bit. Notice tomcat 6.0.18 on RH spawns one process (one PID), whereas tomcat 6.0.18 on Ubuntu starts three PIDs. Still investigating -- no root cause yet. This is a philosophically vexing question. Thanks, but RudeConfig is under the GNU license. Can you describe your problem? I usually use the Java versions documentation "Several fields may be added with the same name": http://lucene.apache.org/java/2_4_1/api/org/apache/lucene/document/Document.html#add(org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable)) I have never had issues with the performance of WPF. I've run WPF apps on tricked out gaming rigs and netbooks and never had major issues. This is a truly evil "feature" of C. What do you mean by "show" in "show the tip of some line of changes"? If I do the (IMO) natural thing and "checkout hash" I find that there is no way to get back to where I was without (somehow) knowing the hash where I was. Is the database they are working with a 2005 database? (just checking) I fixed this by reinstalling VS2008 SP1. What happened was I installed VS2008, then SP1, and then the Feature Pack. This created an inconsistency within the compiler, and reinstalling SP1 fixed it. Hrm, about all I can suggest then is to fire up Firebug or something, and have a look at window.onload. There may be some obvious way to change it. but it lets you search 40% more data! So this is not even a COM visible DLL? Then you'll likely need to write a COM wrapper and call that from Visual Basic. Added "Key Point" at end. This sounds like traveling salesman. There isn't any network resources being accessed, it's actually calculating reports from data received before the worker got started so the data is local. I'll have to check on Deadlocks. Thanks. RunWorkerCompleted doesn't get called. You and sambo had the same idea on the deadlock so I'm gonna check that out. Thanks. Sorry, the intention was to illustrate the handling of variables, not of exceptions. I've revised regardless... This worked great - thanks! This still had a few misfires when going in and out of tabs, but was definitely better than what I had! So last_received will always have what I need? Is there a way to do it with readline? I played with this code some... I'm not seeing how KnownColor.Highlight is used in the example. Oh, so the field you specify is just a default field in case none is specified? make sure the legs on your table are level. And stop typing so hard. ;) does this do the right thing for linked lists? or does it use the default iterate-over-everything method? man, you are not supposed to say that :-) Stefan: you should be able to change the accepted answer. do you have build automatically turned on or off? Wouldn't the original be broken if you needed to restore? how would you do a compare? I've never had any problems with the restore. P.S. We use DPM and/ or Content Database only backup / restore (for small deployments) He's using VS2005, so LINQ isn't an option. EDIT: (only it was updating just a label) ok, thats sweet, but it still doesnt appear to be actually downloading the torrent, moreover, where is it being downloaded to? Actually, thats not true it IS downloading now :) but where is it storing the data? By the way I have visited http://jarrettatwork.blogspot.com/2009/02/aspnet-mvc-ajax-brief-introduction.html - great link with very useful information. Ive also done a lot of googling but still can't get it right. lol nm - i just found it :) in the directory that the rb file is run. thanks for your help. It does have the advantage of being open source, so you're not as "locked in" as you would be with a commercial solution. Sometimes you just have to weigh up the advantages of reinventing the wheel vs. actually getting things done. And regarding your response to #4, what happens AFTER the resultset has been produced? (Thanks, btw, for taking the time to respond.) Depends on what browsers you need to support. If you need to make site work with IE, I'd say it's probably too soon. @TM Oh, you underestimate IEs ability to do really bizarre things in strange conditions. Thanks, for your Oracle-specific answer. Would you be able to point me to an Oracle document that best discusses these concepts... in one place? Could you show a small sample of your schema (relevant columns etc.) Is the column the managed property is mapped to used as the title filed of a list? Cool, let me know if it works out! is it being run from a website or standalone? it would still be better than putting the full domain in and you could use mod_rewrite to change the root folder. @kragen2uk rooting without the domain will also allow this. the problem with relative paths is when you are using templates that are then used in multiple folders - how do you reference the images/links so they are correct from any path? @ck - not so sure about that - you could use mod_rewrite to put it in a folder. maybe the best idea is to root it in a folder then rewrite as necessary ie /mysite/test.html then if you want to have it in the root you'd just rewrite / to /mysite but if you Thanks for the bgiframe link. That's saved me a LOT of hassle. :-) have you set it up under ssl? if its a setup issue then this is a much simpler solution that i've setup without any issues - just an idea. Thanks! I especially like the CONFIG_MAGIC idea. That's true of Python code, but less true of C extensions, where it is important that you do enough checking to prevent the interpreter from crashing or getting into an inconsistent/undefined state. Have you tried just: ("#nameOfLi").click(function(){alert('foo');});? Could you post a code snippet? Is there a reason you can't use the AJAX control? i agree...this should work just fine in all browsers. My bet is that another style is conflicting. I don't know who voted you down, it works fine for me, at least in textmode, other modes I haven't tried. Tx. same answer as Andrew, I will try out AutoHotKey from it , tx Yes, exactly - I only want to see the cookie for the subdomain. How can I tell them apart? Interesting, but unfortunately I don't have control over where and how the cookie gets created. To be honest I don't think this would be an issue for this particular scenario! But good point all the same. Agreed. Using FM since 1990, there is no substitute ("often imitated, never copied") @quillbreaker You're right, but I thought that would be a good reason to give for the "not technically possible" route if you're getting anywhere close to that limitation. hm.. ok, how would i do that? @Neil Thanks, I'll modify my question to better illustrate. I would definitely use a DI framework if I could, but in this case I have no choice but to roll my own. How does a newbie start multithreading? I doubt with this book. @Neil Also, I can't use the new constraint because T has to support interfaces, which will be the typical use. @GalacticCowboy Neil's approach doesn't really solve my problem. I've updated my question to better explain. What you're describing is exactly what I'm trying to do, but I don't know of a better way to create a "registry" of sorts without doing the gian I have a Register method in my DI framework as well. Anyone can register an object an associate it with an interface, but that's what I consider the Configuration portion of the framework. What I need is to have a back up plan when someone chooses not to configure the interfaces. I'm with you on that, but that's Configuration, not Convention, and my LoadDefaultForType method is about setting up my Convention. I have other mechanisms in my DI framework to handle Configuration already. The Convention part (this part), is what I'm wondering about. Thank you, I have updated the question to include the code. This is a real head wrecker for me and I just know it is going to be something obvious. Use String.substring() or String.slice() ... Don't use substr() - it's deprecated. Yeah your right Leppie, I was just being more thorough so they could access the hours/minutes property for both times :) Oh sorry, it should be the same property of a radio button i.e. myRadioButton.Checked. This is of course assuming that you have selected "Select All" radio button and you then select a specific item in the list (and the others are being deselected). If you put the above code in the SelectedItemChanged event then whenver the index changes, it will check that you have multiple items selected and set the checked state of the radio button accordingly. This is exactly what I've done on the safety critical / high availability (embedded) systems I've worked on. Buffer pools, static allocation, etc. You should also consider an "installation qualification" test as part of your production rollout. It is a quick check that the production database looks like the database you tested against. You would need to add a little more content about what your application is going to do before people can start suggesting technologies you could use. Let's not forget strict equality checking! Err:510 FTW! @Chris I posted it in C#, is that why? I can edit my answer into VB.NET if you would prefer. Or is the confusion elsewhere? escape the space? Just taking the quotes off the code above, It says 'blah' is not defined in my example blah.exe is used in running the program. I'm feeding it a for statement with some numbers the blah.exe file uses. yes you can do a connection to any flash movie playing on the same domain/computer. the only issue is that they need to have a unique id to share. i create one via javascript and pass it in to the movies to use. But why would you want to do that. That would make the two controls dependent on each other. This means that I put my UI logic into the VM. I would like the designer to be able to "mix and match" contorls. It is posted in this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/995072/dependency-properties-and-data-context-in-silverlight-3 But I got no response on it (I think I did not describe the problem well enough there). +1 for usefull indeed,(although I used that exact combination of commands already :-)) the only problem is visually you wouldn't see the image between the two movies. not sure if that is a problem or not. Double jQuery comes from jsbin.com. On my local server I don't have it twice and I have "text/JavaScript" too so it's validated. But thanks for noticing it. I also noticed some small bug on this code: http://jsbin.com/eqece/ Steps to the bug: -clicking "French" -typing "blablabla" -clicking "German" -removing "blablabla" -clicking in a blank space (outside of the form and radio buttons) It puts back "French" inside the form box instead of "German"(as it's selected). I tried by clicking several buttons, it only keeps last grey text before typing. Do you have any idea how to solve this bug? You are correct, block elements inside inline elements causes rendering errors as the browser will relocate the invalidly placed div to outside (just after) the anchor tag. This is what's causing the drawing "glitch". Can be site-collection scoped as well, when i use feature stapling I set them on site collection level.. If you import static application.KeyHolder.* and then press ctrl-shift-O that will convert your import to a number of lines, 1 for each constant you use in your code. That's what makes coding cool, learning! :-D. That's weird, the solution should detect webapplication scoped features and then give the option to deploy to a specific url. I seem to recall that it needs some content to deploy to the web application / site collection as well (had this issue pop up once before also). could you add a feature that adds a dummy text file for test purposes to a site collection (Scope=site) and retest? Aha, check out this link and answer below I have tried that already. It works, but it takes way too long to hammer the USGS service for hundreds of points. This is for a web app & the data will be loaded asyncronously, but I need something that can give me results in a few seconds or less-- something fast enough thats reasonable for the user to sit & watch an ajax loader. there are open source versions of textile you could use to see how they have solved the problem. what your need for overflow and perhaps i can help suggest an alternative. That was actually my fault, I see above that you explained the hash already has that. I was thinking more like "permission" where the hash just dictates what album you could see. You are right in your comment, if the hash contains that information you don't need the extra step. Yes, as usual,I realised as soon as after posting that I needed an abstract class in order to include the MustOverride methods. So, to clarify, I can't do the below unless I remove the MustInherit keyword? Public MustInherit MyBaseClass Private Sub New() End Sub Protected Function CreateInstance(ParmList) As MyBaseClass If ParmList is Ok Then Return New MyBaseClass() End Function End Class That's a mess, I've added the above to the OP! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_problem this won't deal with the duplicate filenames issue mentioned in the question Ok, thanks.. I think the keyword is ** delegate property ** Will look into this and post if I make noticeable progress... You beat me, but damn it, I was going to answer anyway! Thanks A LOT, I think this is the way to go.. I will implement it the way you described and check if there is anything unclear and come back with feedback.. 1 Yes - *Any* datastructure is the better way Downvoters: Please comment why you do so! Thank you, this not only fixes the issue but also works without losing the browser's cached information. @Anythony: I want this because I have some dynamically generated strings that are mixing RTF and unicode together, which cannot be displayed properly since RTF is an 8bit format. As an aside, some of these strings are actually statically generated strings mixing unescaped unicode and rtf together. Thanks, but the function returns List, and if you just do new without specifying Employee then it won't compile because the query will return List. I ended up finding the solution: var query = from e in db.Employees select new { e.EmployeeID, e.LoginName, e.FirstName, e.LastName }; var typedQuery = from e in query.AsEnumerable() select new Employee { EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID, LoginName = e.LoginName, FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName }; return typedQuery.ToList(); It's better because it masks errors? No! Why do you think so? This does not work I like these mappings. Also try Ctrl-H, Ctrl-L. I setup Firefox and gnome terminal with the same mappings. Very nice to have consistent tab key shortcuts. It looks like Jami has stop working on this project. Maybe the original author will pull in these features? http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2009/1/28/the-future-of-fuzzyfinder-textmate There is a gotcha to this if I recall correctly: it does not distinguish between x64 and x86 versions of Windows. If you're looking for %programfiles(x86)%, you'll have to find another method. that produced: usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin How can I put the file in any of those folders? Thank you, this solved my problem! Just to make sure, is tr.Display supposed to be lr.Display? It's the same error for the same reason as _db, which will be well explained in the answers soon. However, if the tr is just a typo, then it's a different fix. Isn't default string null? 1 For Model-View-Controller. @Jim: you say that as if it's a bad thing ;) Ah, but when he tested the click function he put the TDs on the page manually, so he wouldn't have changed the existing enclosing element (with an id of "menu", presumably). Not meaning to sound excessively picky, but, the last relase of NuSOAP was on 2007, and PHP has grown since. Could you elaborate a bit more on your REST workflow? Yes. The temporary file will only contain temporary data. The output will be written to an existing output.txt file. Looks great. Thanks. I'm trying it out... I don't want to "redirect", I want to mask http://username.myapp.com with a new domain. The location in the browser shouldn't change. How would this implimentation differ from that which you described? I don't know. Am I asking about DNS? I have never done this before. Thanks for your example, it does work, although I'm a little confused by the Casing in the Group By, they both are the same - is that right? This is undoubtably possible, however this app would not be accepted into the App Store by Apple ( no daemon apps and you must use only published APIs ). The GUI part of the question tends to disambiguate 'X', but I would agree specifying X11 might make a clearer question. If his grep doesn't support '-not', it seems unlikely GNU grep will be available and -I is a GNU addition to grep. Err.. I meant 'find' of course and not 'grep'. What OS/version are you using? I was wondering if that was the best way to count lines, but figured I'd go with the original question to avoid confusing the issue with a different count. Yeah, its pretty awkward. This seems like it ought to be simple, only it isn't! How can I do it? Looking at the Manager and departement attribute, they are single value. I can see how that might accomodate departments, what about managers? and a user can be part of multiple OUs? Ah! so "varchar(max)" is a SQL 2005 thing, which explains why it didn't work when I tried it on SQL 2000. We do already use cfengine for provisioning our servers. This effort is at a slightly higher level: Manipulating processes while the servers stay up. pssh is interesting, so thanks for the pointer, but is more a user-level tool. I need an API, plus built-in reliability. It's an assignment about polymorphism. We're building a shop database which stores a list of products and shopping baskets.They're just being stingy by not letting us use strings. I think they expect us to use char* or some other way of storing an array of chars. But we're free to figure out other creative solutions. @workmad3 - Can't I send it directly to cout? or to a char or char[] or another stringstream? I've have set this up on both our UK and European mirrors and it's working really well, the snapshots are created in a matter of seconds and we are able to access data within the last 15 mins, this is a really good solution, thanks Jonathon! This seems a bit more reliable than the idea of adding 0.0005, but both would work I guess. Thanks for your help! Take a look at . Preprocessor macros don't "deal with" C syntax, so clever hacks like this are necessary to prevent macros from barfing in, say, an `if` statement without braces. well I dont use any code to create MDB The question was: Is there an Access setting in the print setup (similar to the way Excel has an option for printing formulas) for printing a copy of the report showing formulas rather than data? I thought that was pretty clear. I thought of the solution provided as I was typing the question, but I want to know if there is some other way of accomplishing the task. Not sure if or how much you want to automate the process. Also, are you looking to auto-detect edges in order to determine how much fish eye your photos have? Were all the photos taken with the same lens? Regardless, if you use PIL, you would probably waant to convert to a numpy array and perform your "rectilinear conversion/transformation" there. Alternatively, paanotools look like they have python bindings Hi jpedroso I did follow the above steps but I am getting same 3 errors. Yeah, cursor or something like SSIS - can have a couple of data flows. First one selects * from table A, goes through an OLEDB transform (an insert which then selects scope_identity into a new column in the data flow) and then saves the table a record with a new id field into a temp table. Then, second data flow retrieves table b, and does a lookup on old_id to the temp table This works, but while refreshing the page.... not on clicking or reading the file..... if i refresh the page where the link is there, it increase the count... not on reading the file. The WPF Bag-O-Tricks is brilliant! Thanks for the link! a.k.a - You just saved me a ton of brain-strain on my current LOB app. fastest typist wins again. I'll delete my duplicate answer The network conversion ops can also be used to convert everything to big endian, thus solving other problems Jay may be encountering. no, no, no. Any unfortunate user of this class would then end up with the same problem, even if they don't use winbase.h Create function, winbasewrap.h, which does the undef and include. Find and replace your includes with this one. I had always thought that : was used for inheritance - is there any inheritance happening in Example 1, or is this just an overloaded usage of the colon? Thanks for help everyone! Jpeg supports 8 bit grayscale. Is this still assuming there is a parameterless constructor for Foo? If we defined a parameterless constructor that set x, wouldn't it behave as we would expect? Don't forget . That's the kind I usually encounter in code. I have no clue if it will cause continuous play or not - guess I'll find out - and maybe ask another question about it...haha. 1 Nice advice - Additional source: Wikibooks I also agree with this one but really you should check your site stats as far as what browser is more predominant in your visitor group. this could work... is inline-block supported by all browsers though? default styles is what I meant..I stand corrected D3DXVec2Dot does not use the GPU. And beside that, you only see a speedup from GPGPU programs when you transform very large sets of data, or use very 'expensive' programs on the GPU. This is due to the cost of setting up the GPU to do the work, and then reading back the result. Every transfer of data to/from the GPU is a very costly operation. If we had really well written frameworks to run managed code on, then I'd say you have a good point. Sadly, the .NET framework gets more bloat heaped onto it with every release, and the truth is that C++ remains about the only way for a developer to write at a reasonably high level and be assured of [the ability to attain] good performance. And you set a breakpoint on a public field how, exactly? Setters are brilliant for exactly this reason - you can easily see what code is influencing a value. Are you trying to connect from Access to Lotus Notes or from Lotus Notes to Access? If it is the first, what type of report are you generating? Maybe you can do it directly in notes using a scheduled agent. What type of report are you trying to create? It might be easier to create directly in Lotus Notes. @jmservera: True, but storing the generated hash seems more complicated to me (though only slightly), and often has no meaningful performance impact. And I suspect it makes the gethackcode function slightly more expensive, though this is also negligible. And to get really fancy you can use the contents of the items and re.match to make sure the next item starts with it plus a dot plus number(s). @Ashwin: Maybe you should edit your original question and add your class C findings? Can you please tell us what you have tried to do so far? Thanks for the reply... Just an addendum to the question. What if I want to insert two numbers instead of one. like I want to insert 9,8 at the start of every item in the list? Alas, it's a wordpress deal so I am not getting an error message. I am trying to insert into the usermeta table. Thanks for the heads up but it is a inside a php mysql statement so $user_id is valid. :) full code added. I use $user_id in the four statements before that and they insert fine. thanks for your time it runs fine if i put it straight into phpmyadmin. $user_id comes through fine with the other statements It's the semi-colons causing the problems. Trying to find out how to escape them as \ doesn't seem to work. at the moment I am only running the one statement that is causing me a headache. it's the damn semi-colons! why wordpress thought it was a good idea to put those in i do not know. you sir, are a genius! i owe you a drink! cheers for your time and the help. It'll teach me for blindly using the existing functions without some research first. Sometimes, I really wish I could downvote Comments but hey, I have compensated it with upvoting the other one :) Are you saying that the trailing slash is part of some formal/standard/default notation. In that case I've got a similar question. How can I redirect to add the trailing slash ;-) Just tried, but it won't redirect. Thanks, SadSido. You seem to be the only one that addressed "public-derived". I had actually forgotten that there was more than just public inheritance because I only ever use public inheritance. It is the nature of the public inheritance that allows this behavior - which makes more sense. I thought this was the best explanation. Thank you. With the your code I get the following results: example.com/page/view/1 >> 404 error example.com/page/view/1/ >> Redirects to example.com/public/page/view/1 and than displays a 404 message The contract is supposed to be that a.equals(b) implies a.hashCode()==b.hashCode(), but a.hashCode()==b.hashCode() does not imply that a.equals(b). It's not if-and-only-if, it's a one-way thing. I've used all browsers and its the same issue.The timeout has been set to well real long - so thats not an issue. I can access it fine from all other workstations save one! NO SSL - cookies are enabled - my login script takes the user credentials logs in and stores the session id in a database as well as maintain session. However upon redirection the session is destroyed and I lose all my variables once I am redirected! I didnt understand how is the redirection causing issues? Both are in the same domain. they're in the same root folder. The index.php file just has one function call which checks to make sure if someone is logged in. If not it redirects him back to login. Alright, the Handling http 404 PDF was a real help. I added the processor into the pipeline, and that seemed to do the trick. The problem I'm now facing is that in IIS, for non-asp.net items like http://www.example.com/text.txt, if that text file isn't there, I tried to map the Custom Error to Execute URL /Default.aspx, but that gave me an error. Seems like any *.aspx extension that I add in the Custom Error's feature in IIS, returns a generic 404 error. 1 really awesome example! :-) How do you load the data? where T : IInterface, new() but this means that LoadDefaultType can only support types that derive from IInterface, does this work? No wait, i c your problem Can you post a link to those other questions? I always make sure I look first, obviously the titles weren't clear enough to be found easily. Maybe having this question in as well will help point people in the right direction in case they haven't searched for the exact thing. What made you decide to go with Torque rather than a more commonly used ORM like Hibernate? so far this is the closest thing to a solution i've found >> http://blogs.southworks.net/mconverti/2009/04/12/how-to-integrate-a-prism-v2-application-with-the-silverlight-3-navigation-framework/#_Download Okay, but why does its idea of layout not suit your needs? Do you have more sample code for this. I am using WPF and I have a ListBox setup with the DataTemplate configured with a Grid. I also have the ListBox.ItemContainerStyle setup with a Template and HorizontalContentAlignment set to Stretch however this doesn't fix the issue. I was hoping I could place the RelativeBinding to the ActualWidth like you have in your sample code above. This does not eleminate the whole of the footer, just the text line on the right hand side of the footer. css seems a more standard way of not displaying something then DOM manipulation in javascript. I still regret not being able to do it on the server side with some Genshi magic. @People > After reading all your comments, i'm evaluating the posibility of deleting this answer, as it seems quite wrong. What to you think, delete or edit? Tom, the poster. I tried setting the width in the ListBox.ItemContainerStyle using and that didn't work. "Counting the list items" seems misleading Actually, shouldn't that be {(1,1,1):[1,2,3], ...). dict(key=val) syntax only works if your keys are python identifiers. Edited. Thanks for the heads up It is an onmousemove see my second comment: "because my site uses on mouse move." Thanks! Okay, if I setup the Filter to be set on the UI thread then won't the predicate run on the UI thread as well and not within the BackgroundWorker thread? That can't hurt, I will check it out. Thanks! Has anyone run into problems run this in IIS6 / windows 2003? Runs fine on my localhost but testing it on my other machine it breaks! (cant debug as dont have VS installed on it) Requires Visual Stuiod 2008 or greater. I invoke to add to the hash table because it's declared on the main thread of the program. 1 My choice as well Wouldn't that just add the cleartype red/blue aliasing? It would also be an issue if they have CRT screens, or vertical monitors, or non-standard DPIs? I like waxwing's answer the best : String[] stringArray = Arrays.copyOf(objectArray, objectArray.length, String[].class); It's very concise and works. I counted how much time it takes for both his answer and my current approach, they are pretty much the same. @David, however even that hand unrolled multiplication is actually slower than calling ** 5 (probably mostly because it's also paying the python bytecode overhead rather than doing all the work in C). Compare "timeit.Timer('x**5','x=10').timeit()" with " Thats a Good one :D Yeah I know that but I just want a formula to get the latitude and longitude from the coordinates - WGS84 as you said format. Or a function in Php would be even nicer :) Thanks for the formulae - just used it in my php code as is. Worked brilliantly for me in a C# winforms application. Thanks, Freddy. Tim I have actually submitted an issue to Microsoft through the Connect site. I noticed it being an issue with default values on the arguments for the workflow. If you had no default values it was fine, if you had default values for the arguments it broke. I included my XAML with the Microsoft Connect issue. Thanks for the response though. Thanks for the clarification. I googled a bit but couldn't find the answer. I'm just curious... is this specified in the standard? I just glanced at the section on classes and didn't find this. Nevertheless, very interesting. I just wouldn't think that every compiler necessarily has to handle non-static member functions in this way. The iframe idea I doubt would work as I need to just display the infobox part of an article in the search results for that city or location. I heard that wikipedia restricts external requests or so - how TRUE is that and what kind of restrictions are there on wikipedia with respect to grabbing information in this manner. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to create a server side script, but it was useful response for others. it also needs to collect and parse output, I guess Yes, i need the infos already processed by AWStats... my final goal is to put "some" of the infos, generated by AWStats, in a DB and assign them to different users/groups, etc... This is kind of what I'm looking for, but it looks like its an online app, I'd like to have something that I can hook into locally and integrate with an existing application. I would never have discovered this thanks for the help :D I'm not sure what you mean? The answers below sound good to me. Each photo belongs to an album... what more to do you need? Nothing is set in stone yet. When the user tries to view an image, it checks if he has permission to view it, and then either shows him the image or tells him to bugger off. Actually, I think that if he uses Cache or any application variable the data will not be lost between calls.... WOW. I can't believe I didn't try that. It worked for me too! Thanks! The CSS docs said that only img and div elements could be vertical-align middle, and vertical-align: middle didn't affect them at all, but bottom works! Why align=middle is lower than bottom, I do not know. This stuff is so inconsistent and awful. Thanks again! @HBoss thanks for the insight. Definitely an interesting approach. Unfortunately Fredrik has it right, for this particular case the flow is in the opposite direction. Great tip & reading, thanks! Someone please fix the typo in the title Me too. ------- Thanks for the answer David. Your structure was very similar to what I had in place. The primary difference was the unified function to raise the event. Still wasn't able to pin down 100% where my error was but your structure works like a charm. I must've overlooked one of the pieces...it's been one of those days. Thanks again! I say we go for a papyrus scroll, or a stone with chisel... it would, but I don't the ability to change the CSV data source sadly... Can you post the controller code for the Index page as well? Maybe you're passing cached data into the Model for the view? Same for me - I've seen no issues with TortoiseSVN on Windows 7. I'm using 32-bit versions of both, however. lets assume its legal, how do you do it? Thanks.. Yes - I tried that, thinking along the same lines. Made no difference. Cheers. Yes, that's what I'm suggesting. I've corrected the link. Sorry about that typo (it's getting late!). Under the "Net" tab in Firebug it will show all of the requests Firefox makes for that page. I have javascript disabled. :) I use the NoScript plugin for Firefox for two reasons; it can prevent some types of attacks (like cross site scripting), and it prevents webpages from doing random crazy things. Most sites work just fine without javascript. A minority of people have javascript disabled, so using the noscript tag should be good enough. could you clarify on the mysql script portion of this? what language is the script being called in the cron jab? (shell script, perl, python, etc...) nice, PDO looks to be a bit less of a pain than using mysqli for prepared statements :) yes, lucene with lipstick :) but all that was asked is if there was an alternative to using lucene.net for an asp.net site (does not necessarily mean coded in .NET)... solr runs as a web service enabling it to be accessed from any language. anyways, if the requirement is to be native .NET or NOT be java, yes, not a good fit. Ah, thanks! Guess my choices are between using `*` or no caching at all... thanks for the tip tvanfosson I didn't know that! You're right about the typo in the css classname "me" :-) Sorry, was a typo. This is more like what I'm doing: dn["Country"] = (from c in db.Country where c.Zone == 3 select c.Code).Count(); Now if that were to return Zero, the row should not be added to the DataTable. What instead happens is that if the count is greater than 0, its not added either. Formatting messed up: I've updated the main post with my reply. James: That is what I want it do do. It doesn't add irrespective of what the Country and State values are. Jon, that was an example. I'm not sure what is going wrong but none of the methods work. The comparison fails irrespective of the count. I'll try and work on a sample. Thanks again. @pjp: Just an example. Same issue with integers too. Ok then, how about "Bob"? Got it to work with Any() for now. Thanks Jon. In general, if you can make variables immutable, I believe its a good idea. I definitely suggest Fredrik Mörk's approach over the one you specified though. Master of jargon award 1 It's good that you are looking for a solution to this. Right now you're just creating a lot of work for yourself and risking that the customer may get out of date information. Always better to not repeat yourself! @Reed: I´ve done some testing now and must say it´s a competent library and it seems as if this will solve my troubles. Thanks a lot! everything below "set_exception_handler( 'global_exception_handler' );" is just demo, you won't need it, it's just to show what would happen in a normally non-exception error situation. 1.Do you have a change management system? 2.Can everyone make a build in one step? 3.Do your daily build include automated tests? 4.Is work item tracking integrated with source control? 5.Do you fix bugs and write new code? 6.Do you track progress and manage change? 7.Do you have a requirements management system? 8.Do programmers have quiet working conditions and teaming rooms? 9.Do you use the best tools money can buy? 10.Are your testers involved in requirements management? 11.Do new candidates review code during their interview? 12.Will the organization exist in 6 months time? I like it. It is absolutely possible to have an extern inline function. Indeed, the standard explicitly mentions it: "A static local variable in an extern inline function always refers to the same object. A string literal in an extern inline function is the same object in different translation units." Yes, the link does say it is a matter of performance but is also quite strong in the language it uses i.e. "Do not define a structure...". They could have said "It is not advisable..." Bingo! Thank you very much! I can't use low ports like that (restricted by my webhost). I can't use low ports like that (restricted by my webhost). It doesn't seem to do that. How do I make it return a valid HTTP response? Er, the function in my question IS the factory pattern! I am trying to see if there is a way which does not involve writing down everything in concrete. Thank you for your reply. I am not interested in inventing classes at runtime. I am interested in ways to make the code more editable (the code is going to work with existable classes only). We previously used Test Complete 5, but the way things were done were different. You had to add some units to make an application 'open'. We're currently working with AQ, but they don't seem to know what the problem is. There is no need to apologise. Because of your reply, I am now investigating using C# for my application. And it is always good to know what is available in other programming languages. In research, finding out what does not work is as useful as finding out what works. It stops others from wasting too much time on a persuing a solution which does not exist. Don't worry. I hope you know what I mean now. Yes, you are right. The value "type" itself can be derived from a configuration data structure/file. @James - That's a good philosophy to have, when writing new code, and when hoisting the operation out has no effect on readability or maintainability. @litb - I suggest posting a new question, I can answer but it might go beyond a comment :) 1 This is what I was thinking. Removed my answer since you said it better and w/ more detail. What about changing vim to use fewer than 256 colors? Did that make any difference? lots more details needed: how unique do you want the number to be? how many ids will you need? can it be incremental (0,1,2,3...)? can it restart counting when the app is closed and reopened? will the ids be created and used in a single machine or can they be created remotely (communication between machines/processes)? @Marc I don't have access. It's a seperate company who work with our data on there systems. So soap it is...I was thinking the simplest solution might have been a guid known to both parties? So we need to specify SSL also. Thanks Marc Be *very* careful with eval, and only use it if you are 100% completely sure that the user can't inject any code. Yeah, on small amounts of text is does increase the size but when you put a few pages of random text in there it compresses it pretty well. I'm seeing 30-50% compression. Exactly correct and solved the issue. Thank you. Yes, this is stuff that is uploaded by the user. I want to remove it so that I can deploy an unexploded war without modifying it. Yep, the pixel width is the one I'm looking for. Thanks a lot! Not sure this will work in Strict mode, the second link in first answer is the solution, even thought it's pretty hacky :) 1 for the Fowler article - MVC is a bit of a red herring. Does the application state object reside in the application pool? You'll have to make a custom implementation to get around this; the normal physical scrolling requires the total computed height. (the scroll bar thumb size is based on the currently visible height relative to the total) Another option in a similar league to access is Sqlite, if you want single-file databases. Its much less buggy than access. There's no shame in shelling out to an exe! ;) Yes, i know where you're coming from. Depends how professional you want it to be. Yeah, I know. I'm not translating. I'm just making it so non-Arabic readers can get the gist of what is in our catalog of books, since the Arabic books we have are and will be cataloged in Arabic. There is no source! It's bizarre. How would I quickly find out the HTTP response header? Just tried it on Safari and it's fine. I suspect a dodgy FireFox add-on, but I've tried it in safe-mode and that still doesn't sort it. If that was the case, why would it be okay on Safari and IE? Nice, I get an 403 Forbidden on the Response Header. But still, why would only FF have a problem with this??! "self" and "this" both has four letters, so no one seems to be better than the other. I try to avoid it (if possible), but if i can't (like in triggers), I use the semicolons and slashs exactly as used in the official scripts that generate the samples schemas of oracle: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14198/scripts.htm#Cihgfecd For the inserts problem, I try to separate the scripts that create objects from those who populate the tables. Yep - stl is just better anyway. I HATED the mfc containers with a passion. Great solution - I liked this! because the math is already built in with the string conversion methods? If you want somewhere between one second and 10 second accuracy, with 20 users max, i'd say caching wouldn't be needed, just directly query once every second. Unless the table is hugely complicated or something. All the .textedit elements are edit-in-place features. When the data is submitted (specified in submitdata and loaddata), two data packets should be sent to the server so that it knows how to process it: the first is the id of the edit-in-place, which is stored as the id of the element (this part works). The second piece of data I call the 'client'. The only way I can think of the browser to know which elements have which client is via data(). But some reason my implementation is not working. The 'client' data is simple not sent, that's what's wrong. The database fields are all set with `utf8_unicode_ci` collation. Does that mean that they are all utf-8 encoded? That's actually the same class I'm using for the transliteration. Sadly, though, the ArCharsetD chokes on any English strings I feed it... The client isn't running after interrupts occur, the only problem is that it is mis-interpreting a graceful shutdown as an error that needs tracing while is quite happy to accept a straight close. Either way it carries on working without problem just this side affect of the trace file... Good advice anyway, sometimes you just have to get things working how the customer wants it, Thanks. How do you identify the tcp stack? We do use SO_LINGER at our end. This would be a good place to use a for-each loop: for (int key : events) { ... } @Dustin Not if you intend for your client to consume the exception. If you direct the server to return a 404 response, how does the client consume the exception? I'm not an expert in http responses, so I'm legitimately asking because I'm unsure. What I @Eric Yeah you're right, I was trying to come up with something better than that. Thanks for pointing that out Dennis, I've changed my answer to VB I don't think the issue is with recaptcha not displaying an error. It's that Joomla isn't submiting the page. I tried GLScene but I still cant find a way to avoid using mapped textures, I suppose this isnt so easy to do. I'm trying the following, but the debug is giving me a count of 0 instead of 8: Dim allItems As New List(Of CartItem) Dim productXML As XDocument = XDocument.Load(Current.Server.MapPath("/App_Data/g-attempt.xml")) Dim productsDoc = XDocument.Parse(productXML.ToString()) Dim products = From entry In productsDoc... Select entry Debug.Assert(False, products.Count) What am I doing wrong? Perfect! Thanks for the link :) Nice... but it only works for strings - not necessarily a limitation but something to consider. oops, (and numbers) Woops think you just pipped me to the post!...no pun intended Does the webservice not implement a login method of some sort? This would fail if for some reason an invalid string was entered... gitk is efficient but not very beautiful. You don't have to have environment variables if the TNS names file is local to the server - only if the server needs to find it somewhere else on the network. If local, at least make sure the SQLAgent account has read access to the file. I had a suspicion that they transform a buzy wait into something that behaves as a buzy wait, but is indeed some kind of sleep mode. And why this is closed I don't understand, it is a question and it is programming related (if it is true) "The above way of doing things has been deprecated." - System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings has been deprecated, but it's replaced by System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings. The use of the configuration section has not been deprecated. LALR parser - not some regex Info on their site "GOLD grammars are based on Backus-Naur form and regular expressions" Yeah, that's what the IE team told me too. Major bummer. product._permalink = entry..@href is what i needed, thanks! My considered opinion regarding triggers - either use a lot of them or none. When you have only one or two, they can get forgotten really easily. I have been places that worked both ways and don't see any inherent problems with triggers - as long as everyone remembers that they are there. Thanks for the input, but this doesn't seem to work. From what I've read, this just calls one exec after another without waiting for each process to finish. Very helpful, thanks a lot. I just tried the first quick method, but it failed due to the same problem. The bash script didn't wait until the mount finished before executing the tar command and the program blew up. I'm going to make a second try at extracting with Java. I actually tried using a tar library earlier, but couldnt figure out how to preserve last modified dates in the extracted files so I gave up. There's gotta be an easy way to do that.. There is also an SMB library (jcifs.samba.org) that seems pretty promising. Ah unfortunately in this case I'm using .net 2 - I'll retag the question. @BengtBe - Although I agree this does stink of anti-pattern the example I've given is purely just that, the real situation makes good use of the interfaces and the resulting abstraction. @mikem - Thats what I was thinking with the delegate, (maybe a property accepting an implementation which takes an int and returns a IMakeInfo object) of course then you still have the issue of actually supplying that delegate function to all the `Car` in Yes, the history frame was in place. It turns out this is not a technical issue under my control and I feel rather silly now for asking. A few things were at play. First, the GWT browser loses the history on refresh (sometimes I forget to compile). Second, IE acts strangely with regards to the history. Third, a few developers weren't properly pushing history tokens onto the stack. Thanks for taking a look at this for me, sorry for the trouble. This isn't about loops necessarily. What if it's a function that gets called a lot? For example, a onmousemove event, even if the function is short it still slows down processing. @Chetan Sastry: I was giving onmousemove event as an example because my site uses on mouse move. Think of something similar to auto displaying the mouse coordinates as it moves, only a lot more complicated. Please don't dismiss questions based on "most ca Was wget.exe something you had to actually install/deploy on the server..? Well spotted - I've changed it to onclientclick Yes, I need a number of things to show to the user. Say, their last thirty purchases, or anything along those lines, each one of them identifiable by its own URI. Modifying deploy.bat did the trick. Thanks. I think the key to this problem is setting the time out. So a follow up to this question is directly related to this problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/464679/access-is-denied-by-executing-hta-file-with-jscript-on-windows-xp-x64 Thanks. I was using within the Style, however disabling the ScrollViewer fixed the issue. This is exactly why I dislike C/C++ preprocessor. I did not define the dependency to my .py files correctly in my script. thanks good to know! but I think I my question was a little bit unclear it was more a makefile question. Thanks anyway! Exactly what I did I have a vague recollection of actually doing it once or twice, but I don't remember a specific instance. The thing is that most functions I call are class methods, so it is pretty rare. Everything looks fine in IE8... I'm all for being pedantic, but I should point out I used the phrase "non-unicode encoding", not just "non-unicode", which is accurate. UTF-8 is indeed an encoding (one of several) for unicode data, whereas latin-1 is not, as it cannot represent all possible unicode codepoints. Duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/212577/how-do-you-create-a-pdf-from-xml-in-java I tried using *.jar on Linux before writing my answer and it didn't work. Just return null or new Object() from the Callable and ignore it. Could you please add some sample code to show how you would move the filtering to a different thread? I can't seem to get this working on a different Thread. Simplest depends on usage. My objection is semantic. Saying you should "always" do something this way in software development is a red flag. Why should you always store a numerical value as an integer? If it's only being used as a string, why continually pay the CPU overhead to convert to a string? Thats why I disagree with you. @trendels: Ah... didn't think about bots. Is this what people actually do in practice? Make every delete link like ``? That's a fair b Thanks; saw that one already. It explains how to access the pixel data, but not how to create a new image from modified pixel data. But that is platform-dependant. Right? At the moment, it's setup so that the first page has no real logic; the button has its "PostBackUrl" attribute set to the 2nd page, where the 2nd page uses 'Page.PreviousPage' to get the values of what was posted Yes I am generating them. But in my views very often I forget to close a tag. I would like the view to raise error saying that it is not a well-formed xml if I forget a closing tag. The map approach is also better if you need to get items by the "insertion id". For example, if you want the item that was inserted 5th, you do a lookup in insertion_order with key 5 (or 4, depending where you start counter_). With the vector approach, if the 5th item was deleted, you would actually get the 6th item that was inserted. Ah, recursive! That's what I was missing. Thanks! Thanks but the issue with the infobox is that not all the pages have the infobox ending with comment. The infobox from what I have noticed definitely ends with two curly braces }} with a newline before and after i.e. \n}}\n The trick is that there can be curly braces within the string but those within are on the same line. - How do I solve this .. Thanks a lot man for the help :) Both queries are valid and equivalent, despite slight variations in their expression. Yeah, handy hint to remember is that the optimizer will only use an index where there is a predicate for the first column in the index All the answers have been great - I'm using your concept by retrieving all the select xml exports of the articles I want and running a script to parse from the exported files for the infobox - so far its working like a charm. Thanks everybody Oh dear... two Tom's is going to get confusing :-P. @other Tom: I realize the OP asked for a way to sort, but he also explained what he is trying to do and asked for other ideas... I think providing an O(n) that scales better instead of an O(nlogn) solution falls into that category :-). I did not -1 this response because it is technically correct and answers part of the question. However, I did not +1 it, because it is most likely not the best solution, unless the OP is dealing with an extremely small data set. Yes: I'm memcaching the whole list of posts and getting them all, then choosing 5. It would be faster (and smarter!) if I get only the 5 I want. As you said, it doesn't matter if 2 different users see a different set of 5. In fact, if one user reloads the page, the set will be different, so maybe I could keep using the static var? I really don't care if there are several instances of the list that are different. Thanks Peter!! Thanks Jeff, having read through many "how do I hack the iPhone?" questions, I don't regard my Q as a duplicate at all. I proposed an approach and asked if it was viable, which seems distinctly different from other requests I read. For what it's worth, I'm going with an offline Web app solution (local database on the iPhone) which doesn't require me to buy a Mac and appears reasonably straightforward. Finally, I have both Python and Java running on the iPhone now, and can verify that building apps on an iPhone without a Mac is absolutely viable Ah, I understand how to use breakpoints now, but where should I put them because I don't know what is going wrong. I know it only happens when I add the selectionIndexPaths binding, but there is no error in the de-bugger or anything. So i can't seem to find out whats is going wrong. The cell is in an outline view. Not on it's own. And what do you mean by roll. Thats what I had first, but it didn't look that great. Are you sure it's not possible to do it using a checkbox cell? Yeah, your right. I hadd added the .click function inside a $('#storeListBox').change (Add button should only be clickable after one or more items are selected). This caused this weird behaviour. I guess my brain gets kind of slow for coding 12 hours a day :) Thanks! Ok. Thanks Anyway. I'm actually swapping out two views. I tried setting the autoResizingMask, but it still doesn't work. The other two methods you suggest should be taken care of by my - willAnimateFirstHalfOfRotationToInterfaceOrientation method. It swaps out self.view based on the orientation. That method never even gets called. Why do you think it is happening? Thanks for the update Martin. Nothing happends to the input if I decode it. But if I encode it, I get some weird output. Anyways - I'm using htmlentities for now. At least I got it working and will look at this issue later down the road. I could. But that would involve a lot of checks. I'm hoping I can check ONCE (against user creds) and then do the reading. Yes, I think so. Just create a ASPX file and in the top tell it which file is the masterpage. Then in the code behind, you retrieve data from the DB and bind it to an elemnt in the .aspx file. Thanks, I hope that helped :) ! If you find a better way, let me know. I tried creating a solution using attached Dependency Properties, but I can't remember what ever came of that... I posted a solution using Aggregate further down. True, but it doesn't answer how to do this through LINQ. With strings, I definitely would use this or StringBuilder, but seeing how this would be done the LINQ way would be a great introduction to using Aggregate (my solution using Aggregate is posted further down) Yikes, Ryan. It was a quickly written example. I agree, I'd call it IncreaseIndent - in which case I would not call it "a blatant abuse of the using statement". This sort of concept can be seen in scoping transactions throughout .NET - it seems like you're coming down a little harshly there on the minutae. dumpbin /summary clearly indicates the application is compiled 64bit. @Dan As long as you limit the tables a user can connect to and the types of actions run against it (e.g. CONNECT, SELECT only), should be ok, no? With some very slight adjustments, this did exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for putting this together! User run the program from cmd.exe The error is a the dialog showing the above. What pisses me off is I absolutely am unable to recreate this error on my own. I just updated to sp2 & later. Kinda sounds like your going to have to make them compromise :) John - Yes I am looking to describe the schema not data. Pesto - Dille-O's answer to your comment is exactly right. Dille-O - Thanks for the clarification. Thanks I will take a look. If we have to roll our own and it doesn't stink :-) We will definitely look at making it open source. Cheers Terence @all, you are talking about a tag that was removed 7 hours a go, and that was not put back. I had a point with that tag that I described in a comment. All in good faith and with best intentions, but I appreciate nobody else likes that tag, so I never put dupe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/47402/given-an-array-of-characters-which-form-a-sentence-of-words-give-an-efficient-al I don't think that's true for SQL Server 2005 x64, Brent. I have all the transaction log shipping UI in SQL Server Manager Studio. Released the first version of my C# API today (because my company totally rocks and gave me time to do it). Maybe you could give me some feedback on it? Its located at http://code.google.com/p/q42nabaztagapi "The "rb" and "wb" are absolutely required.": not in Python 3. There, you should call open() with newline=''. You're right. Sorry that was me trying a last ditch effort to see if I could straighten out what was missing. I do the same, a JavaScript and a Css folder directly of the root and then use a server relative URI to point to my CSS / JS files. @J.F. Sebastian: I understand that. My comment is that T(0*F + 10*C) == T(283.15*K) doesn't make any sense, because that's saying T(10*K) == T(283.15*K). It's difficult to have 10*C == 10*K while having T(10*C) == T(283.15*K). I'm not denying that it's possible to have a way to represent absolute and relative temperature units. I'm just saying that it's tricky to get right, especially when it comes time to use them in physical formulas like the ideal gas laws. +1 : My answer was not complete, this is, so I deleted mine, what is the width of the containing div - i thought it was 100% just set the width of the contentRight to the same as the containing div N% wide @all - correct it will only test against a whole string - you could loop through the letters within a string to test each one. can i just clarify the question - you want to test if a particular letter in a string is upper or lower - or do you want to test if the whole string contains any letter that is uppercase or lowercase. if it is the latter then how do you propose getting the result without looping through the string and testing one letter at a time? you would need to give a width to the tag class to use margin auto If I normalize each one in a different color space, for example green and red and then add the images... I can expect to see yellow in the regions of overlap. If the little yellow discs are in the center of the big ones of the other channel, then both lasers are aligned. See this Screenshot: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/gQBuodNtXFIy8BniPpLtjw?feat=directlink I saw a similar implementation in a commercial package but I don't know enough GDI to handle the normalisation properly. So if someone can help with that I think my problem is solved! Just wanted to add that I really need to normalize the images over either a red or a green channel space. Just extracting Red or Green from either images and adding those doesn't give nice results. I will probably also need some form of thresholding for my images since they can be noisy. See below for a further description! See below for a further description! See below for a further description! Is it ok to call the DataBing() in the Page_Load has I did? Is it going to be called twice? I've asked simmilar question in stack overflow before with great success - mainly becasue its one thing to configure a server - and another thing entirely to break configurations which are going to effect client code. @molf thank you. the plural arguments are not the issue. @molf the error was two fold on my part, i forgot a belongs_to statement in notifications, and i forgot to reload the console to load in the new model relationships...still testing the query. thanks! Amazing, thank you very much. +1 for pygame, if you end up going the python route. Could you post your HTML and describe the directory structure for the web site? You should post your CSS. That's probably where your problem lies. i would like to be able to perform the compilation myself. it's an exercise, the classes are automatically generated by an other script of mine, so I can configure the number of classes to be generated. I know I could create the "graph" when I'm generating the code for the classes, but I would like this to be able to work on classes that aren't generated by me :) i'll use this for now, and when I have some free time, I'll try to implement this myself :) if you have thousands of files, this won't make such a big difference. Thanks!! Good to know I love that a question with -3 gets over 1k views I have never seen that before, it looks quite good. but i dont think it will benefit me in this case. How did you mean? I never knew that, thank you very much. yup, I was asking in reference to the Plumtree / ALUI / Webcenter Interaction portal. i guess thats the only portal where this type of question makes sense? Even more "eek"; When called with n=0 caller *shouldn't* delete it. :-) It isn't perfect. The occurrence of multiple space runs outside the quotes will result in a few empty elements in the resulting array. You could try collapsing those spaces in each unquoted "slice" though. what if you are seeding data that does not have a model associated with it? The only language that does this in a sane manner is Ada (no, really!). 16#0c7fff#, 2#0011_0100#, 8#0664#, etc. You can use Process Monitor (from Sysinternals) to determine which underlying Win32 file/folder operation is failing. This is very helpful. I can't help wondering however whether the Haskell terminology is making things more complicated for people to understand with terms such as "weak normal head form", "strict" and so forth. If I understand you correctly, it sounds like the ! operator simply means to store the evaluated value of an expression rather than storing an anonymous block to evaluate it later. Is that a reasonable interpretation or is there something more to it? s/FileMon/Process Monitor/ I don't think so, but I'm not sure. You can try to ask on the nhibernate usergroup http://groups.google.com/group/nhusers Well, I'm not sure I care so much about what he "thinks" as I do about what's actually going on. Are they the same or not? In other words, is e = Enumerator.new do |y| y << 1 y << 2 y << 3 end exactly the same as e = Enumerator do yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 end I want to know if there is already a XML schema describing this kind of archive, and if there is already tool packing/unpacking the files. Else I will design this format and create this tool. each language comparison benchmarks produces an image, along with the test results table the use from your last code statement should start with a lowercase u,right? It is but in your demo you cast it to HttpPostedFileBase Please see my revision to my question, I have tried to add more detail. What I want is after the user click something in the buttons and the mouse leave the table, I need to validate what the client click-ed. ah yes now I see Err:508 I did not realise what the synthesized setter was doing behind the scenes. cheers guys! For the confirm password input, I don't want to show invalid when the client starts the first click, but show after the client FINISHED the clicks. Show I need to trigger the event when the mouse leave the keypad area(table here). For the confirm password input, I don't want to show invalid when the client starts the first click, but show after the client FINISHED the clicks. Show I need to trigger the event when the mouse leave the keypad area(table here) I've just added a clarification to my question, will it work in this case as well? yuck... doesn't this behavior entirely depend on the implementation of the garbage collector? It seems as though this behavior is not deterministic (ie - is not specified in the JLS). Am I wrong? Try 'Select * From temp where mydate > '2009-06-29 16:00:44';' How do I turn notices ON? Well I've tried to stripslash and unserialize as well as unserialize without stripping slashes and it still doesn't work :( cheers dude, this does the trick. Why all the extra quotes around time()? Name the field something crazy that they probably have never encountered before. :) Ah, ok.. Please disregard my comment then. :) + means the same thing as * with one exception: it won't match an empty string. I'm not sure why it only works with a slash. I'd have to play around with a running instance of Apache. Don't you think your suggestion is not user friendly? edited, thanks for concern @Randolpho is right. SourceSafe has to go. Do whatever you need to to get rid of it. Make this your mission in life. normal is onblur, but it is for the field only input by keyboard. Alex, worked for me. Ubuntu/python 2.5/2.6. You need to use full path in __import__, or alternatively, add it to sys.path and then call __import__ just on folder name DOne that but can't seem to find any errors being reported :( - check my post for update! Also because the parenthesis idea generalizes to other things... for example, lots of arguments to a function, or long math formulas. Parenthesis are more pythonic. 1 for being pythonic... this ought to be the accepted answer :-). Maybe you'll get a badge for exceeding the accepted answer though :-). See examples here in the Google pythons style guide: http://code.google.com/p/soc/wiki/PythonStyleGuide#Line_length hmmm, can you be more specific? The answers are mostly just checking the first char. What kinds of numbers do you want? These answers won't work for negative numbers! also, what do you want after the number... anything? If anyone can suggest a better question name for this question please let me know. @Adamski: you shouldn't typically favor StringBuilder over StringBuffer because it's faster. More specifically, StringBuffer is slower because it is threadsafe. StringBuilder is not threadsafe. If you are not dealing with multiple threads, you should use Thanks, its shaping up to be a great tool for me. Just a word to the wise. This program will now work unless you have SP2 installed. Hey, I was able to resolve by installing sp1. Have you considered using INNOdb so you get row level locking instead of locking the entire table like MyISAM. As an aside, if your elements are in a meaningful order and are pretty evenly distributed, you can do a binary search much faster by having your first guesses be within an estimated range of your item. This may or may not have any meaning for your specific application. Don't forget about System.Collections.Generic.SortedList(TKey, TValue) if you want to simplify this stuff but avoid a hashset. How many "pinches" in a "smidgen"? Thanks but this doesn't work because I need to limit the columns I return so that the message size is smaller, also because it errors out when it tries to grab everything with errors like "String must be exactly one character long" and circular references. Try if (foo && bar) snafu() 0 C# supports short-circuiting :) Oh - thanks I understand. The thing was to set text_txt.cacheAsBitmap = true; Makes sense, thanks! Hi, I have actually - in IE, I get a response code 302 'Moved Temporarily' (which is the Response.Redirect, I believe) ... and then nothing. Blowdart has got it - the network service is a local account so you would need to give permission for the DOMAIN\ComputerName$ account to access the resources on the other machine. In that case I would suggest that your question has little to do with SharePoint (you are really talking about accessing a database from ASP.NET) and you might get better responses by removing the SharePoint tags and references. Best to follow the STL's example, for consistency. operator[] does no bounds-checking for maximum performance, and at(int idx) does bounds-checking and throws an exception. Writing a computer program to beat that would be annoying, but not that hard. Most of the problems that thing generates are solveable by intelligent computers. Mm, ok, if found a few attached properties, like ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll = "True", but without any effect. I know, RTFM, but hey, I still got hope for a line of code here. I know, spoiled brat :-) This solution works. Are you generating these HTML documents yourself? Because in the real world, every HTML is *definitely not* a valid XML document. Very, very few are. If the page is going to claim to be XHTML then it should try to be valid XHTML. But yeah, if you're already counting on quirks mode, who cares. I've always had this same problem and never found a good solution. Yeah, that was me. I have two Google accounts and didn't realize I used the wrong one until after I posted that question. The DipslayerName field does have the valid string. The Items in the drop down contain the correct DisplayerName string i.e "Qualifying Scrolling Standings", Once its selected I cant figure out how to tell the control to use DisplayerName field as the selected display value. Well so far I have tried ComboBoxItem, TextBlock, and Label. They all produce the same Result. Can you link and e.g. I cant seem to set it the seam way I did the ItemTemplate. All my googling is not turning up anything simple and clean. It is just setting the long description. SelectedDisplayer = (IDisplayer)DisplayTypeComboBox.SelectedItem; if (SelectedDisplayer != null) LongDiscriptionLabel.Text = SelectedDisplayer.DisplayerDescription; Mainly the latter - they are looking to save some money. Thanks for the well thought out answer - we'll definately set up a bug priority system, and probably go hourly for a month or two to get a feel for how they use (and abuse) the product. After that, we'll look at it again and renogotiate the contract. Ah, that makes sense. Using that File trick would work, but it feels so hackish... I think I'll look into the Java libraries a little more before I resort to that. Yeah that seems like the way to go, I just couldn't figure out how to preserve last modified dates on the extracted files when using that. oh... well vb does :P... updated... this is great, actually, but does it evaluate the subquery each time, or only the first time when set to a variable? fantastic. amazing. thank you. I just want to add one thing. This approach is not entirely secure against tampering. Meaning that if child process actively tries to avoid your attention/limits it can do so. don't use a clearing div. use "min-height: 10px" instead. f IE6 Thanks - looks like switching to single quotes is the simple (and possibly fastest?) solution. Also - appreciate the concern about the cleaning output using htmlspecialchars(). I left it out of the example code for clarity. Thanks - looks like switching to single quotes is the simple (and possibly fastest?) solution. Also - appreciate the concern about cleaning output using htmlspecialchars(). I left it out of the example code for clarity. Point taken - though there's times when I just want to quickly output a small string of HTML (from say a function or method) and using a templating engine is a bit overkill. Thanks Welbog. That will be the ideal scenario, also the scenario that will involve most amount of hours. Since the website menu was done with a plugin for .NET purchased in 2006, and no one is around to support it, is very unlikely that will happen. I will keep it in mind either way. that's great ... but how does this work when you have an existing non-delegated openId in use here in Stackoverflow, and want to move? Objects are not passed by reference. Objects are reference types, but they are passed by value as function parameters unless you specify otherwise. Good point. I can probably work around that though in this instance. Sorry, you lost me a bit! Like this: Replace(stringToSplit, "([A-Z])(?=[a-z])|(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])", " \1") ? When parsing the main.xml, I'm seeing the error: "The 'schemaLocation' attribute references a schema whose target namespace was already used for validation." -- In Altova's XML Spy. Notepad++'s XML Validation plugin states: "Element'{http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude]include': This element is not expected. Expected is ( {http://www.example.com/main}child )." @ThePower I would hope there wouldn't be software that would periodically clean out the temp folder, unless it was a scheduled task of sorts that uses the already existing cleanup tools that come with windows. @Anton That's why I included the link, so you could understand why naming conventions are significant. However, from a language perspective, it is insignificant. In my use case, the token is a single semicolon never escaped. If you wanted to have a backslashed token, then you would need another approach. There are multiple applications that use the library. So I would have to create and maintain config files for each one of them, and I would also need to know as new applications are written. Like I said for #3 in the question ... YUCK! This is basically the first thing you learn when learning jQuery. @Syed Tayyab Ali Thanks! 1 for XLink reference Don't think it would matter whether or not Special Folder exists as the check for it would "WriteDirectory.Exists" would cover that. The problem is a permission issue trying to write to the C drive. I am not aware of all that is allowed in the hosts file, for example, "-test". thanks. turns out after I switched back to CF5 (from CF8) the 2nd GET stopped. weird Works! Thanks, have to look into this xrange. Also - another problem is when executing the actual select query. A normal "SELECT * FROM parent_table, child_table" joins the two table without regard to FK's (you have explicitly specify "WHERE child_table.fk_constraint_col = parent_table.id" or similair). Is it possible to make the select statement take FK's into account without specifying them explicitly? Thanks! I know since the program is already using cout that it's already been taken care of, but I think it's worthwhile to mention that you will need to #include as well as use the std namespace: std::cin.get(). Point 7 seems to be the relevant one Yeah - I think it's probably a bug - I'll file it.. Thanks. You probably want to alias the name too: SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MyDatetimeColumn) AS MyTimestampColumn That's not really what I mean by 'custom'. That's pretty basic. I'm looking for something where the view is folded up into a paper airplane and makes zooming noises as it flies off the screen, or a hand reaches in and crumples it and throws it into a wastebasket. Animation, sound, overlaid video... NTFS usability in Linux is not always awesome. Sometimes its read only For Google, here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ I didn't see the homework tag. Is this an academic exercise, learning exercise, or for use in a larger project? What's wrong with SRFI-40 or SRFI-41? thanks a lot! that exactly what i've been looking for. the purpose of the aphx handles is purely to generate excell friendly list, and this does the trick! @Mike B Yes, a segfault can also cause a white page, and probably others but in my experience it's usually memory - anything else will be displayed Thanks, it looks like these ideas will achieve the closest thing to what I had in mind. Facebook chat is using Erlang so the tradeoff of having 100 0 connections isnt as hard as in other languages one comment : ROFLMAO A thousand times THANK YOU! This actually does not work, it still asks for credentials a bunch of times. My other problem is this is I dont have total control over the user's environment. I am hitting the localhost, so i don't think its the proxy. It seems like all of the WebResource.xsd requests are prompting an extra Authentication Requested. IE seems to be 'caching' the security for the whole site, so it doesn't fail for every single file on the system. Any idea why this would happen? This is how Windows Auth is supposed to work. It asks via the normal browser pop-up for the authentication information (returning a 401 if the browser doesn't send proper authentication information). IE seems to be 'caching' this for the entire download-transaction, however Firefox seems not to. I'm beginning to think this is an improper implementation on firefox's part. If i type in my username and password every time correctly, it gets a code 200 properly. However, it seems to have a ton of those axd requests that it is doing, as well as a few other files. I've switched my webconfig to only cover the individual aspx pages (through the location tab), but it doesnt stop it! It almost seems like firefox isnt properly caching the login info as IE does. I think Chen's article is referring to V1 of the GUID generation algorithm, which uses a MAC address & timestamp -- the current V4 uses a pseudo-random number instead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globally_Unique_Identifier#Algorithm I only commit .sln files that contain more than 1 project The just the results from one test, but comes out very similar each time. Thats on 3.5 It was not clear to me where to determine the TypeName value so I used the VirtualPath option for the MasterType and it worked great. Thanks! Marks anser got me going on it but this is answer is how I was able to implement it. Thanks Ahmad. Re: "polymorphism". Probably not the best term, but I view the use of xsd:anyType as a way to get generic/polymorphic behavior out of XML. In terms of substitutability, it's no different than using type extensions. The benefit vs. xsd:extension is that my types don't all have to extend from a common ancestor. I agree though, if I had modeled "ArrayOfDog" using xsd:extension, .NET probably wouldn't have tried to apply its trick of forgetting about the type and just using native arrays all over the place. check out my answer. I'm leaving a comment because they seem to send out alerts to stackoverflow users quicker. I understand. I've added registry keys to my answer below. How are the time-value pairs stored? I don't understand, why the complexity? The code I posted above should work for multiple requests, even though it's just a simple example. The key is declaring your searcher as a static variable because it's shared across the application context. ...or try the free Express edition. @jorelli: That is exactly right. 3 people recommending the same book in under 5 minutes must be a record. And a hint :-) Are the SqlMetal classes actually marked as being generated? See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.codedom.compiler.generatedcodeattribute.aspx I've modified my answer to give you an idea of how I do it This seems like homework. Please tell me why this should get a downvote? It's an acceptable way to center a div. Ok. I get the attribute but I can't Add the label to the Grid's new row. Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Label' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.Control'. here's how i add it: cell.Controls.Add(lblfilter) Yeah, I'd agree with that - updated. Well I was doing this on Windows, and two problems seemed to be: 1) When you install PEAR into a new directory, it actually DELETES the pear.bat file from the old location. So if you have a server-wide PEAR repository, then create a new one which is to be used for one specific website, well, it deletes pear.bat from the server-wide location. (Why??) 2. It seems like "pear config-create" does not create the required sub-directories, at least on windows. Yes, I was mixing AAA and Record/Playback. I was grasping at whatever straws were available. I'm new to using mocks and the AAA style "fits" me better, but I'll do whatever works. The lambda (s.Stub(Function....) fails at compile. There is antivirus running on this machine, although looking at it's config it seems to be explicit in the folders it blocks. If i run process monitor what type of event should i be looking for? excellent stuff, thanks. The error usually happens overnight, so i'll start in this evening. Good point regarding the indentation. Thanks. I have considered that. Regarding the assumptions of the resistance of the material: I plan to just calculate the newtonian force on each board, such that each board has infinite strength. I do not know if this is feasible though. what has that got to do with the question? The fact is I would like to restart every day at 2am. it's a stand alone app displaying real time data from industrial plant in dynamically created grapical objects that connect to various SQL servers. It runs continuously 24/7. After 3 weeks or so it seems that the memory allocated gets too much. I have inspected the paint routines to see if there are resources that are not being disposed of properly but didn’t find anything. In the interim, until I find the real problem it was easiest way to get around a potential out of memory exception. try the internet wayback machine http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.pdfbox.org you should have some examples in their former site As you have already stated, that the code is pretty awful. Rather than trying to correct a code that is dying, it would be better to rewrite the code. If you have read the book "The Apple Way by Jeffrey L. Cruikshank", it says "If you can't unveil, then dribble" same might apply to your older code, until you unveil your new code, dribble the old code. Yeah I see it as a hack as well. I would rather not have to restart the application. But reality is that it is a one off application atached to a large LCD screen sitting on the factory floor and I would like it to run now, not when when i have time to investigate and fix the root problem. I am however working towards finding the problem. Good question. I've modeled this solution with OpenJPA (other vendors may differ in their approach). OpenJPA stores a string in the Node table, the string contains the classname and PK for the edge. Basically it combines ixRef + sRefType into a single column. I'm not sure how one would convince a JPA provider to use the table definitions you currently have (ReverseMappingTool or something similar might figure it out though). I'm assuming you need to keep existing tables intact, and this approach won't work for you? Good question. It's just that all the information is there fore ClearCase to determine which version would obviously be the correct one after the rebase. I have tried both the to_date and to_timestamp and both give me an answer in days, rounded down so if the difference is 1 hour I receive an answer of 0, multiplying this by 24 gives 0. I do receive the correct answer if I type in the date time but I can't do this for 25m rows. Any thoughts? I just realized that there is one workaround for this problem. If developer B is confronted with having to merge during his rebase operation, he can undo the rebase. Then developer A can do another delivery to stream B, containing the same versions he delivered to the integration stream. This is again a trivial merge. After that, developer B can rebase without any problems. +1 @mez,@Ben I've come to realise that Autohotkey is a TERRIBLE language but a GREAT tool. By this I mean things like string manipulation will drive you mad. But the functionality it provides to automate anything in Windows is unrivalled (even using Au -1 @rtperson, your "3 big reasons" have nothing to do with the Javascript language itself and everything to do with the host it is running within. If you had have complained about say, the scoping rules Javascript uses, or a lack of "built in" API functi Nope, that didn't work either. To note, previously the app exists in the same app pool as the main site when it is both a subdirectory and a subdomain. Again same result, subdomain works, subdirectory does not. Thanks! I'll try this when I get home tonight and let you know. So basically just use a series of if statements to check equality on each property and use the convenience of overriding .Equals method on the entity to perform the compare? Thank you, this was very helpful. It encouraged me to look at the The TLSAsyncDispatcherMixIn in greater detail, where I eventually learned that it was a red herring for my purposes and that I could get the TLS magic working with 2 simple lines. Can you elaborate on or provide links about the comment regarding asyncore being "old and rusty"? Ok, thanks, when I have something implemented ill post my solution FYI: I am currently using Amateras and I FREQUENTLY get stack overflows causing Eclipse to crash in Ganymede. +1 - TDD saves time on the backend of the dev cycle fixing bugs. If it didn't, why bother? @Cambrium - This is in fact the only way for this exception to occur - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/602636/concurrentmodificationexception-and-a-hashmap/602660#602660 I'm already kind of doing that. I have about 30 files and each file can have up to 40 0 numbers in it. I'm using the TestCaseSource attribute to generate a test per file. To generate a test for each number would be far too slow and cumbersome. I would recommend, as Jayson pointed out, that setting up a local developer version of cf8 and testing things could be very helpful. In Silverlight you are dealing with JIT compiler - that means math operations might automatically take advantage of SSE, MMX and other special instructions, and those or other changes might modify the exact order instructions are executed: A+B+C may not give the same result as C+B+A when using floating point values. As a result you'll get deterministic results when running on the same machine, but may get different results on another processor, or even a slightly different system configuration. If you have a base class for all of your pages, you can handle it there. There is also a pageBaseType property in the web.config that might help you change the base class globally: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.configuration.pagessection.pagebasetype.aspx @wowus - Much better that it crash writing temporary data than overwriting the actual exe. Besides, the fix is easy: Write to a tempfile then call MoveFile to put it in its final location. On the same volume, MoveFile is atomic so a crash won't leave it Ribbon bar custom draws the title bar - you can tell because buttons are added to the caption. @T.E.D. I couldn't agree more that the pattern isn't some Holy Writ that should never, ever be sullied by modifications. But I've often found that developers lean a little too heavily in the direction of complicating things with quick fixes and often don When users see that icon, they don't think "Floppy disk", they think "Save". It's a symbol for that now, it's been burned into the computer using concscience for the past twenty years. I doubt we could come up with a new that is just as obvious now. Compare and swap or any other Read-Modify-Write instruction are the primitive for any synchronization on modern processor. Using them instead of higher level synchronization object (mutexes or semaphores) does not mean your algorithm is lock-free. However, if you use gcc or icc I suggest you have a look on this instead of using asm instructions http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/Atomic-Builtins.html That solution puts it all back in the VM which is the original problem and what I wish to avoid. Whist a VM should be aware that it is going to be consumed by a view, to have every string from every view consuming the VM coming out of the VM would be unworkable, and any element to element binding that did not come from the VM not being able to be used. e.g. A text block saying "The current Value is {0}" and the placeholder coming from a slider on the view. the VM may have no knowledge of the slider since it is a pure UX piece that is not persisted (let's say the current zoom level.) That's not his problem in this case, though. agreed. its great and I've used it in my personal project (stochfit.sourceforge.net) if you need an example. The only downside is that its no longer maintained, and there are a couple of irritating bugs in it. I've fixed them in my personal branch, but there is no one maintaining the project. like flowcharts? well, flow charts were meant to be made to plan a task so you know the logic before implementation. but I think looking at directed graphs could help iron out certain problems in the code. although they are meant to be on a much higher level than code so looking at code via graphs could get pretty messy. Thanks Sean, I didn't know this (and its important for my current project) They appear visually as one button, because the are still on the same position (0.0, 0.0). So, my aim is to get the new starting position from the previous UIButton ([myContainer.subviews lastObject]). I think it has something to do with the UIButtons frame. But I don't know, how to get the positions. What a coincidence, I made a similar solution at the same time ;-) Here is mine: roundedButton.frame = CGRectMake(previousFrame.origin.x + previousFrame.size.width + 5, 0, 200,30); Thanks! Yes, I meant the y-axis. You could easily get around the linear search from the start problem by using rangeOfString:options:range:. I was simply showing a general technique that gets around the problem. Of course, this only handles making strings with that particular format. It's not a general solution to format strings with NSArray. Everybody has their own interests. People interested in Javascript in relation to other languages are of course free to ask about those. @ Scott Cowan : will do What utility or OS are you using? Worked like a charm. Thanks! Type inference is not a property of functional programming. That's because the alternative he was looking at was C Web apps. If his competitors had been using the Ruby and Python environments of today, I think he would have seen less of an advantage to Lisp. I only found ones with a GPL license. Well, that's obvious. If the current day is a Friday, you're getting only one result back (the following Monday), which will be returned as a single object, not as an array which is why you can't index into it using [0]. When you use 1..4 (you can drop the @() around that, by the way) you're getting two dates, that is, an array where you _can_ pick the first one. Another option would be to put @() around the complete statement (see my answer) to force an array (even with only one item) where you can use [0] again. Hmm, this is straightforward for a single directory, but moving a big directory structure to another folder is really inconvenient this way. Quite strange that python doesn't support this. @Peter I'm not sure how this duplicates code, except perhaps having to have multiple method declarations. Aside from that, each method has their own behavior, even in this example. If you find that methods share certain behaviors after the fact then you "projects might share code", that is why you have vendor branches. Even thou it means that you are your own vendor... ;-) However it solves the "one to many"/"1..n" relation that you often have with shared code. I think this may be what he's asking. Although usually you'll want to write (void)foo(); to show that you're explicitly / intentionally discarding the return value of foo(). How is this not a real question? This is a perfectly valid question. The OP wants to know how functional programming changes coding style, in the same way that OOP changes coding style when it is applied. @John Yeah I was thinking someone might point that out, but I figured if someone wanted to actually issue machine instructions they are at a whole different level than this question. =P Works perfectly, thank a lot. null is in there, because I didn't want to make the code sample overly complicated. Exactly. I could have thought about that sooner. :) Thanks for your reply! Well, I'd be happy if I got a compiler or runtime warning for this: num_employees_ = 0; --num_employees_; But it doesn't happen. @GMan: Well, if there were a *function* that returns the number of items then counting backwards would be useful: for(int i=getNum()-1; i>=0; --i) because if you just counted upwards then the function would be called many times (potential performance issu Oh, an easy fix, thanks! I think by the looks of your question example you do understand how it is meant to work and the relationship between the view/controller and model. The easiest example you could probably do is create a basic view whether it be a form/web page or whatever and place a label and a button. Then create a controller class that will handle the click event of the button. Then create a model class that will simply return a string indicating the button was pressed. So the process should be User -> Click Button -> Controller -> Tells Model -> Model does something -> View -> Updates itself. So really what you are looking to do is make the Model implement ISubject (review the Subject pattern) and the View to implement IObserver (review the Observer pattern). The model should then implement a method called Update which will inform all the observers (which in this instance would be the view) when a significant change has occurred. These changes should contain some sort of reference (perhaps the data/object that has been updated) and an indicator defining what sort of change has occurred i.e. (UserDeleted, UserAdded, UserUpdated). Hope that helps. That's easy. You didn't hook all four variants (LoadLibraryA, LoadLibraryW, LoadLibraryExA, LoadLibraryExW). Well so far it has worked well and we've used that approach for many years. SO there is proof in the history that it is effective. Our software operates in live-to-air broadcast environments where we always sell back-up licenses for redundant hardware. So Jay's comment is not valid in our case. This is real-time software controlling real-time hardware so VM is not an option for users. Any deviation from the hardware/software spec violates all warranties. This model works for our company. Maybe it wont for yours. Yeah ther server is a beast, no doubt...again, this question is more about configuration improvements, not specifically about "hardware". My reasoning for asking at stackoverflow is becasue I am very aware that the settings used to tweak memory caching and query performance are directly tied to max connections and I dont want to change a setting which will make things worse either by limiting the number of database connections, or over-using memory. Hmm, good idee, i might slap one together this week. +1 and thanks for the link, but in the whole emacs scene, sometimes a lack of simple examples bothers me a bit. One notable exception the link provided earlier : xahlee.org Excellent, this worked, thank you. Note that when I killed the process that was causing the problem, that allowed some other processes to run which had been waiting for the lock to be released. This caused some further problems. I should have killed the processes marked "WAITING" when I ran ps auxwww|grep ^postgres before killing the first problem process. don't you mean <[^>]*> which matches things like , and not <[^>]>* which matches things like >>> ? The real 'gotcha' that I have to deal with is, as you stated, the browser history cache not storing the stuff in the UpdatePanel. I've managed to get things working "ok" but not 100% (fix one undesired behavior and the 'old' cache is displayed, fix that and the drop-down lists are perpetually one-refresh behind in values) and I suspect I'll need that UpdateHistory control to fix things 100% I'll have to try using the \cond and \endcond. That sounds promising since it seems like something that doxygen is simply overlooking. Sorry, my bad.... Agree with Jon here though. so where does the mysql come into the question? the point is your question talks about mysql - it isn't very clear String would also work in .NET, it's the classname instead of the C# keyword. are you using xslt? that the sum is smaller or equal to 1 can you post the header code of you app so we can see how the styles are referenced. Thanks. +1, since you could. I did it like that first, now I am using a dictionary for that. But is there really no way to get an element by id or sth? According to the C/C++ ANSI/ISO standard, casting the l-value is illegal! Some compilers support it as a non-standard extension though, the usage of which is discouraged. The problem lies in that you are somehow mixing x86 and x64 dll's, that's what the "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format" means. Check your references to sharepoint and / or third party dll's to see if any of them are x64 builds.... Logging [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] sessionId] results in BAD ACCESS crash. But Appdelegate is valid object! Very strange issue this is. I tried to make this a Concurrent NSOperation, with start() method and everything. The manual says that concurrent is executed in new thread. So I thought that may solve the issue. But it's not. The crash is exactly the same! Just found this which maybe causing my issues http://www.scottgmorgan.com/blog/index.php/tag/externalinterface/ Still interested in the array though if possible. nice idea - thanks. Make sure to not forget to copy metadata as well!! http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/#controlling-which-fields-are-used-with-fields-and-exclude Correct answer! Note: In VB10, you may even just write { "a", "b", "c" } Nice anyway ;-) @the_drow: No, C++0x will introduce the auto-keyword which will infer the type automatically. You'll have to install boost in order to use boost::typeof Duplicate of this too: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/347338/is-object-releasing-on-program-exit-really-needed/347349 There are no variables in Haskell! Variables may be reassigned. What you have in functions or let-bindings is nothing but an immutable function argument, a value that is bound to a name! Great work Sean! Don't suppose there's any generic custom components which can handle this kind of thing? i.e. specify "record type" field and output fields without having to code it? Otherwise might be time to code my own! I would rather just avoid the name clash with conventions like "m_a" or "a_". Without knowing any more, I would say that putting the enum with either A or B creates an unnecessary interface dependence from one to another. Better to make A and B at the same dependency level (both including a separate header that defines constants, etc), unless there is already an explicit *interface* dependence between the class (as opposed to *implementation* dependencies, which are much easier to deal with). Yes, they did actually fail. @Jason: It's a bit more than that. I'm processing about 5000+ Workbooks and I'd like to know what workbook is being processed, etc, as the UI sits there. I'm not clear on what my view or UDF would contain that would help me. @Roel: The advantage of making a measurement class immutable is that it *is* immutable. It is kind of expected that if you change the value of it in one place, it won't affect it in other places. The easiest way to prevent bugs of this nature is for it My God...+1 (and props) for minutiae. C# 4.0 has optional parameters. They didn't want them, but not having them makes legacy COM a hassle. @brian: Considering that both accounts are unregistered, I'm willing to offer the benefit of the doubt and assume the extra account is due to a typo. is there a question in there somewhere? The visible property is modified with javascript. #NAME? @Mehrdad: The places that have a visible property also have divs so that javascript can see them. These divs only show up with stuff that can be removed. CanRemove is used to indicate that it is this type of property (in which case the positioning of th For selecting from an XML file, parsing it would be a better option, especially if the tags surrounding the filenames might have different attributes from file to file. Would you be ok with using something like a python script, or does it have to be bash/awk/sed? Sorry, don't have a real link here. Try to search for parts of the snippet, like Layout.SimpleLayout... I will add some more code in the post above.. Nicer since functional ;-) Without having it in compiled form? Yes, I have added this. (MSTestSummary2008.xsl becuase I am using tfs 2k8). This is what gives me the details of my Unit Tests, however does not give me anything on my code coverage. @Lieven: Assuming that worked, I would expect it would slow down queries where @inpo is null. I have riposted further, can you help me Is it common for all, i mean should we set something for person or user outta there. Turns out it resides in /tmp. Deleting the lock file did allow me to access and unlink the queue. Thanks! Further information is available on page 457 of Solaris internals By Mauro and McDougall, available on Google Books. Yup, it's worked very well for me. The trick is to hide it all away in a base class that your test classes inherit from, so you do it once and don't have to worry about it every again. Can we see the entity bean class? doesn't work with "26things" which would be no problem for atoi IANAL, but including them should suffice. The recipient can choose to agree to either license in full. I might license a song I wrote to different people without having to write some "master license" that includes all of them. I didn't know they made that change in 3.5.. is it 3.5 or 3.5 SP1? I fail to see how local functions break design "best practices". Unless you have a concrete reason (ima), it's not really "best". 1 to ammoQ. Refactoring without any awareness about the *intent* of things is no better than running gzip on your source base. Hmmm. The idea of using a spanning tree to store the components is one I had not considered. There are a lot of trade-offs associated with making this change. I'm not clear how to DFS from the smaller tree to the larger tree efficiently (without traversing both trees and without repeatedly doing an O(logn) check to see if a node belongs to the other component). If there is no way to do this, then the benefit of starting from the smaller tree is mostly lost. In re to A*: Switching to A* will probably reduce the number of squares that need to be scanned, but I am hesitant to even test it, as it gets annoying to do when there are a lot of changes. Your comments on savings do bring up the rather interesting idea of maintaining separate neighbor lists depending on the type of neighbor, thus yielding a faster traversal. That will probably bring about consistent speedups in several places all over the program. Why do people compare strings in this odd way ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859005/string-comparison-performance/859078 Post a link to the article. I guess you're right, that would kill any paragraphs in your document. Unless you find a way to selectively change the way the RichTextBox control does line breaks, it's hack time! Editing the answer... In other words, the framework often takes your 2nd suggestion of using a session data store linked to a cookie. Let's just call it a depth-first traversal. We know that much, at least :) Just out of interest Lars - why would you not recommend and Event Receiver? Don't see the image. Maybe just link to it? My problem is if the login is false, why does it not turn towards else condition.... My problem is if the login is false, why does it not turn towards else condition.... My problem is if the login is false, why does it not turn towards else condition.... What does it actually do? Is it possible to represent multiple UPSERTS as one upsert (e.g. instead of incrementing 1 item's count 5 times, update it once to increment its count by 5. More details here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/using-explain.html Care to share more details about your method? I certainly wasn't aware of this use of type. Thanks for the pointer. I don't think the .m stands for "message". Anybody who would use their children's birthdate as a 4 or 6 digit pin are also likely to use it as a 5 digit pin unless it requires 6 digits, which many don't. And then there's the zip code which I've known a few people to use. Not sure that's a valid consideration. Yes. If you need it to be in a fixed directory, you can alter the wildcard in the parentheses to something like for /d %x in (%userprofile%\foo\*) do ... @Roddy Ok I get it now. You may be right then meta programing in C++ in certainly a bad idea. However I don't think the limit is that obvious, generic programming is a form of meta programing after all. header and footer files only have html code. Even MT19937 isn't exactly hard to implement. @Sam, From google define:elegant - "refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style" I found Eric's answer to be tasteful in the way it behaves. The curly braces don't bother me. I also find elegance in the simplicity of the way the problem is sol Ah, I see what you're saying. I don't see any way around this, though, unless I remove the getter and just use a function every time I want to get the property's appropriate customer name. Ah, this seems like a nice way to do it. Thanks for the response. is it common for the product of a decompiler to not compile? "E.g. the built-in kick-ass admin"? More like "only the built-in admin". That's a great feature, but I can't really think of anything else of note to recommend it over Rails unless you just like Python. what does '/^' do? i know ^ is start of line but what is the /? is that just how to do regex in javascript? I agree the admin interface is a great feature. It's not an "only" because it's unimpressive; it's an "only" because it's the only one. The XBox 360 uses a modified Windows 2000 kernel, running on a PPC architecture. I am pretty sure that Windows is probably as portable as other operating systems out there, there is just not a strong incentive for Microsoft to actually provide other versions to the public (for, like, two customers, or so). Sadly it's not an option to write my own web service, because the solution has to work on generic Sharepoint servers. Thanks, I've already used it to understand what's going on in the SOAP calls. an array of bools wouldn't work here because you'd need one value for letters you've never seen, one value for one's you've seen in the first string, and another for the letters in both. so byte would probably be the most space efficient. but you'd have to make sure that when decrementing that you don't overflow. Good points, except: (a) there are JS/CSS libraries that cover most of the inconsistencies (it's really not that bad), and (b) the failure mode for weird CSS in IE6 is "spacing isn't right (small hack needed)", while for Flash bugs it's often "doesn't work at all (and good luck debugging!)". And (per my first point), I'd actually much rather have highly inconsistent CSS than slightly inconsistent Flash; the former is O(n) test runs, while the latter is O(n*m) test runs (i.e., there's no way we can ever cover them all). Oh, and as for DOM, I rather like having one DOM for my entire document. Different priorities, I guess, but IME passing things between JS and AS is much more painful than browser DOM differences. Isn't a good practice because performance and business logic. Performance: strings are immutable and therefore very inefficient if you need to change it once it's constructed. After you initialize a string even with "", when you set a new value, you are instancing another string. Business logic: Consider the example of having a column in your table that allow nulls. So, null is a state that needs to be consider. Null or "" are different states with different meanings, and should be logic to work with both in your application. Whatever gets displayed, can get copied. Flash is no pretection, either. Simply take a screenshot and be done with it (the lowest-tech method here). Add: Sinatra and even a bare Rack app for very fast very minimal web apps as well. Don't forget that the colons are an inseparable part of the selector. @selector(catFish) is completely different from @selector(catFish:). Ruby does not use docstrings. It does documentation in a different way. Well, he did say "the stack in a microprocessor," so I suppose it's a useful clarification. It can be useful, but doing it the way the example shows is just bad practice. Choosing your data type in order to satisfy a bad practice results in 2 bad practices. Also you should get a compiler warning about a signed/unsigned mismatch in this example. You probably shouldn't call a function in your for either way, call it before the loop. Well, I've written the manufacturer asking for the LCD's documentation. That was two days ago, nothing so far. I've often thought that it may be a speed issue, and I've adjusted transfer rate some with the same results. I still haven't counted that out though. thanks for making this, it lays out very clear and precisely the actions taken. I need to run the hta as a desktop application instead of web It works! Thanks! No, its not important, merely an academic exercise. Well, here GCC is aligning the stack at 16 bytes by default. Also, even if we were dealing with a 4 byte alignment, the arrays and the integers are the same size (4 bytes a piece), so I don't know why you'd get reordering. The & operator takes an lvalue. The result of a method call is an rvalue. do you want to display only rows with the text or to not display rows with the text? I thought i could do without the extensions- but after more checking i realise that they are more involved in the transformation than i first thought. You can use std::unique to remove duplicates from your set. @Lennart: No, it does not use yield. (Ruby's yield is completely different from Python's anyway -- it does not return a generator.) It wouldn't be meaningful to write `for format in respond_to()`. The `respond_to` method doesn't return anything meaningful @Brian: Make sure you don't writer after the end of your buffer in ModifyString or you'll have much bigger problem. The guide says "3. Select the checkbox to download and install MinGW - it is needed for the build process." which is actually not true - MinGW is not needed to build Qt with VC++. It's worth noting that the lack of parens in Ruby allows for more declarative-looking constructs. For example, Rails declares relationships as `has_many :things`, which would look more awkward. And things that looks like special syntax, like Ruby's `require` (equivalent of `import`) and `attr_accessor`, are actually just method calls. IE8 stores credentials for favourites it seems, don't ask me why. What you should do is log in as the needed user, then save a new favourite. Yup, that's what I was looking for! Thanks a lot. Here's the workaround I used: I gave IUSER_ access to the files, then I check get the permissions of every file or folder via DirectorySecurity.GetAccessRules(). If the `FileSystemAccessRule.Value == "DOMAIN\\"+Page.User.Identity.Name` in the access rules, then I add that file or folder to a list. Lastly I display the list of files. So instead of Impersonating, I give the IUSR_ full access, and check permissions manually on the things I need that user to access. @Nosredna: JavaScript has been learning from Python for a while now, with generators, iterators, array comprehensions and generator expressions, and assignment unpacking added as of JavaScript 1.8. Depends? If you deploy to the GAC then the DLL's have Full Trust automatically. If you deploy to the Bin Directory then you determine the trust level through the mentioned CAS Policies. P.S. It is considered Bad Practice to set the trust level to full through the web.config. And the even cooler part is is that you could now also use AJAX partial refresh for the gridview. GOogle would still use the other href attribute :-D. If this answers your question, pls mark it as answered. P.S. if you need an example project i could just send you one / upload it somewhere. less load on the database - can transform the xslt directly from the file system - can reuse xml files without extra database calls - for example i output a 'navigation' xml file which is used on all the pages. would this be inside a stored procedure? you've mismatched your quotes should be $(""); So... ? Any constructive thoughts? :) Ive decided in the meantime to take the more straightforward approach and simply build models to match the specific field set groups Im expecting. Not very flexible but it should get the job done... :\ is it possible to remove the size attributes with jQuery take the size and then reapply them? @Chris B, No. Please see my edit to the question. Sorry, I should have clarified that when I asked. you can remove the css width in the same way see http://jsbin.com/ulude -1 not supported cross browser unfortunately! you can change the container_type to Mysql instead of the File default Why not just a single dimensioned array? This would work...unless of course he doesn't use a *nix machine. The box is left aligned, the items in it are aligned right (see the inner div). I could have dropped the outer div, and it would align left automatically, but I thought it would be more clear like this. it's not working I'm afraid still not working in ff I'll try it again No, not working, is aligning left now in ff No, not the problem, now it's aligning left in ff Thank again for another one of your comprehensive answers. Your points about $this->loadLayout(); and the capital V, im sure are valid, but that is the way the Magento Contacts module does it? Ill debug like you say and then see what I get I debugged getBlock and my block is not set so its returning a false. How can this be? Its set in the layout xml, is there somewhere else I need to look? Perfect! Most of my directory structure was already flat, except for a few files that I believe the default XCode project put into a sub directory. I just had to move those few files and setting RECURSIVE = NO did the trick. I did try changing the input directories to include the Classes directory, but something about the doc build seems to ignore that. A flat structure seems to work better anyway. Thanks! Why do you use JOIN and ON instead ',' and WHERE? Did you add a click event handler for your button? this can't be used with any method, and uses a callable object. I'd like a regular decorator. if for example a method with the @logged attribute means method = logged(method) , how is a method with a @max_execs(5) "translated"? when applying this decorator, how is the code "translated" by python? For example if my method is called blabla, and I apply the max_execs attribute, how will Python see it? blabla = max_execs(5)(blabla) ? What you can do is to debug first into comparer and then in the dictionary, you can add breakpoints manually to ContainsKey() and see what's going on. (You may already know this, but in VS, you can do Breakpoints, New, Break at Function, then write your function's full name manually; that's a pretty useful feature.) IB is a great tool and it should be used when possible but it will never be able to compare to the ability to control the entire interface programatically. In the end we are developers and the tools are only effective if they save you time and frustration. There are often times when IB gets in the way of what you need to accomplish, and for those times you need to program yourself. Why do you want a unit test instead of a profiler? Why a System.Timer instead of a Threading.Timer? Even with authorization, attackers can send an email with to somebody who is already logged in. You consider to misunderstand. Zones have nothing to do with domains. @abelensky - That's what I mean :) I'll look over those discussions later. As I understand SOLID, my service is already only addressing a single responsibility (just a complex responsibility). I do segregate a lot of logic from the interface, but there's also a lot of non-shared logic that is only related to the interface as well; there are other interfaces to the model that are covered in different services. However, I'm sure more studying of the S.O.L.I.D. principles and SO discussions may show me a better way. Thanks for your answer. It keeps the compatibility issue in mind. Operations on my domain model are already handled by separate classes. It's the interface-specific communication code that is creating the bulk. Unfortunately, my current interface does not have clear boundaries which would let me divide the implementation into separate logical classes. My opinion is that if you cannot think of a clear name for a class, then the value of its existence is suspect. In the future, I'll be using RESTful services instead. I think this will naturally drive me more toward a better domain-model-driven design. I agree that 1000 would be way too much! Fortunately, I think the client app is reaching the end of its growth in complexity. I do have a separate business logic layer with unit tests, but even the communication layer of the service (service-specific information passing) can become unwieldy as I've learned. In the future, I'll take a more RESTful approach instead. That code has the same issue. I need www.tooboss.com/* to get rewritten to www.tooboss.com/blog/* because that's the directory my blog resides in. In the case of www.tooboss.com/blog[/] though, I want a 301 to www.tooboss.com Thanks Hello Dave, I have updated my post with your approach. I am unable to proceed further, Can you please break your post in to few more simple steps so that i can follow. Thanks Raj what does $1 represent? This also has no effect. Hi Ubben My understanding is that the pixels will be represented as BGRA in memory. It appears you might be right There is only one height. The problem is the line below I believe, because if I replace inside_height with a numerical value, it still won't set the height. No, I haven't looked at DB4Objects. Because we rely on SSAS, it's not really an option for us to change our database engine. Thanx The former looks better to me thanks! I think this explains everything. What if they put a pdf file in the image input? Column 'date' in field list is ambiguous..? @Quassnoi - can you explain what's going on? Does the "UNION ALL" replace "last_reply" with "date" if the topic has no replies? The update is not a workable solution I have a News item with properties relating to columns in a database. I use the defaultmodelbinder to bind it then I call Save in my action. Yes. However starting with a copy of one included with VS would vastly cut the effort. It will also break if you add more variables to the class (unless they are added to the end) or change the old ones, no? This is a create action though so nothing to update Perhaps drop the implementation technology tags, and go with "html". You customer experience should not depend on the server technology. What is "WPD"? (I assume you don't mean Word Perfect Document.) validFiles = files.Cast().Where( file => extensionIsValid(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName)) ).ToList(); fails to cast string to HttpPostedFileBase Sorry I wasn't clear. Forgot about the binary aspect of the archive. I just want to know is a standard format for grouping some distincts files in a unique XML file. Then I would imagine a tool (let's call it 'xar' that would create the files: xsltproc xml2java.xsl model.xml > myarchive.xml or xar xvf myarchive.xml or create an archive xar cvf myarchive.xml test/data.properties test/Test01.java Was there ever an update to this? I know I have run into the same limitation. Thanks, I'll give it a try. This is probably the best method I've seen for doing splash screens. Works BEAUTIFULLY on .NET compact with my pocket PC app. Nice idea but doesn't work on the compact framework. But wouldn't this show up in the "# Bytes in all Heaps" .NET memory value? I've been watching this in Process Explorer and it doesn't leak. The leak is in private bytes but not in "# Bytes in all Heaps". Thanks I'll give that a try @drdaeman, you are already making your users remember multiple passwords, because they can't reuse the one you're storing in cleartext. Does the Unix machine have the remote server mounted; for example, is it using NFS? Define "have access to." If you're setting a connection timeout to 1 second and it's still taking a while to fail, maybe the connection attempt isn't to blame. Could it the DNS lookup? See http://www.eggheadcafe.com/conversation.aspx?messageid=31241642&threadid=31241641 for some interesting info on connection timeouts. Are you getting an exception on your page? If so, could you add it to your question? I don't see how the $_POST variable would suddenly become a null as a result of you changing a string literal in your code, so I wonder if your problem is actually something other than your diagnosis. Or maybe your wording is just confusing. Not like that Karim.... if i remove the code inside else part and put return 'no' it does work.... i just want to know why the code inside the else part does not execute. As I mentioned in Slow Exists check, that solution is slow. I tried this previously (mentioned in the initial question). It is slow. @Lieven: It slows down queries where @inpo is not null, too. It slows them down a lot. Yes it does show MOSS 2007 does use SQL 2005 Embedded Edition and you are correct about the 4GB limit, but WSS3.0 during the automatic "Basic" install DOES NOT use it and there is no limit. Almost - WSS 3.0 will use Windows Internal Database, MOSS 2007 uses SQL 2005 Express. Eclipse gives an option to create an Ant build.xml that you can use after the initial jar creation. Hmmm. This does have a few solutions that should work. +1 for suggesting String.Split, because using a regex for this is silly, unless you're trying to *find* an ip address in a longer string. The 2nd possibility also has the disadvantage that it uses two DB calls when the book exists instead of 1 Use the TryGet pattern. It got resolved, the problem was i was not using MD5 to encrypt. the value in the checkbox Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I don't think I am using any write options for the commit. I am just using whatever the java Connection class defaults to, the same goes for the transaction isolation setting. Here are some documentation links for the java classes I am using: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/sql/DataSource.html http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jdbc/getstart/connection.html http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html By default a Connection object is in auto-commit mode, which means that it automatically commits changes after executing each statement. I do have auto-commit set to true though I am not sure how that would explain the behavior I am seeing. I perform an insert and executeUpdate() which auto-commits, then later on perform a select and that inserted row is not found. I don't see how a race condition can happen here, considering that the executeUpdate() will not return until it has been committed. Yeah, that is what I ended up using. I thought about that as a solution, but consider it something to use if I have no choice rather than an ideal. The code looks to be instantiating a new Socket and PrintWriter every time SendMsg() is called, and neither are being closed at the completion of the method. I actually need to reload the page, with the new GET parameters. I saw this behavior on IE 6 & 7, but haven't tested 8. I saw this behavior on IE 6 & 7, but haven't tested 8. Easy to replicate with a single line of JS called after onload. Something like the following: setTimeout(function(){window.location.replace('http://google.com')}, 5000); The window will steal focus when it calls "replace" on IE. Wild. Obviously 'google.com' there should by preceded by http...(my comment was sanitized by SO) HTTP and SMTP are not very efficient for anything besides text, and FTP's actual data transfer is binary. Those real-life text protocols are good because they're simple, not because they're "pretty efficient". Wait a minute, now I'm confused. What is a if not an `int*`? I know that the square brackets are really just dereferencing the first address plus the value in the brackets. I thought that `int a[10];` was just allocating an array of 10 ints on the stack and making a the pointer to the first one. So my question is, what is the difference between an `int(*)[10]` and an `int**`? From what you gave me, i found this: http://www.jimandkatrin.com/codeblog/2007/09/anonymous-access-with-webresourceaxd.html which is basically the same problem I was having. Additionally, I had 'digest auth' instead of 'integrated auth'. Now it even uses the current account if the user has permissions. Thanks! In what language? I don't think this is much of an improvement - you are adding a dependency to a 3rd party library, which internally will probably do something similar to the above code anyway. BigInteger is _slow_ when all you need is just a little over 64 bits.. Ran into this problem a year ago and turned out to be 25 times slower than the original long. See this anwer for details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/962747/most-shameful-awesome-language-hack/1084538#1084538 Implemented something similar a year ago, and all I can say is: I sure hope you wont have to implement accurate modulo/division... ;) Does that not involve a round trip to my DB? Surely the View is posting back an ID that can be tied up. The problem you're seeing with interpretation of keys is probably the same issue as raised by this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/915581/how-to-enter-text-in-a-cross-platform-way-with-the-awt-robot Thanks. I'm doing this all wrong. The parameters are for the class, not the method. I need to create an instance of the type using those parameters and then call the method. Thanks, this has pointed me in the right direction. What do you mean "url values" - urls? the contents at that url? Thank you after reading the article again i think you are right. My opinion is based on this part(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern): public class ImageReaderFactory { public static ImageReader getImageReader(InputStream is) { int imageType = figureOutImageType(is); switch(imageType) { case ImageReaderFactory.GIF: return new GifReader(is); case ImageReaderFactory.JPEG: return new JpegReader(is); // etc. } } } Thank you for your answer i will check the book out. Thank you for your tipp. Sadly i cant use the MVC approach because of some requirements. But i have implemented some html render methods to seperate the data retrieving and html building. I have provided some code that explains what I mean. You create the javascript code to initialize the arrays and then you post them to the page by using registerclientscriptblock. Yes TATFT. If you don't know what it means, look it up, and live by it! this isn't really a question is it... Try it and see for yourself. This is an incredibly quick test. Can you post the output of EXPLAIN SELECT ... Look at the HTML you're outputting - you'll end up with Nome="Nome" instead of name="Nome" Please state what language you're using Colin explains below. Indexes are created by the crawl. I know this is being picky, but file should be *.txt if you are saving as binary. meant to say _shouldn't_ be *.txt if you want an exe to decompile it for you, then reflector is the tool. it will decompile the whole dll for you. you may need one of the plugins though. Worked great - thanks! Don't forget to test isset($_POST['rows']) in case none are checked Yep, thanks! Actually I have a working solution with MatchEvaluator. But how elegant would be a solution with only one line of code instead of six-seven:) If you're working on a laptop, make SURE you check out the 'single window' mode in Xcode. It's in the preferences. How would I let the code access the array talk to the NSArrayController object? Thanks guys :) Had to choose one! Yes, I was thinking of doing that. Turn my pieces of code into functions and call them from the swtich statements. Is there any advantage to using \d instead of [0-9]? Each "if" statement execute different code to achieve a goal. How can this OOP pattern reduce the ammount of code? I'm not sure what CommandsMap[] is. Q2 has been updated. [path lastPathComponent] or [[path pathComponents] lastObject]. Both gives 'thefile.ext'. There is [path pathExtension] method to get 'ext' but no the same for filename. OMG! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ok, I now have an idea what to do. I need to use a method from the User Defaults Doc, but which one should I use for setting a Default? Exactly what I was looking for! @jasonh working on your basis that enums can change so can methods, does that mean that all classes should have a default method to fall back on in case .NET can't find the method signature you requested? @Luke the compiler is telling me that there is a return statement missing because due to the .NET implimentation of an enum it can find a code path that doesn't find have an return value. That is only TRUE because .NET's enums aren't TRUE enumerations. If Thanks Eric for being able to see through my ramblings to the heart of the issue. However, don't you see that in the case of the enumeration is can actually lead to problems, by forcing a redundant default case that me turn into a dangerous one. That code works, but it stops my outline view from working. Any idea why? I have an array which is being used with core data, but how do I tell it to use that Array? That sounds like a good idea. How would I go about doing that? Thanks for the help. It worked but I have to point out that to remove the first character, it would be: NSRange range = {0,1}; not NSRange range = {1,0}; Its fine to let users override their settings but its just plain wrong to ignore the settings or second guess them. Otherwise you're just punishing the people who know what they're doing for the ignorance of others. Yippee!! Rich B is back to harassing me again!! Thanks for the down-votes for no reason. Get a life and leave me alone kid. You are correct, that the Java IDE (eclipse) integration is through the third party Teamprise and not native to VSTS. I can't see what In the Documentation would help. Sorry but i am not very good as this. What do a need to add or change to my current code to make this work? Ok, Was the Key Combo the code I posted earlier? Also, How would I put those values into User Defaults? Didn't think of that. thanks. Put code sample around your code example please. I'm not so much concerned with the fact that they will make a "Better" product. I'm more concerned with someone creating a "Similar" product by people who have more marketing power that will drive them to their site instead of mine. A number of things #1) Feedback as to how I can make it better #2) To share my experiences with developers #3) A public resume I don't really have any examples as this is my first dive into OSS. Are there any actual examples of this happening anywhere? I have thought of this but it would duplicate code even more which I'm trying to avoid. It does sound like an attractive solution and if there is no other logical way I am deffinitely doing it this way. great idea! This will allow for good code separation. I'm going to implement this and see where I end up. nice catch! thx Ed. Also, assuming that you don't have a streaming server your users will be subject to progressive downloading of the FLV files in question. Very much agreed. Thx i will try to work with that I'm not sure, seems like something tech support would wring my neck for. @sharptooth: Thanks for pointing that out. Corrected. Coming back, looking at this, I see I was fuzzy in what I meant. This sounds like the sort of thing. How did your form communicate with your app? How about posting the SQL you want to optimize and the output of EXPLAIN SELECT ... Fortunately I'm looking through about 80 small snippets of DNA, none of which have more than 8 of these generating bases. Once the entire list is expanded it should easily fit on disk. You're right, this is part of a project that compares these strings against a larger DNA sequence, but I've already done that by directly using the compressed format. For political reasons I now need to generate the entire list of sequences. This looks interesting, I'll see if I can get it do what I want. I was thinking of expansion in terms of you would say a glob expands the matches of a character set. But, you're right it does feel more like a permutation. I'm a Python newbie so I don't know too much about generators. I get the idea of this, but I don't understand the lines that concatenate a character to the generator. Is that possible? I've corrected the answer. Sign extension only applies to right shifts. Do you mean type promotion? I've corrected the parentheses so that the bytes are promoted to shorts before being shifted. Doing it afterwards shifts the bit off the high end, leaving the high byte as zero. Or use a TreeMap that maps keys to counts. TreeSet is actually implemented with a TreeMap under the hood. I think I got something working. If you don't mind, could you look at the solution and let me know if there's a cleaner way to handle the outer for loop? Yes the tag disappears completely. The two that are used for the skins are put their by DotNetNuke. The third that goes away on the 10th postback use but their with the code behind. Dim link As New HtmlLink link.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet") link.Attributes.Add("href", ModulePath.Replace("//", "/") & "styles.css") link.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css") Page.Header.Controls.Add(link) I agree. I seem to always come back to programming language design/compilers eventually and it seems to revive my love for programming The application which is posting the data I have no control over. I do plan on transitioning the entire vendor application from asp to aspx though. I am waiting for a response on it and am hoping that I may be able to have the form action changed but I am unsure exactly how flexible the department will be. glad you've found it, I don't understand why this would work and your previous code wouldn't. All you did was remove the function wrapping that getter... Yes but get em while they last - they're being removed from PHP (not sure which version... if they haven't gone already) cookies could also be a solution, but the advantage of storage is that it generates events when performing operations on it. When using cookies you would have to check every X seconds (setInterval) for new cookies and another problem would be when to remove the cookie. @Prashant it's the same code as .htaccess (except urls start with /, so instead of ^foo you'd use ^/foo) - just put it in the right virtual host section. What error do you get? Try alert(class_name) I haven't looked into CodeDom for a long time, but there weren't any parsers at the time. Are you sure that devMetrics works off of assemblies, and not the code itself? What do you do when the standard says it "should" do X but is actually doing Y? Compilers can have bugs too! Demonstration through experimentation shows the differences. I added a nocache directive, although as you might have expected, that caused it to begin failing on the refreshes as well. I've been using HTTPFox to look at the requests, although nothing has come out of it. The only thing I can really gather is that it appears to be playing correctly when obtained from cache, but not when requested from the site. It does play correctly on the other sites, even when a request is made, however. I know about xcodebuild, but I wanted to get this to work in the GUI, mainly because of the error list that brings you to the line of the error when double-clicked. QtWebKit sounds interesting - but I'd like to have a GUI that's doesn't need a powerful external library - just a standards-compliant web renderer. Blargh, I had a really good link for this but I can't find it the "EOD;" has to be on a new line and can't be indented at all When you say it doesn't work, what happens exactly? Try just putting some rubbish in the .htaccess - you should get 500 Server Error. If you don't, your .htaccess isn't being loaded TDD drives all development with tests. Some of that involves driving the development of internal classes with unit tests, but first the developers write tests to describe the system-wide behaviour that must be implemented. If it's in a .htaccess file then replace "^/" with "^" Did you check your php.ini is actually being loaded? You can use phpinfo() to do that However, depending on how much of the table this is, it may still be more efficient for it to use a full table scan. I know the percentage of the table utilized to merit a full scan is always suprisingly less than I would thing. Between is end point inclusive, be wary of this if rewriting. I've used this to save memory implementing a doubly-linked list in an embedded system. You can save the back and forward pointers in a single word. To traverse in either direction, as long as you have the pointer to the node you came from, you can find the next in the traversal order by xor-ing it with the two xor-ed pointers. The BandMusicStyle table doesn't appear in my datamodel. I just want to have a list of musicstyles that are bound to a Band with the searchstring in it's name. How would you get a list of objects out of your query with Bandname, MusicStyleId, MusicStyleName and MusicStyleDescription? I don't want to have to iterate through this list and form it manually afterwards... The problem is that Linq To Entities does not give you properties for the foreign keys in your table. Also, a linktable such as BandMusicStyle does not exist as it is only there to link a Band and a MusicStyle to eachother. You're a rock star!! You're a rock star!! I will know in 5 minutes, already adjusting my code :) I'll let you know. But I think it will work! Aha. One caveat. This is part of a repository, returning IRepository. Now I need to get IRepository to see method conditionally as well :) thanks guys-- I'll definitely look into the reading and implementation soon enough... Though it'd be mostly next week -- this week I'm mostly occupied. I'll post back when I get the chance/ time ;) !! define longest path int he context of your application. longest path between points on a map ? longest classpath ? longest path of a a File used ?.... You will need to combine the date and time columns into a SQL datetime (you can do this within your query, without changing the tables) to be able to do any useful comparisons (across days at least, like you want to). OK, it looks like I was mixing up Palermo's "Onion" framework, which does require interfaces for the repositories, with DDD. Also, every example that I come across so far showsg DDD repositories using interfaces, but that's probably a SOLID thing, not a DDD thing. Actually, what I do is create the class and stubs in Visual Studio's class designer, extract an interface and afterwards write the code. So I do agree -- interface before implementation. Thanks. Thanks. I'm not sure that it's an exact answer, but it gets me on the right track which is "what's the best way to retrieve read-only data". Supportability and popularity are two different things. The OP is clearly interested in popularity (e.g.-"mainstream"), and not supportability. For example, I've worked with LINQ and I like it. But most of my work is in native SQL. For 99% of my job, LINQ is unnecessary overhead which would slow my code down. For the 1% when it's necessary and useful, I use it. Thanks. I forgot to say this is for a Modeless dialog. I'm assuming in this case for cleanup the dialog object has to be a member variable - so it can be destroyed/de-allocated in the frames destructor. Oops, dumb error. Corrected, thanks. He wants to order by asc, not desc. Instead of -1, it should be (select max(position)+1 from products), and ProductName should be the second order by criteria. Forgot about this method, I've used it before as well - trying to make my code more consistant.. As the viewstate variable will only be read / changed by this accessor, the explicit cast (if not null) should be fine. Thanks. Thanks lothar - but my problem is that there are a huge number of historical files that I'm not interested in (but can't delete since it may be useful to other people). I'm hoping for a solution that will let me completely ignore the old material. @lothar - and I can't delete or rearrange the historical material I would normally agree about the risk of errors, but I'll never have any use for the older files (logs and other records which will never change). I would just take the heat but the thought of having to download and regularly reprocess several gigabytes of unwanted bloat is what prompted this question in the first place. Reorganisation is probably the solution - I can't change the existing structure but I can set up a temporary directory as Hasturkun suggested. Thanks, looks like a missed a brace out, should be ok now. The PKs are all autonumber identities, never thought about using them that way before, thanks. If you want to print the source, you can click on the view source buttons and print from those pages. All this is from a shell. When I run this command xlc -c -Wc,metal,longname,nosearch,'list(./)' -I. -I /usr/include/metal -I "//'SYS1.SIEAHDRV'" -S -qlanglvl=extended foo.c I get foo.s and foo.lst When I try the second command as -mrent -mgoff -a=foo.list -o foo.o foo I get file foo doesn't exist. When I replace foo with foo.s or foo.lst I get the following errors. ** ASMA935U One or more required files not available ** ASMA434N GOFF/XOBJECT option specified, option LIST(133) will be used FSUM3401 The assemble step ended with rc = 20. I can't move onto the link step until the assemble works. actually, it's almost exactly what you've posted :) I find it works quite well & is very easy to code... lots of excellent advice from all, this looks like the best fit for my specific situation. Thanks again all :) Thanks -- this worked for me. Go to System Preferences > Sound > Sound Effects and then uncheck and recheck "Play user interface sound effects". The iPhone Simulator suddenly started playing sound again after this. Maybe I'm completely off here, but I thought I'll use a strongly typed view if I need to add things like currently logged in username etc. to the masterpage. How else would I do this if not through the ViewModel thats given to the page? No, I'm not using standard auth. I've posted my entire page. Latest version of MVC. :( That's how I generated my view. CS1031 Type Expected. It's actually underlining different code but it goes away as soon as I remove the Url.Action part and works. Thats true Jared got in first :D (by 2 seconds.. it was showing Jared 48 secs ago and Tomas 46 secs ago). Thank you Gentlemen!!!! I haven't had this problem with any AV I've used. You might want to talk to your company's IT and see if they have any ideas. +1 I've found Jigloo quite good. I tend to switch between the GUI builder while doing GUI stuff and adding event handler stubs, and the regular editor for the rest. What are you doing if you have a page that has multiple of those, say a page with ProductsWithPageInfo that also needs ProductWithAttributesAndTags ? In my first approach, the key isn't all the fields in the table, it's only the keys that connects the table with the other table. When I use the second approach, then I have to add a uniqueness constraint on all those fields, which are logically form a primary key. I guess that if I add a uniqueness constraint, then I have to also add an index on those fields, since uniqueness without index will be slow (right?). By the way, in my scenario, the ID is never updated, so it seemed right to define those fields as primary. I still need uniqueness constraint on those fields, so shouldn't I index them in both of the approaches? (I thought that uniqueness constraint validation is faster when the fields are indexed, but maybe I wrong...) That's how I decided finally to implement this. There were some issues with the bound list synchronization (since the synchronizer should know to ignore the "almost deleted" items), and I also needed to actually delete those items when the animation is over. The final result is kind of messy (everything is tightly coupled), but I guess there is no other solution. Metal C isn't like standard Z/OS C, it generates streight assembly language with no dependencys on LE. I've gotten programs to compile run with out memset, and including metal.h breaks stuff. I think it's an issue with my include search path causing conflicting headers to be included, I'll update the question when I do some research and know more. -1 TreeSet implements most operations in O(log n) - the requirement was for peeking at the minimum and maximum in O(1). This also helps when getting that error from an ASP .NET application. aspnet_Regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey ASPNET Thanks Thanks! I will try get a more complete sample together ASAP. Would be nice if Stackoverflow would accept file attachments rather than dumping a large amount of code in the question. Do you have any sample code with BackgroundWorker for filtering a WPF ListView? Isn't vector deprecated? Thanks, I use that approach is because I know the dimension of the array but don't know how many elements will be in the vector, the vectors will grow as they go, I won't know their sizes till the job is done. Any better solutions ? oh la la......... "Git is made by and for Linux kernel hackers" - Now that's a stern warning :-), I did find, however, a git for Windows which I may explore. Thanks. To a lot of folks, security is never a concern - until something gets broken. Your last paragraph totally confused me for a minute. Rereading it for the third time, it's starting to make sense. Thanks! Avi Fantastic book. It seems that the common answer is for me to use a distributed revision control system such as Git. This however means you're suggesting I work with CodePlex not the way the CodePlex Gods have planned for. I understand and I thank you all. However, is my MO so different from the norm? Are the answers to my two questions above is: 1. NO and 2. You can't? In what manner is everyone else working with CodePlex/Subversion so they don't have to use Git? How can I branch the original (CodePlex) repository? I don't "own" it. If it includes participating in some kind of operations, then this is OK. Maybe you should clarify it a bit, but that's, of course, up to you. Yea..That's something I'm learning as I'm learning java. :/ lol It's easier to just name member variables using a prefix like "m_" for instance. This would work, excellent work. Very clever. :) +1 This is how I'd probably do it when coding. In C#, I'd just use properties though. Java, probably like this. Don't get why this was down-voted.. It's a valid answer tbh. :/ @Scott: I'd suggest something like what Yuval suggested below. It makes a little more sense and you have a 'true' singleton. [edit] If you want to instantiate a number of file readers and reuse them, why not just use a Map, keyed on filename? You instantiate them as you need them and store them in the map (with proper synchronisation or using the java.util.concurrent maps). But they both provide the same cancel method. SwingWorker implements the Future interface. Have you thought about solid state drives? You can use .NET 3.5 SP1 but you can't use CSS? How about some more info? For a simple check, or you can add more complex validation on each change It works in WebKit based browsers (Safari and Chrome) too To make your example work change the function to: myFunction() { window.onbeforeunload = "message"; } then change the input: Testing on IE8 - to clarify the alt-space menu doesnt appear when you just hit alt. BUT, focus seems to be on that alt-space menu until you hit another key. I edited the question for an example. Right... so if I want to do an Ajax call to a controller method, I shouldn't be binding it? But it makes it so much cleaner doing: public ActionResult Create(Person personToCreate) {} Rather than actually passing the parameters... I know the View needs to accept any input, but as long as the input is validated before the form is submitted it shouldn't be a problem. So What exactly is it you suggest I do? When exactly should I hit a repository? And if the validation is supposed to be in the Service layer then shouldn't I be interacting with that? You really need to edit your question and reformat it! Qt alone can't make up for everything offered by Java/C#. I like the way you put it. I agree. Would have been +1 for 1st paragraph, but then don't follow up. The term you are looking for in "conditional compilation". Hi Eric, Fair point, I missed the update in .NET 2.0 which makes demand for identity permission ineffective. Checking MSDN docs again I see this has been updated. "...In the .NET Framework version 2.0 and later versions, demands for identity permissions are ineffective if the calling assembly has full trust..." I know the user can disable the entire security system however its also possible to check if its been disabled and fail to operate unless its on. I that still the case? Also can Publisher and/or StrongName identity permissions be used to mitigate assembly tampering? You can import only function a, not all the functions inside. If for example you include a Ruby module that declares 3 non-static functions, you get them all included in your namespace. In python you'd have to write from module import *. you can get a reference to a method, to store them in a object, by calling the "method" method. This might be helpful (I've not listened yet): http://www.dotnetrocks.com/default.aspx?ShowNum=461 In the UI I am using a number of advanced data grids to display and group data. Every time an order gets updated or submitted it is pushed to the UI. With potentially 1k of orders being submitted within a 2 second time frame. From my experiments its become apparent that rendering/refreshing of the datagrid is taking to long. Whilst I am being a tad excessive in my requirements I was extremely surprised to find there is no way to implement even a basic thread. I work for a small company now. 8 people in the Technology department. Many of these roles overlap and they overlap poorly. As we grow we will eventually fill them out with dedicated people. As for a freelance project. The same principles apply. You aren't going to be successful at all those roles. cool....care to share the script? hopps :-) looks like the same to me :-) I get what you are saying now. That "2000" limit refers to browsing to those lists. If you are going to use a list to e.g. hold data to be queried through an SPQuery, then this limit doesn't hold. thats a good idea, thanks. i will try it out and let you know Thanks for the answer! Thanks for the answer! Thanks for the answer! Can you clarify? If it is meant to be permanent then it should be stored in a DB such as MySQL. If it is temporary to the user then it can still go in the DB or just in a session variable. You can save arrays in a session variable. @windfinder - problem is that the web is stateless so it needs to be stored somewhere because it gets wiped on each reload. A DB could certainly be overkill and the structure is hopefully class-based but it needs to be stored somewhere unless there are n Thanks for the answer! it showed the prod message To do the copy without .svn folders, you can use "svn export" Does your query really run? I don't see any GROUP BY in the sub-query of last JOIN That's what I'm doing. But I only get cmsgs for what I have set up setsockopt for. This is the way I get the TTL, by setting IP_RECVTTL and then getting it in my msg_control from recvmsg(), but only linux seems to even *have* IP_RECVTOS, which seems to be required for the kernel to send ToS info in cmsg. Wow, that's a spectacular answer. You graduate suma cum laude. I'm marking your answer as satisfactory, but please review the following related question which you might help me out on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1053533/how-can-i-prevent-input-controls-from-stealing-the-space-character-from-the-textc Thanks, I understand what you are saying, but how come changing method signature to public void myMethod(List> map) makes the error go away? Shouldn't the error stay? This won't work it you spin off more that 64 items at Windows only allows you to wait on up to 64 handles. Non-guessable is not, and should never be, a consideration for choosing Guids. As its not true. Non-guessable is equivalent to cryptographically secure, which Guids are not. Remus.. thanks for your answer. I am trying to set a AES-256 key such as this "95A8EE8E89979B9EFDCBC6EB9797528D432DC26061553818EA635EC5D5A7727E" .Net is saying the key length is invalid. I am finding some post saying that .net only uses a 128 bit key length for all key sizes. That doesn't seem right. Do you know what is going on here? There are 8,608 questions currently tagged PHP - so a question titled "PHP Related Question" is a bit vague. You may want to specify what your actual problem is in the question, and give additional information in the actual content of the question. @monoxide At the risk of going completely off-topic, you can omit the last closing PHP tag at the end of a file which is a good way to eliminate that problem completely. Use a long or a double if you're Twitter, then. You can increment a double as easily as you can an int. This method produces a unique id within a given AppDomain (you're not running more than one, are you?). Also, any "sequence" can be guessable. For instance, you can "guess" anybody's twitter account and send them a message. If you're concerned about guessing people's ids, you should watch for behavior that suggests this, such as many calls to different IDs that fail within a given period of time. @Brian - Not according to anything I can find. The only ref I can find to v4 says that it is NOT cryptographically secure. I'm interested to see a link if you have one. The only thing about v4 re security is that it isn't mac based. According to sources o this leads to the real answer: 'hack the database at lottery HQ' I've not written the schema as such nor can i change them, include is used - they are in different namespaces - not quite sure why. I had to write a custom resolver and import the root schema to get this to work in the end... but thanks for the pointer on loading the root schema anyways... Yes, it runs from the windows dos console. To add to your statement about the redirect - the 302 sent to the browser initiates a GET request on the new URL, not a POST, so your options are to either store data in a query string or in the session. You can't do a form style POST with a redirect. You implied this in your post, but wanted it to be clear to Ian Boyd. No. Conditional_1, Conditional_2, and conditional_3 are non-trivial. Doing this in code is expensive and would result in a lot of data being transferred. No. The conditionals are not variable. But processing of each row changes depending on which of the three conditionals is satisfied. Will edit question. Hey at least you solved the problem correctly, too bad it's not using the technology I need... isn't it possible to just return a list of new objects which contain the items I have written in my SQL statement?? They're not technically passed by reference but close enough. This is TRUE as of PHP 5 - PHP 4 was different. Yes I know that it would not appear... The problem you have in your current query is that b.Musicstyle is a collection of MusicStyles, since one Band can have multiple MusicStyles. Actually I can post my own code for this written in c# if you want, but guess it couldn't help. @steven you are right, I corrected the misunderstanding What's the second rule for? I think the question was asking from the perspective of designing IDisposables - i.e. what should and shouldn't be freed up when disposing vs. finalizing. I don't know offhand, but is it possible WordPress does something to the contents of $_POST and $_GET, possibly while it's dealing with potentially mangled (think magic_quotes) input? Does WordPress have its own mechanism for retrieving form values that you could try? The difference between ASFB and SFB is that the first is for use with Hibernate Annotations and the second is for use with Hibernate Mapping files. I see you're still using mapping files, so you could go with the SessionFactoryBean, but I believe AnnotationSessionFactoryBean should also be able to handle mapping files.. In that case using ASFB should also be fine. As for your second question: If you include the line in your spring configuration file, then you can declare a field "@Autowired private SessionFactory sessionFactory;" in your UserDAOImpl. If you then add the annotation "@Repository" on the line above "public class UserDAOImpl" Spring should magically make the SessionFactory available to you.. +1 for showing a different way of doing it. Everyone else showed \r, and if the OP is simply updating a percentage, with this he can just update the value without having to re-write the whole line. The OP never actually said he wanted to move to the start It looks like an editing conflict rather than him changing your C# back to F#. His change was a minute after yours, and focussed on the sprintf. We need one more edit to get rid of the reference to F# I agree that it is a micro-optimisation (running it a million times and taking 50 seconds is still a very small amount of time), +1 for the results, and it could definitely be very useful to know. I don't think that this will work. Assuming the OP is using data binding, tree.SelectedItem will return the bound object rather than the TreeViewItem. Does this have to scale for matrices of any number of dimensions, or is it limited somehow? When you say 'remove', it makes me think the remaining matrix would be sparse. Is that correct, or is it simpler than that? I don't think that a DependencyProperty is required in this case. That is only necessary if you want to bind that property to something else. FTP is awful for moving lots of little files. Spring is good to makeout in a cafe with a large Java brew while creating a new framework Thanks, that worked. On this note -- can somebody explain to me why argc and argv should not be const in main? Why do you need to make the splitter fixed? Wouldn't it be better to just use two separate panels at this point? Oh well, I was just being honest. Otherwise it'd be pretty hypocritical for me to recommend Access to someone when I myself never use it. I'm also a highly experienced .NET developer with no need for it. Would it really be blocked though? http://domscripting.com/blog/display/91 Not saying it's a good idea - I agree with ferocious - but just need to be prepared! I assume the function order in the vtable is decided by the order they are in the class definition? U62 -"What do you mean by "Hold the bottom row color for the remainder of the height?" Didn't know about this, but this solved my problem @Aethex: While it does work from assemblies, you don't need to restrict yourself to the GUI. We use SHFB as part of our build procedure. Whenever a "release" build is made, the documentation is generated automatically. You don't need to use Visual Studi Installed SP1 - did not fix it. great book. but not for everyone Someone in the comments points out that I may have been unclear. It doesn't change the extension while the user can see the form, only afterwards. I need it to change while the form is shown. is CopyFileTransacted available on XP? please, give us a hint Why? I'm curious. Others may be. I've updated my questions with some code examples I'm storing it by myself using a stdClass. Whats too large, how much can you store in a session? @apollo-creed, Could you (as per Uchitha's answer) provide more information about the project? e.g. Was it "installed" using an MSI (look in Add/Remove Programs if needs be for an obviou candidate), does each folder have a .aspx.cs file to accompany the . One of the most attractive features of any application on any platform, for me, is not having to learn a new UI language just so the developer can produce some pretty screen shots. Makes sense. Thanks In Y ... a = models.ForeignKey(X) http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html Other people have said that it works for them as well. I can't give the original source, but I suspect that the error is somewhere in there in a way that I can't make public easily. Thanks anyways for all your help! At least now I know it really is do-able and I'm just missing something. So if you wanted to represent something (like how you should display a graph), you would need to store some information in the database. At some point you need to figure out what code is going to run based off that information. What would be a better approach? You need at some point to associate that row with code, would you not? When you say 'more abstract descriptions in the database' what would be an example? If there was no need to store the user preference, I would definitely not what to make the connection. However if we do, what would a 'more abastract description' look like, and wouldn't it just ultimately boil down to connecting that abstract description with a piece of code? It could be a special name rather than a primary key, but wouldn't that still end up being the same thing. A special string used in the that is associated with code? Thanks I'll take a look - I looked at it previously but the CIFS compatibility issue put me off. ( http://rdiff-backup.nongnu.org/FAQ.html#cifs ) Do you have a JCL example? After looking at your example I think my CPARM line is the problem but am not sure how to fix it. // CPARM='SO,LIS,LONG,NOXREF,CSECT,METAL,SEARCH(/usr/include/metal/),', Right, that was my first thought. And I know a table is sometimes referred to as a relation, but I mean it's not related to other tables. Nope -- I created a completely new form in the same project to test that and the new form exhibits the same behaviour. Thanks Vinny, exactly what I was looking for. @ABCDE - check the edits. what i wrote was that he is the last VB developer and the team gets downsized. he's at risk then because everyone else is on c#. sometimes edits ruin the original sentence. Thats what I though too (regarding the parser looking for &= instead of just = by itself)... This sucks I don't want to be forced to introduce additional complexity without any real reason. Duh Added it in my question. I've already made the Base64 string "url friendly" by replacing "+" with "-" and "/" with "_". Base64 doesn't encode into spaces. What view is set for AnotherViewController? Looks like that's where the problem is. Here's the problem though. The IIS I'm writing against does not allow %. That's why I didn't even use UrlEncode to begin with. When you say DB applications, do you mean IIS or Reporting services/SSIS? Could you add an explanation on what your 'alternative suggestion' code does? Thank you :) Hey, this is restricted in the IIS urlscan equivalent (forgot what its called, routingparameters or similar). It's a given for me. Hi Chad, I commented on your original comment about this. @KM: Fixed it to be nvarchar. I forget this dependency of sp_executesql all the time. As a rule, you should be using nvarchar, anyway, though. Don't assume ASCII will be able to cover all possible characters! I'm not a fan of this method for readability reasons. It makes it tough, especially when you have a stored proc calling a bunch of SQL and other stored procs. Using sp_executesql keeps these separate enough, at least for me. But, that's just my preference. tried that, didn't fix the problem. Metal C contains a very limited set of the standard c library, and is designed for mainframe system programming. I think it's a nonstandard compiler since I've had had issues with things like // not working as a comment and the placement of [] in declerations. Here's a link to more info on it. http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/metalc/ no youre right I have to use SSL so this was more like a "someone reassure me please that I will get IOCP scalability :-) " I need the result set in a grid, like SQL Server, so I'm looking for a way of doing in TOAD. What language are you using? Some languages have built in handlers for some of these things (like LINQ). Although I was hoping for a one line statement, the easiest method I've seen. Thanks. That should do the trick, thanks very much. @KM - Thanks anyway, we'll be moving over to SQL2008 sometime soon.. One thing MS does pretty well is dev tools. And the compiler plays very nicely with their various SDKs. He is specifically asking for C# so SO is the right place IntelliSense explicitly states reflection. The 3rd overload of Html.TextBox with object htmlAttributes states "An object containing the HTML attributes for the element. The attributes are retrieved via reflection by examining the properties of the object. Typically created using object initializer syntax.". That's exactly what I've done in the example above, and what's in 99% of all examples of Html.*. So I'd say it DOES use reflection. Test for yourself, add Html.TextBox and go to the third parameter. IntelliSense will have the exact text cited above. Or is the problem with the very idea of storing this type of user preference? Given the requirement to store the preference, I'm definitely searching for a way that doesn't feel (as I you aptly put and with which I agree) silly! @John: Sorry, perhaps I just misunderstood you or you originally misunderstood me. I'm just storing the users preference in the db, not any code. In my code I have a manager that takes a object (ActiveRecord representation of the user setting - ReportRe There is actually a number of ways to do this. This particular solution suffers from the fact that you're burying the connection between the id 'vote_type' and the code to run in some arbitrary piece of code. One method I've tried is to have the a class that registers the fact that "ip" is connected with it and then register itself with a manager that knows this. For criticisms of this see: I've listed three of them http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050062/suggested-architecture-for-associating-code-to-db-rows. It will be FAR quicker to 'learn' jQuery than to reimplement it. Really, if you know CSS selectors and how to read API documents, you're more than halfway there. This what I've got scattered through all my code too. The problem is that we shared our code with a different institution. When they installed the app, some of our tables didn't end up with the same ids. I've suggested ways of minimalizing this problem with my entry below What kind of script? @RichB, please don;t edit my posts and downvote them at the same time. That is really childish. Your edits coincide exactly with the time of downvotes on my question I thought that was covered in the "unless you have an obvious reason" bit... my advice is aimed at someone who seems to want to use shared_ptrs for everything Note that you can define a constant like ID, but the type in the create table statement should be ID%TYPE, not just ID. If you change the type of the ID, you're also changing all the fields and vars that has a ID%TYPE, exactly as you want. Did you mean #DEFINE errors ? Just curious, but why are you returning an int rather than a bool? @Jacob - umm, yup - hence me saying it's a Win32 function, there's nothing to stop the OP making a PInvoke call though =) A small point (having just re-read Daniel Moth's blog entries, I remember reading them when originally published now!) - there's not actually a Managed API, what DM demonstrates is how to call the WIn32 API from managed code =) Brilliant! :P Last I checked it only let you self-accept after 48 hours. Did that change? Attacheing a debugger to all the CL and MSBuild and Link.exe processes? I don;t think that would be a fun or productive exercise. I would have to break into each one and try to debug and given that this is a multi-core CPU it would be a nightmare. Unless I am missing something... Hmm. I do have a post-commit step that calls a bat file which does a copy of *.exe and *.pdb to another directory... That sounds like a good culprit. i will take that out and see the results. I think incremental linking is off because it cannot work with MP builds. I'll check. This script always does a clean then a build. I have noticed slowness in doing an update when the number of files is increased a lot. This is TRUE even if there are no files to update. you can open dbf files with excel 2007, its just not listed in the supported formats Thanks dude this worked, tried the brackets but it wasnt too suree, i just changed the month and year name an then used the ? and it worked, thanks guys :) This fails on the following case stated in the question: (x,y) = 16.0,16.0 (w,h) = 16.1, 16.1 At what stage in the pipeline did you place your component? Also which pipelines did you add to? floor and ceiling are inadequate as the edge case occurs when a tile edge is exactly a multiple of the tile width/height. The DataGridView is one of the custom draw controls that more or less does it right. The DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs has a couple of functions you can call to have WinForms paint certain parts of the cell for you. You could then paint just the background yourself. Could you post the error message? This is quite misleading - its a common misconception that the subqueries are slower for the reason you have given, where in fact SQL server rewrites subqueries as joins where possible anyway during recompilation. Thats simply untrue - often SQL server parses subqueries into an execution tree which is identical to the one produced by a join. @Eric: Can you give an example of the edge cases you are thinking about? The two solutions posted here all pass the cases stated in the questions. A Saxon specific configuration would be fine if possible. If down the line the app needed to allow for a UI for adding categories/funds/roles by the user then i guess i would have to switch to entities or value objects to support CRUD operations? Would it then be entities or value objects? Any further thoughts? Thanks I do not know MODx nor Concrete5 but I won't refer to Drupal as simple (what he asked for). Drupal has a MASSIVE leaning curve... of course once you're over that learning threshold, Drupal is most powerful. Ok, updated my answer. Thanks. If the OP needs to allocate 16GB, what do you suggest as a fix? If that's what he needs, it is definitely possible. I'm just contesting the incorrect statement "You're trying to allocate 4 times the maximum theoretical amount of memory that can exist." Seems like this would be a very useful thing to include in the next css standard! This isn't unique to ASP.NET, it's how most browsers implement the XmlHttpRequest objects. By default, they only allow call backs from the same domain. You can get around this by using a local proxy, that calls the remote web services. It sounded to me like a containment rather than inheritance relationship. You could setup a HttpHandler or Web Service in the same app and have AJAX call that periodically on a client side timer to check for messages to display (as others have recommended). This is a better solution because then no thread needs to be tied up running in a loop. Could you connect a web service to your C# program so that it can poll the C# program on demand, or does the connection have to the C# program remain open for the entire session? Edited. The collection is called Keys. I was just about to mention this. @Ilya: Using an addon like firebug or IE developer toolbar will allow you to look at the exact rendered dom, which will show you that the 25 pixels is set as an inline style. Can you post your css? What you're attempting is very possible, but there may be something missing from your styles. ...Stupid asterisk notation for italics. Careful though: this will count *every* query on *every* database on the server. sorry for the late reply, yes your last comment sums it all up really .. the problems lies with IE as it does not stick to standards and thus creates problems. @Brian - RTFCode, it's plain as day. GCC still uses reference-counting. From what I've gathered on forums, Dalvik is rejecting the classes due to type safety restrictions. And yup, compiling from source gives the same. But Box2d seems to work (so far running the springytest without rendering, at least). Thanks lets suppose i am viewing state 2, how can i know this... can i get this info through something like selectedIndex or other... can u help me a bit more Are you familiar with the EXPLAIN command? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/using-explain.html accepted because that's the correct command for starting JBoss to connect a remote debug session. I would select Message from the asyncoperation table where the operationtype=10 (workflow) and Message contains data (SQL or advanced find). Use this to determine why the steps failed. Feel free to share. Maybe you made an invalid e-mail - did you run the second workflow on the same case as the first workflow? To be clear, when they say "older user agents" they mean REALLY old user agents. I wouldn't worry about that. This is the right answer, but sometimes it chokes on funky/broken CSV files. Thanks, nice to know.. But no, the answer is "correct". I want to turn of my tablet (T1028), but it is an "independent" machine. So the solution should work for me, have to test it the next days... The DateTimePicker in Windows Forms can do time-only with the CustomFormat property... are you just looking for a more sexy control? Nice... Thanks, worked perfectly. And "Doh" from my side, could have seen it :-) "...terms that mean the same thing *or don't*..." SelectedBackColor and SelectedForeColor when used on the DefaultCellStyle property will apply the same colors to any selected cell. If you want to set a style to different cells, once again the answer is to handle the SelectionChanged event and do some conditional assignment based on the row or the column of the selected cell. If you're accessing the property more than once every 30 seconds then I'd only automatically load from the database if the private property is null. private JobClass _JobList; public JobClass JobList { get { if(_JobList == null) _JobList = dbc.Jobs.ToDictionary(j => j.Id, j => j); return _JobList; } set { _JobList = value; } } if you want to update the contents then assign a new value to the private property _JobList = dbc.Jobs.ToDictionary(j => j.Id, j => j); @John: An interesting thought, but since there is usually only one group, this change does very little. Alternatively, I could argue that my current algorithm already has this improvement implicitly, since, once it finds the first group, it gives up if i @Tartley - you need a __init__.py file in your 'tests' directory for absolution imports to work. I have this method working with nose, so I'm not sure why you are having trouble. 1 This is the best way to do it. If the modulus is smaller than the exponent, I think you could improve this algorithm by taking the modulus of the count of 1 bits of the exponents and only do that many loop iterations. One could actually do even better than that in some cases. See Kai's answer. Glad you like it, but don't go too crazy with a Script Component. Remember, it iterates through every row. That means that it's very, very inefficient. If you can do something in sets, do it in sets. Use this only for stuff you need to iterate through (like the current example). Don't accept the posting user_id via the form. Read it from the session as you save the comment to the DB. Otherwise anyone can submit a comment as anyone else. In other words, you shouldn't trust data sent from the client. How about GetAboutTenRandomNumbers() and GetAboutTenWeightedRandomNumbers()? It worked perfectly in Excel 2003. Change every "array" in your beginning code to another variable name that's NOT a reserved word, like AbcList or something of the sort. Thanks, works brilliant. I'm retagging this to VBA in lieu of VB.NET. You can only use VBA within an Excel sheet. You may use VB.NET if you use VSTO, but what you're asking about is VBA. Nope, you need to set StartRow and add it to i. Your code is trying to write to A0, which doesn't exist and will throw an error. Oh wow. Thanks, sometimes you just don't see what's right in front of you. Thanks, everything is set to utf8. c >> 1 is a right shift; c << 1 is a left shift. @dmo: You're right. What he'd have to do is do a scorecard with a chart in PPS, rather than using a native ListView in SharePoint. you should use parseFloat instead of parseInt since the values are not integers You're right, don't know where my head was at. @Rake: Depends on the IN clause. In this case, splitting these up into subselects will (and using per row filtering), in fact, be slower than a join. @TXI: It was a habit for me for a long time, too. I started doing it on here as "good practice," and it's broken my habit, methinks. Um, well, it could be. I just don't think that most of the time it would be a good idea. @Peter: According to W3C this is standard: http://www.w3schools.com/SQL/sql_in.asp Are we sure this is the Challenge of the Week? Still the same error, I'm thinking it's an issue with the way our site's set up and that I have some Environment variables set wrong or not set at all. I'm using Id and ContactId because I'm using DTOs and LINQ which already name what it is (class name) and ContactInfo.ContactInfoId would then duplicate it. ContactInfo.Id is better. Regarding tinyint you're right, I'm actually using tinyint but didn't wnat to clutter up the example as it wouldn't be relevant to the question. Thanks anyways! Now I just need an answer on how to name THAT field that I asked about :) Yes, it works on my browsers (IE7, FF3 and Chrome). I know "13px" is better. Thanks. Had the same happening quite a few times.. You're 100% right. I'm stuck with that requirement though :( It may also just be 4 individuals from "Users" and 2 groups. That would mean another relation table between Users and Contacts right? That is going to be really expensive on data retrieval :( Agile development for yourself :) Be careful about counting the single field: If it is null, it won't be counted, but will be returned. Make sure a field has a NOT NULL constraint on it before using it in a count. How big is "VERY large," and are you sure SQLite is the best thing for that? Both of these do the same thing, first replace works, second is blank. @michielvoo - I thought that was the case, thanks for the explanation The browser's default size will be used, unless it's set somewhere. And usually the font is always set at least once in the CSS. The crawler should probably look at the DOM hierarchy to figure out which CSS setting is used, unless it's overwritten with inline CSS in the HTML itself. Quite a lot of work, but possible. It's probably easier though to separate headers from normal text to have a better idea of what's what. Same here - having to code and test the same bit of assembly for each CPU we support as well as a C fallback gets really old. Thank you. This worked. Also, does it have a different virus scanner? I've seen the buffer overflow protection in virus scanners mess with .net apps in weird ways, so I guess anything is possible. I disagree. There are 38 locations that are replicating data to a central location that will be generating the file. If there were to be a network error or if there were to be a latency issue or whatever that causes one part of the process to not get replicated and the file is created, the file will fail when it is sent to the bank for electronic deposit. This is not a workaround...this is a check to ensure that all of the data is in fact there. Samuel - is there way way to tell if this is occurring in my situation? Yes, the vendor is not very helpful at all here. I'm more than happy to admit a mistake if I find it. What are the chances that the third party app doesn't handle the "multi-threadedness" of my DLL? Is it possible it simply doesn't have the capabilities to handle it properly? Agreed, I'd still like know what the setting is should I wish to change it. How is the time between each retry set? It seems to increase exponentially with each retry. Where is this set? You're welcome! If this answered your question completely, you might consider marking it as "accepted" so that others can use it in their own programming. Just click the checkmark at the top of the answer. Whoops. That was leftover from taking some things out to simplify the function for posting here. I've fixed it now. Heh.. Now I feel a little silly. I was using wordpress' built in ajax functionality, which enables you to use wordpress functions in your ajax response function - and a quick look at THAT code reveals that after every custom call, die('0') runs. Thanks for forcing me to look at the obvious.. It sounds like you're having trouble with the server's stability, and not with the programming part of the problem. I think this would be a question better suited to serverfault.com. In any event, what processes is cmd.exe launching? Can we see the PHP code that is converting your file? I think the delegate idea is the right one for the first question, and it's the most common way of passing messages out of a UIView without breaking MVC too badly. The thought of a navigation controller is also good - a navigation controller is basically a stack of view controllers, so each controller has a sense of its "parent" controller. This answer seems to fit pretty well, both in the sense of doing things "right" and doing things "pretty." +1 Furthermore, a UIView doesn't have a parent/controller field because a UIView doesn't necessarily have to have a controller. It may have a superview, which is a property of the view object. I swore this api existed, but my search for GetFileTimes (note the s) came up with nothing. Good catch. Hi Benedict - thanks. I'm learning Objective-C as a standalone language and will learn Cocoa later. Cheers, Spencer. you have FROM (SELECT /* conditional #1 */ AS c1, ) ... so what do I replace /* conditional #1 */ with? Also as referenced in the question FROM SELECTs must be non-correlated queries. If I can come up with a FROM SELECT query, then that would be my preferred solution. So these functions would act the same as CASE would conceptually but with better performance? It would avoid the problem of duplicating the conditionals by encapsulating the conditionals in functions. [Stored procedures were listed under non-optimal solutions in the question] I've added the details to the bug in Eclipse's bugzilla.... https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=194313 It is really per installation, but could change throughout the life of the installation, an admin page would be available to enable/disable sections That's because the assembly containing myclass isn't loaded into the appdomain yet. You'll have to get the assembly name from the caller and do Assembly.LoadFrom or one of the many variants to load the assembly first. Its a very simple regex (no backtracking or any complex stuff in there) so it should be pretty damn fast. I bet the JIT knows more about the array-like nature of string than your [joke removed]. Anders etal did a lot of work optimizing everything about strings in .net Cool. Robotics question. Don't you have problem unsubscribing to the event with this anonymous function? @jcollum, welbog: Hurf durf? The W3C standards are a patchwork of shit that's rolling into a bigger ball of mud every time they tack something else on. Time for a reboot. I agree, it is a very nice syntax, and have used it on occasion myself. But there are occasions when you need to unsubscribe, so I felt compelled to point it out. It is very easy, especially for someone new to event handlers, to forget that they are a reference like anything else, and thus can keep objects alive longer than they should be Chrome, IE, then FF (I hate ff fanbois). And what's this Safari you speak of? @Aiden: Working webpages? What is the absolute path of the folder on the filesystem and the permissions on that folder, e.g. (drwxr-xr-x)? WAG: Probably, but it'll be a pain in the ass to set it up and maintain it. http://dos2unix.darwinports.com/ I'm not sure about different DirectoryIndex files for subdirectories - but you can specify multiple files in the DirectoryIndex, using spaces as delimeters: "DirectoryIndex xyz.html index.html". I don't think Apache gaurantees to check in that order, but if you don't have index.html it wont be a problem. Here is the connection string "Data Source=xxxx.xxxx.com; Initial Catalog = xxxxx; User ID=xxxxx;password=xxxxx" It works from the site where the server is at, but not from remote sites where IT blocks ports in between. I read I need TCP port 1433 open by default, I'm guessing it's not now. C# requires you to escape the back-slashes in regexes like that. @Yonita - you say the code is not working correctly, but you don't give any context. What behavior are you wanting? Disabled can mean many things - should it be visible but unmodifyable? Should it not be visible at all? Is this for web or winforms? Th The issue is, by the time I get to do something with client side, the url will be part of a post that the user submitted, so I would have to match it first. From the zorp changelog: lib/packsock.c: fix Solaris compilation by enabling IP_RECVTOS only if ZORPLIB_ENABLE_TOS is defined. Implying that it won't work on solaris. How do you return the View in the OnActionExecuting method Even more interesting, when I look at the executable in a text viewer, it has the notation 'This program cannot be run in DOS mode.' So it even says I can't do what I need to do. That's comforting. Anyway the error is 'The application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling may fix this problem. This occurs on a machine without the clr installed. On two other machines which have the clr, it runs fine. Thanks for the clarification. I have Ruby 1.9.x. Stack trace is posted That did it. Thanks Shows I'm a busy bee with little jQuery knowledge. Every time I achieve something I get stuck again. Haven't got time to sit down and learn, I'm picking it up as I go along. Just need to get this project finished. p.Save() calls Update() in ActiveRecord Thank you for the simple explanation. However, I am getting "Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'bands' in 'field list': INSERT INTO `genres` (`name`, `bands`, `id`) VALUES ('Funk', 'The_Reaper_Band', 46)" when I try to seed. It does not seem like rails knows to look at the join table... any idea why this would happen? All UTF-8 is not the same. See if you have the option for UTF-8 with the BOM or UTF-8 without. Which editor are you using? I use notepad++ also (version 5.1.1), and it has the option under the "Format" menu to "Encode in UTF-8 without BOM". Try changing the encoding, saving, and re-running the PHP. (for header2.html, of course) I meant that you could add the extension to your client application. I guess I was making an assumption that you're also writing a client for your web service, and your problem was that you could not add a reference to it. I'm not very familiar with WcfTestClient.exe. If you post the WSDL that's being generated, we might be able to more-easily help. Why in Python? Historical precendent (C did it). I have no idea why it was in C, because I agree that it's pretty silly. ''.join means join each item with an empty string (so there's no delimiter). The problem is that the above "solution" doesn't work... This will never extend past two dimensions. And yes, the $arr1's element's attributes will get overwritten by any matching $arr2 attributes. That doesn't look quite right either. If $arr1['address'] is an array, then it still makes it to the final output... :\ Added note to that effect, thank's for the update. It's a legacy table I'm afraid so I'm stuck with it. I obviously wouldn't have designed it this way :) As I said above I can't change the table design. Is there a way to do a manual mapping at all? I'll generate a string with the heredoc begin and end. Thanks but in firefox it still showing the overwritten style not the ff_styles Thanks, so how would I check that it isnt IE...rather than doing if firefox if opera etc Thanks got it :) just updated my answer to include recommendations yeah, I forgot to add it in the first version. this is not portable. @Alex: I think that will mean the order by has to be processed on the client, LINQ to SQL won't be able to translate that into SQL. How exactly would that be done? "DELETE FROM FOO WHERE ID in bar.id;"? whoops, missed that it was only an abstraction above the sqllite driver, scratch this :) 1 but might want to i++ somewhere in there :) Using the code formatting button is a lot easier than 1000s of spaces... Wow! I admit I hadn't considered using a web service for the task. I'll have to chew on that one for a bit ... thx PSU_Kardi :) i should add that it worked fine for me in firefox 3.0.11 and safari 4 this looks very promising! thanks karim79 - i'm doc surfing as we speak :) What is $F? 15 chars :| here is a tut on how to request header only for the gif file http://icfun.blogspot.com/2008/07/php-get-server-response-header-by.html, hopefully cutting down the traffic from analytics to your server by not grabbing the contents of the gif file itself. Real questions have a verb and a question mark the fact that the events arent triggering is not normal. If you have controls over the form, you should hook events of those controls. Another way of doing it would be to have a transparent panel over your whole form which will handle the events It's a perfectly cromulent word! resolving the error might be a step in the good direction, what is it exactly? This phrase appears in every single PE executable file (EXE, DLL, OCX...) so you shouldn't worry about that the link is 404 oh god, this one is awesome Oops, actually it's not as easy as that by the looks of it. Still struggling with this... Cutting to size, you will raise the collision rate to possibly unacceptable levels. The algorithm requested had no loop checking if the value was already generated. again, the original request was for a scheme that didn't require checking for collisions. i think you meant "colo(u|())r". your original query reads "match 'colou' or 'r'" Which scheme? I don't think r4rs required eval to be present at all. mysql_query('SELECT ... DATE_SUB("' . date('Y-m-d') . '", INTERVAL 2 WEEK) ...'); Oops, fixed. Too used to "?" style By doing this, you would be limiting anyone that uses the MyData class directly to only interact with the Data in enumerable ways. This is pretty limiting. (Unless the user were to cast back to a List, but that would be a very poor decision). The interface only specifies a get for the property, so there is no context where you would think that an assignment of an IEnumerable would be allowed. I see what you are saying, but since I didn't specify a set, your point is invalid in this example. So what you are saying is you would implement a more restrictive contract/interface, then you would ignore it by casting to a List. That's bad design because you assuming knowledge of the inner workings of a class. Moreover, this about an interface that says "you must at least provide data that can be enumerated over" and a class that says "here's data that you can enumerate over AND do random access on AND et et". Yet the compiler says "you are not fulfilling the contract!" Ok I changed the answer so that it should work with all three. Does that work better? I think opencv implements Zhang algorithm Sorry but how would this work? You can't simply 'cancel' the Callable.. You can only cancel the *Future* returned when you submit the Callable.. I can't see how I would be able to get the url from the Callable once it is lost after submitting it to the Executor.. > A trailing comma may appear after the last expression in an array initializer and is ignored. (+1) Good to see someone agrees with me already, where's my upvote :-P? Have you tried debugging the code? Just attach Visual Studio to the w3wp process (if needed copy the debug .pdb file to the location where the .dll containing the code above is stored (bin directory or GAC) So you've debugged while running the workflow and no error occurs? How do you know it stops at that specific loop content then? It just stops executing? Give me an example of how? Cant see how a base would help The object is created in main thread and Error appears when it's accessed from NSOperation thread. Signals and threads do not mix well. dupe: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/909003/javascript-getting-the-first-index-of-an-object/909044#909044 Why then when I browse to "/users/new" do I receive "Unknown action No action responded to new." ? Thanks for your answer, it works like a charm @EnderMB: except you still can't Google "===". Handling drag and drop without a library can be a pain to get working cross-browser; for instance, "ondrag" isn't an event in browsers that aren't IE, but you need it in IE. evt.clientX and Y may be (I can't remember exactly) named differently in other browsers as well. So this is a start to understand how things work, but as other posters have said, it's recommendable to take the next step and start using a library that helps normalize the differences between browsers, such as jQuery. That's not the question here. But as far as the case against Surrogate keys go it has nothing to do with increased space. (not that I am against them perse) As for why I'm using NIO: partly because I'm a masochist and am determined to get NIO figured out once and for all (if that is, in fact, humanly possible), and partly because I want be read the InputStream as fast as possible and NIO seems quicker for this sort of thing. Don't use new Boolean(); IsLoggedIn will evaluate to true in all of those situations (yes, new Boolean(false) is true). You cannot perform actions in code if the site template was created by saving it as a template.. Also, you cannot add users declaritevely in XML in a site definition, Code is the only way to do this.. thanks for the info. unfortunately blend2 and vs2008 don't seem to work well together for us, too many problems when one works with code generated in the other, so we currently don't let blend come anywhere near our vs code ;) A part of the code in your post is missing, pls edit. Not sure. add your form to a list and then use SSG to reverse engineer the xml needed. also, SPSource can do the same... also, check this out: http://www.sharepointdevwiki.com/display/public/Creating+a+List+Template+within+a+Feature You are using both SQL Server and MySQL. Does your solution have to work with both databases? It's a abstracted connection, though, that can end up using multiple HTTP requests (as many as one per message). But it can be run on port 80 (just not, of course, on the same IP as a web server). I was intentionally leaving this out because I have to do it in both a local SQLite db and a central SqlServer I use non Server version of Leopard on my laptop so this doesn't work for me. But thanks for your effort anyway The `dis` module. You can run it from the command line using `python -m dis` and typing in some code, or disassemble a function with `dis.dis()`. @Kit How can you use SPQuery to query across Site Collections. Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe SPQuery has a boundry of a specific list. There is a SPSiteDataQuery API for querying across lists in a site collection. I'm NOT aware of anything that all thanks for that :) Yes, I looked at it, but seems like it requires manual marshaling/unmarshaling to/from strings on both sides. I need something as transparent as SOAP. Thanks, I'll take a look at it. @Greg I'm assuming Natrium means a relational database requires a link table to represent a many-to-many relationship rather than "not allowed" Hi! What is gdb? What is po? Not sure to understand... Thanks for your help! :) Ok so I found out that GDB stands for GNU debugger and is in fact the debugger window of Xcode. Now I need to find what is po OK! So gdb is in fact a prompt in the Console, where you can input commands. By typing "po object_name" you got the object content printed in the console. No, only when you do something that can throw an exception. This is a correct answer, -1? Really? Even if you move the code to another function if you don't have a try/catch it will bubble to the main and cause the same problem. So "main" isn't special at all. I've reduced it all to one .htaccess file. When debugging I realized that some browsers added the trailing slash automatically because of some history of visited pages. Clearing my internet history, adding a rewritecond and rewriterule did the trick. why is this a community wiki? This can be done at places where you want to keep Interface Definitions separate from their implementations. e.g., an Interface that has to be implemented differently in multiple COM Components, such an interface can be moved out and a separate tlb can be created for that interface. All the components that would implement that interface will simply import that tlb and go on from there. when the variables are static ,it gives me a link error,"unresolvable symbol ",How to deal with that? Sounds like a situation where a normal datastructure and not an DB is needed. No PHP expert here, but PHP has classes last I heard. Make a PHP class that represents the inventory and store the items in that. I found a fairly hidden link on mediwiki.org - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Must-have_extensions also http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Corporate_Must-have_extensions Seems to be some more promising extensions there as well. @Darrel: I think CRUD is usually sufficient actually, but I see your point. Forget that :) Still trying to get REST through my head. Sometimes I think programmers are a little too idealistic. A few things: How does it match the type? It looks like it will match words other than type in the parens. Also, do you want to be able to match something like "(normal stuff here)" <---- notice that there is no closing tag. Also, do you want id's to be empty? ie - "id="? Not just hazardous... just really incorrect... regular expressions are not designed for dealing with html because they are context insensitive. 1 for pointing it out that it's bad. You do realize that the (?:)? has no "memory" of the (?:)?. In reality, you probably want the second one, only if the first one appears. Formally speaking, regular expressions CANNOT handle this, although there be some regex extensions in specific programming languages that can handle it (I think they call it back-matching... but it is really not something regexes can do). under many distros of unix there is a dos2unix utility that should be under /usr/bin. Not sure of OSX has that... @Victor: I wish I knew. I think part of the problem is that the term regular expression is abused. There are so many variations and extensions added by languages that make regexes more powerful... I think this makes people think they are THE solution to a Okay, so you're saying I need to bind to a model that represents a simpler version of the business object, that way I can pass all the information without requiring things like object references? Can you handle the queues and scheduels from the c# code? to add/edit/remove etc So it seems to understand #NAME? *.jar if I remove the quotes but it does not understand #NAME? .:*.jar That is TRUE I will update my answer to explicitly mention this. You could also make use of OpenOffice, I've added information to my post. No - you can mark a class with [Serializable] or you can make them implement the ISerializable interface. You can only constrain for the interface. ISerializable lets you override the default serialisation process, while the [Serializable] attribute just lets the CLR know that this class can be serialised. Please edit your question to indicate whether this a compiler error or a debugger message. If the former, please be clear about the line at which the compiler complains. Is it the line doing malloc(), or some other line? I would suggest testing the 32 bit (or even 64 bit - depending on your hardware) approach as well. My experience is that these things often give counterintuitive results owing to the complexities of the caching and pipelining systems. Why is this tagged C++? Can you add your code for BuildDeriveModule()? This is not answering the question whatsoever. While it is a good answer to a question like 'What is MS doing to their Bing javascript?' it does nothing to answer 'Should you obfuscate your javascript?' Err. Sorry, got hung up trying to explain what I was doing but forgot the question. :x I'll make that edit. Thanks for the interfaces, I'll put some of those options into mine when I get them loaded. @Brad: I'm with you. I hope my post didn't come across as 'hurried' or desperate, lol. I can verify the missing scrollbar in IE7 on XP. Thanks for the help. I ended up re-writing it based on a friend's soruce code. Edited original post to include my solution. :) The class that provides the functionality you happen to be looking for :-) I like this answer so far. I'm interested in the DbgCLR except that the only version for download i can seem to find is either .NET 2 or in combination with a huge 1.2 GB Windows 2008 SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F26B1AA4-741A-433A-9BE5-FA919850BDBF&displaylang=en). I'd definately be looking for something quicker to install and uninstall than that. if you don't add a prefix as the last argument after the filename to split you get output in files named xaa, xab, xac, xad.... This may be similar to another posting that was not answered completely: 'wcf and ADO entity framework', http://stackoverflow.com/questions/828302/wcf-and-ado-entity-framework And the only way to get around that is Custom Model Binders? @Nath - I definitely agree with the answer on the "wcf and ADO entity framework", but unfortunately it does not resolve my problem. The first point in the answer is "Auto generate entity framework entities", which will expose the data that I wish to be ke Perfect, thanks! J.W.'s answer's not bad. Would be nice to have a few more answers just to see different people's experiences/perspectives on it. Would also like a bit more on how they interact with each other. Please post if you have any more input on this! You only need one "=" on the third line. Is that a typo or did you copy paste? That's good advice. I might have skipped through the XML and SOAP chapters quicker if I'd read that before. On the contary... why use .Net 3.5 unless you specifically need the extra features? Pretty much everyone has .Net 2 but not many people have .Net 3.5 yet. Could you post some markup? It looks like you are using absolute positioning when it's not necessary. Yes, I think you're correct. I fixed it. I tried the "PerformClick()" method and...nothing happens! Is there some other sort of preparation I must do before the PerformClick() method actually performs? The help that comes with the method is not what you would call "informative" - it's a single line of text that says"Activates the toolstrip item when it is clicked with the mouse" - as I say, not real helpful. I must be missing something as I have tried, successfully, to call the method via Reflection (thanks to another posting in StackOverflow) but the elegance of PerformClick() is what I am looking for. No worries on the other stuff. A refurbed Mini is a great value and should do wonderfully when loaded with RAM. It wasn't. Moving it to the same package solved the problem. Also, moving it to [...]services.exceptions also works :) You should post this as an answer rather than a comment (= move to community wiki Ok, thanks, that did the trick. Great code example...just what I was looking for. From the W3 CSS link above: "The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted into six-digit form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by adding zeros. For example, #fb0 expands to #ffbb00." Even though it's 8 bit vs 16bit, they're still the same color, and it's quite unusual to see 8bit desktop screens nowdays. This is right except that the date is obviously invalid (I hate mysql). I don't see a DPS anywhere on spec sheet as being part of the OMAP processor, interestingly the wiki entry doesn't mention the IVA2+ unit, this may be based on a TI DSP http://focus.ti.com/general/docs/wtbu/wtbuproductcontent.tsp?contentId=14649&navigationId=12643&templateId=6123 Hm, well that's unfortunate. Thanks for your help. Well, not necessarily. My problem is that I need to persist data between sessions. Serializing the objects and sticking them in a data store is one way, but I didn't ask specifically about serialization because maybe people have some better suggestions. I beginning to think that the current implentation is the wrong way, and perhaps there should be a proper schema in the db rather than storing a serialized blob? easiest way to get a timestamp to mysql datetime format is with strftime('%F %T') +1 I didn't realize that was possible, good to know! @John: The reason the old solution doesn't work is because the code which executes the dts package required the manageddts dll which is missing in sql 2008 I tried copying it from another box but there are too many dependencies. I'm sure sql 2008 will le Ah of course, what an idiot! thanks a lot for all the really quick answers! Cheers Stuart Thanks, multiple classes for a single element is the part of the puzzle I was missing :-) .exe and .dll files can have several icons embedded. In this case you have to specify which of the icons to use with IconIndex. I've set ClientTarget="uplevel" for now - seems the Live server is ignoring the browserCaps section in the web.config. My dev/tests can id the browser but the live server fails with IE8. Need to have words with the admin and i've asked a further question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1037708 My goal is to avoid forcing the developers of the end-application (be it my organization or a third party) from managing the helper applications. "but then we have to reference them as such.", not really. CF will look for the function in Application scopes for you. So if you have funcA() in Application scope, you can just call funcA() and it'll work. You don't need to call Application.funcA() Well, that "magic global scope" is not accessible by us. :) Hmm, I am trying to test this now, what I think I might end up doing is in CallOutputType - ((IFoo)t).OutputType(t); I can't change the method constant for other reasons. Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction, using the interface to call the method works. Well if it did, then someone can override your system function like now(), would you be happy about that? :D The QMAKESPEC tells qmake what platform/compiler is being used. It can point to a directory with some config files, or it can be one of the presets. I think by default when you set it up with Qt Creator that QMAKESPEC is win32-g++, so it's not so much "bad" as just never set for Visual Studio. You can find out what it is by doing echo %QMAKESPEC% at a command prompt Could you post what you already have? That makes it easier adapting it. From what you write it sounds very straightforward and I wonder how to get that wrong Store it before copying and restore it afterwards :) With extensive use you'll eventually run into problems doing that, but if it works for what you use it for I suppose there's no harm in it. It's generally not a good idea to access the GUI elements directly from a separate thread, your best bet is going to be using the events mechanism via QThread::postEvent or the signal/slots mechanism, with QueuedConnection type. If you compiled it with Qt 3 backward compatibility you could also use the Qt library mutex lock and access the widgets directly, but that can get a little dicey. good point. an earlier incarnation of my script had this type of loop but since i'm still learning the syntax and all i replaced it because something wasn't right. in your second loop are the '$'s necessary? like "for ((i=1; $i <= $n; $i++))" when should you use the '$' and when shouldn't you? so many of these questions. how to let them know? make an faq? lol Not an answer, but a comment: The class name "c_data" is wildly outside of Objective-C conventions. Class names should be in CamelCase starting with an uppercase letter. It shouldn't, as this is clearly a question about weird behaviour of a program and not abuot administering anything. Somehow the member access changes something in the array which triggers this behavior with #NAME? Maybe one of the Powershell devs knows what's going on. For what purpose ? Do you plan to run several independents applications or a single one with many threads ? However a single processor may have shared caches between some cores. If the cores are working on different part of the memory the processor will spend most of the time invalidating cache lines and fetching data from the main memory through the bus. Network Connections - Right Click - Click Properties (for your internet connection): Then if IPv6 is in the list try to disable that. Your host file may have an entry in it for localhost, comment it out and save the file (using notepad) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file Thanks so much for your reply, Pax. Finally I use a triggle insert into the thread run loop, this triggle just use the pthread_cond_wait .When other thread supendThread, it just modify the current state and init a new cond. In this situation, when thread run to the triggle point, it will wait untile someone resumeThread. Although this method do not work perfect, yet it is a solution in some case. Thanks anyway, Best Regreads. really? that's really so cool if swing can solve this problem, i will check the details, Thanks Reflog. If you're getting not a working copy, then you've got a different kind of problem. Do you even have a .svn/ directory in your WC? Your modules may be small so you obviously don't want to spawn a new process each time, however you could re-use an already spawned process to call the checked module many times. You can also migrate your code that calls the module into the process itself. You only need to kill the process when the module violates the rules. Done right, this could be fast, secure, and portable. I think mmap gives you the direct pointer to the data stream. As for calling modules as functions, your preprocessor can generate "proxy functions" for each module that sends a command to the sandboxed process to run a given module. For speed reasons, if you're calling a lot of modules in series, you may want your code that calls modules to be in the sandboxed process as well. I think you are correct, there is no way built in the framework to get think. Custom SQL is the only way. Thanks! I'm sure this will be helpful Thank you Henry. I don't really agree with filename or file name. Don't most OS' consider the extension to be part of the filename? <%= is basically equal to Response.Write() while <%# is used for data binding. Common by people outside of IT maybe, but we should know better :P Depends on what you're doing. If all you want to do is output the value, then <%= will work just fine. If you want to do databinding like you are doing for this textbox, then use the #. Is there a value in the customer.Comments field? Can you please provide the following info: 1. Access table structure 2. What tools are you comfortable using (I understand you have MS Access, but can you also use ASP.Net? Is this where the notion of a GridView came from?) yes i know it is well formed, that is what i said, read it. i said the patten makes is look weird and makes it not look well formed. thanks for the negative on this, most undeserved. Thank Matthew Jones, most appreciated. I was trying to do that exact thing the other day with no luck. I hope someone knows! Well maybe an example would help, that's too general. Give us some code of what you are trying to do then maybe advice can be offered i thought it was the 'Enter Web', with confusion of the Enter key and spider webs. Thanks, got the TortoiseSVN Bridge and seems to be working (I think my client messed up my Login/Password though, so I still can't connect but I think it should work, its asking for authentication) I already use TotroiseSVN for PHP projects so this worked out well... I didn't know it existed though! Thanks again. Thanks. There are actually a TON of variations on the game. The concept is definitely NOT what is unique about it. What separates it from the others is the points/badges/community concept which THIS SITE has done so well at implementing. @quillbreaker Let me rephrase that. Not so that I can necessarily make the code better, but feedback that will help me become a better developer (of course in turn make the code better). Where is the Declaration of KeyCombo is it in SRCommon.h? I know it's a CMS - but in my termonology it's a framework for my propject. Yup, that was my first approach to. But then I started thinking.... :) I thought maybe there was a common way of doing this - like 'business best practice" Thanks Red Beard :) I'm just justing Wordpress as a framework - for managing users (and some content). My "plugin" is more or less WP independant, working with it's own tables. I might have a look at this later down the road: http://www.a-scripts.com/object-oriented-php/2009/02/21/the-observer-pattern. For now I'll just trigger a function for each time a user does a specific action. BCD is an exact representation of a DECIMAL, thus the, um, "decimal" part of its name. There is no exact decimal representation of 1/3 either. @rafek - In our app, we store the CreatedBy as the LastChangedBy and same with the created field as well. From what I can see i think it is still integer, if not can tell me what it actually is please. Doing a clean will not remove the persistent store files, thankfully. That would be a recipe for disaster if true. The code I was using was the code at the top of the page. If i did not sub-class NSOutlineView for that how would I need to change the code? Thanks, I didn't notice that code near the bottom of the page, So I had a go at using the Apple Code with the Sub-Class and it just about worked but I get a warning saying ''MyOutlineView' may not respond to '-drawStripesInRect:''. Do you know how I might fix this problem? Sorry I hadn't read all the Apple Docs on Sub-Classing. First through jQuery - jQuery("input#store_labelName").val(); Then throug PHP - $labelName = $_POST['labelName']; I also have a thread here - http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?p=10918471#post10918471 0 Maybe that will clarify some issues as well. Without knowing more about his Foo class I simply offered another possibility. @Martin Brown: Are you suggesting that the other Try and TryParse methods are hammers? No they fit their paradigm of dealing with strings. I can't really infer much of problem domain. @Frederik: He has just as much control with an extension method as he does with his own class. 1 for good string formating. Brilliant. Thank you. The actual syntax was ALTER TABLE dbo.cty DROP CONSTRAINT fk_cty_cntry But you put me in the right direction :) Thanks for the input. I agree this would have been a better approach. Given that the system is already in place, do you recommend anything with the existing design to make it more scalable? Well, isn't storing everything as a varchar(max) a bad idea to begin with? @Alex - It's a good idea to have different columns representing different data type defaults (Ex: varcharDefault, dateTimeDefault, xmlDefault etc). Not sure how easy this change would be though. @All - Also, I am trying to understand the justification behind this design I can double check that. I did just verify that on the local machine going to the service.asmx and executing the web service (POST) does work as expected, though SoapSonar doesn't even from the local machine. This will work fine, and the & will not be underscored. Not sure how to underscore an &. Ahh thanks I have been trying to Hack around with IValueConverter to pass two arguments for a wile now... Didn't know about IMultiValueConverter. Yes it is sending a POST Ah, but if he compiles without CommunicationProtocols.RS232, he'll have a smaller compiled program. Part I of the problem is that the web service is under a directory that has forms authentication enabled. So the request to the service.asmx results in a redirect 302. It doesn't happen when you are on the local machine. I tried but that didn't stop the redirect. Is there a way to have forms authentication at the root, but not at the subfolder? Keep in mind that this program needs to be FAST -- it's going to run on every request through your web server, even images and CSS files. Note that you can (and should) free the returned handle manually when using the first method rather than wait for the GC. The question is tagged "language-agnostic" and when he asks "Or is a linked list just not that great? With the exception of middle insertion/erasure, why on earth would someone want to use one?" this is my answer! I guess it all depends how complicated your implementation is. Creating anonymous types from a query is the quick solution (the point of LINQ being to make these things easy and maintainable). If you need a more complicated solution, the link you commented seems to do the trick. (+1) JSF raw, in its current incarnation, has its share of faults. Definitely true. The Navigation model being one of the biggest ones. However, the component based concept is really good IMO and the frameworks I play with (Seam, Facelets, IceFaces and sometimes RichFaces) allow me to get around the issues with JSF. Seam, IMO, is a killer app for JSF. If you're going to do prolonged JSF development, I highly recommend you take a look at seam. Session scoping the beans is fine, but just be careful about getting rid of them otherwise your memory can get eaten pretty quick for large numbers of users. Keep in mind the Woodstock library isn't being supported anymore. 1 for pointing out the pragmatic reason why this notation is not possible. Just be aware of the tight coupling between the markup and the validator. If the mark up changes, it may break the validator. :) This would probably be the faster way, but you can also position one of the images absolutely over the other one. Yes, actually I found I'd be better off keeping some variables on the .git/config file for these purposes, and having the server do these related tasks. It was more a problem of my idea of a workflow than git itself, it turns out. Thanks! You should try this question over at http://www.serverfault.com/ deamons are user mode programs running under another account. root is another account too. 'real' drivers run in kernel mode (mostly ring 0 because ring1 + ring2 are rarely used today. OK - I've just tried setting all Date column's UpdateCheck to Never... no joy, I'm still getting the same result. EJB automatically creates a transaction at the beginning of any EJBean method call. Therefore, if you are not using an EJB (either `@Stateless`, `@Local`, etc. with the associated container) you will need to create your own transaction. I believe the preferred property mix is @property(nonatomic,assign) for things that are not pointers to objects (integers, BOOLs, etc.) Perfect, thanks for the suggestion. Anytime. You may want to file a bug report: https://bugreport.apple.com/ I agree. The only other change I would make is to add the initial capacity argument to the StringBuilder constructor, "= new StringBuilder(str.Length)". If you spend your time learning Haskell, you have less time for other things. Tweaked my answer to spell out how to launch a GUI app for a particular user from a service. I moved it to C:\ and that did the trick, thanks! But, seems like the Saxon developers could do something to rectify this as well, since it replaced the spaces in the path to the transformation file just fine. I just tried your change, and I can't seem to get it to produce anything other than the same error. I also tried it in the declaration of $filename. Note that I had to remove the "fn:" namespace since it said it was undeclared. This helped Python find the library, but now it seems that tkinter doesn't know where to look for the new files. Now I get an error telling me that tkinter "Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories," and then lists all the standard Python library directories (and not the path I put in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH). Does anyone happen to know how to change Tkinter's search path? Thanks so much for the help! At the risk of stating the obvious, I presume you've tried restarting Visual Studio or rebooting the machine? Is it just a code formatting issue then, or is there a problem with the (string) casts? Don't know why it was downvoted but so have upvoted it in support :) I want to return the result of a detachedCriteria.GetExecutableCriteria() to a DataTable. I need to be able to sort the results returned, and to be able to sort, I need to know the types of each object. Determining types dynamically is an n^2 operation (the GetExecutableCriteria() returns object[][]), and having the SQL text would eliminate this problem. If I opt to use ADO.NET then I have to keep track of a multitude of things that I'd rather let NHibernate deal with (dialects, joining, criteria, etc. - and I'd have to parse all that text and reassemble it myself - no small task). My problem stems from the potential for my users to add custom columns to the database and query off of them, and I'd like to be able to get the column type from NHibernate. x86 does have memory versions of increment and decrement that do all 3 steps in one instruction. But they're not atomic - there is no guarantee that other CPU's will see the correct results if they are also modifying the value. It might be helpful if you could state what API's you wanted to hook and why. I did as your blog, however it seems some part wrong that workflow designer cannot find the assembly reference for my root activity which defined in MyActivitiesLib, even I added this assembly to typeProvider services . cool thanks. that's been bugging me for a while Python is quite popular and doesn't use curly braces and semi-colons. Correct! This is true in Chrome, IE, & Firefox. @retrohound: Yes, IE6 should handle this correctly. I don't have a box to test this on at the moment, though. The linked question talks about long held misconceptions. This questions is about the most harmful misconceptions. The most harmful misconceptions often aren't as long held because the harm they produce is more visible. The type of answers to the two questions is also different. I still disagree and think it's a shortcoming. The interface says "you must provide data that can be enumerated over" and my class that says "here's data that you can enumerate over AND do random access on AND etc etc". Yet the compiler says "you are not fulfilling the contract!". Yooder, thanks for your response. I wouldn't call it pretty (not your fault), but functionally, it will get me where I want to go. Here's a link to the documentation for the first question, it's better than any attempt on my part to explain it.. ;) http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/reference/beans.html#beans-annotation-config (But saying something is a Repository defines it as a bean which is most likely some form of Data Access Object) Could you include the edit above in an answer below. Once that's done, you can mark that as the answer to this question and it will no longer appear in the Unanswered questions list. Xt had geometry managers before Tk, but Xt was a horrible API to work with. Tk was a breath of fresh air after having experienced the Athena and Motif widget sets. thanks for this, I've been browsing for hours on this!! I agree about the C API. That API and its implementation taught me a huge amount about how to write good C code. For that reason I still hold a soft spot for Tcl, despite its flaws as a language. Fun, but I dont quite know how it's programming related. code? how can we know what doesnt work if we dont know how it is supposed to work i should also note for anyone reading this question in the future, both these libraries come in the "minimal" zend framework download - you don't need to download the big package (but at time of writing, Zend still forces you to register before downloading). Honestly with software, there are probably at least a half dozen 'fast' ways to do something. It depends on your strengths. If all else fails, you could just export the table into a CSV and script the inserts. 1 for "... >"What I want is to build an application which would manage the backend from the desktop" In that case don't go with servlets & jsp.. Those are both aimed at webdevelopment, and you'd just end up making a copy of your PHP backend in Java.. For Desktop application development in Java, have a look at any of the available frameworks.. Eclipse SWT, QT, Swing (yuk) or AWT.. To simply connect to the database you can use the JDBC connector: http://www.mysql.com/products/connector/ However, I strongly recommend having a look at using Hibernate as a wrapper over executing manual SQL queries once you're doing anything beyond trivial queries.. Hope this should be enough to get you started.. Windows does the translation for you for messages that it knows about. For custom messages, it has no idea what the data is so it just passes the values and doesn't do anything to them. since the client can post these credentials to any page I would need to turn off validate request for each page Your XML in the second example doesn't match what you're explaining (or how you've indented it) Nowhere at the moment - thought I'd put this in while waiting for the question to be corrected though... This is the opposite behavior of what he wants. What line are you getting the error on, and what is the description of the error? Can you tell us the RegExp you're using? +1, Arraylists are very nice if you're trying to manipulate the size of things or remove elements efficiently. @Moayad: btw, this method surely will not work if there are nested tags... and NO regex will be able to handle that. Regexes are really NOT suitable for this problem. So being able to call System.console()'s getPassword()/readLine() is what? Seriously, the question is about getting user input in Clojure ... a JVM language. Oops. That should be readPassword() above. Was never published. You're right, you did mention that. And I read your post three times before posting my answer ... (Head, meet Desk). Unfortunately, I actively use 9, 10, and XI daily, so sometimes I confuse myself. At any rate, truthfully, this is the first time I've heard of Report Definition not showing everything. Before "Find in Formulas", Report Def was the official way. Of course, I've had an "official answer" from Crystal Decisions that was "we can't help, try re-generating the report from scratch." :( @Laurence: I agree that laz's post is a bit confusing (I read it a few times before I understood it). I take it that he is just trying to provide a "shortcut" for the special case when 2 conditions hold: (1) duplicates matter, and (2) the list sizes are d #define TRUE FALSE and #define FALSE TRUE have always been among my favorites. Looks to be a duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/201778/can-i-create-transparent-buttons-in-visual-studio-2005-with-c no, i am using an arbitrary background, which makes this problem much more difficult JComponent component=getComponent(); Int width=component.getWidth(); int height=component.getHeight(); BufferedImage scaledImage=PreferencesDialog.scaleToFitWindow(image,width,height); g.drawImage(scaledImage,0,0,component); So I tried the Robot class and it seems to work, but I'm having issues getting the correct pixel location. I tried component.getSreenLocation(), and that doesn't give me the right results. Any ideas? Unfortunately I cannot set up a server script to do it for me, but thank you for the good response :D Hmm...thanks! At least that explains the behavior. It seems like the available solutions are a bit of a kludge though. Precisely what I'm trying to understand is why I'm getting the error if both my temp database and my user database have the same Collation option. What if both my tempDB has the same collation as the database I'm trying to join with? Yes, bad example. Although, I used this some days ago and it worked, but maybe I used unique variable names within the block. Hm... @jjnguy: I was always under the impression that people who posted tests, posted tests that pass. @dfa kind of did a similar thing. (But @dfa's answer is more complete). Thanks, I added a bit more info. So why is this -1? I also specifically said that this is the worst case performance... which is definitely correct. Worst case would mean optimizations are working against you. But it's not, when in a loop. Maybe I should update and clarify. Please see my clarified answer. It certainly is linear for a one off thing. But it is quadratic in the worst case when you do a series of concatenations. Indeed, LINQ to SQL expands that to an IN expression. Ah...thank you very much. +1: better off not doing this. Windows moves pages from process working sets on a least recently accessed basis. Generally this gives good results, but specific use cases can require control. Before you do this read Windows Internals (to start with) to better understand what you are trying to do. It was because I had SchemaExport somewhere in the code without me realizing it and when the code runs SchemaExport created a new table called dbo_owner_Task and inserted into that table instaed of dbo.Task. ok...i guess ssh must use a two way encryption function so that the receiver can decrypt the data. so i guess a sniffer would also be able to decrypt data transmitted over ssh? What's your current mapping? Why doesn't HasManyToMany(map Err:510 map.Locations) work? No because it does an Add which is wrong. It seems if in that loop you then say var item = new Person(p.ID); item.Save it all works but you shouldnt have to create a new instance of the object if you have a list of them instantiated by the Find method Can you give an example? this is a really good answer That would be too easy (grin). It saves the GUI layout in an XML representation. And since there are classes that can load/instantiate that representation at runtime, it's clear that you run stuff without ever seeing C++ code. While they may very well have a tool that lets you get at that C++ code, it's clear to me that if you were to modify that, then you lose the benefit of using the GUI tool. So I'm HOPING there's something else to handle this in a "supported" manner. Yeah, or at least the syntax changed or something? At any rate, the AppEngine site claims that the python version is 2.5.2. You would think that I could do that, right? But content = require_auth(content) gives the same error... NHibernate-2.1.0.CR1-bin.zip Doh - That's totally it. Thanks! I have tried setting BindingSource.DataSource = null but the reference still exists, which is wired to me. By the way, the BindingSource has a chain. So rootBS.DataSource = bigObject; And later, childBS.DataSource = rootBS; childBS.DataMember = "xxx"; I don't know if this is the case, is there any particular order that I have to follow to remove references of bigObject from both rootBS and childBS. Thanks. Unfortunate! Thanks a lot :) The Linux version of "truss" is called "strace". Linq is not an option for this project unfortunately Linq is not an option for this project unfortunately Yup that would work, just wondered if the built in List.ForEach could do the same thing You can also do a left outer join with: ... join r in source on r.prop equals other.prop into rows. But without knowing more of your data model hard to be specific. (Just checking for taskItems having more than one velocity is correct in your original.) Have decided to leave it as a list, thanks Well Models also contain logic do they not? They contain the classes which hold data between controller and view but also methods and classes to operate on that data? Therefore my n-tier project in someways is an extension of the model? I do have some logic in the model, all relating to preparing the data for display in a view.. So most of the business logic is in a separate project, should I access this via controller instead of model class then? The table contains a LOT of rows and yes 2 columns of interest. I am wondering why this approach when having 1 default table for each table approach would have been better (wouldn't need varchar(max)). I am trying to understand the justification and if it's a standard approach. Yes, defaults can be changed by the end user. The red flag for me was this table is growing at an alarming speed (as it has field level info). Is this common and standard. I am not a DB guy and might be overreacting. @Ron - Can you please point me to any schema that is available on the web that does something similar to this (I am not sure if the commercial apps you are referring to is open source for me to view the design) Also, once I know what method to use what do i put in the method? Won't work in Safari without an explicit width and that's the browser I'm developing for. I needed the child div to be relatively positioned w/ text-align: center. That solved the issue. Thanks! @Rich B: I rolled back your original edits because I saw no added value to them just like I roll back most of your edits to my posts because you insist on doing almost nothing besides removing contractions, colons, and semicolons. Not to mention all the t @Rich B: Also, How is the source code being ran by the Access instances that I'm mainly asking the question about irrelevant? As I had stated in a previous comment I only added the source code because Mitch Wheat's comment seemed to me to implied the need Actually, I just wanted to confirm the implicit type conversion rules in a query. However, this approach will most likely be useful as my database design (and eventually database) matures. Ah, That's where I went wrong, Thanks Peter! Quassnoi, please elaborate. I have updated the post which should make it clearer what i'm looking for. thanks. I've done that but i still get these errors (http://snapplr.com/nqec). What code do I need to add to make it work? Also, does the code in your answer need to be in an action, so i can connect the action to the checkbox? Yes, I have similar suggestions. But I do not understand why FireFox throws error for 'already unloaded page'? IE for example silently do nothing in this case. Looks like that simply ignoring this error is best real solution. FireBug tells nothing, only window.onerror handler can detect this error I see, how would you tell the SRRecorderControll to translate the modifier flags from Cocoa to Carbon? Oh sorry, I didn't see that comment. I looked at the Docs but I am unsure what i Should put. Is it something like '#import Processes.h' ? Nice question, and a good addition to the SO knowledge base. It's a bit messy... but it works. I just checked and just running one takes up around 50% cpu usage so I'll try to get one running on another persons computer like you suggested. Thanks. @Rich B your edits were not "cleaning up" as you call them simply your desire to have your name on everything just like when you keep on changing I'm to I am in all of my posts. Out of curiosity: why is deriving from TextBox generally frowned upon? Oh Yeh, Are these this part of the KeyCombo http://snapplr.com/2kbw ? How is lvlinput defined as having a length of 3? You should really take some time to read up on how strings work in C++. If I may suggest, do yourself a favor and start using use strict; use warnings; in all your programs from the beginning. This will format your mind to good practices :) I stand corrected, thanks. Gumbo: From http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/present/graphics.html#h-15.2.1 – "The following HTML elements specify font information. Although they are not all deprecated, their use is discouraged in favor of style sheets." Java's String actually does it that way: Substrings are merely pointers into the original string. However, that also means that when you take a 200-character substring of a 200-MiB string, the 200-MiB string will always lie around in memory as long as the small substring isn't garbage-collected. In other words, there's no need if we're talking about GUI apps. It already works that way. Whoops. Shame on me for not actually running the command. Point taken. I noticed Bob Walsh of 47hats.com and had him sponsor me. Before creating your own MSBuild tasks, I would recommend searching the web. For example, most SVN tasks you might need are part of the MSBuild Community Tasks, located here: http://msbuildtasks.tigris.org/ "using myObject only" ... d'oh. Fixed. :) In order to do this in Objective-C, you'd need to make it an object rather than a struct (as structs cannot do proper memory management of their contents). Can you provide a screenshot of this widget? And are you sure it is standard widget, it could be custom-made control. Whilst it can be theorised multiple ways, the proof should be checked by instrumenting / measuring the results of multiple tests. It's going to be slower to read items from the LOB space than reading items which are directly on the page the record is stored. Whether this benefit is worth it given the decision where to read the data from time? unknown. That's a memory leak if you aren't using garbage collection. You need to release the object after you add it to the array. oops... totally misunderstood your question. lol In my experience, faking links through Javascript almost always results in a poor user experience. Ah, no i didn't understand that. Thanks again. It definitely isn't. C including its preprocessor is older than MS :) Just FYI, you can create the lots more succinctly as `lots = (1..36).collect {|n| Lot.new n}`. Ruby eliminates a lot of explicit looping. Copy and paste the declaration of buttonRect. Michael: then you do what you do anywhere -- write a unit test. There will always be typos your compiler can't catch (the sign of an int, inequality operators, string literals, etc.). :-) Really, of all the bugs I've ever had in Lisp code, a vanishingly small fraction were type errors. No vector format works on all browsers, but SVG can be *part* of a good solution. Just recognize that it will never work on IE (so you need something else there), and that nobody supports it completely (like HTML, CSS, and every other web standard ever), so you still need to test everywhere. Hm.. I just noticed this http://www.maxmind.com/app/worldcities which doesn't include postal codes but at least it gives lat/lon for given city names. I edited the title of my question. The downside to not having postal code data is that every user from a given city will have the same lat/lon coordinates, so showing results from nearest to furthest won't be possible, however, users from neighboring cities can be included. This is still a step up from what I am currently doing. Its ok to use ssh keys if you have ssh access on cliient server but thats not always the case. Ive just seen the #NAME? option. How what were would i add it ?? Thanks for your response, John. Yes, I am aware that entities do not need to map one-to-one and can model a subset of the conceptual model, but I don't think that will give me the result I am hoping for. Here is an example: Suppose I have a table of accounts in an accounting system, and I want to audit what operations are being performed on which accounts. I need to expose fields from the account table, but I don't want my potential fraudster to see what information I am tracking about his actions. Continued in next comment... ...Continued from previous comment. When the client calls a function I want to create a record and insert it into my audit table for tracking and analysis. I'd like to have both accesible via EF (whether they are in the same or separate entity containers is not important to me). Unfortunately whatever I define as part of the data model gets exposed as a DataContract. Thanks, marc_s. With respect to point 1 above, how do I manually remove the [DataMember] attribute from those items that are automatically generated from the database? Will this require manual rework each time I update the model from the database? No, the Express versions dont support making installers. Can you post the code where you create the configuration and the session factory? I could be wrong, but it looks like you're not processing your NHibernate configuration file, unless you have a section in your web.config. Try replacing Configuration config = new Configuration() and config.AddAssembly("MyLib.Data.NH") with Configuration config = new Configuration().Configure("hibernate.cfg.xml"). This is assuming your NHibernate configuration file is called hibernate.cfg.xml and is at the root of your application. 1 This has been a very fun and educational question ! But...But...That means not being on my computer! I really find it harder to read books. I can't seem to search (Ctrl-F) them as fast. ;-) OMG, an up-to-date blog about C! I didn't think they existed anymore. This is a test script, not the actual. Hence the reason the $i is still in there (cut -n- past) and this is lacking in clarity. The CMD[x] where x = 0 ... 10 are test conditions that return either 1 or 0; mostly is the process running or not and similar to the pgrep example given above. Along with CMD, I have a corresponding RESTART[x] that I call and after I call it, I re-evaluate the CMD[x] to see if the process restarted. In other examples I am checking for presence of a log file. I didn't want to bore the forum with these details but it would probably have been helpful. Thank you! This works! However, per my and your earlier comments (we agree) I don't want back ticks in there. This script will not live on any other environments outside of Linux, I have no control over BASH and agree with your portability concern! This also works. I hadn't thought of this method. Excellent, Thank You! Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. +1, never understood JOIN statements until now. no problem :) I learned something new, so I'm glad to share it. Hoping someone could maybe eval. my code a bit and lemme know what they think of it. :) To be honest, it's personal preference / up to the senior dev. for naming conventions. I've never inherited from "IList" before except for maybe one occasion (just recently). If I need a collection object, I'll just inherit from System.Collections.Generic.List. For example: "public class PlayerList : List {" So in this line : filterContext.Controller.ViewData["UserKey"] = UserKey; What is setting the value of UserKey? Are you no just moving the problem rather than solving it? Thanks Malcolm for your update. Thanks that solved the problem. Answer accepted! Thanks that fixed the bug ;-) I updated the code with your fix here: http://jsbin.com/oxeye/ I don't want to bother you but I noticed some other bug. Indeed when typing something and doing the query to display search results, if I go back to the search page in my browser (Firefox 3.5 but same thing with IE8) there isn't my search term anymore. It's replaced by the grey text. But when I remove the jquery code, the filled text is still present. Do you have some fix to keep this text if filled? (I may create some other question) Tiger, thanks for your answer. your solution seems to be my n°2. I agree that it's the clean way to do it, but creating several subclasses just to set form title or a label on a form is a bit overkill from what i see now. Thanks for your help. Thanks anyway, I did so here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1123032/how-to-keep-some-input-text-removed-by-jquery-when-going-back-with-browser It seems like CUDA is more about compression of images rather than slicing the images up. While the compression is cool (and *sort of* part of the issue) at the end of the process I still need PNGs outputted. As for massiveness, the image I am cutting is 8192px X 1024px. I forgot to mention it should work as before, which means when clicking on radio buttons it changes grey text if input is empty, it doesn't with your code but I will look at it. Thanks but I noticed some bug, when typing "blablabla" in Google input and checking "Spanish" for Wikipedia, if I do my Google search then go back "blablabla" will still be there but "Spanish Wikipedia" will not be greyed out and if I click on radio buttons it doesn't change anymore. But that's a beginning... If selecting "French", then clicking in order to type, the grey text isn't removed as before. It should work as before except keeping search input when going back with browser. Same thing as Kennethj: Thanks but I noticed some bug, when typing "blablabla" in Google input and checking "Spanish" for Wikipedia, if I do my Google search then go back "blablabla" will still be there but "Spanish Wikipedia" will not be greyed out and if I click on radio buttons it doesn't change anymore. But that's a beginning... If I remove the title attribute and the jquery it works of course, but I want to keep it that's the problem :-/ This question has a number of applicable answers: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/561486/how-to-convert-an-integer-to-the-shortest-url-safe-string-in-python/ Belongs on serverfault. The for loop goes through all Open Forms it can find in the current Application context, then sets the already open Forms' Background Color to the newly selected one. FormEx is a class derived from the standard .NET Framework Windows.Forms.Form class. frm.Invalidate and frm.Refresh are called to force what is called a RePaint, that means the Form is rendered again (so the new BackGroundColor will be shown.) It's hard to see what else could be causing issues. If you could reproduce the entire page somewhere for me to check, I might be able to help a bit better. It looks like you have some css classes applied to the table (class "center" for instance) that aren't reproduced in the css you posted, so maybe you should look at what rules those are declaring? Not really. I was looking for something like the C++ conversion operator, that intelligently replaces the container object with whatever it's containing in expressions. So, what do you do in the cases where you need multiple values from different logger instances that are below the current logger level? For instance, 5 lines of debug logs when the log level is set at info? Nosredna.... Eich didn't come up with the name "JavaScript"... originally, I believe, it was called LiveScript. I don't think you do I think as Eric stated the args allow you to simply override specific properties of the Cell. Apologies, I just tried it without adding constructor and mines worked fine. Not quite sure how its not automatically picking up on the control. Then why does the Java exception object have the getLocalizedMessage() method? Glad I could help. You just need to add some logic in the there now to handle the calculation of the percentage to draw. Ah well your done then! @Chris 1 The code should be placed in some Configuration namespace/project in your application. 2 The property gives you different connetion strings at run time based on whether or not you do or do not have a config file (web.config or app.config). For @cwash I'm totally with you on that one. There needs to be a push to redefine this testing idea to "developer testing". I get a lot of push back when I use the phrase "unit testing", but if I call it "developer testing" I get a much wider acceptance. @cwash Yeah I usually have a completely separate project for building out my Mock and/or Stub frameworks, which handles all the data initialization and mock/sub behavior, but I didn't want to go that deep down the rabbit hole for this answer. If you want it to have ht[index] returns a string, then I would suggest you use Mitch Wheat's solution. If it is the opposite i.e. ht[string] returns index then I suggest mines. I am struggling to see the benefit of what it is your doing? Why not just leave it as a List if you are just indexing it? Hence my statement about being performance guidelines not hard limits. Thanks, I didn't realise about the 50% rule :) Really though? Say I have 3 columns - a row identifier and 2 attributes, and the 2nd attribute isn't applicable for one row - a colspan doesn't seem very semantic (same value for two rows to me). To cache this for later use, you'll want to define a flattened type that encompasses those properties and wrap the LINQ in `(...).ToList()` so it is not lazily executed each time it is requested. Link to System.Diagnostics FAQ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/aa569609.aspx#Question3 How is this not programming related? I can't actually think of any other category that it would be put under. Thanks for your suggestion Josh, I like the idea of having a PermissionFactory to isolate away the magic string generation. However, the token generation wouldn't really be useful in a sitemap. How would you deal with sitemaps in this scenario? Keep them magic strings? @Josh Yeah I'm having to fight it the entire way because my paradigm is fundamentally different. It's really annoying. that was the problem, thanks a lot I was thinking SuperUser.com It is obviously doing something, since images from that directory is not linking a file, I'm getting a broken link (Red X). Is there a way to output to a file for debugging? Works as advertised. Thanks! SpaceghostAli, do you have any examples of how to do this ? I'm not sure I am understanding what you mean or how I could implement it. What my Access code is basically doing is searching through an entire cities worth of grid points (each of the grid points are 60ft apart) by 250ft by 250ft grid increments and grouping the results in new separate tables. If I understand correctly, then your saying instead of making new tables I should add a few columns to my core tables that I'm getting my info from and add information to group them correctly the same as I'm doing with the new tables and that it'll be faster that way. Did I get that all right? @Dervin Thunk: I'm not taking them personally at all I just get frustrated with people who refuse to use logic and resort to stating an opinion and then call people names for disagreeing with them. In the end it always seems to end up with them refuse to We run vista business at work. The way UAC and security is setup at work, installing things to C: can be a hassle. I created a directory off of c called "myc" and gave myself full permissions. Now I DID install it to C:\myc\Program Files\cygwin - which was cautioned against by the installer as there is a space in "Program Files" but I felt this was a m00t point and it should be handled gracefully and went on my merry way. If this is the issue I will be more sad than happy. FWIW - running as admin has same behavior @Rich B: I do understand editing on this site. As a general rule it is a good thing for people to be able to edit peoples posts in order to correct spelling, grammar, technical wording (such as changing the word files to instances), etc. Just like the rol You can't find it or you can't figure out where to navigate in it? I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1 (I think it a Ganymede install with PyDev added). It's located on the upper right hand corner of the Problems tab when you click on the little arrow icon to drop down the menu for that tab. @Rich B: As I've tried to explain to you before, if you want to persuade someone of something try using logic, examples, etc. Making illogical comments with no reasoning even attempted at being given coupled with asinine comments about crying is, to say t That's my understanding as well. Does Apple take any of the responsibility given that they review the applications before posting them for sale? Oh, and they take a cut of the proceeds. :) In that case, though, don't you want to just create them simultaneously? SearchRule right before FlagRule. Yet again asinine comments. I can't help but notice you are never able to back up anything you say with any form of logic or examples. You just try to force your illogical opinions on people thinking that just because you believe it, others should bow down to you. So, is this the Key Combo http://snapplr.com/5dwh ? This is the complete block public Page() { InitializeComponent(); Initialize(); } public void Initialize() { WorldLimits.Y = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight; WorldLimits.X = Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth; gameCore = new GameCore(this); gameTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds / 1000; } 1 excellent question Thanks. I didn't know that XMLBeans was so bloated. Normally I use it in a server environment where performance isn't that big of an issue, so I never thought about it. When would you close a given connection? Not that Microsoft is the benchmark for security, but asp.net offers a reset password feature out of the box that emails the password... This doesn't really answer the question of should we be the ones pointing our users in the right direction. If so, how and why? If you are working for a company that has the ability to push whatever browser they want to their users, then don't you think it would be worth the fight to talk to IT (or whoever does the pushing) and at the very least update IE and preferably go with something like Firefox or even Chrome. There are a lot of business reasons to do so: developers time is saved by not having to hack for IE 6, better apps can be made, users will have less problems using the web in general. That's quite rude. Of course I've looked at the wikipedia article on unit testing. The questions I've asked are not answered. I would like some examples from the real world. I gather that it's quite a big deal and I'd like to know how its used in practice. @Nifle Yes. Again, no real world insight. Just theory. Thanks! That was very helpful. Regarding your comment, "in the former we can't without putting it inside another IO computation" -- I suppuse that's why the IO monad needs to be the innermost when you combine several monads (using monad transformers), then? Do you do unit tests on your code? For every possible parameter for every function you write? What's the ratio of time spent writing unit tests to time spent writing new code? @John Saunders Nice search string. Thank you. Now that I think of it, a PRNG would necessarily use the IO monad, right? It needs entropy, so it will need data from "somewhere". It actually *needs* at least one function that is not referentially transparent (otherwise it wouldn't be useful, for example, for cryptographic code)! :-) Yeah. I didn't even think to do that. Thank you for your patience. @PSU_Kardi Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursion_(computer_science) and tell me it outlines it's real-world pitfalls. Wow. Thank you for putting this together. This was very, very helpful. Don't use an alias, put it in a shell script and use the script's positional parameters. Thanks for the info! I updated the question to provide more info about the environment and intended use (PHP). I'm not sure that you should really be adding calls to deselectRowAtIndexPath:animated:, but instead looking to remove them - did you already call this method anywhere? If not, can we see some relevant code from your app (like your implementations for tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: and other navigation-relevant delegate methods)? That's true for the ItemsControl, but each **item** in the ItemsControl will have an element of the list for its DataContext. I don't get what you're asking there. {Binding} by itself will always bind to the DataContext. So if you're inside the ItemTemplate then it will bind to an element in the collection. Other good free Prolog implementations are GNU Prolog and YAP (Yet Another Prolog). For a mix of Prolog, Haskell and Lisp, see Qi (but it has a very small community at this moment) `long` is an alias for Int64. This seems like the best step forward. Heading out for a late dinner and then I'll give this a go. Thank you. Ok, would lie in the same complexity as your solution then, if I see that correctly. But you have code, I didn't get around learning F# so far, so you get my +1 :) You don't lose much, as asList() returns an ArrayList which has an array at its heart. The constructor will just change a reference so that's not much work to be done there. And contains()/indexOf() will iterate and use equals(). For primitives you should be better off coding it yourself, though. For Strings or other classes, the difference will not be noticeable. Will probably cost more than the asList().contains() approach, then, I think. Unless you need to do that check very often (but if it's just a static list of values that can be sorted to begin with, to be fair). I think that is a problem, since char* x="zz" is not null terminated (at least could not be assured). He is assigning a value of "zz" (whatever that means) into pointer x. I don't even know what address that will be. I wonder what is toasting the URL here TemplateRedirectionPage.GetPathFromUrlValue(SPFieldUrlValue urlValue, CacheManager cm) Basically it just stands for "sockaddr_in". sockaddr works kinda like a union, in this case the sa_data[14] translates to a unsigned short port (sin_port) followed by a 4 byte address (sin_addr), followed by 8 dead bytes. You can use the "Save with encoding" option in the save dialog and then explicitly select "UTF-8 without signature". kd304: You can suspend one of the two programs and kill them one after the other. It might be helpful if you told us WHAT error occurs. I mean, there usually is a message attached to them. Would greatly help in solving this issue. You know there is piping to a file or using more to follow what gets output? very interesting thanks That's not the address, but Object.hashCode() ... My question is why isn't it considered a block. Why do you have to force it to be one? Yeah that makes sense now. I didn't think of them as labels, and was curious why yo uwould need to have a {} to force scope, when the break statement could be used to determine the end of the case statement. Always having to force scope makes sense as this would be a break in the overall structure of the language also. @Marc: All objects evaluate equal to some integer. You can send messages to nil (something that is true of every object and not true of nonobjects in Objective-C), so conceptually at least, nil can meaningfully be called an object. It is a special value, @kent: Sure. Different platform, different conventions. It's also good to have a close widget and menus in a Cocoa app, but not on the iPhone. This saved me as well. Thanks so much! Be careful killing processes like this. It could have unexpected behaivours. Iisreset.exe will do all the taks needed to restart the iss, and it doesn't make a hard kill to the aspnet_wp for sure. How big are the files? How many will be? How many reads? Decisions like this should always be made having metrics. Looks like you are looking for something called Umbraco Forms - http://umbraco.org/products/umbraco-forms according to their web site it's going to be released this year. Anyway as far as I've investigated umbraco you can create the functionality you need using XSLT templates. what is answer supposed to be? I looked at the Apache logs, and it appears that it is attempting to access MyDomain.com/{filename.gis}/Shared/ good point, but is not what I need. I mean if I need to cancel an item that would be actually a different order for me. Thank you very much. I discovered that one of the queries was using filesort. thanks, this the redundancy problem I though about if I add a status column that is *not* for caching. @Steve Exactly, Skip and Take were implemented for LINQ as well. "how to get the average of it using LINQ?"..I think you mean the sum yes thank you :) If one of the two viable solutions posted here doesn't pan out, he'll be needing a programming solution. Get their timezone offset from previous activity on your site then save it in a session... Bryon, then don't. Make your "ajax" CGI return HTML and jam that straight into the innerHTML property. No, this is my own Apache/PHP instance on my machine (which is Windows if it's relevant). I'll try adding those to the Apache config. Update: This does affect it (changes them to 10) so this method works. I'm still quite confused as to why it's not working in php.ini or using ini_set. As I said, this answer depends on a particular set of conditions. There are two or three interpretations of the question and this answer is only valid for one of them: a framing or XSS kind of attack. holy balls... i've never heard of "inside"... what is it?? ps this works pretty well... going to finish tweaking then accept ok question... it got it inside the box, but now i can't seem to get any content on the same line as the number... it's appearing on the next line... any trick for that, mr wizard? that effectively does the same thing as alex's... how do i get the content on the same line as the number now? hm... may be the case. thanks. By default gcc would use 387 for the 32 bit build but SSE for 64 bit. So if I compiled cephes I might still get two different answers. That is why I would enforce using SSE. Also if the code uses 387 it may be affected by that unit's precision settings. Do you mean capture the key events at any time? I am not sure how intensely gcc uses mpfr (doens't it use mpfr to compute constants such as sin(0.13) at compile time?). Anyway, I will give it a try. Regarding floor: the implementation in cephes seems a bit complicated (http://www.netlib.org/cephes). Regarding precision: For the part of the code that is having problems, I don't really care if these functions don't give me the "exact" answer to the last couple of bits. I just need the answers to be consistent and reasonable. I guess MAPM or MPFR with a low enoug precision setting might do the trick. Drepper's tool seems really useful. Thanks! I will also look into cannot use tybor's lib. Thanks again for the info. Hi, thanks all for the suggestions. The tomcat servers are both the same, but the Java versions are not, simply because the Mac Java version is apparently totally different? I'm not aware of any other differences between the environments. The absolute path is /home/myusername/jcrrepo weeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrdddddd oof... maybe re-read the question? STOP SUPPORTING IE6.... LET IT DIE!!!!!!! BEGONE DIRTY THOUGHTS if the way you're doing it works, what's wrong? have you tried image sprites? http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites Thankyou! You've no idea how long I've hunted for this answer. Brilliant! @dfa: The reason it is quadratic is because of the number of linear concatenations you do. If you do 1 char at a time, you get (1 + 1) + (2 + 1) + (3 + 1) + ... + (n-1 + 1), which is 2 + 3 + ... + n, which is n*(n + 1)/2 - 1, which is O(n^2). Unfortunately no acceptable answer on serverfault yet but I accept this answer anyway because I guess it points to the right place. I'm developing this for a system that only can handle an older version of flash so I need to make it in ActionScript 2 I think the reason why you cant do it in rowDatabound is because the text doesn't exist yet -- e.Row.Cells(0).Text will be empty which will cause your change event to fail. If you set the value from dataItem in rowDatabound, it should work. dunno bout mathematica, but matlab might be better suited for your needs. Yes, thats the problem. Yeah. The Debugger says the underlying type is string, but I suspect there is something else going on. Great suggestion. I was wondering if it were possible to block another other events from firing by setting Handled = true, but I didn't know that "Class Handlers" are fired first. I'll give it a try. Thanks! I see. In this case it is probably best to add a wrapper function, which translates the exception (as others have suggested). Thank you Ants Aasma :-). This is as I suspected. Thank you for proving it to me. As tgray points out, your second target should be interlocked_inc. But once you change that... looks flawless. whoops, and I spoke too soon... thanks for fixing that :-). The verdict is in... it is not threadsafe. Please see my answer if you want to take a threadsafe approach. If result is 1, why do you mulply by result. You function is effectively "return 31 + id;". Which by the way, you might as well get rid of the 31, because it doesn't alter the distribution of the id. In short, the hashcode you implemented does not do anything special, and you should just return id. That being said, I'm not sure what would be "better". 1 for emphasizing that it's *not* uniqueness :-). Well said. So it prefers a flat structure? Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out first thing in the AM and post my results. ahh. The perils of working alone. Thanks. @Bill K: Performance dies so bad in a loop to the point that the total concatenation cost is O(n^2) in the worst case, right? Just as I said in my answer. Can you have a look at my update? I'm a bit upset this answer is in the negatives... there really isn't anything wrong with is, and I thought it would be nice to give an explanation as to why concatenations in loops are slow (so the OP could understand), instead of just saying "oh they are slow, use StringBuilder". Especially now that I updated and clarified... Good `$diety` I hate Crystal. Now I hate it even more; I got precisely the same behavior you described. How awesome would it be to have a reporting component that was designed to be used by programmers rather than PHB's? Honestly. Crystal was clearly written with the non-technical-(l)user in mind, yet I've never seen it in production with that level of user. And for us ... It's just a kludgey nightmare. That thumping sound you hear is my head meeting my desk some more. Based on our conversation below in my (non)answer, I'd say your choices are down to, in no particular order, 1) "upgrade" to R2, 2) Buy a third-party tool (does one exist?), 3) reverse-engineer the binary format yourself or 4) Re-create the report from scratch. Remember the "corrupted save" bug? I've re-created from scratch more than once. This solution does impact continuous play - in that it doesn't happen. There's some skipping in the spots where MP3s were joined. This is fine for my application though. To #2: Could you give a concrete example? I think one would implement this in Haskell in a quite different way (monads/continuations), but wouldn't typing the iterators be the same problem as in #1? This protects against a man in the middle stealing the password and using it later, but does not protect against a man in the middle stealing authentication and using it now. SSL, IIRC, does protect against this (holes in dns security mean this protection is flawed) by using pre-existing keys on your machine as part testing that the server is who it says it is rather than someone in the middle spoofing the server. Nice code - But it has a quite different effect than amb. Amb chooses its value such that the whole code doesn't fail, not just the following computation. We need more information about that line, if it is indeed the issue. Does entry.Properties["ServerComment"] exist? Does entry.Properties["ServerComment"].Value exist? Ext wraps panels normally in three divs. If you need to set the background, you need to do it on the last of those three. You can test this on ExtJs's sample page: http://extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/panel/panels.html Go to the firebug console and use this function: Ext.get('panel-basic').first().last().first().setStyle('background','lightblue') Note - The div with id panel-basic is the one that is the container for the panel and it is not part of the three panel related divs. - You need to use ...first().last()... since first().first() would return the header of the panel. Let's see the form you're parsing, as well. My guess is you'll need to use [] at the end of your field names, and then you can simply use the array_unique function to eliminate duplicates. Specifically, output that header if the login succeeds. table is contain 1500000 rows & the temp table contain 3500000 rows Yes in my original table ID is primary key defined as clustered index no trigger used what should i do to fast the SQL Query ok i will test it oh i really sorry..the main table contain 15000000 and temp table contain 3500000 Actually in above code cursor is must because one by one i m checking whether particular number with table that cursor table contain only 15 records which run against 1500000 rows can we modify above Query with subquery ok let me check to run the core of my stored proc as marc said thanx marc for Query i m checking that.. get back to u is with exits in SQL server 2000 ohhhhhhhhh,,now other alternate exits plz let me know if any alternative we can use such as subquery & other things marc your above modified query takes more than 2 minutes Hi guys. To the first two, I already checked and it's Visual Studio that is locking the files. To Chris, how can that be an answer?? Pretty much everytime I build the web project it fails because the referenced project dll's that are being copied to the web bin are in use by Visual Studio. This means that I need to close and reopen Visual Studio in order to build almost every time... this is not a solution! This is not happening in under solutions or project so it's something specific to this one web project, so saying this is just part of Visual Studio is crap... I cant disagree with that, but no harm in trying. :) Simply put, keep practicing and benchmark yourself. I type 95 wpm without dvorak and learned typing in High School 17 years ago. Your JavaBean, is nothing but an anemic object. It has no behavior. All you are doing is converting your result set into an object, which is just an over head. Don't you think so? It might look a bit OOish, but it actually isn't. so, would you obtain a list of objects from the database and do count on it in java, while you could have directly done a "select count(field).." from your database? OR would you compose this count as a private member in your JavaBean, when it has no significance in the object? Indeed, I've missed this. But even in this case he can use the DLangExtensions. 1 for teaching me a new word. Why don't you just ask the author of these words? He doesn't put any levels in the URL and in fact he offers an excellent complement to Pax's solution: brianegge's solution will generate the 251 images Pax's solution required. 1 That should probably be just wget, not $wget @Alex L: Wow, Really? I thought readfile was faster as it could mmap... Have you ever tested this yourself? Thanks that looks like a good way; I cannot get it to work just yet though, I get the error: "Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement" on lines using (Func
) You should be using htmlspecialshars() anyway, even if you're putting it inside a ` It doesn't work because I have this: mainView -> coverView -> Topview -> imageView....top view needs to bring imageview to top, and then somehow cover view. check my answer @booksix Did you initialize your own indexPath object that you maybe using? The only other thing I could think of is maybe missing the `forSection` argument. @javascriptnovice see my edit, won't that do what you want? @3dd It won't get "progressively" worse, as the deadlocked threads will not be called upon to handle "new" Requests. But yes, as load increases, the number of Requests that will be starved per deadlock will increase. it's not to vague - it's to broad IMO - we cannot answer this in a few sentences or even a few pages ... Don't run your data through `JSON.stringify`, Angular does that for you already. A simple `$http.post('http://url.com/account/register', this.regdata)` should suffice Yeah, but imageView its inside Top view not self.view, thats my problem. Seeing as the issue only presents itself when you run it from the command line, it stands to reason that the `cake` command is using the wrong PHP binary `If I have a property pro3.b =3`, if you assign it like that then no, because you are not assigning it to the prototype. EDIT: missed the part about ownprop. @user1208908 That isn't a log. It is IPC over FileSystem. It is an antipattern which is even worse than IPC over RDBMS, except in the case of implementation via Memory Mapped Files. Please look at other IPC technologies, such as WCF Named Pipes. One grant is my codeiginter name and second grant is my controller name @3dd No. Its worse than that. If two requests share the same `Thread`. Then a deadlock on one request will cause the second request to also be Starved of the original `Thread`. Where does the log content come from? CF? If so you can use good old cfflush, or Server Sent Events or WebSocket. This requires time proportional to k for each element of a k- way merge. If you put the current head of each list in a min heap, then the cost is only log k per step, which is a big deal if k is reasonably big. @chux the `msb64` function just returns the msb of `2` (`10`), which is indeed a 1-bit at the second position (`10`), i.e. `2`. The result (`x & (msb >> 1) ? 1 : 0`) is finally 0, as expected. http://localhost/grant/grant/allgrant/6 when I try this it work for me .Grant is my controller name I don not want controller name in the url. When you create a clean fresh example project and try to run on your iOS 9 device, do you get an error saying it won't run? I just tried and it works, so I'm thinking this is normal, expected behavior. I don't think you should correlate running on iOS 9 device to the cause of rejection. I've added some more details on how it works.... Let me know if that helps fully explains it. Don't recommend deprecated functions. I am working on pagination. public function allGrant() { $this->load->library('pagination'); $config = array(); $config["base_url"] = base_url('allGrant'); $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all("grant_data"); $config['per_page'] = 3; $config["uri_segment"] = 2; } I think the horizontal scroll bar would be too taxed, @Jens tried this no luck still getting error page not found I get `Segmentation fault: 11`. `MACD(8,17,9)` line is `EMA8-EMA17`, and `Signal` is `EMA9(MACD)`. If I do it manually I get the same `MACD=-1.67` value reported by Yahoo (a little bit different because talib SMA and EMA are the same...) Thanks. but I don't think the question is too vague: I do have objects with Id, TimeStamp and Value properties that I can read and write. I want to set one property depending on the values and timestamps of other objects based on the rules given in the expression. The expression must not be hardcoded but editable at runtime. `select * from tableA where id=1 union select * from tableB where id=1` conceptually. Your results may vary Have you included `` ? What is the project/target's Base SDK build setting? @ShowStopper - If you are referring to jsFiddle, I'll see what I can do.... See [comment above on `git commit --date`](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3895453/how-do-i-make-a-git-commit-in-the-past#comment52277002_9778940). Also, your example commit message should be amended to discourage poor one-line messages like these @JstRoRR indexes are a blessing and a curse. Use them sparingly. Someone could write a mini-book on it @3dd yes. Although ASP only uses `ThreadPool` threads, each `HttpRequest` actually is associated with a `Thread`. We don't have the same level of strictness involved. But there is an `ExecutionContext` associated with the request. So the default `IAwaitab just tried it, no luck. seems like what you already have with SQL ... no? If you really want to parse/evaluate/... such then the question is way to broad (you can basically read books on this single question: http://www.amazon.com/Compilers-Principles-Techniques-Tools-Edition/dp/0321486811)) Not sure, the OP did not specify how he "derives" beyond his example. Have you tried deleting the Derived Data folder? You can find this location under Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations The `git commit` option `--date` will only modify the `GIT_AUTHOR_DATE`, not `GIT_COMMITTER_DATE`. As the [Pro Git Book](http://progit.org/book/ch2-3.html) explains: _"The author is the person who originally wrote the work, whereas the committer is the person who last applied the work."_ In the context of dates, the `GIT_AUTHOR_DATE` is the date the file was changed, whereas the `GIT_COMMITTER_DATE` is the date it was committed. It is important here to note that by default, `git log` displays author dates as “Date” but then uses commit dates for filtering when given a `--since` option. replacing with template '
' does not give me the partial :/ Javascript and Python(numpy) do not have this behavior. `Nan-NaN` is `NaN`. Perl and Scala also behave similarly. @Kousha u are welcome. check my answer What error are you getting in your output? Try running logstash with the `--debug` to get more insights. @SaebAmini I disagree. `out` and `ref` will give you documentation in the form of the parameter name and possibly xml comments. `Tuple` will give you neither. A full blown class will again give you those two forms of inline documentation. @Amitsingh - Thanks Amit, I have already tried that - makes no difference, unless I am not doing it correctly.... @SriramSakthivel that is true. I know of no cases where this might not work, but there is no guarantee that it will for all cases (especially after a .net framework upgrade). I can recommend your solution with the proviso that it is perhaps fragile and de if you don't get this to work, you can have a skeleton app of mine ^ or `foreach($row as $cell) { if(!empty($cell)) { echo "
"; }}` Will `delete Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)[prop]` not do the trick? @SriramSakthivel granted, there was a certain amount of psychic debugging there. But in experience the deadlocking case is more common than the not case. [Laplacian filter](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace.html) I thought I would go this way but pearl and cpan were already installed by default. When I tried to run the script it complained about the dependencies. What exactly is POSIX ? @ChrisMorgan why not? @ChrisMorgan depends on your scale. 100% synchronous will not scale like 100% async. But the only point is that, synchronous code may NEVER call async code. But async code CAN call synchronous code. Just to clarify, it _will_ work over the network _after_ you restart the server? @SriramSakthivel I expect that further down the call stack on the (presumably) `WebRequest.GetHttpResponseTaskAsync`. One more thing, does "volatile" keyword serves the purpose here? Thank you Steve. @SriramSakthivel `client.GetAsync(url).Result;`? I kind of assumed that `client.GetAsync(url)` returned a `Task`. Within the body of the `.GetAsync` I would expect that there is an `await` on the `WebRequest.GetHttpResponseTaskAsync`. Thanks for that, I didn't really think to consider performance factors. Legally though, is it okay to include a CryptoJS file in the extension package? Is there something I need to declare somewhere before I publish the extension? @SaebAmini I disagree with using a `Tuple`, I think an actual class makes much more sense. Legally is what I was asking. Sorry that wasn't clear enough. For nearest neighbor averaging, have you considered convolution? @Chathz Your code should work as it is. Philip is suggesting removing the `@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Discussion_ID)` as it does nothing. But either way, it should work. What error are you getting? What exactly does the request and response look like in your browser's *Network* console? Thanks it helped. I upgraded my resharper version and lost this context item that I used heavily to clean up my code files. Logically, it wouldn't be possible to have class `A` implement `IX`, and have class `B` not, as class `B` inherits the implementation of `A`. @3dd because it does. `Task.Result` when used with a `SynchronizationContext` from either WinForms or WPF is almost guarenteed to deadlock as `Task.Result` will block until the `Task.IsComplete`, however, the `Task`, is waiting for the `SynchronizationCon When you say "it does not return an error," are you sure you checked the job history / streams for errors, and not just the exception field? The job can still have error streams even if it reaches completed status. @Evan your build scripts were super helpful! I was running into a very weird issue in which my pcre library, which had slices for i386, x86_64, armv6, armv7, and arm64 suddenly refused to work for simulators after upgrading to XCode 7 beta. Although it co So basically, I'd like to protect the access to http://my_server:8080 from anyone on the internet. As long as someone as the url, he can currently access the page and kill any of my tasks.I'd like to require the user to provide a password before being able to see and interact with the page. So I'm not sure if I mean remote or local. Sorry for not being more specific... I've done this as well, but I'm noticing my Default-x.png images aren't being shown... Anyone else? I don't like this option, as it creates a copy AND a change at the same time. The log is harder to follow that way, in my opinion it is better to copy first then commit the changes. This is not related to C# at all, why did you revert the edit? Then what does your gulp script (`gulpfile.js`) actually look like? Have you run `npm install`? What version of volt are you runnign? it's a `select blah,blah from tablexxx order by dtColumn desc limit 10` 34 would be the oldest, not the newest, etc because you are adding this: event.preventDefault(); @charlietfl, to say truth I didn't understand, maybe you can provide some code with explanation? @Pankaj Parkar, thank you the brackets was the problem,just still do not know why in one cases they are needed and in other not. It seems like that is used for initialization not runtime changes, if not how to change it do you have a clue? I am not sure what to do. I can still see it in the excel export in `A1` cell. Man that was awesome thanks Hot Licks. it's so helpful, appreciate that :-) yeah :) For some reason I was expecting the .NET implementation to be some huge complicated function The example attached is output of J48 of JWEKA. It is in the format 'as-is'. Finally all I need is to extract the words (variables) in each column and in the next step their associated values (i.e.MSTV 0.4). All I need at this first stage is to separate the txt into columns as EXCEL does (just load it to excel and then you can see the needed results). we stare at screens too long, Brownman :> Thank you. You have no idea how complex my solution was. Comments could be helpful, no? None of these are... @ServerSideSkittles Use `User.aggregate` for finding the summation of points instead of adding in a for loop. http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html#aggregate-js The url would be domain.com#!/_radio/profile?id=3 The end result splits the hash from the main domain, removes #!/ and then uses what's left to specify a file path. What doesn't work is the new variable I'm trying to include which splits ?id=3 and then sets id=3 as the "extra" variable. I doubt whether `res.render` waits till for loop is completed Your initial statement about `for` loops is not totally true: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7142982/3710546 you are mixing and matching pdo with mysql_* functions as I see it change your targetSdkVersion="21" and clean project Ah, that won't work either, `text_type` is just assigned `unicode` anyway. I think everywhere that uses `text_type` would have to be changed :-( the problem is the table can't be redesign, Thanks @user657267, I was using it more of an example of what I was after and didn't add the set no skip ws. I'll update the question. just clean it up, and get stuff where it belongs :> How about an initDB method off the database (not at the bean level) Can I just run cpan as sudo so I will be able to write to /usr/local/bin ? No default answer to config is /usr/local/bin.. I guess it depends on if you consider this two phase approach a single stateless transaction or two separate stateful transaction. Seems like semantics to me. The value of RESTful APIs in my opinion comes from the statelessness and I think the HTTP 100 is just a slightly more complex request - just like any chunked form upload. Yes thats the code I'm talking about Could you show that code? Oh, sorry, didn't realise it had changed. Did you try `to_string = lambda x: text_type(x)`? Or better yet, always qualify field access with `this.`. Turn on that warning in your IDE (e.g. Eclipse), and you'll never make mistakes like that again, because the lack of `this.` makes it obvious. --- Also turn on the warning about field hiding. That would have caught it too. @BryanPendleton: That's a possibility, but I would need all developers to do it. I'll probably just checkout to a changelist then revert unchanged. This sort of thing works a lot better using git :) I ran the config again, it asks first if I want auto conf when possible. If I hit yes there is nothing to do, if I hit no he asks a lot of questions, but I can't find any one regarding installdir. Maybe I should remove my .cpan folder before reconfiguring ? Also, there is no way to do this automatically, like a default ubuntu configuration ? I really would rather not bother configuring pearl, just want to run a script. Would adding GROUPING_ID(id, income, expenses) in the SELECT allow me to identify grouped rows? Scrub that last comment, that makes `get` work, but makes `filter` fail with an SQL error. No it hasn't. I need to access this ArrayList and adapter in my other methods (e.g onReceive()). Until I figure out how to do that, I'm going to keep getting nullpointerexceptions Looks like this *does* work as expected in all scenarios: `Post.objects.distinct('id').annotate(last_comment=F('comment__text'))` I'll remind you all that your comments do not answer the OP's question. I'm not looking for performance here, I'm looking to aggregate this data. I already understand the performance hit, even if I didn't already explicitly state that, to defining my design this way. I just want to make it work. Even if just on a small scale... Yes that is correct Error, it'll send the json back to your app. I'm unfamiliar with programming for Android (*java is it?*). You'd just get it from the response, which seems to be something like `response = thing.execute(otherthing);` - [A Google search like this perhaps?](https://www.google.com.au/search?q=HttPut+on+Android+get+response) Actually, I've now realized that `get()` fails with this, because I seem to be getting N `Post`s, where N is the amount of `Comment`s for that post. @ThePcLuddite To be more accurate, it's a limitation of the [IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format) standard that most CPU's and programming languages use to store `double` va To clarify - your solution works only as long as you maintain the constraint where `corePoolSize==maxPoolSize`. Without that, it no longer lets ThreadPoolExecutor have the designed behavior. I was looking for a solution to this problem that took that did not have that restriction; see my alternative answer below for the approach we ended up taking. I'm looking for a column to be added/changed to distinguish grouped rows from non-grouped rows. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but to confirm I did add the Log.d into 'done' and the ADAPTERDATA was filled with the data I need! I like the use of GROUPING SETS but how can I alter the id for rows that represented grouped data or add a column to the indicate which rows are grouped? Even a NULL ID for grouped rows might be sufficient. You could return something like `echo json_encode(array('status' => true), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);`. and if it failed (*in your catch*), you could set status to `false` and check in your app to apply accordingly. `UPDATE` won't return a `$connection->lastInsertId()` as nothing was inserted, that may cause an issue (*the returned json would be empty.*). What exactly do you need to return to your app? I have done this already I think, by typing cpan on shell. But I have answered the default to all questions. Should I do this again, even after failing to install the POSIX module ? Do I have to uninstall or rollback anything before ? Checking the documentation, `has_path` is based on `shortest_path` which is itself based on `bidirectional_shortest_path`. I believe this will work faster than `all_simple_paths`, which apparently uses a depth first search. The benefit of the bidirectional path can be imagined by thinking of two points in 3D space. Expanding a balloon around of them until it reaches the other (corresponding to exploring all paths out from one) requires a lot of air. It's much less air to expand balloons about both of them until they touch. This may be slower if there is no path... I don't know for sure. Yeah the very first thing after your ` Then your question is confusing, because you're defining a new `PersonalInfoType` type, distinct from the `PersonalDetailsType` type defined in canonical.xsd. As such, you can define it any way you like. Indeed: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1781/_index.html On a similar note, is `cacheViews: true` set on your composition binding perhaps? I added the line to config and sent the app through phonegap build website. Still no dice The entire class is 2700 lines of code @MinusFour I found the problem. You can read my answer below if you're interested. Thanks for your help! The problem seems to be that `self.gridPageSize` is `undefined` at the time the grid is rendered. You should look deeper into Durandal's [composition lifecycle](http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Hooking-Lifecycle-Callbacks) and determine where you are going wrong. If I put Log.d("ADAPTERDATA", data.toString()); inside done (..) then it works fine. The whole issue is that I need data.toString() to be available outside of the done loop. Also, I posted the DataAdapter code works since 7 `int pg = (int)(Math.random()*10);` should be `pg = (int)(Math.random()*10);`. By declaring a type you are actually creating a local variable that shadows the class instance variable `pg`. You assign a random number to the local variable instead of player instance variable `pg`. Why not create your own thread identification for example `1, 2, 3, 4` and pass it in with args? Your question stated `_score to be equal to score field`, so it's different than multiplying it by the score field: `_score * doc[score]`. Let me update my answer accordingly. As for making the score "permanent", I don't think there's a way to achieve it, however, you could use a search template containing the scoring function so that you don't have to specify it each time. You are a genuis man, I wish I could buy you a beer! It works!! I looked back through your code suggestion and noticed I left out the (response) on the "success: function(response) {". Once I added this, it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help here. You are the man!! @Andreas I read the problem description and submitted an edit.. N is between 2 and 10^9 O_O I like the fact that `N` is an **even** number between 2 and **109**. self-joins are awesome for re-hanging a whole sub-hierarchy, eh ? Glad you found some use of the link. I don't really understand the question. The `HashMap` is a complex type which means it's an object on the heap. As long as the visibilty isn't declared `private` or `protected` other classes can access the variable and therefore the object. The `final` modifier only ensures that you can't *assign a new object* to the class member `COERCIONS`. However, it doesn't keep you from adding and removing objects from the `Map`. What exactly is your question? @MichaelRobellard: The way OP's code is structured, at least one select *must* run before any inserts can run. Whichever thread wins the race will do a select before any of them have a chance to insert anything. @hermit Same thing. `11000111`: count 1's = 5, sum all = 5. `bitCount` "Returns the number of one-bits" Thanks :) It's just a dplyr-flavored version of what I saw in the question I linked under the OP I'd like to use UNIQUEIDENTIFIER as the PKs of each table. I'll eventually scale this beyond what UIDs can provide. Let's just focus on the question at hand though. You'll need to make a call to the server to do this. The C# code is not actually part of the page once it reaches the browser, it's simply used to generate the HTML. @Andreas probably eating an apple ... well apparently Adam is weak in Math & needs Eve's help.. hence the program. Thank you for the suggestion. I tried your suggested changes and it still did not give me an error message when the incorrect captcha was entered. It also stopped giving me a success message when the email was successfully sent. The email is still sending correctly if the captcha was correct and not sending if it was incorrect. Any other suggestions? What would be causing the success message to stop working now as well? I really wanna give you some props for helping me solve this one, so any other advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again. I tried both application/json for accept/content-type... this threw an erro So I tried application/x-protobuf for accept/content-type So what is Eve doing? @Suresh: Here you go. Testing it directly on hackerrank against this challenges test cases is easier: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/codenigma/challenges/love-with-numbers Are you saying it contains the *string* "K\xedng", or is it containing the *bytes* `4B ED 6E 67` ("Kíng")? Just tried this-- didn't work :( I'm not familiar with `library(MARSS)`. But I just finished a forecasting project and made use of `library(forecast)`, specifically `forecast::forecast()`. I'm not sure it handles `MARSS` objects, but worth a shot @warheat1990 You're welcome:) @chj Surely you're joking. UTF-8 uses bytes 80-FF and so does ISO-8859-1. How are you supposed to know if a byte in that range is one or the other? how about if you get someone off of http://freelancing.stackexchange.com/ to jumpstart and jam it into one database and tune the indexes ? Case insensitive wildcard search will work agaist the `heroname` field and the aggregation will work against the `heroname.raw` field. All we are doing is adding a new field (`heroname.raw`), not changing the one that already works (`heroname`). Try it out. It seemed easier to have each cell in the array stored as a pointer for the linking of the cells. The cell pointers in each cell can be set directly from the cell pointers in the field array. BTW: Found this and though it was useful terminology... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_testing @karthikr That won't really be an issue since I *always* want this on my scenario (I'm actually overriding the default queryset with this annotation). Is there any clear explanation to why the first instance is used though? Also, you might want to make yo Oh, nevermind, it's getting late :P Thank you! Would I be able to use plyr instead of dplyr? I know that they are similar, but I am a little bit more familiar (although I am still just now learning) plyr. OP only wants one `@`. This will return TRUE if there are one or more That is the problem. I want it to be red, but it isn't! @AndonM.Coleman The `^` char stands for the beginning of a line and `$` is the end of a line so your regular expression is told to only match a single line. @covener added to my OP Thanks! That was it. MySQL doesn't use sequences so you shouldn't be passing anything into `$conn->lastInsertId()` `To serialize an object means to convert its state to a byte stream so that the byte stream can be reverted back into a copy of the object.` Check [here](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jndi/objects/serial.html) @karthikr That *seems* to work, though it sounds a bit like an instance of "programming by coincidence". yes i have refeshed the LWJGL librarys RTFM ~ [*"Note that '0' doesn't evaluate to true and '-1' doesn't evaluate to false"*](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/indexOf#Checking_occurrences) We don't know what data you are receiving, try this in your success function `console.log(JSON.stringify(data))` and check the console. You might have to use some field inside your returned data and not the data object itself. @MarkGalloway Regrettably, the best solution mentioned there there is keeping a redundant attribute to store the last `Comment`. That's what I'm doing now and would like to avoid. I didn't know `\xed` was a latin *word*. What does it mean? Had a very similar problem. This saved me a lot of head banging. Thanks! Sorry I made the schoolboy error of not having blade as an extension for my include files. `created` or `create`? Which is correct? Can you use the delay package? https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/go/taskqueue/delay. The newer libraries have a context.Context: http://godoc.org/google.golang.org/appengine/delay At a guess, I'd say your `ProgramInitiation` property has some HTML in it, specifically `"Approved.
"` its fixed! but i'm not 100% sure why as i'm sure i added the user via grant usage originally. your user command did work, so i just copied that after removing all the other users (I had several based on different locations etc.). thanks again. Why wouldn't you? @KickButtowski Agreed, and Jerome did edit the answer. But if that was your intent, your comment came off wrong. "why not just" implies his answer was wrong. Instead suggest an expansion of the answer. yes i've updated java and tried the version being ran on the computers with windows 10 that worked. @AndrewThreadgill I think you were comparing `steps.url` to the literal string `"{{currentPage}}"`. `ng-show` / `ng-if` don't do interpolation IIRC @KickButtowski You can do that too. Developers choice. I have already checked query with 5 params, it gives count() = 1, but queryForObject() give 0. I am sure params are correct I think you meant "make a static field", and not to stammer "create a create a" ;-) @Rufel - Agreed. 0x800a03f6 - JavaScript runtime error: Invalid character Now I'm getting this. Am I miss using the models or the code. When I run it, all I see is a black canvas. What's happening. @David When you loop `a` and `b` independently, eventually you test the combination `a = 21, b = 42` and the formula I gave then says to remove `a`, meaning `21`. This actually has been asked before. See http://stackoverflow.com/q/31602251 or http://stackoverflow.com/q/28822940 or http://stackoverflow.com/q/30124896 for a few. Was your `unlink` function called as normal in this case? Or just the path returned invalid value? Anyway, I believe you can debug it yourself. Out of curiosity, what happens if you move your switch block to its own function and call it like that (instead of directly in your loop)? On a side note, id recommend doing something similar with all your if blocks in order to make your code more clear/maintainable Which file this code belongs too. I have sharing function in Helper classs. I need to ask my question another way to get a more detailed answer. i have those lines in my code. It's not that my program doesn't work, it does, but not on my computer when running windows 10. It works on my PC with windows 8.1 and other computers running windows 10. Try setting it. The 'exception' occurs when it cannot find a target server class, which it catches, logs and ignores. thank you @pnuts. When you have a table in for example excel, each row has a unique number, right? So I was referring to get all rows that are between 2000 and 4000. It would work like a bulk selection clicking in the first element (column) of the row 2000 (just continuing with the example) and drag the selection until last element (column) of the row 4000. And that would give the entire selection right? But this is easy when are just 2000 rows. What about 100 000 rows. Even worse what if I want to make different selections in order to copy each of those to a new .xlsx file. Thank you. Can you provide more detail, like how you are graphing and what thresh hold is significant, range of values in matrix, etc etc. There are many ways to interpret your request and alter numbers. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87845/discussion-between-steven-and-amurrell). The `performSegueWithIdentifier` command is in the main VC. With that being the case, do you have any other suggestions? CCDirector is deprocated. I am using Director but I am getting error that its not objective C class. :/ any clue Thats what I am looking for to do, I just do not know how to edit the jQuery accordingly. I looked at the manual, and all I could find out was how to append or prepend to table elements, not how to append or prepend to the dynamic values stored in the existing rows... Then your best bet is to use a CTE to join the table back to itself, here's another example: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/17e16f/1 @santa, you don't need pass the `val`, is just a example... I thought you wanted check constantly the changes, if you wanna just the first change you can put the `setTimeout` on `else` of `if(response.changed)`... @AndonM.Coleman I am very sorry please look at revision to .fsh code!! @MinusFour yes, they work fine. My images are loaded, and so are my views. But all of my posts get a "404 Not Found" One more question, when i picked EditTemplate from context menu, it generated a lot of lines of code automatically. I just want to change the Popup's Placement value and I don't want Xaml contains many lines of code. How can I do this simply? Thank you! Yes. Fix it already. Thanks @JohnRotenstein Well I tried `rsync` twice to make sure we have everything copied and it looked fine to me. I will add the output of `rsync` here as well, in a few mins. The current size is 1024 GB, and I want to reduce it to 200GB. Isn't it big? (I thin Another drive-by downvote. Care to explain, oh mighty god of httpd who couldn't be bothered to explain the downvote? @AndonM.Coleman "dermetfan" here is the link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mIdNru2VO0 Thank you for any help and really looking into my question! I changed the picture to reflect the row changes, and the problem with working with dynamic rows. This worked for me, although I updated the versions to the latest one here: ;https://github.com/danyaljj/sampleMixedScalaJavaMavenProject @chris85 Problem was I didn't give you the full code. Edited it in. BTY. I'm on OSX yes, the issue is making the row have the correct i in jQuery, for instance, if the user ADDS 5 rows to the html table, numbered a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, and saves the form(to the sql database), how will I in jQuery load those values a1-a5, as well as be able to add a NEW a3 to take the place of the old one, and then reorder all the existing a.#'s to where they need to be.... Here is what the code looks like: `func isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce()->Bool{ let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults() if let isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce = defaults.stringForKey("isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce"){ println("App already launched") return true }else{ defaults.setBool(true, forKey: "isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce") println("App launched first time") performSegueWithIdentifier("showEULA", sender: self) println("showEULA segue") return false } }` Here is what I have tried. In the `isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce()` function, I have added some `printLn()` messages to be sure the code is getting touched. I also have a `printLn()` message in `viewDidLoad()` and `viewWillAppear()` just printing that function name. The code is stepping through like this: "View Did Load", "View Did Appear", "App Launched first time", and then, "showEULA". I am just about out of ideas as to why the segue will not execute. @AndrewThreadgill try Plunker, it's better for Angular @AndrewThreadgill other than change your template logic to `ng-show="steps.url == currentPage"`, no @AndonM.Coleman I am confident in the codes ability to run because it is straight from a tutorial that I spent 30 minutes analyzing and making sure all is exactly the same before asking the question and with such little code 30 minutes was more then enoug Checked out the sortable code, and it is pretty nifty, however on a ui level, the viability of sorting a blank line added to the bottom of the page(of dozens and dozens of items) clicking and dragging up a couple pages will not work :( Why not `foreach (explode(",", $current_line) as $weight) { if ($weight != '0') { } }`? Your `url` parameter looks wrong (too many question marks). Shouldn't it be `/search?locationtext&method&page`? This also worked. Took me some research to figure out how to implement it (I've used the cmd prompt maybe once in my life). I first tried entering everything as one line and got "%%A was unexpected at this time." Google search suggested it was meant to be run as a batch program. Had to look that up, too. So, for newbies out there, the way to run aschipfl's code: 1) copy his code into notepad, 2) save the file with a .bat extension (e.g.,"copyfiles.bat") anywhere you want, 3) double click the file and it will execute the code. You are talking about the .lib and the .lib doesnt matther at all, the important part is the dll and you saw that both, the 32 and 64 bits, has the same signature so the .exe will not fail either if it uses 32 or 64 bits dll. Why botther about something that it is irrelevant? VS will link it for you and maybe the underscore means others optimizations options and other compilers options that dependes of the .lib old value cannot also NULL. Here the first row with unique time should be included as it a special event happens in different time old value cannot also NULL. Here the first row with unique time should be included as it a special event happens in different time @MinusFour yes it is the closest tr is dynamic(sample) : How would I find the closest element that $key+1 defines, even in prior saved inputs? ok. They all are events happen in that order. Cannot do a union here. @FelipeCorrea Well you can get this same error for any component. Maybe you should post your own question with a full stack trace. This is the worst feature in ISO C. I strongly discourage you from using it. It only leads to problems because the specification is so loose. Any error messages to report? @chris85 Ah, just realized what you were saying: Line 2's { closes at the end of the php, past where I posted. Thanks for the doc on indentation. I checked and my actual code does have indents, but I guess they don't copy over? @Howard, do you remember what this simpler scheme was? http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1622265 "I followed the rvalue proposal for C++ quite closely, and at one point I suggested a simpler scheme that Howard Hinnant proved to me would have Do you specifically want to make a shared library with the lexer and parser (in order to link them with multiple programs), or do you just want to compile them as separate object files from the one containing main and then link everything together? Because if it's the latter, you can just do something like `yesdata: yesdata.tab.o lex.yy.o main.o` `$(CC) $^ -o $@`. The rules you already have will create yesdata.tab.o and lex.yy.o, and the default rules will be used to compile those to object files, which are then linked by the above lines. This worked perfect. Much thanks. What did you do to make it work? Thanks but the code given in the link is too complicated to understand, also it for sending attachment. any thing simplier? Where in ISO C11 does it say that the user needs to understand the implementation of the compiler runtime to get a conforming front-end? @nachi MongoDB has undergone some significant changes since that document - this was back when this stuff was first being developed. It's probably worth looking for updated docs at this point. @chris85 Line 24 is after `died('We are sorry, but there appears to be a problem with the form you submitted.');       }` Imagine that you hace this: int array [5]; It is a code that tells that the array has 5 elements of type int, only five. If you try to read the six int, that doesnt exist, you will read memory that you doesnt own because may have other variable that is not part of the array (an array is a succesion of blocks of memory). That is what you did in the for loop, you went beyond its limits and the compiler warnings you with an error because it is bad to have this on code Yes and I couldn't figure it out. Had 2 divs. Selecting an item on the left one populated the right one. Couldn't get the right one to scroll properly. Switched to a jquery method instead. Does my brute force little loop correctly do this "very complicated endeavour"? Or is simply that all the more efficient ways are much more complicated? I honestly don't know what's common for code indentation, this is just how I got the code. So I tried setting the "playing" flag to true programmatically if the track id's don't match up (if song is changed), but the counter still does not increment after user goes to next song. However, it does work the first time. Yes. But where should I set the `export PS1='\u@MacAir:$PWD$ '`. I don't want to write that command everytime when I open a shell in emacs Did you check https://support.google.com/mail/accounts/answer/78754 ? Do you have two factor auth enabled? @MinusFour I made an edit, but my node.js files are pretty standard. If I dont use Nginx and I just "node main.js" in the terminal, then the posts work fine. I think Nginx is blocking my requests for some reason. thank you for your approaches. Example take is just for 500 rows. What if there are millions of rows for token and for a given point of time let's 2K users hits. Thanks for the awesome suggestion. @mustaccio I RTFM, and all I could come up with was the fact that you can append, prepend, append to, or prepend to different elements. However, I do not see how that is helpful in prepending to a dynamic variable. I am using a in th This seems to be a better answer since it's not messing with the `prototype`. Following your advice, I moved the `isAppAlreadyLaunchedOne()` function out of `viewDidLoad()` and created a `viewWillAppear()`. It looks like this: `override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) { isAppAlreadyLaunchedOnce() }` I have run the app and I still do not get the segue to execute. I even reset the `NSUserDefaults` in case that was the issue. No joy. Thanks @flszen link updated. No, but i'm not sure if that's because the page is being reloaded due to the submission. dont think so. I just put it up. Let me know if you find any problems @matthew-j-morrison: Is there any way of getting the entire purchase object (and only THAT purchase) in this scenario? (without an additional query per customer, that is). I tried this buddy, sadly this did not work either. Thanks for the attempt though :) @aldrin27 , sorry if I made you missunderstand but I have it before those tags as you can see [here](https://i.revo.pw/2874299_2877PE.png) @mustaccio Thank you for that direction, I will take a look, and hopefully find something that will allow me to do this :) I have the following at the bottom of the page before & `` @RiggsFolly I'll give it a shot, is there no way of doing without creating a new .scss file? @mustaccio I am a semi-ok web developer that is just now adding php/sql to my list of ongoing learning skills, would you please at least point to a good source for the manual, or learning materials? Just tried that, It didn't work either buddy. I have only added that alert to come up to indicate that it has been called, I should also add that the alert never appears. Its in line 560 of the file, but doing that produces an error. Yes, but the documentation is incorrect. I don't mind making it dynamic, but how would I go about creating different dynamic sections? This isn't driven by core data, it's just some text fields and switches I created the segue by control dragging from one VC to the other. I then clicked on the segue in the Main Storyboard and in the utilities pane I click the attributes inspector and enter "showEULA" for the identifier. That is how I have done all of my segues and they all work fine when called by `performSegueWithIdentifier`. Am I missing something? What would only happen if neither case is being satisfied. For example if gender was lowercase 'm'/'f' or age was less than 20 This is not a [reproducible example](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963269/how-to-make-a-great-r-reproducible-example) The question is not how to access pci space, but how to validate the input address. `start cmd /c` causes an IOException, using the same commands with `ProcessBuilder` gives me the same issues, `start /WAIT` causes an IOException. I also didn't think `start` and `cmd /C` were both necessary, but I get no command prompt at all without `start`. It does work. Thanks .... how would you control that on the TFS Build Agent? @ReubenL. is suggesting to post here: http://stats.stackexchange.com/ The is the problem that the events are asynchronously , because i have to put them in a Loop and change current iterate with this events results,.. Can you resolve it please ? No, I want to figure out how to perform a join. This is not an intermediate step to an end goal I'm trying to dynamically add items to a DockPanel. Dynamically adding a 'colored grid' to the DockPanel makes it align in the center-left, but I want it at the top-left. @kiranvj Itried it the append to `body` wasn't good idea because it show all images and what i need just chnage li href of each link in my Loop with the associate src well, technically, \mu and \sigma are unknown parameters. If you know their values (from the population), you can use them. `scale()` uses the MLE for \mu, \sigma (ie the sample mean and sample standard deviation. By posting it in chat, it retains it's properly formatted state basically the counter seems to not increment and reset after user changes the song Are there any other alternatives to Grids? I need to add a lot and Grids get placed weirdly. What form does the first code belong to? You are assigning the values to the current form's `label1`, not `frm1`'s. In the second case, you are actually modifying `frm2`'s label, so that's why it works. It's almost definitely because your constructor does not fill `theCode` with values. `new Form1()` does *not* give you a pointer to the current form on the screen. It creates a **new** one. @adelphus yes: popupLayout = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(R.id.theme); popupWindow = new PopupWindow(popupLayout); popupWindow.setContentView(popupLayout); pop That helps with the repeats, thank you, but I also don't need the order to matter for the elements from repeated lists, for instance, I get (1,4,6,8) and (1,6,4,8) when I only need one of those. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87840/discussion-between-rich-and-thewalkingcactus). possible duplicate of [Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element) After putting everything into the same class, it still doesn't work. Would you like me to send you the full code? Sorry i forgot boucle Err:520 Loop I got used to speak french @AndonM.Coleman no, it shouldn't be a problem with pedantic off, it's a simple passthrough shader and now for some reason it is only drawing certain images even though all images are being drawn with same batch. @RokoC.Buljan why? @Kiranvj I tied to do this code inside My Loop, there was problem the loop don't wait if the result of Test of img load or error is finishied and coninue looping ... so i can't show the image src in the associate element of the loop Not exactly a duplicate but you can probably find the answer here ~ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14028959/why-does-jquery-or-a-dom-method-such-as-getelementbyid-not-find-the-element @Heroka I can only notify one user per. Thanks, and please see above @lawyeR Thanks for the feedback. The reason for having it there was convention (terrible reason, I agree). I typically use the values to describe the red vs green, so might just have two values, collapsing across +ve and -ve (e.g. sum of greens, sum of re How do I change the backcolor of an image? I basically want the Image control to only display a color. This is just example the `Url` that i want to check start with `http://` sure, either works ... `lapply(x[[c("z", "p", "f")]], function(y) ...` as above alright so I tried this out, and I do believe that it is the right approach. However, I have noticed that after having functioned correctly once (e.g. timer runs, mutes app, unmutes when song changes), it does not work again. Any ideas on how to fix this? How was this done? Did you just copy and paste the code into your project? If so, how did you reference your class in the layout xml? I tried to do this , the problem is that the boucle is iterated before that the img say if it is loaded or there is an error One more thing: using `'base': 'ChiliUserData'` for ChiliUser, the API expects only 1 table to be created: `ChiliUser`, which will have columns from both models. Sorry, I was not specific enough. I realize I can set the spider line color, but I need to do it dynamically so that each leg has a unique color. I've updated the original post. How do you define **rows z, p, f**? All I see are columns. Do you have a different variable that defines these subsets or is this just a typo? In case you have checked my answer and thought that the snippet was not working, I just forgot to link the jQuery library. You can check it now. One way to find out is to drop your DB and run a migration to recreate the entire database based on the model.json info. `dataSource.automigrate(['ChiliUserData', 'ChiliUser'], function(err){...})`. Then the DB will reflect the state the API expects. It doesn't make sense to have `person_id` there if you do not have either a `Person` model or an explicit relation. does the error have a line number that could help you? I know, and am working on only creating one JLabel, that both files can use without getting the error that I posted. I have looked at your links, but I cannot add a modifier to my object. How should I work around this problem then? `ng-change` https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngChange @NaveenMani it's not 'one past the end' but std string uses the 'npos' constant to denote 'end of string'. It's really an unsigned representation of -1 @Zealander, it is inefficient. For `n` rows, this will allocate `n * 3` strings. For 100 images, that equates to 1.1 MB of string allocations, for 1000, that is 120 MB of string allocations. The GC may collect more frequently to reduce the private work Look at the terminal that's running the api (`slc run` output) and trace the error back to the source (it should have spit out the stack trace). Or use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect the server response and find the API error and line where it breaks. My guess would be `$scope.user` has missing required fields. Hi Andreas,I applied your logic; however, it gives me: 35 165 21 42. I also need to remove 21 as well. It could, but it could be quite ugly (the process to do the conversion). I did date conversions in XSLT many many years ago, and it was not pretty. What data type is the `datecreated` column? The background of the problem is following. I have a structure describing some data, and _many_ functions processing this structure. Now I want to write a class (instead of the structure) which stores and manipulates that data, and it should be descendant of `dynamicprops` class. But I don't really want to modify all the functions (compatibility issues), which work with the structure and assume copy-by-value semantic. `while(...);`, that semicolon. This is why I advocate the `while(...) {` style. Jeeped, That's pretty cool. I don't understand all of the details, but I get how the code works at a high level. Can you explain how the CF tool knows how to look at the code? Is it just the :="=$K1=" reference? Thanks again for spending the extra time and effort on this. You are welcome. I'm using the REST API with the PHP SDK interface I would just like to say that I really appreciate your help, and it is because of amazing people like you that beginners can strive! I will mark you best answer and like your answer as soon as I figure out this problem, which might have to do with scope. Thanks Logically this should run, but for some reason, in the actual window, the JLabel is just on the side, and it does not change at all! I understand the code and advice you have given me and have incorporated it in my code, and it should work, but it isn't working. Do you know why? I think it is because of my object status, I have to instantiate it twice. My mousemotionlistener is in a different file than my other stuff, and so unless I put JLabel status = new JLabel("I can change"); in **each** file, I get the error: status cannot be resolved. I think this has to do with scope or something.Help! Good point on Optional being taller than container -- I could wrap both Optional and Flexible in a container and scroll that -- or just work to keep Optional entirely visible. Either way, I don't want scrolling on Optional, only on Flexible. Banner is a set height based on content. It might change dynamically, but it's OK if it stays it's original height. Optional is dynamic in height & visibility - it holds search filters; depending on what you're searching for I may show more or fewer controls. It should always show its entire content, but the user can hide it after getting results. Flexible is the results - show as much as I can if Optional is shown, & show more if Optional is collapsed. 25%min-h was on Flexible to always show something, but is just a leftover experiment. Just need Optional to expand dynamically, no scrolling. @shoover is right.. flip the month and day then if you _always_ want to enable _all_ inputs when choosing Other in only _one_ select: loop through all the persons you got (stored in an array). Then you don't need to pass the div-id anymore. But I really doubt that's what you want to achieve!? How do you bind validators to the input form? I tried creating another validator with different `$setValidity` name but the binding between the form and the new input in lacking So, without duplicates, the *only* value that *could* be divisible by *all* the other numbers, would be the largest of them all. apache logs aren't showing anything in regards to passenger....Which logs will tell me debugging info about passenger? For example: 42 is divisible by 21, 6, 7. So,I need to remove all items except 42....I mean items 21, 6, 7 will be removed. @MiserableVariable As I said, blog post is wrong. They *can* all short-circuit. --- The blog is right that 3 of them may *potentially* run forever, but it says it all wrong. Can you provide more detail for your problem, or share a code example? @Snorlax I think I see what you mean now, check my updated answer and let me know if it's what you wanted Different question. And post stack trace when asking it. That was the solution. status.setBounds(int xPos, int yPos, width, height); int yPos = event.getY(); int xPos = event.getX(); I also tried to do your method, by changing the coordinates of the JLabel to correspond to the coordinates of the mouse, I will post that in the following comment. Note that I did this without changing the formatting to null. After doing this, I got errors saying the method getX is undefined for the type ActionEvent. @AlexanderZilber well there is a way you can use positioning to detect if you stopped dragging above the original element or not. If your interested I can update my answer to account for that too. @BrianP007 if you decided to go with Louis' answer, you should mark it as 'accepted' by clicking the checkmark next to his answer. I agree, but the sum of `np.exp`s and `erf`s are not compiled... right? Would it make any difference? I have edited my question with the code in it. :) try setting a higher depth on the `Camera` that the `Canvas` is tied to. Make it higher than the depth of the other `Camera` @BrianP007 the other issue with subtracting unsigned ints is that they cannot be negative. SInce the code is not formatted properly in comment section, I will edit my question to put it in It may be simpler to write a REST proxy for the Docker API than to install Kubernetes. Excel Hero, I responded to Jeeped above and thanked him for his example. I have some ideas on how I can use this going forward. I was able to take your code suggestion and make it work for my example, as I explained above I did a poor job of asking my question. Your sample provided a very good example of optimizing what I was attempting to do in my code. I do have two additional questions since I am new to this; What does the ampersand do after the "Dim I&" and can you recommend any Excel programming books that teach the Cells method in vba? Thanks again for your help with this. Yes, there are two images in GridLayout within the JDialog I should specify, if i only define one of 'http' or 'https' ports, it works fine, leaving whichever port i don't specify as the default. But once i specify both http and https ports, i get the silent failing/closing of the application context. plunker added. Thanks 2 dimensional arrays ports are not supported in Verilog; make sure you have SystemVerilog enabled. It is recommended that SystemVerilog files use the `.sv` instread of the `.v`. While your answer is technically correct, it doesn't really tell me what was wrong with the code I already had. If I set it to null, will i still have my grid layout? That did it. Thank-you for explaining what I was doing wrong. No, in my experience, solarized is the only one that causes troubles. I have six conditions I'm testing for; Open, Closed, Pending, etc. To do that with your example, would I simply add a select case statement after your "With ActiveSheet.Columns("A:D")" and duplicate the rest of the code block for each of test conditions? Thanks again for your example although I was able to incorporate "Excel Hero's" example which was more aligned with what I was attempting to do. bankin' my money here. That is what it was. Once I checked the checkbox it returned "test" as expected. The 400 error was a different problem that I thought was related. I deleted my comment about that because it was irrelevant. "may not" as in "might not", not as in "not allowed to". Jeeped, Thanks for your example. I think I understand your point that it's more efficient to take advantage of existing Excel functionality rather than trying to create something from scratch. That being said, I didn't do a good enough job in asking my question, so sorry for the confusion. I wanted to know how to implement what I was doing in my code in a more efficient manner. Basically, wanting to know how to dynamically update the background color of the cells in question without having to do all of the explicit instructions in my original sample there is definitely some missing data/info to this question for it to be answered @user5261902 What do you mean "easier"? You're just wrapping the key with `Pattern.quote` and the value with `Matcher.quoteReplacement`. That's pretty easy. Wonder if the $6000 license fee is one-time, or yearly. @user5261902 `Entry` is an inner class of `Map`. Since you already imported `Map`, you can change the code to `Map.Entry` and you won't need another import. `getKey()` and `getValue()` are methods of `Entry`, so you don't have to establish them. you can do this simply via the `plyr`, `dplyr`, or `data.table` packages instead of writing custom code. This is commonly known as [split-apply-combine](http://www.jstatsoft.org/v40/i01/paper). Note that for this approach, you'd want some kind of slight delay between switching who is considered active so that a short, loud noise on one speaker won't immediate switch to them. Thank you both, I'm updating the question taking your suggestions into account To be sure, your version of Rtools is 33? Thanks to both of you. Word_Buffer_Type is just and array of integers. It doesn't sound like a serious problem. But the legacy compiler issuing the warning (not GNAT, GNAT is fine with this) keeps the target embedded system alive. I expect it to be mostly Ada83 compliant. If the code is compliant and the compiler is not, I have to do it the hard way. If the code is not compliant, I want to fix it first. It appears that the code is compliant. @albertopriore Are you using "children" literally? It needs to be validates_associated :association_name. So if you "have_many: users" for example, you would "validates_associated :users" @AlexeyBondarchuk sorry but I don't know what do you mean by insets? I tried also the new solution but don't work either Know any other libraries? Here's what I'm seeking:Required: 1)Works with MSVC++ 2)Output Date/Time, Severity, Bitflag Categories, __FILE__, __LINE__, text message 3)User configurable filtering 4)Output to self maintaining Log files (Don't collect indefinitely, don't erase until configurable setting reached) 5)Ability to output to user dialog in configuable languages 6)Ability to output to server via http protocol Ideally: 1)Open source 2)Output to OS logging, if it exists. I've read it, but found it confusing. Somewhat due to the lack of proper English and somewhat due to incomplete glossary for terms. It's probably fine code, but I can't use it if I can't understand it. Happy to switch to a different library, but I can't find one. I'd learn it if my boss would give me the time. What happens when you run your script? What do you want to happen? This is the opposite of what OP was looking for. Thank you this works, however I can not iterate over counts? The last part does not work, do I need to cast it? @Damon Horrell Does this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pygraphviz-discuss/mbK5voZ9-hs explain some of the issue? Lame downvotes with no comments? How can I improve the question with no feedback? just pass in a second parameter, which would be the id of the div!? like: `showfield(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 'div1')`. If you then make that id match your person you're there to make it dynamic. you need the labels for all training data. If you only know labels for some of your samples, then they are the only samples that you can use in your training set As mentioned by @NirLevy - possible duplicate, and already answered here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/241534/5127499 "*normal queries work just fine*" As does hitting a wall to stop your car, but you're better off using the brakes. @AlexeyBondarchuk of course I set width and height at the beginning as 30 by 30 Check your spam filter? Receive any errors from PHP? See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2100927/two-identical-urls-but-different-order-in-parameters-duplicated-content Does *anything* show? Are you getting any errors in the log? What are you trying to do? I just spent 5 minutes on this and still have no idea. Please clarify your question-- specifying colors? line types? scales / legends? It's unclear. I think this can be solved with `guides( = NULL)` but I don't understand the question. Awesome, THANK YOU very much for your help! anyway I'd reverse the logic there to have a var `logged_in` and check if it's still there. That makes perfect sense :P. Now, can you change the 1 and 0 into text, such as this : isset( $invoice_detail['staged']) ? apples : bananas or this : isset( $invoice_detail['staged']) ? $apples : $bananas it might not be code injection, check the post author, change your current admin users to subscriber (create at least one new admin user) disable all unnecessary plugins, and probably the ones that havent been updated lately, look up useful security plugins and also update wp if one is showing. If more action is required, you need to check the filesystems files there is quite a bit of work in this.Also any plugins allow front end posting of posts? what do you get when you say `var_dump($_SESSION)`? Do you see `logged_out` there? So plain english(sorry, learning php), the above isset sql code means : if invoice detail(staged) is set, check to see if it is 0 or one and proceed? how about if you leave Id as autoincrement, drop the OtherNumber column, and when you do a select, have OtherNumber be a derived column=Id+6, as it seems so important :> You may use [SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms741621(v=vs.85).aspx) along with WSAIoctl to determine which addresses should be used to communicate with some known IP address on the Internet. Once you know the local address to use, you can correlate that with addresses assigned to the adapters. This will get you close, but will miss adapters in a multi-homed system when both could be used. You could also just select the interface that is assigned to the default route (which again will get you close but not always right). bond.to_cash_flows() will return a dataframe based on your proprietary code. Without seeing the code of this function, it is unlikely anyone can further help you. bond.to_cash_flows?? should print the code for the function. @Snorlax do you mean when you drag an image on any webpage to the desktop, it shows a transparent "ghost-like" image? Or do you want the user to be able to drag the image around the page, as in the fiddle? I only need a range of cells highlighted not the entire row. How do you get Unity3d to import the MTL file as well? I meant `String replacementKey = "(?i)" + Pattern.quote(key)`. --- And we still have no idea what this question is about. You mention $ and /, but your code has nothing to do with that. If you're referring to the *replacement* value, then $ and \ are the issue, and you use `Matcher.quoteReplacement()` to fix that. This works PERFECT when it comes to reading the checkbox from the sql database, but for some odd reason, BREAKS the saving :P How can you export iTerm keybindings? You could try using [threading.local](https://docs.python.org/2/library/threading.html#threading.local) yep, I have to google it again and again in each project because I keep forgetting it This with another missing feature were holding me back from attempting simple ndk code again (*cough* two years after eclipse). Since I have a possible answer on the other question after my next release I'll give the experimental plugin another shot, thanks. @ShitalKadam, can you share the HTML for this as well? Would make debugging easier :) If the files are large or you don't want to risk opening binary in a text editor at all, you can hit ctrl+c at the mergetool prompt ("`Hit return to start merge resolution tool`") and git will leave the extra files in place. Then you can modify them or merge them in an external tool (useful for binary document formats like LibreOffice/OpenOffice/MSWord) and save the result back to the original filename. To inform git that the conflict is resolved, `git add` the original filename, and you can then finish the merge commit. Anything else I can add to the question? Because if I place a Log.d("arrayList", data) into my query it'll show before the Log.d("ADAPTERDATA", data.toString) so isn't it happening before? The issue is I need to be able to access data with the query results outside of the query. If I can access that filled ArrayList anywhere, I should be gold. `getFirstChild()` Ohh if you have more than one canvas than it **must** be a depth problem. One of them is blocking the pointer raycasts to this canvas because it takes depth priority. now, you already have an auto_inc on `id` I take it. So I am clueless how OtherNumber is going to happen automatically. So I have taken the ball to the 40 yard line, and fumble `update t2 set OtherNumber=id+6;` certainly in that case local storage is not an option. Maybe you can use a database but the options are limited. You can google that until a better answer show up. @MarcB $item['staged'] should be either a 1 or a 0, 1 if it is checked. The value "1" is saved just fine into my sql database, but the program does not read "1" and output a check to the checkbox, it just checks everything :P Sounds great I'm in hurry to try it. But my efforts to retrieve ACPI tables from an AsRock BIOS ROM (one that supports IOMMU) have been very limited, using UEFITool, MMTools, efiperun, and misc other tools. So **if you have a [AMD A55 chipset](http://www.amd.com/en-us/products/chipsets/a-series) on a motherboard that support IOMMU, please send me a copy of your `/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DMAR`** (whatever the name is, if unsure ask me) anyway there is no risk for you. thanks! Thanks Adrian... this is a great help. Perhaps it might be a good idea to take a step back, what are you trying to do? Here's a [jsbin](http://jsbin.com/ribizotitu/edit?js,console,output) that maybe better shows how you can accomplish what it sounds like your asking. If you think a Java example would better illustrate what you want to do you can post that. @GwynBleidD Hey Initially I had a single form for the whole page and used post.getlist to get all checkboxes values. Now am using single form for each row and an ajax submit, the moment few changes are made in that row. I must say I am a little afraid, looking at that column name `field_id_108` :> I would like to be able to help you. Please edit question and plop in results from `show create table exp_channel_titles` and `show create table exp_channel_data` I wouldn't recommend doing this. You should be using the native settings capabilities of your platform - otherwise your settings become an invisible silo which cannot be managed by software infrastructure tools. For example, if any of your customers are using MDM infrastructure, they will not be able to push out updated settings to your app. It works for me, too (I just had the same problem). I've edited the original post to reflect some changes I've made to the code. Hopefully it helps point toward a solution. This is why it is so important to have DataStax folks out here on SO. Every now and then we (engineers) get asked questions about using Cass/DSE in goofy ways, and the mere seconds it took you to answer this pales in comparison to the time that we spend Googling things like this. +1 @user3780094 "the only problem is with non-ASCII characters", for starters, that's one issue. Also, you're not escaping anything in the output. If you're encoding it elsewhere that's probably not a huge problem but there's definitely no need to do what Did you install [Rtools](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/)? Thank you for your reply. Yes my app depends on it. Currently, I use `CGContextMoveToPoint`, `CGContextAddLineToPoint` and `CGContextStrokePath` but I have seen that putting 1000 points in the path is much much slower to draw than putting only 100 points. This meant it is actually drawn like a bezier path, despite the fact it contains only straight lines. How can I tell the system to draw only straight lines ? @user2913184 From your description it sounds like you are the one adding the IDisposable interface to this 'legacy' code. If you are adding the interface to the class then you should also be adding an implementation of that interface. If this is not right What are you checking for with the first condition? If you're relocating with javascript then you're not "posting" so no ``POST`` values will be set. Only your ``GET`` values will be received this way. To send values via ``POST`` you'll have to submit a form or use AJAX. Removing the first condition _should_ fix the problem. I cannot pick index here as rows can change.time is the only difference. You cannot use a parameter to express a column name (neither a datatable) Exactly.My result should contain 1,3 and 5 rows only. Do you have to use vba, or could you use Python, or Perl, or Powershell? Please use the edit link on your question to add additional information. The Post Answer button should be used only for complete answers to the question. On a Mac F12 only works in Firefox, not Chrome. And it isn't a keyboard shortcut to inspect an element. It only opens the dev tools panel. Pretty much the exact same question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5375373/jquery-datetime-picker-set-mindate-dynamic What URL are you testing this rule with? updated the actual issue @vels4j I have an event listener tied to the javaFX mouseMoved event which produces a boolean `isMouseMoving` depending on the state. What would be better approach? updated the actual issue @Roope -(Here is page with screen captures http://www.thetesting.site/fixednav/screencaptures.html No, nothing out of the ordinary here that I can see. It seems to me the problem must be in the way Doctrine is loading `$files`. If I manually query for the files, I can account for every reference and control memory. If I get files thru the Doctrine relationship `$app->getFiles()`, then there's an extra reference I cannot find. @RobOaks Don't hesitate to contact SmartGit's support at smartgit@syntevo.com, they are very attentive. I've already reported dozens of bugs, suggestions and questions, each of them answered within a day or so. Look at the code inside `isEditable`. NPE might come from there. --- And the `if` doesn't call `isEditable` if `waiting` is false, so that's why the `if` doesn't fail. I don't really understand what resulting data you expect/want to see for this example..? System.Threading.Timer doesn't have a PCL compatible binary. @AlexeyBondarchuk your suggestion give the following values for any TapGesture (-5.48363e-06, -4.36604e-06). This is really strange I imaged it would be (0,0). This doesn't seem to work in firefox marking this answer as accepted as it provides implementation for both approaches. Roland and MadProgrammer's methods are perfectly valid. I think thats what i did. I made a simple example with which i CAN reproduse the problem. You can download it. See link 'source'. Or isn't that what you mean? I think it might be your action. The examples they show uses "#" so that the form does not post anywhere. This makes sense since it is a Single Page Application architecture. i know what this script does but this script runs other advertisment publisher and i want to put my publisher advertisment 0 thank you. From .NET 3.5 and up, the comment for `exePath` in the link you provided is "The path of the executable (exe) file." I guess they made it smart enough to find the .config file from that. What does your tag look like? @smhg, to add on to yours, you can use `Object.assign` if your browser supports ES6 (or just use a polyfill) Thanks for your advice. Great summary of where I need to look. :-) @xoolive: A list is made up of many pointers, most encapsulated. Those pointers will not work if you try to share it, and the whole thing will blow up. Apparently [Boost can do this](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/doc/html/interprocess.html), but What is the type of `kBlockSize`? Ohh thats right i dont use this format often... Why not like this though? You could do so in container extensions or compiler passes. Have a look at the documentation of the [Dependency Injection Component](http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/dependency_injection/index.html). Thank you! But how do the remaining two nodes elect themselves, since it's a even number the votes maybe equal. Since you're iterating both keys and values, use `entrySet()`, not `keySet()`. Calling `Pattern.quote` on `bodyText` makes no sense. Calling it on `key` would make much more sense. Thanks Tim I am going to change the code to: `PathCrnt = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & MyBarCode & "_" & MyScan Call Shell("C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat ")` and go from there: hopefully that will use the Activeworkbook.Path and call the bat file on the C drive. Why was this downvoted? @Sumeet i know java Err:508 Is it possible you are setting form_wizard to a boolean result instead of the form because you are assigning it to a method result (.show())? @melli-182 Yup. As designed. Question was to find middle of 3 words. If a word is missing, that's an error, and you get an error. I'd go with `table(a==b)` @PallaviSingh True, but the question was stated as a "dictionary", and words are *not* repeated in a dictionary, so repeating a word is an error. If repeated words are valid, the question should have stated so. @SteveJessop: That's why I like dynamic languages: you can just use `Object()` as a sentinel value, never mind the gross lack of type safety. Have you tried giving your modal-body elements specific id's? Remove the NODUPKEY and the KEEP= option on the SORT and then use a data step. You will need to know how many observations in your original dataset (easy to get). Let's call it &N. `data groups; set tall_numbers; by col1-col&n ; if not (first.col&n and last.col&n); group + first.col&n; keep group _name_; run;` `_call` is an object of what type? You are welcome! And thanks you too again. Also called "reluctant". I said kamal's Answer doesn't work, that is the only reason I submitted an Answer that does work. If his did work, even marginally, I wouldn't step on his toes by submitting one yes like in the answer of this posting. look the answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11387770/4401439 with the difference that you need to use $item->getAttribute instead of $item->setAttribute You want to compare with the values from file? WHY??? @user20650 Yes, I think that's the idea, though the first 18 `numbers` were already "used" on A, so `B = split(numbers[-(1:18)], rep(seq_along(J),J) )` @Ageous I would say that a general good practice would be to put Classes for different namespaces into different Packages. That's how the Schema-to-Java generator works. In that case, you'd still only declare the namespaces in `package-info.java`, you'd j there are a million articles on how random is random. https://blog.malwarebytes.org/intelligence/2013/09/in-computers-are-random-numbers-really-random/ Not just mysql, but everything. Some people seed with unix_time, some with every few rows of other data. Some people get external data from http, some get decay rates from isotopes. Not kidding, really This is just for one row, I believe it is doing. I am not sure if this is the right path to take. Looking for suggestions. I think a hash map would work best but not sure how to implement? @AndyTurner I think you could create a worksheet with one column of all your filters, then create a helper column with a lookup formula that references that column. Then just filter off of that. @melli-182 As requested, working code added as an answer. Don't know if it's the *best* answer, but the work *works*. Thanx for answering! I have done all these tests. Didn't try to turn off firewall though. Will try that to see if it is the firewall that is blocking. RDP works fine. Also the common ports like 80 and 8080 You are exiting. What do you want it to do? The OS will clean up filehandles and network connections. Thanks hpaulj. For some reason i can't look at that paged due to "banned content", but if that is the case I guess I will have to write my own tool using the c++ utilities then. Yeah, `PathCrnt` appears to contain the path to the workbook...probably something like `C:\Users\cmcabe\Documents\ `. So when you concatenate them with the code `PathCrnt & "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat " & PathCrnt` you are telling Windows/VBA to open `C:\Users\cmcabe\Documents\C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat C:\Users\cmcabe\Documents\ ` You've got this once you figure your paths (Drive\folder\folder\file) out. Great! My pleasure B is a vector and then a list of vectors within the same paragraph..? Thanks user1977204, I tried your surgestions for including HUD nodes inside the loop, but it stays the same, returns one set of "wp_hud_display.id" works perfectly, but drops the XML formatting when returning more than one set. I also tried adding the "for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++){" after and before the "while" line in the loop, and this didn't appear to resolve the problem. Any ideas? yes, I am saying that Jessica. I will forward on a few links Not sure if you should place the what? It works, thanks! ... how would i pass options? ... i need to change date format Thanks. I'll check out the video tonight and see if I was missing something and if not update this question. So I would just expose an API that would allow me to pass the URL the user enters, which the server would then grab the HTML, extract the images, and return the collection of images via JSON back to the API call on the client? I will give that a try! In that case, store the value in a local variable and use that local variable instead. See edit in answer. @vkp you are right, we are just goofing Thanks higuaro, I have other patterns in this file like "vdd3a<#>" and some other ..<#>.. stuffs which I don't wanna touch. Basically. I'm trying to combine multiple rows that share all but one column into one row with all the information. It's boring and inelegant, but `a[(slice(None),) + (None,) * (b.ndim - 1)] * b` also gets shit done... it was a little more legible before the edits ! he did, he did ! For some strange reason the uses field has started working, although formerly it would cause the compiler to throw an error. Thank you very much for your help! Thanks toth, I have other patterns in this file like "vdd3<#>" which I don't wanna touch. I wouldn't structure a MVC framework around any database. Instead, use a framework like Laravel and create code that parses your URLs and loads the relevant file/controller/view/whatever. You could still use a database to hold your routes, but it would be separated from the framework. Thank you very much for many good words, which you wrote about me. Sometimes I doubt, whether I should continue to spend many my time for helping people who are absolutely unknown to me. After changing license of jqGrid I started develop [free jqGrid](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid) which gives me no money too. The knowledge that my efforts really help somebody is **very important** for me. Thank you very much for your post! It helps me to continue posting answers on the stackoverflow. I think that I will do post soon new documentation of jqGrid with the list of many demos/code example. select distinct from_stn,to_stn from train_route ... oh wait im blind. Do the trains use the same tracks, back and forth ? maybe I am doing something wrong but it does not seem to work. It takes a really long time and does not finish. You can [gist them](https://gist.github.com/) or zip them and share them via dropbox or similar Per your posted data there is no duplicates present. Well, at least it's not a b3 breaking change. confused. isn't the way you listed it the default way for CONNECT BY? Consider using `clang++` instead of `g++`, `g++` is just a clang wrapper. There's a lot of code to look through there, but one thing I would suggest is to use setTimeout instead of setInterval. However, instead of just putting the setTimeouts in a for loop, make the callback of setTimeout and the ajax calls create the next one, after performing all of the other data handling functions. That way the various timeout/ajax functions cannot possibly overlap. The downside to this is that you may find that the time between ajax calls is not 100% regular, but I think it will be close enough for you purposes. @Klaujesi Many many thanks to you! This problem killed a lot of my time. You solved it perfectly. Even with dragging in addition :) @RobertLongson, it was about the combination of this force layout + zooming. You are in quirks mode. All modern web pages are required to have a doctype and you don't have one. Add this as your very first line: 0 Then tell us what happens. @Grace: It means the SDK is not compatible with `-arch x86_64` or `-arch i386` (check with `-v`). This answer is correct. Tried to make a getter function but couldn't get the syntax right: `template auto get(std::tuple& t) { return std::get()>(t); } ` where `TP` would be the the `tuple_partitioner`. This should allow it to be used like `get<1, partitioner>(mytuple);` @AbraCadaver Thanks for the info. I tested and it turns out that VALUE != 0 is what always translates to true any non zero value is true, even in PHP. That's pretty nifty. Thanks. Ok Thanks, if I were to approach this with max topic count, how would I code this using the movie reviews example, perhaps you could do this in the form of answer rather than a comment. Sorry about the amount of comments, I would use chat but I don't have enough reputation yet. Unfortunately, this does not resolve the problem. I will keep looking for solutions. I have accepted this answer for 2 reasons: 1st, it looks like PHP 5.3 was causing the issue. And 2nd, because it helps me to simplify the code by removing the "?". Now aother question came: why 5.3 makes the issue ? Does ZF 2.4.x not compatible with this version ? By the way, This is a Synology running PHP 5.3 Try printing your query and see how it's formed. That will give you an idea if anything is wrong. @AbraCadaver I did not. I was not aware that site exists. Thanks for the link. URL decoding/encoding is not well defined. Every OS/browser/server has it's own idiocracies. The implmentation changed between .Netv1.1 and .Netv2.0 so I would recommend following the advice from @JulioHM and using base64 for URLs that need to be in query paramaters. http://bytes.com/topic/asp-net/answers/627843-urldecode-differences-net-1-1-2-0-a generally speaking, mysql likes you to challenge it. It can probably handle it. If you don't show it its propers, it will punish you. Like table scans. PHP will punish you, like turning PHP into the db engine The value isn't being `set` or saved on a commit call. It just needs to check its current value vs what the user just entered (and not saved). Would validate still be a valid option in this use case Yes, I'm fine with flexbox, and this is VERY CLOSE! One problem: how would I make the Optional panel always display its entire contents -- no scrollbars, no hidden content? The Flexible bottom panel works correctly. It appears it isn't. In the video I watched. I do not know where he set the $user_names variable. I will have to look tonight and update this. Do you think that could be why this is failing? @sp2danny Another bullet point about `push_back()`, `push_front()`, `emplace_back()`, and `emplace_front()`. If you have reproduction steps for how you got to this state, we would appreciate seeing them. look at MVC pattern it is the best approach so far. Do you mean `initSelection`? What happens woth Simple Injector 2.8.3? @BryantFrankford It comes up NULL Does `UISprite` extend `MonoBehaviour`? thats the only thing i can really spot since your update you posted. @AndrewC:I am sorry for my question, but I don't know what "additional ref-specs" is supposed to be There are [a lot of characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters) which are not in the string. Do you really want all of them? @Mellamokb solution is really good. Check it. @mustaccio, thanks for the correction. I've only seen them used on views...and a quick check of the syntax dialog didn't show that restriction. James, thanks for your great answer. I was just wondering if there is no way to bind the CheckBoxTableCell to a `boolean` type like you can do it with other primitive data types and `@Override` the setOnEditCommit Method. Thank you for the examples tho! you mean left-most IJmxTestBean defines the methods and properties that will be exposed as operations and attributes on the JMX MBean. It's needed if "Defining management interfaces using Java interfaces (30.3.5)" method is being used but has no function when "Using Source-Level Metadata (Java annotations) (30.3.2)" is being used. Probably the white spaces in the database after a value. For example if you have a string length of 20 and the word takes up 10 you will get 10 white spaces if not inserting them correctly. Just use trim() after collecting the value and it will fix it. Could I authenticate and access the Remote API using the standalone? I will try this, just to clarify this, is there no way to classify each or some document/reviews and the probability that they belong to a topic? Like review 108 is likely to belong to topic 7. Thanks @GolezTrol actually it does check my answer. I have no idea how I could do that. Since you posted it as answer, delete the comment in order to refrain from duplication. haha you guys are funny! You can probably use `DISTINCT` to get unique data. when I use `Call Shell(PathCrnt & "C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat " & PathCrnt)` I get file not found, so I read that system.diagnostics may help. It appears I was wrong though. Thank you :). Nah, I don't mind. I was being serious when I said thanks. You cited both of us, so this just makes SO better for people stumbling on this question. @PallaviSingh This code *doesn't* pass all tests. --- Try `"sat", "soot", "sit"`, `"soot", "sit", "sat"`, and `"sit", "sat", "soot"`, and you get "soot", "sit", "sat". Removing `=` gets "sit", null, "sit". --- Try `"car", "cart", "cars"`, `"cart", "cars", Oh... so I can't access the remote API (datastore of an app engine app) from a django application? I'm trying to migrate an entire database over from App Engine over to a django based project on AWS. @AlexeyBondarchuk please see second edit. @Joe, that's a good idea. I'll read your paper and then re-post with more clarification and examples. I'm under a short deadline and was hoping there would be a simple solution using a macro but if not, I could create something more complex using more col The difference being? how would I find `mListPreference = (ListPreference) findPreference("dp_cleaner");` based on what's tapped? Yes, I noticed the difference using [quandl data](https://www.quandl.com/api/v3/datasets/WIKI/AAPL.json). I tried the same comparison downloading the yahoo data (http://real-chart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=AAPL&d=7&e=24&f=2015&g=d&a=11&b=12&c=1980&ignore=.csv)
. The results are almost the same as with 25 points: last MACD is still 3.85. Hi @Chris, thanks so much for taking a look at my code. Are you referring to moving `Init = pm.rbernoulli(p=p_bern)` out of the deterministic and passing that as an argument like `if Init==0:`? If so, I've attempted that approach as you can see with the #'ed line in the priors with the same results. Or do you mean something else? Looks like this was already answered here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27945921/enabling-ssl-client-certificate-required-for-specific-controller-or-action-in-as I was able to create a range check (those are different columns). I want the skip check to be more dynamic since some questions require this _or_ that, this _and_ that, this _not_ that...and so on. I'll take a look at the paper. The existing solutions for curvature estimation on an arbitrary mesh most often involve discrete differential geometry functions. Unfortunately I have not found a three.js or even javascript implementation of these algorithms. I will report back with a three.js implementation once I finish it. Have you looked into `xargs`? I saw some suggestions to do this, but I am not sure why this is better. It looks more complicated and confusing than using the existing variable. Could you explain? @Andy If your data's vertical like this, by the way, Tom's answer doesn't really work as well - because you're going to have to see the value for a previous variable for that respondent. You probably don't want to have the logic built in at a respondent This was the only solution that worked for me What happens if you call `container.Options.ResolveUnregisteredCollections = true;` directly after creating the `Container`? Your code **can't** return `null`, so the entire premise of the question is flawed. As Ulrich pointed out above, the macro I was trying to use is only available inside the kernel. This is a kernel hacking assignment so I was just confused on that point, but thanks to everyone who helped. Rather than making a userspace program to call the macro, the intention was to make a syscall that could call the macro for you, then use the syscall from userspace. Hopefully this will help future confused students! This is a really broad question. There are tons of ways this could be done, and your best route depends entirely on how your game currently works, which you haven't shown. @user667489 Given the clarifying comment, that sort of thing wouldn't work - the logic is more than simply "one correct answer" for skip pattern and range checks. Thanks TeeDeJee! I tried to do the 2 parameters in the orr_gamify_save_session_to_user function but it gave me an error. I was able to make the $user global and then pull it in that way. Thanks also for the tip to use quotes to define the key of the arrays. the composite key is nice. nothing saying you can't have a key on one column in addition to it @Trobbins I disagree. If this is a homework question, then we shouldn't *give* him the answer, but rather *guide* him to an answer. We shouldn't be writing his homework. If not, then ternary operations are fine to use. --- Fine line to walk, and I don't k you might be well suited not to have Names as PK The error says the opposite, it says you have an `XMLList` but it expects an `XML` object. In those cases you can just use the `[0]` element of the `XMLList`, which is an `XML` object. @chris85 Oh, right. Thx a lot. Have you tried stepping through it in the debugger? @Andy You might want to see my co-written paper from MWSUG2014, [Documentation Driven Programming](http://www.mwsug.org/proceedings/2014/BB/MWSUG-2014-BB11.pdf), which is pretty close to what you're doing. It shows a similar approach. @BaconBits That's very involved indeed. Your code doesn't work, e.g. first `if` statement will return word2 when word1 < word2 < word3, but no `if` statement handles word3 < word2 < word1. What would you suggest is the best way to do a document classification on survey data from the comment section. Preferably using something R. yeah I think that's it. It's taking some bit of time to loop through. Michael you know of another way? I get the point now :) thank you, I can mark your answer as the best answer, if you could answer this question That didn't work either. At this point I have literally disabled all my other extensions and the tools are still showing blank. @Ageous To pre-declare the namespaces on the `RequestShort` element, so they don't have to be repeated wherever used. Try running with and without to see difference (once you get it working). @Ascorbin - I've been playing with various attempts at dependency injection all day. That was left over from an earlier approach, but appears to be the source of the duplication. If you propose it as an answer, I'll accept it. Thanks! this one works fine! thank you very much! This is a terrible idea. You should not have two processes writing to the same file. If only because the reliability of such code is dubious, whilst an unreliable log is completely utterly useless. @nocieurghq It doesn't actually matter. The parentheses just turn the function into an expression so that you can evaluate it immediately. You could put a `!` before `function` to serve the same purpose and drop a pair of parens. [Read more](http://benalm @DanielleEnsign `//` does comment out `*/` though. If you have `// */` at the beginning of a file, for example, you won't get an error. But as I say, `//` has no effect (it is not interpreted as a comment marker) if it occurs inside a comment itself. What I'm trying to accomplish is a program that checks a data set for skip-patterns and answers that depend on how other questions were answered. What I came up with is for the researcher to create an answer key using Excel (that they are familiar with) and a part of the key is adding the condition that must be true for the question to be answered. The researcher writes the condition ("Answer = 1") and then the program takes the actual answers and flags those that do not meet the condition. I'm hoping to not hard code the conditional statements but have the researcher write them into excel. Ah! You're right Ulrich, I believe the problem is I'm calling the macro outside the kernel. I'm already using a VM so no risk of messing up my system :-) I'll update once I can confirm it works from inside the kernel, in case anyone else is as bone-headed as I am. Also... Couldn't you just write this in regex? There, now you have two problems. I think this is the best way to describe it, if I have csv file with two columns, one has Movie reviews and another has 1-5 star rating. I would like to know how many stars or if possible the probability that it will have 1 star based on the topic. Like topic7 is comedy and how many would have a 1star rating if it is a comedy (or maybe show this is a graph). In terms of topic word counts I know the `fit$topics` would give me the word count for each document. Again thanks for the help Perhaps you should keyword search before applying an expensive algo. @MichaelChirico Stole your answer/had the same idea. Happy to delete if you were planning on posting. Arguably, this question should be closed as opinion-based anyways, I suppose. I got it submitting but I am not getting the value of the textbox. I added "UseSubmitBehavior="false" data-dismiss="popover" to the button and it now fires. I think you meant REST rather than JSON. Since you want shorter word sorted first ('car' < 'cars'), you want the missing char to be 0, not 10000. --- You also want to change all the `<=` to `<`. Thanks, so I have a new code now, am I just adding the end part you put in at the end? i'll upload my latest code version. Not much has been modified. @T.C. New answer sound about right? This makes even less sense. You suggested to include the check `custnameTF.getText() != null`, so you think that `custnameTF.getText()` returns `null`. And then you say that this `custnameTF.getText().equals("")` wouldn't fail ... because `null.equals("")` is possible? And *"but you cannot set a null value to another variable"* is either unclear or wrong. You can set every variable to `null` if it isn't a primitive type. Understanding the reason for the rule allows you to know when to break the rule (Raymond Chen). In this case, we can see that if there is an unrecoverable error of any type you shouldn't hide it in the getter, since in such cases the application needs to quit ASAP. well, I think the OP wanted the list converted to an integer list. Merging the vertices before computing the normals fixed the problem with multiple normals on each vertex. I think I will use the logic in the edges helper using threshold angles between face normals to approximate surface curvature. Thanks for the help! Marc - this is a small part of a macro that copies data from another spreadsheet and I was looking for a way to find suspect duplicates without manually adding the formula to the new sheet. http://mysqlworkbench.org/2015/06/compiling-wb-on-windows/ and rollup your sleeves :> Thanks for converting the lazy into an answer ;) You shouldn't be trying to roll custom C++ parsers. Use Clang if you have a serious need to parse C++. Thanks excel hero - yes it does work and this will help me in the future. @s1lv3r, It's literally just Explorer protecting the newbie users - you can create it from the command prompt or Notepad "Save As" dialog just file. Sneaky trick: call it `.htaccess.` (note trailing dot) and it will accept it, stripping the last dot (trai The process stays the same regardless of what your library does and what other libraries it uses: you need to provide a set of functions that are visible from the Java side (`Java_your_package_AndClass_Foo...`), and those functions can then call other functions internally and do whatever it is they need to do. I would use `A=bsxfun(@times,A,B2);` instead of `repmat` so you mean something like that? let addresses: NSArray? addresses = CFHostGetAddressing(host, &success).takeUnretainedValue() as NSArray; if addresses == nil { return "" } - doesn't work, too Thank you for your opinion anyway! Yeah it doesn't seem too easy contacting them and apparently they launched facebook.stackoverflow.com... not sure how useful it is. You need to demonstrate that you took some effort to solve the problem. Once you do that the people here can help you.. Any chance you could do a string replace on the source art before you render it? Maybe try and replace "\n" with "
\n" did you ever get this to speed up? It's unusably slow for me Rather than a canvas, might be easier to just duplicate the element, set the styles, and render the element outside of the page somewhere (`top: -10000px`). Wouldn't this be a good alternative to sleep();? https://gist.github.com/danielhickman/9af5e3254eef0a692d9c You can also do spin loop and check difference between start time and current time. Not that i would recommend it, but if you didn't learn about the threads.. Oh, ok... I see what you're trying to do now. In chrome I get this error: `Uncaught TypeError: window.getDefaultComputedStyle is not a function` Actually, "You really no longer need that" is not correct in all situations. For example, if you need to compile for compact framework, post-2008 products don't do it. It's not advisable to tell people what they need without actually knowing their needs. Thanks, as I wrote in the post above, I eventually managed to solve the problem. There's a new one now, though, but that's beyond my original question. Try dropping the "+0000" part of the string and see if that works for you... that'll be fine if all your dates are in UTC. `std::simplemath::simplemath` <-- It's Undefined Behavior to extend the `std` namespace, except for a few exceptions (like adding a specialization of an STL template). Scrollable listview within a larger scrollable view (to include the listview and viewpager) is highly discouraged sorry I'm a little new. not sure how I would use this approach [`/[<>]/`](https://regex101.com/r/oP0nG0/1) Yes I believe it's a macro defined in include/linux/sched.h. The definition is: >#define for_each_process(p) > for (p = &init_task ; (p = next_task(p)) != &init_task ; ) Somehow I ended up with 1380 (!) Simulators on my system, and snapshot reset_simulators worked for me as well. Took a bit to run, but much faster than doing anything manually. :) so I switched back to try the api tester on the idocs page https://iodocs.docusign.com/ ... using the api to get to the console and it give me back a url that I plug into my browser and it logs me in fine no problem... then I copy the code directly from the API walkthrough to login to the console from the api walkthrough page...put it in a console app and it gives me back a url and I put that in the browser and it brings me to the login page. Is there some difference between what the tester on the idocs page and the walkthrough code on the walkthrough page for getting to the console ? Thanks. I now assigned the correct values per the defined in the sigaction man page. It didn't solve the problem, but it may have posed as one if I hadn't fixed that. Anyway, it appears that the problem was that I started the timer before a critical initialization section. @OleksandrFirsov, also, is your issue the circle placement? Or what appears in the zoombox in the corner? Is the circle working properly when you touch? @OleksandrFirsov would you feel comfortable sharing the full project / the github of it? I think I see a couple issues, but the full source would let me debug and test it. If not, I can still try :) Works well, thx! But I have problems filling the infoWindow with content. I made new class `public class ClusterInfoWindow extends MarkerInfoWindow`. How can I access the title or subtitle of the clustered markers? Okay, that's a better solution than I've come up with yet. I hate to have to use javascript to "patch up" my layout, but maybe that's an irrational aversion. In C/C++, further speed improvement can probably be achieved by aligning the data to be all in the same 64 bytes, i.e. the same cache line (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14707803/line-size-of-l1-and-l2-caches) Yes, I am currently calling that function within an stl loader before adding the renderer. Although if I compute the normals after everything has loaded, it returns one normal per vertex. I'm trying to estimate convexity or concavity at any vertex in the mesh. In curved regions the face normals diverge more. With that in mind, can you recommend any approach for getting the curvature at a vertex? system.diagnostics.process.Start isn't a VBA command. Any reason why you switched from using `call Shell`? You can't prevent people from decompiling your app. What you can do is make the output from the decompiler more difficult to understand by applying various forms of obfuscation. However, questions asking people to recommend specific tools are off-topic for StackOverflow. @Jens not bad, at least, you're in log(bitwidth). Actually if you really have questions and answers and a set of valid answers then you might want to look into using PROC SCORE to "grade" the answers. if I create a new column `f_id` how would I be able to auto increment the new column based on the `price` asc column? And if this is possible would I be able to delete old `f_id` column and create a new `f_id` column with auto increment whenever I update the db? Oh thanks! I see it here now too http://laravel.com/docs/4.2/configuration edited bottom to show the timing differences @ConradFrix, see [pastie](http://pastie.org/10372888) What have you tried so far? I got undefined function config()...I am on Laravel 4.2. @pskink I am still stuck at this point, as I understand from your point of view, you mean to subscribe fragments to service, and publish data to fragments, is it right ? Is MyClass a derived class and you just left out the inheritance? php logs error is empty What is "*CMIIW*"? Looks good. You should accept that answer. Though I prefer fully self contained examples (so with example input, output and all definitions). [Sat Aug 22 15:37:59.283196 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 10128:tid 248] AH00354: Child: Starting 150 worker threads. [Sun Aug 23 12:26:31.627891 2015] [:error] [pid 10128:tid 1688] [client] script 'C:/xampp/htdocs/experiment/mytestingstring.php' not found or unable to stat [Mon Aug 24 14:39:22.064863 2015] [:error] [pid 10128:tid 1692] [client] script 'C:/xampp/htdocs/myteststring.php' not found or unable to stat Very useful answer, I didn't what is a connection pool and was going to created a mechanism smilar myself! @user101 use `adb pull` to get the wav onto your computer and use a hex editor there This is the report I chcked apache logs error @TehTris Awkward. Sorry. Didn't post the right HTML. Fixed now. It does matter; see my answer below. If you switch to the non-minified version of datatables.js, I think you'll see what the variable `f` actually represents. That might provide a clue. Your answer is correct, Ill accept it in 3 min As expected from looking at the code, it throws `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException`. That's because you loop `i` while less than *longest* word, so `charAt(i)` fails on shorter word. You could do this in the DB but it'd be terribly inefficient. Nice one, thank you! `docker ps` lists containers, not images. If you want to create an image from a container, you must `docker commit`. You can use the _NAME_ in the commit (e.g. `docker commit _NAME_ _imagename_`) @SeanLange, I could be wrong. I'm more of an Oracle guy, and even there, maybe there are constructs in which it's syntactically sound. But I'm pretty sure it's only acceptable in sub-queries in Oracle. But my comment might be irrelevant in this context. The task is to *choose* a word, not to build a new `String`. Please try again. @ajb You might have some thought about my comment above. Thank you. Is it acceptable to have a first parameter explicitly for this purpose? And replace the value of script variables if their name matches a key found in the hashtable? @SimonWright I had the 'Address Use line fixed and that line seems to compile okay. I am still getting a warning which I think is due to the line before that. "Warning: Initialization for variable Source_Array ignored because of address clause." While I h Are you just looking for the `@Html.Raw()` method? Be careful with things like XSS attacks... I don't think this has anything to do with GCM. Close Android studio and go to directory listed in your error and manually delete that file. It probably can't be deleted cause something with Android Studio is using it. has to be a way to just update the current `id` column based on the `price` column That seems to be the default behavior. look at https://jqueryui.com/slider/ if you click anywhere on the slider it responds accordingly. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87821/discussion-between-mattias-and-vonc). `do` is pretty terrible, performance-wise, and grouping is not necessary here. I'd go for `dt4 %>% slice(rep(1:n(),n)) %>% select(-n)` @JBNizet Btw, if you want you can post your comment as answer and I'll accept it. What I want to do is compare topics to another variable, so if it is a word/topic classification that is ok. My data set is mobile/cell phone survey data where comments are left and they are normally only a couple of sentences in text, I would like to compare this to 1-5 star rating, which is the overall satisfaction. So I know what the topics are based on the words that are used from LDAvis html, but how can extract that topic and compare it to the variable. Is this possible? Thanks for you help in advance. But I am also detaching the application object as well, so this can't be it. The loop should immediately overwrite `$app`, and even if it wasn't, I've tried a variation where I explicitly `unset($app)` as well, but it has no effect. This should work, but Excel Developers answer is simpler and doesn't use .Select (as mentioned above). Thanks! More likely a user error, than "Eclipse screws up". When fixing imports, Eclipse shows a list of choices, and the *user* makes the wrong choice, likely by being too fast and not reading the options provided. Yeah, that looks like the only way to do it, short of an extension. Which I might investigate later, because I don't love binding an event handler to document.body. It is working for me, yes! Images coming - I'm making a page showing the screen captures - bear with me, Hey Clint, Im sorry, you were right. Works great :) thanks a bunch man, just a quick question, Did you just put my original code at the beginning of your code? or did you modify things in mine? Care to elaborate on the difference between $_POST and $_GET? Get has not even been mentioned in class yet... Do you *have* to defined `` as derived from `con:AgeType`? Can't you just defined it as `xs:positiveInteger`? ok I can be wrong, but it comes from experience in onsy-twosy inserting rows. I found another problem. I forgot to convert the DateTime to a string prior to displaying it. Using `$finaltimedate = $timedate->format('Y-m-d h:i:s A');` worked and displayed it in the format I wanted. Thank you for your help! :) Thank you for both these answers. I can only vote for one, so I'll vote for the first reply, but Uluk has given me some other ideas as well with that example. Hope these examples are useful for others too. I changed the answer again. I hope there are no mistakes this time. @David, it is common practice in mysql/sql to have a table of values or dates that are used for determining the absence of data. For instance, the comment I wrote to the Answer below by Alex. A real-world example there is a table with 6k rows of every `Da Please include the code you've tried in your question so people can help you. Your image link is also not working for me. Cracks me up how these idiots down vote on SO. You take the time to post an elaborate question, and they down vote without explanation. You are wrong. Each webapp gets its own classloader. Too many `Bar`s. I need a drink. Why did you have to subclass? quick search you got solution for atomic http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23041401/android-ndk-stl-c-shared-w-libcxx-force-rebuild-results-in-stdstringstream-n You're forgetting `git reset --soft HEAD~1` before... I'm saying if I do `git reset --soft HEAD~1` BEFORE `git reset HEAD -- `. These 2 commands TOGETHER will delete the commit with the sensitive file FIRST, THEN remove the file from being commited again, will they not? Sorry if I'm being annoying, I'd just like to set this straight. I understand that detaching is not cascaded by default, but I am explicitly detaching the associated entity each time in the loop. Even modifying the relationship to `cascade={"remove", "detach"},` as you wrote has no effect. The code I am showing is almost exactly what I'm using. In my tests just now, I strip everything except for the looping and the detaching, and memory still climbs. Finally, calling `$em->clear()` has no effect either. Are you using llvm or gcc? I'm using `NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.9` For R, `addmargins` and `zero.print` can be used to mimick the excel output: `print(addmargins(table(df$ticket_id, df$category)),zero.print="")` Thanks, this looks promising. So my original data set has 38465 Credit Cards and 4494 eChecks. The model only has one node. Should that be sufficient or do I have to do some undersampling? Basically `Bar(Bar())` declares a function named `Bar` that takes no arguments and returns a `Bar`. `Bar(Bar(Bar()))` declares a function `Bar` that takes a (pointer to a function that takes no arguments and returns a `Bar`) and returns a `Bar`. What's the exact error you're seeing in the logs? And what line of source does it correspond to? that would be painfully slow by comparison, @ConradFrix, but I will test it in a second and let ya know Oops, I accidentally saved the comment before I finished typing... `date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s',$row[timestamp]); $timezone = new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles'); $timedate = date_timezone_set($date, $timezone);` I also realized another mistake. Earlier, I had timezone instead of timestamp as the name of the database row so I fixed that. THIS WORKED THANK YOU!!!! More generically, DB2 supports `INSTEAD OF` triggers... I think you'll need to create your own transformation matrix -- take a look at [affineTransform](http://www.imagemagick.org/api/Magick++/classMagick_1_1Image.html#aa7adc4fe21954d8ba50ba4343a47738b) After 3 days i have found my problem. I have a method called getIndexBufferSize and i calculatet wrong the size cause i used the num of vertices and not indices. But thanx for helps. Have you considered to use [HTML5 local storage](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage)? The image is not visible at all actually... You can also reassign the identifier of the member object after you've created the containing one. You could do this manually outside of the class, but it is not really practical. Instead, you can write a method "ovverride(self)" to do just that, which you can call after you create the containing object. I don't understand why this gets down votes and why people say it is unclear. What is unclear? I implemented something similar (yet not quite this way) in clojurescript with macros. It's similar to black- and white listing as done in timbre: https://github.com/rauhs/klang I mis-read your post and corrected it in the edit but am getting a Object Required error in the system.diagnostics.... (the part that calls the bat file). Thank you :). I think it does not, since I did not specify that the number of bits was constant. Now I added it so it gets more clear. `/\s\s+/` can be replaced with `/\s{2,}/` Something like this?: `SELECT DISTINCT Packageid FROM UserMaster INNER JOIN UserSubscription ON UserMaster.Userid = UserSubscription.Userid WHERE UserMaster.Userid = @userid AND UserMaster.Password = @hashedPassword AND Status = 1` Is there any confidential info in those contract notes? Is that scrubbed? Your config looks okay to me. You access JPA with `JPA.em().` right? E.g. `JPA.em().merge(yourEntity)`. I edited my answer now to point this out. Also, I wrote "value = B()" instead of "self.value = B()" first, I apologize. Well I split it up into multiple parts and the part that isn't working is the date_create_from_format part. Oh, well that was easy... Thank you for your help Max. I had the same issue, emailed them, got exactly the same response. Looks like i'll be using mailgun.com from now on. They support this no problems. Any of these answers should work: http://stackoverflow.com/q/2894775/1191259 Ah, I see! In that case, you can do self.value.fun = self.fun in the __init() of the A class, since methods are visible everywhere inside a class, even "before" being def-fed, such as inside the __init__() Well, then you should check if `customerbooking.getCustomer()` returns `null` and why it does that. Oh didn't see that. It still isn't in the format I wanted it though, because when I create the timezone earlier before putting it in the MySQL database, I use the Y-m-d h:i:s A format, but on the MySQL database, it s hows up as Y-m-d H:i:s. "Hey Joe, what does 123-4567 equal?" or "Joe, my number is one2three-4five6seven." Also, as noted in anothe persons post, you'll get better performance aliasing the Date conversion functions results in the select fields then grouping on those alias vs. calling the date functions twice for each field. (or three times as in the case of your order by) It doesn't make sense to me, that this is the problem. OP said that the exception occurs here: `customerfile.setPersonName((custnameTF.getText()));`. If `custnameTF` is `null`, then why should it fail on the _second_ call? I also don't think that a TextField would return `null` for `getText`. it is actually a common request. It is not uncommon to have helper tables for numbers, or even every `Date` in a 20 year period for daily sales numbers @pskink thank you, I am searching right now Sounds like my best option, thanks! They have nighty npms now You'll get better performance aliasing the Date functions results in the select list then grouping on those vs. calling the date functions twice for each field second this. I run GitLab in-house and we love it. Give GitLab a look. Excellent @T.C., thanks. :) What do I need to do to configure the new test.sks file? I don't want to make a new table every time just for this Works great! Thank you!! Didn't know about roboguice. I will look into it. Thanks again. The raw Sales.Date would be lost due to the grouping on year and month I am using the fact, that browsers scroll the page to the border area of the element, ignoring margin area. I am not sure if it works without flaws in every browser and every layout, though, please make sure to test in all the browsers you need to support. If you need to support browsers without `:target` support, you can apply the rules to every section in the wrapper. Visually it should not make any difference, since the negative margin visually "unsets" the padding. here is a question relating to adding Geo functions to SQLite - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13326817/custom-functions-sqlite-with-mono @pskink yes I do use services for downloading my json, how can I bind to that, I have no idea how to do it, If you could give me the keywords, I will search it and learn, thanks :) Awesome, @JohnConde, somehow I had no idea about PHP Traits. Thanks! I tried this, but it isn't solving anything. I also realized that the app isn't retuning from the call to instantiate this injector object. Thanks! Thanks, did not investigate this package, but it looks promising! The accepted solution below was everything I needed. Yeah just seen it as well... added animator.setEvaluator(new ArgbEvaluator()) it works like a charm Works as you indicate. As for the Guice idiom, this is an Android app (not a straight Java app), so I don't have a `main` function where this would normally be placed. The activity that I am posting here is the initial activity that runs at app launch, so I think that this is the best place to run this code. It's part of a splash screen that will be visible for about 5 seconds with basically nothing else happening, which gives me the space to do the expensive operations like this without impacting user perception. Good comment, though. I appreciate it! Flask has a framework for email: from flask.ext.mail import Mail. I am troubleshooting it, and thought I would go back to Python code to see if I could get something to work. I liked this answer because it was bare bones. Oh yeah, and it worked! The added classes were my first step. Just changed post to get in both the HTML and PHP. We have not covered get in class yet lol. There is a form wrapper, I just didn't include it. Still not working though. Yes pnuts the data in I is plain text. Welcome!! Accept the answer if it works for you. so it helps others as well. The `mstring` destructor is also called when `g()` returns since it takes an `mstring` by value. I was just about to answer what @Rafael said -- he just beat me to it Many thanks RiggsFolly! Much appreciated and I will mark it as answered in a moment. @DonatasPetrauskas: I understand that part, but the point is that there *are no* "apples" with IDs of 1 and 4. I only ask because it's *highly* irregular to want to select nonexistent data and is *very often* a sign that something else is wrong with the If you think that your question is a waste of time, then why do you ask it? Thank you very much for this. I changed this statement, and also added the other binding suggested by @r0101, but still nothing. See the edit that I made to the post. It seems that I am not returning from the injector instantiation for some reason. The manifest in the jar file must specify the classpath. I want to make auto increment on ID column based on the 0 to max price column It is clearly Java? Java doesn't has the keywords `Public` or `While`. You were able to fix the first one, congratulation, but the second is still wrong. Thanks - good to know! I read that bundles has some limits, so that is why I don't use them, I am looking for other options When you set an element to be "fixed", it essentially floats above the page -- so those links are working as expected -- it loads them so they hit the top of the browser window; though they are being covered by the header. you will probably need to figure out a way to offset them, either through a margin, padding, or like @BrianGlaz said, javascript. @DieterLücking I guess so ... Easy enough @jamieb but obscure. Thanks Stack Exchange! console.log(document.forms) yields : [form#checkout, checkout: form#checkout] After add iOS target to Build target. The problem solved. Are you sure you're able to run `Set rs = CurrentDb.Execute("SELECT EntryID FROM Folder")` because `Execute` doesn't return anything. This should be a compile error. I used `OpenRecordset` and was able to get the full memo back in both the recordset field and a string variable. I was using a DAO recordset. ( I just saw this is super old. I'm leaving this here regardless) *"Because it is written in java smartass"* No it is not. Sorry, I meant I want to be able to refer to the results by using numeric indexes like $lecturers_temp [0], $lecturers_temp [1] etc I guessed that actually, but still, the two standards can conflict considering the definitions only. I didn't mean to say you provided inaccurate information or something. @DonatasPetrauskas: If there *are* no rows with ID 1 and 4 then that would explain why you're not getting them. Maybe you can do something like `WHERE question_id NOT IN (SELECT question_id FROM votes)`? Out of curiosity, why do you need to select data I'm not sure I understand your question. You ask how to pass in parameters, but then you have a place holder exactly where you would do so. Is your question instead "how do I get these values so I can pass them in as parameters?" OK thanks. I figured out i just didn't know how to put the files under the same project "any row that isn't between 1 and 5"... Wouldn't that be `AND NOT (question_id BETWEEN 1 AND 5)`? Where do rows 1 and 4 come in? I'm not really clear on what you're trying to do here or why. No, only HTML, PHP and CSS. I found a js solution on here. I wonder how this code is related to Java ... ok thanks Robert. The error I intentionally introduced was a syntax error into the query. In your test secnario in your local dev area, the promise chain stopped even with a syntax error? If so, I'll take your word for it and accept your answer. Did you try it with Chrome? Hi Kavanagh, thanks for your suggestion, so after install the valgrind, I just have to type the following command valgrind ./resms -d /tmp -f 120? No problem, I am glad it worked for you! This seems to be working for both visible and hidden sheets. It is much simpler, but I don't know that I fully understand the code. I understand the definition of UsedRange, but the logic is saying take the values in the used range and set the cells value equal to the values in the used range? Am I understanding this correclty? It seems you are telling the cells to equal the same thing. I guess that is why you have .value? this is not true. Both applications have the same view, so I don't need a different package in code. What is only changing is the data on the screen. The downside of an outright block is that they will realize it and adjust accordingly. The most effective way to block a bot is to keep it busy and make it think it's doing its job. @user3386109 You're thinking of RGBA. I think the Z refers to depth information. Either way, it's irrelevant to the question. Thank you for the links @SnildDolkow! I searched myself and found a few more. Added links to description. Can you simply use the C++ sort? You can put it into a separate .cpp file with an `extern "C"` so the remainder of your code can stay in C. @chris seems like the perfect length! Succinct and all relevant. I often see you comment the answer followed by someone else writing the same thing. Anyway, just curious. @AndrewC: Just `-G`? The documentation has changed since 2.6 because it does not mention to take effect only with `fork = true` anymore. See [Gradle 2.5 Documentation](https://docs.gradle.org/2.5/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.html#org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions:bootClasspath) vs [Gradle 2.6 Documentation](https://docs.gradle.org/2.6/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.html#org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions:bootClasspath). Did not try it yet but will do and will report findings. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87816/discussion-between-steven-and-beercohol). What they're populated with matters - you should edit the question with some information on this. Thanks. Does DBN support multi-label classification task? I wonder the problem also arises from the label. I would definitely use variables, even if in a script of 10 update statements. It also depends if you are doing inserts (could bank on auto_incr id value ranges), versus update stmts. But your question said "I want this fixed date for all", not date math Are you using PC Files Server then to do your proc imports/exports? @chris You often answer the questions as a comment ... why not answer them with an answer? I'm not sure exactly what your trying to do, but as I pointed out in my answer you do have access to the parent's methods in your *inherited*/child class. If you weren't implementing/overriding a method with the same name you would be able to call it in the child class without using the prototype. Yes, this is pretty obvious, but I wonder why you wrote your answer like you've done some research _after_ you've posted the answer and without any explanation apart from "Just needed to use `Long::valueOf`". Since you had the time for that. Take this as an example: [When is \`Locale\` needed for parsing date-time strings in Java?](http://stackoverflow.com/q/32162108). As an example: this post could explain how conversion from "Collection
" to "Collection" works in general, what `.map` does and how `Collectors.toXXX()` determines the target collection type. I guess the OP more mean that if there were 10 parameters why mark them all as mandatory if there were some global switch or setting that could be used instead Why downvote? This seems correct to me .... Why not store the JSON in the SQL and use C# to convert it? Or use C# to deserialze it into an object and use the data from that object passed into the stored procedure? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? does anyone know how I can validate if something is a certain length (9)? range (9,9) and between isn't working Do yourself a huge favor and turn on error reporting. It would have told you that json_decode expects a string, not an array. I'm not sure in what world kivy is easy. Maybe compared to PyQt, but it's not easy. I am now searching in Telegram open source project to know how telegram do it. You might want to brush up on the differences between drives, folders, and files. Your Open statement is trying to open `N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\*257168310045_8-18-2015*\C:\Users\cmccabe\Desktop\NxClinical.bat`. It is not possible to name a folder `C:` in any OS afaik. I don't know which file you really want to open at that point...one on your N drive or one on your C drive, but you certainly can't use both drives in that statement. :) I recommended using variables for the folders to improve readability and configurability, however it isn't 100% necessary. @duffn Please see my edited post. I have tried showing some relevant code. Well I feel silly. All I had to do was Ctrl+p + Ctrl+q as per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19688314/how-do-you-attach-and-detach-from-dockers-process it is actually an nvarchar. added my db code pertaining to this, what else would u suggest? like this: posAssolute = sender.locationInView(imageView), where imageView is the container of my Image I've obtained some real hardware to test this on, I will report back my results once I figure out how to get it installed there. Thank you again for being willing to test this for me, I appreciate it! I added the file to open but am getting a bad file/path name and that is highlighted. Thank you :). I am not sure this was the reason, but i found out i started the service twice by mistake. now it works fine Ok, got the thing saving again, but even with the new code, not pulling from the DB the values? Caught the call in Charles proxy, call does appear to be hitting the server. Nothing in the logs or console but it is a place to start. What a great answer. This fixes all of my problems. Much appreciate it. @MBielski Cool! may I know under OAPT, what is the best way to use jasmine to test multiple sets of value for specific testing variable input? Will really appreciated! This is something I have no idea of! I get the following message when trying to insert that into my php file : syntax error, unexpected '[' http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/4a34f/1 Look at the last two pictures. The first one is generate just tapping on a point and a button is added. The second one is the same situation after a zoom in and a zoom out. There is this strange situation that moves the button while I zoom the image I will type up an answer. Perhaps it is thumbs up. Also, it would be helpful to clarify some details about what you're doing. Are there cells outside of B2:M24 that are populated? What are they populated with - is it just column headers, or is it something more (formulas, charts, ...)? What prevents you from doing a straight export? SAS clarifications: Enterprise Guide 5.1 would still use SAS 9.3 backend, correct? Are you using a SAS server on that backend, or is it using a local PC SAS installation? Do you have ACCESS to PC FILES licensed, and is this a Windows Server (if it's a server) or Desktop? More context would lead to a better answer. Why do you want to do this? Are you in a macro context, for example, or in a merge, or a set/union, or something else? Why you're doing it affects the answer. It certainly has to be a 32-bit DSN. Does it test correctly from the 32-bit ODBC control panel applet? @Dave, ndm thanks for your help guys, its working now with notEmpty! :) I am running Git bash version 1.9.5-preview20150319 and ran the exact same test you ran, but for me, it worked. My `.bashrc` *was* run. The variable *was* set. Do you have a `.profile` or `.bash_profile` in the way? These will stop `.bashrc` from being run. Perhaps this question will help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2854043/converting-a-string-to-color-in-java How many places do you have it I'll try to remember to upvote it once I have enough rep score. Although based upon the text found in the manuals the other answers have guided me to Bash might not be completely POSIX compliant in regard to blanks, as the GNU manual states that is "a space or tab character". @AnandaMahto Or `data.table(dd)[,lapply(.SD,sum), by=.(main,test=1+0*test)]` or `setDT(dcast(melt(dd,id.vars=c("main")),main~variable,sum))[, test := test/2][]`, though those are a bit silly :) what is not intuitive on the answer proposed in your linked answer? It looks pretty intuitive to me. maybe we can help you with that which may help further down the line with more issues @shkschneider I fail to see how the demo project will help me? https://github.com/ankushsachdeva/emojicon/issues/2 Is it possible without having to install eclipse? all_transition_boxes[i] = transitions_box; I found a different solution on my own... thanks for the feedback everyone... also why did I get a thumbs down on my question? :/ System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox transitions_box = new System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox(); maybe if you posted some of the code that was doing the upload... In `getRealPathFromURI` method, `getActivity().getContentResolver().query(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);` returns `null`. My contentUri is `/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/100MEDIA/IMAG0827.jpg`. Any idea? This is an absolute answer! Thanks a lot!!! @maj: edited to include data and a MWE with that data. Thanks for the suggestion. @andryr I just found this link https://github.com/ankushsachdeva/emojicon/issues/2 Is it possible without having to install eclipse? Depends on how you define `MOM` and what are the required features you need. `log4net` can output to multiple target types, including on remote targets via network. did you tinker with it? https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-multiple-tablespaces.html To learn here, you are responsible for asking an answerable question. This is only answerable with some expertise and guesswork as to what you're after (as Pierre provided below), since you chose to offer no explanation whatsoever in the question itself. If I were you, I wouldn't fight over the downvotes; just try to formulate your question better next time. Can you share the output, and can you tell us exactly what the issue is with sqlcmd? what exactly "doesn't work"? it is version 2.1.3 Thanks, you answered my second question in your very informative answer. This is cool. http://php.net/manual/en/function.count-chars.php The error message doesn't match with the code provided. The other problem in your code is that `+` in Less is not used for String concatenation. `height: @total + @unit;` will definitely give an error and I think what you need is `height: unit(@total, @unit)`. Can you mark your own answer as correct to indicate that the problem is solved? Interesting, how are you able to staple them? Can you post the code? In any case, then perhaps converting to a single document format (or a document container) would be better - check out some C# PDF libraries, a few sources seem to recommend "iText" - http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/ea36c5/convert-multiple-text-documents-to-combined-and-individual-p/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14686581/generate-single-pdf-from-multiple-images You'll have to change both the OutputFormat and the AudioEncoder. For example, `AudioEncoder.AAC` and `OutputFormat.MPEG_4` is probably your best bet if you want to be compatible with PC/Mac audio applications. Can you mark your own answer as correct to indicate that the problem is solved? @Falcon1 do you want to share your solution? :) ok good to know, sounds to me that they could still provide some callback logic so that I can write some nicer logic without wrapping the complete Input system myself Thanks @Mari, although that post still doesn't answer the question with the 'This can't be done' response countElements has been changed to count in Swift 2, but changing that works for me! I have to repeat that **you should be more exact and post more details**. If you write "takes time to load" or "It is slow for sorting" you should better write something like: 20 sec for loading and 10 sec for sorting in your tests. If you write "takes less time" it gives no information too. 9 sec is less as 10 sec and 0.1 sec is less then 10 sec. If you write about sorting it's important to know whether you sort on the client side (`loadonce: true` are used) or not and whether you sort 100, 10000 or 1000000 rows. i select 2015-08-26 to 2015-08-28 the output is 2396; my database: 26 the rate is 250 & 27 is 599, the should total 849 You might need to call `DocumentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true)` Wow, it worked perfeclty. Such stupid mistake. Thanks too much buddie It looks like `DF1` has six rows, since your result ends up with that many. It'd be a lot clearer with a reproducible example: http://stackoverflow.com/a/28481250/1191259 Java != javascript Thanks! Your code works. I was curious to know why I was getting the error. In the past I must have added Admin, but it was not in my schema.rb file. This was strange to me. I appreciate your help and advice. When adding the library project as a dependency is it a library, file or module dependency? I tried the project you suggested at first but it didn't meet my needs. What `\documentclass` are you using? In fact, we should be able to replicate your current problem in order to help you. For this, please construct a [minimal working example (MWE)](http://goo.gl/dtPzv). Thanks for the response! But how then do I include the IMDb_Rating, DateCreated, and Genre associated with that max(Votes)? Ok thanks. `billing` is a directory so don't really need to allow for things like `billing-foo.php` anyway. :) Hi, preferably it would be a byte array of the MailItem. Open a document in Word, start the macro recorder, save the document as PDF, stop the macro recorder, examine the generated macro code. Then copy it into your Excel VBA code and adapt as needed. Yes, I did add the gem Devise. Thanks. It is impossible to connect the server to the internet with a proxy - believe me I've tried! The Networks team simply won't allow it. When you say 'after indexing', is that something I trigger manually once I've copied the local repository onto the server? And do I delete all '_maven.repositories', '*.sha1' and 'm2e-lastUpdated.properties' files or keep them in? Sorry, but your question don't contains any technical information which can be used to help you: no JavaScript code which shows how you create grid and fill the data, no C# code of the server side, no SQL table structure (ids, indexes use in JOIN, WHERE), no information about Database which you use (MS SQL, MySql and so on), no information about jqGrid version which you use and even no information about the size of tables and the total number of rows which you try to display. Do you tried at least to measure whether the generated SQL statements is slow? Thank you @KMRakibulIslam for your answer. I never added the column Admin before, do you know if Admin is a column that comes automatically like the column ID? I didn't specifically added the column ID, but it was added automatically when I created the model User. Provide a better description of the workflow. C# program gets the Excel File then opens it? It saves data to a database that the Excel Macro then reads? What does the server and database have to do with anything? I did it before, but it reproduces the same issue that I have. I can not select any item other than first one. Don't let the downvotes get to you. I've upvoted you since I feel it's a valid question, even if it there doesn't exist a way of achieving what you're requesting. Perhaps convert them all to a single PDF first? I'm not sure if that will help get it stapled, but it's one way to get it as a single document. post your insert query sql_query is a wrapper for something ? Almost used this before realizing what @Brett said, if you implement this code in production and change servers, you are screwed. Correct, "mssql" stopped being provided with PHP in 5.3 and "sqlsrv" and "dblib" are the current drivers (to my knowledge, it's been a while) I don't have it in xaml. everything is created dynamically in c# code OP may also want to consider not using `shell=True` in the first place, since this command doesn't look like it needs a shell anyway (it has a shebang). Please improve the question, so it can be answered and not closed Sorry, but your questions isn't clear enough. Where do you have a problem in your code? Is it related to the HTML form? Is it related to your API? Is this problem happening when you persist the model using ActiveRecord? Please, reformulate your question so I can help you out. I don't want to use JQUERY Thanks, but I have a multidemensional array. That will not work. @Michael_mhr - Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87812/discussion-between-rob-and-michael-mhr). thx @lukasgeiter will go with the manual version for now. @KennethSalomon, Thanks, I've edited the error. Works to find the x:Key, but mine just says "System.Windows.Controls.TextBox", so I'm guessing my style in this case is a style without an x:Key specified, which is based on another style somewhere. Creating new `MediaPlayer` objects for every click doesn't seem like a very good idea. And `MediaPlayer` is probably not the right class for this task anyway; `SoundPool` seems like a better fit for playback of several short sounds. @Amit, my problem —I think— is quite different Anway, why only one from 5 messages? is this above boilerplate available anywhere? I just get a 404 and would love to get hot reload working with docker How exactly is this failing? I don't see where you actually save the uploaded file anywhere... @Jens - I think you are on an 'answer' there opposed to a comment. Ahh! I see. Yes, you are setting a folder path but not actually specifying a file: `strNPath = "N:\1_DATA\MicroArray\NexusData\*257168310045_8-18-2015*\"` is just the path to the file, but does not specify the file so your `Open` statement must append the filename to strNPath. eg: `Open strNPath & "myfile.bat" For Output As FN` just use the name of the batch file in place of `myfile.bat` The command would be `python your_script_name_here.py`. I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow does not maintain the Open-Dolphin project. Added code to original post. Thanks! I see from looking at the source code for Git [line #1776 of the most recent config.c](https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/config.c#L1776), it looks like Git always wants to use a tab. You could of course edit this file and recompile Git itself --- at least for your local installation. @MBielski hum... why not though? Doesn't most people need to test multiple type of data sets to see if the model can accept them? (ps: I am a noobie in unit-testing). If not, please explain why not, and alternative? Will be really appreciated! I post this merely because kamal's Answer would always return the 2nd row in my sample data. Good luck. A quickly-disappearing window may indicate that an error is occurring, or it may indicate that the program is merely finishing very fast. Try running the script from a command prompt so you can get a better look at its output. Are you familiar with `cmd`? Cheers for this. Have you had success specifically with Mina? If so, can you post how you incorporate this into your deployment? Yes the 2nd column is money. Right now I do not want to predict. I want to see if there is a breaking point. Per @drmonkeyninja temporary answer, try "notEmpty" if you're using an older than 2.7 version of Cake. possible duplicate of [Java += operator](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8710619/java-operator) Yes, I mean field names that don't follow the cake conventions. maybe a denormalized table with a nameLen column and an index. I am sure Jessica will be all over that when it grows :> Why does your `update` have a `from` clause? SQL syntax for `update` is `update mytable set field = value where ....` How are you updating the column? My guess is you're using a stored procedure where the parameter doesn't have a length. Care to comment -1? I realize regular expressions aren't the best way to solve this, but I still think OP should know how to fix their expression. Why are you even using VBA for this? Why not just put the formula into the cell. Thanks, that seems to have done what I was intending to do (after I modified the .ToString to match my format specification). Although it seems @Juan M. Elosegui is right and the attribute may be redundant in this case. I thought that'd work, but I've just tried it -- since I'm extending the defaults, when I initialize dataTables with `{data: { url: 'xxx' }}` it's overwriting the whole function. It never gets called. I strongly suspect there's more to this issue than what's presented here. That HTML form will make a POST request. So using bled doesn't work with integer textures. Shoot! Well, I wouldn't mind using normalized floats if it actually worked for me. You can see my update for details. any idea what's causing this? Half-joking answer: try upgrading Python and maybe the problem will go away. :-) I made the change in the 'Update folder structure and call .bat section. I am getting a bad file name with the strNPath highlighted. Thank you:). See this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2085421/error-query-has-no-destination-for-result-data Not able to check but perhaps: _SELECT lastval() INTO _CustomerID_ ? where in your code are you failing to access `divHeights`? When I run it, `divHeights` gets filled in as expected `return divHeights;` after the loop. What's not working about that? Thank you both. MyRepoFetchedList was public, but was not a property. As soon as I turned it into a property, it worked. Somehow I missed that essential part. Show the code. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve Related: [Loading animation in python](http://stackoverflow.com/q/30200257/953482) or [Replace console output in python](http://stackoverflow.com/q/6169217/953482) or [Python Progress Bar](http://stackoverflow.com/q/3160699/953482) or [Output to the same line overwriting previous](http://stackoverflow.com/q/26584003/953482) If I do `git reset --soft HEAD~1`, which will reset to the previous commit (the one before the sensetive file was commited), and then do `git reset HEAD -- `, which will remove the sensetive file from the git index, won't I get the exact same result as by doing `git reset HEAD~1` except that I keep all non-sensetive files in index? Noted! I'll add to the original post *"Solution was very simple"* So you found the solution in less than a minute and you weren't able to find it before you wrote the question? I mean that I have two items in combo box, and I auto select the first one as above. Then later if I manually select second item, selection still stays on the first one. is there any particular drawback to my approach, other than ending up with multiple environments and war file work directory copies on application server and also the memory requirement increasing with same libraries loading again for each instance. `5 or more` vs. `name longer than 5` well, technically, each app has its own users. So, I just have to setup users for each app through admin screen OR have one central webapp that manages users. Either way, each app will have its own users table to authenticate against and verify for roles. iptables won't let me redirect port 443 traffic anywhere else than 443 My Eclipse shows a yellow marker, with tooltip "Empty control-flow statement". --- I've seen too many examples of this error, which is one of the reasons I prefer the start-brace at the end of the line, instead of on it's own line. Reduces likelyhood of that error, and don't waste code-lines. But it may be a policy thing, I know. like this: all_transition_boxes[slide_item].SelectedItem = all_transition_boxes[slide_item].Items[0]; yes, it works, but it is again stuck to first item in combo box regardless of what I select manually later. You should copy the relevant information into your answer. As it stands, your answer doesn't answer anything on its own. usually people looking for random are more consumed by variety (in a pseudo-random world) than efficiency :> Come up with a creative seed for the RNG Thanks for your comments. When you say that the choice for Mongo depends on my requirements, what kind of things should I take in consideration? The system may receive lots changes concurrently, generating high loads of delta objects. It's ok to think that with sharding the potential to handle lots of concurrents requests will be supported by mongo, isn't it? Thanks. `isPostBack`? In WinForms? That depends on the task: if you're *writing* character data ("encoding"), you should make sure that the `Charset` contains a mapping to bytes for all (special) characters contained in the data. If you're *reading* data ("decoding"), you should use the same `Charset` that was used to encode the data when it was written. Standard character sets in use today include `UTF-8`, `ISO-8859-1`, and `US-ASCII` -- check out the Javadoc for `Charset` for more information. There isn't any kind of staple functionality within C#. At best, perhaps your printer has an API that allows you to send it a number of jobs and then ask it to staple them, or something like that. Standard printers most likely won't have that kind of functionality. Also, this question may be a duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8012005/c-sharp-stapling-with-lexmark-printer Sorry, Mena, we hijacked your answers comment section. Continuing in question comments... Put an `if` in your `geocode` method. You stated in a comment to Mena's answer that your SQL code fails if the static initializer isn't called. What does `getEnumList( vocabList.values() )` do? Why is it `TestVocabValidator`'s job to initialize something unrelated to `TestVocabValidator`? You have a `/+` in the argument, is that the problem? please see the updated code Thanks this worked. I knew there was some simple solution I was missing. Should the symlink be /usr/bin/java instead of /usr/bin? okay this definitely works and is very compact. The reason it wasn't working for me before is because the dictionary is in unicode and the list is in standard strings (D'oh!) Ideally I would like to remove formulas from entire workbook, including hidden sheets. I will take a look at using select less. MatthewD, you link is helpful. @drmonkeyninja what do you mean non standard field names? Do you mean field names that go along with cake conventions? I am working on a project that has already been started [TheMadTechnician](http://stackoverflow.com/users/3245749/themadtechnician) has it right. What is `$deviceinfile`? Powershell is treating that like a property of `$computer`. If the property does not exist (which it does not) then null is returned. @ndm I believe it is version 2.0, Ha, now you beat me... I just edited my answer with very similar thoughts. Either way, I agree events are definitely the way to go here. so topic7 would filter out documents `[7] ....funny..... jokes...` and `[1009] ......woody....hilarious` and so on Why do you provide the `` and this `` Writing what into a file? Where? Can you post *all* your code? Declare the var as a class variable, `var something ...`. Then access it using `MyClass.something`, where `MyClass is your class name. You're including jQuery twice. Remove one of them. @MarcB My mistake then. I plead ignorance of php. ;) @Jimmer Actually mobile user pick a file and send it to server.So question is how to store it on server.For this mobile device convert it into base64 ,send it at back end side using webservice .then we convert this to original file and store it Hello @IqbalHossen you still there? What do you mean? If you run `«math xmlns=¨http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML¨»«msup»«mi»x«/mi»«mn»2«/mn»«/msup»«/math»` through the above PHP, you'll get `x2`. for that matter, try explicit join patterns ! Height, yes. Width no. avoid not in. try not exists or left join patterns Canopy is the IDE I'm using on Windows. Is there a possible difference between this implementation on windows vs linux? I tried your solution.Pdf get created but when I open this document it gives message "Failed to load pdf document" Actually name and department is combine primary key, Please use the link http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/fed956/2 always get 0 0 any solution? Thanks, matt. This kind of solution is also mentioned in the WWDC 2015 talk "Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift" https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=414 starting at about 30 minutes. However, it is not necessary to create an immutable copy of the mutable index set. So, your last line could just be self.times = indexSet. Which saves another object creation. @T.J.Crowder Is there any resource I can read so I can advance to same knowledge level about javascript and jquery as yours? Error message tells, that you've changed target framework for some projects(s). And yes, in this case you need to reinstall packages. There's no deal with VS here - e.g., using VS 2013 and changing target framework from 4.0 to 4.5.1 requires reinstall of EF too. sorry for that, but I've searched for answers before I asked this question and didn't find anything useful for me... inputStream-->readByte inputStreamReader-->reads directly char(ou u can say inputstream 8bit same time). BufferedInputstream-->readBytes only but fill the buffer so less system calls .. http://mherman.org/blog/2015/01/31/local-authentication-with-passport-and-express-4/#.Vdq0rvmqqko @Tushar why 10? Its very hard to read your query, can you add some formatting? yes sorry `put` (one moment) - and yeah I could edit dfeuers answer (and I've done so on occasion) but in this case I kindof hoped to get some rep as well (yeah I know, I already feel ashamed) ^^ @T.J.Crowder what is 10 in parseInt(1,10)? @IqbalHossen is there something wrong with my answer? I'd suggest you attempt a good faith effort in converting one of the Swift 1.2 examples that you've found to Swift 2.0. The conversion really isn't very hard. See WWDC 2015 video [What's New in Swift](https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=106) if you have questions about the Swift 2.0 syntax. In answer to your question, though, I'd suggest you consider the [Swift 2.0 branch of Alamofire](https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire/tree/swift-2.0), which simplifies the prepare of requests and the parsing of the responses. Sure just use different Factory class, there's one for each type of field. The render exception sounds weird. AFAIK TemplateAvailability is called when selecting template for the page, so before you start rendering/editing the page. Would need to see the screenshot and full stack trace ... you will be better of creating issue in Magnolia for that at http://jira.magnolia-cms.com Someone is sending you the XML data with the XML Schema embedded like that? Wow, that's really bad. This is pretty much what I was looking for thanks! My only problem I am trying to figure out the line `if !databaseAlreadyCreated { doesn't work though it says expected declaration. re url for mail module - no, there is no such url, typically you leave action in the form empty so after submit, page is rendered again and in the execute() method of your model you do whatever processing you want (in case of default form model, it would invoke form processors). In your case, you would want to call CommandsManager to get instance of MailCommand, create simple context where you pass all the params from the form, add one for template definition you want to use to render form data, add email address and invoke command with the context. I deleted my answer because I misunderstood what you were asking. Also, the `let vc = ViewController()` pattern is almost certainly not right: First, he might not even have VC in the Mac OS project. Second, instantiating a VC without referencing the NIB and/or storyboard identifier is a common _source_ of this sort of problem, not a fix for it. We would need to know a lot more about the design of the app before we went down this road. Can't think why it would be a problem with windows 10 surely the .net code is the same ? What is the question here exactly? So store the `decodedBytes`. No need for a `PdfWriter`. The bytes *are* the PDF. Thanks Icza! I was pulling my hair out there. :) @UlugbekUmirov `HashSet` should be the simpler solution than building a new `DayOfWeek` flag Hey matt, I see...but I can see some apps do display such `gif` image perfectly. So I was wondering if I can degrade the `gif` or there should be other ways to do that. @Jimmer I created a webservice from which i get base64 converted file from mobile device .I want to convert this to original file and store it on server
@AlexLop. The more I read it, the more I think you had the right idea. The question could use some clarification. I created a webservice from which i get base64 converted file .I want to convert this to original file and store it on server As far as I know there is no such implementation of elasticsearch and datatables out there. But it would be nice to have one And it's debatable if TM is going to help your code. I know a lot about the BGQ implementation and it is definitely not a panacea. Maybe you can share the code you are trying to speed up with TM. Your question is a little unclear. Could you please revise your grammar and clarify your question? Hey Ricky, Thank you so much. That really helped me a lot. Intel TSX is available on recent processors. Not sure if yours has it. That's because it can't find the user for the userId you supplied. this is just a simplified code but not a complete one...just to tell u a solution for your question.. you mind to post you code ? you could try multiplying the number by 10 at a time and checking the number every time to see if its an integer inside a loop Base64 doesn't know anything about PDF. You convert (encode) binary data (e.g. a PDF file) to Base64, which looks like text, send that to where it needs to be, where it gets converted (decoded) back to binary data. If the source was a PDF, then end result is a PDF. can you explain more using source code please? I would say that the "tedious conversion into char arrays" - or, better, a `stringstream` - will be the way to go. `4.3` cannot be exactly represented using a floating point variable, so it is probably blind luck - or properties of the output stream that `std::cout << convert(4.3)` works at all. So how to get Base64 converted pdf to original pdf? Multi threading? Ya i will give a try with that. Thank you so much. I use the dll from MapInfo and the root of all evil .. Perhaps it is necessary to use a new application domain and run code from under him.. Convert it to a long instead and multiply by 10 to the exponent of however many digits the decimal needs to move to the right so in your case its 3. `10^3=1000, 4.234 * 1000 = 4234` Re `stringValue` vs `text`, originally this question was tagged as iOS, so you are correct that `UILabel` uses `text`. The OP has clarified/corrected question, making it clear that it was `NSLabel` in Mac OS X, in which case `stringValue` is correct. Hi @IqbalHossen I have added an additional query, please let me know how you go. @MingchenZhang Just add the sample `result` to the question and how you want to send the response for that `result`. When I set 100 users and 100 secs ramp-up, it sends the users one by one. I want jemter to send the users concurrently. what shall i do? @Dmitri T In GDB, I printed out 'ddd', it's "0". I can't run it in gdb with a break point, it's a kernel dump. I believe I have some optimizations turned on. This piece of code stays in ISR. tmpEqo should not be important in this case since we don't use it. The images reside in the apps private directory and is referenced via strings. Is there any free tool for sql compare other than red-gate software, Please share the links if available "is not able to download" - what's exact error message? Have you customized `Nuget.targets` someway? Well as far as I can tell, there's no error message. I'm using Canopy and I actually have to restart the kernal because it just hangs. By actually attempting to solve it... Hi, so i can use the ping plugin to check any user if they are connected as well? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_(computer_science)#HTTP_session_token Hi Sandy, how can I completely get rid of everything on the right side (including the labels and ticks), I need to save space to align 10 charts side by side. Specifying axis.text.y = element_blank()) for p2 removes labels but I also want to remove the ticks. Thank you. ?????????????????????????? Useful information [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5700505/windows-7-update-packages-problem-unable-to-move-temporary-installation) and [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5059692/unable-to-update-r-packages-in-default-library-on-windows-7). @axscode you're welcome. Feel free to poke around here for more hints ~ https://github.com/philBrown/tolerable/tree/master/src/PayPal To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post. I think there are some ways but it's much messier, like loading everything via ajax call and appending it to the multiple times your username on load. The best way you could do this is via binding your view to the viewmodel. In case you need some walk through on using model binding, I've added a simple example you could start on. @axscode If you were to omit the per-item tax, you'd still need to follow the calculation rules I've outlined which means your total amount should be 76.36 (or change your item amounts to the ex-GST amount). I'm not sure about the labels. I feel like it m How would i specify to look on the remote machine rather than the local machine? I would suggest binding the page to a model, and from here you can bind call the model to use the variable. I can show you an example if you want to. Are you just talking about the session ID that's typically stored in a cookie? If so, that's not going to tell you much and it definitely won't give you emails and passwords There's an [ongoing discussion](https://discuss.elastic.co/t/snapshot-and-restore-s3-and-glacier/26337/14) about this very subject. [An issue](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/12500) has been opened recently as well. It seems cookies would be better suited for this, would they not? You were not mentioning anything regarding timer in the question.please update the question in detail. Don't wait until the request is done, but rather put anything dependent on the request inside the `response` closure and let it run asynchronously, as demonstrated by iAshish, below. So you changed it from `GMT%d:%02d` to `GMT%02d:%02d` and that didn't work? @axscode it could be. I was just looking at my old code and that's how I've got it which passes my integration tests. You're welcome to have a look at it if you like @MarcBaumbach I will be heavily querying on this data, but will not have any real need to change it once collected. Basically Object1 is a "day", with an array of events that I will be attempting to find trends in the data between over a 15 year period. T The select option doesn't show in your PDF? How are you converting the web page to a PDF? Bootstrap has default print styles that print out multiple selects very nicely... @AgentZebra I feel like Victor. My main problem is that Mongo is not ACID-compliant. Plus, I have +15 years of experience with SQL databases and 0 years (in fact 0 days) with NoSQL. Sorry duly noted. The above code you sighted is what I am using to pick the image and set the image in that same Class. Thank you Sir for your interest and help. I am still a new learner,I forgot to mention or make clear that the new instance is for alarm intents to be called. My thoughts were that each alarm is a new instance as there will be multiple alarms with different images. Hence the question, as I said the container would be same, just a new image for the new alarm. You forgot your quotation marks: `event.mytimeobject.strftime("%A, %e %b %Y")` Is that your complete service code or did you remove something? When I run the above JSON through http://jsonlint.con, it says it's not valid. Anyway, the below shows you how to traverse through the results. I put the dll in windows/system32 folder, I can parse the video now, thanks. Do you have any antivirus running? Do `var_dump($results);`. What does PHP return? Works fine here using gfortran 5.2 on a Mac. Can you be more specific about 'jumps all over' and gets to the 'return statement'? Which return statement? `return whatever`? Or within `Method1`/`Method2`? Angular 1.2 seems like an odd choice to use with the latest ui-router. Also, some of your JS files are attempting to use a module named "app" which has not been defined This is a requirement I have. I have a huge list (~3000) items, and some of them can be chosen to be seen in a grid (simple usually). But then there're special columns, that needs "special" design OP will probably need to append `action=submit_form` in there somewhere Jezzamon : thanks for reply. how do I update the value? VC.One : also thanks for reply. could you tell me how to make one Class for multiple MovieClips? to all : actually, I've made 6 games. each game is in the MovieClip including the game functions, times, scores, variables, etc. I want the total score of each game summed outside each MoviClips, which is in the main timeline. is there a solution to that problem? Thanks

".(strlen($output) > $length ? substr($output, 0, $length)."..." : $var)."

but you have to determine $length = 50; first @Michael-sqlbot this is really weird ... the "Instance Settings > Get System Log" shows nothing. Screenshot added. Thank you for this. I just converted my project to MVC 6 since that's newer. Do you have any thoughts on MVC 6 for the same since it does not use any web.config? This is where AJAX comes in handy... You don't. There is no reliable way to determine source language from executable file. I have an assembly that is compiled from another assembly by a compiler you have never heard of. Can I declare the paths in the update_table script? Ok, so the stochastic class has the property to return the updated variables passed into value. So, in my case: a = hyperpriors[0] and b = hyperpriors[1]. In your case, I would have year = switchpoint[0]. The model fits the variables depending on the specified distributions and in my case hyperpriors. The variables stored internally (inside the stochastic class) are then accessed as indexes of the instance hyperprior and set to a and b. I think that makes more sense now. Thanks! I get your point but im new in android development i do not know how to implement it , Can you help me on how to do it properly? Same issue in the Android Studio 1.3.1. It seems google has no plan to solve the problem. Sorry, will this source the bashrc on the remote machine? Ok. While profiling a vert.x application, I saw that event handler thread was always running even when there was no event to serve. In Java, my understanding is all event handler thread will run in an infinite loop. That was the basis of my question. Make sure you don't have extra content before or after the opening and closing PHP tags. @T.C. Yeah I'm not a fan of this, I'll come up with something better tmrw. i want to use javascript. and the iframe content maybe of other domain Have you searched google for source code for login forms? You'd be surprised The inner one obviously I'm no expert on `package.el`, but I think you might find a file `YOUR-PACKAGE-autoloads.el`, which was generated when you installed package `YOUR-PACKAGE`. In any case, one place to start is to find out what file `haskell-interactive-bring` is defined in. No problem. Yours is very compact. I've been using mine for quite some time now with Particle stuff, Painting on Canvas, etc. Among mouse locations i needed e. g. the mouse buttons being pressed and what not. So for me it was just copy/paste. One may of course remove the redundant code. The `ngRepeat` scopes all inherit from their parent so you can still access scoped properties at any level. Hi matt, thanks, I will try to track it down, what's weird is except this `gif` image, other smaller ones or static images won't cause crash at all. @NeilKirk Oh yeah, I forgot about that. @SpaceDog of course :-) @James_D: added Example. Which timer would you use that's being started over and over? Of course, that's valid too, but personally I prefer the continuity of the AnimationTimer. Btw, MadProgrammer's solution doesn't consider e. g. the mouse being pressed Hi matt, I'll update my question regarding your question, thanks. Paging though aggregations [is not supported yet](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/4915) but is being actively discussed. I'm afraid you have to do this on the client-side for the time being. Egad! This is definitely not ideal - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21553327/why-is-except-pass-a-bad-programming-practice Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87729/discussion-between-anthony-and-gordon-linoff). You can have a `const char*` template parameter. You just can't use a string literal as an argument for such a parameter. [temp.arg.nontype]/2 Yes, glad you figured it out. The best is to create the mapping at index creation time and then you'll always be fine. Temporary is subjective. You could write it to any store, whether its CoreData or to `NSUserDefaults` and name it such that your application logic understands it is "temporary". I don't think you need `csv.reader` here...have you tried `response = urllib2.urlopen(url)` `data = response.read()` `response.close()` `for line in data: print line`? Their site has some pretty good examples on it. This is beyond the scope of the original question. The example I gave you was SSH, but you can establish SFTP in a similar manner. thank you sir! this was the best answer sir! Yeah, I think for now thats best, but what would you suggest I look into so I wouldn't have to use the `group by` This style of answer is generally frowned upon here. Thank you! That worked perfectly. You've just saved me literally days of copying and pasting by hand, thank you so much! I was quoting the title. This approach filled my logfiles with EACCESS errors, so I decided to utilize monit and pm2 together. http://dev.iachieved.it/iachievedit/using-monit-with-node-js-and-pm2/ Perfect, now I am getting some duplicates. I am just pulling the first and last name for now will echo the rest later, but some of the names are duplicating. Why don't you run the command yourself and share the answer? I cannot debug your machine's issues without sufficient information. If you need to append (not prepend) to a string inside a loop, you use a `StringBuilder`. You don't do it on a `String`. To a Java programmer, that is code smell, and if I was an interviewer, that would cost you 'points'. Yeah, but in Java you should never do a loop like that, that would do a `String = digit + String` inside the loop. That is a very bad code smell. In JavaScript, sure, but not in Java. Language matters. I already logged a couple of issues (e.g. two Startup.Configure method, unable to resolve packages, etc.). The sample that they provide don't work. Yes, I am seeing some results, but not all, when I use this no results show. explain it later,,its time to go to my office That's JavaScript. The question is for Java. This ends up converting the whole string to an integer, albeit manually. Question said "without converting whole string to int". This is only if OP wants to use friendly URLs which in the case of AJAX calls from JavaScript, isn't really necessary How about using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE instead of PHP https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/load-data.html @AndrewThreadgill yes, in your `NavCtrl` What do you mean? What to do after i have the connection? how do i list files on the server? or download them? I have tried $ssh->exec('ls -a') and it returned FALSE is it not possible to create a date out of concatenated strings sir? if you may, is there a better way sir for my code? I think you get me my frnd @Tejas Masurkar I appreciate that, I played with markov trees a little bit. I am currently working with getting the sentence structure from pos_tag, creating a counter of sentence structures, randomly choosing a structure based on frequency, mapping the words to a dictionary with the key being the POS tag, and then filling it back in. It creates random sentences with the structure of the original sentences which is starting to give it some of the feel. I'm not looking for it to make sense as much as for it to capture the delivery. Markov Chain is interesting tho, I could add this to my implementation. especially for the lesser-known topics (and core anything), finding relevant documentation can be a nightmare. I guess you are missing the `ELSE` for the outer CASE for rank other than R. And you are trying to concat with `char` and `int` makes error The second approach is the point approach - the baseline (ie what you were comparing from). I was testing it against hash and showing that it is sometimes perfectly fine performance wise and sometimes not. Okay, so maybe they do support it but like I said, you still need to make sure it is an RSA key and not DSA. Thanks a lot! I just need to know how to use memcached because I have never heard of it XD. Is it hard to configure it to get IPs? Where is `$loginPage` defined? You r always welcome $rsa->getPrivateKey(CRYPT_RSA_PRIVATE_FORMAT_PUTTY);? Why are you running eval twice? Just do it in one call: `"var MyWindow = Java.type(\"" + MyWindow.class.getName() + "\"); print(new MyWindow().test());"` I don't think so. PPK files are putty-specific, it isn't a standard key format. Try it and see. Either way, you have to make sure it is an RSA key. since asm is just a string flag - why are you are interested? Just being curious? Initializing `grade` to `0` then changing it, e.g. to `5`, is worse than an `else`, but given the general mantra of not performance tuning your code until needed (see these quotes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_optimization#Quotes), either is acceptable, performance-wise. --- BTW: You're missing an end-brace. ;-) I haven't tried anything for now but basically I have these PHP files that get Ips and sends them to a txt file and I need that file to refresh itself every time theres a new ip in the file. Thanks, very accurate solution Why not add dummy bindings for the missing functions and open-source the result? `margin: 0 auto;` *AND* `display: block;` is enough. @CouchDeveloper No, an access to an atomic variable cannot - by definition - participate in a *data* race. Yes, there is a race between the store `this->mWakeUp[threadIndex] = false;` and notification `this->mWaitCondition[threadIndex].notify_all();` in ` Doesn't phpseclib support PuTTY itself? @mdamia I dont get it. It seems all the instructions stopped after getting the private key. What do i do from there? @Claies my question is related to ngRoute. Okay i think i understand now, try now You've got it backwards. First example is jQuery, second example is plain Javascript Just tested it simr. Works great. Thank you. Your are awesome. Been researching and posting my issue among the web. You answered it and it worked. Glenn I don't understand your question... please help me i want to filter only the brandname i got it to work without the .catch , simply adding a `,` after the first `function (element) {} , function(err)...` is this style undesirable ? Indeed, @Edric, in-place data transformations were allowed until MPI-3. I don't know which implementations actually did anything with this freedom. I fixed this by using a different approach: I set all of the affected fields to disabled on form load. Please give me example Got it.I had the persistence.xml in META-INF of the go.ear package. It had to go in the META-INF of the jar file that contained the EJB classes. E.g. go.ear/go-server.jar/META-INF/persistence.xml. My fault for leaving go-server.jar out of my description above. Now I tried your `answer` for may real data that have a same format I provided here. however, after 5 or 10 iteration `coefs` function is stopping as you predicted. Do you have any guide to solve this problem? such as estimating initial starting values in another function? you can use again `mtcars` example no problem. Thanks in advance.. Good question. Can you remind me what page of the spec you are citing? Does this help at all? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27420380/nsurlthumbnaildictionarykey-empty-for-local-file Using `explode` I could get the results I needed, thanks thank you very much for your instructive answer. now I am able to fit reproducible example that I have provided here. Sorry for not you to provide `t_pw` and `f0` values. I added them now. However, most of the examples that I checked do not focus on detail about the question that I asked here. so, as you indicated its a trouble some to get fitting coefficient from all columns since the model is complex and estimating starting values are also trouble some. @ForguesR So I didn't do a good job cleansing the data but I have fixed it now...I also tried your solution. Adding return TRUE after someFunction(); and it still did not work. I'm still getting Hi as the text @BryanOakley However, the aim is to stop or resume the program which draws the wave form at real time from a mic. Change your example to suit the question and add `$s = explode (',',$cities);` @BryanOakley I would like to add some buttons to stop and resume the whole plot program. But I do not know which part should the buttons control. Tkinter? Thread? Matplotlib? Funcanimation? Just use `explode` to convert string to array. If the access token is stored in a cookie (you sound unsure about this — is it? Can you check?), why are you using cURL to access the cookie? This was for an HTC phone I believe. What version of Android are you on? I find the opt.h file configure some program running environment, although I modify some parameter values, it didn't work! The 3rd client starts connecting server is OK, the 4th failed. It would be useful to have html y css as well. Also, why are you using each with a ID selector? you are supossed to have just one. As I said, if the string containing all cities has "Sao Paulo" and I use strpos to find for Paulo, it will output true I just happened to come across this. Sadly my understanding of WPF is far from perfect, but I would like to know what about this does not work with WPF? It looks correct to me (though I admit I did not test it yet). I dont think thats works for this case, I want the whole word, using that and trying to find for "São Paulo" if the string is Paulo, it will echo True Not really....... When I try to add isparta as a preLoader (with and without the babel property), it no longer is transpiling the code and errors on `import` statements. It says to use that instead of the standard babel loader so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. This isn't related with my question. Yes. Thankyou. I was tired and knew this was a simple solution. Cheers for your guidance the favorite icon is a heart icon with transparent background hey. sry again. i get some problems with this solution. if users have chars like _ (unterline) or - 0 so the sorting stops at this time. do you have a solution for this problem? Thanks, that did the trick. I will read also the posts suggested. Thanks for the help and suggestions! hmm I did not read carefully enough. Thanks for the advice and I will try this out asap My appologies. That was a typo when I wrote the question. When I look inside the go.ear package persistence.xml is in the META-INF folder along with application.xml. Is there anything I need to do in the application.xml file? Right now I just use it to set the root '/Go' for the go.war app that is also in the ear package. I can't think of anywhere else to look. did you click the link? and did you read the comment above? i said i was looking to replicate the " number along the line" graph on the link provided. i took Dov Grobgeld advice and installed the library. No, you'll need something (ie, a PHP script) to instantiate your class instance and route the requests to the appropriate methods _talking about proxy servlets and it doesnt look like it helps_ : Proxy servlets are exactly what you want here. Can you update the question with details of why you don't think they help? I will read the post. Thanks for now. I have also tried the num_rows, but I had alsmost the same problem. If a row was found it goes OK, if not I got a blank page :( wp has a standard walker, it outputs the same as the above but with different classes and using div instead of nav. Check the generated autoloads file, to see in what way it does not correspond to what you expected, in particular, wrt loading the file that defines `haskell-interactive-bring`. The error msg is telling you that the file that defines it was not loaded. Check also for a typo in the function name. ;-) Yes I use setcookie to set the cookie value. The strange thing is that when I modify it to this `$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE token='{$_COOKIE[$cookie_name]}'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) if ($row['token'] != $_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) { echo "no match"; } else { echo "match"; } ` when the cookie and db match I get the echo correct. If I modify the token in the database then I get no echo at all, just a blank page. With error_reporting all I get no errors at all :( Overhead for nothing, with this solution I don't even need javascript, just a couple of php rows @greg-449 thanks, that was it. I'm refreshing the menu manually now, although that introduces an explicit dependency on SWT at the RCP model level. Not great, in that case, a visibleWhen expression (which I was carefully avoiding till then) might be bette @zerkms just a variant where the email hash is the *unique transaction id* itself, I know about [disabling](http://stackoverflow.com/a/4473801/2498790) but the user may want to register multiple valid address The value is 36, getNumIndices() returns the number of indices with this function it determines the count of indices: cube->setNumIndices(NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(indices)); cube->storeIndices(indices); And the macro is #define NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a) 1 Yes. 2 Yes. And what error message do you see on the scren? Hemant: Please ask your metadata question as a **separate S.O. question**. The short of it is that you can arrange to get your metadata ONE time or ZERO times from the web api. Perfect, thanks PasswordHash isn't a name of a class based on what you showed here. what's the source code of the getBetween function? Thanks. What about this "ForexConnect" API? Does that also stink? Wouldn't you just use [DOMDocument](http://php.net/manual/en/class.domdocument.php)....? Just as FYI, the sample isn't working. I had to do multiple changes just to get it started. Thanks Nick, I changed them to `SpriteNode`'s and it ran like a charm. there is 1 box in question, your dev box, that has mysql daemon running. Right ? how would I check if the user pauses the song, then pause the timer? I assume you would have to check the current time against the song's time to make sure the user is in fact pausing it rather than changing the song Thanks, going to test now. Is their any modifying I have to do(ie directory path)? Also Am I just leaving the function in a module? Thanks Clint. I couldn't figure out what was the problem. I copied the same `credential` and `config` files to my MacBook and worked smoothly. Ah, unfortunately I am not aware of a `resolve` for directives even though it looks like a ton of people are wanting something like that: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/2095. You could have a loading spinner or something that displays until the promise is resolved - not ideal but maybe a decent compromise. Hey bryan, thanks for the suggestion, what would go in the archive directory? What does this mean? Where I want the files to go? I want to apply my code across a directory, so would this work? @Grade'Eh'Bacon, I know what it does. It goes through worksheet but i need to do that for a directory. It applies filters to each worksheet and spits it out into a new sheet in that workbook. still the same error. I did `sudo chmod 777 /webapps/myapp/run/gunicorn.sock`, and `ls -lash/webapps/myapp/run/gunicorn.sock` now shows `0 srwxrwxrwx 1 opuser webapps 0 Aug 23 07:22 gunicorn.sock`. But still the same `Permission denied` error. thanks for you assistance - greatly appreciated :) I guess I am not running the `gunicorn` command as `opuser`, though...? Do I need to give the current user permission to connect to `gunicorn.sock` as well? Ignoring `FileNotFoundException`, then ignoring the `NullPointerException` it causes, and never closing the writer, all *inside a loop*. Yikes!!!!!! Changed it - now I get the error `OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/webapps/openprescribing/run/gunicorn.sock` which I guess is progress! Any idea how I can fix that? It seems odd since `opuser` is the owner of the `gunicorn.sock` file. You can add `.with_indifferent_access` to the `TYPE_MAP` to allow for string access This is a solution that will work perfectly for me and will definitely get the ball rolling in the right direction! Many thanks! @ArtjomB. is there any way to encrypt and send data without keys? EDIT: I can see that by keys that's the "password" parameter. This would be predefined as the client would be calling a method from a class they would be provided with. This class will be - (BOOL)application: (UIApplication *)application openURL: (NSURL *)url sourceApplication: (NSString *)sourceApplication annotation: (id)annotation { if ([GPPURLHandler handleURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation]) { To work around the issues I mentioned above, I have written the following. However, the code seems to be by-passed during the execution. I will keep working on this: I would happily use any other encryption functions if they are available that any of you guys know about. Ok, see my update. Well, yes _I_ can use an SSL but I can't expect every single one of my clients to be using an SSL, unless my SSL encrypts their connection? Sorry, I modified my comment after you saw it. Isn't the `+1` wrong? Shouldn't it just be `GradeStr[points/5]`. That will make it work perfectly for the question, without need of any disclaimers. ;-) Agreed. But you missed part of my first comment. 0-60 is *61* numbers. You need an extra line with `, GRADE_5 // 60..64`, otherwise 60 points will throw IndexOutOfBoundsException, and you probably shouldn't have that +1 in `(points+1)`. Well, question code should have used `else`, not `else if` on that last one, and was missing an `=` sign on 29, but your code ain't any better, using `>=` on first test and `>` on the other tests, and I think having an `else` at the end, rather than defaulting to initial value, is less *clear*. Simply ending the nodejs.exe processes worked for me, in case anyone else encounters this. I don't think this is generally a good pattern, because of the volatile nature of the array depending on whether the boundaries are evenly distributed. If numbers were 0-1000 with boundary at 101, 211, 421, and 831, this wouldn't be a good pattern. Realized this mistake immediately after posting and just edited. I meant a `60 x 3` matrix. It is a good idea to change column collation? `ALTER TABLE product_description CHANGE name name VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;` I read somewhere that changing collation might result in not using indexes anymore. Is this true? Thanks so much Philipp! That was it:). It May Help someone: First restart your computer, then disable your antivirus/firewalls/bandwidth trackers + any other programs you dont need running. But disabling those two things I increased speed like 6x. cool thing is doing it with Alter Table, locking, quick, a DDL change that is a hot swap ! Which was pointed out to to me unbeknownst to me. In fact most things are unbeknownst to me :> Percona [article](https://www.percona.com/blog/2014/11/18/avoiding-mysql-alter-table-downtime/) So the result doesn't match with the database. Also the database wouldn't have duplicate values ie (groupid) for a single 'uninum' (a single person) ok, good to know. I am quite new in programming, so I am happy to take any advice or reference to useful documentation. The result I am getting is 1, 1, 2, 3, but it should be 1, 15, 29, 36 How is this really any different from the question? I don't see why flipping the order makes it any more clear. --- You did change to follow the text stating that grade is 0-5, good, but other than that...? @RiggsFolly re-read what i said.....i said require all granted is default setting for wamp https://gist.github.com/jitendravyas/6002804, maybe this is not the default file, but i stopped using wamp a couple of years ago so i dont have a version with apach The last `else if` should just be an `else`. The `if (points >= 50)` doesn't do anything. can you also show the `user-tag` component? Does the component work fine outside of `#each` (with data passed into)? I didn't downvote, but your code can only work if point block is the same size (or multiple of such). --- Also, in this case the sizes are 30, 5, 5, 5, 5, 11, so your last block is incorrect. You can't handle the value 60, unless of course you correct the code by adding an extra block. @OndrejM makes a good point about overriding things in a read only library, I hadn't thought about that. Hm, this seems to be working for me on gfortran. I've used both `-fdefault-integer-8` and `integer*8`. What have you tried that failed? Please don't edit your question to include the solution. Accept the correct answer (which you've done already) is enough to do. What does your code look like? you mistake is here: `var text = document.getElementById("suggestion").innerHTML;`. An `input` doesn't have innerHtml but a value! so it should be: `var text = document.getElementById("suggestion").value;` depends on your need actually. If you feel that the original is not valid then you might as well drop it. If it is needed then either back it up or rename it. But AJAX ***is*** JavaScript. Anyways, see my edit as I give a couple different solutions, and make sure you check out [this answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090657/how-do-i-switch-external-css-files-with-ajax) on SO. well your device is always giving out acceleration probably, or its from the way you are holding it. try to debug a baseline acceleration reading, then use that as an offset. It looks like you already know how to make the calculation in your head. Pick up a pencil and paper and write down the thought process you use. Then write code that does the same thing. "NULL is returned if the json cannot be decoded or if the encoded data is deeper than the recursion limit. " http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php Thank you...... thank you ! works Sorry for removing your edited text, but it doesn't into a question of a Q&A style side like Stack Overflow. You can show your satisfaction by accepting the correct answer and by upvoting good answers (if you have the necessary amount of reputation). What have you tried so far? Did you already read documentation on date formatting? https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior According to JSONLint its valid @Damon That appears to generate the same code as calling it with the same variable twice. @ChaibiAlaa for welcome!, but you do not limit yourself to use hibernate-core 4.0.1 because the unfounded class actually is in the latest 4.3 version. The next link is the source code of hibernate 4.3.11, you will find the class over there https://github. @Dici Sorry, I get your point now. By using a linked list as the queue and the "move to the end of queue" logic using pop/addLast, the cost of removing an element is O(1), at the slight up-front cost of copying the list. Thumbs up! (or rather vote up). Use `zip` to iterate over many iterables at once. Can confirm that this solution worked, thanks Ariel AJAX _is_ JavaScript (AJAX = Asynchronous **JavaScript** And XML), and jQuery isn't a language. You must be doing something wrong then... The current docs state "emit" http://socket.io/docs/ @Dici Agreed, *if* it is a `LinkedList`, but the code is explicitly an `ArrayList`, and `Iterator.remove()` and `ArrayList.remove(i)` will have the exact same performance. Actually, `Iterator.remove()` calls `ArrayList.remove(i)`, if you look at the imple You need `chainableCounter` to return a function. You want the function to return a function. Try changing the last line from `fn(n);` to `return fn;`. The default floating-point type is `double`. Unless you have a good reason to use `float`, you should be using `double`. Note that the standard library's math functions didn't have float versions until C99. @Dici I don't think you're right on that. The original code does a little extra work by have nested loops and not merging the two inner loops, while your code merged the inner loops and uses a queue for continuous processing, but the original code is hard @user3646746 The `Iterator.remove()` method removes the last element that was retrieved by `next()`. Does it work on a device? I have seen a bug where the icon shows up properly on devices, but not in the simulator. @Dici Thank you, and please keep up the good work on providing better answer, but the person asking the question may not care for that (other readers might), so please don't discourage *simple* answers by down-voting them, as long as they are "correct", o @kezzos I've updated the question with test results. It shows there is a dependency on the size of the array. With smaller arrays your implementation is faster while with larger arrays NumPy is faster despite the fact that all NumPy functions together are Thanks! I can now connect to by typing localhost:7000 (did it with iSSH btw). But i would like to connect to by from other computers in my network. It doesn't allow this unfortunately. Is there a way to make this work? Please take a look at [editing-help](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help). I also had to change `var Promise = sequelize.Promise;` to `var Promise = Sequelize.Promise;` to make things work. @jfriend00 if you're suggesting the answer robertklep supplied below, I tried that but ran into an issue where subsequent `.then()` functions continued to fire after an erroneous query within one of the `.then()` functions. I'm trying to figure out how t Calling setContentView before super.onCreate crashed the program, probably because MainActivity needs to call super.onCreate before you can call setContentView. I guess I'll just have to call setContentView in main. Great thanks, finally works!! I came across the calendar timeZone property but I thought it was read only. @Dici That is your personal philosophy, and I applaud that, and you should do that in your own answer, but please don't down-vote, which means "This answer is not useful", when the answer is a valid direct answer to the question. It might be possible if it's being served by an API that supports such operations, but it depends on the site. @Dici If you want to provide a better algorithm for doing so, this is great, but you should be sticking to the code format of the original question, because that might be required, e.g. the mandatory use of {braces} on separate lines. Thanks this fixed it, would you mind explaining why you need the setContentView in main? BTW, I hope that's not really your JSON. It's not valid. Those strings have to be quoted. Thanks this fixed my problem, but why does findViewById not work when you don't inflate layout in Main? And how would you go about modifying the MainActivity class with interfaces? @Dici Wrong on down-voting an answer to the question. This is not the CodeReview site, where you would be entirely correct in policing bad code. This is about why it failed, and this answer corrected that. It's not supposed to consider the time dates I tried your script. I intentionally caused a syntax error in the create organization table statement, and although node reported the error, it still continued to iterate through the remaining user_organization and content table creations. Is there something I can do to reject the promise to stop the each loop from continuing? Date1: 2015-08-23 22:00:00 +0000, Date2: 2015-08-23 20:56:30 +0000 @Dici Yeah, I wanted to clean up his code too, so I just did, but my answer was exactly correct, as it answer his question. Nothing more, but it was a very valid answer, and in no way an advice on anything else. Yes, it's pulling users that wrote something else, but without a comment object associated. I would like to query only the users that commented "some text" e leave the other users outside the result. What is happening is that loopback is left joining users with comments on text like '%some text', I want to do a inner join instead, with sequelize i would put a required: true parameter within the include, is there anything like that in loopback? I tried the first line, it still doesn't work.. Seems that whatever I do the day 23 becomes a 24 Well, with `__m128()` you are _asking for_ zero (or default, depending on the C++ version -- which however is zero-initialization in the case of a non-class type with implicit default constructor, too) initialization. So it's no surprise that it's initialized to zero. Just create a local variable and don't initialize it, if that's what you want? @user3728501 - sorry I couldn't help @user3728501 - sorry but I'm not too sure what the error in your code is - it seems to be completely fine and has compiled for me in MSVC... perhaps try a different compiler? @user3728501 - do you have any other classes or functions at all in your code that could perhaps cause an error? Thank you for your answer. I think Cython will be the way to go if I still want to stay within the python world. I'm having trouble getting it to work but I'll open a new question for it here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32171369/cython-with-pythonxy @user3728501 - and the reason for using `()` instead of `{}` as an in-class initializer is that MSVC does not like it @Bergi nope that's pseudocode. As mentioned in the answer datatypes Taco. happy coding :-) Actually, I'm sorry...I missed that "?" you had after ["items"] and that was what I was missing. Thank you! The table is not being populated from a data model. It's a static table with fields for the user to fill out. An example, one of the sections is Personal Information, with a full name and phone number field I cant change IntentFilter because registerReceiver expects IntentFilter. @user3728501 - the `const` problem is not massively a problem as such; it is just for consistency in your code. As in it is better to constantly put const before or after the type to just make the code more consistent. Just to add, I supposed if you want to explicitly state *not greater than* you could use `!(x > y)` what does the show create table xxx produce I tried my app on SonyErecson Xperia mini (st15i) 1GB CPU and 512MB ram , 3" screen 320 X 480 resolution , android version 4.0.4 ICS it's an old phone first released on 2011 and my app have multiple threads with heavy calculation and it worked properly while on the emulator it always crashes with OutOfMemory error If this is code you can modify yourself, you can update the source code to 1.8 compatibile and compile. However, given you say you're using Dr Java which is a student/beginner focused IDE, I suspect the code in question is provided from classroom materials. Seems like a discussion with the professor next class meeting is in order. This helped. I did not initialize the push service. Public support for v1.4 ended in Oct 2008. What code are you running that is ~7 years old? Given that you're working with Dr Java, I presume this is classwork. Hopefully, it is one not directly provided by the professor. Does `findViewById` by any chance look for something that `setContentView` defined? If so, call `setContentView` *before* calling `super.onCreate`. It would be nice to write a summary of these comparisons. @user47143 do you need more help? If my answer was helpful to you and answered your question, please don't forget to accept that answer. Also see [What does it mean when an answer is "accepted"?](http://meta.stackexchange.com/help/accepted-answer) and [Wh @user2906838 You are welcome :) can you drop the original in all cases ? I changed it to [code]if let item = jsonResult["items"][0] as? NSDictionary { print(item) }[/code] but its still the same error You can be pretty sure that, about this kind of common algorithms, _everything_ is already [done](http://stackoverflow.com/a/11495614/5247200) i read that mysql_* functions sometimes deletes your data by accident Since the model is not going to change at runtime and the entire model is known at compile time, either build or runtime ought to be fine. Thank you, that's what I was looking for. The wiki shows example with subclasses, so the interface used method overloading, but since my example used an enum, my interface had to name methods differently. Same pattern. Maybe add the class the static `mock()` method comes from, such as `"Mockito.mock(B.class)"`? can you run a `show create table xxxx` and publish a few rows of data too so peeps can visualize ? Whats it say about it in the attribute editor in the right hand pane? @JoelDean same here... Glad it helped you :) Isn't your string in a variable since your input is a stream? `puts`-ing a variable containing braces shouldn't cause any issues. So your problem is probably not well defined or is elsewhere. Would be helpful if you could have a reproducible example of the issue as close as the problem you have. @user2134322 A better option might be `UTF-8`, but `ISO-8859-1` should be fine. Since you're editing in Eclipse, you might have saved some of the file in a different encoding. Check the encoding Eclipse is using on the properties dialog of each file. httpd configtest: Syntax OK Post some code or something what would help us to help you If the parameter is Text then you don't actually have any date data to convert or format. Instead you should look at string manipulation functions (e.g. Left, Substring) to parse and re-format the parameter text to look the way you want it. This answer is outdated, see answer from PEOudin. Try changing the ID of the horizontal scroll view in your layout file to something else, like horizontalScrollView. It looks like it's attempting to save the scroll position for you but since it's a different class it crashes when attempting to cast it. Are you using your IP address, the DNS hostname or localhost? Ive tried testing it with this but it keeps getting duplicates x=0;y=0;z=0; while(x<=15){ while(y<=255){ while(z<=15){ compressed = (short) ((x<<12)|(y << 8) | z); System.out.println(compressed); z++; } z=0; y++; } y=0; x++; } date = 23-08-2015 22:00:00 0 Use `/\/foo(.+)/` if you want to match `/foo` followed by one or more characters, and `/foo*` or `/\/foo(.*)/` if you want to match `/foo` followed by zero or more characters. I personally wouldn't pay that much just to use the Play support and nothing else (like Spring). Since Eclipse is free and it can work with Play, you can also try that. What's the problem with array_intersect? array_intersect($array, $input_array) outputs what you desire (At least in the example above) Contact you system administrator. He know how to get this information. @Michal I have the latest version of Android Studio on my machine and I still have this option. In the log file. @innovation, if you can't select that column then try adding a default value column. See edit in answer if that helps. The same has been pointed out in another answer. @Xufox, you were right. I'm too tired right now... Oh, okay, I just figured out there's a difference between the api level you target ant the minimum api level. Because you can't typically address anything smaller than a byte in memory. If you need a particular bit, read a byte/halfword/word/whatever, and extract the bit you need using bitwise logic. Just for your information: there is a CloudFare API: https://api.cloudflare.com/ Use it! Sorry to bother you so much and really thank you ! Please take a look at http://www.shellcheck.net/ @GerdCastan, thanks again for your effort. So you get the WCSession delegates working on both sides in Simulator? Did you run the iOS and Watch app on scheme like mine? @axiac: I only have a string that is "unique" in a sense that 99% of the time it will be introduced/affected by only 1 commiter. I did not have a specific file in mind but now that you mention it, it is for certain part of a certain file e.g. `foo.java`. Tried this, gives . 2015-08-23 22:00:00 +0000 and 2015-08-22 22:00:00 +0000 . where 08-22 is date2 or NSDate(), even if today is the 23rd. If i just print the NSDate() it gives 2015-08-23 19:46:46 +0000 It is not there anymore, please udpate your answer. Is this still correct? You have to realise that PHP and JS are very different languages—PHP works on the server side, and JS on the client side. When you call the `postResul()` function, you are attempting to echo a `$_POST` variable that is already processed n the server side—which is not your intention. You can either (1) simply alert the user's input value or (2) store the user input in a DB, for which you access their input using an AJAX call. You have a couple of syntax problems in your commands after `git clone` -- see my post for excruciating details and how to fix it :) Glad it helped! The gost objects solution can be computationally expensive (not sure) but also maybe smother. Actually, as you could see, I needed to add a `overflow: hidden` to the _column_ class. thank you for your help. it was just to easy lol :) could you please explain, how i can determine when all characters have been output? Yes I did all the steps. I will have to wait for 1-2 days to see if Google Analytics picks up anything. As I mentioned, Google Analytics is not mandatory or required for the sample to work. I don't know what the application of this code is, but unless you're using GPUs or are very constrained by space, you should be using only `double`. It seems to fallback to read the part footer when I refresh if the metadata is missing. But works (still slowly though, essentially moved the problem from the insert to the refresh) A more clear line would be `A_f f2(d);`. Also note that there are data integrity implications of converting between the types you're interested in. Such conversions should be used both carefully and sparingly. The main reason is that what you describe is not a cast, it's a type conversion. The way it's written, you're also using an implicit `operator=`. It's not a very clean way to convert. Now `identifier` is marked as depreciated as well! https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/CoreBluetooth/Reference/CBPeripheral_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/CBPeripheral/identifier Also, when posting about an error message you should point out the line(s) that the error message(s) correspond to. possible duplicate of [Git push error '\[remote rejected\] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)'](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2816369/git-push-error-remote-rejected-master-master-branch-is-currently-checked) Don't forget that each commit could modify multiple files. I see, 'pinned' could be anything.. like 'pressed' or 'clicked' and it would work the same. I thought there was something inherently special about 'pinned' but I see now. Thanks! I agree, I think MySQL's fulltext indexes are limited and since only a single can be used on a table, if fulltext index is the one that's picked, no further optimization can be done. So lets say I have my "template" (i.e. "Title" or "Initial Composition: FeO") in column 1. My script has to write column 1 on every output file with the contents of column 2 next to it. The next file needs to write column 1 with contents of column 3 next to it, and so on. Is there a specific method in Python to do this? @Waruna I checked your answer but, provided I can get the Access Token to insert in the suggested condition, I receive an error for the FBSession (unkown receiver) and another one for FBAppCall (use of undeclared identifier), similar to what described by yeah. I didn't know about mem_fn. Thanks! @user3728501 I edited my answer to make it clear what I mean. That makes your original `f = (A_f)d;` line work. Do you want the `in_array` to return just the first game value? As in if a team member appears more than once, you have said nothing to `in_array` as to which value to keep. It would be useful to get a `var_dump` of your array as well as check that your `if` statement is actually negated with `!`, so regarding your question I think what we want to see is the `else` statement that corresponds to the `If`s you've declared. I gave another try to save @property WCSession of the defaultSession on both iOS and InterfaceController in Extension, still no delegate called... std::mem_f**u**n instead of fn? I don't know what you mean. Are you trying to write a type conversion operator? This answer makes your original code compile. Yes, I read that, it's linked to in the issue I posted. But Grails is large and complex and depends on a lot of other frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and their dependencies. As I wrote, my concern was over "implict" deserialization outside our own application code. I don't think that's unreasonable to ask the community. @erip I don't think you need to bind. `std::for_each(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), std::mem_fun(&Person::greet));` should work. Also bind1st is deprecated now since c++11. Use bind and placeholder instead. Well, there is conditional moves on most major processors, so... unless the result is immediately needed, it's a more or less free operation. Of course if you have a dependency chain, then both the compare and the move will kick in (but still, that's like 5-6 cycles...). Welcome frnd,,Don.t forget to tic the right answer For that you can setup a resolve if you are using ui-router or ngRoute. See examples here: http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2014/05/20/using-resolve-in-angularjs-routes.aspx Here's the pic:http://prntscr.com/87oqpd because when I make one
    and put all pictures in there, all images will do a rollover effect when you do just roll over one. Processes B and C do not share memory but they can share other resources. I think you misunderstood me. Thank you very much. Been researching this for days. If process A has open file handles, these will be available to both B and C processes, therefore sharing them. @KerrekSB, what do you mean by a `TMP version of stable-partition`? Yes, that's what I was forgetting. Thanks @apneadiving That only works if the types are different. This would be by no means a guarantee. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding you, but when I change the CSS to initial the footer image stays fixed at the bottom of the Safari browser window no matter how tall/short the window or even if zoomed in/out. Maybe we can [chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87711/safari-cuts-off-fixed-image-at-the-bottom) about live in this chat room so we don't keep going back and forth here. I wanted to know how to obtain reuseIdentifier and totally forgot that i've got another way to determine cells type. Thanks! That's not the part I was confused about, I guess there was no reason to include the part about removing all special characters. My real question is, how do I make a change to a form submission before it's written to the database. I think apneadiving gave me the answer I was looking for. Override the setter method data.* listens to all changes on any element of the data object. And that is not what you want in this instance. You only want to ensure that the data length is at least min-data length. Calling this.shift('data') alters data. This calling _dataChanged, even when within the event handler itself. I will update my answer to reflect these changes. mysql libraries not activated on server via php Interestingly enough, if the third application is on a different application running on IIS(The clone I made) it will also get rejected. So I can only have 2 connections even if they are different applications. Why is websockets hanging in start only on IIS though? How long is "after some time"? If it happens to be 45 or 60 seconds every time, it may be that the RTSP server is not receiving RTCP receiver reports which are used as a session liveness indicator. @Adrian just don't use the indices. Use the type getters, those are easier to read anyway (you know what type `get(t)` gives you without having to lookup `t`) Take a look at: http://www.shellcheck.net/ @wOxxOm it is still not working :( I removed ABP and added uBlock origin, now they don't show up and there is no error message. I restarted chrome as well Do you have access to remote server via ssh where you want to store your tar files? Is it still not working even with you using !important? Yeah, I understand using Auth::user()->blah, but I needed to find a user by their specified username without them being logged in. Thank you for providing an alternate to the code I had been using. I just wanted to check whether there was a better or more efficient alternative. Once again, thanks. So i copied all the code I added, all the classes i added etc over to a new project. It worked up until the point that I put it on IIS instead of IIS Express, so what is different about IIS than IIS Express that would only allow 2 connections to the chat portion? I can have several more when connecting to just the home page. oh wow! awesome answer, thank you very much! @moarningsun Thanks for the hint. I assumed NumPy would use at least the SIMD instructions of SSE2 for a longer time. Especially the computation of the standard deviation (subtraction, multiplication and summation) should be nicely accelerated. Hi I have added: import sys sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) in the python file and it gives the same error, do I have to add it to the the render template line @app.route('/index') def index(): return render_template('index.html') Somewhere in the return statement ? Thanks in advance! Exactly the same way as you'd do it if you didn't use templates. It's just chrome for Android. Visit the link in your phone, I'm sure you'll see what I mean. I'm certain it has something to do with culling the contents of the div underneath the rounded edge. It must be somewhat more complicated than simple rectangular culling, but I can't believe it would be that much slower... how getRunningServices will return all running app processes? If i am not mistaken it wull return only running services This site is generally for helping with errors that you may have in your code. Your question doesn't quite fit as you are asking for an outside resource, or for someone here to create the code for you. @Dunes Actually I'm using this approach already since I'm computing the standard deviation blockwise for the entire raster. However I'm using the natural block size suggested by the GDAL driver of the data set. Which is typically one image row at a time. It should give the same results as the first. If I made a mistake in transcribing then my bad, my thinking is in the first there will be one plan to execute, but in the second two, the inner smaller select and then the outer. @wOxxOm thanks man! will do :) Thanks for the answer! Can you explain wich library i need? Thank you--I'm looking into it now and learning about attributed strings. Thanks, I know about how 2 process can communicate by share memory/IPC.... but I was asking about resources between process. @axiac:It is just a string that I know for sure it is part of *a* commit. The threads share the memory, BUT, each thread execute new PROCESS- the processes HAVE nothing to share with the threads. So I assume you meant it is not possible, since this what you wrote in the second section! Glad you found it Is it intended that you e**x**tract the tar file? Might want to point out that this assumes `Class c = id.getClass()` Wow. It's going to take me a while to digest this. So from here I'd need a mapping meta-function to use the original indices, how would I do that? Do you use a Tab Bar Controller? @wOxxOm that is not my code, it appears to be the code of the extension. The React app itself is functioning fine. Also favicon shouldn't matter. It looks like there is some inline CSS that's getting loaded after your theme's stylesheet ( ``) So, you might have to use !important to make the desired change stick, like so: `background-attachment: initial !important;` Otherwise, you'd have to enqueue your theme's stylesheet to load after the inline styles get loaded. And in case you don’t want to fill out stupid and long forms and you have an iOS device, feel free to download the app and the issue with just a couple of taps: https://itunes.apple.com/app/java-magazine/id530494326?mt=8 works perfekt ! I use xvfb_run exactly for that - `xvfb_run bundle exec cucumber #NAME? jenkins` remove the jsonencode code, and post what you've tried so far. https://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=running#mpirun-hostfile is a good example. I cannot do better. @HannoBinder this prove that they DO NOT share anything (except maybe flags), mean one can't access the resources (memory) of the other. It should be obvious, but I want to be sure! Minor consideration, but you're overusing parenthesis in the *preferred* code. Use: `if (o == null || o.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;` _"I think I have 32 bit MinGW"_. So, have you tried using [mingw-w64](http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php/start) instead? And I really couldn't understand how this should be an answer? @AllenChou No, it's a function, not a boolean. `foo.type#T =:= foo.T` is an infix type, which desugars to `=:=[foo.type#T, foo.T]`, which `extends (foo.type#T) => foo.T`. Read the `Predef` docs. The implicit evidence returned is `=:=.tpEquals[foo.T]`. This is a problem with your computer, not your code `Items = object1x,object1y,object1z ; ` ... NO, never store `,` delimited values in database. Think about re-designing your table in that case. You are missing `SET` and table alias `pd` is not defined. You JSON data has no property named "coordinates". What are you circles supposed to represent in that data structure? This is an internal request from a client, I want to verify that I do not miss anything before I response, and if it is possible!, to learn how it could be possibly done! Can you show some sample data from that product description column. exact data. I have tried it and the sliders could not be moved whenever in the calculation function time.sleep was called Look for Vuforia SDK for Android. It can do what you need but I think it cost money if you need a dataSet (images) bigger than 100 @NeerajJain Look at the code again. It's *not* doing an `instanceof`. Echo your generated SQL statement and see how it looks. Yeah, I tried a `try ... raise ... except: print (various things from the traceback module)`, but I couldn't find any backtrace objects that included the `m.foo()` line. Mind you, I didn't try very hard -- there may well be one :) Because there is a similar question a few days ago :P. This might help: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/editions_comparison_matrix.html the style.css, you have noting to do with bootstrap.css because if you edit it it may cause some unwanted behaviors That wouldn't work as the calculation itself takes a long time and during that time the GUI would be unresponsive. The only solution is as below with a second thread. Thank you, with this function the program stops when there isn't any solution. Now I'm trying to implement this "undo" function but it's very hard as you said @Hiba: You can use `@{ Layout = null; }` in the view and include **all** HTML content in the View, starting with `...` and till ``. One can use `_Layout.cshtml` of cause, but you should first have *workin Can you reword this question to (a) not be so over-the-top judgmental and (b) ask for a specific thing? The answer to "is there a generic way to reorder the tuple's type list" is "yes", but without more details as to what you actually want to do, we can't really provide a more detailed answer. Sorry, I misread. To get the DOM node you have to use `React.findDOMNode`. I've updated my answer. Thank you, I am fairly new to asp.net and have not learned much jQuery yet, but your jQuery solution worked perfectly for me. Why don't you select all rows, read first n rows and read to the end after that? I removed tags `emacs` and `eval`. The question is not about Emacs or `ediff`. It is about shell command aliasing. Of course you can't cast a `Score` to a `List`. You have to create a list, e.g. `ArrayList`, and add multiple `Score` objects to it. The entire point is that to insert multiple Score rows into the database, you'd need multiple Score objects in memory, with the values for each Score row to create. `and` doesn't know of the `6` and it doesn't compose the functions. If you want to compose functions you had `every-pred` and it's complement `some-fn` 4 years later and this post is still relevant. I wonder if there is a StackOverflow badge for that. In the C wrapper, I export both the C and the fortran, with a dummy routine of the C calling the fortran (then just export the C version with exported_symbols). Probably a better way with INTERFACE, but it works. /usr/lib is a system folder (requires admin privileges). /Users/{username}/lib works also. If you are using gfortran, I compile with gfortran (with -frepack-arrays -O2 -Wall -Wno-line-truncation -m32 -static-libgcc -static-libgfortran -c), and then link with g++ (-dynamiclib -exported_symbols_list {export file containing names} -m32). I use the exported symbols file to limit what the dylib makes available. I use a C wrapper to expose the fortran routines. @Gio if the http code is 0, it usually means the connection failed. Why downvotes and close? `find()` doesn't return True or False. It returns a number. [Look at the documentation](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.find). What's more, this is JSON, which you [can parse](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html). But I don't have a commit id. I only have a string Can you post the relevant code where you are trying to read registry value. Thanks, that works. Any suggestion how I can then end the program when the GUI is closed? I.e. terminate the other thread? You might want to recheck if play is supported by the community edition, because as far as I know it isn't. No, it's not utter nonsense that I need the sleep function. The above example is a simplification of my real problem, and in my real problem there are several sleep functions that are necessary (a poker bot that plays by itself and needs to make sure the program has a human touch) This is because of `Formatter f = new Formatter("en");`. As far as I know the formatter only supports numbers of a certain length. If you want more, you'll need to use something other than the formatter. There is an error in query execution. Try to log that using echo mysql_error() after mysql_query() Are you saying in order to use autofocus there can be no ambiguity of the input data type? I suggest you go through this page in order to find out if the problem is on your code or in your machine: http://www.jgroups.org/manual/index.html#TestingTheSetup @DavidG yes I have tried that too. IMO, this is very bad advice for anything beyond simple debugging. Setting TLS_REQCERT to never will disable all TLS certificate checking. This defeats the entire purpose of using TLS in the first place. With this option set, there is no guarantee the connection is secure. I'll try it out! Thank you! Sorry, it's been a year and I don't have access to that computer anymore. My experience taught me that Windows and Hadoop do not play well together. I'm currently using Hadoop on a Mac. I guess you need to call `connect(clusterName)` in the channel to join the cluster. Run `print_r(curl_getinfo($ch));` to get more information that may help you solve your problem. so it turns out I didnt actually need a service at all, just subscribe to the error events in the controller for the directive. Thank you for your help. Do you get any errors? Try to log the result with console.log(result); to see what is happening If you remove the namespace from your root urls, and include the dish id in the template, then hopefully it will work. you might have overridden the default bootstrap behaviors in your ccs file! This ought to help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25808613/rspec-testing-database-index Mac: Put the dylib under either /usr/lib or ~/lib. it worked perfectly thank you so much I have had this problem for a few weeks now :) I also emailed DZone and and got a response this week stating that "we're working on getting RSS feeds back". I recommend others send emails to DZone so that they know how many of us would like the RSS feed back. i am joining the content from 2 tables `__str__` is for Python 3. The OP is using Python 2, so `__unicode__` is correct. Hey @Michal, I have an instance of my MediaPlayer inside my Service, which I bind to my DialogFragment (with the player controlls). I think the problem might be that I am creating an instance of the dialog every time I open it, so a singleton might be a great solution. Let me give it a try! I updated my code. My code used the latest version. The update uses 1.0.0. There is a bug in polymer < v1.0.8 that requires the mydata array to be set on the app dom-bind template before the others are initialized. Adding app.mydata=[] just after the assignment to the app variable should fix it. http://jsbin.com/vemita/edit?html,output What exactly isn't working? `var_dump($http)`? I have updated my question to show the code I'm testing this as we speak, but it looks like this is heading to the right direction, thanks! If this ended up working ill flag this as the solution :) The viewController is indeed nil. The button press that creates GameScene is created in storyboard by adding a button and control dragging from that button to the gameScene so there is no available code. Use ```Application::config().getString("application.name", "")``` @Hiba: You don't included `_Layout.cshtml` file and not exact View code. Tyxpically one don't include `` in the way in the View. I recommend you to open the source of HTML page in web browser to see what will be generated by MVC. Alternatively you c $scope.chosenTopLevelReason as a bool i think is irrelevant here, i set as empty string just in case but now joy. Bascially, hide the child ul when the parent radio is not select is what i am trying to achieve. Check out the jsbin.. it makes little sense to me Not a problem. using your original paper-item element (with the value attribute) change: Working sample here: http://jsbin.com/luvuvo/edit?html,output Not sure what happened with your example image, but converting to another colour space which fully includes the original colour space does not visually change the image. I tried adding an ng-hide on the child ul but that failed to work.. i don't understand why.. What version of the Azure SDK are you using? I'm using 2.7 and don't have a problem with the storage. Thanks. This seems to be a working way of adding a HUD to the screen. Yes, you need to derive your center yourself, as there is no method for it in EaselJS. Once you do that, set the `regX` and `regY` to the center values, and just use the `rotation` property. All browsers from 2012–2013 upwards support flex boxes. From today’s standpoint it should be safe enough to use it for new applications under most circumstances. The only situation I can think of where the older model should be preferred are business customers who rely on older infrastructure and can’t upgrade. Thank you for the help. That fixed it. That hides the overlay behind the image. It looks like it works on your demo because like an idiot I forgot to change the image to a public url. When the image is actually there it hides the overlay and kind of defeats the purpose. logging out the view controller. I assume you mean by using // but how would I do that without getting the error "use of unresolved identifier 'viewController'". Also my gameScene is created when a button is pressed in the mainMenu (created in storyboard) and I am trying to segue back to that same mainMenu Thank you for a very thorough explanation. possible duplicate of [Do Intel and AMD processor have the same assembler?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109569/do-intel-and-amd-processor-have-the-same-assembler) find out the names of your columns. Better yet, come up with a good schema rather than patch an awful one Thanks for the response, Dirk. I see your default values are both constants, but what if I want the default value of y to be something like min(0, x)? Perfect, need to tweak it up but its coming together! thanks for your help mate. Thank you for your explanation. I read wrong, What you've written is the right way to fix that problem. Note that `.data()` does not *only* checks for the HTML `data-` attribute, but also looks within the jQuery `data` object for the selected element(s). Having a look now, ill integrate. Give me 5 mins mate and thanks Hello KISHORE_ZE, thanks for your Effort. I don't know where I should place the onNewIntent Method. I tried to use the code without the service and it worked, but only when the App was running in the background. But I don't want the App to run in the Background. It should be as follows: User starts the App once and sees Activity "A", than he closes the App. Than, always when he turns the Screen off, Activity "B" is started, which is placed in Front of the Lockscreen. But the Context which the BroadcastReceiver receives is null when the App is closed and than I can't transmit the Screenstate. It already has the overlay popup, just want to focus on that one area, i need to keep the whole overlay and if success from a poscode search ill remove the highlight. how exactly would I go about this? You might be right. I was just hoping that the JFXPanel provided something to communicate modality between the two windows. Maybe the version of PHP I am using: 5.3.28 Undigested..Question..Please edityour question simply but not too short.Avoid unwanted codes.Make it fast, else you will get down votes my frnd.. Could you add code as an example of why it doesn't work? I'm curious. The only time there would be an issue is if you modify the code directly and try and call notifyPath. But then that's an issue with polymer itself. As such you should always use the polymer accessors to modify the data array. If you return large volume of data you might be doing something wrong. Better let Redshift do the aggregation for you. You can also use UNLOAD if you have large export of data. I did not know you could put the input element inside the
` for layouts. There are better ways to achieve what you're trying to do with modern CSS. I don't understand the first output example. If you just remove `40` you'd have a strictly increasing vector which is larger than your example. I have just decrypted this but, what i want to do on script is to remove this guy adsense, and put my own adsense over there, this is what i dont know how to do . :( can you help me with that , with private message, or facebook ? Thank you . not touching this one with a 10 foot pole: create table xxx ( id int auto_increment, theWhat varchar(80) not null ); Error 1075. Then PK conflict issues. To me, ids don't change. Sad orphaned children result. Granted, you could jam a key(id) at end. But what good is the auto_increment without it being primary key? Yes it is absolutely necessary. Also the real life calculation will last more than one minute. Would I simply call the mainloop with one thread and the calculation with the other thread? Add another `[:cljsbuilds :builds ...]` to your map with `optimization :advanced` @Koby Not for a parent POM. Those have to be in `dependencyManagement` - I'm defining dependency versions, not declaring their use. you should maybe not do this, or use the update with a join pattern (not that that helps with PK conflicts anyway) @Sirko yes thats how it is, it runs adsense on my website sometimes a day @Rudra it is a long script +1, smart thinking, I didn't consider that in my answer, but indeed, this way it also works with `` (though "Inspect element" does not reveal it is XHTML). Also, in Firefox at least, with the `doc-type` added, it still won't ren if i know what is it , i would have done by my own , it is an encryted script that run on my page . It is surprising because what's the difference if I create the objects in a function or in the main program? Are variables and objects only global if they are created in the main program? If so, can I have them defined as global also when created in the function? the safe approach. As in, if you want your answer to always be right @GordonLinoff is absolutely correct, please read [this](http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/12/15/advanced-mysql-user-variable-techniques/) Thanks Gurtej Singh for reply. I wrote only on first frame inside the movieclip also the same as on main timeline. I try to access it on first frame of the main timeline Lose the randomness and see if it works then. If it does, you know where the problem is. If not, post a [MCVE](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) with focus on **complete**. No problem, I also edited your question so it is a bit more clear what you're asking, and don't forget to accept the answer if it solves your problem. @Strawberry i got it Is there any javascript file what do you mean "I decided to consolidate this site into a child under fullmediamarketing.co.uk as well as others." - can you explain what exactly you changed? @Paulb: I have added an extra note you may use to find out what is going wrong. If you _do_ see the XSLT loaded, then change some stuff in the XSLT (like outputting something different, as in my example above) to be sure it works. I only use an addblocker. Try turning of any and all extensions, run it from a web server and also make sure that the path is correct. I'm not sure, but strict security might mean that the path of the XSLT _must be relative and at the same level or deeper than the current file_. Edited the answer for additional steps I have problems understanding your matlab code. What is `url_list`, `http_createHeader` and `savejson`? @PhilippGrassl ok, changed to "logical and" to avoid confusion. Which do you know? Node.js has it's advantages; most notably that it can remain idle and wait for a trigger; PHP you will need to run as a separate program that loops waiting for instructions. Don't be fooled that NodeJS has the advantage that PHP can't multi-thread - it can; but it's probably irrelevant here in that single-threaded PHP should be more than enough (as explained above). But, if you know NodeJS, then I'd run with that. Use socket.io. I only mentioned PHP as you tagged that in the questionand it will do what you need. http://askubuntu.com/questions/360841/monodevelop-doesnt-find-xsp4-web-server-although-it-is-installed-running Take a look at this answer it should help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6981853/asp-net-mvc3-razor-display-actionlink-based-on-user-role/6981928#6981928 also clarify what this means `ORDER BY client ASC ` as in, is that a typo show the output of `show create table engagement`, `show create table client` Welcome to SO. In addition to comments already given, have a look at [faq] and [ask], it will help you to write _questions that can be answered_. The original code using the provided example image runs fine, what did you change to use your image? Thank you, do you have any other suggestions about my configuration to improve security or other things? This is the one. Shows all the shops regardless of visits and shows whether `User 1` has been in each shop. I've added a very basic code sample that should get you started. See: [How to install pip on Windows](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750806/how-to-install-pip-on-windows). There is nothing in your question that will help us answer. Start with showing what you did, a small example of input XML, XSLT you wrote, and output XML, with a sample of the expected output XML and where it goes wrong. Welcome at SO, take a minute to read the [faq] and [ask], please, it will help us help you. Ok, I found the issue. It seems the function that code is in was being called twice during the request and whilst the first time the string was set to "bobo" as stated above, the second time it was empty. Check my comments under the question. I will accept your answer for helping me track this down and providing a solution. :) There is, instead of doing rightclick > View Source, use rightclick > Inspect Element. This works in both Chrome and Firefox and will show you whatever got rendered. Thanks heaps, this should be the correct answer You use `datatype: "local"` instead of `datatype: "json"`. If you want that jqGrid make Ajax call and loads the JSON data from `url` then you have to change `datatype`. If I've understood your question correctly - are you actually looking for some kind of plugin architecture? The `MKMapViewDelegate` protocol has a function: `mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, didUpdateUserLocation userLocation: MKUserLocation!)`. How does this differ from using a `CLLocationManager`? Sure, but... how do I do that ? I see no appropriate button. The object created from this json will be an array with three elements. Each one will be one of arrays An empty string is not null. @PhilippGrassl treat this example as pseudocode. Thanks for answering. Did this completely work for you? I think the first and the second link have the same code. I used the code from the first link(just made it into a class), but it doesn't completely work for me. I can't edit the shop page through it at all, I can change a few files, but not all. Did you have any issues? @ValeryViktorovsky Yes, but curly brackets are valid as well. I prefer them as then you don't get confusion if you are referencing an array or not. But still no animation curve... it is quite simple, create 2 variables one for storing the sum of all locations and the second to store the count of total locations and then divide the first variable by the second variable to get the average. The processors in browsers do not serialize, instead they create an in-memory tree, so how do you know there is a blank line? Also, your assumption on Saxon is incorrect: it best approximates what the W3C standard requires, but no browser is even close to the XSLT standard... @Rizier123 Edited. what is the name of instance in `print(MyClass())` you should write `raise Exception()` instead of the print. More precisely the solution was this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/28658706/241739 You only need a password for stopping the server, not for starting. I also wonder how one can customise the wording so that it doesn't show "Install this application" but rather "Hi Debbie, check out the Food2you App." What exactly happens? What does "does not work" means and where do you assign `str`? Also, you have a bracket too much in your sample, that code would not compile ... Looks to be an CSS problem. Include stylesheets too. Redis version: 3.0.3 Oh sorry, it's 14.0.23107.0 D14REL Thank you for the method :) Thanks, it's actually one of the articles i followed to setup Swagger. that's what float does. You would be better off putting the img in a containing inline-block div and have the text in a seperate one (or li, etc) Does the relative order of the children affect the parent's order (ie. is this just sorting each list independently)? done :) Hope that helped. Please update your question with current codes.May I have a look at that. or `var newBrandID = (int)(decimal)comm.ExecuteScalar();` Too much code: please reduce to a minimal re-create, Welcome at StackOverflow! Please state exactly what your problem is and why your solution seems not to work. Also, put a question in your text (with a question mark and all that :) ). 1. a regex is overkill for this: a simple "index of character in string" method will be better. 2. What have you tried? True enough, though sadly no use to me as I'm using a custom parent view controller, not a navigation controller. I hope the below links will help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9998596/create-mysql-table-directly-from-csv-file-using-the-csv-storage-engine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6605765/importing-a-csv-into-mysql-via-command-line Have you tried this against complex join policies between tables ? I have had very bad experience with that API. Unfortunately, the repository does not contains the compiled module. You have to compile it by yourself. The instruction is available on the project's page (For linux). Yes,I also added this code + the width,But width is not clear in Artur code. Hello - I'm also concerned about this. Did you managed to figure out a safer way to store the key/secret pair? I'm also wondering if integrating twitter is such a good idea because this looks completely insecure. Do you have some code to post? What is your question? Give this a try: remove all four `^`. A Boolean property called >jcomponent.setopaque(true);< is there to control this issue.opaque=true means not transparent, 4.6.00079 Release. Of Both? Do you mean ReSharper too? In that picture I don't have ReSharper running so it's clearly not at fault. Either something to do with VS or my display driver. @bkribbs, thank, I have located a different link with similar content, apparently, that site went dead. @user3454526 What is your intention..Please add more details. Does anyone know of specific algorithms for agreeing consensus? See the second post after the initial description. Statistically, is there a confidence level I could compute, given a number of observations of the same data and choosing a majority? Is there a way to load a package with *options* using *\require* command? From what I can see (just from the IL code) - there is no class that you're describing. `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite.Create` is merely a method that allows you to dynamically invoke a method on an object via reflection. Maybe this is `ILSpy` trying to make sense of it? But from what I've tested, there are simply calls to `CallSite`, and none of these generated classes. @stanleysantoso Didn't know about SO's 5 min limit so have to use another for the switch: To use switch, I believe LikeMain is a custom class, simply create a variable in the class, say iLiked which could be either 1 or zero depending on whether the us I could generate output but when i use many points almost more than 15000 points, It takes very long to update browser and finally i see no output. @stanleysantoso Instead of saveInBackground, use `saveInBackground(new SaveCallback(){ //override the done method and simply call myLike.getObjectId() within it });` Thank you! I expected something like that. Your answer helps me to understand how the caret package works. So I can not only set the tuning parameters but also all other parameters of the original functions? If I understand correctly, then telling stepLDA via trainControl to perform CV causes a cross validation of already cross validated results. Is that true? This is the right answer. The fundamental issue is assuming that `int x = (int)c; string s = x.ToString();` only adds one character to the encrypt string. If you down-vote, please explain why, otherwise people can't learn and improve. So I was focusing making the thumbnail fit nicely in height over 2 rows of input groups. I didn't realise it was conflicting with the layout more than anything. Thanks. Let's say the input is 'A'. You're then converting the char 'A' the value 65. Then you call .ToString() on it. So encrypt now hold "65" (a string). Then you're looping through each character in encrypt (6, then 5), and converting it to a char - rather than taking '65' and converting it to a char. Take a look at asciitable.com - what you're doing doesn't really make sense. Give us a broader idea of what you're trying to achieve. You mean if I make this change `"id = IntegerField(primary_key=True,index=True,unique=True , db_column="id")"` it will work? Is it because of using BigIntegerField? You could also do this: `NSString const * title = kUntitled;`. I would personally not ignore any warning. The second case might be just a limitation of the compiler itself. That probably depends on the terms of your license agreement. Even if you get an answer here, it might not apply to your specific terms. I'm afraid you cannot hope for a definite answer on SO. How can i follow this future? Should I subscribe ? Is there a way to enable scientific notation only for small numbers? e.g. it would look like [9.8e-10, 0.54] I don't understand why the `col-md-2` should be *inside* the `` element. Shouldn't the `col-*-*` wrap the element instead? What's the difference? seems to be some kind of exercise or homework - so maybe we should not give you the result at once - instead please explain a bit what you tried and where you have trouble: is it with haskell or have you issues understanding or finding an algorithm? Have you trieded brute-force (no need to be fancy - at first ;) ) I tried to convert my icon using photoshop but failed, but being an irfanview fan I quickly tried this when I saw it and it worked wonderfully. Thanks! Just edited the code..Go through the jsfiddle..It will take little time to load video.plz wait..Reply me Please start a new question. Thank you. The error tells you exactly what's wrong.. Glad it helped! :) @harimadhav This is a classic case for debug. Put breakpoints and see why you are getting this undesired result. Note that the performance with `fixed = TRUE` is better. compromise 50-50 There's some difference though: a `data-toggle="tooltip"` inside the main (button) element will show neatly outside of that element whereas it will overlap with that element if set inside a span wrapper. @sevenkplus seems it's a bug Thanks @eherot. Your answer was really helpful. Having read through the links and understood the complexity a bit more I'm not sure I am that determined to get this working although it would be nice. As I am wrapping this cookbook, I think I will move the chefspec test downstream and leave the LWRP testing for now. Stedy Thanks a lot. In case I would like that there won't be space between each line such as: 41595370 1 1 OV141595371 1 1 OV241595282 1 1 OV341595282 2 1 OV3 What do I have to change in write.table? Could you send the construction code to create the HardwareSerial instance You have another css file. Project path is path where you saved your project. Like: D:\Project\My & Company project In this example yes, but the real code is more complex and sleep is necessary In this example yes, but the real code is more complex and sleep is necessary hi, it's not the issue of of two lists, is customizable list items what is hard, as HTML don't support styling of `option`s. They can be created with CSS, SVG, Canvas or using an image depending on the needs. Why don't you *want* to use prepared statements in this instance? Thanks Gerd for your suggestion. I moved the WCSessionDelegate to AppDelegate but still didReceiveUserInfo in AppDelegate not getting called. Any other ideas? In my main project which yields the same results I pass the Serial object into a function func(HardwareSerial serial) so the recreation isnt the issue So what you need,keep the width equal for both `Clients.Client(connectionId)[myFunction](params);` should work, assuming the call to `Clients.Client(connectionId)` returns an object with the function in it. What error are you getting? This seems relevant: http://herbsutter.com/2013/05/09/gotw-1-solution/ yes the batch is controling my players texture Is it possible to inject controllers into service? What are some alternatives if I want to use a function in the controller within the service? Use Windows' [console functions](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms687401(v=vs.85).aspx). "no logs are written" and yes no change, thanks for the quick comment! Just a note, when debugging the Application.StartupPath is the BIN\DEBUG folder (or x86 variant) so your database is in that folder not in the project folder. For writing you own take a look at http://www.sharelinkgenerator.com/ this avoids any extra hotplates requests Thanks - the sample app regardless of whether you add the meta-data or not but was curious. Well, if the error is _StudentID is an unknown field_ then there is no field with that name in your database table. Check it and also check the database used in the connection string. Do you use |DataDirectory| in the connection string? I'm afraid that sounds like poor coding then. Why don't you use generics then? `ViewObject`, and then `private T result;`? Did you put the square brackets around the SECTION name? In the example with the parameters I have wrongly omitted them. i already tried but that also is undefined Hi, thanks for your feedback! But the solution you suggest would only allow me to filter on the values of ONE attribute. I would like to combine a filter for two attributes. For example: var a = 5; var b = 6 sort of like this: COUNTIF((var a = 5) & (var b = 6)) Last question I promise. The master should only really be using the release version (tag) so this I think is a good option do you agree? Were you able to fully resolve your issue? You can answer your own question if you like; that way, the community can benefit from what you found out. Many many many many thanks, Rejith, your help solved my problem. I was unaware of the need of the check the trigger of the mouseout, thanks once more! Only one that has worked so far, thanks! @GuillaumePolet Thanks working perfectly fine I believe it's just for clarity. Define shows you what the actual GUID value assigned and you don't have to go to UEFI Protocol manual/doc to see what GUID is assigned to that protocol. If you need to know it for some reason. External variable is declared in h-file but initialized/assigned in c-file. For example, In my case, I have only headers and no source but I can see the actual GUID right where the global external variable is declared. Thanks Von I was also thinking that maybe if the branch was master to show the tag and anything else just show the branch name. Do you know the command to show the current branch name? Its working on my pc,Please update your question with current codes,Let me check it I need to build a script that either shows the tag if unmodified or if modified shows the branch I accept your answer,I said that possibly there will be a chance for misunderstanding-caused by same variable name. That's it.for eg-: if there are two person-both named 'torazaburo'.one is you and other belongs right next to your house.When someone is calling outside somewhat like 'hei..torazaburooooooooooo..' Who will come first.Dont mind my example.Take it as a fun @Seng move `CountMatching(array,b)` into the `while (rs.next())` loop. It currently only compares the last result row's values. This solution talks about breaking the text to fit in one page. What I am looking is to write what I have in the TextArea in the same matter in the PDF file. So I am looking for a way to copy/convert my string to pdf. I think the code I shown above will help you..at >You should write code for which page you want to go. @Seng You're calling the `CountMatching(Object, Object)` only once in `ComparePre(Object[])`. Consequently you get only one output. Did you see this fiddle This is not directly related to programming, so unrelated to Stack Overflow. You should show the code that is causing the exception? `setObjectForKey` Doesn't it work with the last 2 queries? They return you the average rating (= number of stars) for a specific product as well as the number of ratings. If you want these values for ALL products, you can do this: `SELECT AVG(rate) FROM tbl_rating GROUP BY product_id` and `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_rating GROUP BY product_id` Please see slm's detailed posting at [Unix & Linux](http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/126928/74329) to this topic. Also just wanted to note that stripping out the other libraries can be problematic if you intend on using other ANE's 0 So just take care if you are using any other Google related ANE's Hi Shahid,Sorry i couldn't get the value..I tried the below.. ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("C:/Users/JOHN/Desktop/test.conf",en_US); String HOST= rb.getString("TF_HOST"); System.out.println(HOST); btw: you should put this into an answer - also note that you can do this with [foldM](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-, ...) in this case I think you should do the same `head` and `tail` does (i.e. if there is no reasonable base case - if you need an non-empty list - it might be ok to fail) - or you can go first `Maybe (Maybe a)` and finally flatten this too ;) You definitely need different Oauth ids for each platform you use. The google console should guide you through this. You need to use your Android package ID which may include the air. prefix if you're not specifying its removal during packaging. If you aren't using FlashBuilder then the debug certificate included with it will be useless to you. FB uses that certificate to sign debug builds. @ Reza Majidi, I cant get an idea about your page,Take a look at this fiddle code http://jsfiddle.net/S9WQv/447/ and add your full code and update it.and send me Remember frnd...Not a piece of code..FULL HTML PAGE CODE. If this code shows, what you want, then move the `if` outside the loop and your done. Using the default Sleep from synchapi.h (windows of course). Don't worry,,We are all here to support you. you resolved my problem. With and myFunction() in the header... Works great! Thanks, thanks and more thanks! The exact issue is that at certain framerates my limiter seems to begin breaking down, which can cause issues with not only smoothness but the rate of animation cancellations as well. At 120fps my limiter does 125, at 300fps my limiter does 333, at 333-500 my limiter is 500 automatically, and above 500 the limiting fails. I assume this is due to sleep not functioning well above 500ms? ok thank! i messed up the terminology,sorry. what i meant to say was: if i add a new parameter in `var evn` called `stats_b` and then use : But, won't using sleep result in the same framerate issue that I'm running into currently (the user can select anythign up to 1000fps, due ot how the animations react to framerate modifications. some players prefer super high framerates b/c movements appear more smooth, while others prefer a normal framerate)? Make your question more clear,so as to understand.Make it fast,or it will get downvote Did you know you can access nodes in an XMLList using array brackets? So `xml.friends.bestfriends.children()[0]` would give you ``. Our best theory now is like the one @uwe has mentioned above. @torazaburo So that to avoid a doubt for programmers.This is a small program,so no need to worry,If there is a large program,suppose think many programmers do separate section of a single program.Possibly there will be a chance for a doubt/mistake.Chanc I have two static concurrent dictionaries but I tried making them not static and it still didn't work. There are some methods on NSArray that should help you. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the "swift like" way to do this is, but look at the NSArray and NSPredicate classes, and see if those can help you. Don't get confused. Initialization part will be done in your fragment only.. But click callbacks will be go to activity.. Can code outside the functions use the objects declared inside the function's scope? I've just setup persistify, and it's exactly what I've always wanted. Reduced my initial startup time immensely. From 15 seconds to 2 seconds. It was very easy to replace browserify and watchify in my gulp build. Worked the first time. I've tested a few cases and everything works as expected. So refreshing! THANKS ROY!! Add a `;` before `do`. Take a look at: http://www.shellcheck.net/ If you are just starting out I can understand the confusion, especially if you are using PHP or HTML include files to build your site. As mentioned in other answers, the main drawback with doing it this way is that it gets loaded on every request, whereas an external file is loaded once and then cached. Most sites will have a master CSS include and put any page specific styles directly in the head, or create a separate page specific include. See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32163619/whats-the-difference-between-and-in-bash What type is Date? @ Reza Majidi, problem goes to your css page,and i also need that or go through http://jsfiddle.net/ and make a fiddle code,then attach to your question.thnks I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, normally a semaphore/mutex represents a shared resource. How can something post/unlock if it doesn't know whether something has completed? What you're doing sounds more like a POSIX queue. Take a look at this posting: http://askubuntu.com/a/20041/336375 No, mutexes, semaphores, and file locks are all implemented in the kernel as processes need to block on them. Lock files are typically empty, and locking/unlocking does not imply any I/O. How are the semantics you're describing different than a mutex? Something like this would do that: `grep '^zone' /etc/named.conf | cut -d'"' -f2 | while read l; do echo "$l : hello"; done` or for the output in your question: `grep '^zone' /etc/named.conf | cut -d'"' -f2 | while read l; do echo "$l : www.who.is/$l"; done` The exception *looks like* it might not be related to the abstract class at all. Can you change the parameter to be `new { TestTypeId = Model.TestTypeIdOfPage, IsAForAnsweringPage = false }` instead? Does this give an error? Btw: `a=abc; a+=123; echo $a` Where is your code part,Please include to sort your fault window.location.href is not working. When I submit the form with the information it's looking for, it stays on the same page. The url looks like file:///E:/wamp/www/TJ/html/index.html?Search=Search Class which has been Declared in this Controller Class. and then I write public void doInsert(){ boolean isSuccess Err:509 if(isSuccess) doSetuserID(); insertScore(); } and i set doInsert() method in jsf commandbutton for insert. but exception is that Score can't be cast to java.util.list Please post code, not an image. What theme are you currently using? I have used your suggested code in ResImpleDao folder and call this from Controller like : public boolean insertScore(){ return resImple.saveScoresList((List) sc)}; Here sc is object for Score Class which has been Declared in this Controller Class. and then I write Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87675/discussion-between-ryan-and-barej). possible duplicate of [How to do a junit assert on a message in a logger](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1827677/how-to-do-a-junit-assert-on-a-message-in-a-logger) @ErkiM., but what is `multiple threaded environment`. Actually, what does `thread` mean in java? Thanks, Dmitri! Could you please also comment whether a trick with null context for a set is a valid thing to do? It feels hacky. Thanks very much ! You really get my first problem solved ! I have updated my question by adding the basic structure of my code. I'm not sure if it helps. By the way, why context establishment costs so much time? @talonmies Which browser? Works okay in chrome and FF for me. @Larcerax I appreciate your intent, but I'll respectfully disagree, because I don't see f_qi ever asking how to store model data in `UITableViewCell`, and if he did, we'd outline all the reasons why one would not do that. But hopefully he'll see these com What kind of records can the user search? Is it just one number or it can be something like `71,3`? That won't work. if the items `string` is: `7,4,5` And to explain the various commands I used: `grep '^zone' /etc/named.conf` looks for lines in /etc/named.conf where the word "zone" is at the beginning of the line. To see how this works, look up documentation or tutorials for grep and regular expressions. `| cut -d'"' -f2`: the pipe (|) sends the output from grep (which will be lines like `zone "example.com" {`) to the `cut` command. `-d'"' -f2` means "split the text at `"` characters, giving 3 sections, and give me the second section only (example.com)". `| while read l ...`: look up loops in bash or sh, and output redirection. Possible [duplicate](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32156321/making-binary-semaphore-shared-between-multiple-processesnot-threads-process/32158121#32158121). What are you doing to see `[object XMLDocument]`? If I `console.log(getRemote('/path/to/html'))` I see the content of the html file. show the total section of your code please.so as to get an outlook of your program @Larcerax - I don't quite understand why you freely admit that storing this data in `UITableViewCell` is "terrible" (and you're absolutely right; it is a horrible way to do this, antithetical to key design concepts of MVC, reusable cells, etc.), but then I've been guilty of this once or twice :) Are you using LessPHP? If not, have a look at it. I have never used it but I think it should help you. I dont think so above answer is correct as my product name XYZ and executable is still ABC.app Its considered bad practice, its deprecated, bad for performance, bad user experience, etc. etc. Are you wanting to run a whois lookup on every domain name in your named.conf file? If you're on a Linux system, you should be able to run a `whois` utility locally. Then if you want to save all the whois lookups to files, you can do something like: `grep '^zone' /etc/named.conf | cut -d'"' -f2 | while read l; do (whois $l > /tmp/$l.whois.txt); sleep 5; done` (Note: the "sleep 5" waits 5 seconds in between queries; this is important because if you query the same whois server too quickly, it will block you for a while.) You used to be able to set `async: false` but I think that is deprecated so I wouldn't do that. Callbacks are very common in javascript especially with ajax and its probably better to embrace them rather that fight it. I am actually using it in my code, but it is not enough for what i am trying to accomplish. The ad providers (Live Rail, Spot X ...) pay you for an ad impression only when the following terms are met: 1. Ad is played for at least 2 seconds. 2. During the 2 seconds at least 50% of the ad was displayed, meaning not below the fold or hidden from the user. Put this as an answer I am sorry I am so oblivious. I immediately searched the web instead of being patient. i am beginner can you write down the SELECT statement First, you should now use `NSURLSession`, not `NSURLConnection` which is deprecated in the forthcoming iOS 9. Second, what you've got here is pretty close, but the details of how to configure the request depend entirely upon how your web service was written, but I'd be very surprised if you were really sending `application/xml` request. `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` is far more common. Or `text/json`. But we can't help you write the Objective-C code without an understanding of the web service to which you are connecting. That dictates the client-side code. You need a text only for the initial use only,Right.Or you need a splash screen image @Akavall this is actually not possible in ruby. If you try to mutate a key in a ruby hash it will break the hash. Here is an example: https://gist.github.com/ddebernardy/7629298 @user1551066 In part b, the outer loop runs `n` times, and the inner loop runs `n * n / 3` times. So, we multiply these together to get `O(n * n * n / 3)`, which is equal to `O((1/3) * n^3)`. Since we can multiply or divide the expression inside the `O(.. @JonCoombs Thanks Jon! @tabacitu I'm using it with 5.6.7 and have no problems, use something like [phpab](https://github.com/theseer/Autoload) to generate your class map then include it Try setting hostfile explicitly. Thanks Kevin, that makes sense now.:) Sorry I'm actually from VBA and HTA. Thanks guys, I realized my problem but after posting this question. I was able to view the code of login.php because it's content does not include a PHP `leva4av@gmail.com.I will check once again and clear it out.The above code is a lengthy line and I cannot track where the error is. You would need some way to identify this textbox specifically and handle it differently. If you know the control, you can unhook the even handler. See my edit. I would at least have `margin: 0 auto;` is 15 chars as opposed to something like 65 Really depends on what framework/library you used. There's no one answer. @LuiggiMendoza You might want to check this [example](https://github.com/tonymorris/java-trivia/blob/master/src/Constants.java) for testing the compiler behavior due to different initialization styles (but the case with the `static` method is missing). Thanks Laszlo..Not sure its faster than Robin's answer but I like the clean code. I suppose it could have been that, but it's been so long now I no longer remember. :) Yea, @Shiro, why isn't it reliable? BigQuery uses a very SQL-like syntax so your statement of "BigQuery is better for custom coded interactions and teams who dislike SQL." is inaccurate. I did this and now it says the closest entity is 0 cells away which is because it is exactly where my player is, do you know how i can exclude this result from my answer without negating 0 altogether? I will try this Hi Actuary. I followed your suggestions and got as far as "Framework Search Paths". Within it I found "Debug" and "Release" but can't seem to find a way to set it to $(SRCROOT) or make it recursive. Thank you for helping me out :) do you mean a splash screen ? what im asking if to add the number along the line. i could do that. however i was wondering if there was a way to it without having to install a another library just to accomplish the same functionality Hey Felipe thanks for pointing this out! Hey rmaddy, sorry for the late reply... I got it now thanks! Calling `RTB.AppendText()` from `ProgressChanged` is just blocking the thread in the same way. Any suggestions how can I solve this issue? The Swift compiler kept crashing whenever I used UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() in my code, without any error message. Very strange. Sorry, what's a `SAFEARRAY`? I mean, there is no error. It's just that without wrapped, the data loads and if it is wrapped in a function, the data does not load on click. I do know that the button is working though. Okay. but then why do I have to know beforehand how it was declared before I pass it as an argument? This saved me a ton of hassle on my Windows box. Thanks! ssh-agent can suck it It's not hosted, just html/js/css project so I'm not running apache on localhost either. I just need it to change to a local html page in the same folder if it matches a search term defined. @mario: I had NO idea some environments use REDIRECT_ to prefix env variables after a redirect. I tend to use nginx with php-fpm and fastCGI. Redirecting is not an issue with the frameworks I use. On this setup I am forced to work with what server was pro Wine should be available through your package manager I'm still new to XML, why would the next node be Whitespace? The only whitespace that I recognize is the text in between the tags. Ok. but why are they different? Sorry if I'm not getting it, but I want to understand what the source of these differences are. Is it a case of one is a variant array, whereas the other is an array held within a variant object? I tried just wrapping everything in the script type inside of a function, but it seems to break stuff. I saw it has a big gap between header column and data columns when I set width of table > all data columns width,does anybody know why and how to fix it? please see here: http://jsbin.com/sesurutojo/edit?output I mean, it lies within the middle of the html page, wouldn't that specification be required? oh!!!,thanks, N+1 query is the point in my question, thanks a lot!!! I guess this is how the previous developer left it. Maybe because of all the SVG stuff? I'm not sure. If you need to spread out over multiple machines, and you want to run in python, look at [apache spark](http://spark.apache.org). Thanks...I tried, but in this case, when I have 10 beacon, it's still send 10 request to get category_name, this way is more clearly than before, but do the same thing... can I use only 1 request to get what I want? Edited your fiddle with Bootstrap's Documentation: http://jsfiddle.net/porx9erL/1/ The other problem was, that the Header had no Background-Color. This is such a basic thing, I don't understand why it was left out on WatchOS 1 Looking at the top of your `SimpleIME` class the package declaration only lists `kb`, whereas looking at what the classloader is trying to load it should be `com.example.kb`. As such, are you sure that your `SimpleIME` class is in the correct package? No. It's just that up until this point, I've always dimmed arrays as `dim array() as variant` and defined arguments as `byref array() as variant`. This is the first time I've tried putting arrays inside another array. Now that I know there's a difference between how a macro treats `array` and `array()` I want to understand why/ what the program thinks the difference is. Edited it again, never really used Bootstrap, there is a Class for your needs. Now it should be fine. and if I can't pass `array` to a function expecting `array()` does that also mean I can't pass `array()` to a function expecting `array` ? I'd like to understand the underlying concepts involved. Thanks. Can you explain why/how `array` and `array()` are different from one another, in terms of how the program perceives / operates on them? Show the code mate, otherwise it's a guessing game. Edited my Post, make sure to add **top: 0;** to the Head-Element and a **margin-top: 50px;** (for example, the pixel-value should be equal to your Header's height) to the first Content-Box. Of course you shouldn't do that inline like me, it's just for the Snippet. no it is not @AdrianB Exactly what I was looking for. Thumbs up i made a separate index for prices and it just increased time of load so what's the difference between passing an array as `array` and as `array()` ? Apologies, details added. Apologies, details added. @njzk2 HERE IS THE QUESTION: How can I use a pending intent that I made in my NotificationService Class in my MainActivity class? @099 I rephrased it thanks. Those were exactly my thoughts. I still don't understand how adding app before made the difference. Maybe because there was a parameter in the onclick, javascript loads it with the page? I've never seen that type of behavior from javascript before... maybe it's just a JavaFX WebView glitch. This is actually quite interesting. The storyboard segue identifier i set up correctly is gameToMain. The label is set up programmatically since it appears when the user loses. I tried the demo you provided, it shows the lightbox but did not solve the issue, the issue is that images are listed from 0-1-2, if you click on either 1 or 2 the lightbox still shows image with id 0. Is there a particular reason you're not using a [ByteBuffer](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/ByteBuffer.html) for this? @njzk2 I asked a valid question I don't know why this community always make me feel stupid, and puts me down for a legitimate question. You shouldn't need to set the ordinal domain; it's calculated automatically. What exactly does it "print"? If you replace the code by `@artwork_q.inspect` what does it show? since it is in gameScene I get the error "use of unresolved identifier 'performSegueWithIdentifier' " I don't know, I tried with gdb doing step by step but I can't get nothing. In theory all the loops should stop when it generates a number that fill correctly the row,col and square I tried as you said but still getting in loop, sometimes it prints 1 row, sometimes it prints 3 or 5, but it never terminates That works the way I would like it, but why does it stop working when I add time.sleep(1) after self.i += 1? You gonna join on that de-normalized text file? It looks good, but what I'm asking is if there's any way to do what I suggested above. Unfortunately no, that would only succeed in the function being run every iteration regardless of how the first two conditions evaluate. I updated the ticket to include the code used to connect. I use the endpoint for the instance to connect which is in the form `abcd.abcd123.ap-southeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com`. In theory it shuold work, once it printed 8 of 9 rows ,but it never terminate correctly. The rows that it prints are correct, all different number in row, col or square While I agree that C99 wasn't worded strongly enough, I see nothing in the previous posts that justifies a claim that this particular expression gives undefined behaviour. At most, they speculate about a set of circumstances that, if they happen, would result in undefined behaviour from this expression. They describe no manner in which that set of circumstances can actually occur within constraints of what is actually defined in the standard. In particular, they don't some circumvent the need of operator `[]` to evaluate both its operands before its result is computed. Oh, I have to write a method for the second and third lines? Can you explain how and/or show an example? I have updated my question to only one which is if it's possible to have a div in head element in the html, and I got the right answer already. Thank you all not in every indexPath sir @soulshined You should accept your own answer as you found the solution yourself! Does `dynamic[] result = new dynamic[]();` compiles at all? Funnily enough it works if I move all the modules to /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules.... Why would it not run through the full module path? theres only one button to all ..sir @soulshined you have a new version of apache, you should see a directive `` , im not too sure of the replacement needed for your instance, require all granted is the default, check out http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html to try and solve. I tried to change with int** sudo = (int**) malloc(sizeof(int*)*dimension) and now it prints some row, but at some points it goes in loop and I have to stop with ctrl+c @JasonLuong, see edit in answer if that helps. Still learning the bluetooth connection but from further study I think I am testing for adapter and then looking at paired devices that both do not require an actual receiver to be true. I did however modify the paired devices to run only if mBluetooth adapter is true. My connection also seems to be without proof that the device is present. I have added the connection portion of the code to my initial post. ahh!!! Yes could be the case Well, actually, I just found out a problem. When I put this code on my sse.php the app stops responding, all my requests end up in a 504 timeout... Too bad, but back to square one... Actually, as Glyn pointed out, the issue is indeed in the permission setting, in `get_permissions` I checked for `=="Post"` instead of `=="POST"` `class1` defined under namespace `VideoWebsite1` and in web form he is using the correct namespace. *using VideoWebsite1;* don't look like that's issue, see `about.aspx` code part Updated link to RT-17293: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8091202 @learningNew, that's a typo. Meant to pass those params to the method call. Thanks for pointing. You're welcome Sobuj! If you use the vim-plug plugin manager, you can specify where it should install plugins. If you know Python, you may also want to try an open source solution: PyEq2 (https://github.com/zunzun/pyeq2) which includes a 3D equation fitter. Hi, have you found a solution to your problem? Thank you, that explains everything. I'm confused. If each line has 5 comma separated items, where is element 8 and what does this have to do with `e[:][2][1]` ? I simplified it. Take a peek, Maybe that is what you want So why don't you show code, that is correct and more realistic? I don't know what jQuery has to do with anything but your exact markup works in my Chrome using mp4 so not enough information. Also, note the line: `libxml2 version 2.9.2 or later is highly recommended, but proceeding anyway.`. I think xcode comes with version 2.2. Maybe you need to specify `--with-xml2-lib=/Applications/Dev/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.10.sdk/usr/lib`? Please include a complete example in your posting, particularly a short data set for input, the output, and the desired output. The file names shown won't let helpers duplicate the problem. Did you try this: http://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server-native-client-11-0-oledb-provider/standard-security/ Perhaps better on http://stats.stackexchange.com The bitmap is valid. According to MSDN a negative height means the origin is in the upper left corner. Not used Netbeans in years, but isn't it installed by default? It is in IntelliJ and Eclipse. All you need to do is create a test class with test methods and ask netbeans to run it..... thats how it works in the others. You are using `#error` for something completely different from what it's supposed to do. See here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5323349/error-directive-in-c Servicos is list of services. The strategy/policy pattern is about changing the behavior of some logic. The pattern in question is not trying to change the behavior of `A`, but to implement some logic *external* to `A`, that's different depending on some property of `A`, normally needing a `switch` statement to implement. Probably you could get an hint to your problem here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4976380/net-end-vs-form-close-vs-application-exit-cleaner-way-to-close-ones-app well, first of all, it doesn't necessarily have to be even to pass the rule u gave, take an array such as: `[ 5, 2, 3, 6, 4 ]` its not even, and when i split it after the third position, both sides add up to `10` I like the idea of separating users from contacts. I'm currently using a property to indicate if the contact can also login, and then assigning roles etc. maybe I should rephrase it then. Show us a sample row or 2 of existing data. Then show us an example of the above statement in your question and explain how you want it to be a new row(insert) or not(update) Look into this tutorial. He has a great example http://blog.kevinastone.com/getting-started-with-django-rest-framework-and-angularjs.html ah thanks for clearing that up. I think it would have worked for my purposes. so that means, something like, show us the output of this statement: `show create table tasks` Glad it helped! :) I'll take a look. Thank you very much @SeanWalsh. Thank you very much. The alternative solution you mentioned worked great. Now I can access the already authenticated $_SESSION from the served php file and only allow that user to receive the SSE! I could do that, but it would be a duplicate of Users DbSet which i'm trying to avoid You can create an api **if you own the site in question**, otherwise your just doing web scraping. You can of course ask the sites if they provide an api Okay I am fine with the short answer. _"it includes 2 files in lib\x86"_. So, just to make sure: your Android phone and the AVD you've created for use in the emulator are both x86-based? In effect for a server to open many connections you really need to call `Accept` as soon as a user connects. @Fuselight The problem is that you can't open new connections until you call `BeginAccept` again. Because that is what `BeginAccept` does, ACCEPT new connections. What I am doing is starting up a thread to do work and calling `BeginAccept` straight away. @EmpereurAiman good point, why don't you add an answer showing this feature? "Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, **tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow**" Using Python 3 this leads to an `TypeError`, you cannot multiply strings. Aside of this, on slow displays, first will be faster, because it prints one Hello less. Well, it is not so important who had written that, but since you're currently working on it, try to get time to do a proper refactoring. But yes, it would need much time, but it's worth it. Thinks is what I did in my `ProgressChanged` event handler =) so I can add items on listView, change labelText, or progressBar. I used the `is` operator to determine what to do Did you find the solution? I don't see an enum used there. To be honest, instead of changing that to `else if`, I would try avoid the whole `if/else` in the first place, since a code smells stays a code smells even if you "polish" it a bit. dude I know css I just cant figure out how to keep theese pictures together.... BTW here is a version of your code which works: http://is.gd/KUItXM @toskv LOL, nope! ;-) I can paste that into Eclipse too, but I was trying to teach `iame` to follow the *Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable* principle of Stack Overflow, in this case, the *Complete* part is lacking. You may need to look at http://phpforandroid.net/ but you may not be able to utilize front end code (if you have a lot). In that case http://www.appcelerator.com/ or phone gap http://docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/guide_platforms_index.md.html may be a good option. well find a open port and edit httpd.conf to listen to that port e.g. `listen 8080`, then change servername localhost to servername your ip.. and replace the allow order deny with `Order Allow,Deny Allow from all` Also, note that in order to iterate through an iterator, you must be able to mutate it (either own the iterator or have a mutable reference to it). So just having an immutable reference to it is sorta useless. I would recommend moving the iterator value into `print_strings` rather than passing it by reference. If you want to use trait objects for this, you can do that by using `Box`, but it might be easier to just make `print_strings` a generic function. does it matter who the responder and who the starter is, so long as they are the same 2 people?? The devil's in the details When you call `.iter()` on a `Vec`, you get an `Iterator`. So when you call `.iter()` on a `Vec<&str>`, you get an `Iterator`, not a `Iterator`. You should look at the `.cloned()` method for `Iterator`, it should help solve your problem. Are you using .net >= 4.5? I chage labels inside loop too. Your question is too Generic. I suggest you be more specific to issues and share your research i running it against locally did u fixed this issue? i'm thinking i might just abstract out the pushing of the message onto the queue, and inject some other implementation which acts as an IdlingResource. I'll have a default implementation in my code which defers to the handler, and in the test code one which is an IdlingResource and icnrements/decrements Also note that your IP is subject to change unless you're paying for a one that's dedicated. If you are using Elastic Beanstalk you should absolutely not be making changes on the instance itself outside of Beanstalk. If Beanstalk ever recovers your instance, auto heals or scales at all, the changes will not propagate and will be lost. The line in the output saying "using 10 fold CV..." never changes (even if I choose k = 5). I think it is sth. else. http://ping.eu/port-chk/ check it.... did you change the localhost refs in httpd.conf? also check the Order Allow,Deny statement.. What would I do if I want the text? Like @downed said, value and text are different many times what type is BOOKISBN? could it be that it is numeric and you are passing a non-numeric value to it in the prepared statement? This is on live environment and deployed on ec2 and have good traffic. There is A record entry for the ec2 IP on godaddy dns Use an XML parser or take a look at sed's option `-f`. There was no output for long time and now there is one shown. I guess it is working fine but the process is slow. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14637979/how-to-permanently-set-path-on-linux We've all been there. I have an embarrassing Java question laying around too. I don't know why? Yes i did it on localhost. Return code's range is only 0 to 255 Use a table for the text with 2 rows and 2 columns if you want the same height and width of the boxes. If you are used to the direct editing feature of `meld`, you will miss this at FileMerge (Although you might wan to post an answer and accept it when you can so it stops getting sorted up looking for an accepted answer) Regarding your edit... Now you just added another claim that it's really better to write a shell script, but why? I can think of two reasons why it's not: git has been tested millions of times, and it's easier than writing your own system. Please add some reasons for your claims... Don't delete it. It's a useful discussion for other people to see in the future. how to i get my app to not crash It doesn't seem to work for me. indexes and run it thru `explain` Thanks a bunch Greg, had missed this flag. Are you using an emulator or an attached device ? because i had a similar problem with the emulators and when I changed to an external android device the problem solved and everything goes well . Ok, glad this led you on the right path, then. Thank you so much. I will give a try and get back to you. Is `NodeAt` const? I think that's what the last error is complaining about. Can i please know how to do that? I doubt there is any library out there satisfying all users. Mockito is very easy to extend (see my answer) for almost any purpose. A Runnable by the way would not work in your example, as you need the invocation arguments. Your code looks fine so far. Add the code that use `EjbService` to persist the entity and specify at what point in the code you evaluate and see 0 value for personid. `flush` call and transaction manipulation (if any) is important to understand what you are doing It could be a bug. Please also take a look at https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/35551 for related information. how many rows are you trying to delete? 1000, 10,000? 1 to 1024, system ports. I guess i have given the range at the right place in program? I use a segue, but I can't pass data with it because in my prepareForSegue() if I cast my navigationController in my MainView type, I got error because I display my Menu which is a MenuView type. Yeah, I haven't picked up my favorite answer yet :) look at my answer again after I edit it 0 he appears to have a running balance dependent on `cw` "On rollback the other session will fail": I think this is a possibility which was obvious to you but I somehow ignored: the `DROP TABLE` transaction could roll-back. So that explains why the constraint can't be immediately dropped and forgotten about. I'm still not sure about the lock type though; `ALTER TABLE` and `UPDATE` are good examples of where a lock is needed, but I believe both can be avoided by an `ACCESS SHARED` lock. Is there an example you can think of where `ACCESS SHARED` wouldn't be enough, or is it just postgres being overly defensive as you initially suggested? Also the mentioned relation between the keychain and iCloud / Core Data is too far fetched to be logically verifiable without further explanation. 3 to 4 hours to complete the full scan No between the curly braces there is NO comma. I can´t check the file as a whole as it has more than 300 MB. Python program seems very interesting to me. I am keen interested to learn more things on my own. Either you have not shown the entire table or there is something wrong with your design. What does the `id` field represent? If it's just an incrementing value then your model is broken; how do you relate the balance to an account? Seems you need something else to make the balance rows unique. Cleanest solution. Nice! But ALL the solutions have a problem: Users have to click the map twice. How can pass through the click immediately, so it only takes one click? @sanjay Then make a small reproducible snippet that you can post here. No sir, I'm learning Python and i found this program while checking few examples and i wanted to try this. I see a d2 in your code but where/what is it initialized to? I don't see. I'm confused... I was under the impression that Android apps were forward-compatible, right? So if I target the 4.0 API, and try running it on a 5.1 virtual device (whatever those API levels are), why wouldn't it work? If I raise the API level so that the app works on my 5.1 virtual device, won't the app be incompatible with 5.0 and below? @RicardoRacciore If you keep getting downvotes, don't you think you should try another approach? The limit is to reduce the amount of spam in the system. Post answers that you're sure about for now. 50 rep doesn't take long to achieve. and this one from the tutoriaslPoint website : http://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android_sqlite_database.htm Could you provide an example of what you mean? this is from the Android developer site:http://developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/databases.html As @Eser said, there is nothing to do with threads here. The second message box is showing because the scan of C: finished. Either it's faster than you think, or `scan` is broken. Either way, this is not related to threads, so I'm removing the tags. @pskink I moved forward a bit with another tasks, but looking on that snippet I wonder how that code may help me as I have ArrayList and use ArrayAdapter, not SimpleCursorAdapter? Or I dont understand something? And plus one for your very good explanation. Thanks Thanks for the link. When I enter one data set the website says that the JSON is valid. When I enter two data sets I get the following error msg: Parse error on line 14: ...me": "07 19, 2013"}{ "reviewerID": ----------------------^ Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']'. Ok, thank you. I saw this link - yes - I will write on c# excellent explanation, thank you :) No I just want a country for the given IP address listed above @MajidFouladpour aka one at a time @wildplasser but isn't ACCESS SHARED enough to guarantee UPDATE and DELETE can't happen? Thanks a lot for quick help Thanks a lot for quick help Thanks a lot for quick help @user994179 Ah, very good. This problem is well understood. I suggest looking at the asctime family of functions in libc for your solution and creating a structure with a 'struct tm' member, a variable member and a value member. Using fwrite/fread to pa Did you ever work this one out? I'm stuck with the same problem. Having a Scala target would enable generating JS code through ScalaJS. Although there is JS target for ANTLR, when it comes to processing syntax trees, I would rather write Scala code than JS. What you mean by *any where on the computer* I already tried this aswell. It seems that there is a problem with the comma in the field helpful (eg. [2, 3]). 1 @AlexLop and further suggestions is that this is a strong argument for inheritance. You could have a base `ExampleClass`... probably rename it though :) and then derive your other classes from `ExampleClass`. So when each class is created it will be cr I didnt get the error. See near the bottom of my A block ... right above `-- 1 row(s) affected` I don't comprehend how the term `array` even factors into this question. We aren't talking anything but raw mysql commands at the moment. Unless I am missing something @Andrzej A. Filip: 3-4K entries. What do you mean how do I fill the hash? It's difficult to suggest a solution without more information about the intended use of the very long string of numbers. I didn't downvote, but perhaps some sample data in tables, and desired results. Which is pretty evident in the comments under my answer Although, I can't think of any DDL changes which would require an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on a referenced table. What harm could another thread reading data from `base` do in any scenario, since we're never going to change the table? If another thread wanted to change base's DDL, it would necessarily require an ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock, and if the current thread had even an ACCESS SHARED lock on `base` it would be enough to block that. Could you elaborate on why you think the lock is necessary? If your code catch an exception you don't stop the execution of the Function but continue trying to parse an empty string. Please verify your host connection because, from here, that host is unknown `show create table db1` output please. Sample data, desired results. So 3 things @wildplasser that would explain why it would need to block writes on the base table (to prevent other threads potentially removing a record and causing the table which is being deleted to be scanned, though I'd expect that could be solved easily enough by oh, i was looking at setattr() but couldnt figure out how to properly use it, turns out i was using the incorrect helper. It worked! fantastic! I just declared zTimeInterval as an empty variable and removed var when i was using it again. I know its a bit cheeky but would you mind breaking down a little why this worked for my own benefit... Im a real novice and variable scope is still something im struggling a little with. If not no worries, thanks a lot for your help! i don't really understand exactly what it is trying to achieve to be honest, but i personally don't use 2 dimensional `Array`s i prefer to put everything into a single array that way queries can be achieved with a single loop and i don't have to have nested loops. For a 1 dimensional array, all you have to do is loop over all objects and use a modulus operation like such: `column = i % width` and `row = i % height` FYI: All his code is on github: https://github.com/swannodette/swannodette.github.com File you're looking for: `macros.clj` & `helpers.cljs` I don't have your data. perhaps you want it to be `select distinct p.post_title,m.meta_value`, or `select distinct p.post_title` or `select distinct p.ID,p.post_title` ... who knows but you also happy to provide more code if it helps? sorry do you mean I should declare zTimeInterval as an empty variable outside of a function? Not sure which one you meant by zInterval.. ive got a lot of variables which are variants of Z and interval. (my naming conventions need some work!) Cheers! For convenience, you can find a wrapper implementation [here](https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/30b5be81-8e47-43b2-92b9-111851c477a5/is-there-any-wrapper-class-for-integer-in-net-framework-library?forum=csharplanguage#f09675aa-a527-4e71-a99c-afc3b1b95308). I'd suggest starting with something super simple: Basic scene with just the three controls, the button, the text field, and the text view (or whatever you want). Why complicate it yet with the table view? Once you've mastered the simple layout, then you can move on to something fancier. hopefully that is better, @KevinBrown thanks - I won't even actually be using the `.raw()` method, I'll be executing custom SQL directly and getting a cursor back - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/db/sql/#executing-custom-sql-directly can I then pass the cursor to django-rest-framework somehow? On second thoughts, that will probably not work, because the iFrame HTML source is created on the client side. However the question simply asked if it was possible to use javascript to read the value of an input field which is inside an iframe. The answer is, yes it is possible, if you use php or asp to load the iframe contents. @m02ph3u5 I need to connect them/stick them, (like buttons in windows 8) both @smoggers (kinda like windows 8/10) I'll update my answer with a short example that might clear up, also suggesting a different name for your exceptions file in order to avoid any potential namespace collisions with builtin exception classes. @aergistal: console output: `Input #0, rawvideo, from '\\.\pipe\to_ffmpeg': Duration: N/A, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 77460 kb/s Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (RGB[24] / 0x18424752), rgb24, 656x492, 77460 k b/s, 10 tbr, 10 tbn, 10 tbc [libvpx @ 03a9ff @aergistal: Thanks for your comment. It seems like I fixed the issue. I had to specify the buffer size of the pipe. Why should I drop `-pass 1`? I thought this option would specifically ensure that libvpx only does one pass. I now run into the problem tha i declared like this `var cnt = 999;if (iCnt <= 9999) { iCnt = iCnt + 1; -- do the job here -- }` And if you quote it, case matters. "username" is not the same as "USERNAME" I checked the entries in the text editor. There are commas. Do you have any idea how to process further with this json file? Shall I try it to convert it in python to a csv file and then import it to R? What is the best solution? Thanks, but not what I'm looking for. I'm needing to loop a string @TylerRinker No, I don't think so, just preference, as Khashaa suggested :) i've put codeopen in html tags because stackoverflow didnt let me add codepen link. Posted logcat Hopefully its formated that is strange. I for one always supply column names except for auto_inc ones, and I NEVER use default values. but that is me Idealy I would prefer them to all stay on the same line and just be smaller, i've thought about using percentages for this but had no luck. when they collapse they go behind the descriptions of the first three images, if this didn't happen it would be okay... Thank you for the reply Please add the relevant soruce code to the question. @KalleH.Väravas: Actually, I believe you don't need php. You should be able to also source the iframe from an html page in your own site, but the html page uses javascript (ex. window.location='') to load contents from an external site. You can even p Most of the Fortran people here don't check all version and compiler tags (`fortran90`, `gfortran`, etc...) - you should consider tagging `fortran` instead of `gcc5` or `gfortran`. See this for more info: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/261912/fortran-language-tag-use. Clever solution! Dude, you're AWESOME. Changing the line fixed the issue per your request @greg-449 the Model service always returns null for menus or menu items of the main shell for me. I have tried calling it in my APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE handler of the lifecycle manager of my app, to no avail. Also cannot retrieve the menu object itself (id: I had the same thought. When I am applying the [validate] function I get following error: Error: is.character(txt) is not TRUE Where exactly do you see that the JSON format is not correct? I also have similar questions and discovered some answers here: https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/iid/InstanceID I was getting errors with this until I put the open and close within the foreach block. (I tried pasting it here but the formatting is awful in these comment boxes.) Thank you, worked fine. I was add the Form1.cs file first Exactly what I was looking for. Solves the problem with `setUserVisibleHint` being called before `onCreateView` and that `setUserVisibleHint` doesn't get called if app goes background and then foreground. Awesome! Thank you! But if all the views are included in one view, I'll get 3 duplicated queries? I checked those solutions. They returned `\x96` rather than the actual symbol... Ok thnaks, I'll try Figured it out. When I changed the mySQL column datatype from varchar to text, it worked. Probably has something to do with the way varchars are stored. I don't know what you mean, sorry. how about a person table. each person can be a type (user or contact). then each person can have phone numbers. wanna see that in an Answer ? That doesn't help, because if the board time was actually 13:00, you would be missing that hour. You really need the complete time, not just the hour. What would be the expected output for this case? I don't understand how you want to put the output into one matrix. MSVC, Clang and GCC for x86 and x86_64 definitely support all of them. Don't know about ARM though At least in recent matlab versions, I expect a solution using two loops to be the fastest. @saulspatz That is a totally different problem, I'm not trying to open file while the program is running but rather double click a file which **runs the program first and then loads the file into the program** I need a system. These files will be uploaded daily from different sources. I'm assuming FTP flat file for now, with an import script. Then I need to trigger the processing I need. Just trying to figure out what sort of engineering help I'll need! Have you googled what ORA-01722 means? Wow, this is amazing! Thank you sir! @Adrian You can use a minimum height constraint on the image's superview. E.g.: height=superview.height*0.5 @ priority 900, height >= 350 @ priority 1000 Glad it's working out well. Maybe you should open some more questions, that'll probably work better than comments. (Also, some of them are already answered). I'll add an alternative to github to the answer. Perhaps you should think about making `decimal Balance { get; }` a virtual property. You should think about `Account`s that allow for negative Balances. For example Mortgage accounts. I added an update to the question, to clarify my question. You are correct, I could use `switch`, but switch statements are inherently error prone, which was the point of using abstract methods on an enum, and why the code is using that "call-inversion" pattern. :-) If this is a Java String question, my understanding was that String concatenation is "faster" with the + operator because the JDK/JVM optimises for the most efficient approach, the last time I looked it was suggested that it would use StringBuilder under the hood. It was suggested that unless you are concatenating in a loop you should use the +. Admittedly this was back in JDK 5. could you be more unclear The results of PageSpeed Inisights are cached for 30s. Has it been 30 seconds since your change? Hi Adrien, Thank you for the reply. I have one question though. So, for example, when you s (the face of the cube, it will give either 0 and 1). In cases, where s is zero, when we multiply by the random numbers, then the number itself will be zero. Is there a workaround for this? Thank You But isn't "pattern matching" the same as a `switch` statement? Sure, pattern matching is more flexible, but conceptually it's the same. Depends on whether or not reading the balance is allowed publicly or not. This is a design decision question. I'm not well-versed in functional programming. A simple Google search for "type decomposition" didn't seem to come up with a good reference. Do you have a link to an explanation of type decomposition? When you view the source of your page, do you see the viewport tag? Isn't polymorphism more about subclassing? Since my example uses `type` as the selector, I can see why polymorphism *might* be appropriate, but my question was intended as more generic. What if the selector was some odd/even test of some integer property of `A`? Please select my solution as answer. Good it works now. Feel free to ask more questions here ;-) Yeah the "design" is a little contradictory, as it has evolved; initially it was just to deal with one playlist file and learning Kotlin. As I have enjoyed using Kotlin more and wanted to do more with the script its just grown in functionality if not so much in lines of code. Normally i wouldn't extend EmptyPlaylist from Playlist :) My apologies... new to stackoverflow :( Thanks! I think I was confused as the wisdom of the net suggested that extending data classes was problematic. I hadn't thought about extending an abstract class, which to be fair is pretty dumb of me, I should have seen that option. Of all the options I like the last one! Reading between the lines you can extend data class just as you would a normal class? I did not mean not accurate. I meant reliable, and changed my description as well. This is a web based application, so it will have session management and will be controlled by a Javascript Event Handler. Pretty much equivalent to @9997's answer above. Both ways are hack-ily shifting the element over to cover up the gap. That works, so I'll give you the checkmark, appreciate your efforts. Either the right shift or the margin shift I posted below seem to do the same job. Both ways are hack-y, but I'm not sure if anyone can come up with anything better. Thanks! In the RailsCast it looks like the author has created a class called `Csv`, which is not the same class that `require "csv"` accesses. You can see [in the ASCIICast](http://railscasts.com/episodes/396-importing-csv-and-excel?view=asciicast) the author calls `CSV.foreach`, which *is* the class you get from `require "csv"`. Perhaps it's you who should take a closer look at the RailsCast, @FluffyKittens. Morph into what? You can morph each paths d element as above, so you would have to take each path and run the animation on it to whatever new path you want. This is the road I started down with hopes that I could use the "other" form of message resolution. Here's a link with more of what I'm talking about: http://www.intertech.com/Blog/spring-framework-jsr-303-validation-and-custom-messages/. Namely, option 2 on that page. I'm wondering if my importing Hibernate Validator instead of just using Spring's JSR-303 support is what's causing my issues... Interesting. I am looking at their solution. The unfortunate part with IdentityServer3 is that they don't support Core CLR. @JeffBowman I don't have privileges to do that, should I just add an Answer that says the same thing? I am not sure. refer this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5961145/changing-mongodb-data-store-directory really no idea how this got solved to be honest; too far back in time. I may have completely rolled back and re-installed/updated devise. thank you Peter. I am just looking at some pointers to start with and not really a complete solution. Any pointers towards any framework or platform is good enough for us to move ahead. Great! I read so many documents none of them helped as much as you did. @skeggse Thanks for the reply. I think jS could be the only way forward with this problem. Thank you very much RAM for your help. Code snippet added - my apologies for not adding it sooner. I wasn't sure if this was a generic variable object key issue or something that could be specific to this particular code. Hence my only referencing the other SO article at first. As per the other so question that I referenced, I'm only using JSON.stringify to demonstrate that the key isn't there yet. I'm having trouble determining WHY the key isn't there yet since the asynchronous data is there, but this key which is added shortly before in the code isn't. Probably yes the only way provided by google to support legacy versions is to do it using AppCompact Library. This might be suitable for some cases, but is no reliable method. For example `x=0.1+0.1+0.1; y=0.3; x==y` Both values look the same using the format, but they are not. I recommend to take the difference for debugging purposes instead. `x-y` Probably an issue of floating point precision, take a look at this related question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686439/why-is-24-0000-not-equal-to-24-0000-in-matlab Success , and 2) Can I open DB data storage file in my editor with any tool ? Yes the Go math.Pow function only accepts float64 types not big.Float. I need to find an alternative way of raising powers that will work with larger datatypes "There is an error": Show the error! Now, others have already given the correct answer, but please post *complete* questions. http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve You could create a Partial View and add a @functions block in the view to contain your C# code. If it used to work, and now it doesn't, then *something* changed. Since the change was not in the code you showed, it's elsewhere. Given the information you provided, we can't help. Regarding your second commend: `strread` can process matrices of chars, but it processes column-wise. This results in numbers to large to fit into a double (probably causing the -1) and a lot of `0` because there is nothing between the `.` Thank you - i was looking for this and this is definitely the correct answer. Welcome at SO! Instead of the screenshot (which did not show?) you could post your example on one of the services like jsfiddle or similar (cssfiddle?) where one can play with the actual code. @AviaAfer The shuffle code you're using is fundamentally broken for tight loops. (At least the top method). Create a new `Random` object at the start of your method (or better yet - a private variable), and pass it into the shuffle method `1-cumsum` looks bizarre to me for creating a 0/1 vars. I'd go with `before := +(.I <= .I[which(non_pol=="*")])` or `1:.N <= which(non_pol=="*")` That still assumes your input set is evenly distributed random values. Also, what happens when the set contains the value `10,000,000` - It will randomly freeze your application... Anyway, as @ScottChamberlain mentioned before - why are you sleeping at all when you're worried about performance? Can you add an image how this looks when you have the "edit view" shown? That sounds like a bug you should file with Apple (https://bugreport.apple.com). What predicate are you using? possible duplicate of [Ignore manual entries from Apple Health app as Data Source](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31184628/ignore-manual-entries-from-apple-health-app-as-data-source) `int randomIntrval = 55;` doesn't seem very random to me :) @IInspectable Then can I publish an app which consult the time in a web done with C++/CX? A people said me that if I needn't use C++ (Microsoft must accept I use C++ for some requirement), Microsoft says is mandatory I use another language because C++ can This doesn't show the installed package version, it just shows the latest available version. @user584018: You are welcome! @ManuelArwedSchmidt I didn't add any caching. I barely tuned anything at all. Computers as fast these days. They're small files. I have an SSD, but this is running off my HDD. Edit: Actually, Laravel does 'compile' a bunch of different files together by d `toString()` rather than `ToString()` makes me think this is java, not C#. In any case, please correct your tags for the language you are describing. `StringBuilder` is a class, and may have different implementations, rendering some answers potentially invalid. it may help to try and disable your firewall (temporarily) on the computer to see if your connection is being blocked @saulspatz I want to know how to pass the clicked image (i.e. you're opening an image file from Desktop) to the code that I have. So instead of having 1.png, I'd like to have the clicked image opened. Is there an OS X API for that? Why do people continuously believe `-O3` is a GHC option? GHC's optimization levels max out at 2 The code is a bit long, but I think I can update my question to show you how I time the "establish context" part. @talonmies You can do one of two things to get mutex semantics. You can restrict posting to the semaphore when unlocked, or you can use a file lock. I've added code for the file lock above. Unless I am mistaken, res/drawable sounds like Android development to me. OP is referring to Eclipse Scout. @MajidFouladpour The same IP address can have many usernames, with multiple entries of the same username. Also, I didn't include the index here becasue I didnt think it was important, but it has the index num for table logs only [This Q&A](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17492230/how-to-place-grobs-with-annotation-custom-at-precise-areas-of-the-plot-region) may be relevant. Your question is far from clear. I assume you have a number of commodities (e.g. CL, C, ED, etc) and expiration months. I assume that you need some sort of grouping on these, but it is not clear if you want it on the commodity or the commodity and expiration. I believe your question is probably too broad as posted, and that you should attempt to simplify it to clarify what you're asking. Similar with the upper answer, the JEE annotations `@EJB` and `@Resource` do not work @charlietfl I updated my question Did you use any type of styles in this page,?? On 12.1.3 annotations like `@EJB` and `@Resource` cease to work with this configuration @xatok: which loop exactly, it is all in the `if` condition Thanks Igorbel, I still have question: in three ZK nodes, if the leader dead, will the remaining two nodes still working? if work, how do they elect the new leader since it's a even quorum. This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below their post - you can always comment on your own posts, and once you have sufficient [reputation](http://stackoverflow.com/help/whats-reputation) you will be able to [comment on any post](http://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/comment). Done : ) Thanks! available passenger entreprise though @Siguza thank you but it doesn't work due to permission denied as I can see in php log file... @pskink I'm sorry, didn't try yet. I surely write here when I will. Thank you Thank you for fast help. @user3655102 See my edit - does that help? use an error message at else part ,and use an echo comand to display $newpm_sql ,,tell us what is the result @GordonLinoff Sorry about that, I actually used my real ip address, but replaced it with at the last moment for this question... I'll update my question Thank you Pavan! It worked. I did a migration and added the column. Then changed params and show.html.erb. I cleaned the browser history and it worked fine. Thanks again for you help! Why would you post to an unlocked semaphore? What you're describing is functionally a mutex. yes ngRoute, posted configuration. @Emil it looks like that the entry set returned from the set comes with a natural ordering.... Nice explanation!!! Thank you for your answer. I guess I am trying to avoid loops which will not perform so well when the input to fib is high. Your solution is great when you pass 100 but performs more slowly as the numbers increase. Which is why I am trying out Binet's method. @peymankhalili updated. yes I am using route. I beginner in all that, so I cannot tell you which, just downloaded libs from main angularjs site. `$count` should be `$remaining_posts`. I originally named that variable `$count` but forgot to change it when I posted the code here. I updated the code above. Hope it helps! You are right. I copied the proposed example from my previous question and updated the grammar and test cases. Pretty sure it's a static class... To achieve what I wanted above, I just moved the response listeners to my classes if they needed to alter the UI. @max4ever I think you could just use removeRule() alright thanks that clears it up Also I can connect to the asp.net home page with as many users as I want, it's just the chatHub(signalr) part. You're welcome, Jamie! Glad it worked for you. I'm not sure why it would not be correctly connecting though. I can use the cmd ftp right after that and connect and download without issue. @Isaiah44110: Let's say C provides an interface to a database, and B supports that but A actually can not be used with a database. So it's obvious C does not get used in A. This is how i modified my services.yml services: fos_user_registration_form_type.form.type: class: FLY\Form\MyRegistrationFormType arguments: [%fos_user.model.user.class%] tags: - { name: form.type, alias: fos_user_registration_form } Try adding `'enableStrictParsing' => false,` to your `'urlManager'` config. @AniketKapse, you can use only a tree map constructed after the map is populated (There is no need ValueComparator). Then you can iterate through the map following an order. One cannot send mouse and keyboard input to a window which does not have focus, so the solution will unlikely be provided to the same session. How many instances are you wanting to run? Is there a way to tell via templates which member function to use? @TimBiegeleisen I just realised that as well, thanks. You seem to be the first one who's not trying to confuse me :S http://pastebin.com/yihHAMR0 So is it common practice to use super even when you're NOT overriding the method? I don't know how to code... This is exactly what I needed. Thanks. :) Thanks for your answer, but I still don't know whether I should use super if I'm NOT overriding the method. Even now I if you goto your repository on github I don't see app.js. Make sure you added it to git with `git add public/js/app.js` and then commit and deploy. See https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git Ok, then please provide some more sample data with the characters you want to take into account and what you expect to come up in searches. We'll figure it out. I'd suggest you make a good faith effort at this yourself. Make sure you have references to your text controls (e.g., `IBOutlet` if you created them in IB). Then you can write code for your button (e.g. an `IBAction`). And your code can refer to the `text` properties of those text controls. Thanks a lot guys, I managed to get this working as a result. Also changed the file name to Vigenere.... possible duplicate of [MongoDB aggregate count of items in two arrays across different documents?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32155801/mongodb-aggregate-count-of-items-in-two-arrays-across-different-documents) After doing this and initializing the InterTabClient property in the Main Window Constructor it works. Thanks for your help! Are you sure your changes are deploying to heroku? When your repo was in the question I only saw app.js in the root folder. Try changing some text in index.ejs and deploy to make sure it's picking up your changes. Thanks for suggestions. @Maikflow, Evert, I don't know what python I had before (maybe 2.7.6?), but `brew install python` means I have 2.7.10 now. Combining both your suggestions, a new venv with `--no-site-packages` worked! I edited answer, your suggestion is step 7. I will do more investigating then edit this question to better explain path to success. Still many questions remain for me as I don't really understand what's happened. Glad to be able to run server locally though! I opened a new question about my ffmpeg problem: http://stackoverflow.com/q/32157774/74660 The main reason I posed this question is because of `net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessSQLException: UCAExc:::3.0.0 feature not supported` unfortunately none of these solutions worked I've updated my answer. Thanks for your help. I followed the link and created a truststore.jks file and appened `?verifyServerCertificate=true&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true"` to the default url. When I change the database url, I am no longer able to connect to MySQL. I noticed that the linked instructions were for the 'Play Framework', is the command `keytool -import -alias mysqlServerCACert -file rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem -keystore truststore.jks` valid for normal Java applications? Also where is the .jks file meant to be located within the project? GWR models take awhile to computer. 200 of them take longer. Your bottleneck isn't in your code design. @xartok: ` com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 1 Why not just give `const Foo` to the part that is read-only, and `Foo` to the part that isn't? if you are really upset, maybe !! depends on your mood 2 more question: 1) if Photon is better choise? 2) Photon it is for rooms/lobbly only, right?? If yes - what is best practice for write server side where I can write business logic and work with database?? RESTAPI (ASP WebAPI) -- but.....if is it good from security side?? P.s If you can -write me your email (my twitter/linkedIn you can find in my profile) thank you. So are you looking for all 7z files that have a .bak with a matching name regarless of its full path in c:\test and remove them? My hub onConnected isn't even being hit until I close the browser This sounds like a good plan and it almost works. I am able to pipe to ffmpeg, but I am unable to pipe the ffmpeg-output back to my application. @Matt McNabb: That wasn't always TRUE and compilers for the remaining architectures like these tend to implement old versions of the standard. well, gain ssh access like i said, read above. Hostgator allows it i know its a duplicate ID, what i am saying something i am missing here to bring all counters in one field using a comma separator, iCnt is loop which starts from 999 I have tried all of these solutions with no success I have no experience with the performance of such old Matlab versions. Use preallocation and test it. I see, unfortunately I encountered an irritating "feature" in JTable: if I called `JTable1.getValueAt(0, 2j).getClass().getTypeName()//if my x,y is right` in order to get 190's type, it will return .Integer the first time, but if the cell is edited it will return .String... Had to make verification method using a List as reference getting values at population time This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for the fast reply! Just read up on the properties, and they are fantastic. Good stuff. Thank you very much! You use ^ in the beginning of the reg query and at the end, why? Also %%C is not defined anwhere, I'm assuming its set by the token '1,2'? And this : reg delete !key! /f ) else ( set str=%%A if "!str:~0,4!"=="HKEY" set key=%%A Excuse the questions, I am really trying to get into scripting :) After reading @usr comments I realized there are other timers starting other methods similar to the one above. I reworded my question to explain it better. @JohnLBevan actually no... nothing like that... Hi Evgeniy, I did replaced your code with my code, but i'm still having the same error: Attempted to load class "MyRegistrationFormType" from namespace "FOS\Form". Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace? OK, i choose to add UPLOADED_DATE into join_video_category table, thanks for your help ! Thanks for the heads up, I updated my question with some progress. Take a look and let me know your thoughts. Thanks again!!! Thank you. I've updated my answer. You should also add the code you've attempted so far. We can help you with mistakes or errors but we don't really code everything for you. You have an under-determined equation system. You should probably use a computer algebra system (you could use the Ryacas package). just save the ones you care about to a .sql file :> You don't mean "JSON element". You basically want an array of those terms and a function to filter out those ones that match the input. Our tax dollars at work, eh? lol. If this is the real source of the data (and presumably will change periodically), I'd suggest writing the Swift code to deal with this poorly designed interface and just call it a day. It's just painful to watch. Check this video tutorial once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMV7Xqcn39k [There are a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't use `for in` loops for arrays](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/500504/why-is-using-for-in-with-array-iteration-such-a-bad-idea). Use a simple `for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++)` loop instead. @T.C. Actually, even though the function was called around a million times with approximately 5 words each time, and even though there were a lot of duplicate words, I ended up storing everything in a vector and just sorting and removing duplicates when a Amazing, I've been trying all day. Thank you for the response, Can I ask that you break down that code, what does it do inparticular. Alot of it I haven't used yet.. Thx Man but i fixed my problem finally the problem was with fill before and fill after i was using them in wrong way I think the `::ModelName` solution is the most explicit and correct one, kind of an absolute reference. I guess you will get used to it and the ugliness will transform into developer happines :) . Actually, "decays" is an informal description as well (albeit one a lot of people seem to use). The description in the standard - bearing in mind that the purpose of the standard is to be the definitive specification - is that "An lvalue or rvalue of type “array of N T” or “array of unknown bound of T” can be converted to an rvalue of type “pointer to T.” The result is a pointer to the first element of the array." This is a long-winded way of describing an implicit conversion. The word "decay" (or variants) does not even appear in the standards. Remove the single quotes around your column & table names in your 2nd query, and fix the order of params in *mysqli_query($query2, $mysqli);* You can use `@ApiModelProperty#dataType()` to override the field's type. This sounds like you might be doing something that would work better with a Queue structure like ConcurrentLinkedQueue. What sort of output does `isKindOfClass` give you? `\1` refers to the expression in first pair of round brackets `jndiName="` and `\2` refers to the expression in second pair of round brackets `/jdbc/WorklightDS"`. With `\1app\2` the result is `jndiName="app/jdbc/WorklightDS"` Thank you Jeeped Probably need to rename "testAdProviders_getConnection" as "getMockConnections" but as others say: need more code; it's not standard so please post the rest of it. so you write and test stored procs on the fly ? without saving them in scripts I guess you are saying? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6803265/how-to-install-php-extension-locally-on-wamp @asking2SOF - Then refer to the first part of my answer that shows how to parse the JSON provided. Just eliminate the reference to `items`. Note, if you don't fix the JSON, the order that your Swift code has for the rows may not be the same as the origina and, as you probably created sp's anyway, you already have it in a script, no ? when I used hostgator, i contacted them and they gave me ssh access. so then inside mysql command line .... `SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE myStoredProcName` `NSArray` caches its `length`, shouldn't be a performance bottleneck. Is there any reason for the nested function? Is there anything else in function A, or is it just function B? set the path to C:\NDK\android-ndk-r10d and restart the command prompt..and check But I prefer to use the old method, because a lot of servers already don't have new versions of php, and they don't support this things. Some of things you said are right, but some of them are not. Anyway... @asking2SOF - My original answer I showed you how to parse the JSON you provided. In my revised answer I show you how to alter your JSON so it can be parsed by the code you provided. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/drop-procedure.html possible duplicate of [Can you remove an item from a List<> whilst iterating through it in C#](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1541777/can-you-remove-an-item-from-a-list-whilst-iterating-through-it-in-c-sharp) He uses octave, it allows double indexing. Use `.'` instead of `'`, otherwise it won't work with complex numbers. A more general version working for row and column inputs would be `reshape([A(:).';B(:).'],1,[])` @JacobLee: That use of `reshape` is safe to use. First argument is a matrix, following a 1 and a laceholder always reshapes to 1xn. Your ndk-build will be in your ndk bin directory..Please set it to bin directory Now you're misquoting me, and then rebutting the misquote. Fill your boots. can you drop it, and run a block without definer ? string strcptr = Convert.ToString((long)cptr, 16); Console.WriteLine("Ox{0} is the char ptr hex address", strcptr); Thanks David, I implemented Toni's answer it's working good. I had thought before I posted my question about taking the class names and converting them to data attributes like you mentioned, but for the sake of performance I decided to go this way. But now that you brought it up again might actually be a good way to go. There is an event that fires on the slider init() where I could do the conversions to data attributes and then my code will run faster on the slide in and slide out events. hmm ;) and woops again. By the way, I would discourage the use of `contentsOfURL:` for loading a network resource. That's a synchronous call and you never want to block the main thread. If you have a poor network connection and the request takes a little too long, the watchdog process will unceremoniously kill your app. Thanks Adrian R. I will read the article you referenced. Thanks for taking the time to help. I'm starting up the learning curve. This is basic C++. Please show you did simple research. It has been asked already. [Here.](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6360418/c-random-numbers) [And here.](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190689/problem-with-rand-in-c?lq=1) [And here.](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4885367/c-random-numbers) I don't think your `Replay(1).RefCount()` in the first example has any actual impact, since it is inside the `Observable.Create` and thus there is no chance of it being shared with multiple subscribers...otherwise nice explanation Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87657/discussion-between-prasad-and-jenil). how is $rn even an array? where n is 1 to 4. Even it is worked, you are working against user-supplied values not cleansed of sql-injection. It is highly likely you are never getting inside the foreach loop, so the $crn are all blank @Berriel there it go. See my edited post :D But for all the text views in the row should be same gravity. So that it will look gud i try to sent the real database in image, but I can't because the rule in this forums, I have must 10 reputation for post the image, but your answer is almost right....but not yet.. :( We put the gravity as end, so the text will align from end. We are fixing the text to 3 decimal points for all the text views which will give you required output Ah yes, I'll edit this to reflect use `or` not `and` idk ... plus the column names are wrong, no ? If you fix the decimal points to some fixed count it will work.Otherwise you need to programmatically add the spaces based on the highest number of decimal points There is some ambiguity in your question: what is `container`? What are you trying to do to it? What do you want to remove? The input element, or the entire modal element? maybe set up mysql once in the cloud. [Aws Free Tier](https://aws.amazon.com/free/) I mentioned it above in my 4 points. I would like to generalize the frequency to count for (week) and (month). Although I could easily just add 7 daily frequencies for the week and 30 daily frequencies for the month, the problem will come in when I want to compare a scenario where I am calculating "GET requests" per week/month. Should I be splitting the dataframe to do this? If so, how would I split it evenly (by date: eg. split my dataframes by 1 Jan to 31 Jan, 1 Feb to 28 Feb, 1 March to 31 March, etc.) the answer is almost working, the field (orders ) is right, but IDRULE is not follow the orders MIN() function I want to actually have the controller check to see if my objects from the plist have already been loaded lets say I have a total of 565 objects I want to have a check to in place to see if those objects already exist in the entity after the initial load up then if they are not = load into the entity with the func that was created to do so. Why do you think this is the right way? (I didn't downvote!) http://pastebin.com/yGZBFbtf this is what i get @andreas - I was able to solve the problem with your suggested way. Thanks! the null is on a right table not a left one. so use `is null` or `is not null` You can use both Scene2D and box2d, although admittedly some things can get awkward. Generally though, it's perfectly possible and I'm actually doing it. For dynamic objects, you simply derive your actor's position from the physics model. This means of course that `Action`s are somewhat pointless, since motion only goes from physics to Actor, not vice versa. However, you still get input handling, an event system, camera handling and coordinate mapping for free. Actions can still be used for visual elements without a physics body (e.g. equipped items, effect sprites, etc.) So you want to read those file in your app? http://puu.sh/jKoZK.png see, I have no reason to lie, Im just as confused as you probably are Thanks, Hans, but I'm not loading any data on startup on the Main Menu. It's basically a switchboard with several buttons for navigating to various reports & data-driven forms. You mention that UI stages should use pixel coordinates. Isn't that a bad idea really, considering that mobile device screens have different pixel densities? Given two screens with identical size, wouldn't a button with edge length 100px appear smaller on the screen with the higher density? Thank you for posting an answer that does not require an external script. 1 @user584018: To get *original ids* used in input data you have to *cut* (strip) the prefix specified in `idPrefix`. The code of `$.jgrid.stripPref` see [here](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid/blob/v4.9.2/js/grid.base.js#L633-L640) is very easy. It's mate, actually the data in my question is simple, I have a big data in real case, so in your answer the "and" condition is not working, idsys 1 and 2 must match with "and" condtion, not 1 or 2 only with match...in your answer when I try, another values which have 1 or 2 also elected in first elimination... so in my question "idrule R01#2 and R01#4 is also" selected. I believe that the full example will not raise an exception and will try it out to verify. But I still want to construct a parser for a list of identifiers (name) in quotes that will reject a non-identifier (e.g., "ab?c") in quotes. My end goal is not to use QuoteString properly, it is to create a parser for a list of quoted legal strings. Perhaps QuoteString was a red herring. Yes, there is no difference, I also tried mp4, avi, all get the same issues. There is no log been printed, but capture does not opened. click here to get [class.php.mailer](http://www.johnboy.com/blog/sending-email-with-amazon-ses-smtp-and-phpmailer) I looked and I have that setting already on, if anyone is able to figure out what is actually wrong with my program I would be most appreciative @user584018: Let us you have two grids (or grid with subgrids) on the same HTML page. Let us you have input `id` properties for rows which come from id of the *tables* of the database. You can have **the same** `id` values for both grids, for example "11" no idea about why 1 and 3 was working radiogroup will work only if all radiobuttons have unique identity. ok mate...btw thank you for try to help me... :) This requires a `class` constraint on `TMessage` to compile and won't result in a compile-time error if the cast is invalid. Sessions are deleted after a period by php automatically. I think there is no way to to do that. Unless you write your own session management and store session data into the database. woops, meant vhar not float in console write message. no mate, the "and" condition not working mate....it would be "false", PLEASE check my question again, I have the syntax for first elimination...the both condition of idsys 1 and 2 shoud work...not only 1 or 2... Why don't you just declare the type of `message` to be `TMessage` in the first place? This really should be the accepted answer. The original string is obviously JSON and this is how you parse JSON. Not sure, You will have to check it out yourself. @pasabaporaqui I don't think the question is very related to packages or configuration... It seems he's just trying to transfer and keep track of website code files. Which line does the error belongs to? For Steve, the benefit of git would be that, by learning only 6 commands, he can transfer files just as easily as ftp but now also has a history of older versions. If seems you (@J.J.) are proposing doing nothing, what makes that better? EDIT: and git will make it much easier to solve the situation @Steve just described. Seems like a great fit. How does your system solve this J.J.? @user584018: You are welcome! I think that `update` callback can be good used for your purpose. You can read in [jQuery UI API documentation](http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#event-update): "This event is triggered when the user stopped sorting and **the @Woff. I am adding a custom intro outro effects to 'Layer Slider' plugin for Wordpress. And the plugin Author only allows you to add classes to each slide not data attributes, so I am confined by that. good point. When change `base64_encode($row["image"]);` to `$row["image"]`, the string I get back form the database contains chars like '/' and '+' and by byte[] has negative numbers in it. I do now know much about image encoding/decoding but from what I understand, it is not bing decoding properly as it shouldn't have these chars in the string. I was previously generating database schema from my models somehow like this before in an earlier version of play-slick with slick but not with play-slick-evolutions. mate please check my question update...sorry I have wrong in question before... Yeah the user will be inputting these exact names, else it won't work or they will get a default chosen for them. I am wondering if hasClass with the if else chain will be expensive though. There shouldn't be anymore than 3 items being animated in at any one time however. @ded - Lol. That's hilarious because having a view in between the scroll view and the image view is how you actually solve this problem. I've revised my answer to make that more clear. The main point of my answer still stands, that you need something in t @SachinSudhakarSonawane https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngClass @SqueezyMo Debugging with logging is about the hardest way to do it. Reserved for those really difficult bugs related to threading, race conditions etc. Bugs like this are much easier to fix with the debugger and the Android community does a lousy job o How would I use the date as a restriction for counting frequencies of other columns? Or would I use array-slicing for that? the ajax is work fine now i think but the php insert didnt work, maybe the insert is not right? its not take the '$data[0]' mayben i sould add special char to mark its a php var? @pasabaporaqui I'm not very sure which files he is sending by FTP now, I assumed it's php, html, css and the likes (because of WAMP). Seems more likely than binaries for the average site but I can't tell from the question. What bit is pertinent? Just the on connect? The entire hub? Hub + js? #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1 Where do you define `$C`? Umesh, do you think this approach would be less expensive than using hasClass? thx ndn...btw any answer can help me? @user584018: You are welcome! It's important to understand that `sortableRows` just uses jQuery UI sortable on `items: ">.jqgrow"` on `tbody` of jqGrid. The selector ">.jqgrow" selectr `` elements (rows). You can use any other options, callbacks and e Thanks Toni, that should work great. I have error when try it...mate I need to do this in batch, as my whole script 700+ lines is in it. Straight to the point! Thank you so much! Can you give example ? One thing I do have to use HardwareSerial and not the normal serial class unfortunately @user584018: I'm not sure why you need to have such requirement, but it's the behavior of `items` option which you used before. See [the third demo](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/sortableRows_free1__.htm) which uses *both* `items` and `cancel` opt Thanks Frode F. I think I'm beginning to get it. Thanks for taking the time to explain. Glad it helped! :) I just tried the js code as external _.js_ file and it works. Remember to include your _.js_ file after the _jQuery.js_ file. Maybe that is the issue. You can always try easy code in your _.js_ (`alert("hello!);`) to check out if your file is properly included. This wasn't supported in v2 either. Could it be that for some reason the `MwmJobUpdateNotifier` is auto-wired, where it pteviously wasn't? @user584018: Sorry, but I can't follow you. Could you try [the first demo](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/sortableRows_free1.htm) or [the second one](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/sortableRows_free1_.htm) and to describe step by step instru On which line do you get that exception? and how can i get data from the return of this function ? Do not forget to include the return @NeoWang this answer is correct, but you can also fail fast by strictly enforcing the format of the first line. Try to read a command, length and newline and if any of those is wrong close the connection. @user584018: Yes of cause! I posted you two demos. You can **try the demos** and see that you can drop any sortable rows **on any place** inclusive the first position before where there are exist unsortable row. It's the main reason of the usage `cancel` I'm using "Person1/2/3" just as an example. In reality, there will be multiple types of data but they keys will be common across sources (or easily enrichable to be common). So, you could use SSN as a proxy for now. I'm currently leaning towards something simple so the process would be: 1. each time a new set is uploaded, construct a superset of keys in a new table, then for each value, calculate the consensus in a new table, then report for each client comparing their data to the consensus. I could do this using SQL/Perl/etc. Any thoughts? the url should be coded or decoded ? i have tabhost with two frags..discover and shop..in both layout i put one footer..in that fotter i have same buttons..like in discover footer buttons with disc and shop and also in shop frag same buttons..now user can go to any fragment any time that means `@f_blogs` is nil, I'm not familiar with the socialization gem but are you logged in? can you explain a little, why this regex is not a good idea? Not real code as there's a missing semi-colon, at least. Why don't you post actual code which causes an actual problem? @pskink AutocompleteTextView has: http://developer.android.com/intl/ko/reference/android/widget/AutoCompleteTextView.html Edited. Don't post arrayList as there is complicated logic of retrieving this list. Actually, thats all what is related to Autocomple `getCurrentUser` returns just a simple object `{firstName, lastName, email, ...}` Can you provide some data to test with. 2nd one works fine for me. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87648/discussion-between-aditya-and-deliganli). One way is to create another task that builds for production and include an uglifier. You mean the version of the compile with which is was compiled? Or the version of the compiler which is in $PATH? Wellcome at StackOverflow! Tell us which operating system you use. And what kind of error messages you see, otherwise your question is too broad and will be closed. What do mean with particular numbers? Thanks for your late answer. Maybe you could copy a relevant part from the reference you gave (change the default bridge). `TeamStore` looks more like a collection of utility methods and not a react class. You might also want to look into Flux or Backbone for handling data and events in React. @PankajParkar Yes, I want to show it under the search bar. Just like the angularjs tutorial that shows two way binding. @Gunaseelan I think you'll find that `mysqli_num_rows` does exist: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.num-rows.php I dont think that creates problem, i used to send 4000-5000 char string with using namevalupair list. I've updated my question with a slightly cleaner solution, would appreciate any thoughts you had on it. Thanks @MrGlitch Trying to build apps without knowing how to use the debugger is like trying to build a house with no cement. Just Google for it. +1 for talking about how this should be disposed, very good advice! I omitted this from the example. (although as above the subscription lasts the entire lifetime of the app. so is disposed on shutdown) @SqueezyMo Why use `Log`, which is for, er, logging, instead of the debugger? The debugger will find it in 30 seconds. my app got vanished..:( java.lang.ClassCastException: info.androidhive.materialdesign.activity.DiscoverFragment cannot be cast to android.support.v4.app.Fragment For your solution, it seems you're pushing out the entire list each time? In my case this doesn't really make sense, as for each update, consumers only need to worry about that particular update, and not the entire snapshot, which they will already have observed. Thanks for the detailed reply. First of all, you're correct in pointing out that this subscription will be created regardless of the number of subscribers. Luckily in this situation, this particular subscription is the driver for the entire application, so it will absolutely need to be created on startup and it'll last for the entire lifetime of the app. Also, unless I'm missing something, values are not being pushed out twice, as the Take(1) ensures new subscribers only get the current snapshot at that point in time, merged with updates. the code of first fragment's butoon click is in question I'll try it out when I have the chance, thanks The question seems to be unrelated to Matlab, please remove the tag. What's contentUri in the first method? what is oldfragment here now click event is not working..i mean nothin is happening on click event .remove cannot be applied How about a "safe", it's safe that this variable is set, and non nil. @Nikolay: The original version would only have failed if Field A was missing. In the updated version, all fields are optional. so you are having single selection or multiple selection of Coure? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deprecation Dude, you saved my life, I've tried at least a dozen other solutions and yours is the only one that actually worked. I'm seriously thinking about creating 10 more accounts to vote your answer up 10 more times. Seriously thanks! i have single framelayout @Vishwa Where did I ever mention ThumbnailUtils being deprecated? I said managedQuery is deprecated. This is the answer, thank you! it's already specified, just remove the second line (or from url2 onwards) [example 2](https://jsfiddle.net/fpr984au/1/). I have set the width to 200% (just so you can understand). Cheers Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87643/discussion-between-roy-and-leonid-glanz). Wouldn't it make much more sense to pass the numbers to the `eval` method and store instances of each class in the map (instead of the class itself)? The code would be much cleaner. The else block doesn't seem to be hit at all post your list item xml https://parse.com/docs/rest/guide/#cloud-code @Genu you're right. The documentation has changed since this question was asked. However, the only two examples in of REST API that uses the Cloud Code platform issue a `POST` request, not a `GET` request Is there a way to achieve this? still same issue @aergistal: I have to stream live. I am already able to record and then stream the file. not yet, the arraylist apparently isn't reading anything..throwing an error now.. Yup, this is correct. see my question..i done same already Like i said, change the width to push the scrollbar out of sight how to do that..\ yup, it was a typo, good catch Sorry, SO isn't for particular recommendations. But you can't go far wrong. Just try one or two. ".net math parser" are your keywords. Whitelisting is better, but if you just need maths that's even more reason to use a specially-designed parser. You can get maths out-of-the-box in most of them. https://www.google.co.uk/?q=javascript+math+parser Hi, I tried it. Its sadly not quite this what I expect to get. But I am thankful for your support. how do you account for the fact that at the end of file there is no http, but you still need to run the pc.perform for the last line? Alternatively, you could fill a model with the values you need while within the context is still not disposed, and then use the model in the application, rather than the entity. The only way to do it is with explicit loading, rather than lazy. For example, after the `.Where()`, you put `.Include(u => u.Company);`. Then, you're able to dispose and also access the company name. A blacklist will *never* be secure. If your requirements are simple, consider using one of the multitude of custom language parsers available, where you can explicitly define what the language is allowed to do. Thank you but i tried your configuration but still nothing... It doesn't make it impossible, just wanted to know make sure you understood function handles right. can u check Controller class is in the same namespace? if not you need to import it with use statement! @banex you're thinking of C++, but this question is tagged as C. No operator overloading in C. butMain.tag = 999 var butMain : UIButton = cell.viewWithTag(200) as! UIButton Most people would go with the second form simply because it's less repetition. Faster to type, easier for humans to parse, and fewer places where you can make a mistake. There are some programming styles, however, which disagree. Changed the best answer. Thank you MichaelChirico for providing this elegant solution! It's a string property @wildplasser the tables are not being recreated. These tables are used to ensure customer isolation (e.g. project_1_data, etc.). We are migrating to using schemas for this (where we may simply duplicate the shared information), but since we're still in th @user584018: You are welcome! To remove remove gray out color for rows you should just use any other class as `ui-state-disabled`, for example a dummy class `unsortable`. It's just **any class**. See [the modified demo](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/ This did resolve the issue of IE hanging when testing on localhost, thank you. "without Code of course" The code is the only important part of his question... why did you leave it out? perfect..lock solution is neat, thanks! What happens with "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"? Yes good idea thank's Thank you for your answers. @PavelŠimerda: `signalfd` does work with `poll` and `select`, I didn't say otherwise. However, these APIs scale linearly with the number of descriptors, and adding a `signalfd` to a set is _yet another descriptor_ in the set (only one admittedly, but sti I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is mandatory to use english on SO (english version) *"why can't we instantiate an interface?"* This is something you can answer yourself if you do some research :). I find some difficulty to implement and run successfully this lib/code. This lib is though detailed and provides many ways of progress forms in Android. Thank you @Minhtdh. That: `A a`? You just declare a variable, nothing else. And do you know _why_ you can't instantiate an interface? You can suppress the intercept (see `help("formula")`). However, you would still not get all factor levels because the system would still be over-determined if they were there. @BhupendraNath I've added the stacktrace to the question for you, but please mind that it is normally your job to add additional information to the question. You can do that by clicking the [edit] button under your question. `multiroot` is not for finding multiple roots of a scalar function. It's for finding the root of a function that returns a vector. Read the documentation. It works, but I do have a question. On the 4s the square looks too small, can I control this somehow ? On the 6 and 5s screen the dimensions are ok. Your answer is better and so simple (one utility class). Thank you @MikeM. Tested and working fine with versions: 2.2, 2.3.4, 4.2.2, 4.4.4. Thank you very much @MikeM. for the simple and clear solution. Upvote his answer so .. I guess it's possible that I did not try it on 4.6 yet but this really *should* work - can you write a bit more about your setup (cpu architecture, F# compiler version, ...?) See this for more information http://www.asciitable.com/ - If you're still stuck, I'd highly recommend reading some beginners books or going through tutorials @kariryzh Yes - all textboxes use `string`. There is a difference between `"1"` and `1` - the first being the ascii representation, and the second being the *actual value* of `1`. You have to establish a relationship between interactivePopGestureRecognizer and your other gesture recognizers and fail one or another depending on the expected mechanics. Also, You may want to look towards UIPageViewController. When you change the delegate of interactivePopGestureRecognizer, you effectively break it, because navigation controller cannot receive signals from it anymore.. Both ;) Maybe this will make more sense: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/518000/is-javascript-a-pass-by-reference-or-pass-by-value-language You are aware that the function handles keep their own copy of the variables? So changing i or bf later won't change the result. Well, IntelliJ supports a feature called ["Structural Search and Replace"](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/structural-search-and-replace.html) ([Examples](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/structural-search-and-replace-examples.html)). If Netbeans doesn't has a similar feature, then you can download and use the free version of IntelliJ just for that replacement and delete it after that. sorry for late reply 0 0 I use Version 4.6 patchlevel 4 0 Unless you explicitly specify you don't want one, `model.matrix` specifies an intercept by default. One level of each factor is represented by the intercept. They can't be there again or the system would be over-determined. you have to use function to be able to define return type. just a guess (that's probably silly because you added the mvc tag but): are your C# stuff *UWP* ? (this sadly - not yet - supports F#) These are basic rules to learn ASAP. For example, try to type something that is not a number in one of your input textboxes. No I *LITERALLY* suggested that you should not change the delegate of interactivePopGestureRecognizer. You don't even have to enable it explicitly because it is enabled by default. @TylerH I can't see a note to see it's deprecated? Yes, I want to return that HWND. I know generally functions are used for returning a value, but I was really to lazy to write all data types. I did that now, but still I'm interestedto learn if something like this is possible. I updated my answer to help you. I'm still not certain I fully understand what you're trying to do, but you should replace all of the old code from my first answer with the new code above. **Be sure to change the `$parent_cat_id` value on the first line to match the ID of your "Sepeda" category.** This new code will display links to the "Sepeda" category and all it's sub-categories. You can remove the `
  • ` dots by adding `list-style:none;` to the CSS for `#category-list` How are you building your jar file? Try opening your jar file, e.g. using WinZip. My guess is that `UserDetails\ReadFile.txt` is *not* in there. you should not change the delegate of interactivePopGestureRecognizer. @Glyph Four lines for what should be one. Raising an exception just to catch it immediately. I would have expected something like the second example, but with twisted adding the stacktrace for me. Of course, "elegant" and "better" are subjective. I guess And how do I define a return type? i am running the build through eclipse environment in Windows ... i have sorted out the issue ... seems to be because of the way i was creating the environment variable. On changing env = Environment(platform = ['cygwin'], ENV = os.environ) to env = Environment(ENV = os.environ) along with few other changes, everything works fine After finally figuring out the correct way to deal with Array and Dictionary and nest them the stuff is finally working. Including the sort you proposed! Thanks. You problem is the code prior to trying to fit the model. This is a duplicate. Thanks for the suggestions regarding CodeReview forum. I have posted my code over there. And @TheDark - I can make the call static, but my idea regarding posting the question is to understand the best way of doing this, and is there something fundamentally wrong in the way I have designed the code? You shouldn't trust a result until you have investigated each and every warning, let alone if there are errors. The first error occurs because `insampley` is a data.frame (though how that happens when you define `x` and `y` only later I don't know). Assuming there is an `x` column in your data I *think* you were intending `insamplex <- insample[, "x"]` (and so forth). The Users DbSet is inherited from IdentityDbContext Oh i see Thanks a lot :D Could you attach the original code as well? Are you trying to unit test `json_encode()`? thanks Charlie it works!!!. What is your Checkstyle version? They've recently redesigned their Javadoc parser. Research submitting forms via AJAX. This is simple and done all the time, but it's best to learn from a source that will teach you from the basics! thank you so much Thanks for your answer,Let i am try it and then reply you. I think it would be better to get an instance of the controller in your test and then you can call `controller.clickHandler()` instead of `$('button').click()`. If you absolutely must use `$('button').click()` you could try changing `$rootScope.$digest()` to `$rootScope.$apply` but I don't think that will help. is clickHandler() in a controller? How is it bound to the button? ng-click? Well yes, though, jpea did say "exact match". But good point, `keyword` analyzer was my next option depending on his feedback, indeed. @proton1h1 As of last week around 15-08-2015 it was no longer working for me. I have since changed the redirection over to a personal server I have running nginx. I found it strange that NS still has a blog entry with instructions on how to use it even th @Milenita: Check final edit. Yep - it's just a matter of code style most of the time. You're already running PHP - if you're trying to shave off nanoseconds, you've got some other things to consider :) you also vote up you also vote up thanks i solved i vote up.. This won't work out of the box - note that the AJAX request is literally submitting to `/path/to/script.php`. You'll need to tweak that to your proper URL and expect the data in those two `$_GET` variables! Did you try MSI interrupts instead of legacy? See this http://stackoverflow.com/a/19784038 may provides you a solution "2015" is 4 characters, i.e. 4 bytes. `resw 1` reserves space for 1 _word_, i.e. 2 bytes. Trying to store more data than you've reserved space for is a very bad idea. Also, `sub word [num1], 30h` does not convert a 4 character string into a number. You'll need to process every character of the string. Questions about how to convert strings to integers in x86 assembly have been asked several times before on StackOverflow, you should do a search for that. This is confusing .. what is the method's name : `GetAllUsers()` or `GetAllStudent()` based on the java code and the exception stacktrace ? Excellent. Please accept my answer if it solved your problem! Since the shuffling occurs before the numbers are added, check if `$target` has been reached, and if so, the desired sequence is `$marks[0...$i]`. [array_slice()](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.array-slice.php) might be helpful :) I can explain more if that doesn't make sense. I'm actually not sure! It's been around as long as I've been writing PHP (since PHP 4). Read LOTS about strings here: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php @KumarM Thanks for the input. No, the `console.log()` in the contactFormCtrl doesn't print anything. I figured I'm doing something wrong with the $watch there, but can't figure out what. When should the parameter be sent? Something has to trigger the action. Do you want it to submit the form when a user makes a selection? are you a robot ? post your xml code That returns the passenger was on board at 13:00 Sorry but this is not the best place for question like this, please visit the [FAQ]. Good day, Sir! Upvoted for polite English greeting. That doesn't work. Why are you discarding the minutes? If the passenger boards 13:30, he wasn't on board at 13:00. Answer went to @ErikE as it was posted first Err:508 Thanks for all the help! when i use grid view there are space for aligning data in it.betweenn columns @ritzz.soni ASCII does not define `\x96` Are you really seeing a speed up in processing time? I would be very surprised if you are! I suspect you should be in the I/O bound realm, unless your processing algorithm is extremely inoptimal. Yea sorry that's what I meant! When the View Controller is deallocated then the NSArray will get deallocated. So is the view controller a pointer to the NSArray object? Since we declared the NSArray as strong in the header file? Hey rmaddy, I just realized my mistake that the NSArray would never be deallocated since it's retain count will not go down to 0. Can a passenger board and deboard the train several times? This worked! Thank you! this would only display that image and would take out the java variable based on the radial. This didnt work, when the page loads i want the default image to be the none.jpg, then when i click 1 of the radial it changes to the value assigned. It is. Given any valid expression of the the form `a[b]`, it is necessary to evaluate both the expression `a` and the expression `b` before `a[b]` can be evaluated. That logic is recursive. Can you point me at the documentation you are looking at ? I don't want to enter a date though. What happens if I need to run the query a few months later? I don't want to manually change the input to a date that would make it work. This don't work for people born in the year that makes them 18. If today is August 22, 2015, people over 18 include those born before August 22, 1997. If there is a birthday in 1997, say May 15, 1997, this person should be over 18 but this DATEDIFF using YEAR as the datepart doesn't give this result. why do you want text files? What are you actually trying to do? Hey Chris, I removed the height: 100%; from the .colums because it still made a vertical scrolling bar appear. After that is was perfect. Thank you very much! I get `/usr/local/bin/pip2` No, I'm not saying that. Eliding copies (which, in turn, reduces copying operations) is permitted but not required by the standards. If you want a guarantee, you need to either use techniques like I described, or confirm if your compiler (and set of compiler settings) will elide copies. This is a matter of compiler quality of implementation, not a case of "all compilers will" or "all compilers won't". Why should someone write this instead of `"python!"[::-1]`? `/usr/local/bin/pip` and `/usr/bin/python` why do you need to us onchange @AnandSKumar `Traceback (most recent call last): File "feed.py", line 1, in import tweepy; print tweepy.__file__ ImportError: No module named tweepy` post your logcat I just tried `day(getdate()) - day(Birthday) > 18*365` and that didn't work...drats. is the element on the page before the code adding the click handler is loaded? Or is it created dynamically Thanks this makes sense. @Brannon: No, I didn't. The strange thing, that similar code works within GUI client (winforms or WPF doesn't matter). values should be in ' ' if it is text or varchar @Maikflow Python 2.7.6 I tested a birthday in 1997-08-04 and 1997-08-31 and the results were the same (people over 18 on August 22, 2015 should have been born before August 22, 1997). I am using a function that reads the string. It seems to do its job when the double quotes are there and seems to miss things when they are not there Not exactly what I wanted, but eventually lead me to my solution... I'll post it bellow. You said you saw the "UPS Instructions" show me where you saw these instructions and I will attempt to decipher it for you. Thanks I was just curious why it happened. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30660250/error-while-trying-to-read-file-with-node-js-from-desktop Unfortunately, `toMap` copies the map entries. I think we're looking for something that just wraps the map with an immutable interface. execute your query in mysql and check whether its working or not I didn't understand the second sentence. What did you try and what's the problem with that? Isn't it the opposite? If `mouse.position > startingPoint.x`, then the mouse is right, not left. The same applies to up/down. I think you swapped the mouse position and the starting point in your logic. On a side note, no need to check for the second and fourth conditions if the first and third are true; I'd add an else there to avoid this. Object for both situations, It showed me things like innerHTML, baseURL and etc rather than the usual DOM tree `MapProxy` is now deprecated as of 2.11. Any suggestions please Actually reviews part is not that important. But the essence of the problem needs attention: how to store and retrieve large data/files from SQLiteDatabase? That won't work, BLUEPIXY. VLAs are not somehow passed differently than any other array to a function. Right Mike, I sourced the compatibility though I didn't know that about woff so thank you for sharing. As I said I don't get why @ font-face isn't working in Firefox 38, as we can see by the browser compatibility check. So the best I can think of is to try another method of rendering the @ font-face to get it to work right. +1 on your question comment for asking for more info That is a good point. I can fetch data separately. But is this the best solution? I still tend to fetch the `ArrayList`. Is this the solution for extremely large files? Have a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28049016/less-setting-variable-inside-mixin or http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21600825/conditional-css-based-on-background-color-variable As shown in the edited question, that didn't work. Any other suggestions? Thank you very much! That works well! Thanks for literal_eval, which is the key! Thanks, This works to, but with around 100.000 Sellers and 1 Million Items takes on average 12 seconds, while the solution with 'CROSS APPLY' takes 6 seconds No, this returns items.ItemID for only the first 3 UserID, I can imagine this is due to the inner clause ` "SELECT TOP 3 UserID...."` Thanks for both replies. Even if I `resize(100, 100)`, the same error (with exact number of bytes of memory needed) still occurs. It is not because of image loading, sorry for my wrong hint. Don't put your edits as an answer unless it is an answer. Click on the edit link - http://stackoverflow.com/posts/32152153/edit - and edit the question directly You have *n* number of rows with *app_id*, but don't include an *id* or other unique value, so of course it will update all the rows with the same values @MichaelLaszlo My mistake The last brace is not invalid; it is part of the `for` loop wow! add '\' is ok! yazfield thank you:) This should use `_mm_cvtss_f32` instead of `_mm_store_ss`. ah, thanks for letting me know that. Did you end up writing your own solution for your site? You could use a Lambda function and a custom endpoint in CloudFormation to make a request to that Lambda function. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/template-custom-resources.html My ui mess up when I include `jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js`. Maybe it have known compatibility issue with bootstrap, I use a combination of jquery mobile and bootstrap in my website I don't know any implementation that optimizes this. Maybe Blue Gene. This is the best solution! Clean and simple, thanks for sharing. Where is your webview??? Can you try String jsonText = obj8.toString(); Or String jsonText = obj.toJSONString(); System.out.print(jsonText); and share update. If you can share snippet of code will be more helpful... Are you posting anything with tags in them? Have you checked that the column is the type that accepts strings? Why do you need pack for >2GB? That's strictly in the bandwidth-limited regime so packing should be of no value whatsoever. No longer valid with current Apache versions. NameVirtualHost directive does nothing and will be removed. Could we see the JSON you're using? From what your code suggests, you already have the JSON parsed into a Swift array. It could have something to do with how you parsed in the JSON. I made a mistake with the pasted link... Sorry about that, I update the proper link above... Would you please remove your down vote, thanks. @IlyaVerbin does GCC not support Pentium x86 that works on KNC? It won't be necessary. @josilber's solution worked like a charm for me. But the HEX value is actually easier to use than the decimal equivalent since you can use it in a literal. '0D'x is a carriage return. @MichaelLaszlo Once per game Thank you so much! This was it! What were the return types in swift for those 3 signatures that you tried? Actually, the error is a little bit different on the device. It's the same kind of error, but it's complaining it can't find my framework, rather than the framework not finding Swift frameworks. You have two problems. Your action name is wrong; it shouldn't include the `ACTION_` prefix. Also, `MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED` is for API 12+. This doesn't quite capture what I meant. `#main` is a div that contains `#index` and `#show`. The `#index` div is width and height 100vw/vh, as is the `#show` div. `#show` starts off off-screen, but when the user clicks on a selection, the `#index` page visibly updates it's background (think of it like a cover page), and `#show` invisibly updates its content. When the use clicks a button, `#main` slides left to hide `#index` and reveal `#show`. I guarantee that it is in development, just give it time. Because you asked, I tried it on the device and it behaves differently. It refuses to work even with the Embedded Content Contains Swift Code turned on, saying the same "dyld: Library not loaded:". The bundle id of the framework is different than the project, but as far as I can tell it needs to be so I can load the bundles distinctly as needed. Have you set up a NAT instance so that the instances can access the internet without a public facing IP address? The EIP doesn't matter if the instance has access to the internet otherwise. Your code is deployed from the CodeDeploy agent polling the endpoint. I finally got around to computing the limit: 1.80E+16 is the largest integer that works with this method (though that might be implementation-dependent) in the sense that `x.to_f/(x-1).to_f` is not exactly `1.0` @Reb.Cabin Click on the Project in the left nav pane. When you do that, there will be a "Show/Hide Project and Targets List" icon just to the right of the Project entry. In Gerard's photo, it's the blue icon above the word "Project" just to the left of @nnnnnn I thought that was odd, too. Just did what that guy said in the question Are you getting the error during a deployment or preventing the deployment, this makes a difference. Typically the health of the host is the based on the result of the update, for example if you have 3 instances, and require 2 minimum healthy, if any of the instances fail, except for the last one, there would be no way for there to be 3 healthy hosts, since it has to take one offline to update it. what do you mean by the back button being disabled @lucifer it also allows abstract methods @Jean-FrançoisSavard I was making them equivalent in the logical concept. Yes, a class prevent multi-inheritance. Yes, an interface (now) has "default" methods (which should *not* be used as a replacement for multi-inheritance). What happens if you just run `java SendText`? I'm always interested in cleaner ways of doing things, but could you elaborate? Nothing presented here so far strikes me as a "clean" solution. For the bob situation you describe, I would just specialize the template---no mess, no fuss. Works great for std::array, std::pair, etc. In fact, that's what I was doing with all my code until I realized that I couldn't specialize for classes nested inside template classes... Just because *part of* the class is abstract, doesn't mean the entire class is. A class that's entirely abstract is the same as an interface. I changed `pop` to return the value popped off the stack. You could also implement a `peek` to see the value on top of the stack. As your code was, you could add values, but it was a black hole (other than `display`). Yes - I'm so new to gulp/javascript. If you are new to software development, I am going to make leap and guess you are new to databases too. If you want to work with databases you will need a basic understand of the types of database you wish to work with, perhaps starting with RDBMS and SQL, as you will need to understand the structure of the data in the database and how to manipulate and query the database for the data. Yes, "Generate Method Stub" is missing for me too. Even when I enable the lightbulb, it's not listed. One of the most useful functions in VS is gone. Can you give me some code example? Also, are .class files generated by your call to javac? Are your java and javac from the same Java version? Perhaps your compilation is targeting a newer version of Java than your JRE can handle. I looked through the source code and it turns out there's a destroy() method that does this: `this.resetForm(); $(this.currentForm).off(".validate").removeData("validator");` I think this might be problematic. I still need to set the ajax URL on a per-instance basis. If I default `ajax` to a function then I lose access to the inner properties. I removed `let thisTask = fetchedResultsController.objectAtIndexPath(indexPath) as! TaskModel if thisTask.completed == true {thisTask.completed = false} else {thisTask.completed = true} (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).saveContext()` and it's not working For a rewriterule to work, you need two URLs. The friendly one (a.k.a. the beautiful thing) and the not-so-friendly one (a.k.a. the one with a file extension and question mark). So one of your unfriendly url's is `www.mywebsite.com/post-template/?edit=3242`. You need a friendly version that includes that number in it. maybe like `www.mywebsite.com/editpost/number/3242`? Decide on the non-friendly urls and the friendly urls you want to associate with each non-friendly url. Have you tried adding -Dlog4j.debug to your JVM arguments to get log4j to print its startup information? Are your log statements showing up in System.out? Do they follow the format specified in your config file? If you change the format in the config file, do the statements in System.out change also? If they don't, log4j isn't finding your config file. is phil a Ninja? Create a fiddle with your code Then take a look at this [tutorial](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/php/send-email/). As an aside, [as of jQuery 1.7](http://api.jquery.com/unbind/#entry-longdesc) `off()` is preferred to `unbind()`. A better approach might also be to shuffle both your 2010 and 2011 data together, and then randomly split that into your train and test sets. Otherwise if there are differences between the 2 years then your prediction accuracy is going to suffer because you're training on "old" data Great point. Thanks @chux Why are you returning `true` and `false`? Also, each line should be separated with a CRLF (`\r\n`) Does the updated query in my answer work for you? are you sure WebdriverIO can be used with for android web scrapping There are two sql quires in the code, which is causing the Exception? Also can you show the exact query that works in your database? Please don't do this: `print traceback.tb_lineno(tb)`. Just don't catch the exception in the first place. The error message is much more useful that way. Okay then, what about audio? Wouldn't work in a noisy environment perhaps, and seems like a really low tech approach, but potentially doable. Have you checked that `getHostName` isn't final? The correct answer here is that you should ask your teacher to explain to you what OOP means in a way that you can understand. If your teacher can't explain it to you, how can they expect you to solve the task? http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/groupby.html#grouping-with-a-grouper-specification is the canonical method for time grouping; this creates a TimeGrouper which is not public per se Could you include your HTML as well? And what browser are you using? See here: https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Nashorn/Using+Rhino+JSR-223+engine+with+JDK8 @ericsonluciano can you please tell me the solution to this? another way I experimented with was setting up a reverse proxy webapp like http://ruslany.net/2014/05/using-azure-web-site-as-a-reverse-proxy/, but virtual directories seems like a better solution You could also use FixedDataTable so that it's never really creating more components than you can see on screen: https://facebook.github.io/fixed-data-table/ @amalloy what is the type of `;`? @AntalS-Z Yuppers; I really like that post :-) You can just escape input tag, so it will be rendered as text in your browser. For example, will be <input type=text> You probably have an smtp server in your company (as you said you're setting up a webapp for you company). It should be supported https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_Objects (see "Defining getters and setters"). IMO the compiler really should be supporting this pattern to identify properties/members and I'd call it a bug. Lnvz u can't be serious You don't want to check *just* the password in that SQL query. You want to check *both* the username *and* the password. Otherwise they'll be able to login as *any user* who has the password they entered. It looks like a MaxNLocator object can only be used for a single axis. If you reuse the locator for more than one axis with different ticks the final ticks will be used for all axes. Your snippet of code doesn't do anything since it will _always_ evaluate to true (a field is either null or it isn't), which functionally does not affect the report in any way. Now, maybe you mean to check for null values as well as empty strings, aka a "blank"? this seems to throw the error: Error:Execution failed for task ':app:preDexDebug'. > com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 134 Fortunately, I have good company: Facebook SDK isn't supporting Forward Secrecy on their servers out of the gate: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/ios9 @DanielA.White Yes that seems to be the assumption that the compiler operates under I am using a python UserAgent parser. It seems to have trouble with the data when the quote was missing so I wanted to try and get it in that format. Is there a regex solution to adding it or a way to specify the type to get the quotes? Turns out it's gotten simpler in XCode 7 beta 5. Core Data now uses NSSet for one-to-many relationships. Create an NSMutableSet such as "let clientSet: NSMutableSet = []" then add a Core Data object to the set "clientsSet.addobject(aClientObject)" and then put the set into the relationship like "event.clients = clientsSet" and you're done. All I had to do was regenerate my classes that weren't working (like my Event). I was still using some classes generated from Core Data in XCode 7 beta 4 and that was messing me up (Event was using NSOrderedSet rather than NSSet). Your method is called "delete_image" not "image_delete" as defined in your routes I tried 'NSURL(string : audioPath)!' did not work @MarcB can you post this as a main answer, so I can check as good. This is the one I used and it worked great. Thank you. and i would be able to see the value by going to the debugger? btw thanks for the help. i was so lost. our lead programmer had no clue. he has a lot more experienc ebut hes never used that. @jfriend00 I don't know if it's correct to call it a singleton since the constructor is still of the generic Object type. My suggestion with the `new function` constructor would be more of a singleton, being of an (undefined) unique type. But I digress! Y what about `CMD["xvfb_run firefox"]` @aschepler Good point, those numbers have nothing to do with what goes into the vector... Sorry i accidentally reposted the previous question Sorry i accidentally reposted the previous question This is mystifying to me. I get the same result on 2.6. I'm running Mac OS X 10.10.4 with python installed through anaconda. Hey, I just added some code that I've tried using but thats the basic in how it should work Unfortunately changing the schema is not an option. There must be a way to accomplish this although I believe the solution might be a bit esoteric. Still looking for answers! I would be able to use that as a global yes? @jfriend00 The entire `mui.utils.colorManipulator` object has been removed though. Maybe referencing it from inside the method would make it NOT be removed (and solve the issue). Or point the minified references correctly. But, just saying... And even if im returning distance because im doing coordinates for where the robot has to go. so im using distance formula, and law of sins and arclength formula in small basic there is no return. its just assign a variable and thats it. ex. sub hello sign = 10 endsub textwindow.writeline(sign) 'prints 10' ok i was returning to many function and im learning robotc for my team. i know i shouldn't be programmer but im pretty boss at smallbasic, so i do understand the fundamentals of programming. HTml, css, smallbasic, and some python is what i know. yes it s a float but when i run return getdistance(...) its states that its a void function. so that makes it a void function by defalt. recall that the getdistance function is a void so i cant put return getdistance(0,4,0,1) Would instantiating the mui.utils.colorManipulator through a constructor minify the same way? `mui.utils.colorManipulator = new function() { this.fade = function... };` So where should the return functions go? and how do i assign a return in the main(0 i tried to for it for getdistance but i got major errors. Thank you very much. Of course, as a developer, that wasn't really the answer I was looking for, but thanks for making it clear what I can and can't do yet. In my case, this was Visual Studio 2010, but good to know it's fixed in later versions. Correct, it acts as a left outer join. have you tried restarting the web server? just to make sure it reloaded the models? I was fighting this for a good hour, turns out I was doing everything fine except passing a String to setText(), thanks! THank you! @uoyilmaz @Swards okay, so I am getting it. The problem is that the user is LOGGED in, but has no path available to redirect to, so Devise automatically redirects them to root (which is the login screen) and thus the loop? Am I on the right track? @Histro Georgiev Removing the login route (but leaving the root route) causes the same behavior listed above. Your second issue is probably a conflict between the libraries that milkman have packaged and the version of GooglePlay Services. You can try removing GooglePlayServices however I believe the go viral ANE has an old version of this lib and probably won't work with distriqt ANE's. @Histro Georgiev Removing the root route causes the standard "Welcome Aboard" page to appear. Removing the root and then going directly to /login causes it to redirect to root (which is the Welcome aboard screen). the code is from here: http://bitoftech.net/2015/03/11/asp-net-identity-2-1-roles-based-authorization-authentication-asp-net-web-api/ @Swards No, I am not doing that anywhere in my code. As to the "why" I once again refer you to the docs. The compiler probably thought the object was unnecessary because it can't find a reference to it inside YOUR code. They had a few cases and suggestions in the docs, about exporting symbols or compiling ALL of your libraries together etc. Thanks for the help. I managed to get it working. Is it possible to use UItextField instead of Anyobject For the IBAction function of the textfield? 1. From the example code, I cannot really see why you would need QFile. Maybe only use fdopen and drop QFile altogether? 2. fdopen requied an [fclose](http://linux.die.net/man/3/fclose) what does start_spider.sh look like? @Lodewijk I am seeing the same thing. Maybe the correct property is clientHeight? Seems like it should work then. Dumb question, did you restart the 8080 server after making all your changes? Thanks, I'll up that vote count once I'm above 15 points :) Wish there was some way to pass this info along with TLS or DNS. Let me ask you this... did you upgrade to WIndows 10? There is a reason I ask that involves node and your Environment variables. Thanks. That person's question can be addressed by issuing a new cert that allows both www and not-www. Many providers add the optional www SAN to their certs now. An option I also have with my cert, but I want *.domain.com not just www.domain.com to redirect. Seems my only solution is a wildcard cert as @jon-lim explained above. Still sounds like it could be a scope issue. Post an MCVE http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask Any answer to your current question would just be a guess. Pandas [has a `map`function](http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/generated/pandas.Series.map.html). Maybe you could try that. Furthermore, this is really easy to do even with vanilla Javascript. So you want to call `deleteMultiple` with an empty collection? ... ok. Couldn't one use "break" instead of "continue"? You should also add the second function for error logging to the get of url2 & 3 to make sure they are being handled properly like you do with the post. Also, usually you put response.data or similar in your scope variable. Oh cool! I will do this tomorrow. I got the code in my office notebook. Thank you again :D Only one question: I'm editing using SimpleXML but when I change the xml tag value, it removes CDATA "layout". Can it affect how a 3rd party script works? I mean... Can it refuse to accept my modified xml file because it doesn't have the CDATA layout in some fields? I tried to recover it, but as soon as I use something like: xml->post = "" it becomes ascii code... Thank you for your recommendation on composition. You will see in my classdef I store the table as a property in `rawTable`. So it is as you suggest, I just need to work out a economic way of doing the pass through. I tried `LOG_TEXT = LOG_TEXT[:-1]` which is the same of what you have wrote, and I mentioned that I tried it and it still didn't worked. The problem is that my script ignores the deleting part so if I write "Hellp", delete the "p" and write another "o", the txt file will contain "Hellpo" Still no idea, maybe i should do it with python? possible duplicate of [Calling a parent window function from an iframe](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161388/calling-a-parent-window-function-from-an-iframe) You don't need a while loop if you're only getting one row (I'm guessing nokom should be a unique key). I've added it to the above question. To get anywhere, you are probably going to need to provide .zip file listings and directory listings. What is the "end file" in an archive? How would the previous directory a file was in be determined? You know that these two code blocks aren't doing the same, right? What about **0**? In addition: This is pretty cool: http://mneise.github.io/posts/2015-08-04-week-9-and-10.html Thanks! Actually after posting this question and people above telling me to use DOM Parser I found a PHP Library called SimpleXML. It's so simple that even me being a php beginner can work with it :D As simplexml can't rename xml tags without custom functions, I'm working with it and then save the file and open using file_get_contents and str_replace :D Now for the #2 doubt, do you have any idea how to solve it? @SDilmac nope, a keylogger :P thanks! I used this tip when editing a horrible mess of html, it is extremely helpful @JoranBeasley I tried it but the notepad is giving me a weird rectangle File "F:/Projects/Keylogger/Keylogger.py", line 116, in OnKeyboardEvent LOG_FILE.seek(pos) # Move to after last character we want to save IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument The WZUNZIP command will not create a directory if there is not one in the archive file. Please find out exactly which tool and command is being used that causes the undesired directory to be created. Swift 2 doesn't add *exception* handling, it adds _error_ handling. The main semantic difference is that exceptions are unrecoverable, whereas errors are can be handled gracefully. Well, all I can tell you is that it looks like `fade` in your code is a method on an object, and in the compressed version it's not. As if, for example, it was a function created on another function which in your code is instantiated by `new` but in the compressed version it's not. Or maybe it was created using `this.fade =...` in a context where `this` meant the global object. Without seeing the object/function/method, like @jfriend00 said, that's all I can tell you. Can you examine the object? Alert popups aren't going to be very informative. Use your web developer tools. If you have a node server talking to a node server CORS doesn't apply. CORS is only applicable when making an ajax request in the browser to a different domain. @DeepakGoyal as you can see I have that, and I don't think it is doing anything. Also potentially the voicemail may not be played all the way. The same error is generated with all the following optimization options `[O0, O1, O2, O3, Os]` So if successful respond with '@user', else respond with @error or something? I was thinking about `break` but what if I have some List like: `3 4 5 3 4 3 1` and would like to remove `3` (then it should remove all `3s`)?? Azure Automation is scalable, customizable, and monitorable. But I agree it is meant for administrative tasks (not just Azure PowerShell ones though), rather than for compute, storage, or memory intensive tasks. Automation's sandboxes are not meant for those tasks. @SotiriosDelimanolis, it should delete all of the occurences of the passed `String` but instead it's running infinitely! It's just `authkey = os.urandom(20)`. See: https://github.com/pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph/blob/develop/pyqtgraph/multiprocess/processes.py#L73 That does exactly what you think, but how do I check if my update was successful? That just returns the user at it is, I need to display a message if the update was successful or not. You are using the NodeJS library in the browser? ...that you're actively telling the compiler to restructure your code aggressively using `advanced optimization`? Have you checked the documentation of this feature? https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial3?hl=en You have imported this package perhaps? org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionDestroyedEvent I am not. It works if I don't call escape_javascript on it. Is there a way to grab the ajax's response from this side of things? Use Javascript and ajax to have the processing happen on the same page. When a transport is created, it's created for production purposes. If you are going to learn, then you can use MSMQ locally or ASQ with emulator to cut your learning costs. ASB is a hosted service, so saying that it should be completely free is not for me to decide. so the book screwed up , not me! Sorry, here it is. http://pastebin.com/d3KFVREz thanks for the help but seems that there is some errors ayyyyyy, we good we good! thanks so much man! yup, simple fix That gives me `NoMethodError - undefined method `gsub' for #:` ill try that! sounds right v0.10.40 Not sure what you mean by path, but yea i have it installed. @JoranBeasley of course I did, but I don't want to start and putting script parts in there, so I assumed that its obvious that I did it I copied your server code and ran it no problem other than defining the variable `json`. When I used jQuery to make the request everything worked fine in Chrome and FF. What library are you using to make the http request on the frontend? @Pynchia any better? Look at the edit Well, once i started couch db up with sudo couchdb and it gave me the 3 welcoming lines, you know the "now you can relax" interface thing. I'm not supposed to be typing commands in that apparently(at least not for me). couchdb is supposed to be running in the "background". Infor for anyone else who may have this problem. COUCHDB SHOULD BE RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND, and you should be typing commands with the normal $ prompts ...and set the jellyfish container to `position:relative` so that they position themselves absolutely within the viewport. because this result I get from the serivce.And I need to keep it in the foramt as abouve well since you said you can't reorder the existing data, I assume you can't change the JSON structure directly. It might not make sense to manip the json first programatically and then run it through angular. When I said manipulat the json, I meant actually change the json structure so you could have something easier to work with I replaced `Redirect permanent "(?i)https:\/\/\d*[a-z0-9]*.domain.com" "https://domain.com"` with your rewrite code and I am still getting the same error when trying, for example, `https://foo.domain.com`. It doesn't redirect to `https://domain.com` and gives this error: NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID compile 'org.glassfish:javax.annotation:10.0-b28' is what did it for me, otherwise i kept getting NPE from gradle. Why did the devs not mention this dependency? Thanks again! No, it should not be escaped. Looks like your controller is returning a string, not an object. Perhaps check that `my_dict` is actually a dictionary and not already converted to json. i'd have to agree with @rmaddy - but thank you for that link (very helpful conceptually) yes , added her I tested it today and it's actually possible indeed to use wildcards on s3n resource locators!!! Is this a WinForms/WPF application or an ASP.NET one? Yes - `subprocess` expects each command-line parameter separately, as Daniel shows here. @Pynchia would u like me to write the entire script in chat? Switch to Intellij IDEA, It has very good support to Java and all front end technologies I've improved the regular expression. ,I have this format filter: customFilter: [{"id": 3},{"id": 2},{"id": 1}]" Not this: customFilter: [3,2,1]" @Pynchia This script is in the function `def OnKeyboardEvent(event):` and it gets the keyboard input at this moment, so if I click on the letter 'F', the event will be 'F' but in ASCII @ikegami- okay, Perl... got it. :) will keep a note of it from now on... why not? `findall` returns a list of tuples. I found an issue here on the stack regarding the use of the grunt-usemin task, but usemin is a task runner that has many issues, including conflicts with uglify (so I don't want to use it) and it doesn't really apply to this issue. Any help is appreciated. On a 64bit machine you typically don't run out of address space, which means the available memory and the maximum possible array size should be the same number. No problem! Hopefully the explanation was clear enough -- you were on the right track by using lookarounds, this one was just a little extra complex ;) That won't work, you should use the edited code that I posted above. C strings are a feature with a number of anomalies inherited from (well, you know) C. @ikegami- thanks for the ultimatum. i was just not sure if i could make it dynamic or not. will have to find other way then. This could work, but could I not just use a fair lock as stated @JB NIZET? I changes it like so: $wp_query("cat=$category_id&posts_per_page=-1"); and got this error: Fatal error: Function name must be a string ufo.center = CGPointMake(ufo.center.x+temp, ufo.center.y); with a timer every 0.05 seconds I am just adding a randomSpeed variable called "temp" to the x- position of the center ( the variable is a negative number ) Sorry, my internet connect sucks, the docs arn't loading... @ikegami- the spelling is right. Perl, PERL and perl are all spelt the same way. I would rather need your help in finding me a solution for this. If at all there is a solution. Please help if you are soreadytohelp how would I do this? It doesn't need to be an iBeacon transmission. My example is an iBeacon transmission only because I don't know how to do anything else. Thank you Abdo, if successful will share with the stackoverflow community. @ikegami- i just saw ur profile. Soreadytohelp..... it said... you should think of correcting that.. you can write as follows. Onlyreadytofindfaults @ikegami- Agreed, its stupid thing to do this way. but can i have a solution for this please. The code has been developed already and i need to make it dynamic now on that same code. what is my animation code? I don't have any animations I have also added sample output to show the problem. As you can see golfer 4 just continues waiting, but golfer 1 fills his bucket before. Preferably assistance with my code, but an elegant suggestion would also be appreciated So I guess "iowait is time spent receiving and handling hardware interrupts" kind of wrong. The one represents the above statement is %si which means system interrupts percentage :) If you want to compact the code, just put both statements on the same line: `int temp = a[i]; a[i] = 0;`. Not great, but infinitely better than that weird construct. @QuincyLeito Don't worry ;) I just told you to improve your question and get better answers :) wasn't meant as some kind of 'finger pointing'. If you have any additional informations just edit your post and add it :) Yeah. I was doing the same thing. Just had to add {JSON.stringify(object_to_write)} to fix the warning! read it back in and write it out again (specifying the format on the write) @Gustav that'd be interesting. `Now` is the only one of them marked as `Read-only` so that follows. @AustinJones A combined version of my answer and the answer of joyBlanks. Updated the code. Did you bother to google "ggplot remove legend"? i know that they should reappear right of the screen like this, but they don't that doesn't make any sense. Yeah i copied yours, but its still the same error :( great - highlighting my ignorance since january 2015 ;-) The servlet `init` method is called when the webapp is started (at Tomcat startup and/or when deployed), and the `destroy` method is called when the webapp is stopped (at Tomcat shutdown and/or when undeployed/redeployed). The single servlet instance is then used by **all** incoming requests, so your counter is always `1`. Not useful at all. You're not actually using a pipeline. Call `pipe.hmset` not `redIs.hmset` I went ahead and utilized wp_query() instead of query_posts(). Everything should still work the same way. Let me know! ~ Kory yea I have tried it but it reappears at the left side of the screen and not the right side, that makes no sense :( (as you probably guessed, im not very experienced with PHP!) the only bit i can see a problem with is the 'P10D' bit when subtracting the days. I would need some way to replace this with a variable, is there an easy way to do this? At the moment ive got around it by passing the variable through to JS by attaching it to the end of an array with the rest of the date numbers and then just adding it with JS. Its not very elegant though I could, but wouldn't that get committed onto git? I'm trying to keep sensitive data on each developers personal machine. We could rewrite it to store indices in a list used as a stack, not sure if the list will trip Numba because of it making Python API calls. Will take a look at it tonight. Besides the problems with colors, the code has a syntax error, a dimension missmatch when multiplying. Please comment out the lines regarding color and try to fix the other lines first. @Snowman thanks for pointing that out, I was effectively not aware of the undesirability regarding naming/terminology on Programmers. This might result from me being just a reader on Programmers... I tried it over Microsoft Edge on Win10 Virtual Machine (http://dev.modern.ie/tools/vms/windows/) with a very simple html test page and it works fine. Can you please share your whole markup? @Kokodoko Hm, I use firefox, there's also a built-in website IDE, and cool debugger stuff. In my opinion, you should use it (because Chrome really eats up your RAM >.<) _If Not lstSchema.Items.Contains(colSchema) Then_ That ToString creates the error It's a very powerful tool. I'm sure there is a neater way than nested repeats, but you'd have to be able to manip that json data first Is your bucket in us-east-1, and have you looked at [consistency model](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/#What_data_consistency_model_does_Amazon_S3_employ) as an explanation? you'll have to escape those single quotes Thanks Jeeped. I will take a look at this and let you know if i can apply to my workbooks. each of which contains 300,000+ lines of data. I wish i had some database tool experience to use or even someone within the company to help but i do not. have a great weekend! I have to test this further but I think I was able to accomplish the task with your regex: http://jsbin.com/jozarufela/1/edit?js,output. But, I'm very curious what the $1 does? Ah okay, turned out to be a trivial problem, should've spotted that. Thanks for the help! @ChipsLetten: thx, I did not take the R1C1 notation into account. And I will look up the guides you mentioned! ;-) right. I hope the way Firefox behaves eventually becomes the specification You could provide more information on what you already tried and didn't help so far if you want an answer. We wouldn't waste time for an answer you already tried and it would look like "the others will handle it for me" (sorry but you posted you code and added just a few lines of description) @AustinJones OP is attaching another eventhandler on the first click, so the element gets the second eventhandler only after the first click. It's pretty simple. Thanks a lot and sorry for posting not enough information. I combined your code with =VLOOKUP(RC[-2]," & SelectionMasterfile & ",1, FALSE)" which gives me exactely what I needed! @zessx Ok, thanks for reply :) Flexbox rocks, it's true. i can't understand anything, every variable is different. Wow, how weird. So in other words it looks like in Chrome at least, UI event handlers block other UI events from getting inserted into the queue while they're running. So simply remove the 1 and it will work for any case? i guess if it was wrapped in a stored proc this wouldn't be a problem, as your query is not stand-alone. thank you for the open file though, at least for the moment I can use a shortcut key to reveal on the style.css os.mkdir(path) creates the folder, I am trying to reveal this folder in sidebar to easily ftp the contents I thought that was weird as well. This is how the theme was set up initially. I guess I need to change that before we go live with the site. Thanks Martin! Greatly recommend!! Not only it's a great framework to use but also the author (Govert) is helping the community all the time. I used to develop Excel add-ins with VSTO and switching from it was such a relief!! @user2325154 No, the servlets lifetime has nothing to do with the browser. The server is not notified when you close the browser or navigate away from the current page. It would be nice if you can create a minimal, concrete and verifiable example, and describe explicitly the desired behaviour. An image would also help—if you have issues with embedding images, just paste the URL and I can help you to insert it into your question. The servlet lifetime (create/destroy) is not guaranteed to match request lifetimes, e.g. the container might create one per request or might use a singleton. Singleton is actually the norm these days, so that won't work at all. In your view it'd be `$root.title` not just `title`. Also, double `$$` between current and route? `$$` is reserved for private variables. Thank you for the response! I have made the changes you suggested as an edit to my original post but it's still not working for some reason. Any ideas? @Pointy yes that's what I meant by "if the (Javascript) engine isn't optimized for it" (maybe I should have clarified which engine I meant to begin with). And as I said, even if it wasn't optimized for it, it should hardly make a noticable difference (eve You might also want to look at http://stackoverflow.com/a/2397995/5196093. That answer includes the standard's definitions of undefined/implementation defined/unspecified. It doesn't say whether it's quoting the C or C++ standard, but I don't believe they differ on this. Nope, just have no idea where to even begin with this. I've played with the csv module but didn't know if perhaps assigning each column to a dictionary and then appending them together would be the best route? Is there even a way to custom name files? Sorry, I'm a week into Python. Or if possible run a hotkey combination on the open style.css file (alt + shit +n) which would reveal in sidebar ...and as to the computational efficiency of the two, you'd have to do a benchmark to compare them. Though I imagine if the engine isn't optimized for it, since `!0` performs a comparison to equate true while `true` needs no comparison, `true` should be faster. Although the difference in just one call should hardly be noticable. This doesnt seem to include the time constant i require in the program Exactly @Barmar, that's what I was asking about. Of course I know my timeout will be executed after the long running method. any chance you could break this down a bit? Ive never used this method before, be good to get a view of how it works You're right Fred, it needs to get to the end of the loop and be sure none of the items are the one about to be added, then add it. I'll update the code. In a question with a similar data structure (lat, lon, value (rain / score)) I used interpolation with `akima` (as also mentioned by @nongkrong), then `ggmap` and `geom_tile` in [my answer](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19339296/plotting-contours-on-an-irregular-grid/19339663#19339663). You may check if it suits your needs. The ability to be inconsistent one of the big differences. sizeof(int) is implementation-defined, but it's not going to change from 4 to 8 halfway through the program. If it was undefined, it *could*. Implementation-defined things also tend to have additional restrictions: e.g. sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT must be at least 16, whereas if it was undefined, it could be or do anything at all. Thanks! Will verify then accept your answer. @A.Webb That's true. I don't really have a sense for what's best: a sequence of computations for each row (like yours); or a sequence of matrix computations making an intermediate object (like mine). The latter might be nice if they are going to do the sa That would answer it. How did I not even think of that? :( @ChrisBeck Note that I didn't test that and upon looking at it again, it is not quite right. But you get the idea. Do you have JQuery script loaded? cool, I'll update the answer here So you'll have to `ng-repeat` one more time. How is this? http://jsfiddle.net/arknr6qz/1/ I believe your expected output is wrong on the last service. It should be `wine 1, fruit 1, fruit 2` since service 4 is present in wines and fruits Is this question still unanswered? According to your comments it seems like Dave's answer should be accepted unless theres something else. So, all the data on sheet 2 WILL be on Sheet1? Also will each flight number from sheet2 match one cell/row or multiple cells/rows on sheet1? It doesn't seem to show me a related error (it shows me later on that a call to propType returns undefined). I also cant seem to set an alert or debugger inside that get What exactly is your Image from? fantastic thank you, iv been trying .open_file(path + '/style.css') but didn't realise I needed the sublime.active_window() beforehand. As for focusing the sidebar, I would like the assets folder that is created to be opened in the sidebar (as if user was to navigate to folder themselves in the filetree. could it be something like sublime.active_window().run_command("reveal_in_side_bar") @MartijnPieters Thanks for your help and advice. I edited my question, I hope it is more suitable now. Your conjecture about `max.col` is correct. Look at its documentation with `?max.col` @MaxTheG code was hidden in the question due to not being in coding format. Is now visible :) Thanks for pointing out regex101.com! I think I'm going to use that tool from now on. I ran your regex through jsbin (http://jsbin.com/nosofalace/1/edit?js,output) and it removed ' is used, it should work. And it is impossible to use maybeC @thought of `head.next` and `prev.next`, but this was non-sense. hi, thanks for answering. it is what I wanted exactly, and it works. but when I checked the codex they actually suggest not to use query_posts. is there an alternative to get the same result? [link](https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/query_posts)[link] @DeblatonJean-Philippe I still don't fully comprehend why directives run in the order they do, but it surelt isn't because of directive's priority. Priority matters only between directive applied to the same element, as described here under *Directive Def Why don't you want to use session variables or ReactiveVars? I don't think this is possible. I also don't think it's necessary. Why would you ever need to do this? Hi. I am sorry I don't understand what you are proposing I suspect you're getting the view size before it's set up, in other words I suspect it's 0. I get the view size differently, I'll edit my answer. Thank you very much Eddy. I tried but #NAME? just prints out html. Well #NAME? returns headers and if the config would have worked it would have return permanently moved. I get this error when i try to retreive the tweets : SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. @IInspectable Assembly, machine code... Well... The machine code generated is secure, no a clean machine code (and more fast) that the generate by a normal C++ compiler. I suppose it could. I wrote this a long time ago and never had a reason to revisit a better solution now that it is 5 years later. Try it out! I might just do the same. I less plugin on our site! :) Can you use parameter binding instead of directly concatenating values like that? You're essentially *executing user input as code*. I ended up concluding that it would be fastest to just write a script myself (like you did, though I used cssutils). I incorporated this script into the build script for my application so that when I build it, I generate these css files dynamically. It could also be that smoothScatter doesn't play well with the large number of points you're giving it. You could consider just using a sample of them. @MaxTheG: "Question" You should check the documentation for whichever ad provider you're using... @user3911596 you should just have to install .net Framework version 4 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40855) @AnsgarWiechers where does it say that he has 2008? oh, yes. you're going to have to make it into a git repo for that to work. you may want to clone the remote repo first and then copy your files to that folder. the cloned repo will already be setup Surprisingly this solved it for me Wow, I didn't know Maven had that feature. In my environment, that alone is enough to make me convert my projects to use Maven! @MethodMan If I do a database lookup for the rack within the same using context for the rack and assign that it works as expected. Seems weird though I thought It would be able to recognize an object with the same ID as the same object between using the d Selected Rack is assign thought a combobox in WPF. I make a call to the database to get all possible racks. And do I have to tell it the exact key to update? Doesn't entity framework look for the object in the database before creating a new one? I'm a little late to the party, but this was a great answer Wonderful. All working now. Thanks again. Not really a solution since onAttach with context is not called the same way as onAttach with activity. If you have some initialization code in onAttach with an activity as parameter this change won't work. If you're using Jersey 2.x it's `client.register(new LoggingFilter());` [-1] There is nothing unusual happening with Swift's type inference. `oldIds` is inferred as `[String!]` because `user.userId` is of type `String!`. Also, the suggestion of writing the complete closure syntax is no different from casting using the `as` operator (which just causes the closure to infer the return type as `String`), except that it is a little bit more verbose. Since you're using a fixed background attachment, the bottom logo will of course not be visible all times, but in a certain scroll position range. I don't see how your example fails to work in Safari. Also, what do you mean by "don't justify properly"? You have to be explicit about your issue (and the desired behaviour)—we do not know what you consider as proper or not. Hmmm, thanks for the insight and link; but I'm still more interested in how to view this monad as an aggregation. That is, for example `Reader e` is not immediately seen to be an aggregation, but when you note that a function space `e -> a` is nothing more than a power space `a ^ e`, then you note that this is just a sequence of `a` of "length" |e|. I am aiming for something as ubiquitous to assign as intuition for the continuation monad. Thanks for your time! Would you mind changing your client, and adding `client.addFilter(new LoggingFilter(System.out));` after the line `Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig);`. Try running it again, and it should print out the entire request to System.out. There is obviously a difference between the request your programmatic client is making and the one you're doing by hand to verify the correctness of your service. This may be a dupe of my question: http://stackoverflow.com/q/19279075/1191259 I think @eddi 's answer there is good; I guess I should get around to accepting it. If you're asking "does the complexity of quick sort change if I choose a pivot element from somewhere other than the exact middle?" then see [Quicksort#choice of pivot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Choice_of_pivot) @Mandroid1.0 Yes but I didn't work Memory returns different informations. Which of the numbers do you need? _"Still getting weird errors."_ Noone is going to be able to help with those unless you specify exactly which errors you're getting and show the corresponding code. The only thing I know you can do is have a temporary file which has a `Paragraphs` and/or `Tables` with the 'keep with next' and 'keep lines together' properties on them and then grab and place them to new document. FYI, you're also starting this connection twice. When you call `connectionWithRequest`, it's already starting the connection for you. Only use `start` when you use the `startImmediately` option of `FALSE`. I realize that you can define a computed var with only a get. My question was regarding defining a var as get only without adding all this, seemingly unessesarry code. I see - sort of, haha. In that case, no, the method will always return `FALSE`. The scoping rules for `alwaysFalse` indicate that no "global" variable, even with the same name, will override it. Which part of the tutorial have you got to? Please post your urls.py. Right. I think I had the same issue with a non ETWSException -- but I'll have to update this question when I encounter it. Ok, feel free to answer the question with your answer and I will award it to you. The [jQuery on](http://api.jquery.com/on/) API states: "Returning false from an event handler will automatically call `event.stopPropagation()` and `event.preventDefault()`. A `false` value can also be passed for the handler as a shorthand for `function(){ return false; }`." I store the date in my database as the Date format. @AntalS-Z Is there another intuition that you'd recommend? But if it's the first player and you end the turn, it will move on to the next player or look for a new player, when the next player gets the turn they will have to do their turn within the timeout you defined. It's been a while since I did Game Center stuff, so I might be a bit rusty, but I'm pretty sure I done something like this before. I thought 777 was frowned upon for internet connected server. Thanks dymanoid - I think you could be on to something here! Can't confirm this yet, but it does seem consistent with some user reports (e.g. that the error doesn't always happen, and the user does indeed need to open a file browser at first to specify a database filename). Any idea how I could go about installing Sqlite as a shell extension so that I can test this? Not sure, but this code causes an out of memory error for me. I know that's what it *looks* like *would* happen from the meta tags. But when you post it to facebook, **it is a gif**. It's an `img` tag with `src="...safe_image.php..."` and that url returns a gif with `content-type:image/gif` Architecture: 32bits, calling convention: x86 @Suhas I've updated the question. From the [jQuery on](http://api.jquery.com/on/) API: "Returning false from an event handler will automatically call `event.stopPropagation()` and `event.preventDefault()`." It goes on to say: "A `false` value can also be passed for the handler as a shorthand for `function(){ return false; }`" Anyone got any ideas for my Edited post? _"So how does the javascript get executed?"_ The last line in the script adds an event handler for the `load` event which starts the "setup" process: `dw_Event.add( window, 'load', dw_Tooltip.init );` @JonStirling Perfect. How can I get the date to format in the correct time zone though? I am in the US EST. This prints AM instead of PM and one hour behind. Way too much code. Make a simple example showing the problem. "I don't think you have done anything wrong." ... that would be a first Thank you; that worked perfectly. One minor correction: set b = b + CONSTANT. Pretty sure the Dispatcher.Run is required for this to work, but in any case, I ended up creating separate XPS documents in each thread and returning a MemoryStream, and then merging them together in the parent thread. This worked, but the whole point was to make it faster, and the XPS merging code was rather slow. @Paul you have to echo the $row["date"] value, not the $announcements_date System error. noContent() is not the correct return type :( @darkfang That's a pretty bad edit there. Please pay more attention when suggesting edits - in particular, you're reverting from a correct tag edit to an incorrect tag. _This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers._ Returns a 400 bad request :( make sure you include `https://` in the path. so `https://github.com/myOrganization/myRepo.git` I know... I think I'm going nuts. Making objects immutable is a lot of work in C#. IMO its not worth the trouble. It's much easier to give each request it's own freshly deserialized objects. Or define all your query and response types in F# and consume them in C#. Best of both worlds. Neat trick. Thanks for this one. I mean server logs, not client logs @JonStirling Any idea now that I updated the code? If he compiled his asm to an old school .com program he could access them manually no? Like in [this example](http://forum.codecall.net/topic/55847-cmd-line-arguments-in-dos/).. Wow, that was just too easy. I feel silly now. I'll enumerate my steps. I am calculating the normal for each triangle of the mesh. I normalize each of these face vectors. Then, to calculate the normal for each vertex, I add the normals of the vertex's adjacent faces together and then normalize the sum. So yeah, each vertex should have a different normal. @Sunde,I want to store only the id's!!!I am sorry if the question not properly formulated @eddi Okay, I've copied your comment into the answer. that error sounds like the path you entered wasn't a valid git repo. double-check that path. you can check if you are in a branch by typing `git status`. Which kind of sucks because that's a ton of boring code to write. I'm thinking the best (only?) way to do this is to have a POCO `DomainObjectWrapperPOCO` which stores strictly the wrapper data and the PK of the `DomainObject`, then give it to a `DomainObjectWrapper` object, which can load the `DomainObject` on first property access... Thank you very much for the help! Can I send you the apk through this web site, or would I need to host it on a 3rd party site and share a link? My apologies... I have the fetch in there. It was down farther. Not sure how I missed it. I updated my question. Worked great! Had this problem for a while... thanks! Is there any stack trace in the logs? Usually "400 Bad Request" indicates that the resource was found (otherwise it would be 404), but the resource's parameters couldn't be filled. Two separate databases, yes. If I am not doing a fetch, then why is all of my data showing up correctly? I just don't get why that would fix this issue, when the correct date IS showing up An `` element has no ` tag? that way you will only need to deal with css ... possible duplicate of [Yii not detecting camel case actions](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32068995/yii-not-detecting-camel-case-actions) You'll need to use some form of IPC. For local machine use named pipes or shared memory. Both of which are faster than WCF due to running in kernel mode as opposed to WCF which generaly uses a network redirector Shouldn't `src="./spacer.js"` be `src="spacer.js"`? What is it you want each item to link to? You'll need soemthing there? The GitHub code is now available at https://github.com/Investars/DevDefined.OAuth.Etrade/archive/master.zip Apologies if it's redundant, but did you check to make sure that this set of credentials don't already exist in other projects? The error you're seeing should be saying that sha1/package name combination has already been used to create a set of credentials, this can include in other project. Otherwise, there's not much else to do besides contact google support or use a new set of credentials (which doesn't seem viable in this case). Great! Feel free to update my answer (or post and accept your own answer) with the code that worked for you. I'm sure it would be useful for other users. async: FALSE will wait until the server side work is completed before updating the screen. @Gimby Thanks for your help! `this.Context.Cities.Include("State.Country").Where(c=>c.State.Country.Id==Id)` is enough if `City` and `State` has proper navigation properties. Could be a ton of things: Bad `cellForRowAtIndexPath`. Not returning right count from `numberOfRowsInSection`. Incorrect constraints in the cell. Etc. You need to add breakpoints or logging statements and confirm every step of the process. No offense intended, but I'd suggest spending a little more time debugging the code before posting any follow-up questions. I'd suggest you close/delete this question until that point. Or accept Mihai's answer to the first part of your question. This manifest doesn't show anything. What is the error? You may want to show the code for your `onReceive` and how you create your [`BroadcastReceiver`](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/BroadcastReceiver.html). If that's all your manifest has, then you're definitely missing the receiver declaration. Do I need to change all my controllers name? Great, didn't know about that discussion place. I'll try over there. If you read the comment from my answer I had asked gustavohenke already and he was able to replicate the problem is chrome as well. I have confirmed this issue is not browser specific as well. Same bug for `max`: `[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3,2].max(2) #=> [3, 1]` Gimby, then why does my Java Console that appears when I open the application from my desktop say "Using JRE version 1.8.0_51-b16 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM" The program is designed as it should be. A server interacts with clients. The clients grab the rapidly-changing image files which are stored in the client jar file (the part they download). Clients access the jar file through a jnlp file which looks in the htdocs directory of my Remote Desktop Connection for it. 64 bit is simply slower for what im trying to do @haraldK: Thank you for the edit and I will take that suggestion to heart. @StéphaneNicoll Okay, cool, thanks, I see This worked perfectly. Thank you! @RichardLeMesurier thanks for your help.... I haven't seen this logcat entry in eclipse logcat viewer... the problem was in Android Manifest as pointed in [link here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4570743/unable-to-start-service-intent-error-when-sta @SashaSalauyou: Noted. I will keep this post updated. Looks like it's timing out, is it doing something that doesn't translate to sql well? I'm making a Java application. Where in Eclipse do I go for this? Yep, looks good to me, too. The resulting `dicoAlphabet` is populated properly, as is `contactSectionTitles`. Dito @JonofAllTrades - the code is time consuming to find .. :/ @Sasha: Are you able to view the example image I posted above (matlab generation of same thing)? I am sure the solution you provide is accurate but I am not getting the expected results. I assume I am not adding additional colors to c[] correctly. I will If you think it's correct, you can still give the check mark :) I have no idea how to determine what a particular __ComObject can/cannot be cast to. And, at this point, I'm afraid to ask. Please post your stack trace so we can better help you But are you trying to persist it? Edit the question adding your logic of persistence. I wonder if a compiler option is somehow stripping the @Annotations? I was looking to do something more along the lines of: MyClassA = class procedure Test; begin WriteLn('Test'); end; end; Would that be possible? It seemed like you did have the method body in your first example there, even though it referenced something not yet defined. The alarm is scheduled correctly: `type=0 when=+3s954ms repeatInterval=5000 count=1` I think the problem is not here Updated answer to include the suggestion. Gotcha, this answer may help you. You need to edit simple_form.rb. http://stackoverflow.com/a/26000603/2552070 This doesn't fix the issue. Relay command setter is not needed. edited post. Because when I run the program from Eclipse's 32-bit, the speed is ideal for the game i'm looking for, which is not accompanied by the loud noise of the computer, and its intense heating up, which is what 64-bit does. 64-bit is awfully slow. You say "don't succeed to loop it". OK, so what happened? FYI, `substringToIndex` is just a more convenient version of `substringWithRange` when you're grabbing the first characters. Must `.outer` be a fixed width? How about http://jsfiddle.net/3mb4to76/2/ Na, same outcome. The current position (if supported) will still be `undefined` I run my program in eclipse so if you knew a tool that could be of assistance,i would be grateful.Thank you for your help anyways. Honestly I'll try anything at this point because I have absolutely no idea what to do now. I don't know about you, but my real decks of cards don't magically shuffle themselves. :P It's usually an external process like a dealer or machine. Bingo! `W/ActivityManager( 1506): Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x4 cmp=com.max.android.myapp/.SubsService (has extras) }: not found` any suggestion? I just added code to set a 10 second timeout for the AsyncResponse and it now hits the timeout handler every time. In that case, in the left side menu, go to Process Info, on the right side go to Process Commands > 'Stop executing service checks' to disable service notifications. Leave "Stop executing host checks" enabled. Well, guess there isn't an easy fix. How about you return json instead, then cast the com object to string and deserialize it as your array? The VB does run, i guess my question is regarding the code that fixes the length in each cell. Does it look correct and will it limit the text in the specified cells to the desired length? Thank you :). You can, but if B ever tires to use anything in C you'll get a FileNotFoundException. What's the URL being opened when you get that error? @Gimby I added a debug break on that code which doesn't get hit and nothing changes with the behavior. Bindings don't know jack about observables. Your assumption is incorrect--you'd want to provide an implementation of [BindingBase](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.data.bindingbase(v=vs.110).aspx) that does know what an observable is. There's a ReactiveUI framework out there that might provide one for you, but i'm not sure. I'd wager it's called *ObservableBinding* or something similar. You said performance is a factor to keep in mind here. `REGEXP` isn't exactly known for having great performance, so keep that in mind too. @avinashthakur I took your suggestion and added logs in the onCreate() and onReceive() methods, however neither one is shown when I run my app Have you tried `public void ProcessResults(dynamic o)` and just treated `o` as an array in the method? `foreach(var derp in o)OmgWtfLol(derp);`? Are you seeing your partial getting rendered in the rails server log? I was trying to point out that if you fix the folder's ownership/permissions so that the files are rotated, then you won't need to create files or change their permissions any more. @Gimby Thanks for the suggestion since it is exactly 20 seconds, but when I added `ar.setTimeoutHandler((asyncResp) -> asyncResp.resume(Response.status(Response.Status.REQUEST_TIMEOUT).build()));` the code in the handler does not ever called. @BalusC It seems like WEB-INF/lib in Target folder doesn't contain JSTL. I changed pom.xml to correct. Unfortunately, I've tried Invoke and it's not supported with LINQ to Entities. :( @cadrell0 Windows Service (actual) vs Console App (test). In both I use EF straight out of the box, the only thing differing is the DB Schema and connection strings. I have exclusive access to both databases and only one class using EF in both. The thing Do you know how to make the graph view to be shown please? Is it that it will only be shown in special cases or in a difficult retain cycle? Please do not combine multiple questions into a single question unless necessary. It's better to ask separate questions instead. BTW, if you have a closure property that references `self`, you might want to use `[weak self] in` or `[unowned self] in` syntax in order to avoid strong reference cycle. See the "Strong Reference Cycles for Closures" section under [Automatic Reference Counting](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/AutomaticReferenceCounting.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014097-CH20-ID48) chapter of _The Swift Programming Language._ @troig how do I mark my test folder. I am newer with intellij I didn't really focus on the event handler, from your question I assumed you had that part figured out and was just demonstrating how you'd add a dialog to a body, and used the handler as an example. The handler I have there is just listening for a keypress on the body. You'd have to write whatever the specific event you want to listen for would be. And yes, keyCode should work in Chrome. @RonBeyer, you are correct. `Size` is read-only. My bad. I followed this and it did not work right away, but after browsing SO for awhile, I found out a few more steps that made this answer work. I had to quit Xcode, delete the derived data folder for my app, reopen xcode, clean it, create a new scheme, then run on that scheme and it worked. Thanks for the solution Jose! `string secret = "aHsb3Hhhhhnvfuyknk"; string sid = "ms-app://s-1-15-2-435756784356-ffdsfdffd-sfsfsf-1465244715-23315sfdsfdsf61566-4957dsfdsf35136-dsfdsf";` **Brilliant** Thank you this helped. I wanted it to the right of the field so I changed the align and adjusted the height and width of the fb img so got it exactly where I wanted. Thanks! Path of least resistance is going to be the best and smartest thing to do, but if you do every try please update this post, I am curious. @Larcerax Thanks for the help. I got it to work with a combination of your technique and overriding hitTest. Would you like to post as an answer? What if you only want the element to be added once, instead of once for every Name/Dept elements? The other part to the comment: "but that requires me to hit the database an extra time just to get the group object when I already have the identifier."... I tried to load the group object from the database as you have (successfully), and got the same result. I have no watches explicitly defined in my environment. The only thing that might do the same is my Locals browser. I will see what it is evaluating Fixed bugs and updated the code. Sorry, I want to shout it out loud here: "Javascript, why we have to do this manually? Making mistakes! Isn't JS intended to work in browser and help people in web development? I have revised my question with more details. I hope it'll help you to understand my problem. If I could find the Solved and score I will be happy to. Please, give me some explanation why it's bad practice? What consequences may be with such "bad" practice? @MichaelChirico Yeah, it was available in 1.9.4 for use in `j` I actually updated it so that I have the date check outside of the lock and it doesn't change anything. That was something that I had thought of as well. Are your constraints set? Just selecting all the subviews in Interface Builder and running `set to Recommended Constraints` That fixes that issue but now I get the error "Syntax Error: Data Type "RSA_dt" does not match a defined type name". RSA_dt is defined as varchar(10) in the table. Thoughts? Yeah this worked only that you should have said ' '.join(toberlist1) I generally use Automapper to convert between the model being exposed over http and the dto. With full syntax query is going to be large and not convenient as there are 18 columns to insert + 18 values. You can just avoid it by inserting NULL into id column. It will work fine. I don't get whats wrong with such approach? It gives me the same result. If I add a { pointer-events:none; } via CSS to every sub elements, the body itself doesn't trigger the hover event anymore. I'm wondering if drawing a transparent zone with the exact shape of the parent element would be a good solution, thought it's not the easiest way. How is the Extended Rights for Adobe Reader turned off? If they are turned off and a watermark is added, will the fields be editable in the watermarked document. Much appreciated, thank you! If you have a limited set of requests, you could use some cache (e.g. Ehcache) to speed up the response. Also, can you post the "shared/error_messages" partial? Will using Spire.PDF allow adding the watermark and have the fields editable on the watermarked document? You need to look at your server logs for when the dequeue.php runs. I don't think it is the clientside code that is causing your problem, merely triggering it Bumping your rep so that you can do inline screenshots in the future. Good luck. So is it not possible to copy the current priorityQueue before ".poll" and then copy the queue back? @SashaSalauyou @Burgi, okay, done. I also voted on the UserVoice ticket as well. I haven't started using 2015 yet, but this is a feature I'd like to see put back. Thanks , very very very very thanks. :) I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's an optimization question. The code works but isn't the most efficient implementation. More appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com I find the problem but i don't know how fix it. The problem is the standard otput that when is close rsh locked and consume CPU resource.... That with the text in the post is everything the page prints out. Yeah, I've never found the graph useful/reliable. I always use the call tree (generally inverting it and hiding system libraries). That process finds leaks in code pretty quickly. this works when I replaced '.editor' with 'body' in keymap.cson Glad I could help. I could help you find the problem with the subclass, just tell me what the goal of this code is and I will try and find as many different ways to solve the problem as possible! any reason not to go with latest version (2014)? If confused about the different types, read this, which gives a comprehensive feature list of each edition. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc645993(v=sql.120).aspx @Jimmyt1988 Added a new Fiddle, you could just do the same thing, as I mentioned before. Are you sure, that you got the right path? Are your Stylesheets in a Subfolder like css? Just like your Images-Folder? Then your URL-Path should be background-image: This is the text above all the stuff i put `Not Found :( 404 Error: Not Found :( ` do you mean that i probably have included multiple .jar files that contain the same classes? Yes, both lines work perfectly now! :) (I tested with gcc) There's just a minor typo: a missing " after %3 in code for gcc. Many thanks for this great answer! Does your form div have <%= f.error_notification %> somewhere? Is that what you are looking for? UPDATE: I was not allowed to embed the image but a link is available above. The code in my answer is valid 16-bit code. Though it might require an 80286 or 80386 to run, because of the use of `EAX`. The simple fix would be to change all occurrences of `EAX` to `AX` (though this would limit you to printing 16-bit values). I will add the model classes to my question @rshepp Changing to 4.6 has no effect Optimization questions are more appropriate for http://codereview.stackexchange.com/. Also see this meta question for good set of guidelines for questions like yours http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/286557/is-it-okay-to-ask-code-optimization-help @sunny Any reason not to reveal the version you're using? You can see it with `sessionInfo()` I created a new solution with basically the same table mapping and it worked properly. `GroupMetaData` is lazyloaded. I turned it off completely for the whole context and it didn't do anything. I turned off `AutoDetectChangesEnabled` as per that MSDN article and got the same result. @LightnessRacesinOrbit Sounds right? Apply style where class ***does not have id*** present. After doing this I just get JSON out put `{ route: "this is the home page" }` at my localhost:3000 I have edited the question hopefully I am being clearer now Look up newtonsoft - http://www.newtonsoft.com/json and how to serialize to json. @Massa Used in certain arguments of `DT[...]`, it is a short alias for `list`. @tmcw , Added repo and relevant code. Your selector should work fine as far as I know (that is, it would set the background image to all `.mm-current` except the one whose id is `mm-1`). Maybe there is some problem elsewhere. Can you create a verifiable example? Many thanks for both of you guys. Those links were very helpful. Once I added those 2.1 jars on classpath, it worked. @SirDarius: You are correct. The heat map will show the distribution of energy deposited at a specific position in a medium. I will attempt to add an example image above. This post helped me with defining the sourceSets: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30457363/integrating-roboelectric-with-android-studio-with-gradle-always-gives-package-or This might help: http://r.research.att.com @BalusC it's not that I didn't try the one you linked. It didn't work out either so in one post on SO found some guy for whom my current dependencies worked out. @Emd4600: Yes, I think I understand what you mean. Though in this case I am looking to find a gradient which is white at 0.5f. I've just put them on nuget if you want to make use of them : `foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Users\William\Documents\H\")) MessageBox.Show(file);` @Luca - I'm looking for the same thing. The only thing I see is to check the FormattedAddress in the Results and see if it contains the country. However, I've noticed variations such as "USA" and "United States", so I'm not sure how helpful that will be. @E-Bat - Ouch.. Actually there is no event handler in the code behind. I have added that event for trouble shooting purpose. Forgot to remove during copy-paste.. That's just what I was thinking, was trying to avoid querying the DB, but I suppose that won't be too bad since it will only be done from server side and not exposed in my JS, Thanks for the help Matei_Radu! I'm new to ASP.NET and developing a webapp on Windows in general. Just want to make sure I apply best practice, especially when it comes to security/speed. Then you'll need to apply the overflow to the li not the container. I've updated my answer. PERFECT! It worked great! I appreciate you tolerating my ignorance and helping me through it! This will help me out a bunch in other areas! Thanks! Btw, are you sure it's not a auto-generated (perhaps hidden) system file like `thumbs.db`? Okay so I figured it out! What I did was create a new Java folder and place it into src/test which resolved the package issue. I then had some build issues with gradle which involved not being able to locate some imports I was using for testing, such as JUnit and Robolectric. This was resolved by declaring two different sourceSets, one for main and one for robolectric in the build.gradle file. The question is about the Text Search, not the autocomplete. However, this might useful for someone else. Then run TASM in DOSBox. @MarcosPlacona no offense, but why not just use the Microsoft .NET HttpClient package? It's portable as well. Unfortunately that solution does not work after my first try at it. I'll read over it and make sure I didn't miss any important info, but I do not think that when the JavaScript loads has an effect here. @huzefabiyawarwala where is your document ready script located? Thanks for the feedback. I am still learning JavaScript. I didn't write the js code used here, it was a template included from startbootstrap.com. Can you share a quick example of how I should write it? If it works, I'll find sum way to buy you a beer!!! Timers are only costly when their usage is abused. You need something to fire at a specific point in the future, so you really need a timer. This is a bit late but in case anyone else has the same problem as digz, make sure you have your filterMultipartResolver bean in your main context xml file not servlet xml. Line # of error, and full signature of functions you're trying to call? @Paul: At a quick glance that looks correct. Well, it gives me ridiculous numbers as variants x, y and z and doesn´t copy anything..:-( Updated version doesn´t work at al... The problem is due to the fact that It is seeing the text file as one column and so cannot construct a dataframe from this. Is there any way of splitting the text file up into comma delimited columns and rows? so you wish to create an array of size x and fill it with numbers which increment? does the array need to contain incremental numbers? This has been asked twice before on SO with no resolution, (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31792546/vs-2015-intellisense-exceptions-thrown-not-previewed, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31590390/how-do-you-see-which-exceptions-are-thrown-with-intellisense-in-vs2015) so I don't think there is a way to do it. This feedback ticket is mentioned in one of the other questions http://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/9394263-show-exceptions-in-intellisense Ok great, this is the part I am stuck on and somewhat confused. So if I only send user-supplied values. I only send the message via AJAX and then add this...`$userid = ( isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) ? $_SESSION['user'] : "" );` in my PHP file that my AJAX is calling to. Then in my PHP file I use the `$userid` variable as my bind_param and it gets sent like that? I have added my PHP file to show what I mean. I am, but using the `main` method approach provided by Spring Boot. I'm not familiar with the exact mechanics of how it handles deploying within the embedded Tomcat, etc. Use Bootstrap ! @Asqan, that won't work in this case. That's for finding the minimum _value_ in an array, not the length of a nested array. You a right, this is not specific enough, but have a look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1077041/refresh-image-with-a-new-one-at-the-same-url . I must say; there are a lot of ways to accomplish this. Then i'm afraid i don't understand your question? usually I would put it in my AppDelegate when I assign my root view controller, but it depends on your app's architecture +1 @nkorth, while this will work we have a lot of rules and are actively adding more over time. We also use SASS to make our css file. This is an excellent suggestion which we might use in the short term but I'd be interested in finding a more dynamic sol Thx Miki, I did it based on your steps First, I found that I wrongly included both debug and release version of the lib files together thus causing conflict. Also I choose the wrong run time library , everything works now, thank you very much for your help. Sorry Ansgar. Are sorry posts ok? Do you actually have data that contains 50-100K arrays, or is this a hypothetical question? Because you could check this on jsperf. Anyone got any suggestions? For constant monitoring or time-critical events use a thread. Something which needs to be don every 60 minutes can be done by a timer. If it's a long running procces you'll probably want to run it at an own thread (or as a task). can you make a simple example, and tell what do you want to achieve? Thanks guys, it helped a lot! @ChrisBeck, the standard doesn't _usually_ make things up arbitrarily. The only one I'm aware of is the non-existence of member function types and references, and that is still more arguable than this AFAICT (though it still kind of still bugs me every n @XtremeBytes I thought of this as well. Although come to think of it, I used a `Thread.Sleep(0)` with a stopwatch to wait a specified amount of time instead of blocking the thread. I will try with a blocking sleep. @Paul: AJAX has nothing to do with a database query. Send the user-supplied values in AJAX, get the user's ID from session, and use all of those in your database `INSERT` statement. So when you're binding values to your `INSERT` parameters, bind some fr I don't know anything about the module - with that said - it might be a good way of creating separate processes but probably not designed as a real "sandbox". I thought a little more about what you said regarding how the code I'm working with is organized. I'm artificially treating it as a library and that's my problem - it's not really a library. I'm going to update my question with the solution and the pitfalls of trying to cram a square peg in a round hole. Thanks for your helpful answer. Thanks for your comment...Actually we have data in millions in SchemaRDD, So we need to send data to client application in batches because if we process data in one shot memory will crash. gernberg, yes, i've just started using it in a project, so changing it won't be a good idea. isherwood, I don't to do it manually every time I want to build a project so that's not a case. I would be tempted to add a `df_index` to each data frame (`mrns[[1]]` has `df_index = 1`, `mrns[[2]] = df_index = 2`, etc), then bind all of the data frames together; sort them as one data frame, and then if the list structure is important, `split` them back into a list. I am getting the session though. When I var_dump `$userid`, I get the correct id. The part I am stuck is how to get that into my db. You said not to send it via AJAX, so I don't know how to put that into a query and send, when I am sending everything else via AJAX to the query that inserts it into the db. This only works for one case: if there are 2 decimal points. If the string is "" is will only return "1.2.3". What I needed was "1.2". That does not appear to work. I added a user as a Team Administrator on the Team Profile page. I Deny "Edit project-level information" like your example. They can still add new users to the team. However, it did stop the user from changing iteration and area. Is the users admin access cached? When you debug the server-side code, how does it fail? Also, why are you using a different URL structure in the AJAX requests than in the manual request? (In the AJAX you're using a query string parameter instead of putting the ID directly in the route.) Ok thanks, but i dont want to empty the queue when i print it. I still need to have the queue with same content, so that i can add new patients after i have printed the queue. The only time i want to empty the queue is when all patients are finished. @SashaSalauyou @ChrisBeck That's more reasonable and understandable. A constructor requires memory for its object, thus hidden code is needed prior to the call. This allocation can be directly before the call, or anywhere else prior, which is compiler defined. To cal Yes, I've already seen it, thank you) Thanks for that post Ansgar I don't know about Rails in particular, but personally, I run Ctags on every commit and update with a VCS hook. @AndreaCorbellini I agree, but I was unaware of any alternatives. Let me guess... you've hacked it together in an embarrassing hodgepodge? any further info would be helpful, as this is something that's really important for accounting and inventory purposes. Good to know that you have already worked around your problem. Good luck with the rest :) Why do you want to involve a post-back to the server just to hide an element? Is this WebForms or MVC? What have you tried? Where are you stuck? This makes me sad, but in the interest of science. Yes. list-style:none? or are you just wanting to show one box at a time? - in which case you will need to set the dimensions of the li to match the parent Ok to I think i discovered the problem reading through my code....in my segue I haven't actually set the decktoPass at the didselectrowatindexpath func....I have tried various codes to actually get that to work but I keep getting the same error which is that is isn't a type of Deck. @Paul: The code you've posted doesn't use that `Session` class, so I don't see how that's even relevant. (Though I do recommend using it to abstract the dependency on the session.) Either way, it's *really* not clear where you're stuck. And it really soun 'this' is the calling source of the event. I will try this out and accept this as answer. [OT] You should implement your free and member `operator*` in terms of your `operator*=` to avoid unnecessary code duplication. Why not do it on the database in a single statement (insert into tableDest... select from tableA where not exists (select from tableB...)? Sorry if some of this sounds trivial. I am just trying to learn it, so I don't run into this again. I updated my question to show my session class that I have at the beginning of every page..... Aren't I already getting the current session with this line of code `$userid = ( isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) ? $_SESSION['user'] : "" );` I just don't know how to get that and send it to my db, so that the id is added to the table I need it to go into. Okay, I added a code snippet with the issue and both ways to zoom in and out (with/height and scale) Can you elaborate on this bug? The code you've posted *cannot* exhibit the behavior you've described. If it does, your computer is fundamentally broken and can't be trusted for any calculations. @ArunPrakash I have added some comments to the answer above to explain things a bit And, my apologies, I commented above saying that I;d already tried to assign the group navigation property with the same outcome. I will add to my question to prevent confusion. What's your code supposed to do? What is `args`, what is `filter_keys`? Thanks, I must have fat fingers today. Yes, it is. Strange. In such situations I also try Cntrl+F and search my logging marker, as it may be a lot of logs and I just don't see mine ones. Otherwise don't even know. I will follow your question to find out for myself. I read that this was the "standard" way but that requires me to hit the database an extra time just to get the group object when I already have the identifier. Not to mention that that `InsertSignalGroupMapping` is part of an interface that I've purposely gone out of my way to decouple from my database provider. Passing the group object that way requires me to couple my implementation to EF the third way doesn't work. This does however: var template = "# for (var i=0;i<4;i++) { console.log(i) } #"; var plusEncoded= System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("+"); template = Regex.Replace(template, @"[+]", plusEncoded); ... col.Bound(m => m.Compteurs).ClientTemplate(template); What code did you use to do the conversion? A number/float when being printed/displayed obviously has to fit to a physical format on a screen/paper so depending on the cast you did, it may have needed to use the exponential format. Did you use STR() ...https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189527.aspx What were you expecting from `tot.dt[.(var,y)]`? If you just want to sort, you could use `order(var,y)`... I have changed the CGRectMake to this: _adBanner = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, self.view.frame.size.height, self.view.frame.size.width, _adBanner.frame.size.height)]; the banner takes the full width of the screen and the height is fixed. So my banner is now 667x32. But in landscape mode it should be 480x32 doesn't it? If it doesn't matter if the ad is a big bigger than it should, I'm happy with this . No. Even if the inner class is not static, something test.new InnerTest() will not compile. You can't instantiate from an object reference. The problem is that there is no exception. There is absolutely no output. Just a quick note: The runBatch within the start method is a test, it outputs the number, but when I press the button in the HTML it doesn't... @ZZ-bb, sorry If i failed to explain my problem, but you got it. For example at present in india its 8 PM and if auction starts at 8 AM CMT, I need to check that auction have not passed the start time. Hope this help. Doesn't this mean it is the same vehicle for all cars? (problem 1) http://blog.jackiergleason.com/ I am using .NET 4.5 @Paul: When the user logs in, store their ID in the session. Something like: `$_SESSION['user'] = $someUserIDValue;`. Then on later pages when you need to use the ID, get it from session: `$theUserID = $_SESSION['user'];`. As long as `session_start()` apologies for the massive edit @Abhitalks updated the js so it should fix the issues @ArunPrakash, I have updated my answer to fix the scrolling and moving div issue and should solve your problem - it only uses scrolling now. @LuluthoMgwali: `$(avatar).attr("id")` *does* get the `id` of the clicked element in this case. How is that not working in your code? Can you provide a live example (using something like jsFiddle, perhaps) to demonstrate the problem? I'm completely confused on how I can actually do that though. i call rsh trought system call system(" rsh -l $DTT $CTT './script.sh' "); when i control the system manager i see the istance of rsh e when i pass the ointer of mouse i can see the entire call of rsh precedently done that consume a lot of CPU resources. @Darragh Noh, this is the only we are getting from our crawler script. Again my bad! These inconsistency are because of the copy paste. I have corrected question again, the file has exactly like the one here. @Hearner YES, i understand that concept and thought about that before as well, but i having trouble in converting time from one timezone to another. And do you think a users login information should be all in the main database or in their organizations database? @Paul: You *don't* send the session from client-side code. Session is maintained entirely server-side. When you need to insert a record into the database and associate it with the current logged-in user, you get the ID of that user from the `$_SESSION` Was just talking about in ` var countdown = 1440077820 - ((new Date().getTime())/1000);`, the `1440077820`. But all good, I realize now that's the "one minute from now" part you were trying to test Yes I have that property. I forgot to mention but I hacked together a solution where I passed a fully qualified `GroupMetaData` object to the `sig` object as well. Nothing. For how to do this, please see... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3715675/how-to-convert-float-to-varchar-in-sql-server Haha that might be your problem. I'll post a little example down below where you can define the date and stuff so you can pick wherever you want the countdown to end Please clarify if I am thinking what you are advising. I should remove my `SELECT` query. Leave the session code `$userid = ( isset( $_SESSION['user'] ) ? $_SESSION['user'] : "" );` , but then how do I send that `SESSION` in my ajax to call to get it to my db? @user52730 Yes, you're passing an argument - that's a good sign that it's at runtime. There are no function pointers anywhere in this code. I strongly suspect you're getting at least one error in the browser's JavaScript console. What is that error? As I wrote, I understand the use of `cell2mat` on the right side, bot not on the left side of the assignment. If you still have this problem, I recommend to rephrase your question and explain what output data you want. Thanks got that!! Thanks this worked for me! Which user/group owns the directory containing the log file? It sounds like Apache doesn't have permission to create a new file. It's probably a better idea to change the owner of the log file to `www-data` (or change the group to one that contains `www-data`) instead of changing the permissions to 777 Any reason you're hard coding the Date, btw? It would be a better idea to get support from the author you bought the script from. Oh yes, you need the Platform SDK. I can't do a repo for 2008 unfortunately (uninstalled that about six months ago). thanks missed that :) @Paul: Then definitely *do not* send it from client-side code. That would allow the user to impersonate any user they want. Track the user's identity server-side in the session. When the user logs in, store the user's ID in the session. Then on any pa I dont understand php internals, so i cant tell you exactly why, but it looks like it is fixed in php 7. Live example using current php7 beta: http://codepad.viper-7.com/CfJtD3 the rfc for the fix: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/uniform_variable_syntax Thank you Vicky No, it belongs to my company and my boss won't allow me to share the source. In your example, `countdown` is in seconds, not milliseconds. Also, `new Date(1440077820 * 1000 )` says that the time of this is August 20th, 09:37:00 GMT-0400. Not sure if this is intentional, but seems like you're messing up your units. @user2824991: How are you using it? If you need to specify the type for `x` then just specify it as the type argument to the method. This would work just like any other LINQ methods on `IEnumerable`. show aspx markup for the button and generated html (from browser "view page source") I added the code i use for iAd. I don't get why the Ad is in portrait mode and not in landscape :(. `addi $t2, $t2,4 # incrememnt to next item of list` <-- That's certainly not what that line of code does. `$t2` is initialized to the first element of `list` (i.e. the value 3). So what you're summing is `3 + (3+4) + (3+4*2) + ...`. @user52730 This *is* at compile-time. Template arguments must be known at compile time. @BugFinder the answer was in the paragraph about returning or throwing error while the service is still being started (OnStart). I was throwing my test exception to soon. Thank you. Could you please expand? The following code oddly enough only loads the 2nd bridge instead of the 1st this time, and if I change "await vm.Initialize();" to "await vm.InitializeAsync();" it tells me that the MainViewModel contains no definition. `public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Loaded += InitializeOnLoaded; } public async void InitializeOnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var vm = new MainViewModel(); DataContext = vm; await vm.Initialize(); `} For debugging ng-route can set breakpoints inside the to `$routeChangeStart` `$routeChangeSuccess` `$routeChangeError` and, `$routeUpdate` events. The first strategy he suggested with `m1stFragment = (FragmentA) createdFragment;` worked for me and I think it is the best solution here. For some reason the alternate strategy `String firstTag = createdFragment.getTag();` did not work for me. Thank you so much @Turbo, this saved me. I may be doing it the wrong way, I'm not entirely sure. What I am trying to accomplish is to send the id of the user that is logged in, so that it is sent to a db I have, so that it shows the message was from them. You probably just need to [trigger](http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/faq/injected-content-is-not-enhanced.html) the `create` event on the parent container after your view/subview is attached to the DOM (after it's been rendered). Now that I read your comment again, perhaps you haven't been using the `roxygen` tags to document your functions. If that is the case, and you wish to manually edit your NAMESPACE, you can use `devtools::check(pkg = ..., document = FALSE)` Thank you all. I´ll assume it´s not easily done in Java at the moment without using other technologies. I accepted Andreas answer as the closest possible with the resources I have now and with some good tips. Also tank you @Kevin Hooke, I´'m still adapting my idea of how to do certain things in java, as I came from Clipper and Delphi (and a little of some c++) and frameworks are to be learned in the right time. What are you trying to calculate? The number of milliseconds to a specific time? @Paul: It's not clear what you're accomplishing by posting a user ID in AJAX in the first place. If this is the ID for the current logged-in user, track it in session. Definitely don't rely on an identifier sent via AJAX because the user can send *any* what is the exception message? Every time you run `devtools::check()`, the `devtools::document()` function runs as well, which overwrites any changes to your NAMESPACE. This is why the comment at the top of NAMESPACE says not to edit the file by hand. Somewhere in your R code, there should be a file where you've used `importFrom dplyr "%>%"`. Change that to `importFrom magrittr "%>%"` and I would think that should resolve the problem. So could I just take that query out and change my AJAX data to read.. `"user_id": $userid,` ? If i just have 3 or 4 patients it works... maybe just luck? So is it inserting the records with right id value in the database? Brilliant, thank you. Thanks, I got your idea and solved the problem. Actually, my ID is like UUID, so it is different from auto_increment. Anyhow, Bingo!! I appreciate it! @Paul: Isn't that what you're already doing here?: `$_SESSION['user']` If you have the user's ID when they login, store it in a session value. Then use that session value on other pages. All you need to do is make sure that the session is started at th Do I even need that query then since I am getting the session? Thank you so much! It is a relief knowing it can be done. Do you think option 4 would be good to go with or do you recommend other options? ` Patient: [ID=2, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=16, Name=10, emergencyNr=10] , Patient: [ID=4, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=7, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=8, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=17, Name=10, emergencyNr=10] , Patient: [ID=10, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=11, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=12, Name=0, emergencyNr=0] , Patient: [ID=13, Name=0, emergencyNr=0] , Patient: [ID=14, Name=0, emergencyNr=0] , Patient: [ID=6, Name=0, emergencyNr=0] , Patient: [ID=9, Name=1, emergencyNr=1] , Patient: [ID=1, Name=1, emergencyNr=1]` Because my current database is MySQL, MySQLi (which apparently runs faster than PDO) would be sufficient, but in case I migrate to another server with a different database type, I want PDO in place so I don't have to rewrite the queries at that time. At present, I can use a switch to go between the two, but I default it to MySQLi. Glad to hear that, I'll write up an answer so that you can mark your question as resolved. Thanks for the edit. Couldn't you use `c(chiave1,chiave2)` instead of this `list` and `eval` business? With `c()`, when one element is `NULL`, it is dropped from the vector. Do you have an index on `LocalTimeTo` column? Thanks, i tried that before but t dosent work when you have long queues. There are small bugs when i prinst ´patientQueue´ Ive got this: Yes, but it's usually better to make it explicitly a (shortish) string since it'll end up in the DOM as an attribute How would you recommend I do it then? All I want to do is get the user's id from the current session. For your syntax error, you need to define your column list for your CTE, like so: `WITH params (w0s,w0e,w1s,w1e) as select...` @user2824991: That's what a `Func<>` is. It's an expression which can be executed within the `Find()` method. Can you help me once more? I'd like to make my own created rootCA trustful. Do you know how to do this? @talamaki @itsbruce exactly I tried your solution though it doesn't seem to be working for the following entities: &10073;&9664;&11035;&9654;&10074;&9193;&9654; (# symbol removed to keep the site from parsing them). I'm already initializing the session at the start of the page. It's not, he was just faster at typing the answer :) Hmm... okay. Well, I do need to add 'type' some how. I get this error `append() takes exactly one argument (2 given)` :) It is correct that this is a codepage issue. The default console codepage on English Windows is 437 Use the `chcp` command without a parameter to see the current console codepage. If you can edit your question to include your script we will be able to help you more. _however I am unable to remove this warning ... which I guess is the problem_ Add an `@Override` tag to the method as well. Then the compiler will give an error if there is something wrong with how you override the method. Not to sure on this since I never had that issue. But if you use a server side model and the object has not yet been loaded a request is sent to retrieve it. Since this might be a asynchronous request it might take a time complete. This might be why the data is not available immediatly. You might want to have a look at the network activity. The dataReceived' event of this sap.ui.model.Binding might also be a good starting point to look into for an event to hook into it to. https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/sdk/docs/api/symbols/sap.ui.model.Binding.html#attachDataReceived @Leistungsabfall I still get nothing. I should let the `return series` as it is ? Or I should transform it so that it will return a JSON ? When I execute `uint64_t hi,lo,a=20,b=30; mulq(&hi,&lo,a,b);`, I obtain lo=900. The asm I get is: `_mulq: pushq %rbp \\ movq %rsp, %rbp \\ movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) \\ movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) \\ movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) \\ movq %rcx, -32(%rbp) \\ movq -8(%rbp), %rax \\ movq -16(%rbp), %rcx \\ movq -24(%rbp), %rdx \\ movq -32(%rbp), %rsi \\ movq %rax, -40(%rbp) \\ ## InlineAsm Start \\ mulq %rsi \\ ## InlineAsm End \\ movq -40(%rbp), %rsi \\ movq %rdx, (%rsi) \\ movq %rax, (%rcx) \\ popq %rbp \\ ret.` Sorry for the mess, but as I'm new to inline asm, I am not sure which information you want. stuck on this as well... figure it out? For those, like me, that questioned the difference between this approach and the call in the answer, the short answer is there is none. The long answer is provided by mozilla here... https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/apply I don't know, mystery Want print the output of stream one before passing to next stream of operation. Yes, that's correct. no need to be sorry either, we all have to learn :) Just always bear one thing in mind when you're developing - If your method is doing more than 1 job, it's too big. That applies here too. So your service can return a promise and your controller will do what it needs with that promise. Your service shouldn't care less about WHAT is being sent back in that promise either. it should be pretty dumb @Coder1409: Semantically it's really unclear what this `Find()` method is even supposed to do. Though I suspect its internal implementation is going to make use of something like `Where`, or `Any`, or `Count`. I use this solution also, but I forgot to update this page ;) Thank you Yes, I know. I've been trying to find another example, but I didn't succeed. The only one I found (I partly copied it) is [this one](http://git.eclipse.org/c/platform/eclipse.platform.swt.git/tree/examples/org.eclipse.swt.snippets/src/org/eclipse/swt/snippets/Snippet126.java), but it does not have a listener implementation. Thanks a lot xD `[:create, :update, :delete, :show]` that means that that mysql server is up... usually the can't connect through socket error is because mysql server is dow.... try with sudo "find / -type s" you're gonna get a big list of opened sockets... if mysqld is running, you should get in ubuntu something like "/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" then check if in /var you have the symlink from /var/run/ to /run/ . if you don't find the mysqld.sock in the list then mysqld is starting but not opening the socket. Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87494/discussion-between-diego-and-m-deinum). IT WORKS PERFECTLY! you're amazing! Thanks a lot! Just saw your example. Definitely going to be a pain to maintain in the future. An example of one of my service calls looks like : `this.getSettings = function (showMask) { return httpSvc.get(END_POINT + 'index', showMask); }` - where httpSvc.get is returning the promise. Each method has a single purpose and is not concerned with doing anything else I'm new to programming I have never had to use NSLog before how would I implement this into the existing code to get the readout of why it isn't working? see my comments in the new edit. I appreciate your efforts for sure! Probably my sample code is wrong. My current setup is: Spring Boot - Restfull - Redis - Spring Security (basic authentication) When the session and destroyed I want to get username of user. I can not find any guide or online help. This is an elegant solution - thank you for sharing it. For my own knowledge, what are you doing with the two commands that include the [1] command? Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming. You may be able to get help on Super User. Could it be because I am not using the selectedCell and using indexPath instead as the sender? Thank you very much for the explanation and persistent help. Learned something new today! It sounds, and I may be wrong in my understanding, that you're going to find yourself in a sticky situation before you know it. Sounds like you're mixing up concerns. Ideally your service should do its job and then return a result. Your controller then acts on the result, rather than your controller passing in what the service should do once it's finished (this is the mix of concerns; your service method should do one thing, not multiple). If you change this so that it returns the promise, you'll have a much easier time as you can do things like those in my answer. the `family_relationships` controller. You are just setting the string `PaddingTOp` as the value and not the contents of that variable. Use concatenation. Seriously guys ? Thx @BugFinder, for having read the question for real and tried to understand it. This error code stuff might be the reason why *deliberatly* throwing error to crash the service does not trigger the failure strategy. I'll look into it. If you think the problem is something other users are likely to have then you should add your solution as an answer. If it's just something simple that isn't likely to be reproduced (like a typo for example) then the question should probably be closed. This should be the accepted answer in my opinion. Thanks! @ElizabethMeyer By the looks of things you can add desktop notifications using the `jsAlerts` class in `include/javascript/jsAlerts.php`. `Func`? Though based on the usage example, it looks like it would just be a `bool`. possible duplicate of [Mapping and Saving any document in Elasticsearch npm module](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32101598/mapping-and-saving-any-document-in-elasticsearch-npm-module) Well, it think it does: [example1](http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/SWT-JFace-Eclipse/DetectaselectionorcheckeventinatableSWTCHECK.htm) and [example2](http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/SWT-JFace-Eclipse/SWTTableSimpleDemo.htm) @ArunPrakash, your whole scrolling thing isn't very good. You are mixing scrolling an outer div with moving the inner div, you should choose one or the other, not mix both as you end up with a div that has moved inside a div that can scroll In GCC, the only you nead is to add delimeters as second parameter to std::istream_iterator constructor: istream_iterator(in, " ,|") After reading your update, it still sounds like a permissions issue. The keys `model['add_url']` and`model['admin_url']` are set in the `AdminSite._build_app_dict`method of the user has the required permissions. I suggest stepping through that code to see why the keys are not added. I am sure that `multiple_series()` method is correct. I am expecting some json output containing some data. When I run this, the input field doesn't stretch though. Ok, but wouldn't it be better to just convert the list to floats in the first place? If OP leaves them as strings, it's just going to make it harder to find min and max and median. Your scroll view and constraints are probably not set up properly, in particular the scroll view's content size needs to be set correctly, if you are having trouble with this there is a lot of information (here StackOverflow and elsewhere about setting up a ScrollView). That said this doesn't really have anything to do with the simulator (you should get the same results if you deploy to a iPhone 4 or 4S, and as such you would probably be better off asking a new question with the specific details. @Shehary this seems to work thanks. @Takendarkk Could you please explain about the `!important`? Because I don't know about it. Thanks. @dreamweiver the multiple clicks (quickly) meant a lot of animations were queued. Simply fixed by adding `stop()` before animation to clear the queue. See updated fiddle (scroll will still take the length of the animation to kick in after the last click your php echo's `OK`, but your `$.ajax()::success()` does not alert/echo the returned value but does a `location.reload();` That gives me one ID and a type. I need to sneak a second id in there. @DavidL: not exactly. Automapper (at least 4.0.4), just ignores extra properties from both sides (either source, or target), until you don't call `AssertConfigurationIsValid`. @TWiStErRob Yeah, imagine how I feel - I got -4 and answered FIRST, this guy said the exact same thing AFTER and gets upvotes haha. Your question should be written as: I have this script < copy script >, I have this input < show input> and I expect this output < show desired output> . It's too hard to figure out what you'e asking here. That's great exactly what I needed, thanks for the help `a[$1$2]` not safe. think about `p1 12` and `p11 2`. Should I use the spring session security. I need to detect when the session has been destroyed and get the object Principal. So theoretically, the merge doesn't *need* the merge-base `A`, except insofar as it makes it easier on uses to merge changes (i.e., without `A`, the user would have to authorize each and every file difference between `B` and `C`)? Is this what you mean? I just stepped through this workflow, and the fuzzy designation does help a lot. I think I do personally prefer abstracted key names, but your point about readability is well taken and I'll follow your advice for now. And +1 for Rosetta - thanks! @DavidG: that's true. Automapper, unfortunately, hasn't option to turn off type conversion. Another option is self-made mapping tool, which could be rather difficult to write. Ok but say a user is logged in at client1.example.com. He changes the url to client2.example.com .. then I have to make sure he cannot access this. Symfony uses the firewall system for this, but I can't use variables in the firewall. So how can I solve this? I can't hardcode everything .. ID3 is not a music file format. It's a container for meta data, often associated with (or part of) a MP3 file. Are you sure you're not dealing with MP3 file? @nnnnnn Ok got it, thanks Thanks, I will try this way. Nevertheless, is this solution as efficient as adding one only listener for whole table? Which would be better? Cheers! Seriously dumb of me! @StefanSteiger You do realize that pressing the run button = build & run, right? If there any outstanding changes, it will recompile the project and any dependent projects in the same solution before it runs. Does your service return the promise? Guess it might be easier if you show some code in your Q :) Code is revised to include moving Left() into a variable. @J.F.Sebastian: I would strongly recommend using `now(timezone.utc)` instead if you want UTC time. How can I use the when method of Jquery if I have an Array of Backbone.Collection? @MichaelBorgwardt - by "using multiple selectors and doing it all at once on a script", I meant like `$('#input1, #input2, #input3').each(function() { applySomeFilter() });` on each input that requires same filter Thanks SalDev, my problem is that i am a "vintage" programmer and just now i'm reading about AJAX.. but i found a link with an example that help me to understand what is exactly the AJAX and this code helped me: http://www.danieletabacco.com/un-semplice-esempio-di-ajax/ Beautiful, this looks like it's the right area cheers mate :) @skubski: Completely agreed. I really only used it as a demonstration because it was the conditional check made in the original question. Whatever condition the code needs to check would be fine. I've only ever seen a 0 in cases where I was debugging a `$location.url()` will call `.search()` automatically. Yes, that's what I intended to put in there. Also, if you are doing a case sensitive search, there may be room for improvement on the InStr lines. Check to see if it's defaulting to a text compare or binary compare. Binary is faster, however is case sensitive. Yes. Importing the package org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionDestroyedEvent my listener does not work (this class allows me to have the method getSecurityContexts ()). Currently I have imported the package org.springframework.session.events.SessionDestroyedEvent;; and it works. unfortunately does not have the method getSecurityContexts () Yes, that works great! Thank you - I did not realize this was a pretty complicated demand. One more question - on the second task, I attempted to add Birth.Year to the second group_by command, but received the error: Error: unknown column 'Birth.Year' @huzefabiyawarwala Check your debugger and make sure you see that jQuery has been loaded. Honestly, I have no clue how it can be done... @mxlian: add curl's option `--fail`. I mean ASP.NET 5 `IO` is not a taint. It's its own distinct type. Thinking of it as a taint will do you a lot of harm when you start seeing type signatures like `IO (IO (), IO ())`. How would I structure it then or are you saying to `SELECT` *` users for now to see if it works? INSERT INTO a2_account VALUES * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00913: too many values Right, I would agree with you I should use Context vs HttpContext. However this doesn't resolve the original issue of wanting grab different properties other than just the email address and identity. Like First Name, maybe Last Name, and down the line perhaps other properties that I set for users. You might have changed files which are not added to a commit. Did you `git add .` and `git commit -m "your commit message"` to create a commit? @XåpplI'-I0llwlg'I- maybe you have to define the routes manually as shown above. After all, `resources` is just a helper to set up the default CRUD routes. The official documentation also includes a pagination recipe: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/14/other-recipes#Pagination @ farincz to convert number to string hex representation rdict = [] rdict = [(var & (0xFFFFFFFF << 32*i)) >> (32*i) for i in range(4)] print format(rdict , 'x'), but it is throwing an error ValueError: Unknown format code 'x' for obje @ThatGuyRussell In order to short circuit, you would want to use a generator... something like `any(sum(values) == 2*x for x in values)`, that way you wouldn't have to do all the doubling up front, just as necessary. You are right , my bad ! Our client really wants to have seperate databases because of sensitive information so .. How exactly will subdomains be more useful than the url slugs? It does not check for a remote sdp, it also does a lot of stuff that isn't really necessary. My onIceCandidate does: if (remoteSdpSet) {peerconnection.addIceCandidate(iceCandidate); }else{ myIceCandidateArray.push(iceCandidate); } That's all. I can't quite make sense of what looks like a weird mix of server-side and client-side code in that view. Not sure how the view engine is even parsing that. Then we simply return m[indexsums >= k]. What if the screen were narrower? that would also work. the design is up to you! From other hands that DSL IDE that was built based on XTEXT will support a few kind of languages. As it has done in professional IDE. In IDEA I can open different kind of file in see its structure Are you sure this is the code that you're running? I tried running it and got `IndentationError: expected an indented block` on line 17 I'll try and I let you know. Thanks By the way, I think there is an even easier method. We can define a function indexsums(n) which returns matrix(1,n, n,n, byrow=T) + 1:n Aha... `strict: false` does the trick. Perfect. Thanks! Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production @Cambodiachannel This would load when the request is made, all it does it populate the $lang array dynamically. You'd still use the regular language library calls in your controllers. `$this->lang->line('language_key');` It is called from a page called subscriptionFuncs.php that has 100's of functions within it. It worked! Thanks so much. Can you tell me why I wasn't "using" the PSSession, given that I was issuing Powershell commands? Why does "Invoke-Command" use the PSSession, but my commands do not? If you have a resource that explains, I would be eager to read it. Thanks again. Can you provide a reproducible example? (Code + image) I updated the answer for you. Even if you could split this with Grunt I wouldn't do that (I wouldn't even know where to start tbh). You should split it manually. Yes - total balance takes only one total for a person-date occurrence, but the special balance is summed as many times as the person appears in the person-date pair. if you run "ps aux | grep mysql" do you get something like : Ss 08:47 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe ? or a line that contains --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ? Good suggestion and good to know about Dozer. Thanks. it's the alternate suggestion he listed above..."Alternatively, you can run it with SQL in the VBA code by moving the parameter outside of the SQL string:" I believe the updateSubscription() gets its values from within the function containing the dropdown menu. I will add it now. I couldn't get the solution to work, the procedure was too large You're welcome. @Peter thank you! worked perfectly! would you mind posting as answer so I can accept it? When the `updateSubscription()` function is called, what value is provided for `$engineerId`? Where does the code get that value? How is `updateSubscription()` called? yes its work when i directly run from command line If SurveyID is a number you've generated in one of your tables, use Andre451's alternative approach. It's much simpler. Parameter queries are good to know, but don't have to be used for every query. Generally they should used anytime you are dealing with user supplied data, but in a case like this it's probably safe to go with the simpler solution. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately it does not. The total balance for Date 1 here is 250 (takes the sum of John twice and Mary once). However, I'd like the total balance to equal 150 - in other words, I only want to count John's total one time (even though he has 2 special balances). So the total_balance_sum for Date 1 would be 150, Date 2 would be 220 (John: 200 + Jack: 20 = 220) and Date 3 would be 1700. Thank you! I don't really know how xamarin or monotouch works, but I do know the life cycles of iOS view controllers. As long as you don't touch the `viewController's` view in `init`, I'd say you subscribe there. And for `dealloc`, that's the place to unsubscribe and clean up your hooks. So, if you don't need the `view` property, add your subscribes to `init`, otherwise add it to `loadView` _after_ the super call. you need to start the mysql daemon. mysql server needs to be running to be able to do the mysqlcheck, and if it's running maybe you forgot to add the -u username and -p flags I see you point. Thanks. But I don't understand can I register in xtext (AbstractPSLUiModule) two or more implementation of OutlineTreeProvider classes. One if them that provides implementation of my DSL has been already registered. Seems to me I should implement complicated logic for this purposes Why is the application creating two invoices with the same number? Why is it creating a number at all before the invoice has been saved? There is more information. You will have to get that. Without this information you can't anything. You have to know what causes this exception locally. This looks much better. Thanks! I mean del1 and del2 should differs. I can't duplicate it. thanks a lot. Can we do it also inside of `df_new` with mutate? Besides why I'm getting the same fitting results for all groups despite they are replicated in reproducible example? Yep worked it out, thanks mate I don't understand "return me the string value against index value 3 & 5". Can you give an example of the output you want to see? Perfect, I understand it now. Thanks for providing such a great solution :) @Derf: Ah, too bad about the link. The top answer was Jinja, followed by the built-in string interpolation in Python, followed by Genshi, followed by Mako. It's been a while since I integrated Jinja2, but I remember it being fairly straightforward except The page wasn't very descriptive about what to do. I am not familiar with VBS and need detailed instructions about what to do. I was getting some kind of runtime error while trying to follow their instructions. Just FYI, the website that I was using was: http://fulldecent.blogspot.com/2012/01/run-excel-macro-on-any-file-using-drag.html So we learned about ||, &&, "Falsy" and "Truly" in this post. Best answer with "hidden" gifts. What you propose looks good to me. I think RESTful shouldn't be used too strict. If your world doesn't fit into REST than REST should be bended - not the world. Well, the situation: I launch the app, go to the settings screen and then switch to web browser. In order to get more memory, the system (partly) kills the app leaving the information about the last app state. When I switch back to the app, the settings activity is restored, but the rest of the app is down according to the `NPE` thrown at the attempt to get data from the other activity @Paul Link updated. The user does it. It is a note-taking part of the app. The user types out notes and they will have the option to format the notes with **bold**, _italics_, underlining, or highlighting. "All unique IDs are limited to 4 characters": from the post. I'm assuming that means they're at least 4, but no longer. Thanks. I'll try it. For your use case, it might be most useful to create your own class. The `__getitem__` and `__setitem__` are essentially what would do lookups and make entries respectively. You could override those to do everything you need it to - converting to tuples, rounding the values, etc. Not sure if the next character is a dash or not so I just went with substring instead. @brettdj this won't work if the first change a user makes is a row addition or deletion. You should set lngRow in the Worksheet_Activate event rather then the end of Worksheet_Change. the answer was to invalidate the timer , ill edit my post thank you invalidating helped, ill add the code to the question , thank you I try to read existing keys that have been generated with the tool `ssh-keygen` (typically in `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`). They seem to be in `PEM`-format. I managed to read the private key from `~/.ssh/id_rsa`, but reading the public-key does not work. It really seems to be a problem with the files generated with `ssh-keygen` (hope its clear now). [+1 for your example] `viewWillAppear` and `viewWillDisappear` are not good delegate methods to put that kind of logic, since they may run whenever and never. I'd go with subscribing in `init` and unsubscribing in `dealloc`, since they are called exactly once. Can you post all inner exception details (stack traces and messages) as well? how do i invalidate a timer? There's no concern really with the Ajax call as like I said the C# side is doing everything just fine, and the Ajax call is identical to the other ones I'm using that are working properly. Exactly how is this "not working"? When you step through the code in a debugger, where specifically does it fail? What are the runtime values when that happens? Thanks a lot, that looks great. I'll take a look at the melt function in order to understand what you are doing. possible duplicate of [How to change an Android app's name?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5443304/how-to-change-an-android-apps-name) Ouch, bad luck. Then I guess you're left with filtering the response on the client-side, but if you don't have thousands of indices/shards, that should be ok. I am using R version 3.1.3 and Windows 7 OS. I have added a sound ( see in edited thread ) , and yes it is called multiple times. But how do i stop it? I am removing sanchez in the prepare for segue method swell, so how can the frames still have contact and call the prepareForSegue method again? Or maybe it is the timer cause I call hitwtf every 0.05 seconds? @simbabque: Just want to do a "health" check to an internal server Actually this worked... Still I think is a bug that should be fixed but thank you! I've updated my answer to show you how you can implement it Absolutely. Unquestionably. However I'm working with what I've been given, and its non-trivial to rip out. I'm a firm believer in consistency, and if you are going to change something, change it everywhere. Also, of course, its a much longer list of properties, and I have to implement the solution to this problem three times.' Posting the error you get might help ppl solving this. Never mind, I still greatly appreciate your input. Thanks for giving it a go! Can you add your array to a fiddle or something? This will not work for .ki, .km, .kn, .kp, .kr, .kw, .ky, .kz, .la, .lb, .lc, .li, .lk, .lr, .ls, .lt, .lu, .lv, .ly, .ma, .mc, .md, .me, .mg, .mh, .mk, .ml, .mm, .mn, .mo, .mp, .mq ... So master doesn't persist in referring to the tip of the branch, in this case commit C? Doesn't that conflict with joran's answer? Thanks a lot for your effort, works perfectly. This would have been my approach as well, but ideally I'd be looking for something that avoids loops. Essentially, we just want to extract values lying at and below a line parallel to the matrix's off diagonal. @shoaib post source code in order to help you please Right. But not the answer. Going to assume you've checked that transform1.Matrix and transform2.Matrix are indeed different. I guess you get an answer here at some point - but in this case isn't this more like an *issue* you could bring up on https://github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell ? @BalazsZsoldos It occurs somewhere internally inside XSSFWorkbook constructor. When I do `XSSFWorkbook x = new XSSFWorkbook();` I can't provide stacktrace now. Please take a look at [How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve). Ehmm... Its not clear to me what you want to accomplish. Do you want to show the `ADRESS` in some HTML output? You may want to read http://herbsutter.com/2013/06/13/gotw-93-solution-auto-variables-part-2/ and http://herbsutter.com/2013/08/12/gotw-94-solution-aaa-style-almost-always-auto/ Thanks a lot, I don't really know lambda so it's useful seeing it work on something simple, this way seems extremely clean :) 1) `-v name="$1"` is better. 2). useless cat Now it works thanks :). I'm currently working on the problem (I need this as a subfunction in a simulation), so I haven't tried much yet. Obviously, I could do this with a loop, but I'm looking for something more elegant (and faster). A number h weakly exceeds a number k if h >= k. Thank you very much it is now working :) This doesn't really help, I already know how to switch the databases. The problem is with loging in and making sure the site is secure using variable prefixes .. The goal is *not* to resume to the last screen shown after the app gets killed It's the same issue, for the same reasons, my code is similar to what Ryan posted. The only difference is with the scroll to zoom, but the real issue is with the transform messing up the scroll, but I will code it and post it. Thanks a lot for the idea, I kinda merged your idea with mine and got it working without converting it to 3D (didn't want to take the easy way out haha) :) I can give you a hint: Interpolation. State A becomes State B over N seconds. That implies you need two sets of state and an *easing function*. The simplest easing function is a linear interpolation. There are dozens of others. If i go to tool->Preferences->Database-> NLS ->Decimal Separator to 0 @rbaleksandar I am afraid I don't follow: The `QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11` should work with Qt 4.8 *without* `QMAKE_LFLAGS += -std=c++11`. I still think that it is a bug in qmake if you have to add `std=c++11` to the **linker** flags. Or I am missing yo What's the value of `results[0].geometry.location`, because [it either needs to be an instance of a latlang class, or an object with lat/lng key/value pairs](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference?hl=en). what have you tried? Why did what you try not work? You're welcome, glad I could help What I did is switch from using socket.io-stream to socketio-file-upload and my problem was fixed. Are you sure it could do it ?. I'm trying to use it but it's an API. Do you have any URL which could explain it. Ah, great and thank you! I will mark this as the answer. There is an example on the "similar question" link, but here is the link to the example Ryan Castle wrote : http://codepen.io/anon/pen/waoEVQ?editors=110 @ParthSavadiya try the below posted answer most cases it will work Did you find any progress in this? I almost need something similar to this. Me also faced the same problem. Can anyone please provide the solution You could actually just change your selector to be a bit more forgiving (in case other styles are added): `$('.thumb[style*="order: 4;"]');` should select where the style attribute has `order: 4;` anywhere (I would keep the semicolon incase you had `order: 40`) - https://api.jquery.com/attribute-contains-selector/ Can you add the stack trace? This is not an error that is thrown by Simple Injector. When I try you code, it computes y\*y instead of x\*y. Maybe the right question here is: "how can I select a child item in a NSOutlineView with -selectRowIndexes:ByExtendingSelection:". Since there is no way to get the NSIndexPath? -rowForItem: just gives an index. @AlexMA Yes I confirmed that already. You're right. Adding a comment to the question to address this point. If the website is rate limiting requests, then re-using the tcp connection probably won't work. Could you clarify a bit? You have an app that works fine with 4.2.3 and have a 4.2.4.rc1 checkout with local changes? Which tests fail? Also, I do not see exactly how your question title fits. Well, than I always get "Could not reconstruct the public key" - but I still don't know why the public key can't be reconstructed,... Maybe something went wrong during the conversion-process, but what? Would be also great to have a way to read the `ssh-keygen`-generated files directly, without the manual conversion in the terminal. I'm assuming he doesn't know prepared statements what kind of error you are getting If you're using mysqli, then see the equivalent in mysqli [mysqli::real_escape_string](http://php.net/manual/es/mysqli.real-escape-string.php) $DTT and $CTT are enviornment variable where i load in them the user and host name strings for example $DTT = alex , $CTT = brandollo Thanks the code you made works in the jsfiddle but when I use the code it doesn't heres my jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/mjpojeeo/ I've tried to prepend commands with `stdbuf -o 0 -e 0` on Arch Linux and got the same results. Is there any way to tell OS do not to buffer results or to emulate terminal behaviour from go? OS specific way to do this will be okay. @Jaap I understand your insist about the reproducible example and if you check my other questions you will see I always provide reproducible example. Only this time I though it should not be needed. see documentation http://stackoverflow.com/a/32117122/1498669 Clean data before inserting into your database. Your code asked me to be refactored. Consider using switch/case statements, they are powerful. @ulfelder I am so sorry direc is added. why should i create the EntityManager by myself (and not using Annotation)? from where did you get that code? Other thing you can do is @Html.DropDownList("IssueTable.ProjectTypeID", New SelectList(Model.proTableList, "ProjectTypeID", "ProjectTypeName"), "Please Select") then you can get value directly as issTable.ProjectTypeID = test.IssueTable.ProjectTypeID Great! I've fixed the code above. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20923015/microsoft-sql-server-error-18456 For instance; the standard deviation of your set is 1948; a standard method of removing outliers would be to use the [3-sigma rule of thumb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/68%E2%80%9395%E2%80%9399.7_rule), which would remove nothing... But it's a NSOutlineView, I don't need just an index, but the complete path from the root if I'm dealing with a child folder. this is the `title` **attribute**: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H33.html. The thing you are talking about is the `title` **tag** in the head of the document - http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/TITLE.html It appears that this is already done and possibly not the cause/ fix as the inner exception is different ({"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.DataStore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."} OK, so it would appear to be a polymorphic association, thanks for making me aware of that. I see what you are saying! Each "linkable" object is an entity in its own right. Yes, I think that will work. Thank you. This was intentional, as some use cases includes knowing which employees did not have any holidays in the chosen period... it does not import the Selenium library. For example, I try to use a WebDriver/WebElement and it does not work Not really, the title attributes are more for accessibility than seo and then I would only use them in the case where the text in the link doesn't really explain what it is doing so you need the title to explain it instead. Why does the test fail locally? With what error? Are you ok with java? This dependency is only a few hundred KB: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/apidocs/org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils.html#copyDirectory%28java.io.File,%20java.io.File%29 @foreverlearning, would they all change, or might only one of them change? Yes, the authentication is OK, but I want to display the Select result too. I have no idea how to return the bool and the Int too, the bool is that the username and passed EXISTS and the INT is the ID of the select result You have property Public Property proTableList As List(Of ProjectType) in class ClientUserProjectIssue so in SubmitIssue function you will get the value as test.proTableList (0).ProjectTypeID for the second option if you use 1st option then directly you can get the value as test.ProjectTypeID Let me know if it make sense Hi thanks for the comment how would I add the top code so when the checkbox is clicked it activates it? for the downvoter: please explain **why** you downvoted the answer if you include the jquery file in your project does it still gives the same error? I have an if in my onIceCandidate() callback where I check if the remote sdp was already set. When it's not, I store the ice candidate in an array and in my onRemoteSdp callback I set any ice candidates that are present in that array. This works perfectly for me. `AudioManager.USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE` is not an appropriate argument for `setMode`. You should use one of the `MODE_` constants. `USE_DEFAULT_STREAM_TYPE` is meant to be used with `adjustSuggestedStreamVolume`. Can you post your calling via your c# source. I am working with an emulator that requires an external DLL (C). I am using visual studio to build - I have the [STAThreadAttribute] above my main function (C#) and I also have 'Enable native code debugging'... I realize you are using a different development system - but regarding what you have done so far - that's looking good. Hope this might help. @paulpdaniels yes you are right. I thought that is what MultipleAssignmentDisposable did, but I guess it doesn't. re. the "linkable_id" option - each entry could have many of these... I'm not sure if thats the correct way... @AlainTiemblo I am not sure it is really a performance killer, @ahmedSiouani's solution is neater but the code does almost the same thing, just `isset` rather than `array_key_exists`. See https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/2.8/src/Symfony/Component/R Ok Alex thanks :) ^different tables for each Do you mean the number on the section element might change: like `section1` might change to `section12`, or `section1` might change to something completely different like `tree1`? because if exist the username with pass than returns TRUE else FALSE Bugger. Yes, I guess I'll end up using IPushProducer and add some glue code. but, from where comes the *__pm <-- ?? Pretty sure LRiO knows who Herb Sutter is. Perfect - With a little reading, and a lot of your help - all sorted! Thanks so much! :) I copied your text in buffer, and did exactly same search, the `Tumour...` line and `Day of...` line are not matched. Sorry but could you please clarify your logic when "smoothing" the values. Consider the first run of zeros in "tip", where the first following non-zero element is two. As I understood you, the 2 should be distributed evenly on its own index, and the preceeding 9 zeros. 2 / 10 = 0.2. But in "tip_corrected" there are 9 0.1:s. And what is the logic behind the 1.1 on index 11? I haven't bothered about the rest of the vector yet... It sounds like your links have a title attribute on them (eg `title="Home"`). Just remove this. But to help us better, please provide your html in the question. http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask 1 Only changes for Laravel 5 are that you don't do `cd app` first and the last command should be `chown vagrant:www-data .gitignore framework/cache/.gitignore logs/.gitignore app/.gitignore framework/sessions/.gitignore framework/views/.gitignore` possible duplicate of [Get value of List Item with jQuery](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5548827/get-value-of-list-item-with-jquery) @StudentX, sorry was in a meeting. If you set the variable in the ajax, unless you make the ajax call synchronous, then trying to return it after will also have the same problem that it may not be set by the time you return it. The callback functions of This is really baffling. Are you using any other libraries that could be interfering with href attribute assignment? Could you provide a smaller example, or at least an unminified one? I had a similar issue with click events triggering on the wrong element - the cause of this turned out to be the FastClick library. I ended up adding a special case to disable FastClick on iPad. Accept your answer if you solve it using this workaround. You have to add one property in model with Name ProjectTypeID then you'll get it or the other option is try with @Html.DropDownList("proTableList[0].ProjectTypeID",...... Yes i understood now the differences from documentation: Just a small question Alex , i am trying to change the NLS setting to make it '.' for decimal. But it didn't work. Do you know how to do that ? Thanks for your answer Spike! I can't do your step 1 because the repository is static and can't take a constructor. I can't do your step 2 since my controllers are not using the DocumentDB repository, they read from domain models which are pre-loaded from the repository, which is why the answer I linked is not helpful for me. I tried creating a non-static wrapper for the DocumentDB repository which can accept the DI, and then passing through the config settings in every static method, but the repo no longer works (no error, the async methods just don't execute). This link has all types of helpful information on multi-valued fields. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Using-multivalued-fields-in-queries-6f64f92d-659f-411c-9503-b6624e1e323a?CTT=5&origin=HA001233722&CorrelationId=64eb2cf3-c4bc-4939-8751-e67f498d2b2e&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US#BM8 Did you try using a ` @Amitsingh - I don't think that has anything to do with what the poster has asked... He's asking about the order of the items, not the styling. Also, how do you know that the poster is NOT using that class in his `ul` tag? @user985197 It's quite common practice, here's an example - http://spamtech.co.uk/tips/automatically-submit-a-form-using-javascript/ here is my header file: Please fix the first line. yes thank you, im still learning and that was valuable, information Thanks a lot :D I want dynamic size custom dialog. I got it working using `Memory` and `setWideString`. However, what I oversimplified in the question is that the struct member is in fact an `LPTSTR`. Therefore the string expected is not necessarily wide. How can I deal with this from the Java side and pass in the correct string? I agree that the performance difference is very small. The `odbc load` function should work similar to `pgload` with minor changes in the connection string. So in theory, your `loadsql` should work OK either way. You could probably modify this to check for an error loading the plugin and use the plugin if available and odbc otherwise, though I'm not sure it's worth the work. Also note that ODBC allows you also to write to the database, among other things, in addition to reading from it. See `help odbc` in stata for more information. You can set both, but CustomDataId = newData.CustomDataId will be suffice Why do you need to do nested impersonation? as you have found out you can't be two users at the same time. Why not do the operations in two steps? can't you login to the source directory and copy the files locally. Login to the destination directory and copy the files from local to destination? Your code seems to be ok. To find the problem, I would try alternative ways of doing it. Perhaps try the way of Example #4 in http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.execute.php ...And not a very meaningfully named function, really! Thanks, this actually works and is the most suitable solution :) in antiweb I change the working directory to the temp folder, so I am inside the temporary folder. When I then try to remove the folder I am in right now, I receive that error ^^ I tried sxstrace.exe but got nothing returned in the resulting text file Okay, I figured out what went wrong: No Im compiling in Release mode. Hi Darin, you suggest using `@Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Foos)` but what if my model is the collection? Should it be `@Html.DisplayFor(x => x)` or is there a more appropriate way to do this? Can you provide an example for this use case in your answer please? Isn't there any documentation so I can verify the official behaviour ? yes, but the accepted answer won't solve my problem - the suggestion is to keep version the same which imposes even more severe restrictions rather than just having duplicate version entries in X's pom. @Grdaneault I understand. Although I'm curious why you don't like going via a String. would be very nice of you to mark my answer (or any other) as accepted if it was the one that satisfied your needs. if you need any further help - you are at the right place... I add xml file in my post. please you see and answer me. What I was looking for! You are correct, but the shown code is not complete - so I had to guess. Did you install ufw or any other firewall software? Are both PCs in the same network? on a side note: I won't accept my own answer for a while, at least until it gets more upvotes There is a tool called "s3cmd" that can do it. The regex will handle all spaces with only one replacement. I put 3 images because i use 3 tabs But what about pre android 4.3 ? The google documentation says something about this being introduced in 4.3, so what happens to earlier os versions ? I am talking about only app icons, but the mipmaps api was introduced in android 4.3. Since I am targeting devices before 4.3 (android 2.3.3>=), this api won't exist! :) That's why I wan't to know what to do. it is not a duplicate - that question applied for android 4.3 and above. If my target sdk is 2.3.3, then the api in question won't exist. So it is unclear what will happen. Hence my question. sorry but I tried it and it works for me >>> a="WORD function0__ROM(WORD time) {" >>> match = re.search(r"\s*(void|BYTE|WORD|bit)\s+function0__ROM\s*\([^\)]*\)\s*{?\s*",a) >>> print match.group(0) 'WORD function0__ROM(WORD time) {' In that case try to do `cat2remove.serOwner(null)` instead of `owner.removeCat(cat2Remove)`. This will respect JPA specification clause that says we should care about setting the owner side of bidirectional association, maybe hibernate works better this way This matches anything following CL_. Maybe he wants to match each individual code, and not the entire string... Beat me to it by a few seconds. When I tried this solution, it failed because `name` and `module` columns were factors. It worked when I turned theses columns into character. @newbiez: There is no advantage. Just call `split` without any parameter and you're good to go. AFAIK there's no GLU support in the NDK. You might be able to find alternative implementations elsewhere. The same probably goes for GLUT. Does GLEW even support OpenGL ES (which is what you've got on Android devices)? Just looking at it briefly, it seems like GLEW is geared toward desktop implementations of OpenGL, which is not the same thing. @StéphaneNicoll Because `org.apache.maven.plugins maven-release-plugin 2.3.2` works, but i perfer using spring boot maven plugin due to that I Ok, good you figured out. Its still not showing image @Tunaki no error message, it was built successfully, but just didn't git commit and increase the version of the project You wouldn't find a CL_ that isn't followed by another CL_ though (or end of string). That happens to be the case for his string, but maybe that's not what he's asking. should i edit Charsequence in my activity? check my Charseqence Titles in my activity @Kosso Well, then answer many new questions, if you are the first one to answer and get an approved answer, you get +15 reputation ^^ Problem is probably the Async calls. Remove them and see if the code works Jada Its working but no image is showing I got the same error message when I performed some logic in the set method. A suggestion, for testing purposes, remove .ToUpper and the [StringLength(6)] You could use dtype='datetime64', no? I think this simply reverses the order. It does not work as posted because the container does not yet exist. First create and name a container, and then from another terminal window run `docker cp` Same here. I copied widget code from Magento 1.8 to 1.9 and started getting this error. What have you tried so far? LLVM doesn't have any semantic analysis functionality beyond what is needed for the semantic analysis of the LLVM IR itself. @Sara These are the built-in solutions of course. Great to start you off. You can also look at how they work with an order entry in the sample application, as they go through a bit of a wizard. All good ideas. If you're looking for better LOV's you can al Change the mirror using the `repos` argument in `install.packages`. The dotsrc.org mirror seems to be down for almost 2 days (https://cran.r-project.org/mirmon_report.html#dk) Please check the code above This is awesome, thank you and @weienw as well bboni, I restructured the wrapper-logic - please recheck. i will post my MainActivity Yes sir i tried it already Although your method should work just fine, mine allows for use on _any_ table, in yours you have to know the data types **beforehand** Have you tried anything already? please show what you have tried and where you have specific problems. Its not working i already running the app Okay, ssh is running. Please give the relevant output of the following commands: `ssh -vv root@` and `nc 22`. The first one is ssh with more information printed, and the second (netcat) will just try to establish *any* connection. That is true, will try it out and see results You're right. It's the fast solution. You can also remove much more of the styles... Something like this? `echo "new_key \"new_value1\"" >> manifest.yaml` what is MContext? The command saves all workspace variables, thus the workspace must be empty. Probably the source of your problem is something inside the LoadDataAsync method. Can you add that code? @HowardHinnant That sounds like a poorly run project. I would have hoped that the design and implementation of the standard library is guided by some overarching principles, that would avoid such inconsistencies. Wait sir will try Sorry can't access stackoverflow via OSX, only able to use via IOS. In China now. Which distro are you using? What have you done so far? Is port 22 being listened on on all interfaces? Please post the output of `sudo netstat -tulpen | grep ":22"`. I wanted to do this inside @IBAction func textFieldOne(sender: UItextField) { First of all thanks for trying to help me. I tried your code, and it actually behaves exactly like my previous code. If you short tap, the Player gets a small impulse, but if you long press, there does nothing happen until you release/reach the maximum, and then the Player gets an impulse. I need the Player to jump the minimum, and then depending on how long you press the screen, the impulse increases until the maximum. The actual code and the explanation why it actually needs to look like that, would take several pages. I just hope that somebody knows a way how to do it. @shaz how? like this ? Not able to login to stackoverflow via safari or chrome in OS X. Only able to sign in to stack via IOS. Very strange. In China now. Thank you alot sir, this works for me ... I do openssl pkcs12 -export -out client1.p12 -inkey client1.key -in client1.pem -certfile rootCA.pem for converting to .p12 ... I'm going to implement this now. I think I need to set/change some options for security reasons. Thanks :) I might get the funding to rewrite the whole thing on symfony or laravel so there is yet hope for the future. Here: http://pastebin.com/Xpm8EuTx - Just copy and paste it in your form designer with form name "Form1" Next time, please show us some code what you have tried so far. your code example shows JavaScript where you need to encode it, but your question is about an input field. You shouldn't need to use the XSSAPI there... Thank you very much for your great explanation! You made me aware of the difference between `Any` and `AnyObject` (unfortunately `Any` seems to have different problems: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27989094/how-to-unwrap-an-optional-value-from-any-type). However I still don't understand why my first example does not work, which is not about `AnyObject`..or is it? What do you mean with 1/y? vis.js can be used to visualize a lot of things. If you can refine your question we may be able to help you. I have problem 1 from time to time as well, but don't have an approved solution for it. Propblem 2 could be that the the class either exposed by another bundle but in a different version or isn't exposed at all. Some packages have to be made public adding them to the sling.properties org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation @HiteshBhutani .. I updated the answer, you need Joda time for handling the +5:30 case. looks like your stored procedure is taking much time to execute so better try with command.CommandTimeout = 3600;//1 Hour and put command.CommandTimeout = 3600;//1 Hour inside try/catch and try you will get it. try/catch is only for debugging purpose Please someone with 250+ reputation migrate this to superuser. @Raghunandan Because I'm using 3 Layout Fragments I don't have a specific KML file I want to display, the user is supposed to be able to select a file from his computer, then display it. Yes but it indeed my problem is that the method -selectRowIndexes:ByExtendingSelection: need a NSIndexPath. IT would be easy to just reference to the item instead of having calculate its IndexPath. That was the reason why I posted the question. Yea exactly to the first part and as far as the second part lol I had a mind blank I forgot about breakpoints normally I am accidentally clicking those on lol! Thanks for the answer I was so exhausted yesterday I wasn't able to think clearly.... I was following a tutorial in eclipse our teacher gave us, but i wanted to do it in intellij, however in eclipse there was a design tab to the web.xml file, and not in intellij, so i did it manually :) @Raghunandan Sir i want to use the code above. I want to set an icon to tabs using the code above. Here maybe the answer you want http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16893209/how-to-customize-a-progress-bar-in-android It seems that way, it is just weird that they have removed such a tool. you are sending the data as string, that might be the problem. Once check the updated answer It would be nice if you marked my answer as accepted then, if it solved your problem. this link is broken. Now I got it. Thanks. if you use OCamls modules/functors then probably yes (but I never used OCaml myself so I am by no means the right person to decide ;) ) i got answer of it.. i just called the InvokeScriptAsync() method in MyWebView_NavigationCompleted()... Do you display the HTML in a browser or are you using a programming environment? Thanks; @John you saved my life :) are you using express framework in node.js? @CerlinBoss I get it .. that was my typo mistake ... I was getting "notificaiton" and calling "notification".. Thank you for help Yes, it does need. And in some big page we have a big table, we also need it. I would like to stay away from DB procedures, since they are too hard to debug if i run into some bugs. I guess i will have to go PHP way Still same error? A different message now? As is this should work unless there is a situation of multithreading at work here. Did you call this code in the same thread of your main application? Please add a question of its own, do not ask a new question inside a comment. Very few people will see it. If the solution with cut works for you it's okay. Thank you this was very helpful. I still couldn't find the explanation for ed() method in it. @Cerlin I have tried it gives "resJSON = undefined," in console Thanks, Martin. Your solutions looks OK. However, I have the feeling that this should be easier. I've filed a bug with Apple. I am sorry but lately I have been getting the feeling that a lot of users on SO focus on content rejection than improvement. If you can concretely justify the down votes and show how the question is not useful to any beginner in the coding community at all, I'll calm down. @eranotzap,no it's seems quit complicated to me as newer in EF. Thanks, Scott. However, I want to enumerate the values of a specific instance of WeekdaySet, not just all weekdays. ,I dont have a course name but I have Course ID alredy existing in database!So why do I have to create a new Course? @MartinJames I am developping a messaging app (like SMS apps). Thus, the DataSent callback is used to raise an event which will cause the display of an UI element (a speech bubble which contains the data). The DataReceived callback is also used for the sa Do you have necessary networking between your computer to interact or public IP for server? I do not understand the down votes. I have clearly stated the the _official_ webpage of a popular third party library doesn't provide and document. I have no where said that there are any bugs and I have only stated that I need help finding exact documentation and understanding the code. I will restate what I actually need by just copy pasting what I said. 'If someone could point me to the documentation or explain the following methods(intermediate methods too) then that would be really helpful'. I use subselects now, even if they are not the same. It's the only way I got it working, and you never had join formulas working either. Thank you very much. [link](http://dev.fyicenter.com/faq/php/Use-isset-REQUEST-name.html) i found the answer Perfect, so close, so simple, thanks! if you find an OO solution you like/accept go on and use it - F# is an hybrid language - the thing is just that usually the abstractions are so messy in .net (there are a couple of projects on github where they try to implement typeclass-like things in F# and it works - but it's almost unusable from a practical perspective and to much to learn for your *normal programmer*) that it's just easier to reimplement the stuff in their modules - especially since it's usually only a couple of lines Whichever files you were trying to remove by commenting out `wp_head`. @WisdmLabs answer is a good choice. The error clears says that startup failed due to previous errors. So then we need to look for those errors and fix it. So just read the lines above this error msg in tomcat log and you might see what the actual error is. Edit the question and paste the errors . Only then you can get meaning ful answers. If you are a beginner , I recommend using eclipse instead of notepad++. Once you get the hang of it..you could revert back to notepad++ ch1 is a pointer on the stack while ch2 is an array on the stack? Your variable names are incredibly hard to understand, it makes it almost impossible to read the question. Maybe consider changing them from `dtsnglyric` to `dtSingerLyric`, etc.. at least for your future maintainers.... You have to check the email and also the id. if you can find a generic `fold` for all of your trees you can use this for the rest - but it depends a bit on if all your trees have the same generic parameters(count), etc. - sadly it's hard to abstract over this in F# and you usually have separate `map`, `filter`, ... operations in modules like `Seq`, `List`, ... although they too share their concepts (here is a related question to the `fold` I mentioned: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/196294/what-is-a-catamorphism-and-can-it-be-implemented-in-c-sharp-3-0/4413645#4413645) @RyanTheuma .. thanks, please accept which ever you like to make question answered so that other users can refer to it What do you mean with *also removes*? Is the record of dog also deleted from database or is it just retrieving/fetching the same amount of dogs that cats for the related collections? Please check this. I think you are suffering problems with fetching behavior due to `Owner` has two eager and indexed collection. @QuanNguyen Hmm... Do you know how someone would get around that in this situation? Can you comment on why this would be good for performance? @wwii that's correct. @NedStoyanov I'm getting a lot of this... System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.\ at System.Globalization.TimeSpanFormat.FormatCustomized(TimeSpan value, String format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi) at System.Globalization.TimeSp Is it that you need the range filter? http://stackoverflow.com/a/29041518/676195 You have a missing value in `myReturn`, at date `2012-01-31`. `Performance(myReturn[-1])` works. You're creating two divs for each $produk fetched so you can't use id='ifY' and id='ifN' because there will be duplicated ids. Thanks for the pickup, fixed that. Though the initial question still stands. @QuanNguyen Is that the issue, that it keeps updating the first one in an infinite loop? Worked perfectly, thanks so much! No, Less does not know what ID your page has and you would need some other model to achieve this. Which element has the `data-page-id`? Is it the parent element of title and content? @NedStoyanov All at the same time. I'll try your suggestion. @Am_I_Helpful I've also heard that modern hardware will slow down or shut itself down if heat becomes an issue. Never pushed hard enough to find out, and usually buy aftermarket heatsinks. Yes, you need to create another variable for plotting, and use your vector for labeling. @Am_I_Helpful Ubuntu here, don't know about availability of this tool generally, either. Regards the side question, compare `good` and `godd`. check documentation about $timezone: http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.construct.php Why would you expect it to not work? C does no bounds checking. If you go out of bounds, you'll just update whatever memory happens to be in that spot (or, possibly, get a segfault / access violation if the address is outside your process). Assuming it doesn't AV, if it doesn't crash, it's just pure dumb luck. @rmaddy Sorry I hadn't seen that particular question. I came across this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18224274/setting-default-time-zone-is-not-successfull ... and a bunch of others that didn't quite help. Question though...what is with the tim fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value..... is the error I am getting currently....the code I am using in the statwidgetviewcontroller is very basic as i am just testing `class StatWidgetViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate { var deckRecord: Deck? @IBOutlet weak var deckName: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var deckClass: UILabel! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() deckName.text = deckRecord?.deckname } }` In your case, these are more timespan than timestamp. You probably need to keep them as character. You are so right! I did quite a bit of hacking after I not being happy with part of my design and accidentally left a 'bind' behind. I just didn't see it! it is not server side application. it is a windows phone app. That is working but honestly I will have to go through your answer again to understand. how to get this in single linek Loop through the variables? No. You could make a map of strings to values if you really needed to do something like that. 1 I think the OP's comments indicate that the lowest index should be returned when there are duplicates. Your code just needs to reverse the order of insertion and it will achieve this. My guess is that it doesn't know how to match up the source object with the target object. Either you need to tell AutoMapper how to match up objects in a list (I haven't really used AutoMapper so I'm not sure if this is possible), or what you're doing doesn't make sense Hi sorry, the questions has been a while, i am just wondering, so does it mean transporting binding is like socket.io/strophe.js, and the xmpp is like (openfire/Ejabbered)? Let me know if you still didn't understand @JohnColeman Good question - suppose it's because I'm actually dealing with truncations of infinite sums, so it didn't occur to me. I mean if it is collection properties then you have to add hidden field for each record and for each properties with Index, so i hope you want to pass data for property IEnumerable SelectedSystems so for first record you have to add 1 hidden field(taking for 1 field) like for 2nd record and it should be in you page binded so you can loop in javascript and add in any empty div. thanks for the answer and sorry for my late response. I decided not to use teamviewers API though so i wrote something that does the job. The original upload is not done by me, and i am not sure how do they do it. The upload that i had done was manual using Filezilla. That makes sense. Agreed. @anhtu Sorry that was a typo. Have corrected that in the edit. I do not have jboss-deployment-structure.xml Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/87443/discussion-between-shannon-and-basile-starynkevitch). I don't think avoiding finder is the answer for me. I'm building an application for the public, so it really needs to behave like a regular Mac OSX application. Would running as a daemon be suitable if the application has a GUI built with Electron? Are you deploying as a web app? `indexOf()` finds the first occurrence. It does not find all occurrences. Can you update your code and show a complete reproducible example? I'm unable to reproduce your issue. What the exception message says is that you have a second registration somewhere: a closed one. Did you have an `RegisterManyForOpenGeneric` registration in there that you changed to `Register(typeof(IProducerQueue<,,>), assemblies)`? @BasileStarynkevitch What about when double clicking the executable in Finder? Is it supposed to open a Terminal window then? Could you please inform me of where I am to place that code? I am very new to PHP and am trying to wrap my head around things still. Thanks @TripPhillips Here's the latest meta Q&A for [Are questions about app-stores on-topic?](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/272165/are-developer-centric-questions-about-application-stores-on-topic). If you disagree with it or have a question, perhaps You want a barplot: `?barplot`. You will need to run the script after pageload ... ie use `window.onload` or `$(document).ready(...)` Your answer was very detailed and I have to believe it might have helped. Unfortunately (for the answer, but fortunately for me), I was able to force a migration of all our developers to vs2015 who use this project. So I didn't go through all the tests. Thanks for the effort. If I do try this on one of the older boxes in my free time, I'll update the question with the result. Obviously the least period of wait time of hovering over the image would be the best case scenario, although for my own learning purposes I'd wan't to understand the multiple different ways I could do it. Do you have something in mind? A single try/catch would consolidate your error trapping. Validating your parameters at the start of the function would make this code more readable. Oh great, glad that helped. Option 2 was for sure the more appropriate approach for your case now that I realize the details of the task you were doing. Thanks for coming over from the network side to contribute :) I would use something like .setRolloverIcon... Although that would be a rollover image, so I would use something like .setToolTipText. Although I am completely lost in this case. the logic doesn't make sense to me. not( all false) != all TRUE I just had the same problem. Create the database source from Control Panel/ODBC Data Sources. If possible can you provide the explanation for why it was nil? Would it be a problem as my send_form.php is seperate from my index.html page? This question is off topic because it is about Apple Store listing policies, not programming. How would i know which is master and what if master changed? Would you mind provide some demo code how to do this? You need scheduled task and file copy. Which of these two is giving you problems ? Can you show us the implementation of `_mainRectangle`? It seems like `_mainRectangle.Height` is not returning what you expect it to return. To get the BLOB data out of the database as `NSData` using FMDB, you use [`dataForColumn`](http://ccgus.github.io/fmdb/html/Classes/FMResultSet.html#//api/name/dataForColumn:) or [`dataForColumnIndex`](http://ccgus.github.io/fmdb/html/Classes/FMResultSet.html#//api/name/dataForColumnIndex:). Thank's a lot, I appreciate your answer. Do you mind telling me what I would do if I wanted to **proportionally** change the size of the dialog while changing the size of the pictures? Thanks, Rich. Sure enough, replace the first parameter with its negative, and the minimization becomes maximization, matching the OP's answer. Take a look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17615105/getting-text-entered-in-textbox-of-other-applications-using-c-sharp - this group of APIs will also help with clicking objects as well. A class library (dll) requires a host application to execute. Suggest that you move your class library to a class library project and set a project reference from your windows forms project. Additionally you will need to set your connection string from the app.config in your windows project. This doesn't solve anything. Each time you call the method, you get a new `Increment` function, with `num = 0`. If you change the `Increment` method to static, why not just use `private static num = 0;` ? You gain nothing by this. See this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3387975/3888455 Am I going crazy here? All these 'workarounds' don't really achieve anything. If `CreateNosePicker` is not static, every time you call a method which uses it, they get a new one (reset again to 0) - which is the same as doing a local `var boog = 0;`. Changing `CreateNosePicker` to static fixes this.. but then how is this any better than just doing `private static int boog`? Kennys answer was what I was going for, just jumped a step I'm not familiar with Zombie, but what's going on here: `browser.open(url=url)`? Shouldn't that just be `browser.open(url)`? there seems to be a huge tutorial devoted to this [here](http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/search/search-dialog.html) that is all versions installed. not the current running version I'm using fido branch of yocto Thank you very much. It is good to know this. Tried that with still no success for now i'm just entering the code in on repl.it but i will include the error message @TarynEast Plz Review Updated result table I know this doesn't answer your question, but why does your canvas need to be 5000x5000? Can you tell me how can i get also `songTitle` in the Result. This worked for me. Thanks for the post! I'm running Windows 10 Pro build 10240 do you mean the user interface for google search box shown in android ? For a numpy version: `pad = lambda a, i: a[0: i] if a.shape[0] > i else np.hstack((a, np.zeros(i - a.shape[0])))` PLEASE LOOK AT MY EDIT Yup, this solved it for me. Hi Bipin, I have tried that however it sends me to the echo "Error"? This sounds reasonable to me, if it's just connecting to a server I don't see why you don't just put that code in the same thread as the one that writes the data to be honest. I think it would also be safe to have more connection threads than the number of processor cores since they aren't doing anything intensive. first: I know that this is probably not helping you - but if you are mainly interested in this stuff (and not Haskell) than maybe a look at F# is worth your time - it is a reasonable good FP language and is has [units of measure](http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/units-of-measure/) which is exactly what you are trying to do here Sounds like a job for _[I/O Completion Ports (IOCP)](http://blog.stephencleary.com/2013/11/there-is-no-thread.html)_. Up! up! and away! IOCP out-scales standard overlapped I/O. IOCP can service a great deal of requests using a small number of thread-pool threads @maxymoo store_id is stored as interger. Even if I flip between int(store_id) or str(store_id) I still get columns but an empty dataframe it is a common trap with interop - does not mean that you suck at all! - But you could help us lot if you would not only post screenshots - usually copy&pasteable code is a good idea ;) this is not 100% right - I allowed myself to edit your answer a bit - I hope you don't mind - if you do just revert the changes (if you have not enough rep let me know and I'll do it) Think about using JSON or other data formats if possible. Try not to reinvent the wheel. Can you change the input data? What are your efforts so far? Hi b0s3, the form is filled in when I click "Send" however nothing appears but the headings for "wrote the following:". What should I be looking at with the if(isset($_POST['submit'])) ? Can you tell me how exactly do you set that constraints ? I just add a leading, trailing, bottom and top constraints and choose greater than or equal and set the constant to 10 or how ? What are you trying to do here? `ps cax | grep testing > /dev/null` This seems to be searching for a process containing the word `testing` in the filename, but then the result is discarded. No problem, I think you should be able to mark it as correct still so it shows up correctly in filters and search engines @juanvan how is that other question the same as this one? i am not running outside of VS Was this ever solved? @CTZhu it's in the code above but without quotations around %s. Why would you need quotations around that? @maxymoo checked that and it's stored correctly Hello Niels, can you please provide any example for ajax call. Thanks. I tried it and it changes the color of the text selector but it does not permanently change the background color of the text that was selected. This doesn't do what I was describing above. I would like something similar to highlighting text in iBooks, for example. .dll is same code library like .exe but without execution entry - `Main()` method. So type of the project isn't your problem. Maybe some initialization code was in the `Main` method and it will not be executed if project type was changed to the "Class library" The code I write will be run under various tests to see if it meets the given conditions. So far my code meets some and not others. All the instructions I have been given are posted. Thanks. I have a third party doing the compile for me tomorrow. I'll pass that on and report back what the result is. I found that dir path using that link @iAshish, but I didn't find that database file Nice! I'll give this a go and report back. Do you have any code examples? The Google docs are terrible. this is great, but do you know how to make this align on the left side instead of centered? You remove the `product` parameter from the constructor, and you change `weightedProduct` to `private static`, and you qualify all field references with `this.`, e.g. `this.units = unitsArray`. Noticed the `product` field, but the `product =` in the constructor assigns to the `product` *parameter*, not the field. Drop the parameter and/or qualify with `this.`, preferably both. Thanks Kalido - this is exactly what I needed! :) Also, thank you for the explanation - its given me a better understanding of canvas. Why are you passing in a `product` on the constructor? Assigning a value to it does nothing. It will *not* be returned to caller, because Java is pass-by-value, not pass-by-ref. But how to print it? @iAshish @CTZhu yes, store ID is string `session_start()` needs to be the very first line before you add anything. That means it has to be before you do your `$_SESSION[....] = ....` It worked! Thank you! https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_dequeue_style I don't know where is that database located in @iAshish @remo Not really. What's the point of a pool if you never reuse a thread? Just start a thread directly when needed (10 times per request), and the threads end as soon as they are done. If you receive 100 requests, you start 1000 threads and kill the serve I tried the exact same config as you have above and it went perfectly well and I can see data in my ES. So either your config or data file is not named properly or your ES doesn't have the default configuration (port and cluster_name). Can you double check? Read more thoroughly - you need to add some flex related properties to the container and siblings as well. @hynek, I know, it's written in my comment, but, although it is mentioned in the question as a possible solution, I didn't see monotonicity as a strong requirement. Works perfectly THANK YOU! (1) I don't see where you have defined *$username*, and (2) I only see your query statement *$sql* but don't see you execute it - *mysqli_query($con,$sql)* The answer you choose doesn't match your request. Thanks @Dan, this is exactly what I needed !!! Wow. That is either a slow compiler or a slow machine or both. You didn't mention compiler options you're using. Some optimizations are O(n^3) or worse and quirky. So comparatively small changes in the code can have relatively big effects on run time. You need to start the session with `session_start()` any time you want to use a session. Elements with values? What if `PrimarySSN` was an empty string? Do you still want it? Do you know the XML to read, or should it handle **any** XML file? Yes. Render the view as a hidden div, then unhide it later with javascript executed on a timer. You don't need jQuery. javascript setTimeout() will work fine. The server is not involved. YES! I have tried this without the Thread.sleep() and I got no errors but my program just froze haha! Now it all makes sense Yes you are right i will try this and this is very good idea! You may run into container privilege issues, in which case you can either add the right capability or use `docker run -privileged` Well that's just useless then. Nothing like procmail on GMail? You should show the rest of the code... what is `$name`? How do you get it? is it set? etc etc etc I confirm this error, as root in a ubuntu docker container. It occurs because the container is not allowed to access certain kernel functions. Are you running inside a virtual machine, either a VM you host or something rented from digitalocean, amazon, linode, etc? Scaling the text in the X axis is not the proper way to handle kerning or tracking in Android. There is an api for lollipop that accomplishes this however previous to lollipop you will need a custom text view to accomplish this. Nope. I've tested the scenario on separate machines with the exact same code base. Machines with VS 2015 installed have a different result to machines without VS 2015 installed. Yeah that worked, errors at remainingTimeTF.setText(Long.toString(timer.getRemainingTimeMillis())); and Task timer = new Task() { I updated the new stack trace by the way The stack trace doesn't point to anywhere in my code it seems? Mark, you were right, I've fixed the problem, now the event is being sent to perl client. But now the perl script fails with segfault. The same functionality php script works though. I'm using [link]http://php.net/manual/ru/book.ibase.php How would you determine a "right" answer from this question? its javafx 8 version 8u51 Thanks @SidTheBeard. I tried your edits but the email still sends with the wrong anti-spam answer. Do you know how I can edit the contact_me.js to have it validate the anti-spam field before it is sent to the contact_me.php to process - similar to what it is doing for the other form fields? Right now, if the required fields are empty or if the wrong format is used, it posts an error message and does not send to contact_me.php. I would like an error message to display if the incorrect anti-spam answer is entered and not send to contact_me.php. Thanks for your help with this. Show the XML file too. This is the kind of thing that [`flexbox`](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/) is designed for. OK one sec the trace was too long and the top wasn't actually the top Currently I'm grabbing it from the div that is holding the full name from ViewData array and passing it to the server but I feel like this isn't best practice. And Context.Identity has the username which is email not the first or last name property I added. Thank you @chris85 for the suggestion. I tried your edits, but the email still goes through with the incorrect anti-spam. I still think the issue is with the contact_me.js. Since all of the other validation is taking place here, there has to be a way to validate the anti-spam here and not even send the email to the contact_me.php if it is incorrect. It should also display an error message if the antispam is incorrect. If any of the required fields are left blank or if the email is not correctly formatted, it displays an error from the contact_me.js. Can we do the same for the anti-spam field? The stack trace is extremely long but i will add a small portion of it Thanks for adding `Student` to the question. As given, however, the `tutees` set is an *identity* set, since `Student` doesn't implement `equals()` and `hashCode()`. Expanding on this, load balancers are for balancing traffic that is coming from the outside world into your instances, in most cases just serving up web traffic on ports 80 and 443. Any outbound request made by your instance will not go through the load balancer, except for the responses to connections initiated by the ELB. That said, ELB does only support tcp, ssl, http and https at the moment for inbound requests. If you're building with Visual Studio 2013, try adding `/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0` if you get an error saying the `WebPublish` target does not exist. The path is wrong. It should be like `CIDEM/ShopFloor[ShopFloorID="1"]/foo` when addressing the `foo` node of the FIRST `ShopFloorID` It toggles the text that was selected to bold if it was not bold and vice versa. Very easy implementation. @scottb True. There's no way to truely make `Tutor` immutable if Student is mutable. And your comment is true even if `Student` references are not held elsewhere, as the reference can be obtained here. Re `authorizationStatus`, there are only four possible values, so add `if`/`switch` statement to see which it is. Re `locationServicesEnabled`, yes you should do that, but that's a completely different question (e.g. is it a device with GPS capabilities). You must check `authorizationStatus` to see if the user has granted permission. Re location manager inside the record, it's your call, but it's architecturally the wrong place. Plus, if it's really not an array, then don't make it an array. And if it is an array, putting the location manager in there is _definitely_ the wrong place. awesome about to try this @WhozCraig well it got rid of that error, got a shitload more later in the program though XD. Just wondering, why do I have to write it this way, when I can write Bunny:bool operator without any problem, but only if I type the class definition in main.cpp @nnnnnn - How would you validate a form from the front end then, without HTML5, in an unobstrusive way? Because if the page works without JS validation, then they can enter incorrect data `Position` is a function, but in your code, you suppose it is an object. You need to use `()` instead of `[]`. However, you need to define a function in order to use `Position`. Well, there are 9 markers (?) in the SQL. Are you calling `create` with 9 `parameters`? Try inserting `if (parameters.length != 9) throw IllegalArgumentException();`. will JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myItem')); put it back into an array? @Brett, please see my edit above.. I know what's causing it now, but I don't know why. This is excellent. Clearly addresses the issue and provides a solution. Thank you. Replace the CREATE DATABASE statement with SELECT USER. If 'dbo' is returned, your login is a member of the sysadmin role. If some name other than 'dbo' is returned (including 'sa'), your account is not a member of the sysadmin role. If 'sa' is returned, it's likely the sa account was renamed and a new account named 'sa' was created (and the new 'sa' account is not a member of the syadmin role). It should also be possible for a sysadmin to deny themselves or another sysadmin account permissions (b/c access denied trumps all), but a sysadmin (aka the DBO user) can remove that deny. You could post it as an answer, as it could be useful for other users to know this. I'm unclear what you're asking. Do you mean filter on the row that was clicked? That's the default behavior, just take a look at the main page and the annotated source. I see now that this could not work, always makes the bottom row set to 0's Yes, it is a typo. :) I should only pass the element. Thanks again for the detailed reply. I'm surprised that you can't look for the identical reference. Primitive types, Strings, complex types, they all have references to them. Even when immutable. I accept that you can't do this but I still don't understand why. Why can't I check if an object / primitive type / any type has the same reference as the one "I'm holding in my hand" (i.e., passed as a parameter)? @Ashutosh What are you talking about? Strings are immutable, and the `name` field is immutable because of the `final` keyword, so there's **no way** to change the name. Wild guess: Eclipse is using 3.5 semantics, in which [async is a keyword](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/). Try using [`asyncio.ensure_future()`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#asyncio.ensure_future) instead. Note that this requires 3.4.4. The max value is controlled by the resources available on your server. Is your webservice bean also a prototype. Probably not, but it doesn't matter. Create the pool small (core=0), with ability to grow as needed (max=100). If you get 3 incoming requests that each start 10 threads, the pool will grow to 30. When the 30 requests complete, the threads will stay idle for keepAliveSeconds, and will then be stopped. @aosmith care to add that as a solution so I can mark my question answered? It worked for me, by specifying both "y" and "fill" in the aes geom_errorbar as values from the new dataframe (did y, then it also asked for fill). Others might come here wonderin include enemy_enemynumber in your select NEW DISCOVERY: I replaced every instance of "ComboBox" and replaced it with "ChoiceBox" and now it works flawlessly. This is really weird. Choice boxes are lame though compared to combobox's :( Your suggestion of leaving the data type unconstrained is absolutely the standard way to do it. Someone might even have a use for a differently constrained version of the data type some day (e.g. it might make sense to work with times that are merely addable, or something). If you *do* need to constrain the data structure itself, then GADTs are the correct way to do it, but be aware that then every single `Time` value contains a `Num` instance so functions know which implementation of the `Num` functions to call. If it gives you an error - then no, it's not valid. And if you want help for a particular error, you should include the error message as well. Its helpful, and it definitely works, the only problem is I don't know the URL for all apps for example Calculator or Calendar, also what about non standard apps installed form the app store. I don't know. Try it. Unrelated, but while you've fixed some of the memory leaks of the original, but have introduced one of your own: You have to `CFRelease(phones)`. Also, you're doing some string replacements in the main phone number, but not doing anything with those replacements, discarding them. If you want to do that, a mutable string probably makes sense. For the search and replace, I recommend ctrlsf.vim: https://github.com/dyng/ctrlsf.vim What is the purpose of spinning off threads? Are you trying to execute the 10 webservice calls in parallel? If so, why only create a pool of size 3-4? That's what I was using, but when I tested out an image, the face happened to be on the far right of the image, and it crops half of it out lol. xD @JosuaMarcelChrisano no it's solved possible duplicate of [Indomitable beast: a 2d char array, inside a structure, in the belly of an unmanaged dll](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11571907/indomitable-beast-a-2d-char-array-inside-a-structure-in-the-belly-of-an-unman) @Tristan, I'm not looking for the tuple. I'm looking for the element (the second variable in the tuple) and return the corresponding index. This is how you'd find the index in Functional Programming (please see beginning of the post.) The point is that I Cool, that tells me how to deserialize the BSON into objects. What do we do if we want to return all of the items in the collection as SomeClass objects? Like the FindAll() method in the old API. There's a lot of redundancy on the variable names, prone to errors (IMO) Thanks, I thought, for a simple case where only yes or no are needed there must be already a macro... thought wrong! Or I'm really bad at searching. I think I'll have a lot of those so I better find the minimal/cleanest (maybe I can wrap the case in a loop... will see) Ah! This makes sense. I learned something new about jQuery! Thank you! Question updated with a screenshot of what happens when I explicitly set the `PreferenceActivity` theme. Question updated with a screenshot of what happens when I explicitly set the `PreferenceActivity` theme. Sadly, neither is to the point. This solution worked for me first time when updating from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. And sorry i meant it was update 51 Did you set Macaulay2 path with `setM2Path()`, Bertini path with `setBertiniPath()`, LattE-integrale path with `setLattePath()` and 4ti2 path with `setMarkovPath()`? I added the class i am using to create the combobox and and example Main which just puts 3 options in ComboBox the and stores result in a string. Where do you set the ENV_SYSTEM (when using Spring Tool Suite)? The way you have it coded it would not prompt you since you are already providing them? `RunMulti #NAME? $serverlist #NAME? $datelist` I'm not sure I follow the relevance of the link. A toolbar is not needed. I just don't know why Samsung devices have that awful color theme where you can't see text. However I did try: `@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar` and it changed the main activity, but the settings remain unaffected. Can I change the size of the JLabel? Because right now with your way, it is only an **instance** of the JLabel. @user3320354 And here you can see for example how this has been asked many, many times on SO already http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508313/advantages-of-using-prototype-vs-defining-methods-straight-in-the-constructor As @eee mentioned, anything but AppCompat will crash immediately. I can't even test another theme on a 5.0 device, due to the heavy dependence on AppCompat. Actually there weren't that many questions (but you still shouldn't edit your question with new questions. It's been answered already). *"var means local, so mine is only accessiable in the constructor?!"* Yes. *"I didn´t wanted to init "x", only define it"* As I said, you don't need to "define" object properties. You can try to call any property and JS won't fail, it will just return the value `undefined`. If you want it to NOT return undefined, set its value. *"So, it´s wiser to use prototype to add functions instead of an inner function?"* Depends. You should look up the difference. You don't actually have to define a new variable (WP2), you can use the same variable (WP) with a new list. Yes, there are records for it. Thanks. It didn't help though. Still nothing is outputting. @DroidDroid You don't. You create a new one. Thanks sehe for your comments. But the two instances run in same session with same user account. @VitaliDonghvani Sorry - you're right - I had a brain fart.. `t` is indeed taken from the `start` and `finish` - I read the question completely opposite. It works! http://pastebin.com/CDzNfdbJ Dash means minus. Python sees you trying to subtract a module name from a module name and gets confused. Also, drop the `.py`. Just fixed the formatting Ok so what I've made so far is: http://pastebin.com/85A5eMyG This works for some words but if it's anything shorter than 5 characters I get 'IndexError: string index out of range' - this is the bit I'm having trouble with. Actually - I think the OP's code is *slightly* broken. The number he generates for `sum` (x) is taken from start <= x <= finish (which supports my comment above). However, then we check for `y` by checking if it's within `numbers` - which supports your solution. However, doing *both* might not always give the correct result, but it seems for the test case he used, it did work. However, it is not *always* the case. @PushCode can you verify this? Are (x,y) taken from `start` - `finish`, or from `numbers` ? _"I'd prefer C# or C++, but if worst comes to worst I'll also use VB..."_ - VB can do things that c++ can't? I think you have it backwards - `numbers` contains the possible results. `start` and `finish` are a contiguous block of numbers that we need to check. So, if `start=1`, `finish=4`, and `numbers = [3,4,5]`, the result would be `3,4,5` (1 + 2, 1+3, 1+4) [and ignored: 2+1, 2+2, 2+3] @Physician No worries :) First off thanks for the quick replies, but I still don't know how to do it Tigerhawk, I tried doing it in Pseudocode earlier and I just can't get it. possible duplicate of [Detect in-app browser (WebView) with PHP / Javascript](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16383776/detect-in-app-browser-webview-with-php-javascript) The thing is I don't really have much code, but here is what I have so far msg = input("Enter a word: ") length = int(len(msg)) for c in msg: I'm just really stuck. I know how to add JLabels, but as I said, this question is based around the point that I am not able to add an **image** Awesome, works great. The only changes I made were: $("div").mousedown, along with: $(this).children('input') so the user could mousedown on the DIV instead of just the input area. It is not a JLabel though, it is an image. I am displaying an image. I'd be making sure IE9 hasn't cached an older version of `main.js` Can you give the full link to the image as the one you've supplied throws a 404 image not found. why minus one point? Why I haven't think of that?! Thank you. @AntoniosK. Ok I will check with the other parameters. By the way I tried above code with my real data for only one column `DQ0` vs `V` and I put the initial parameters as it should be. however, it seems to be `del1` and `del2` is not iterating same as he Yup, that's worked :) Thanks :) Note that it should be `STATICFILES_DIRS`, and you are missing a comma after the `os.path.join()`. Try printing the values of your settings, to make sure that is. `os.path.join()` gives the expected result. The logic is slightly off. This is assuming that `start` and `finish` are indexes of `numbers` - which is not the case. Thanks Remy... I'll try your code tomorrow. Sublime 3 has now package for groovy language. @Physician And no need to apologise - we're happy to help someone out if it's clear they've spent time themselves trying to figure it out, which you clearly have done :) @Physician "Here I guess you're showing me what's already happening in the actual program, not something that I could or should do" - That's right. Defining a namespace which already exists can cause *huge* problems, and if you were to put the code I post And currently this is throwing another syntax error `Where is not valid in this position` @Romasz - I get the idea behind the suggestion, but am unsure how to modify the class to do so. I don't think it is as simple as removing the `ReadOnly` modifiers and adding backed properties, as I would need to actually set the property somewhere... are I'm not sure if we're on the same page. What I want to `COUNT` is the number of terminals in the `Terminal` table, dependant on the `SEId`... I don't really know what you're counting... `Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates In addition: Warning message: In nls.lm(par = start, fn = FCT, jac = jac, control = control, lower = lower, : lmdif: info = -1. Number of iterations has reached `maxiter' == 10.` @AntoniosK. Oh at last somebody answered. Ok I fixed that initial starting parameters J1 and J2. Since this is a reproducible example not the real data I dont need to care about fitting parameters. So I can stop after 10 iterations with using `nls.lm.cont It would be nice if you could take a look at: [What should I do when someone answers my question?](http://stackoverflow.com/help/someone-answers) I also happen to have access to a machine with 128GB of ram. **This takes my machine 339 seconds**. That said, I question the validity of your approach--logistic regression on n = 60M and p= 110. `system.time(glm(resp ~ cat1 + cat2 + cat3, data= x, family= binomial(link= "logit"))) user system elapsed 327.87 11.70 339.64 ` Just referencing here [this question which is a practical example](http://stackoverflow.com/q/1079514/4043409) of how many parameters are too many... Look at line 135 in FormRequest, what it does is exactly what we have to do manually in Laravel 4, redirecting with old input and errors. And what's next we need to do in Laravel 4? Flash out old input by ourselves. So It seems to me that the 5.1 docs is not clear: what can be done automatically by using Form Request are actually all about validation and storing old input into session. Nothing more. also at the end of the .bashrc_aliases or whatever file I'm sourcing I echo out a statement like echo "Aliases loaded" An alternative with grep, sed and bash which really searchs for substrings: `grep -Evf <(sed 's/.*/&.+/' file) file` 'object["MyAttributeName"]?.removeObjectAtIndex(indexPath.row)' did if for me in the end. Not sure what the problem was but i'm confident this wasn't working for me in the last setup. Notice that LXMLTemplate.getElementsByTagName(LTagname).Item[0]. will not compile but LXMLTemplate.getElementsByTagName(LTagname).Item(0). compiles First, thanks for your effort, I know how long these posts can take. Great solution! I'm still new to R and the with() function looks like it will be in high rotation in my future code. I will open a new question about editing the error bars (weight, caps, line type etc) and add it here. Thanks again mate. Sorry, got set back massively after updating Xcode (latest beta) and everything failing to build and i've just got back to this part! That's a lot of code to go through... Is it possible for you to narrow down what could be causing this problem? strings are not pointers. They behave like pointers in some circumstances, but they are not pointers. Please update your original question, you can't format code in the comments so it's hard to read. As I said before, you probably need to change the URL in your ajax call. You might find the [static files docs](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/static-files/) useful. @user3320354 If you have more questions, ask a new question. Feel free to point me in the direction of it and I can have a look. Most likely, your questions already have answers on SO though if you use the search. Also, when you say "many documentations" @ILikeTau I've revised question a bit. I understand that openURL and canOpenURL are the standard mechanism to launch other apps. But I want to know that the otpauth:// protocol without arguments supported as a way to launch the app. This worked perfectly with no modifications necessary. Thanks! You're making a POST request to a URL that is clearly a GET request. Just change the URL to ``, don't write anything to the request stream, and set the method to `GET`. Done. It requires writing a query. Boy this is difficult to deal with compared with what I am used to dealing with... all just to add one line of text to a notification.... there must be an easier way... I am using form request for nearly every form submission, and honestly I never get the old input without calling old() manually. Plus I just tested a moment ago. So I am really doubtful. Anyway let me dig into the laravel's source and have a look. Do you have any code to show? Glad I could help! Don't forget to accept the answer. Can you comment the links you weren't able to include? Still broken in Xcode7 Beta5 Just make sure your search term doesn't include a line break ;) @PushCode, you should add this constraint to the question, so far this is **not** clear Thank you for you help I made it work with .Count mathematically it doesn't, since there's nothing mentioned like "unique target-values", but maybe op implied this Yes but none of the parameters as you wrote them will compile... see edit @ThisHandleNotInUse I am speaking in terms of the keyword `delegate`, rather than the general meaning of a delegate, which anonymous methods are. I have only ever seen delegates used in conjunction with events. Other than that, anonymous methods with lamb Yes. Add the [Shebang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29), a line with `cd` (e.g. `cd /tmp`) and append rest of your script. The way you have it now with `main -nukejobs` PowerShell would prompt you for `$killserver`... so then if `killswitch` is called appropriately inside `main` there would never be a problem in `x + y = t` only `x` and `y` must be distinct. or atleast that's how i understood the question, but i couldn't find anything that prohibits multiple appeareances of the same `t`. If you mean "how does this code avoid `x = y`, this is ensured by ` - (sub.Contains(l) ? 1 : 0)` and to simply add the text as it is? will it for example wait for wget to finish? In your ajax call, `json/data.json` should probably be `/static/json/data.txt` (it depends on your static files settings, which you haven't shown. Once you get it working, you could try using the `static` tag). If you use your browser tools, it should be able to tell you whether the request to load the ajax is working or not. This will tell you whether you need to focus on debugging your static files config, or your javascript. It's probably that comma in the file name Mdamia's correct, though it's Laravel 4 fashion. OK; corrected it. I am almost certain to know what the problem is. In order to verify my assumption please post your code which you are using to initiate, load, and show the form to the user including the code to set the focus (which does not seem to work at the moment). Then the problem will become obvious. Hmm yes, that is strange. When you print out atmongo_db, is it the same value as when you print it out for the first example? Please call old() in your input's value attribute, you have to do this. @Victor M , Well the code assumes you have registered for remote events and have acquired an audio session with the background audio available and have the multitasking flag for background audio in your plist file set. any of that help? if not, you could @MarioTrucco This is a test from university.mongodb.com. And the checks on the site says that my answer is wrong. I dunno why. What is code in the view? Post one of input please. Thank you for the fast answer. Changed it to args.lenght < 1 , now after executing /ilevel it drops a "No matching indexer found." error. Have you tried it? Thanks, I had to have a look on php documentation and edit it to this `sort($files, SORT_REGULAR);` , but now it works like a charm. Can you add the content of the ibm-web-bnd.xml file to the question? in my case i had to add Foundation.framework Have you tried a loop? This still won't help you in knowing what's a key and what's a value though. I'd say in its current format there's absolutely no smart way of doing this. You need to have a list of all accepted keys and all accepted values, otherwise you can't be 100% sure you're doing it correctly. And that's not a scalable solution at all. Fix your querystring. It's completely bananas. I added a note to the question @RobinDijkhof Ok, Do you know the email address you will be searching for to start off with or will you need to read some of the messages to find the address first? hope question that makes sense :) Do you expect the validation to occur between the time the submit button is clicked and the time the request is sent to the server, or after the request is sent to the server? Ok, so you get the bounty because your answer to my other question fixed things. Thanks for your help :) Unrelated to question, but your code has a capturing group (parenthesis in pattern), but your not using the result. The captured value is in `group(1)`. `group(0)` is the entire matched value, which by happenstance is the same in this case. You might be able to put together a hacky solution, by binding a listener to the hashchange event *before* your router's listener. Then you can optionally stop the event propagating. Why not use actual querystrings like `?filter_relevance=&filter_colorFamily=Beige` ? Or at least have different separators for keys and values `?q=relevance,colorFamily:Beige` ? Either would be more of a long term solution that would make implementing this in a futureproof way possible. Because the problem right now is there's no intrinsic way of knowing what's a key and what's a value. Both your examples would run the `println` statement as the pattern is matched, in a single loop. I see no difference in that aspect. What do you want? ---- If you're expecting multi-threaded execution, such that one thread continues searching while another thread processes a result, then forget that. The searching is **very** fast. Look for performance optimization elsewhere. this did not work I was looking for this sort of thing. I have an API that creates a model and then returns the created object (some of the fields are calculated based on the original input). I do not need the API method to return the object with _all_ of it's relations as the API call would be slower. Interestingly, I didn't explicitly load any relationships but a ``belongsTo`` relationship is being loaded anyways. And you want to be able to look for a specific email address such as "jane.doe@gmail.com" and then only do something with the message from that specific email? I gave up on the documentation as soon as I started reading. For example, in Design Overview the author says in "Attributes and attribute values" - "In order to initiate logging [?comma?] a log source must pass all data[,] associated with the log record[,] to the logging core." Aside from what appear to be misplaced commas, the terms used are not clear either. I really need an example that matches much closer to what I'm doing. Yea I just noticed that, my Circles are very big, compared to other Graphs. I think the current solution should work like a charm actually. Again, it might be too much now, but that's all I can do in return: Thank you. Keep up the good work! LOL Like the comment about hating the people that read your code. BTW: It's a coding pattern called "Obfuscation": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscation_%28software%29 Why does this command, not work in IIS7? It works fine in XAMPP. It works perfectly, thank you!! I will accept the answer as soon as it lets me (5 minutes).. you answered so fast I can't even accept it yet.. :-D nice one! Ok i will do that Thanks for you appreciated support Will there only be 1 "To" email address in the message or can there be multiple "To" email addresses in a message? But did you make the html capital HTML? Your question isn't clear. Can you post some example code, explain what "fsp" is, etc.? yes. I haven't used wmic but from the message, it looks like you're in a special command prompt run by wmic @RamRaider Whoops I kind of forgot to put there those functions. And I really don't know how, someone from stackoverflow made it for me, which I'm really glad for. BTW this doesn't really have anything to do with your question but I think your code could look more idiomatic if you renamed `OperandType` to just `Operand` I want to do it as a module so I can track it using git @BinaryZebra: Thank you for the feedback. i want when i remove my device to not receive push from this channel ,but what happen to me is that i didn't receive push att all from all my channel I don't really get how to adjust it the way I want, but that fiddle seems to be good enough though. I can just thank you very much and wish you a great day for all your help! @Mike I just did what your asked. When i type wmic and press enter, there is a line below and it has: `wmic:root\cli>`. So i am assuming it is one the right working folder? You could make a `enum RegisterType { Number(usize), Word(usize) }` Do you mean to send extra data to NotificationActivity and perform some actions there, and then close it? How do I check if the app is running (foreground or background) or not? What library are you using for your routing? (I'm not familiar with knockout, but doesn't look like it has a router?) Most routers should be able to provide a way to hook in to the routing flow. @ken That's the correct way to apply the optimization to the function, so GCC probably either thinks it isn't a valid optimization with the given code or can't vectorize it. You may want to try applying `-ftree-vectorize` globally and see if it makes a d in PHP, use `echo getcwd();` to display the working folder on the screen. Then to test to see if wmic executes, open a command prompt, type `cd folder` where `folder` is what was displayed on the screen then press enter then type `wmic`. If you get an error like `bad command or file name` or similar then you know you have the wrong folder. No but user will be subscribed to more than one channel so i want to disable push for specific channel not all channel edited original to show compiler errors. Thank you for answering this. Such a simple error. How can i check that? I am not entirely sure? For xampp, i did not configure anything, just installed it, typed that command and it worked. Sorry for being ignorant about this? I'm afraid I don't understand how `[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]` is not what you want. That is how you make parameters mandatory. Perhaps you have a shorter code sample that outlines your problem? Even simpler than those answers in this case: `rand(10000,1)>0.45`. @kittylyst I can't see where this answer suggests that strong is a synonym for static Is the default path consistent between the two servers? If not, then one server won't execute wmic. Also, are all the components wmic requires still installed and functioning correctly? Unfortunately using an hardcoded table to map the other characters wouldn't work since Char.IsLetter seems to accept multiple thousand characters that are normalized not part of the latin alphabet. I guess I'll just map all characters that are not normalized to a latin latter to some other character. See my dcc32 error added to your post. Apparently it does not like 'text'... because that is where the pointer is after the error. I tried breaking the statement down into its component parts to try to resolve but I have not been successful yet. Have you tried ``? I inserted a info.php on the project folder(survey) which just had phpinfo(); on it. I ran http://localhost/survey/info.php and it showed that php information. So i am assuming your answer to your question is yes? Have you tried re-saving the permalinks https://codex.wordpress.org/Settings_Permalinks_Screen ? What chef cookbook did you use to install rbenv? If you used one of the community ones, they have methods for marking the ruby as 'global' which will make it the default. Perhaps you've omitted that? Knowing how you installed rbenv (what cookbook, what recipe, what attributes) would be hugely helpful to troubleshooting why that install didn't work the way you expected. This is exactly what I needed, thanks! (And now I know about subqueries too) Does any PHP code work on your IIS7 setup? Is your code up on github by any chance? I'd like to try it out myself and see if I can debug it. Your answer to [this question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6575730/notification-to-restore-a-task-rather-than-a-specific-activity) doesn't deal with extra data. It seems just doing the same thing like what you posted here. The _dc is tagged onto the URL by the framework we are using. I think it is for caching but not 100% sure. Either way that data is not something we use on the server side. The data is actually being posted in the body. Can you also specify where exactly I am missing Character delimitors to the R function called? Hmmm, I got an error trying rmtree with a file (though it works fine with a dir). `OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory` @Suhas I added the relevant code :) Removed Quadruple backlashes from Evaluate and installed R.Net.Community. However I am getting this 3 Errors: error. 'RDotNet.REngine' does not contain a definition for 'SetDllDirectory', 'RDotNet.REngine' does not contain a definition for 'CreateInstance' and 'RDotNet.REngine' does not contain a definition for 'EagerEvaluate' and no extension method 'EagerEvaluate' accepting a first argument of type 'RDotNet.REngine' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) I tried. MainActivity's onNewIntent isn't called when the app is brought to the front with other activities on top. i thought the question was pretty clear "the page of that domain opened" means bank's page opened in a tab, making request to the bank's domain in that same tab, that is a can do right? Where's the CSS? That gem definitely is close to what I'm looking for but the development on that dried up a long time ago. Something else that has since caught my attention is this gem, [rails_workflow](https://github.com/madzhuga/rails_workflow). I have not actually used it yet, but it seemed like it was the closest fit to my use case. I noticed that too and I even placed one more '/' before it, but it stills shows it without one. @Alex Say you are starting fresh. You haven't looked up any rows yet, so `ResultSet` is null. You want to insert row. Execute a SQL `INSERT` statement. Done! ---- Your way, you'd have to execute a dummy `SELECT` statement in order to get an (empty) `Resul AFAIK, there isn't a way to only return part of the file. Manipulation of the file can only be done via PHP after the file has loaded. Update: by checking the complete stack trace (the ...59 more bit), I also see a "bound value cannot be set" message actually I got it to work correctly... it goes to the main envelope screen... I need it to go to the \add-fields page though... where in the return url would I need to add the \add-fields ? Can you elaborate? What do you mean by package the wearable? How would it automatically get installed on the paired device? This was exactly what I needed. A recurring (pardon the pun) problem I have with recursion is forgetting to return through all the nested contexts! Thanks so much! BTW - be careful - in your `Tester`, you have static `StringBuilder` objects that you're using in an instance method. That's a recipe for problems - better to declare them in the method. Even then, why not just have your events wired to a stream over the log file? With in-memory objects, and an install process gone wrong, you could end up with enormous memory consumption is no-time flat! In spring-security 4.x there's a new approach: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30536710/integration-tests-with-spring-security In previous versions of spring-security, this approach works: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23335200/spring-boot-setup-security-for-testing OK, I updated the answer, you were super close and it got me going in the right direction, Thanks for your efforts!! @Mjukis - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14987496/background-color-not-showing-in-print-preview My question said " with the page of that domain opened," how is that then? Definitely send us the exact text of the error. Just some advice to you as a potential new programmer... error messages are there to be read, not skipped over as just "an error." You'll learn how to understand what they mean with more practice. I wasn't trying to be judgy, I apologize. I assumed by labeling them "blast" emails, you were actually blasting some people. Hehe I apologize. I hope it helped in the meantime. Neither way compiles with XE8? look at the `getNextRunTime()` function to see what values are meant to be returned. If its a standard java function, then I'm sure a manual will help. The chrome answer is pretty vague, so can do or no can do? You would change the domain and redraw the bars in `refresh()`. There may be some parts of the svg you don't need to update in refresh (eg titles, axis lines). Ok, thank you. These all type related to the statement `1 + "2";`. Yeah.. I ended up doing that very thing.. Was just trying to do better I guess.. Not a hassle and very useful when creating the column list programmatically the difference between the two code snippets is that the second sets an index of an array to data stored at an address value where as the first sets an index of an array to the actual address value itself. I just updated my question, could you get any ideas for that now? Thanks. In the second example, is atbusiness initialized though? Are you able to see definitively that atbusiness and atmongo_db both have values? Because atmigration_ids is relying on both of those. Why is it being down voted? The templates portion of the meteor tutorial gives a good overview of how to structure your html files: https://www.meteor.com/tutorials/blaze/templates BTW, you should not `CFRelease` the `record`, as you don't own it. But you should `CFRelease` the `linkedRecordsArray` (or, easier, transfer ownership to ARC with `__bridge_transfer` or `CFBridgingRelease`). @Barmar I add the id to the query. And I do to need use on-duplicate-key update because I am streaming some live data. This question is simplified a little. Thanks. In our monitoring app we pull the counters every 5 seconds. In this test app i just hooked a button up to call CallNextValue and it always has the same result, 16% cpu or so. You are correct.. I tested it wrong.. That did work although it is not ideal. It's looking like there is no way to replace just the digit part without testing first.. Thank you for the help anyways remus! If the issue is getting parents from other graphs, using the Xpath may still be your best option. Using the .// notation (the . being the important part) should prevent the path from extending beyond the `graph` object. I'm not sure of a cleaner way to do that if the other options are pulling up parents from elsewhere... @user1072337 ok, that changes things to an extent. I'll look into it. I changed my code so that it uses a Service. However, its still not working... @Stefan absolutely! updated for both cases. @GrahamPerks that is in the link, but I omitted it from my answer for brevity as the information wasn't relevant to solving the issue. I agree that it is generally very good practice to do so Could you store the parent in a temp `WebElement` and then use the CSS selector on that? (I'm just thinking that will disconnect it a bit more from your `graph` object and hopefully not grab undesired elements) This wont fix anything, but on validations maybe you should be doing them on non persisted records? Regarding the `save!` that is really strange. could you paster your armor type factory for a bit more info? Okay, I'd say you're probably right based on reading the answers to this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8333870/is-there-an-advantage-to-using-no-metadata-in-git-svn-clone. It seems that if you want to go back and fetch the --no-metadata flag might cause some issues I cannot reproduce this. Please provide more code/infos. Im kinda confused on cookies. What code goes below the //your code here. i'm using WebRequest for the login to handle the post method. So, it appears that the shutdown API is deprecated as of elasticsearch 1.6 (as per the link provided). What is the recommended new way to shutdown? Ah ok, I see. Is @business being initialized in devices_table? Are you able to see if it is getting the right id from the params? That last one almost worked.. All but for this one "one-0-two-three-234and324". It replaced "324" which in this case it should not even find a match since there is alpha characters mixed in.. Thanks for your reply. I exactly use your script but still it does not copy anything! do you know why? You can't do array multiplication like that in VBA. Perhaps you can do that part alone in an Evaluate statement, and then pass that array to index? Your post doesn't contain a question. Often times posts with no explicit question result in confusing answers. **Do you have a specific question?** Thank you for that information :) Hi Mahout - thanks, unfortunately, I need to capture the canvas later on - so a css transform won't work here. Hi Saad, you should describe the "look" of the "databases" which, I presume, are tables in worksheets (or are they workbooks?). Give us examples, tell us which information is in which column, etc. Also it is helpful to know what you want to do (what is the aim of your "database")? Does not even compile now. Sorry about that remus! Sometimes I don't know all what to put into the question to cover my basis.. Thanks, I will try it and come back Possibly? I haven't really used the public activity gem. This might point you in the right direction, otherwise it sounds like you may need to post a new question. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17131414/how-to-set-up-the-recipient-id-in-public-activity I'm attempting to replace only the digits so that 'one-1'.replace(/(?:-)(\d+)$/, '') would equal "one-". If I use the capture group 'one-1'.replace(/(?:-)(\d+)$/, '$1') gives me "one1". Am I using it incorrectly? Been trying the code example you gave but it is still not returning any results for the post that does not have key2. Ill continue to do research on what the issue may be @Mahout - thanks, tried that - but problem persists Thanks I will take a look at it when I have more time. In my current approach I unwrap response.getEntity() and extract the entire HTML string of the webpage's URL. Can I do the same with the HrrpUrlConnection method that you propose? This is a good thought, but the more I think about it, the more I think that your answer won't ever work out to be true. For instance, Java has its stream API. To invoke parallelism, it's necessary to explicitly call `.parallel()` or `.parallelStream()`, otherwise it is guaranteed that order will be preserved. I believe that ruby will not ever change this, since the preservation of order is expected when dealing with enumerables. If ruby decides to add parallelism, it will have to do it with something like `ParallelEnumerable`. Precisely what does "save it as a bitmap" mean to you? Do you mean that you want to display the image? That you want to save it in GIF or JPG form? That you want to simply write the bits to a file with no image metadata at all? What does the SP look like? So I'm doing an echo -e "blah-blah\r\n more text" in a bash script,and it still doesn't come up as two lines in notepad. What am I doing wrong? I did a little more research. For some reason, when I used the "append" function an ng-binding attribute was added. I am not sure why the ng-binding was added with "append" and not with "after". What do you mean by the "publish settings dialog box"? I use Flash Builder to build an Android app, and I'm not aware of anything by that name. Because number 2 doesn't mean anything on its own. Current_user isn't a number, it's a user object, that is why it works. I will post this as the correct answer then. Please accept this if this resolved the issue for you. I've updated my question letting you know I was using javascript so the first suggestion won't work here. The second one still seems to match hyphens as well.. @user667489 That is an informat, not a format, from my understanding. I don't see the devices array being initialized in the second example. Also, is devices_table being called? Please show the code that is rendering the form. Well I assume the answer to that is the functions are called in order in the angularjs directives and the $event.stopPropagation() is called from within the click even function myFunc(node). The $event.stopPropagation is passed to the click event. Great! After finding out FULL OUTER JOIN was not in MySQL, most of the topics pointed at UNION being what I needed, and your update confirmed it. Second question, if the example was expanded to more meta_keys, say 3 or 4, how would the RIGHT/LEFT joins need to be written. I see the above has left/left, right/left, right/right. What would 3 keys require, or 4, or 5? try @friend= User.find(2) and see if that works It looks like you're just opening the page `window.open` from the button, so why is it a submit? Also, what if I check multiple boxes? I'm confused by this interface in general. You should make a jsfiddle and be specific about what behavior you're expecting. The problem is that's the same way I'm returning data to other Ajax calls, using Json(). Is recipient expecting an id or a user? That error looks like the type you are using is incorrect. Read the Remarks section in [File.ReadLines](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd383503(v=vs.110).aspx) @rayryeng, I already figured out! Thank you1 MSDN has an example of creating a custom ForeignKeyNamingConvention here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/dn469439.aspx#example2 ... I haven't tried this but it might be something you could build on. Thanks, I found this, but I don't know how to calculate the price. http://blog.parse.com/announcements/phone-based-login-can-you-dig-it/ Full Outer Join is not part of MySQL since i am using MySQL, I am unable to use 'FULL OUTER JOIN', as that is not part of MySQL Strange, I have const in front of the variables, sorry I did not provide more code. Thought a simple example would make it easier. @Jake Where is GetDirectoryName defined? I get error at GetDirectoryName(rScriptExecutablePath). Since I am new to both C# and R I have trouble fixing the error. I bet that you are using a SqlConnection instead of a MySqlConnection class. Show the code that raises the exception I agree. `SessionEndedRequest` probably has some sort of specific meaning. Good luck. so just set the aspect ratio of 1:1 and set the height or witdh proportional to the superview ? Doing that I get a square (which is to small) but it doesn't resize depending on the screen, same size on all screen's I was able to fix my issue with the bottom-aligned fixed-position element -- apparently I was using a CSS hack to force GPU acceleration, so that was causing the browser to render my fixed position elements incorrectly. So now, the only issue I'm having is that the page gets cut off on the top when the user has multiple tabs open. I have updated my question with a code example. http://stackoverflow.com/q/31270759/758280 Outside - I'll update my question with the revised code careful with the line `float newRotation = _xRotObj.rotation.x + _xRotPower;` it should probably be `float newRotation = _xRotObj.eulerAngles.x + _xRotPower;` Oh ok, you can try combining the dicts prior to the for loop, so that you have 1 dict. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8930915/python-append-dictionary-to-dictionary @MikeRally Two additional considerations: 1. Don't increment timer yourself (because you're not guaranteed the exact interval). 2. Be wary about using time interval with larger units (e.g. is 1 month equal to 31 days? 30 days? 28 days? also, what about da "append" was the key. "after" worked when the component directive was a stand-alone. However, when I tried to use it in the context of the composite the "append" was required. So you want to iterate over `reader` and then iterate over `my_dict_of_values`? sounds like two for-loops in that case. Please don't forget that Dicts are unordered. I am taking another approach using `MonthDisplayHelper` Class instead of `GregorianCalendar` now. It's pretty convenient! http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/MonthDisplayHelper.html @simon regardless of how the flag is set, google glog does not either throw an exception or provide any data through the failure signal handler. @Hammster thanks for the information! Really useful. I am going to dive deeper into **Wire Framing**! Lets say, I have revenue stored in three different currencies, usd, euro and aud. At run time, I convert all of them into usd. I have a lookup table which tells me the conversion rate from usd to euro and aud. So before I can convert any revenue field, I need to check the corresponding revenue_currency field to find out the conversion rate. And yes, the currency rates are not indexed, but the currency codes are indexed. You have a *strongly typed enum*, the point of this is to make it a different type (ie not implicitly casted). You should either cast it or make an overload. show a sample of the data (e.g. df.info()) prob enough. and how you created the table. @user2786485 - thanks. I tried that, and now get half the frame of video - and its kinda squished Didn't go crazy reading it myself, but maybe this will help? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10081671/how-do-you-observe-javascript-hashtables-in-knockout -- sorry, just realized that was for hash**tables**, not just `window.location.hash`. But in concept it might be similar to what you're trying to do... just make `window.location.hash` observable? Hey, that's fair. Whatever works for you. I'm surprised that the feature you're after isn't built into knockoutjs, however. It's barely on topic, but it's still too broad. We can't answer this for you. What you need to do is what we all do in this case: 1) research frameworks 2) select ones that appear to be good candidates 3) prototype these as well as a hand-written solution 4) use this practical experience to decide on one. If you're having problems with the syntax, then learning the basics of C# first might be a good idea. gimme 20 seconds:) @Nit this is the place where their people follow specific tags (e.g. google-places-api), so they are around to answer questions I also test #NAME? but got the same error Ya thats it, angular error reporting is rubbish I updated my question with a minimal code example. Thanks! This kind of thing could be used nefariously. @Pbd in a java rest application, something like that mkyong.com/webservices/jax-rs/file-upload-example-in-jersey Can't you just treat the file as your buffer and readline one line from the file at a time and do your processing that way? Just asking because "640x480" doesn't necessarily translate to a specific buffer size. You could also just read the whole file with .`open("image_file.jpg", mode="rb").read()` Are you getting any console log errors? Use VBS. What didn't work about that?? I would recommend using a decent SPA library like AngularJS. I'm not familiar with any others, but I know that Angular provides ways to handle that sort of thing with an "on view change"-like event. If you want to get serious about building SPAs, you'll definitely want to check it (or another popular one) out. It will make your life much easier in the long run if you take the time to learn it. @jweaks: Thanks. (1) "key code 18" --> "1". (2) My system language is german. (3) The problem occurred in Yosemite with a script I used in Mavericks for a long time to fill cells of an OpenOffice-Sheet. Yes i Use Media Player , for sync loop is very bad but best way . I understand that. That will be refactored. I had just gone deeper into hard coding what I wanted and was preparing to go a level deeper. The answer below works in my case, but you're right. You just need to tweak it a little bit so it can work with null values, you'll need to replace NULL values by 0: SUM(ISNULL(poc_emissions,0) + SUM(ISNULL(non_poc_emissions,0) AS TOTAL The function is too large and contextually irrelevant to post all of it, but I'll add some code as to what getModalInfo() is returning. Not running is a big statement. Does it start to run and crash? What are you seeing and expect to see? How about commenting out or removing `@echo off` to see if any helpful information appears? Added an alternate answer. It's not clear what's meant by "cannot send back a response," but if that means to just end the response, it might work for you. no. I only get this warning: find: warning: Unix filenames usually don't contain slashes (though pathnames do). That means that '-name `/home/Documents/test/4e944142233cdded1e7307270db50d758dca7831.exe/'' will probably evaluate to false all the time on this system. You might find the '-wholename' test more useful, or perhaps '-samefile'. Alternatively, if you are using GNU grep, you could use 'find ... -print0 | grep -FzZ `/home/Documents/test/4e944142233cdded1e7307270db50d758dca7831.exe/''. I think that your real problem is the sentence _I tried polymorphism, but..._ you should show (a partial) implementation of the common part of these classes and how you failed with the polymorphism approach The latter. I'd like to concatenate the files together in the natural order. Thank you for your help -- it works nicely, but could you explain to me `xargs -n 1 cat`? I'm trying to learn for future reference. Also, if I wanted to concatenate all files ending in .csv, would I just do `... xargs -n 1 cat *.csv > output.txt`? Thanks! Would I have to do a separate query just to get that? The policies are made by google and described in the google places api docs. The problem is their descrption is not entirely clear in this case, so I'd like the places api owners to clarify it and this is the official forum to ask questions related to the uses of the places api, so please let an api owner answer this question. Ok, I want to do this with a command line. I need to automate a release and past to maven the newReleaseVersion and NextSnapShotVersion parameters. I misspelled this today, I was wondering what I would find if i googled `git stash poop` @BenKovitz I don't know how it works under the hood. It seems to me that each singleton type `foo.type` where `foo` is a stable identifier is uniquely identified at runtime by a tuple of the type path of `foo` and the identity of the actual object `foo`. Hi Sam, I tried that - and it didnt work... so I read I had to multiply the width by -1... but that caused it to render off screen @glocklesnar If this was a good answer for your could you flag as accepted answer otherwise let me know if you need any other help. That certainly looks promising. Thanks for the heads up. To work around the requirement for a user transaction, I have placed this call inside a bean managed transaction. Will investigate further re use container managed transaction Ah, I see. Well, if the caller was a properly-behaving client this would be a good answer, but it looks like you have to do something a bit different. fyi, i did NOT define IfNullOrWhiteSpace, it was available. `set_power()` in the [sets](http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/sets/docs/as.set) library should also work. Try to use RemoveAt instead of Remove You are populating an array with three items, you've told your table view to show three cells, but you then have a `cellForRowAtIndexPath` which is updating three labels for each cell (i.e. for a total of nine labels), which is probably not what you wanted. On the basis of what you've shared with us to far, this doesn't seem like a good application of table view at all. Sounds like you just want a plain old `UIViewController` that has no table, but rather only three labels. (Or if it was table, make it static table with IBOutlets.) Perhaps you can explain the rationale for making this a table? Thanks for checking it out. It does run for me and gives the error. I am using caret v. 6.0-47 which includes n.minobsinnode as a tuning parameter. Hi Sam, Yep - I read about that... the problem I have is that I'm already using scale... no, if you don't group by `user_id` you will get LESS result records The problem is that the library is trying to build first at which time I have no variables set so compilation fails. Also, the library has no notion ahead of time what the include src dir will be called. My mistake; I've updated my answer. Sure, please, is always good to know the why of your errors I suggest you use `library(data.table)` or `library(dplyr)`. Aggregate is both slow and aggravating to use in my opinion. Still getting the same result. What exactly is not working? What is the error? I just did the same and it worked, I was about to delete the question. Thanks anyway You're right, ok well then I don't know what exactly is going wrong. @Haspemulator Because they are designed for *convenience*, not for *performance*. r-revel? That's a mailing list I need to join! :) I guess you need to pass the HystrixRequestContext from the main thread to the other ones by using HystrixRequestContext .setContextOnCurrentThread(HystrixRequestContext state) on the "children threads" at the time you create them. You can get the current context using HystrixRequestContext .getContextForCurrentThread() The question is how to DO it generally or how to do it EXACTLY WITH `php app/console generate:doctrine:crud ` command? I've edited my answer for this additional criterion. remove `user_id` from `GROUP` @KevinChris the stack trace is absolutely not informative, a regular exception a View can't be inflated. @geocodezip it is about coding, because it's a question of how I should code the site. There is no other official forum to ask this question. Then its not valid html. You need to have your content in either a ``, ``, or `